Test Report

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            FCC DFS Test Report                                                 Report No. : FZ921903-02

                                           DFS Test Report
      APPLICANT                        :   Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
      EQUIPMENT                        :   Mobile Phone
      BRAND NAME                       :   MI
      MODEL NAME                       :   M1903F11G
      FCC ID                           :   2AFZZ-XMSF11G
      STANDARD                         : FCC Part 15 Subpart E
      CLASSIFICATION                   : (NII) Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure

      The product was received on May 24, 2019 and completely tested on Jun. 08, 2019. We,
      Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc., would like to declare that the tested sample has been
      evaluated in accordance with the procedures and shown to be compliant with the applicable
      technical standards.
      The test results in this report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample. Without written
      approval of Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc., the test report shall not be reproduced
      except in full.

        Reviewed by: Jason Jia / Supervisor

       Approved by: James Huang / Manager

                               Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.
No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone Jiangsu Province 215300
                                People’s Republic of China

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               FCC DFS Test Report                                                                                          Report No. : FZ921903-02

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

REVISION HISTORY.......................................................................................................................................... 3

SUMMARY OF DYNAMIC FREQUENCY SELECTION TEST.......................................................................... 4

1    GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 5
      1.1       Applicant ........................................................................................................................................... 5
      1.2       Feature of Equipment Under Test .................................................................................................... 5
      1.3       Product Specification of Equipment Under Test ............................................................................... 6
      1.4       Modification of EUT .......................................................................................................................... 6
      1.5       Testing Site ....................................................................................................................................... 6
      1.6       Applied Standards ............................................................................................................................ 7
      1.7       Support Unit used in test configuration and system ......................................................................... 7
2    REQUIREMENTS AND PARAMETERS FOR DFS TEST .......................................................................... 8
      2.1       Applicability of DFS Requirements ................................................................................................... 8
      2.2       Interference Threshold values, Master or Client incorporating In-Service Monitoring ..................... 9
      2.3       DFS Response requirement values .................................................................................................. 9
      2.4       Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms ............................................................................................... 10
3    CALIBRATION SETUP AND DFS TEST RESULTS ................................................................................ 11
      3.1       Calibration of Radar Waveform ...................................................................................................... 11
      3.2       In-Service Monitoring: Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission Time and
                Non-Occupancy Period ................................................................................................................... 13
4    LIST OF MEASURING EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................ 19


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            FCC DFS Test Report                                                  Report No. : FZ921903-02

                                          REVISION HISTORY

   REPORT NO.           VERSION                             DESCRIPTION                     ISSUED DATE

   FZ921903-02           Rev. 01       Initial issue of report                               Jul. 08, 2019

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            FCC DFS Test Report                                                      Report No. : FZ921903-02


     UNII                                 Description         Measured                Limit                Result
                    and Channel

                                       Channel Move Time      752.825ms              10 sec                 Pass
                                                               <200ms +            200 ms +
UNII Band 2-C         (CH106)           Channel Closing
                                                                 2.4ms      aggregate of 60 ms over         Pass
5470-5725MHz          5530MHz          Transmission time
                                                              (aggregate)    remaining 10 s period
                                        Non-Occupancy       No transmission
                                        Period and Client     or Beacons          30 minutes                Pass
                                          Beacon Test          occurred
     Note: Since the product is client without radar detection function, only Channel Move Time, Channel
     Closing Transmission Time and Non-Occupancy Period Test are required to be performed.

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            FCC DFS Test Report                                                  Report No. : FZ921903-02

1 General Description
1.1 Applicant
       Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
       The Rainbow City of China Resources,NO.68,Qinghe Middle Street,Haidian District,Beijing,China

1.2       Feature of Equipment Under Test
                                                  Product Feature
        Equipment                             Mobile Phone
        Brand Name                            MI
        Model Name                            M1903F11G
        FCC ID                                2AFZZ-XMSF11G
                                              WLAN 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n HT20
        EUT supports Radios application       WLAN 5GHz 802.11a/n HT20/HT40
                                              WLAN 5GHz 802.11ac VHT20/VHT40/VHT80
                                              Bluetooth BR /EDR/ LE
                                              FM Receiver / GNSS
        IMEI Code                             865110040181590/ 865110040181608
        HW Version                            P2.2
        SW Version                            MIUI 10
        EUT Stage                             Identical Prototype
       Remark: The above EUT's information was declared by manufacturer. Please refer to the specifications
       or user's manual for more detailed description.

