Test Report_20161114_v1 - 2AG7G-A1A_TestRpt_NII_5G B4_Appendix B 20161114.pdf


Test Report

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                   FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

      Appendix B. Radiated Spurious Emission
                                                                                      Temperature :                   22~25°C
Test Engineer :    Karl Hou, Rover Lee, Peter Liao, Citta Ke, and Nick Yu
                                                                                      Relative Humidity :             52~56%

                                                      Band 4 - 5725~5850MHz

                                               WIFI 802.11a (Band Edge @ 3m)

   WIFI     Note    Frequency       Level      Over      Limit      Read    Antenna     Cable    Preamp      Ant   Table Peak Pol.
   Ant.                                     Limit     Line      Level   Factor          Loss     Factor      Pos     Pos Avg.
   1+2                ( MHz )    ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )         ( dB )   ( dB )     ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                      5613.6        57.02     -11.18      68.2       44.1    32.14      11.77    30.99       104    233     P     H

                      5699.2        65.82     -38.79     104.61     52.74    32.27      11.82    31.01       104    233     P     H

                       5719         84.21     -26.31     110.52     71.08    32.31      11.84    31.02       104    233     P     H

                      5724.6        91.77     -29.52     121.29     78.64    32.31      11.84    31.02       104    233     P     H

              *        5743         118.54       -         -       105.37    32.34      11.86    31.03       104    233     P     H

              *        5743         107.16       -         -        93.99    32.34      11.86    31.03       104    233     A     H

  CH 149
                      5637.6        56.21     -11.99      68.2      43.23    32.19      11.79      31        100    274     P     V
                      5697.8        64.67     -38.91     103.58     51.59    32.27      11.82    31.01       100    274     P     V

                      5718.4        80.37     -29.98     110.35     67.24    32.31      11.84    31.02       100    274     P     V

                      5722.8        89.84     -27.34     117.18     76.71    32.31      11.84    31.02       100    274     P     V

              *        5746         115.52       -         -       102.35    32.34      11.86    31.03       100    274     P     V

              *        5746         104.07       -         -         90.9    32.34      11.86    31.03       100    274     A     V



      TEL : 886-3-327-3456
      FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                               Page Number         : B1 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

 WIFI     Note   Frequency     Level    Over     Limit     Read     Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.

 Ant.                                   Limit     Line     Level    Factor    Loss     Factor   Pos     Pos    Avg.

  1+2              ( MHz )   ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )   ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)

                    5628       58.02    -10.18    68.2     45.05     32.17    11.79    30.99     100    235     P     H

                   5655.4      57.08    -15.13   72.21     44.08     32.22    11.79    31.01     100    235     P     H

                   5701.2      58.02    -47.52   105.54     44.9     32.29    11.84    31.01     100    235     P     H

                   5723.8      60.53    -58.93   119.46     47.4     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    235     P     H

           *        5783      116.89      -        -       103.67    32.39    11.88    31.05     100    235     P     H

           *        5783      105.54      -        -       92.32     32.39    11.88    31.05     100    235     A     H

                    5850        58.2     -64     122.2     44.75     32.48    12.03    31.06     100    235     P     H

                   5872.4      56.51    -49.42   105.93    42.88     32.53    12.17    31.07     100    235     P     H

                   5877.6       56.8    -46.47   103.27    43.17     32.53    12.17    31.07     100    235     P     H

                    5942       57.83    -10.37    68.2     43.84     32.63    12.45    31.09     100    235     P     H

CH 157
                   5631.8      55.83    -12.37    68.2     42.87     32.17    11.79      31      100    272     P     V
                   5696.4      55.89    -46.66   102.55    42.81     32.27    11.82    31.01     100    272     P     V

                   5719.2      57.32    -53.26   110.58    44.19     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    272     P     V

                    5723       57.11    -60.53   117.64    43.98     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    272     P     V

           *        5783      113.54      -        -       100.32    32.39    11.88    31.05     100    272     P     V

           *        5783      102.51      -        -       89.29     32.39    11.88    31.05     100    272     A     V

                   5852.4      55.46    -61.27   116.73    42.01     32.48    12.03    31.06     100    272     P     V

                   5859.2      56.86    -52.76   109.62    43.39     32.51    12.03    31.07     100    272     P     V

                   5905.8      56.32    -26.05   82.37     42.51     32.58    12.31    31.08     100    272     P     V

                   5926.6       56.8    -11.4     68.2     42.98     32.6     12.31    31.09     100    272     P     V



    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                      Page Number        : B2 of B19

                     FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

 WIFI     Note         Frequency       Level      Over       Limit      Read    Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                           Limit     Line      Level   Factor        Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2                     ( MHz )     ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )       ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
               *          5824         117.18       -          -       103.74    32.46    12.03    31.05     100    232     P     H

