M1910F4G_TestRpt _RFExp_LTE_Part 4


RF Exposure Info

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DC Voltage Measurement
    A/D — Converter Resolution nominal
        High Range:          1LSB =     6.1uV ,       full range =  —100...+300 mV
        Low Range:           1LSB =      6inV ,       full range =  —1....... +3mV
    DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec

      Calibration Factors             X                            Y                  Z
      High Range             404.166 + 0.02% (k=2)   404.988 + 0.02% (k=2)   405.096 + 0.02% (k=2)
      Low Range              3.99856 + 1.50% (k=2)   3.98348 + 1.50% (k=2)   3.99912 + 1.50% (k=2)

Connector Angle

      Connector Angle to be used in DASY system                                  345.5 °+1 °

Certificate No: DAE4—1210_Jul19                      Page 3 of 5

Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS0108)

1. DC Voltage Linearity
     High Range                                 Reading (uV)         Difference (uV)                Error (%)
     Channel X        + Input                    199994.14                   —1.58                  —0.00
     Channel X        + Input                     20003.24                    1.63                  0.01
     Channel X        — Input                    —19999.69                   2.15                   —0.01
     Channel Y        + Input                    199994.24                   —1.47                  —0.00
     Channel Y        + Input                     19999.92                   —1.59                  —0.01
     Channel Y        — Input                    —20002.36                   —0.45                  0.00
     Channel Z        + Input                    199993.01                   —3.18                  —0.00
     Channel Z        + Input                     20001.72                   0.33                   0.00
     Channel Z        — Input                    —20001.83                   0.22                   —0.00

     Low Range                                  Reading (uV)         Difference (uV)                Error (%)
     Channel X        + Input                     2000.95                    0.12                   0.01
     Channel X        + Input                      201.39                    0.23                   0.11
     Channel X        =— Input                    —198.00                    0.76                   —0.38
     Channel Y        + Input                     2000.37                    —0.36                  —0.02
     Channel Y        + Input                      200.27                    —0.81                  —0.40
     Channel Y        — Input                     —199.65                    —0.81                  0.41
     Channel Z        + Input                     2000.08                    —0.54                  —0.03
     Channel Z        + Input                      200.54                    —0.42                  —0.21

     Channel Z        — Input                     —199.83                    —0.88                   0.44

2. Common mode sensitivity
    DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec

                        Common mode                        High Range                            Low Range
                        Input Voltage (mV)             Average Reading (uV)                 Average Reading (uV)

     Channel X                           200                      —6.17                           —7.94

                                        — 200                      9.53                           7.51
     Channel Y                           200                      —9.87                           —9.68

                                        — 200                      8.28                           8.02
     Channel Z                           200                      12.52                           12.54

                                        — 200                     —13.97                         —14.14

3. Channel separation
    DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec
                        Input Voltage (mV)         Channel X (uV)          Channel Y (uV)       Channel Z (uV)

     Channel X                    200                        —                  2.17                 —3.57

     Channel Y                    200                   8.43                         —               2.81

     Channel Z                    200                   9.90                    6.07                      —

Certificate No: DAE4—1210_Jul19                              Page 4 of 5

4. AD—Converter Values with inputs shorted
    DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec

                                                    High Range (LSB)                      Low Range (LSB)

     Channel X                                              15961                              16608

     Channel Y                                              15954                              15680

     Channel Z                                              15869                              16574

5. Input Offset Measurement
    DASY measurement parameters: Auto Zero Time: 3 sec; Measuring time: 3 sec
    Input 10MQ

                            Average (uV)        min. Offset (uv}         max. Offset (uvy      * [(’:\‘,’;am“
     Channel X                    —0.75               —1.83                   0.18                    0.39
     Channel Y                    0.12                —0.92                   0.78                    0.38

     Channel Z                    1.30                —0.57                   3.07                    0.63

6. Input Offset Current
     Nominal Input circuitry offset current on all channels: <25fA

7. Input Resistance (Typical values for information)
                                                  Zeroing (kOhm)                         Measuring (MOhm)

     Channel X                                             200                                 200

     Channel Y                                             200                                 200
     Channel Z                                             200                                 200

8. Low Battery Alarm Voltage (Typical values for information)
     Typical values                                Alarm Level (VDC)
     Supply (+ Vec)                                                               +7.9
     Supply (— Vee)                                                               —7.6

9. Power Consumption (Typical values for information)
     Typical values                         Switched off (mA¥)       Stand by (mA)          Transmitting (mA)
     Supply (+ Vec)                                +0.01                     +6                      +14

     Supply (— Vec)                                —0.01                     —8                      —9

Certificate No: DAE4—1210_Jul19                            Page 5 of 5

 Callbration Laboratory of                                                              AchnoieishorKalliodenst

 Schmid & Partner                                                                       Sarvce avisso étalomnage
  Engineering AG                                                                        Sorvio im o tarmurn
‘ughanstrese43, 0004 2uichSriteriand                                                    Snios Caibeatn Sorvice
Acnitnd by te Sn rcinaton Servcn 5)                                               Acomitaton io: 5CS 0108
The Swiss Accredton Serice i ono the signtoes t hEA
Moltitert Agreomnt ortherecogniton ofcaraton coifents
cien      ‘Sporton                                                    Ceitesii: EX3—3057_May19
 Oe                           Exsove — sNisosr

 Cxtatenpocedrts              OA CAL—0TM; OA CAL—l4vE; OA CAL—2305, OA CAL2svr
                              Galbration procedure for dosimatric E—feld probes

 Caitraien dae                May 27, 2019

 Thcaltain codetedocment ie rcenbiy t nalonlslrdais uic reatze tit ts of nesuremonts )
 Te moscrmmeni and h srcaaininwath cortdace mtae gra on thfolowingpages ad e pr t h cotcai.
 Acattatons have en contetn i t ces atwaiayacty onesenotanpratnn Z2 + 37 on uy «7006
 (ctaton Easpron se (WBTE erte ocateater)

 Fray Sardnis             o                         COe (Consiet)                        Sctacied Garaton
 Fommow Ni                sn    arme                osecte ie 217comanztn)               weeco
 Poversome N29            on    ooz                 arieeto e 217cm0,                    Apzo
Powe semertsz0t           sn    mms                 vrapet0 ie 21rczmm)                 amao
 Ratwerce 2 60 Adewntr    s     csrrt 20            orasers ie 21rezmen                  Awco
 oace                     s     wo                  wo0ve18 o oxromDecin)                Dreto
 Retwerce Pave Essovs     on    sns                 srom ts io EnsaorsDeci__|            Drcto
 Seconday Sandacts        o                         Emoomem                              Seredied Crex
 ow maweEaxito            sn conmure                Age18 in roow cesJnt                 inhuse cesc An20
 Powe seae E1428          s mverepsoer              oi—dp.i8in ho teck ut                nounectec m.20
 Fowe se Exitan           sn ooniomso               age1t fomamectek hn t0)__|           Inhouse cn20
 B poreste > ue           sn ussseaioimoo           0tAz in reme cteck an t__ |          inroune ced un20
 NevernAraize Enasen      snvserowarr               311 (nhowsectes Oc18—                ntoosectesk oc19
                           Name                         Funcn                              Sqmiee
Cmy                           Jns                        latontoyTecison            (          M’

Acsostby                      watspoore                  Toihocsitaniger          M

                                                                                          lsnd may 28. 2010
‘h calinic curftsshal nethe reprdiced ies n ut ho witenacorwalo h itortoy

Corticate No ©XG—3087.May19                       Page t of to

Calibration Laboratory of                                                     .. Scvninisctor attvictont
Schmid & Partner                                                              g. Servce uiss ditalomage
  Engineering AG                                                              . Seviomime d ontum
Evatusstasse 430004 2urch, Sutzorand             s                              Swiss Catrrion Serice