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1.3       Product Specification of Equipment Under Test
                                  Product Specification subjective to this standard
  DFS Function                                     Client without radar detection function
                                                   5260 MHz ~ 5320 MHz
  Tx/Rx Channel Frequency Range
                                                   5500 MHz ~ 5700 MHz
                                                   <5260 MHz ~ 5320 MHz>
                                                   802.11n HT20
                                                   802.11n HT40
                                                   802.11ac VHT20
                                                   802.11ac VHT40
                                                   802.11ac VHT80
  EUT support WLAN function
                                                   <5500 MHz ~ 5700 MHz >
                                                   802.11n HT20
                                                   802.11n HT40
                                                   802.11ac VHT20
                                                   802.11ac VHT40
                                                   802.11ac VHT80
                                                   802.11a/n : OFDM (BPSK / QPSK / 16QAM / 64QAM)
  Type of Modulation
                                                   802.11ac : OFDM (BPSK / QPSK / 16QAM / 64QAM / 256QAM)

1.4       Modification of EUT
       No modifications are made to the EUT during all test items.

1.5       Testing Site
       Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc. is accredited to ISO/IEC 17025:2017 by American Association for
       Laboratory Accreditation with Certificate Number 5145.02.

        Test Firm                      Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.

                                       No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone
                                       Jiangsu Province 215300 People’s Republic of China
        Test Site Location
                                       TEL : +86-512-57900158
                                       FAX : +86-512-57900958

                                         Sporton Site No.      FCC Designation No.    FCC Test Firm Registration No.
        Test Site No.
                                            DFS01-KS                  CN1257                         314309

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             FCC DFS Test Report                                                  Report No. : FZ921903-02

1.6         Applied Standards
       According to the specifications of the manufacturer, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the
       following standards:
             FCC Part 15 Subpart E
             FCC KDB 905462 D02 UNII DFS Compliance Procedures New Rules v02
             FCC KDB 905462 D03 UNII Clients Without Radar Detection New Rules v01r02
       Remark: All test items were verified and recorded according to the standards and without any deviation
       during the test.

1.7 Support Unit used in test configuration and system
       Item Equipment Trade Name         Model Name          FCC ID        HW / FW Version          Power Cord

       1.    WLAN AP           Cisco   Air-CAP3072E-A-K9   LDK102087                               Shielded, 1.8 m
                                                                            FW: 15.2(4)JB6

                                                                                                       AC I/P:

                                                                                                   Unshielded, 1.2

       2.    Notebook         Lenovo      Edge E335        PPD-AR5B95            N/A                      m

                                                                                                       DC O/P:

                                                                                                   Shielded, 1.8 m

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            FCC DFS Test Report                                                        Report No. : FZ921903-02

2 Requirements and Parameters for DFS Test
2.1       Applicability of DFS Requirements
       EUT is client and operates as client without radar detection function.

           Table 1: Applicability of DFS Requirements Prior to Use of a Channel

                                                                        Operational Mode
                       Requirement                                            Client                Client With
                                                         Master           Without Radar                Radar
                                                                            Detection               Detection

                 Non-Occupancy Period                      Yes             Not required                 Yes

                DFS Detection Threshold                    Yes             Not required                 Yes

           Channel Availability Check Time                 Yes             Not required            Not required

               U-NII Detection Bandwidth                   Yes             Not required                 Yes

            Table 2: Applicability of DFS requirements during normal operation
                                                                        Operational Mode
                                                                             Client                   Client
                                                         Master          Without Radar              With Radar
                                                                           Detection                Detection
             DFS Detection Threshold                       Yes            Not required                 Yes
         Channel Closing Transmission Time                 Yes                 Yes                     Yes
                Channel Move Time                          Yes                 Yes                     Yes
             U-NII Detection Bandwidth                     Yes            Not required                 Yes
                 Client Beacon Test                        N/A                 Yes                     Yes