               *          5824         105.93       -          -        92.49    32.46    12.03    31.05     100    232     A     H

                         5851.2        75.19      -44.27    119.46      61.74    32.48    12.03    31.06     100    232     P     H

                         5856.4        68.12      -42.29    110.41      54.64    32.51    12.03    31.06     100    232     P     H

                         5876.8        62.24      -41.62    103.86      48.61    32.53    12.17    31.07     100    232     P     H

                          5950         57.37      -10.83     68.2       43.38    32.63    12.45    31.09     100    232     P     H


802.11a                                                                                                                           H

CH 165         *          5824         113.03       -          -        99.59    32.46    12.03    31.05     101    277     P     V

5825MHz        *          5824         102.05       -          -        88.61    32.46    12.03    31.05     101    277     A     V

                          5850         70.74      -51.46    122.2       57.29    32.48    12.03    31.06     101    277     P     V

                          5855         65.98      -44.82     110.8       52.5    32.51    12.03    31.06     101    277     P     V

                         5875.8        59.52      -45.09    104.61      45.89    32.53    12.17    31.07     101    277     P     V

                          5949         56.15      -12.05     68.2       42.16    32.63    12.45    31.09     101    277     P     V




          1.       No other spurious found.
          2.       All results are PASS against Peak and Average limit line.

    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                                  Page Number        : B3 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                       Band 4 5725~5850MHz
                                                WIFI 802.11a (Harmonic @ 3m)
 WIFI     Note     Frequency       Level      Over       Limit      Read    Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                       Limit     Line      Level   Factor        Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2                 ( MHz )     ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )       ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                     11490         60.18      -13.82      74        59.45    40.11    18.4     57.78     100    143     P     H

                     11490         45.85      -8.15       54        45.12    40.11    18.4     57.78     100    143     A     H

                     17232         49.87      -18.33      68.2      42.22    41.65    23.14    57.14     100      0     P     H
CH 149
                     11490         62.74      -11.26      74        62.01    40.11    18.4     57.78     100    124     P     V
                     11490         52.59      -1.41       54        51.86    40.11    18.4     57.78     100    124     A     V

                     17232         49.23      -18.97      68.2      41.58    41.65    23.14    57.14     100      0     P     V


                     11570         56.34      -17.66      74         55.7    39.95    18.49     57.8     100    304     P     H

                     11570         45.27      -8.73       54        44.63    39.95    18.49     57.8     100    304     A     H

                     17352         48.05      -20.15      68.2      40.34    42.02    23.25    57.56     100      0     P     H
CH 157
                     11570         62.56      -11.44      74        61.92    39.95    18.49     57.8     100    123     P     V
                     11570          52.8       -1.2       54        52.16    39.95    18.49     57.8     100    123     A     V

                     17352         47.64      -20.56      68.2      39.93    42.02    23.25    57.56     100      0     P     V


                     11650         55.68      -18.32      74         55.1    39.8     18.58     57.8     100    303     P     H

                     11650         46.05      -7.95       54        45.47    39.8     18.58     57.8     100    303     A     H

                     17472         47.05      -21.15      68.2      39.28    42.39    23.36    57.98     100      0     P     H
CH 165
                     11650         61.86      -12.14      74        61.28    39.8     18.58     57.8     100    122     P     V
                     11650         52.47      -1.53       54        51.89    39.8     18.58     57.8     100    122     A     V

                     17472         47.14      -21.06      68.2      39.37    42.39    23.36    57.98     100      0     P     V


          1.   No other spurious found.
          2.   All results are PASS against Peak and Average limit line.

    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                              Page Number        : B4 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                 Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                 Band 4 5725~5850MHz
                                       WIFI 802.11n HT20 (Band Edge @ 3m)

 WIFI     Note   Frequency     Level     Over      Limit    Read     Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                   Limit     Line      Level   Factor     Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2               ( MHz )   ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )    ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                   5618.8      57.25    -10.95      68.2     44.3     32.17    11.77    30.99     100    236     P     H

                   5699.2      64.64    -39.97     104.61   51.56     32.27    11.82    31.01     100    236     P     H

                   5719.8      83.13    -27.61     110.74    70       32.31    11.84    31.02     100    236     P     H

                   5724.6      92.12    -29.17     121.29   78.99     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    236     P     H

           *        5747      116.93       -         -      103.76    32.34    11.86    31.03     100    236     P     H

           *        5747      104.66       -         -      91.49     32.34    11.86    31.03     100    236     A     H

802.11n                                                                                                                H

 HT20                                                                                                                  H

CH 149             5628.4      56.18    -12.02      68.2    43.22     32.17    11.79      31      100    279     P     V
5745MHz            5693.2      61.66    -38.53     100.19   48.58     32.27    11.82    31.01     100    279     P     V

                   5719.6      79.89     -30.8     110.69   66.76     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    279     P     V

                   5724.8      87.62    -34.12     121.74   74.49     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    279     P     V

           *        5746      113.31       -         -      100.14    32.34    11.86    31.03     100    279     P     V

           *        5746      101.17       -         -       88       32.34    11.86    31.03     100    279     A     V



    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                       Page Number        : B5 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

 WIFI     Note   Frequency     Level    Over     Limit     Read     Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.