Accrstu o ne Sn Aecrsstton Srven(8)                                            Aecreataton no: SCS 0108
Th Saiss Accrodttion Srvce isonotthe sinatotes t tA
Mottmerat Agroomentfore recogniton ofcalteaion crtcuis
Ts                     tssue simulating fquid
NoRkbny.a              sensitviy i ree space
Com                    sensitviy in TSL / NORixy.a
noP                    dlode compression point
or                     erest factor(Tiuty,cycle) ofth RF sgnal
As.c.0                 molstaion dependont Inearizaton parameters
Polatzation y          1 rotationaround probe axis
Polatzation 8          8 rotation around an what is h the plane normalto probe ax‘s (at measurement conte.
                       t, =0 is normal t probe s
Comnector Angle        Information used in DASY system to algn probe sensor X to the robat coordiate system
Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
   a). IEEE Sid 1828—2013, 1EEE Recommendod Pracicn for Detormining the Poak Spatial—Averaged Specife
        Absorption Rate (SAFR) in the Human Head from Wreloss Communicatons Dovices:Measuremant
        Techniques®, Juno 2013
   ): 120 622001 *‘Measuremant procedure for the assossmont of Spaciic Absorption Rate (GAR)from hand~
        held and bodj—mounted devices used next to ho ear (Requency range of 300 Mz to 6 GHtzy. July 2016
   ): 120 62200—2, "Procedure io deternine the Specifc Absorption Rate (SAR)fr wreless communicationdeviees
        used in closo provimilto the human body (Requency range of 30 Mz to 6 GHz]® March 2010
   d). KDB B6S8b¢, "SAR Moosurement Requiremonts for 100 Mz to 6 GHe®
Mumnds Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
       NORy.z: Assessed for E—feld polaization 9 =0 (f= 900 Mz in TEM.cal > 1800 WMite:R22 waveguide).
        NORMix).z are onl intermedate values, io.the uncertainis of NOR.z doos not affec he E*—feld
       uncertainty inide TSL (soe below Conv#)
  * NORM(Dey.z= NORMxgce * requency.response (see Frequency Respanse Char), This inearizaton is
       implemented in DASY4 software versionslate han 42. The uncertaintyofthfequency response is ncluded
       in the stated uncertainty of ConvE:
  + DGPry.a: DGP are numericalInearieaon parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
       slonal (no uncertainy required). DCP does not depend on requency nor meci.
  + RAFR:PAR is the Peak to Average Rallo that is not calbrated but determined based on the signal
  +. Aupe Beyur Ooe: Degce: Viieyz:A. 8. C, Dare numercalInoarizationparameters assessed based on
       the data of        sweep for spocife modllaton signal.The parameters do not depand on frequency nor
       media, VR the maximum caltration range expressed in RMS valage across e diode.
  + GomvF and Boundary Eifect Paramoters: Assossed in fat phantom using E—fld (or Temperature Transter
       Standard for 800 MiHe)an inside wavequide using analyieal feld cistrbutions based on power
       measurements for > 800 MHz. The same setups ate used for assessment of the parameters applledfr
       boundary cormpensation(alpha, depth) of which tiical uncertainly values are given, These paramaters are
       used in DASY4 software tomprove probe accuracy close to he boundany, Th sensitviy in TSL corresponds
       to NORMyz * ConvE: whoreby the uncertanty corresponds to hat given for Conv£. A frequency dependent
       Corm is used in DASY version 44 and higher whih alows extending the valdty from + 60 Mto x 100
  * Sphercalsotropy (3D deviatin rom isotropy)—in a held o ow gradiens realize using a fat phantom
       exposed by a patch antonna.
  * Sensor Offse: The sensorolfet corresponds to hoffse fvitual measurement centerfrom the probe t
       on probe anis) No tlerance reauired
  * Gomector Angle: The angle is assessed usingthe infomation gained by determining the NOR(no
       unceriinty requred).

Cortfcate No: EX3—3087.May19                     Page2of 10

 exsove— snsr                                                                                 Mayar, 2009

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3857
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                    SesorX                 Sensory              Senaore          weren
  Norm(i¥i¥im)®                         oi7                    048               oi5             a101%
  DCP (my)®                            120                     1oa               1050
      bration Results for Modulation Res
           Gommunication System Name                                       6      ve       Max      Max
                                                                          «s      my       d        Une!
 0         ow                                 x                          000     uol  a35%         a47%
                                              ¥                                  es
                                              2                                  Ta7
  10352    Puise Wavatom (200vz, 10%)         X                          1000    so_| «so%         x96%
 ww                                           v                                  wo
                                              £                                  wo
 wooss     Puise Wavetom (200nz, 20%)         x                          soo     wo       r17%     200%
 m                                            v                                   mo
                                              2                                  so
 1080      Pulse Wavetom (200ne, d0%)         x                          39e     50|      a14%     96%
 w                                            ¥                                  so
     _           Cl                           2                                  w0
 10355     Puiss Wavelorm (ro0ie 08|          x                          zm      oo       c15% seo%
 Mn                                           Y                                  10
                                              2                                  10
 woonr—    GPS Wivofom, 1 Mz                  x                          o0      100      z27%    +00%
 ww                                           ¥                                  10
                                              2                                  100
 10—       GPSK Wavelom, 10 iz                x                          o00     100      212%    au6%
 ww                                           v                                  meo
                                              2                                  io
 1050      64—OM Wavetom, 100 hiz             x                          so1     i0       ri8%    +06%
 ww                                           ¥                                fao
                                              z                                100          _
 To:       StOMiWanimsome                     x                          s |—isao—| s23% ss0%
 Am                                           v                                1500
                                              z                                100
 Tom:      waiccor, sromome                   x                          am|—mao—| zaan zse
 ww                                           ¥                                  10
                                              2                                  i0
Nole: For detals on UID parameters see Appenda

 The reported uncertainty of measurementis stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the cover    factor k=2, which for a normal distrbution corresponds to a coverage
 probabilly of approxmately 95%.

} The rertanie t Marm X2 d n atet h Edad uncurtanyinda TS(on Page 1
"Manevea Inowaton parmnder inwiany nc maurnd
"Wreetart is dtarinad wing ho ms,civato ho Ww rmporne nctpeg rectiaar daitalon and n mperssed o he sn o he

Cortfcate No: x0057.May10                         Page ot 10

 exiovs— susesr                                                             May2r, 2000

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3857
 Sensor Model Parameters
             ci         ce       a                       To    Te      Ts
                                                                      ya        To
              ie        i6      ve                      w      ve
     x       5oo      assos    seor                     son   |_os0   aso       To
     y       159      seoor    |_sr9e                   505   a00     o48      4or _
     z       «o1      sseas    3621                     506   147|    oze       i01

Other Probe Parameters
 Sensor Amangoment                                                          Tranguler
 Gomnector Angle 0)                                                              ass
 Mechanical Surince Detecton Mode                                             enabea
 OrlicaSurtace Datection Mode                                                 deabed
 Frobe Ovrall Lengin                                                          337 im
 Probe Body Diamoter                                                            10mn
 To Lingh                                                                        $mm
 Ti Dameter                                                                    25 mm
 Probe Tito Sensor X Gallbrilon Pont                                             Tmm
 Frobe Tisto Sensor Y Galbraton Pont                                             Tmim
 Probe Tipto Sensor Z Catbratin Pont                                             Tm
 Recommendad Measurement Distince from Surace                                  14 mm

Gortiate No Ex0.097.Mayt9                  Pageaot 19

exaove~ snsor                                                                                  Mayar, 2000

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3857

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media

   |roung$                     C\s?:'um::i’vny   comex   comey     |_comez Aipra®      mu           (“J;)
      zo                          ase             amr      om       om        ose       os       r120%
      ms           a1s            aso             o4s      o«s      sas       ons       oz       r120%
      sco          15             oor             am       os       sm        om        112      +10%
      1rso         «0             137            aas       sas      sas       om        oso      r120%
      1900         «00            140            a10       a1o      a1o       om        oso      r120%
     2000          400            140            aos       _aor     sor       oz        oms      +120%
     2300          sas            167            zes       zse      ras       oss       oso      +120%
     2450          so2            180            zso       |_zso    rso       oar       oss      +120%
     2000          sso            198            r31       tan      zm        oas       oss      a120%
     sgoo          se2            an             ase      ses       oss       om        12s      rmo%
     asto          are            201            ese      esz       ese       om        i2s      ruo%
     aroo          ant            ase            ses      ses       ses       oz        i2       amo%
     a000          ars            ase            eso      seo       sso       omm       180      amo%
     «100          are            ase            sse      see       ses       oso       180      amo%
     az00          ara            ase            sse      see       see       oa0       170      a10%
     4100          20             ase            sse      see       ses       oms       izs      a10%
     4600          sez            «04            ses      ses       ses       oas       ns       amo%
     4800          ssa            425            sre      se        sre       oas       ns       smo%
     asso          2e3            a40            ssa      sss                 o4        180      a140%
     seso          sse            an             s10      |_sio               oso       180      a10%
     seoo          sss            sor            ass      ase       as        on        180      a10%
     srso          asa            sae            sir      sir       sir       o«        i8       amo%
5 Eaqurny vabyatare 200 itc 100 MB onacoteforDASY vt 4 an hate sn Page 2) e is reiraedto o t The
Anctany h RSS o ha Cont® unutany t stbaion haauery ind ha ncntant o hancated hemsencyband.Fremuecyvalty
below300 ht a 1025400 on 70 : o Gomt ansenamenie t. 120, 19 and 220 M respacny Vakity f Core anseret t
biis 9 Mand Comt ansnss a13e i010 Aitc Above Gite uonsitcan h ent 110 ie
* Athoquecinwlow 3 Gt:. t vahoyof se paramei c oc acan e ol o a10% t uc corernaion on s apoadto
inaovrnd SR vatam.Atinacuenca atov 3 Gt, i vniiyof oc narnetom s nc ol stt o a $%. Theunceiany is h RSS f
the Con uncetnt l nsc egetoow ainien
"AptwDrah an        derinad uin cltrate. SPEAG wants bat e remaing devaton un toth oundaraoc ate componsaton s
ahay lesstan 1% oaguancs biw Git id beiw * 21 o tequrci baeen 20 t a any diarcelager on ne pote t
dmie ton betosnday
Gortieat No: E.07Mayt9                             PageSot 19

exaove~ shianor                                                                                                      may 27, z019