                                                                       Operational Mode
         Additional requirements for devices                 Master or
           with multiple bandwidth modes                    Client With
                                                                                 Without Radar Detection
                                                         Radar Detection
            U-NII Detection Bandwidth and                 All BW modes
                                                                                       Not required
            Statistical Performance Check                 must be tested
                                                                                   Test using the widest
           Channel Move Time and Channel               Test using widest BW
                                                                                    BW mode available
             Closing Transmission Time                    mode available
                                                                                        for the link
                      All other tests                  Any single BW mode              Not required

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            FCC DFS Test Report                                                       Report No. : FZ921903-02

        Frequencies selected for statistical performance check (Section 7.8.4) should include
        several frequencies within the radar detection bandwidth and frequencies near the edge of
        the radar detection bandwidth. For 802.11 devices it is suggested to select frequencies in
        each of the bonded 20 MHz channels and the channel center frequency.

2.2 Interference Threshold values, Master or Client incorporating
    In-Service Monitoring
                      Maximum Transmit Power                              Value (see notes 1 and 2)
                              ≥ 200 milliwatt                                       -64 dBm
                              < 200 milliwatt                                       -62 dBm
        Note 1: This is the level at the input of the receiver assuming a 0 dBi receive antenna.
        Note 2: Throughout these test procedures an additional 1 dB has been added to the amplitude of the
        test transmission waveforms to account for variations in measurement equipment. This will ensure
        that the test signal is at or above the detection threshold level to trigger a DFS response.
       The radar Detection Threshold, lowest antenna gain is the parameter of Interference radar DFS
       detection threshold, The Interference Detection Threshold is the ( -62dBm) + (0) [dBi]+ 1 dB= -61 dBm.

2.3 DFS Response requirement values
                      Parameter                                                  Value
        Non-occupancy period                          Minimum 30 minutes
        Channel Availability Check Time               60 seconds
        Channel Move Time                             10 seconds See Note 1.
        Channel Closing Transmission Time             200 milliseconds + an aggregate of 60 milliseconds over
                                                      remaining 10 second period. See Notes 1 and 2.
        U-NII Detection Bandwidth                     Minimum 100% of the 99% power bandwidth
                                                      See Note 3.
        Note 1: The instant that the Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time begins
        is as follows:
           • For the Short pulse radar Test Signals this instant is the end of the Burst.
           • For the Frequency Hopping radar Test Signal, this instant is the end of the last radar Burst
           • For the Long Pulse radar Test Signal this instant is the end of the 12 second period defining the
           radar transmission.
        Note 2: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the
        beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to
        facilitate Channel changes (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 second
        period. The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet periods in between
        Note 3: During the U-NII Detection Bandwidth detection test, radar type 0 is used and for each
        frequency step the minimum percentage of detection is 90%. Measurements are performed with no
        data traffic.

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            FCC DFS Test Report                                                     Report No. : FZ921903-02

2.4 Short Pulse Radar Test Waveforms
       As the EUT is a Client Device with no Radar Detection, only one type radar pulse is required for the
       testing. Radar Pulse type 0 was used in the evaluation of the Client device for the purpose of
       measuring the Channel Move Time and the Channel Closing Transmission Time.

        Radar                                                                 Percentage of           Minimum
                     Width        PRI (µsec)     Number of Pulses
         Type                                                                  Successful               Trials
           0            1              1428              18                         60%                   30

                                       Test A
           1            1                                                           60%                   30
                                       Test B

           2           1-5         150-230             23-29                        60%                   30
           3          6-10         200-500             16-18                        60%                   30
           4          11-20        200-500             12-16                        60%                   30
        Aggregate (Radar Types 1-4)                                                 80%                  120

       Test A: 15 unique PRI values randomly selected from the list of 23 PRI values in Table 5a
       Test B: 15 unique PRI values randomly selected within the range of 518-3066 μsec, with a minimum
       increment of 1 μsec, excluding PRI values selected in Test A

       A minimum of 30 unique waveforms are required for each of the short pulse radar types 2 through 4.
       For short pulse radar type 1, the same waveform is used a minimum of 30 times. If more than 30
       waveforms are used for short pulse radar types 2 through 4, then each additional waveform must also
       be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms.