 Ant.                                   Limit     Line     Level    Factor    Loss     Factor   Pos     Pos    Avg.

  1+2              ( MHz )   ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )   ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)

                    5612       57.04    -11.16    68.2     44.12     32.14    11.77    30.99     100    236     P     H

                   5698.4      56.89    -47.13   104.02    43.81     32.27    11.82    31.01     100    236     P     H

                    5716       57.63    -52.05   109.68    44.52     32.29    11.84    31.02     100    236     P     H

                   5722.8      58.53    -58.65   117.18     45.4     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    236     P     H

           *        5783      116.17      -        -       102.95    32.39    11.88    31.05     100    236     P     H

           *        5783      103.73      -        -       90.51     32.39    11.88    31.05     100    236     A     H

                   5852.2      57.29    -59.89   117.18    43.84     32.48    12.03    31.06     100    236     P     H

                    5863       56.82    -51.74   108.56    43.21     32.51    12.17    31.07     100    236     P     H

                   5899.6      57.36    -29.6    86.96     43.71     32.56    12.17    31.08     100    236     P     H

                   5947.2      56.76    -11.44    68.2     42.77     32.63    12.45    31.09     100    236     P     H

802.11n                                                                                                               H

 HT20                                                                                                                 H

CH 157             5648.4      56.24    -11.96    68.2     43.26     32.19    11.79      31      100    278     P     V
5785MHz            5697.6      56.93    -46.5    103.43    43.85     32.27    11.82    31.01     100    278     P     V

                   5712.8      56.35    -52.44   108.79    43.24     32.29    11.84    31.02     100    278     P     V

                   5722.4      58.66    -57.61   116.27    45.53     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    278     P     V

           *        5783       112.6      -        -       99.38     32.39    11.88    31.05     100    278     P     V

           *        5783      100.45      -        -       87.23     32.39    11.88    31.05     100    278     A     V

                   5853.4      56.05    -58.4    114.45     42.6     32.48    12.03    31.06     100    278     P     V

                   5870.8      56.09    -50.28   106.37    42.46     32.53    12.17    31.07     100    278     P     V

                   5885.2      57.27    -40.36   97.63     43.65     32.53    12.17    31.08     100    278     P     V

                   5945.8      57.86    -10.34    68.2     43.87     32.63    12.45    31.09     100    278     P     V



    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                      Page Number        : B6 of B19

                     FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

 WIFI     Note         Frequency       Level      Over       Limit      Read    Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                           Limit     Line      Level   Factor        Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2                     ( MHz )     ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )       ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
               *          5827         115.51       -          -       102.07    32.46    12.03    31.05     100    234     P     H

               *          5827         103.57       -          -        90.13    32.46    12.03    31.05     100    234     A     H

                         5850.2        74.53      -47.21    121.74      61.08    32.48    12.03    31.06     100    234     P     H

                         5856.2         65.2      -45.26    110.46      51.72    32.51    12.03    31.06     100    234     P     H

                         5877.4        58.26      -45.16    103.42      44.63    32.53    12.17    31.07     100    234     P     H

                          5943         56.98      -11.22     68.2       42.99    32.63    12.45    31.09     100    234     P     H

802.11n                                                                                                                           H

 HT20                                                                                                                             H

CH 165         *          5827         111.42       -          -        97.98    32.46    12.03    31.05     100    277     P     V
5825MHz        *          5827         99.38        -          -        85.94    32.46    12.03    31.05     100    277     A     V

                          5850         69.72      -52.48    122.2       56.27    32.48    12.03    31.06     100    277     P     V

                          5856         61.54      -48.98    110.52      48.06    32.51    12.03    31.06     100    277     P     V

                         5898.4         56.6      -31.25    87.85       42.95    32.56    12.17    31.08     100    277     P     V

                         5941.4        56.53      -11.67     68.2       42.54    32.63    12.45    31.09     100    277     P     V



          1.       No other spurious found.
          2.       All results are PASS against Peak and Average limit line.

    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                                  Page Number        : B7 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                       Band 4 5725~5850MHz
                                            WIFI 802.11n HT20 (Harmonic @ 3m)
 WIFI     Note     Frequency       Level      Over       Limit      Read    Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                       Limit     Line      Level   Factor        Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2                 ( MHz )     ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )       ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                     11490         53.99      -20.01      74        53.26    40.11    18.4     57.78     100    143     P     H