                                                   Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                            (TEM—Collifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)
       Frequency response (normalzed)

                                        14.           || mc                     ‘       bnsimmmmcck           4|
                                            E          |   |                    |       |         |            |
                                        w            J     i                    i           mvemnth
                                        @4frcmmmminmmmmmicduccs. ~+~—                  mfe—         jumc——s
                                        ag forcicrae f o       | a ob } o d                   aarara d acgeaae } a
                                           0        5(‘]0           1000      1500     2%0        2800       200
                                                              v#d                              3
                                                  Uncertainty of Frequency Responso of E—f

Corticte No: Ex:57. Mayt9                                                  Page8or10

exsovi— snaar                                                                      May 2r, 200

                            Receiving Pattern (§), 9 = 0°
                 £2600 MHz,TEM                                    1=1800 MHz.R22

                          Uncertainty of Axil Isotropy Assussment: £0.5% (ke2)

Certfcate No 64807Mayto                       Page? of 10

baovi— susesr                                              may 21,2010

                          Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                             (TEM coll , foar® 1900 MHz)

Goriicate No 3057_Mayth              Pageaot to

exaove~ snansr                                                                    may27, 2008

                          Conversion Factor Assessment
             1« sas MzWGLS Ro (4.come)                  1« 1900 iewaks Rzz (H_comt)

                     Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                   Error(6, 8), £=900 MHz

                   «0 cos ms o4 oz oo or o4 os ns io
                    Uncertainty of SphoricaIsotropy Assessment: + 2.6% (ke2)

Corticate Nox05r. Mayt9                   Pagetot to

 exsove— sisosr                                                      May27, zo0
 Appendix: Modulation Calibration Parameters
   WB         Rev        Communication Syatem Name
   s                     on
   10010      GN\_       sA Vadaden(Se, 1oons. forel
   To         can—|      uirs.roo weomy
   Tors_|     on         Ee w0110 wir 2.« ane (0SSS, Thom)
   foors—|    onn        eee s0#14 win 21 on (osss—orom.o Fops)
   1002~|     on         esurron (roun. overy _
   103|       one        aprs—rb0 aowa, over, TNQ)
   war|       on         ceRo0 (rown, ovex, o)
   1oas       on         Ener:ron (roma.srsr. mio,
 |toure       on         Enge—r00tromssesic m o—t)
   imer       on|        ores.rpo (roun. onex, m o 2)
   foass      one        rrso0 (romm ouat TN 0—125)
   Tnoms      one        ener—rop trows apsi, m 0—12)
   fooas     o_          iEEE w021.1 Buwbon (Gro, Di
   toos1     om          ieE tos5.1 Buwcot (GrSk, bri)
   1ousz_|    CM\_|      iee 602 151 unioatn (Grsk Drid)
   1ooss—|   on          ieE 60e151 Auaboin (R—00PSr, DT
  To         c           i€€E h02ts Busoon (P:DorS, oro)
   fooss     o\          ieE i01 1 Buaboin (Pz:DaPsic oi)
   woose     o           ie s0es1 Bueban (.05%. Oii)
   Yooar     on          ieee woe 11 Busooi(t0rsr. oi)
  Toose      on         ieee ane 151 fuowan (.Drse; o)
   ooss      ons        comsoce anrt. hen
  To_|       ons        .515130 rop {rownFoi RH—DOFSC Halrai]
  To         ow         nsvewnnss roo (rounrin
  foais      on\        oecr (on. roivron. orse, rur Sol 20
  Tass       on         orct (o. TowWFOM Gret Dosbe Sot T2
  Juose      oxna_|     usis:ron (to.scom, 1 28 ns
  lorse      onc_|     Ener—ron (rowinse, t 0412.9)
  Toose—|    on         ieee s0erbwin 24 onz 5652 Me)
  1o0c0—|    ons        icee a0etm wir 24 oi 558. 50 hpal
  tone1      on        ce n0etowir 2 4 oi(DSS11 Mou)
  ooss|      oc        reee sonioh win Gte(OroM 6 hge)
  Joons      h6        ieE 602—1 an Win 5 Git {GFDW.0 hopn)
  Tocer      on        icee 805tham win5 ort (oFont 12 Mepa)
  fo0es|     GaG         ieee s00 1 am Wes Gie (oroM. 10 Mepu)
  1oose      on        Ee son1 tam We 5 Gite (OFDM 24 Mepu)
  Towr       one       ieee ano 1an Win 5 on (orom s Mepu)
  fonse      on        ieee a02—Tam win 5 Gre (orM 40 NMepe)
  Jonse—|    on        ince 600t tamwirs 5 on (orM5t Mepa)
  Toori      on       ieE e02 114 wir 24 one sss/or.0 Wps)
  1o0r2—|    onn      —| ce a0e 114 Wir 24 Gie (DSSSOFOM. 19 impel
  foors_|    onn      ie n00119 Wir2 4 on(DSSwrDM 18 vepe)
  foars      ons      ~|ieee s0#119 Wir24 Gie (DSSWOFOM24 hopu)
  roors      on       ies aoe14 wir 21 one (OSosorow 0 heps)
 10076                ieee sos 114 win 2a one (Dsssoron 1t vepe)
 Toorr                ieE 0stiywin 24 on (Dsorons Mtos
 zon                  comsone i. nen
 Toos>                16511 isse roo(rowWrpitPM—DGR Fulmn)
 10000                crrsroprow. alise, m 6a)
 10007                unrs.ron bisoriy
 toose                uimroo (rournSuvast2)
foose                 Epee:rno (row. arse, mhiox)
 1or00                rerop (sc—romn, ook ro, z0 iz Grsid
 i0ro1                iroo (serown. toos re. zo mtz o.oni8
 1010z                Erernp (scromn. tox n2o uz. scomd
Frorws                Er—Too (scrown. 10w h20 moraiy
 ior0                 ETem0 (Gerown. oo no. 2o mic. oonl
 1or0s                Ere—too (scrom. 0x ho. 2o nine. tomn
 moros                crerpo (scrown. oos re. innne. orsiy