       If more than 30 waveforms are used for Short Pulse Radar Type 1, then each additional waveform is
       generated with Test B and must also be unique and not repeated from the previous waveforms in Tests
       A or B.

       The aggregate is the average of the percentage of successful detections of short pulse radar types 1-4.

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3 Calibration Setup and DFS Test Results
3.1 Calibration of Radar Waveform
3.1.1 Radar Waveform Calibration Procedure
         The Interference Radar Detection Threshold Level is (-62dBm) + (0) [dBi]+ 1 dB= -61dBm that had
         been taken into account the output power range and antenna gain. The following equipment setup
         was used to calibrate the radiated Radar Waveform. A vector signal generator was utilized to
         establish the test signal level for radar type 0. During this process there were no transmissions by
         either the Master or Client Device. The spectrum analyzer was switched to the zero span (Time
         Domain) at the frequency of the Radar Waveform generator. Peak detection was used. The spectrum
         analyzer resolution bandwidth (RBW) and video bandwidth (VBW) were set to 3 MHz to measure the
         type 0 radar waveform. The spectrum analyzer had offset to compensate and RF cable loss. The
         vector signal generator amplitude was set so that the power level measured at the spectrum analyzer
         was (-62dBm) + (0) [dBi]+ 1 dB= -61 dBm. Capture the spectrum analyzer plots on short pulse radar

3.1.2 Test Setup
          Radiated Test Setup

3.1.3 Calibration Deviation
         There is no deviation with the original standard.

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3.1.4 Radar Waveform Calibration Result
                                       <80MHz / 5530 MHz> Radar Type 0
             Radar / DFS detection threshold level and the burst of pulses on the Channel frequency

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3.2 In-Service Monitoring: Channel Move Time, Channel Closing
    Transmission Time and Non-Occupancy Period
3.2.1 Limit of In-Service Monitoring
                The EUT has In-Service Monitoring function to continuously monitor the radar signals, If radar is
         detected, it must leave the channel (Shutdown). The Channel Move Time to cease all transmissions
         on the current Channel upon detection of a Radar Waveform above the DFS Detection Threshold
         within 10 sec. The total duration of Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200
         milliseconds starting at the beginning of the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent
         control signals required to facilitate Channel changes (an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the
         remainder of the 10 second period. The aggregate duration of control signals will not count quiet
         periods in between transmissions.
                Non-Occupancy Period time is 30 minute during which a Channel will not be utilized after a
         Radar Waveform is detected on that Channel. The non-associated Client Beacon Test is during the 30
         minutes observation time. The EUT should not make any transmissions in the DFS band after EUT
         power up.

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3.2.2 Test Procedures
         1.    The radar pulse generator is setup to provide a pulse at frequency that the Master and Client are
               operating. A type 0 radar pulse with a 1us pulse width and a 1428 us PRI is used for the testing.
         2.    The vector signal generator is adjusted to provide the radar burst (18 pulses) at a level of
               approximately -62dBm at the antenna of the Master device.
         3.    A trigger is provided from the pulse generator to the DFS monitoring system in order to capture
               the traffic and the occurrence of the radar pulse.
         4.    A U-NII device operating as a Client Device will associate with the Master at Channel. The
               MPEG file “TestFile.mpg” specified by the FCC is streamed from the “file computer” through the
               Master to the Client Device and played in full motion video using Media Player Classic Ver.
      in order to properly load the network for the entire period of the test.
         5.    When a radar Burst with a level equal to the DFS Detection Threshold + 1dB is generated on the
               Operating Channel of the U-NII device. At time T0 the Radar Waveform generator sends a Burst
               of pulse of the radar waveform at Detection Threshold + 1dB.
         6.    Observe the transmissions of the EUT at the end of the radar Burst on the Operating Channel.
               Measure and record the transmissions from the EUT during the observation time (Channel Move
               Time). One 12 seconds plot is reported for the Short Pulse Radar Types 0. The plot for the Short
               Pulse Radar Types start at the end of the radar burst. The Channel Move Time will be calculated
               based on the zoom in 600ms plot of the Short Pulse Radar Type.
         7.    Measurement of the aggregate duration of the Channel Closing Transmission Time method.
               With the spectrum analyzer set to zero span tuned to the center frequency of the EUT operating
               channel at the radar simulated frequency, peak detection, and max hold, the dwell time per bin is
               given by: Dwell (0.4ms)= S (12000ms) / B (30000); where Dwell is the dwell time per spectrum
               analyzer sampling bin, S is the sweep time and B is the number of spectrum analyzer sampling
               bins. An upper bound of the aggregate duration of the intermittent control signals of Channel
               Closing Transmission Time is calculated by: C (ms)= N X Dwell (0.4 ms); where C is the Closing
               Time, N is the number of spectrum analyzer sampling bins (intermittent control signals) showing
               a U-NII transmission and Dwell is the dwell time per bin.
         8.    Measure the EUT for more than 30 minutes following the channel move time to verify that no
               transmissions or beacons occur on this Channel.