                     11490         45.83      -8.17       54         45.1    40.11    18.4     57.78     100    143     A     H

802.11n              17232         47.28      -20.92      68.2      39.63    41.65    23.14    57.14     100      0     P     H

 HT20                                                                                                                         H

CH 149               11490         62.38      -11.62      74        61.65    40.11    18.4     57.78     100    124     P     V
5745MHz              11490         52.26      -1.74       54        51.53    40.11    18.4     57.78     100    124     A     V

                     17232         48.46      -19.74      68.2      40.81    41.65    23.14    57.14     100      0     P     V


                     11570         55.33      -18.67      74        54.69    39.95    18.49     57.8     100    304     P     H

                     11570         45.71      -8.29       54        45.07    39.95    18.49     57.8     100    304     A     H

802.11n              17352         46.96      -21.24      68.2      39.25    42.02    23.25    57.56     100      0     P     H

 HT20                                                                                                                         H

CH 157               11570         63.46      -10.54      74        62.82    39.95    18.49     57.8     100    124     P     V
5785MHz              11570         52.86      -1.14       54        52.22    39.95    18.49     57.8     100    124     A     V

                     17352         46.85      -21.35      68.2      39.14    42.02    23.25    57.56     100      0     P     V


                     11650         53.67      -20.33      74        53.09    39.8     18.58     57.8     100    303     P     H

                     11650          45.9       -8.1       54        45.32    39.8     18.58     57.8     100    303     A     H

802.11n              17472          46.7      -21.5       68.2      38.93    42.39    23.36    57.98     100      0     P     H

 HT20                                                                                                                         H

CH 165               11650         61.31      -12.69      74        60.73    39.8     18.58     57.8     100    121     P     V
5825MHz              11650         52.13      -1.87       54        51.55    39.8     18.58     57.8     100    121     A     V

                     17472         46.44      -21.76      68.2      38.67    42.39    23.36    57.98     100      0     P     V


          1.   No other spurious found.
          2.   All results are PASS against Peak and Average limit line.

    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                              Page Number        : B8 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                 Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                 Band 4 5725~5850MHz
                                       WIFI 802.11n HT40 (Band Edge @ 3m)

 WIFI     Note   Frequency     Level     Over      Limit    Read     Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                   Limit     Line      Level   Factor     Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2               ( MHz )   ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )    ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                   5649.6      59.22     -8.98      68.2    46.21     32.22    11.79      31      100    236     P     H

                    5697       70.35    -32.64     102.99   57.27     32.27    11.82    31.01     100    236     P     H

                   5715.6      88.94    -20.63     109.57   75.83     32.29    11.84    31.02     100    236     P     H

                   5722.6      89.39    -27.34     116.73   76.26     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    236     P     H

           *        5757      113.36       -         -      100.18    32.36    11.86    31.04     100    236     P     H

           *        5757      101.21       -         -      88.03     32.36    11.86    31.04     100    236     A     H

                   5852.4      62.32    -54.41     116.73   48.87     32.48    12.03    31.06     100    236     P     H

                   5871.6      58.98    -47.17     106.15   45.35     32.53    12.17    31.07     100    236     P     H

                   5890.4      57.52    -36.25     93.77    43.87     32.56    12.17    31.08     100    236     P     H

                   5941.8      56.13    -12.07      68.2    42.14     32.63    12.45    31.09     100    236     P     H

802.11n                                                                                                                H

 HT40                                                                                                                  H

CH 151              5650       56.96    -11.24      68.2    43.95     32.22    11.79      31      100    282     P     V
5755MHz             5699       69.64    -34.82     104.46   56.56     32.27    11.82    31.01     100    282     P     V

                    5719        86.8    -23.72     110.52   73.67     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    282     P     V

                   5720.2       86.1    -25.16     111.26   72.97     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    282     P     V

           *        5753      109.84       -         -      96.65     32.36    11.86    31.03     100    282     P     V

           *        5753       98.01       -         -      84.82     32.36    11.86    31.03     100    282     A     V

                   5850.2      56.62    -65.12     121.74   43.17     32.48    12.03    31.06     100    282     P     V

                   5855.6      57.38    -53.25     110.63    43.9     32.51    12.03    31.06     100    282     P     V

                    5918       57.02    -16.34     73.36    43.22     32.58    12.31    31.09     100    282     P     V

                   5945.2       56.5     -11.7      68.2    42.51     32.63    12.45    31.09     100    282     P     V



    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                       Page Number        : B9 of B19

                     FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

 WIFI     Note         Frequency       Level      Over       Limit      Read    Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.