Goriicats No: ©23—3057.tayta                       Page toot 19

                      s is atea                      avtenio on amuneo

              rard          Tean wan es we in oien soar |_ove               |_areor
              weom         Thvo Sdan su ‘porn n ui1ene aal|_ove             |_esiot
              rerm         Tvoros h ae Porny Lntull200 anal |—ovo           |26i01
              recm          Gisan ‘adan so mm anduescon aaar 5va            |cotor
              rerm      TivGs «dn se pewemo anduiscon 2t |_ova              |_setor
              warm      vss w ee ‘peviewo and uiteon 294 |—ova              |vetor
              mm         an w a‘newame andorseon aaa|_ova                   |_cotor
            cssn         Tiors mur out orostooza11|_aw|                     satot
            aosan        (voar mvr i on i viowrse) aas217 |_avo             |_weiot
            aosan          bedo w ¥1 on i \mowros) aarai7           |_wa     |_raiot
            gousn          (move w m1 owa6) ooz217                  aw      |_oaior
            aasan         imvo—er mm 1 viios287002211              |"ava|soor
            corany          Geuo Te ini massslograr1|              avo |_valot
            aosan        tivovey s on 1 vmos—ael aa217             ow |_saiot
            aoran        ivess "mn sn t \mauros) ons317            avo |_eviot
            coran          edo man ssm i vmos—os) aas217|          —avo |—ieiot
            aosain        Tt mm s m 1 ‘vios99) an2211              5vo |—onior
            cosann       Wwore mno. it masse)garary                ovs atior
            carain        imwoet zuim s ‘an 1 io aoa17             |—ov5 |—srior
            coran           beao ~mn s on i vmas 02art              w |—zrior
            coran        Tivoss zin 0. w i \masas) nzar1           Sva |arior
            caran          Gego #v ot m ‘vwioa—ast aasar1          ova |—sriot
            ooran        Tivare m or ‘ai i vmos—os) oaica17        ova |—rrio.
            aoran        Trvom"an or en‘ vwasras) oar217|          ova |_coiot
            aoran          Geao #im ae i1 \masroe) aai—211|        ov> criot
            aoran        Tivers was or on i vmowo) oa.217          |_aw |ieiot
            caran        tivess "svor on i ‘mau—as) ooa11          ava |orior
            goran         _beo Tinor mt osostaga11|                avo |_eviot
            aoran     Tivoue —w +on vios98) 04a1a                  |—avo |—seior
            aosan      Wwosl sw m ne viorsstoaran|                  a!_cior
            aoran        Ge.o min v1 ‘ow svmauas) aozrar1           |_ava   |_cotor
            aoran       Thvecre sys "aw saos viloas) aad217         ava |cotor
            aoran       hven y s‘a s ywaa2eoas21y                  |_ava|—totor
            puren          Dreao miv s‘aw es vmaas) aas211         avo |—cotor
            aosan         Tivrss zn s‘on sos vwas—99) aaarain      ovo |_esiot
            aosan       Wivere Tn o. ‘m snvas2sfdozar1             ove|_esiot
            casan        (ives mm s‘an 0s ‘vwasra6) aas—a11        ovo |_isio.
            coran          Gego ‘min s on on viias ao2ai1          |_ova |_esior
            coran       Thve"#iw 0."‘au es yas9l o2ar1             |—ova |—ssior
            oran          Geao man or en xos vaa—se) oo211|        ova |—retar
            eoran       Whve—re n or en sos vasas) aoi—a11         |_ova |_teior
            coran       Wos mvor en sos vas25)oorar1               ovo |_esiol
            paren         Geeo =n or en wos vaa—oel ooi—a11        ovp |—isior
            esn         Tivorre zin 6c on sos vias26) oo#a11       avo |osior
            aoran       imvoai n o ‘an was vwiau20) ooa11          |—avo |erios
            coran     Tvore mmon seo. VasSnooza11                  |—avo |—erior
            coran     nve—a: ni on woor ‘vnas—90) ooar1            avs |—ariot
            aoran        Deao n i en wool vrios0) aasa11           avo |—srio
            aoran       Tve mm‘ en oot ‘vwaa5)onsar1               |_avo |_rrior
            aaran       tivo01 "wme ‘an soor ‘viau50) ons1         |"avo |_eriot
            aoran          B4 w n sant vias267 ao.217              |_avo |crior
            coran      Wivore sn i ‘an soot viias5) 004213         |~sva |—wiot
            aman      tverar Tw s en woot ‘vindamons211            |ava |ovior
             n           (wetee sw onsboem.inl uis enanal|         ovo      |sriot
             Teviml      livoar hn in oo mt ovrvon aaar|           ova      mriot
              wvm           Giea wdan son onsl ustcon aaar         |—ova    |erior
              w        Wiv@e adwn sei ‘mewame lid e0n a3at|        ova      |otior
              wim       Wwvoor shan va pmevero and con 224[        ovo      |—stior
              mm         bioas sn ser ‘pewiewo asd ust eon aaal    3va      |—rtior
            agran       Tivo—ra man s ‘an sout vasr50) aas—ai1     |_ova    _sviot
            aosan     Wivore Ti 0.‘en woos vivas—as) ao2—211       |—ove    |_erior
            aoran      Iwvoar zm s‘en seMas95) 002211              ovo      |_irior
            coran        breao "man s en oos yivasas)ao2ai1        |_ova    |_oriot
            aosan     tvoa mavo:‘au son vmazse)oo+ai1              ova      |_eoio;
sioc reom                                                         imens—mova

                                  sijoziatea                    evtenismm on emume

  sez se              |_corn        Inyour m m aos mosseroosan|_ow                  |_seen
  wser es             coran           bego m en es viwas99) ao2acy |_ave            |_peent
  ze6r |—ws           ~|—oorin       ego mnor en wos \miaaon onai1 ow               |_fscot
  weer arei|        cormos                4i se men wan‘cos Low aoornmia9 |avy      |—secot
  wser   ose        covevnics                    wd ina oo ou ‘oocevinas |_aw       cocot
  wee+ ons          —|_oovemiad                 swaina eeos ‘cou ‘oovevinad ow      |cmcnt
  se ore            ~|—ooveiao                  simina ‘esos ‘cm ‘oovevinao |_ewy   |_tncor
  wee+|_ins         oovemian                    siming ‘osos on ‘oonevinao |—ave    |—ancor
  so0r      aren          Sia              Weojoma Tanres ma Sed0)Sid        |_wo   |_oreot
  woer      is            Sie               ©o unie mm seaor sn              |_wo   |_erz0t
  weer      in          She                                Drsdo) sna w             |—ucor
  waor      |_oee     wiaom           Ti aaoe shmins vansid oosn |_ava              |_srznt
  wosr       |_wy     widow          6en aaoe ‘s ons vaneil co.tsinn         avo    |_nieot
  woor       se       garan         Dsuo s ‘en oo \mass)aai211|              avo    |orent
  wos7 siou|—aoran                 Tivere mm s en soo. vmas—2e) oar—211 |avs |cocnt
  wger soor   caran                lmos. tm s ‘o soo vmosss) carart |_wo |_event
  wser |_ocs  —coran                 Seao n or‘ow woor vmias aar—a11 |_avo |—racot
  a9er mor    corain               Wivo ww o"aw sn vmasss) aai—211 |_avo |_socnt
  eer as      coan                 Wive; "am 01 "on soot vmaa aat—ar1 |avo |—sacnt
  weer ces    |ooran                  be«o =s on oovas—as at—211 |—ava |—reeat
  #967        aoran                  imvove =vs es nonviaso aorar1 avo ce
  ass:        caran                 TnvorasTw ‘an Xont vios—98) aat—a17 |—avo en
  weer        caran                    bevo m e m oovasa) aai—211 |"ova |—racor
  weer        coran                  Tivers #in un soot vias957aa1—a17 |—9va |—osent
  wes:        coran                 Tnvorat "n €‘an xovias aat—317 |—ovo |—esens
  weer        corain                 beao +1 en on vmas—onl oarcai1 wo |_neeos
  weer        caran               Tiverrs sn on oo ‘viios—Sef aai—2i| ww |—reent
  weer        oorann              invem n i on wioo owa0) aaicar1 |_¥wo |ovent
  wose                                 Greu5 »um st on wos vwas26) aar211 |—ava |ssenr
  woes wor                          Wivoue s stau sos viias28) aat—211 |~va |—rscar
  woer oo                           imvorss "=am s1 n sos \ivas297 aat—a17 ava |escor
  weer io                             Gian‘man o1 ‘aa ns vilaaolaci:211 |—ave |event
  woor tor                          Tivo "zim 0.‘ es vwasDe) aat211 ava |—iscor
  wesr |_ins                        Tnvees "ar t on es vmvas99) aat211 |—ava |—osent
  woos  |_aze                          Ge40 mm s on sos vmasSefaaian1|_vo |_crent
  wee> |sour                          Tiverrs mm s n es vios—56) aai—ant |avo |ereot
  xos        iss                    Invos)zw s on sos vwas—99) a11 avo              |_tren
 weer       oce                       Gego mve n sosvios5soi21|             ova     |_ereat
  %se> wor                         Tivore ‘=n e an sos vmasroul aa—111 |—3vo |srent
  woer soor                        tnvost mm e on xos vwosr96) aa—a11 |_ovo |—renr
  weer |_ore                        Gean #im ri on sos ymas2s) aat—217 |_wwo |_creor
  065| wee                        Tivore n +i on sos ymas aat—a11 o |—creor
  Eocrame c                       inves. "an + ow n ymos29) aai—ann |wo |—crea
  woor ies                             Tisao ziess w 1 vasa6) oar—217 ava |_orent
  wost seor                          Tvoe zim s1 ‘ou 1 ‘vmaa2eaai—311 |_avo |cecot
  wser |_are                         ivoss "man s on i vmaa—an) oai—211 |av5 |—seeot
  Ecraminc                             Seao t m 1 ‘¥na.rost aai—att |—avo |—recol
  woer |sear                         Thivove— Tw o1 "on 1 vwas—ul oo211 |—avo |—secor
  wosr |_ore                         Wivo—at "m on‘ 1 vaaSnaat—art avs |secor
  eer |_ine                             beab mm s‘i vmasas) aai—a11 |avo |—reeor
  woesr sear                           To Th s ‘ani vworrael oi211| avo|—ceenr
  soer ire                            Tivo—a1 "min s on 1 ‘via28) aar—ai1 |~ava |cecnr
  xoer|_are                              beao se en 1 viias5) aat—217 |—ova |—1eror
  w063 scor                           Tivorre w‘ on 1 vwos2saoi—a11 |_ova ocenr
 weer |_we                            Wnvoret "Zw‘s on i vas99) aa1—211 |—ova |eccar
  wosr |_ico                           Gego m 1 "on i vmaurst aar—ain wo |_secor
  won+ acor                         Tivene sn‘ io i mas—os) daiai1| w zo
 oer        |_ore                   invoss in‘ on‘ ‘vwos—as) oat—211| wwo sexot
 xoer iss                                                 Tivasid ao.—sinn |—mvo |secnt
 woer oo                              Tmove mnnosnPm in uison anal|_ovo |_reen.
 woor |ore                             mat en on ‘emens ui ukseoe 234 |_ove |cevnt
 eer |~we                                Sreanwan o1 ‘ponn aid uks con se |_ova |—ceent
 wosr iee                            Wivorve san eai ‘somen 1i ust ooo anal| 3vo |—recn.
 pooralmena                          invoussn‘ or sun infuiteon ana ovo |_oeen.
cioc‘ve fow                                                                 ons —mone