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            FCC DFS Test Report                                     Report No. : FZ921903-02

3.2.3 Test Setup
      Radiated Test Setup Photo

3.2.4 Test Deviation
         There is no deviation with the original standard.

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somovc«. FCC DFS Test Report                                                        Report No. : FZ921903—02

3.2.5     Result of Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission Time and
Non—Occupancy Period for Client Beacon Test
Test Mode :         Client without radar detection                 Temperature :              21.8°C
Test Engineer : |Ocean Pei                                         Relative Humidity :        [41%

     BW /                         Test Item                   Test Result                Limit             Pass/Fail

                            Channel Move Time                 752.825 ms                < 10s                     Pass
   BOMHz /
                  Channel Closing Transmission Time         200ms + 2.4 ms            < 260ms                     Pass
                          Non—Occupancy Period                    > 30                 > 30 min                   Pass

Note: The Channel Closing Transmission Time is comprised of 200 milliseconds starting at the beginning of
the Channel Move Time plus any additional intermittent control signals required to facilitate a Channel move
(an aggregate of 60 milliseconds) during the remainder of the 10 seconds period. The aggregate duration of

control signals will not count quiet periods in between transmissions.

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3.2.6 Channel Move Time, Channel Closing Transmission Time and Non-Occupancy
Period for Client Beacon Test Plots
                                       <80MHz / 5530MHz> In-Service Monitoring
                                             Channel Move Time &
                                       Channel Closing Transmission Time

                                                                       Non-associated test
                Non-Occupancy Period
                                                                   Master was off. (beacon test)

Dwell (0.4 ms)= Sweep Time (12000 ms) / Sweep Point Bins (30000)
Channel Closing Transmission Time (200 + 2.4 ms) = 200 + Number (6) X Dwell (0.4 ms) < 260ms

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3.2.7 Data Traffic and Noise Floor Plots
                EUT data traffic (Client)   Noise Floor (No transmission)

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  4 List of Measuring Equipment
 Instrument     Manufacturer   Model No.   Serial No.   Characteristics                    Test Date      Due Date       Remark
   Signal                                                                               May 29, 2019~                    Conducted
                   R&S           FSV7       101472       10Hz~7GHz        Jan. 14, 2019                 Jan. 13, 2020
  Analyzer                                                                              Jun. 08, 2019                   (DFS01-KS)
Vector Signal                                                                           May 29, 2019~                    Conducted
                   R&S         SMJ100A      101908      100kHz~6GHz       Jan. 14, 2019                 Jan. 13, 2020
 Generator                                                                              Jun. 08, 2019                   (DFS01-KS)
                  BEIJING      XB-WDB-                                                  May 29, 2019~                    Conducted
Horn Antenna                                040505      1GHz~18GHz        Jan. 14, 2019                 Jan. 13, 2020
                   XIBAO         1-18                                                   Jun. 08, 2019                   (DFS01-KS)
Active Horn                                                                             May 29, 2019~                    Conducted
                Com-Power      AHA-118      701030      1GHz~18GHz        Jan. 14, 2019                 Jan. 13, 2020
 Antenna                                                                                Jun. 08, 2019                   (DFS01-KS)

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Document Created: 2019-07-11 15:23:31
Document Modified: 2019-07-11 15:23:31

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