 Ant.                                             Limit      Line       Level   Factor    Loss     Factor   Pos     Pos     Avg.

  1+2                    ( MHz )     ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )       ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)

                         5646.6        57.47      -10.73     68.2       44.49    32.19    11.79      31      100    234      P     H

                         5699.4        60.22      -44.54    104.76      47.14    32.27    11.82    31.01     100    234      P     H

                         5717.4         65.4      -44.67    110.07      52.29    32.29    11.84    31.02     100    234      P     H

                          5722         66.37      -48.99    115.36      53.24    32.31    11.84    31.02     100    234      P     H

               *          5797         114.35       -          -       101.11    32.41    11.88    31.05     100    234      P     H

               *          5797          102         -          -        88.76    32.41    11.88    31.05     100    234      A     H

                          5852         75.03      -42.61    117.64      61.58    32.48    12.03    31.06     100    234      P     H

                          5861         68.64      -40.48    109.12      55.03    32.51    12.17    31.07     100    234      P     H

                         5891.8        61.96      -30.77    92.73       48.31    32.56    12.17    31.08     100    234      P     H

                         5935.4        57.94      -10.26     68.2       44.12    32.6     12.31    31.09     100    234      P     H

802.11n                                                                                                                            H

 HT40                                                                                                                              H

CH 159                   5600.6        56.14      -12.06     68.2       43.21    32.14    11.77    30.98     100    283      P     V
5795MHz                  5697.6        62.02      -41.41    103.43      48.94    32.27    11.82    31.01     100    283      P     V

                          5720           63       -47.8      110.8      49.87    32.31    11.84    31.02     100    283      P     V

                         5724.2        65.56      -54.82    120.38      52.43    32.31    11.84    31.02     100    283      P     V

               *          5797         109.96       -          -        96.72    32.41    11.88    31.05     100    283      P     V

               *          5797         97.93        -          -        84.69    32.41    11.88    31.05     100    283      A     V

                          5852         74.62      -43.02    117.64      61.17    32.48    12.03    31.06     100    283      P     V

                          5856           68       -42.52    110.52      54.52    32.51    12.03    31.06     100    283      P     V

                         5892.4         59.8      -32.49    92.29       46.15    32.56    12.17    31.08     100    283      P     V

                         5925.8        56.22      -11.98     68.2        42.4    32.6     12.31    31.09     100    283      P     V



          1.       No other spurious found.
          2.       All results are PASS against Peak and Average limit line.

    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                                  Page Number        : B10 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                       Band 4 5725~5850MHz
                                            WIFI 802.11n HT40 (Harmonic @ 3m)
 WIFI     Note     Frequency       Level      Over       Limit      Read    Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                       Limit     Line      Level   Factor        Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2                 ( MHz )     ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )       ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                     11510          54.3      -19.7       74        53.55    40.1     18.45     57.8     100    143     P     H

                     11510         46.21      -7.79       54        45.46    40.1     18.45     57.8     100    143     A     H

802.11n              17268         47.15      -21.05      68.2      39.49    41.75    23.17    57.26     100      0     P     H

 HT40                                                                                                                         H

CH 151               11510         62.72      -11.28      74        61.97    40.1     18.45     57.8     100    122     P     V
5755MHz              11510         52.62      -1.38       54        51.87    40.1     18.45     57.8     100    122     A     V

                     17268         47.44      -20.76      68.2      39.78    41.75    23.17    57.26     100      0     P     V


                     11590         54.65      -19.35      74          54     39.91    18.54     57.8     100    333     P     H

                     11590         45.32      -8.68       54        44.67    39.91    18.54     57.8     100    333     A     H

802.11n              17388         47.21      -20.99      68.2      39.47    42.13    23.29    57.68     100      0     P     H

 HT40                                                                                                                         H

CH 159               11590          61.9      -12.1       74        61.25    39.91    18.54     57.8     100    122     P     V
5795MHz              11590          52.7       -1.3       54        52.05    39.91    18.54     57.8     100    122     A     V

                     17388         48.31      -19.89      68.2      40.57    42.13    23.29    57.68     100      0     P     V


          1.   No other spurious found.
          2.   All results are PASS against Peak and Average limit line.

    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                              Page Number        : B11 of B19

                      FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                            Band 4 5725~5850MHz
                                                 WIFI 802.11ac VHT80 (Band Edge @ 3m)

