RF Exposure Report


RF Exposure Info

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                                      Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                      1F., Block A of Tongsheng Technology Building, Huahui Road, Dalang Street, Longhua District,
                                      Shenzhen, China
                                      Telephone:       +86—755—26648640

   1E E)6 :0                          Fax:
                                                                                          Report Template Version: VO3
                                                                                          Report Template Revision Date: Mar.1st, 2017

                  RF Exposure Evaluation Report

Report No. :                          CQASZ20190500017EX—02

Applicant:                            Hangzhou Meari Technology Co., Ltd.

Address of Applicant:                 No.91, Chutian Road,Xixing Block, Binjiang, Hangzhou, 310051 Zhejiang,

Manufacturer:                         Hangzhou Meari Technology Co., Ltd.

Address of Manufacturer:              No.91, Chutian Road,Xixing Block, Binjiang, Hangzhou, 310051 Zhejiang,

Equipment Under Test (EUT):
Product:                  IP Camera
All Models:               Bullet 25, Bullet 2
Test Model No.:           Bullet 25
Brand Name:               N/A
FCC ID:                   2AG7C—SPEEDSS
Standards:                47 CFR Part 1.1307
                                      47 CFR Part 1.1310
                                      KDB447498D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06

Date of Test:                         May 06, 2019 to May 30, 2019
Date of Issue:                        May 30, 2019

                                                   prby n
 Test Result :

Tested By:
                                                          artin Lee)

Reviewed By:                                       l                 I

                                                          aron Ma)

Approved By:

                                                        ( Jack Ai)

* In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.

The test report is effective only with both signature and specialized stamp, The result(s) shown in this report refer only to the sample(s)

tested. Without written approval of CQA, this report can‘t be reproduced except in full

                                     Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                      Report No.: CQASZ20190500017EX-02

2   Version
                             Revision History Of Report

           Report No.          Version         Description           Issue Date
     CQASZ20190500017EX-02      Rev.01         Initial report       May 30, 2019

                               Page:2 of 7

                                                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                                                                  Report No.: CQASZ20190500017EX-02

3         Contents
1       COVER PAGE .............................................................................................................................................................1

2       VERSION .....................................................................................................................................................................2

3       CONTENTS .................................................................................................................................................................3

4       GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................4
    4.1     CLIENT INFORMATION................................................................................................................................................4
    4.2     GENERAL DESCRIPTION OF EUT ................................................................................................................................4
5       RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION ................................................................................................................................5
    5.1 RF EXPOSURE COMPLIANCE REQUIREMENT ..............................................................................................................5
       5.1.1 Limits ..............................................................................................................................................................5
       5.1.2 Test Procedure ..............................................................................................................................................5
    5.2 1.1.3 EUT RF EXPOSURE EVALUATION ....................................................................................................................6

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CQA                                             Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd

LE E ;E ;“                                                          Report No.: CQASZ20190500017EX—02

4      General Information

4.1 Client Information
      Applicant:                 Hangzhou Meari Technology Co., Ltd.
      Address of Applicant:      No.91, Chutian Road,Xixing Block, Binjiang, Hangzhou, 310051 Zhejiang,
      Manufacturer:              Hangzhou Meari Technology Co., Ltd.

      Address of Manufacturer:   No 91, Chutian Road.Xixing Block, Binjiang, Hangzhou, 310051 Zhejiang,
4.2 General Description of EUT
Product Name:                    IP Camera
Model No.:                       Bullet 28
Trade Mark:                      N/A
Hardware version:                V1.1
Software version:                V1.0
                                 IEEE 802.11b/g/n(HT20): 2412MHz to 2462MHz
Operation Frequency:             IEEE 802.11n(H40): 2422MHz~2452MHz
                    J            TEEE 802.11b/g. IEEE 802.1in HT20: 11 Channels
iseiNuinbe‘s                     IEEE 802.11n HT4O: 7
Channel Separation:              SMHz
                                 IEEE for 802.11b: DSSS(CCK,DQPSK,.DBPSK)
                                 IEEE for 802.11g : OFDM
Type of Modulation:
                                 IEEE for 802.1 1n(HT20): OFDM
                                 IEEE for 802.11n(HT40): OFDM
Product Type:                    [ Mobile       [—] Portable   [ Fix Location
Test Software of EUT:            RF test (manufacturer declare )