exoovi— susesr                                                                     May 27,20t0
  Te wio_| EnFoo scrounsox ho sime.sromg                              eroo       se Jassx
  foans w ie se16e wiirat pecta, ine, ioionsPUSC)                     wiavw     1205 200%|
  Tasor an ieate 100 WhiAX t16. Sntowic. arsic, Puso, SGTRL           Ww         fesr xao%
  toam w eee woe Tes WiiwiCnis, SnToi. sconit pusc)                   uk        prmecrys
  Tosor wM| e hoe100 WiMD @210Sms, Toulie oA PuSC)—                   w         1se roo%
  Mosos Am."| ie ane 10e WX (1 15. toma. folne. onlPusc16|            wihi      152 a90%
  ass AM ies naeids WbX Bois, Yone, roiicGroAi; Pusc, is              wieK      mar ssa%
  asor ani ies coz16e WhwS B, tine. rownicarsr, puse: h               wik       ran zsa%
  Toaos—| AVC ce mein We pein. rons. rolnz reorit Pos®                wark      fze soo%
  Yos0s w ce adz 10e WiMM en1, tons. touie, 10oA. AMG ard, 10|        WX        vise rso%
L.             aymboi
  Toste w ie sozios ww peis, tone. roune arse. avo ma. ts             wiew      mar zow
  foarn wp_| ure—rno serown roos re. is worsig                        ueroo_|    s0s_| sso%
 foss— am—|penra                                                      oon       promEcrys
Hesi~Law—hooine                                                       en        fas »s0%
  foars wn ies sos tis win 22 Gre (DeSS.1Mip: Sie waygoln             wow        in «sow
 oste win leee e0n 119 wir24 on (enp.ofon. 6 Mips, aipe ouy cra)      WLAN       a50—| rna%
 Toatr MhG iece n00—1 io wir s one (OrOMo Mbys, bpe diy ete)          ww         ase ruo%
 10382—| M| Puso Wavelom (2o0te, 1om)                                 Genere    10007 xo6%
 10354 AM._| Puis Wavetaen(atoe 20                                    Gmere      as weas
 1094 AM_| Puse Wavefom (@doie a0%)                                   Gmore      20| reo%
10358 [¥ Puse Wavelom 00. son)                                        Generc     22| reow
 10350 V Fuse Worelorn(200tz a0%)                                     Geneic     asr—| «oo
 Toser Av| aPSK Wavetom. 1 itz                                        Ganenc     s10| ss6%
 10300—| AM_| OPSR Wavetom 10 hiz                                     Genenc    522| zuo8
 10e AM| 61—A Wanlorn, 100Mz                                          Genene     s2r—| 100%
 10100 AMA~| 6:A Wavelam, 10 Mite                                     Geneic    «27| 008
|oisn Mn ieee aostmwri (roume: 8:Rie oo cral)                         ww        a5r—| uo8
 Toro1 ano| ieee ano nc wir ooSt—anM, oopedut orce}                   wan       w0 2905
 Torss—| Mb ieceanes toe Wir Oc St.GAM tape dut orde)                 ww        as1—| 2008
 ioi Ann comnzoon E.50Rev 0)                                          comsan    |_a7 250%
 Torn: wb courons (nev.00, Rew. A)                                    comenm |_a77 9o%
 1orns w comonRea s0sz. scxoFurFm                                     comson 522—| z90
 To| anr Ettoo (Ge—roiwn1 Re, to hve orai, Oe                         Uemo      7ie £00%
              Subtrane=254.789,Subtame Cont=t
 orm—| w¥ wur oopr. on douee                                          Gae       a5 seax )
 orls—| w ieee aoe 110 vin 2t Gne (DSSS, 1 Wps: Sipe cul syaul        ww         1st 206%
 ore w —| ce so011y wir 221 on(ene—Orom 0 haps.ome uty ic_|           WLAN      an—|aso%
 Tori7—| ANG ce 000tta wirs 5 Grt (orDM, o Mops. tope dut crac)       ww        an—|soo%
 Yorrs ani e sori13 Wiri24 Gite (bws—arpit 6 Ns aive duty eyoe,       WLAN      sn «20%
              Lang prormbut)
 Torm~| Aa iece ooe 110 wiri 22 6i (DSSS—OFDW Wers. Sive ony eyan.|   WW        n raaw
              Short pmombuly
 T08z AAB_| cce a00.11 (T Greonfal72 Nps. arog                        wow       12| ssa%
 1otzs—| ANG Ece 600in(Greonfald135 ts 160A                           wow       sar—| 256%
 o M EEE 600711iT Gmeonteit 722 WopeStoAt)                            ww        s40—| xo6%
 10125 AAG_| EEE 600.11 O Gmentad, 15 s B5                            ww        aa1_|   a00%
 1oize M 1Eee 800 1n (rT Gmenteld 90 Wps16OAM)                        ww        wis—| 2s0%
 oter wb ieee 600in (iT Greantals 150 MboeGt—0na)                     wow       an1~| reom
 ols wio—| LreFoo (orom. s ue Em a                                    ueroo—|_am—| zoo%
 torsi wb LreFbo (orons 10 ic E—rm54                                  terbo     |am~| »s0%
 Norss~| wc~| LrEFbo (orown. 1s ie E—riea1                            terbo—|au~| xsa%
 Tors anc Lre—rv0 (oroun 20 wE050                                     uEns      |"asi~| «a0%
 Toise A ¥W—CDWM Bs Test Wea1 ot brory                                weous     —|a0—| «s0%
 Yoiss wir ETeroo sc—romn. i na,20 hine arar, ut                      temo      nc rs0%
 Tour_| ¥6—| LreFno (oroun.aiz E57 Gipng ang                          uemo      Ts sse%
 ors—| wb LrEFpo (orown. 10 ies E7i 3, Gion en                        terbo     ts sse%
 iséie w Le—roo (orow ts h: E—TM 31. C s4%)                           trerbo    [fi xoo%
 1oiso Mc Le—roo (orowA20 Mc E—7h 3 1. Goong i)                       trerbp    7as «sa%

Coniate No: Ex32067_Mayto                  Pase tsot to

 ©covi—susssr                                                                                                      May 27.2010
  mis:                                                    WCDlBS Test Ned1, 6 DEGH. Gipmmg 150               Ts       zon
  orse                                                    ieE h0 ies w(Tooiie—GAM iipe day cxia]             C        ud
 |over                                                    uis roo (pcxsomn                                            z908 |
  roise                                                   comson (mev—00, hes. B.2 camian)                   ase      Fouss
  To                                                      COMRz00é (1aE¥—50,Rov.6.3 camiem)                  a2s      z9%,
  oico                                                    untsrn0 weown nury                                 25       2005
  o1                                                      uTeT50 (Gc—roma h. ratz arsc ut                    Tee      z06%
  woree                                                   uTe00 oow iRe; 1 wiz. 150AUc                       azo      smak
  rorms                                                   CEoo (sorows, i Re:va M 6touC                     ase       risk
  rois                                                    uTeTo (oc—rol. 1 RB3 Wtz GrScU                     7ae      rmaw
  oses                                                    ETETDb (Sc—rblew 1 h83 hite, 10—U                 as       weew
  yorme                                                   uTeT00 (Sc—row n3 imz or—omuC                     asr      rmow
                                                          Subtremes2247 89)
  rorer                                                   ETEmo (Sc—rom 1 R& s Wz Grsx UC                   Tar      zes
                                                          Suiteme=2347 09
  Torse                                                   vTET00 (Ge—rim 1 Ra;s ymz io—onluC                ase      o
  soxes                                                   uTemo (sc—r ow\ i Re:s iz sr—omuc                 ase      zo8
  rove                                                    uTeTop (6croi Re. 10 Niz GPSC U                   Te       reak
 Tin                                                      uTeTo (Sc.rown. i Re. io Ne 10—ouc                aae      zesn
                                                         Subtemes2a47 0 0)
 To                                                      vTe—Too (sc—roi 1 Re: t z. soouC                   asr      zos
 oars                                                    vTe—mo coi i e is mz onsut                         Tas      zas%
 d                                                       crE—rD0 (So—row 1 Re, is vie, 16— o0uC             aa       zos%
 Toirs                                                   uTetoo (sc—rowh, i he. is yz ea—ommut              asr      zesn
 Toarr                                                   LTE—To0 (scromn,1 R&20 Miz16—GMU                   aae      zaok
 Toare                                                   vre—mo oowie ns si—onuC                            aar      raew
 og                                                      vre—m(Sc—rows si% Re.ta tne: rsrcut               T         zos%
 rosmo                                                   uTE—ro0 (6c—roiso% Ra1a imz tson ut               are       zaan
 To                                                      tTe—to0 scrows so re: i me, sromm ut      tremo   was       zoa%
                                                         ceton (Sc—row son Re seonsut              temo    Tm        zow
 Tess                                                    vre—ro0 (so—roms son RB. S e 15 Ghik U    tiemo   aa        raaw
 Tor                                                     tTEon scroisoi e s imz cr—ont ut          tems    aar       rsas
 Toms                                                    LTe—o (sc.roi Sov hS Sm GPSC U            tremo   75        reaw
 Tess                                                    creton (sc—rowsow ha. Sm 1e—ont, it       temo    ass       zea%
 Tesr                                                    tre—Ton (Go.rpe, S0% RsS hkGr—ar; it      temo    aeo       zas%
                                                         Sutame=234759) _
 rorse                                                   uTeTo e—roim, s na, ramne, arsic ut       tems    770       zae%
 moame                                                   vTe—mo scow son re: o ue. reoantun        tremo   as       eosk
                                                         Sitine2sa7 00
 roamo                                                   vTe—T00 so.rbin, so e io mz sronitu.      temo    ase       zoss
                                                         Sutine=234 789
 ow                                                      tTE—t00 (Sc—roma sav Re is yc arsut       temo

          hhR dGggGgd¢¢d{iii{{{{{:i{{{gd?? : } SEEEEE:
                                                                                                           T7a       zes
Corticate No: EX3—3057.Mayto                                                       Page t« to