 WIFI      Note         Frequency       Level       Over      Limit      Read    Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
  Ant.                                           Limit     Line      Level   Factor        Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
  1+2                     ( MHz )     ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )       ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                          5646.8        66.63       -1.57      68.2      53.65    32.19    11.79      31      100    235     P     H

                          5686.8        83.83      -11.63     95.46      70.75    32.27    11.82    31.01     100    235     P     H

                           5713         85.84       -23       108.84     72.73    32.29    11.84    31.02     100    235     P     H

                          5722.2        87.15      -28.67     115.82     74.02    32.31    11.84    31.02     100    235     P     H

                *          5773         108.26        -         -        95.05    32.39    11.86    31.04     100    235     P     H

                *          5773         98.85         -         -        85.64    32.39    11.86    31.04     100    235     A     H

                          5850.6        81.43       -39.4     120.83     67.98    32.48    12.03    31.06     100    235     P     H

                          5863.2        81.48      -27.02     108.5      67.87    32.51    12.17    31.07     100    235     P     H

                           5876         73.65      -30.81     104.46     60.02    32.53    12.17    31.07     100    235     P     H

                          5925.6        63.36       -4.84      68.2      49.54    32.6     12.31    31.09     100    235     P     H

802.11ac                                                                                                                           H

VHT80                                                                                                                              H

CH 155                     5650         63.77       -4.43      68.2      50.76    32.22    11.79      31      100    273     P     V
5775MHz                   5692.4        81.56      -18.04      99.6      68.48    32.27    11.82    31.01     100    273     P     V

                          5717.6        82.87      -27.26     110.13     69.74    32.31    11.84    31.02     100    273     P     V

                          5722.4        85.62      -30.65     116.27     72.49    32.31    11.84    31.02     100    273     P     V

                *          5773         105.85        -         -        92.64    32.39    11.86    31.04     100    273     P     V

                *          5773         96.89         -         -        83.68    32.39    11.86    31.04     100    273     A     V

                          5852.8        76.63      -39.19     115.82     63.18    32.48    12.03    31.06     100    273     P     V

                          5857.8        75.64      -34.37     110.01     62.17    32.51    12.03    31.07     100    273     P     V

                          5876.2         68.9      -35.41     104.31     55.27    32.53    12.17    31.07     100    273     P     V

                          5929.6        60.64       -7.56      68.2      46.82    32.6     12.31    31.09     100    273     P     V



           1.       No other spurious found.
           2.       All results are PASS against Peak and Average limit line.

     TEL : 886-3-327-3456
     FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                                  Page Number        : B12 of B19

                  FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                        Band 4 5725~5850MHz
                                            WIFI 802.11ac VHT80 (Harmonic @ 3m)

 WIFI      Note     Frequency       Level      Over       Limit      Read    Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
  Ant.                                       Limit     Line      Level   Factor        Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
  1+2                 ( MHz )     ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )       ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                      11550         57.09      -16.91      74        56.41    39.99    18.49     57.8     100    306     P     H

                      11550         45.24      -8.76       54        44.56    39.99    18.49     57.8     100    306     A     H

802.11ac              17328         48.22      -19.98      68.2      40.54    41.91    23.21    57.44     100      0     P     H

VHT80                                                                                                                          H

CH 155                11550         60.13      -13.87      74        59.45    39.99    18.49     57.8     100    122     P     V
5775MHz               11550          47.5       -6.5       54        46.82    39.99    18.49     57.8     100    122     A     V

                      17328         47.52      -20.68      68.2      39.84    41.91    23.21    57.44     100      0     P     V


           1.   No other spurious found.
           2.   All results are PASS against Peak and Average limit line.

     TEL : 886-3-327-3456
     FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                              Page Number        : B13 of B19

                  FCC RF Test Report                                                           Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                           Emission below 1GHz

                                                5GHz WIFI 802.11n HT20 (LF @ 3m)

 WIFI      Note     Frequency         Level      Over        Limit   Read    Antenna    Cable    Preamp     Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                         Limit     Line     Level        Factor    Loss      Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2                  ( MHz )      ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) (dBμV)       ( dB/m )   ( dB )    ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                       31.62          24.89     -15.11        40     31.85    24.72     0.78      32.46      -       -     P     H

                       81.03          23.28     -16.72        40     40.85    13.81     1.06      32.44      -       -     P     H

                      140.16          31.25     -12.25        43.5   44.15    17.77     1.75      32.42     170    254     P     H

                      250.05          25.39     -20.61        46     37.38       18.5   1.83      32.32      -       -     P     H

                       840.4          31.74     -14.26        46     30.97    28.44     4.28      31.95      -       -     P     H

                       948.2          32.93     -13.07        46     29.06    30.27     4.75      31.15      -       -     P     H





 5GHz                                                                                                                            H