Antenna Type                     Internal Antenna
Antenna Gain                     2.50Bi

Power Supply:                    DC 12V from adapter
                                 MODEL: KA1201A—1201000US
Adapter Information:             INPUT:100~240V ~50/60Hz 0.4A Max
                                 OUTPUT: 12V 1000mA
Product Name:                    IP Camera

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                                                   Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                       Report No.: CQASZ20190500017EX-02

5       RF Exposure Evaluation

5.1     RF Exposure Compliance Requirement
5.1.1 Limits
        According to FCC Part1.1310: The criteria listed in the following table shall be used to evaluate the
        environment impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in part1.1307(b)

F= Frequency in MHz
Friis Formula
Friis transmission formula: Pd = (Pout*G)/(4* Pi * R )
Pd = power density in mW/cm2
Pout = output power to antenna in mW
G = gain of antenna in linear scale
Pi = 3.1416

R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm
Pd id the limit of MPE, 1 mW/cm2 . If we know the maximum gain of the antenna and the total power input to
the antenna, through the calculation, we will know the distance r where the MPE limit is reached.

5.1.2 Test Procedure
        Software provided by client enabled the EUT to transmit and receive data at lowest, middle and
        highest channel individually.

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                                               Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                   Report No.: CQASZ20190500017EX-02

5.2 1.1.3 EUT RF Exposure Evaluation

1) For WIFI
Antenna Gain: 2.5dBi
Antenna Gain: The maximum Gain measured in fully anechoic chamber is 1.78 in linear scale.
Output Power Into Antenna & RF Exposure Evaluation Distance:

Measurement Data
                                                           Tune up tolerance     Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel             Peak Output Power
                                      (dBm)                     (dBm)              (dBm)       (mW)

     Lowest(2412MHz)                  14.114                     14.5                16       39.811
     Middle(2437MHz)                  14.355                     14.5                16       39.811
     Highest(2462MHz)                 15.270                     15.5                16       39.811
                                                           Tune up tolerance     Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel             Peak Output Power
                                      (dBm)                     (dBm)              (dBm)       (mW)

     Lowest(2412MHz)                  14.170                     14.5               14.5      28.184
     Middle(2437MHz)                  12.847                     13.0                14       25.119
     Highest(2462MHz)                 12.987                     13.0                14       25.119
                                                       Tune up t16olerance       Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel             Peak Output Power
                                      (dBm)                     (dBm)                          (mW)
     Lowest(2412MHz)                  13.282                     13.5                14       25.119
     Middle(2437MHz)                  13.284                     13.5                14       25.119
     Highest(2462MHz)                 13.341                     13.5                14       25.119
                                                        Tune up tolerance        Maximum tune-up Power
       Test channel             Peak Output Power
                                      (dBm)                     (dBm)                          (mW)
     Lowest(2422MHz)                  13.743                     14.0                14       25.119
     Middle(2437MHz)                  12.763                     13.0                14       25.119
     Highest(2452MHz)                 12.568                     13.0                14       25.119

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                                                 Shenzhen Huaxia Testing Technology Co., Ltd
                                                                       Report No.: CQASZ20190500017EX-02

           The worst case:
              Maximum tune-up          Antenna            Power            Limit    Result
                  Power                  Gain            Density
                     (mW)                (dBi)         at R = 20 cm
                                                        (mW/cm )
                    39.811                2.5             0.0141            1.0      PASS

Note: 1) Refer to report No. CQASZ20190500017EX-01 for EUT test Max Conducted Peak Output Power
                               2                             2
     2) Pd = (Pout*G)/(4* Pi * R )=( 39.811*1.78)/(4*3.1416*20 )=0.0141

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Document Created: 2019-06-07 22:49:34
Document Modified: 2019-06-07 22:49:34

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