                                          at jost ateg                   sifenrsee mc on snn

  kose        wa         ww              nle o aies oson mmon camserrzon saar|_owy            |_resor
Lnser         weo       recm            (omle fins sdes ‘eson To) cam Sevt eon aaal|   ow    |_ecvor
  wose        se         hevim           mtfi stes sson ‘ranoe cam snv1 con aaal|ovv           |cxsot
  wosr        |sre       wom             Tols ostes uson wanoe)cam setseon s|owv               |—insor
  wos+        se        ww               onlfi stes son inod cam sevteon s1 ow                 |ecsar
  woor        |—weo     wvim             Tsl hro ies eson—aimon) cam nevscon aaal|"ovy        |eesor
  woer        |—its     hi               (oele hi sdses onoc uim sovseon aaal| c              |_eevot
  w903       |_are      wom              Tonls tine atce "ssom ‘rroe) am sets ean234 |—ewy    |acvor
  xosr        |_seo     c                Toale tne ates ‘osan ‘eriae) ram sevrenn 222| vy     |sreur
  woor        |—its     wem      TastJn tss «tm se wasoleno a um imireon 239| ow¥             |revor
woes          |aoe      wem      olfi adgn se ue waso) o o aim tcon 34 ow                      |crvor
  woo5        |_wa      wvm      Te in iss w vs wouo) ao s ram uetsenaal|_avy                 |_2rsor
  wosr        t07       recm     TomoJim ades ‘wan e wasol o s mm wwesseon 23|_ovv            |_tevor
  o+          |—as      hecm,    olsfi ades se ntwoso)rhe s im wett con 213| ow                |_orsor
  w97         se        hm       ols in adeo ‘sdaw a1 wlms um west con aaal|— ow              |orsor
  woer        |_ire     wom       Tals hn ai wen a waso! ms im is con aaat |_wwv              |—misot
  woer        iss       ww        Tols fi atan wu1 Ssnal mo e wam avt200 2 |_vw               |risor
  weer        i9        recim    Toat To adss slan os ‘sesa) mo #ut ats200 2241 |_vwv         |_olcot
  weer        ie        im         ols Tiades ‘wan e sesal m‘¢ cam a oo 2|— ww¥               |—sioot
  weer|       sre     coran             in wvose man oz ‘an woot viosros) on _avy             risot
                                                                    Te rveccommns
  woss        we      aosin             anwoss riwoe en soo veos9siooian aw                   |_cisos
                                                                    h eve comine
  wos:)       wy      coran               in »swo mmorm oo vwasosiaoi—an|_aw                  cisor
                                                                    ©aive comie
  osr)        iss     oorsn             in mwo+s mwsi ‘ewsoor veos9sooran|_aw                 |_visor
                                                                    e eve comime
  moss       ors      |_ooran           mnwwost mss ‘susoo vasasiooian)_aw                    oisot
 ees         ez       coran               in »sao maws ‘ansoor vasos)aai—an _aw               socor
 xosz)       se       aoran             in woe in ol ‘as soor veos—os) oor—a1                 soon.
                                                                    ©hive ces
 woer        see      aoian             anwoas mutot io vios09) oat—ain                       z050.
                                                                   We vecomiane
 weer|       wy       coran               in jso zo. ‘misioo, vias39cor—a                    sosot
 woes        io       cosn               on wvons zns ‘an oo vmas9s)aoi—a|_aw                sooo
 se )        iss      coran              an vvornss ‘em woot vmou—as) aav—ar1 |_avy          |_rosot
 woer|       ww       aman                 in veao wavs ‘ow woor voras) oi) |_awy            cosor
|xser|       ae       corn               anwote ze ‘on soos vosras) oi|_avy                  cosor|
 sez         we       caran              an vo1w e ‘om soor viouros)anai) |_avy               tosot
                                                                   TWe rvec—amime
 woer        zor      ooran                an ymwo—ziw e en woot vos99) aoi—s17 |_ave        ooo
 woer        se       coran            in iwooe mm i ‘as oo vnouros) aai—ai1 |_vy            |_oorot
                                                                   To £veccoumions
 xosez       ore      ooran            an vos;wl ‘ou woot veasas) oi|_vwy                    oorot
 xees|       w04      aoran              in 2sao sir 1 on oo vioe9s) amr—arn |_vwv           |__rovot
                                                                   tov 2ecomims
 wser        ie       |coran             in wvose m or es wos vwouos) carar1 |_aw            |_ooros
 xser        ie       coran              in wyo—asman oz ‘anse mou—os) aareart |_aw          |_soras
 woes        we       oorant               n wsgo zm or on sos vnas—os) aauary avy           rovot
                                                                   ©aryecomine                   wl
 xosr|       sse      coran              an‘wyo—sen s ‘aw se vitaaros) aoicar7 |_aw          covor
                                                                   @a rvecoumine
 xoesl       is       coan               1n wwost mm t ‘on xo viceros) aai—sin |_aw          |_corot
sio tz fom                                                                             imens—move

                       t poratea                       evtenisemec on nmsmo

see   mow     TeJn ains wen »e wouo) mo o ram uetren asar ow                |_resot
ore   recm    l fro alos shan a1 wWouo) o a tam unis en anal| ow            sesot
ore   ww      ts fro alos wan 2‘nouo) ao s uim uni120 anal |_awy            |_sosor
ce    wom      Teal Iraads wan a wouo) awo s ram wett zon aa ow             resot
we    hm       Torls tingsdee‘wien awosole o cam wec1eon249 |_ove           |—cover
we    recw    Anodns ‘wdon se wagosseal n re m S.i ns |_vow                 coso
see   nvm     Ane adon ‘sdow or wao—sssal 39 +2 wmlu‘mlsz            voy    insor
sce   wom     mmmwwwmsa)mrzumeumTEg                                  vaw    ousor
see   wem     wm"dflvz'mmwnmflnm(?‘%                                   ww     sisor
ore   sorim   e oi dn as eneairone in busnnstt                      ow      w
ave   weeim   Are ados ‘sdaw 21 ‘waso—sesa e iz Lam 9.s m(g         vor}    uisor
coe   wevm     wmwammswwvzuuflum(fi                                   vor     orsor
sse   ww       Ane ados‘sdaw a —sseal rio 1x fam Sus zon saat       www     |_sesor
en    wom     TinlSnaatos se 1 ‘Sesa m e tm ais oo anal             |—vw    |—nesor
set   wom     Tralro stas ww s ‘sesalmio +e uim alt aoanal          |_vw    |ersot
wi    wevm     Te Jreados sden e ‘sesal mio 1‘e uim ais en asal|    VY      |_ersot
wei   werim    Te To ados sdan 1 ‘Sesal mo e im at m(.sgz‘l         var     uzsor
ces   rerim   Arosdss ‘sdan‘se ssea) o w im Brient amar             |_vww   orsor
ove   wum     Aroados ‘sdaw ar wwsm)wnvmflumlfig                      vow     sosot
ie    mvim    Aroades ‘sdan oe wouo—sssal z0 ¥z Lam fluzm(’agl;;     ww      sosot
co8   rem     Aire adas‘wdan ve waso—sesal ayo vrum 0; +—z09 zs     www     |_eosot
se    mm      |___Arvoden ‘sdan es woso—sseal mo re uim Ocrzne aaan|_vww oosns
sre   wem     Are ades ‘sdaw 2s wersor—ssal sn vz cam O.s zon aaa |_vwv‘ socot
      ww       Are des ‘sdan e sosal mo wz tam Bs zon aaa |_vww |__sosot
      wew             e ho aise ‘acom moni) ram sette00 aa ow |_eosot
      wow               Tslfre stes ‘eson rravoot} uim aetioo anal |—ovy |_eosor
      wom               Tond Iro stas vsow mnonlram ae.1 con aaal|ow |_tosor
      werm              Toe stee ‘oon mnoni cam se con aaal|owy |oosor
      mm                Tonl tretee sson menons cam se               Swv|essor
      w                 Tanls ®r=tee ‘eson manoot) um se             w |—tssor
      wom               Tonl tnp es esow mnonl cam se                5w |sesor
ire   mm            fasl fro see son mevon am Sn                     5w sssor
we    wom               fomie iose tean inon}i se oor 29| on‘ |—resnt
sre   wrim               Toml Ipatea eson mnos m ant on anal |—avy |essor
tre   hrm                To Anpsdes ‘weon ol uim se i 2o a |uvy |—essot
we    nm                 Taale frostee seon amonl im Sets eo aal |_avy |iesor
io    ww                 Crle fro ates ‘eeon =nvool wl ns en anar |_ovv _onsot
rea   Nw                 onl Enades rean entm Set1 con anr| uy |ersot
ore   ww                 Tal o stes on mnou aim se con anal| ow |—trcor
seo   mm                 Tol Anesdbs on manon im sei zon anal |avv |—arsor
wa    mm                "ConleTre aden sson =nou cam n reo anal |avv |sroo
we    mm                 To io Sden‘osoit manonuim aet on aal ewy |—rrsor
se    nvm                Tonls n se ‘eson mno) im sez00 aaal |—avy |—croor
se    mm                 onlfi sies eson mnorl uim i1 goo aal |avy ersor
we    mm                 Tomls frostes "teon mmor]uim set en anal|evy uyso
we    hm                 Ts fre eson rnmor) im ant1200 asal|_avy |_orsot
wo    wim                To To ies eson mnorcamSe1 con aaa |—@vv |—eesor
wo    ww                 oo hrosdes ‘eson anor wam Set1too anal ow 2ooo
«o    ww                 lRro sioe ‘eeon rrvr tam Set1 eon aar |avy sesor
we    wom                Tomls To Sten"imon mnor) uim setscon anal |_ovv —sesat