802.11n                                                                                                                          H

 HT20                  45.12          34.05      -5.95        40     48.66    17.07     0.78      32.46      -       -     P     V
  LF                   47.01          34.07      -5.93        40     49.55       16.2   0.78      32.46     101    186     P     V

                      141.24          30.96     -12.54        43.5   43.88    17.75     1.75      32.42      -       -     P     V

                      174.18          30.21     -13.29        43.5   45.25    15.63     1.75      32.42      -       -     P     V

                       923.7          32.9       -13.1        46      30.1    29.56      4.6      31.36      -       -     P     V

                       948.2          33.04     -12.96        46     29.17    30.27     4.75      31.15      -       -     P     V







           1.   No other spurious found.
           2.   All results are PASS against limit line.

       TEL : 886-3-327-3456
       FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                             Page Number         : B14 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                   Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                    <EUT with RJ-45>

                                                  Band 4 - 5725~5850MHz

                                        WIFI 802.11n HT20 (Band Edge @ 3m)

 WIFI     Note   Frequency     Level      Over       Limit    Read     Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.

 Ant.                                     Limit      Line     Level    Factor    Loss     Factor   Pos     Pos     Avg.
  1+2              ( MHz )   ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )      ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                   5604.8      57.63     -10.57       68.2    44.71     32.14    11.77    30.99     100    234      P     H

                   5693.8      58.81     -41.82      100.63   45.73     32.27    11.82    31.01     100    234      P     H

                   5718.8      61.81     -48.65      110.46   48.68     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    234      P     H

                   5724.2      62.63     -57.75      120.38    49.5     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    234      P     H

           *        5783      116.01        -          -      102.79    32.39    11.88    31.05     100    234      P     H

           *        5783      103.72        -          -       90.5     32.39    11.88    31.05     100    234      A     H

                   5850.6      59.48     -61.35      120.83   46.03     32.48    12.03    31.06     100    234      P     H

                   5855.6      58.02     -52.61      110.63   44.54     32.51    12.03    31.06     100    234      P     H

                   5915.4      57.33     -17.95      75.28    43.53     32.58    12.31    31.09     100    234      P     H

                    5929       56.47     -11.73       68.2    42.65     32.6     12.31    31.09     100    234      P     H

802.11n                                                                                                                   H

 HT20                                                                                                                     H

CH 157             5613.6       56.6      -11.6       68.2    43.68     32.14    11.77    30.99     100    295      P     V
5785MHz            5691.6      57.37     -41.64      99.01    44.29     32.27    11.82    31.01     100    295      P     V

                   5713.8      59.06     -50.01      109.07   45.95     32.29    11.84    31.02     100    295      P     V

                    5721       58.06     -55.02      113.08   44.93     32.31    11.84    31.02     100    295      P     V

           *        5783       111.41       -          -      98.19     32.39    11.88    31.05     100    295      P     V

           *        5783       99.23        -          -      86.01     32.39    11.88    31.05     100    295      A     V

                   5852.6      56.26     -60.01      116.27   42.81     32.48    12.03    31.06     100    295      P     V

                   5857.2      57.72     -52.46      110.18   44.24     32.51    12.03    31.06     100    295      P     V

                   5882.8      57.22     -42.19      99.41    43.59     32.53    12.17    31.07     100    295      P     V

                   5934.6      56.35     -11.85       68.2    42.53     32.6     12.31    31.09     100    295      P     V



    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                         Page Number        : B15 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                       Band 4 5725~5850MHz
                                            WIFI 802.11n HT20 (Harmonic @ 3m)
 WIFI     Note     Frequency       Level      Over       Limit      Read    Antenna   Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                       Limit     Line      Level   Factor        Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2                 ( MHz )     ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )       ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                     11570         49.58      -24.42      74        48.94    39.95    18.49     57.8     100      0     P     H

                     17355         49.02      -19.18      68.2      41.31    42.02    23.25    57.56     100      0     P     H

802.11n                                                                                                                       H

 HT20                                                                                                                         H

CH 157               11570         57.91      -16.09      74        57.27    39.95    18.49     57.8     101    147     P     V
5785MHz              11570         44.63      -9.37       54        43.99    39.95    18.49     57.8     101    147     A     V

                     17355         49.05      -19.15      68.2      41.34    42.02    23.25    57.56     100      0     P     V


          3.   No other spurious found.
          4.   All results are PASS against Peak and Average limit line.

    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                              Page Number        : B16 of B19

                  FCC RF Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                           Emission below 1GHz

                                                5GHz WIFI 802.11n HT20 (LF @ 3m)