exaove— sansr
  osms      hn eE sorrian We on iOFDNL 36 ups Spe any aice)          wow
  Yosea     m ieE ao2 i tat Win 5 Gte (OFDM 18 Ves O0peduty crcl)    ww
  tosso     wha ieee ene1 in win 5 art (€OM S¢ Mpe,S0pe uty exce)    wow
  osor~|    whn e e0e 1(17 o. 200i, MGSO Stpc uy rcl)                wow
  Yosne     whn iE 602 in (T Med. 206. MGS1, 0nc ty te)              ww
  fouss     Mn iece a02in (T Mwed, 2c MGSz sope tuy te)              wow
  fosoe     Ahn TEEE 60211 (RTMaed,20bt; MGS® S0pe uy erce)          wow
  oune      wan ie602 1t(Mmed. 2obiicMGSA,90vecutyo)                 ww
  Yosse     Mn iEEE 6021 (HT MndtRtbe: NGSSaupe uty crce)            wow
  fosur     Wnn 16e won11 (T Mans, 2ob MGSG Supe uy exce)            wow
  tosan     wAic 021(HT Mmnd, Pouic, MCST, supe ty orde)             ww
  sosen     wan ie ton1i(T Mmnd,douinc. MGS0 o0pe oi)                wow
  tos0s     An6 i6E 021 (HT Mvnd dobc: MCS1,G0pe uty orde}           ww
 Hosor      hn ie 6021t (TMc atult: MCSP 0pe uty ce                  wow
 Tosee      MA i6E 602 in (fT Mawd.dotlc MGSX o0pcuyote)             ww
 Hoe0s      w 1EEE noz11(T Mn d0ut: WGSA:S0pe uty ce                 wow
 Tosos      an iE hoz1 (HT Mana dth: WGSS Sope auy orce)             ww
 Toeas      mt EeE 60g11 (RT Mn d0hine.MGSG s0pe uty xc              ww
 oade       hhb i6602in(iT hMred, d0tins. MGST,Sope avyoxde}         wow
 ocar           han —ieee soatiae Wie GouinsM
                                            50,Sove auty crcy        wow
 Tovee      Aan ~|iEEEaostine win Gownc Mest soveoy crou)            wow
 1os0n      Mn ic n02Ftas Wir (20uns MGS2t0pe dut orde}              ww
 1osr0      t i6E 0Fac We GoMie, MGSS S0peduty orae}                 wow
 fosts      AAG i6 ao2Hae We (20ue. MGSA Sope duly oye)              ww
 1osrs|     Aan ie a021ineWiri@0 MGSS Sove dcrel                    wow
 osrs       hn e nont taeWir oob MGSO o0ve auty crae)               ww
 oove       n inee a0%twin (Poite. MGSr toveorin)                   ww
 Tosrs—|    mn ie a02t tae Wir 20c MGSH0e cuty orde}                wow
 fosre      w ieE aoe10e Wis Aoine MGSO o0ge uty oyae}              wow
 Toorr      hn ie Soaies Wir oi MGS1tupe out orde}                  wow
 oo—|      hn ~i€€E io11eWis ioi« MGSa_ooge utcyoe)—                ww
osie        w ic€e 802tW(dOWiz MGS® 5e ty ee)                       wow
 formn      in iet on Hac WCdOWiHs MGSA S0ge dut cyel               wan
 1ose1      w iece ooThWin (d0wite MGSStope dutyorde)               wan
  oses     hn ie nos‘ttae wirdonnc, MGSe:a0ve utyo)                 wow
 Yores     Anl icEaosTc Win (doite MGSr. Sopeduy orin)              ww
 ocas      Ae icee a05 tWe (d0iic MGS® Sove uty arte}               wow
 osas      i i€cea0%tee W (dob: MGS® 0ouy ore}                      wow
 Hosee     e 16eE 0021c W (doii: MGS0: 0e utyo)                     waw
 Hover     Ane—| ic 002tnc We (douic MGST. Sope utycce              wow
 Hosrs     Ane ic€€ a0e1eW (Row: MGSo:0pc uty rce)                  wow
 Josen     in ieE oothaeW (towite MGS® Sope outycran}               wow
 Jorsn     wan ieee noa.ttaeW (dowis, MGS4 oo duy cil               ww
 is1       w iea0ac1 e Wiri. MGSo. 05e duty ic                      wow
 Toess     Ain ieee o5tine W(doub,MGSove duty ici)                  wow
 dosas     in ieFea0st nc Win (dob: MGST, top duy ce                ww
 wosas     w icee aos tae W (tovite MGS® Sope uy o)                 ww
 iss       ane iea001 tae wir B0 eSoa0gccity crce)                  wow
 wosas     Mc itE 802tW (100Ms MGS0Otp dut crde}                    wow
 worar     MG itc 002tiee We (16olte. MGSt Stpe ouy cran)           ww
 iosse     c i€Fe a0e1e W (1oowe. MGSe O ouy o)                     wow
 Hosan     Ane it€E 002 TcWe (1towite MGS®Stv cuy onin}             wow
 oo        AG ince 80teeW (1ooue. MGSt Stpe ouy crin)               wow
 wnsar—|   Ne ieee 000 viee wiri citoie,MGss ow ouy crin)           woaw
 ioors     wne ieee aoot taewir (iool: MGSe, c ouy crcl)            ww
 osrs      Ane ieee aoo1 tae wir (oie: MGSr, Bduy yce)              wow
 Hosea     wC igte mttae w(idobite MGSn oweoun syae)"               w
 Hosas_|   wne. ieve anatiae W ooube, MCSS, e duty ide)             wire
 inss      anr Lre—t00(—Foiin 1 RB. s we, oS UtSubtenen7)           uEd
 oser      ane Ere—roo (Gc—roun 1 hB 20 MeG. orew, Ut Subtame27]    LTE—T00
 isie      AnX_| coRzint (ix Advanced)                              ES
 osse      M cre—tmo (OFow. s unc ETi 37, Cioang«080                weio
 1ass      ano LTe—Too(Ortn 10 NeE—th 31, Gioing rk)                temo
 josse     o Cr—ro0 (OFDMA 16 M E—7M3 1. Giponed%)                  tremo

Cettcate No: EX3—3057_Mayto                  Pass tr o to

exaove— sansr
  moass      we EnEto jorpn 2 Wez ET31 Gipnga0%)             uemo
  10658      M FuseWaretom(@ot, 10%)                         Tes
  10650      AM_| PuiseWevefom (200te 20%)                   Test
  10000      AM—| PuiseWavetom (200te a0%)                   Test
  1001       AAA—| Puise Wvefom (2t0c 0)                     Test
  10002—|    AMA—| FuisWivetom (2o0c b0%)                    Test
  10670—|    AAA_| Bitcat Low Ene                            Emm
  0sn1       n Tea001 m« oo HGSG Sope uy orde}               ww
  1ours      hA Te 60e 1taxGolic. MGS1 Sope utsye)           ww
  Tours|     0A TeE 600 m Gonite MGS2 tope uty cyon)         ww
  Torrd      AM_| 1eE 0021ns Gouite MGS3 sope c orae}        wow
  Yours      hA TeE a021tax (20lite MGSe. Sopecuy sye}       wow
  foure      M ie 602tm (20Wie MGSS t0peuty orde}            wow
  Yourr      hi ie n00°tax Goomite MGSe t0pe aiySran}        ww
  Yours|     MA Te 602ta G20ite, MGST.O0pe c orde}           wow
 Toere      Av.| ie a0e 1xonz MGSA‘oope duy yc               w
 oate        w¥ ieee a0o1x oc MSn.a0pe uy orde)              wow
  foons     nA ib sosstox Goliic, MG10 sope ul erde)         wow
 Taees—|    A¥A._| ie 600‘t as Goutic MGS11,90pe duycrcte)   ww
 Toats—|     AM~| EeE 6021 as 20c MGSO, bope ty rae)         ww
  Yoone     000 i6E Son1 tax(r0bie, MGS1, We d sil           ww
 omm        hh Te 600. tax oc MGS2 oopecuy i)                wow
 osas       w eE 6021taxoc MGSa aupe uty ce                  wow
 Toser      MA eE 6001 ax Golite MGSA Sope uy cxo)           ww
 oc         w ie 6021tax (@0uMe MGSS           uty rde}      wow
 foses      w ieE e02 1 tax (2olec MGSe Sope uty rde}        wow
 10000      hi e e001tax Gouite, MGST oupecuty erae}         wow
 1oce1      ww ieE #00—rtmx (eolke. MGSHoipe uty crde)       ww
 1oona      hi 1E 600‘ton (eouiec. MGSn aope utyerde)—       wow
 Yosgs      w Te 6021tax (20lie. MGS10,oapeuy xc             ww
 Yoae       w¥ TEE 6021n (20lie. MGST 1otpeutycrde)          ww
 Youse      w0 16e 6021toxtiovite MGS0,dopecuty erae)        wow
 Toise      AM.|ce 60tm (dobie, MGS1, tpe uy exde)           wian
 Tosor      wwA ie anotaw ons 52 oupe ty rcl)                wow
 Tom~|      wui t a0e1i« (dotnc MGSS:Sope uy x)—             woaw
 1oras      hi e ano 1 tm (dotinc MGSeo0pe uty cte)          ww
 zoreo      hn e ane 1tox olz MESS sope uy d                 ww
 aro1       hi 16e a0ens dobnc MGSn t0pe uty crce}           wow
 Yoree—|    hn ie noe 1tax (d0Mie, MGSr_oope uty erce}       wow
 sores      w ie w001tax (dotez MGSH oopecuty oole)          wow
 Horos      MA 1€E 6001mCdowiie MGSn oopecuty cxie}          ww
 ores       Ahn Te 605fax oiMGS10,sope uty crde)             ww
 Yoros      MA 1EEE 602‘o (doMiHe MGS11 t0pe utyx)           wow
 Yoror      w0 ie anet Ldotnc MGSo,dipe uy era)              wow
 Yoros      uhn eee s00 n« dowite MGS1 ooped exde}           wow
   aros     A ieee 60e1e« donc: MGSa:aape duy ol             ww
   m        Ahn_| ieE 600tm (tobs, MCS3, Sipe cuy acle)      ww
   orii     w ie ano1tax dotins; MESA: oape uy rce)          ww
 Yarre_|    MA iE tas io (dowite MGSS Sope duy orde}         ww
 Toris—|    w ieee a001 ns douins eSo,sope tay cte)          wow
 Tarie|     M eE 6001tm(douine: MES7,aipe uy ce              wow
 aris       Mn e a00t ue oc MGSn oipe uty cce                wow
 orie       hi in anoo doninc MGSn tope cuy ote)             won
 oriy       AMK ic #o2ie(iolinc, MGS10,oipe utycydel         ww
 Yorm       n iere onsim (rowite MGSTT tipe cutycyae)        ww
 oris       i |e #001tm (hotns. MGS0,bape uty ete)           wow
 Horze—|    M 16E 60@ 1tm (6oWhe, MES1,Sope uty )            wow
 Hores      hi Th600n (Goine, MGS2 tope cuyce                wow
 torza      w0 enoo1t (WobieMGSasope uty l                   wow
 rares      hn ins02in Gooine, CSA tope cuty ce              ww
 Torme      wA ieee aontrae (ohe: WGSs, 0nc duy ic           waw
 Torzs      WA —| ce6071 o (oohns: WeSo,o0pe oay ste)        wow
 roree      MnA i6E noa‘m (oowite, MGSr Sope utye            man
 Torar      hh    TeE 600To (oouhc, MGSA, 0pe ty acde)       ww

Ceriteate Ne ©X3—3057_Mayto                   Page ie otto

exsovs— sumsr                                                                          May 27, 2008
  roree       w      TeE non—ies rowne Mess Sope aay cyanl            wow          s5|ros%
  Yarze—|     hn     e m0e 1tm (dolrc MGS10.sopeuy ce                 wow          aor zons
  orso        hi     iE noe1 t(honite MGS11o0pe ty exc)               wow          aor
  torss       hi     ien0€i tm (dowite MGSo,iope dut orae}            wan          w42     .
|orae         wia    iece 0s tax (doui MGS1, ope duy crc)             ww           aso o0%
  aras—|      w      ieE 602‘n (Oobte: MGS# tope uy orde}             wow          wao—| z00%
  aras        m      ie non t (Bobt: MGa Bape dht crde)               wow          u2| uon
  orss        w      ~|1EEE Son 1 tox(BoM: MGSA. t0pe cliy cyce}      wow          ass 908
  aras        w      ieE 602 tiox (Bone: MGSS Yope duy ce)            wow          a27—| a90%
  orar        ww     ie a0e 1 tax (Gouie: ESn oupe uycyal)            ww           a50—| zoo
  rors        hn     ieed02 tm (OoWi, MGSr Gopedut crin)              wowe         a12—| zu0%
  orie        w      iea0e 1t (houieMGSeoope uycye)                   wow          a20—| anew
  1oreo_|    w       ie ane1n GGobicMess oope ccr}                    wow          sas—| reo%
  tore       w       6 a02 n (Aowite MGs10. ouve avy ce               wow          s10—| roo%
(Froree—|    w       ict ooHiex (dowie MGST1ope dut ordo)             wow          a6—| so%
  Toris      Av\—|   ieee aootm (1000e, MGSO: 0pe culy xc             ww           aar 200%
  Tares      ww      icee a0o im ro0ubz: weSn,uove wercl)             wow          u15| cno%
  Toris—~|   A       ie hoe1 tax (1o0Mne: WGSa:ope ty erce)           wow          ans—| 2008
  Tarie      w       ce hor t us (1otbine, WESo:bope duyeyce)         wow          a11 as0%
  on—|       _       ieE nne1 taxCroounc:wGSa, aopecce                wow          sor—| <a0%
  1orae      w       ie anen Creotins woSs,sope uy erc)               wow
  1oris|     MV      ce a00‘ tm (Jeavine: M690,o0ve uty erae)         wow
  arso—|     M       TeE 6021e (1o0uic MGsr.o0pe ty erde)             wow
  tors       w       e a0e1tox(ieouic esn‘ sope cyol)                 wow
  arse       hi      ie s00tm(ie0Mne, MeS0O0pe ty x)                  wow
  orss|      w       inee sontm (roomie MGS10,oope cuy ve)            wow
  arse       w       eee aoai0« (1oobineMGSt1,a0pc uy evc)            wow
  Horss      hn      Th son tm (ieotic MesdSupe uy cyce)              wow
 Jurse       w       ieee 6021 m (Toovinz: WGSN,sope tuy ece)         wow
  oree       wan     tE doat im(ioobnc McSa oipe uty cyae}            wow
  sorsa      hn      ie Bon 11x (1o0Mbc MGsa oupe uy eyde)            wow          se
 arsa        w       ie a00‘1 tm (160bc: WGSA, ave cuy exce)          wow          as sso%
 oreo        wha     Te 6n1ta (160nins mss aape duy exce)             ww           promiecry‘
 orer        W       Te 60s1tox (1eotc HSn:aupe uy orce)              won          am—| «oo
 ores        WhX_|   Te 602Vn (idabnis MGST Snpe hy crce              won          a40 an0%
 Hores—|     u.      Te60etm (160Mie MGSnoupe ty crde)                wow          am—| roan
 ore         w¥      Te s02‘f in (160MieMGSO:vupe ty rae)             wow          as ceon
 fores       w       TEE 60e‘n (160Mke MGS10, 9pe uyoyael             woww         as| rsom
 oree        wha     ie nontox(100uiMe MGS11, 0pe y epce)             wow          aa1~| reow)

"Libertart is dtemnin ngha m ndatn e Inan essers aestng rncng dushsten and s mormintfr the ue of e

Corticam NoEx3057.Mayt9                             Page 19 or o

Document Created: 2019-11-06 13:46:10
Document Modified: 2019-11-06 13:46:10

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