 WIFI      Note     Frequency         Level      Over        Limit   Read    Antenna    Cable    Preamp    Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                         Limit     Line     Level        Factor    Loss     Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2                  ( MHz )      ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) (dBμV)       ( dB/m )   ( dB )   ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                       55.92          23.4       -16.6        40     42.04    13.04     0.78     32.46      -       -     P     H

                      141.24          28.19     -15.31        43.5   41.11    17.75     1.75     32.42     100      0     P     H

                      155.28          28.18     -15.32        43.5    41.6    17.25     1.75     32.42      -       -     P     H

                       303.5          26.41     -19.59        46     36.68    19.62     2.34     32.23      -       -     P     H

                       409.2          21.55     -24.45        46     28.87    22.37     2.68     32.37      -       -     P     H

                       631.1          25.41     -20.59        46     28.42    25.78     3.61      32.4      -       -     P     H





 5GHz                                                                                                                           H

802.11n                                                                                                                         H

 HT20                  45.12          39.26      -0.74        40     53.87    17.07     0.78     32.46     100    188     P     V
  LF                   45.12          31.08      -8.92        40     45.69    17.07     0.78     32.46     100    188     QP    V

                       55.65          34.56      -5.44        40     52.89    13.35     0.78     32.46      -       -     P     V

                      140.16           25        -18.5        43.5    37.9    17.77     1.75     32.42      -       -     P     V

                       304.9          28.34     -17.66        46      38.6    19.64     2.34     32.24      -       -     P     V

                       633.2          25.47     -20.53        46     28.46       25.8   3.61      32.4      -       -     P     V

                       778.8          28.38     -17.62        46     28.93    27.72     3.97     32.24      -       -     P     V






           3.   No other spurious found.
           4.   All results are PASS against limit line.

       TEL : 886-3-327-3456
       FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                             Page Number        : B17 of B19

         FCC RF Test Report                                                      Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                                                  Note symbol

        Fundamental Frequency which can be ignored. However, the level of any unwanted emissions shall not
        exceed the level of the fundamental frequency.

  !     Test result is over limit line.

 P/A    Peak or Average

 H/V    Horizontal or Vertical

TEL : 886-3-327-3456
FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                         Page Number       : B18 of B19

                 FCC RF Test Report                                                  Report No. : FR6O0801-01E

                    A calculation example for radiated spurious emission is shown as below:

 WIFI     Note   Frequency     Level    Over     Limit     Read    Antenna    Cable    Preamp     Ant   Table Peak Pol.
 Ant.                                   Limit     Line      Level   Factor    Loss      Factor    Pos     Pos Avg.
 1+2               ( MHz )   ( dBμV/m ) ( dB ) ( dBμV/m ) ( dBμV ) ( dB/m )   ( dB )    ( dB )   ( cm ) ( deg ) (P/A) (H/V)
                    2390       55.45    -18.55     74      54.51    32.22     4.58      35.86     103    308     P     H
 CH 01

2412MHz             2390       43.54    -10.46     54       42.6    32.22     4.58      35.86     103    308     A     H

    1. Level(dBμV/m) =
    Antenna Factor(dB/m) + Cable Loss(dB) + Read Level(dBμV) - Preamp Factor(dB)
    2. Over Limit(dB) = Level(dBμV/m) – Limit Line(dBμV/m)

    For Peak Limit @ 2390MHz:
    1. Level(dBμV/m)
    = Antenna Factor(dB/m) + Cable Loss(dB) + Read Level(dBμV) - Preamp Factor(dB)
    = 32.22(dB/m) + 4.58(dB) + 54.51(dBμV) – 35.86 (dB)
    = 55.45 (dBμV/m)
    2. Over Limit(dB)
    = Level(dBμV/m) – Limit Line(dBμV/m)
    = 55.45(dBμV/m) – 74(dBμV/m)
    = -18.55(dB)

    For Average Limit @ 2390MHz:
    1. Level(dBμV/m)
    = Antenna Factor(dB/m) + Cable Loss(dB) + Read Level(dBμV) - Preamp Factor(dB)
    = 32.22(dB/m) + 4.58(dB) + 42.6(dBμV) – 35.86 (dB)
    = 43.54 (dBμV/m)
    2. Over Limit(dB)
    = Level(dBμV/m) – Limit Line(dBμV/m)
    = 43.54(dBμV/m) – 54(dBμV/m)
    = -10.46(dB)

    Both peak and average measured complies with the limit line, so test result is “PASS”.

    TEL : 886-3-327-3456
    FAX : 886-3-328-4978                                                      Page Number         : B19 of B19

Document Created: 2017-12-17 22:54:25
Document Modified: 2017-12-17 22:54:25

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