SAR report part 4


RF Exposure Info

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          Add: NoS1 Xueyuan Road, Haidian Distrc, Beling, 100191. Ching
          "Tel: +86—10—62304035—2812   Pn+610—62304633—2504
          E—mil           Hipswowchipat.en

                                 Receiving Pattern (®), 0=0°

               f=600 MHz, TEM                                                f=1800 MHz, R22

$                                +m                           W""‘—a-a-‘- *mm yq


     10                                                              t          ——         t         ¥—
                 »v‘so            too
                                  «100            s
                                                 48                  o          so        100       180
                               areascatee                ___Roll]            ________      oo
                           (       100MHiz        _ _— 600MHz            >   1800MHz___»_2500MHz)
                                Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: £1.2% (k=2)

Certificate No: Z18—60364                             Page & of 11

           +aé40—62300n33—2812                  FncorB6—10—6230463
       E—                    Hipolhniwe

                                         Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                   (TEM cell, f = 900 MHz)
          Input Signal[yV}

          % 0                          enB—Br§i—g—2~6—B e—e 0: M
          &                              PhBl       —4
                             a                                                      .

                             44              m—                  T          t               T     1
                                 10°         10                      Y      0               10   10
                                                            * SAR[mWicm ‘)‘
                                            —#—not compensates              ___—#— compensated
                                          Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: 20.9% (k=2)
Certificate No: Z18—60364                                    Page 9 of 11

         @ in Collboration with

       Add: No.51 Xueyuan Rood, Huidian District, Beding. 100191, China
       "Tek: +86—10—62304633—2512...— nc+Be—l0—62304633—2504
       E—mail: tt(          Hnposewwcchinai on

                        Conversion Factor Assessment
      f=750 MHz, WGLS R9(H_convF)                                     f=1750 MHz, WGLS R22(H_convF)

                                                                                ~+—nesured uitc.

                       Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid



                                      10 am ow ow oz o om ow om sto vo
                             Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: £3.2% (K=2)

Certificate No: Z18—60364                             Page 10 of 1t

       Add; No.51 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Bejing, 100191, China
       Tel: +86—10—62304633.0512     Paxc «86—10—02304000—2504
       E—mail:       Hipswwschinatl.on

  DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN: 3843

    Other Probe Parameters
   Sensor Arrangement                                                               Triangular

   Connector Angle (°)                                                                  149.7

   Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                                                  enabled

   Optical Surface Detection Mode                                                     disable

    Probe Overall Length                                                              337mm

   Probe Body Diameter                                                                  10mm

   Tip Length                                                                            9mm

   Tip Diameter                                                                        2.5mm

    Probe Tip to Sensor X Calibration Point                               o       0 71mm |

    Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                                              1mm

    Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                                              1mm

    Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface                             i        1.4mm

Certificate No: Z18—60364                             Page 11 of 11

‘S::::mli:‘!‘;gambe‘:m‘ory of                             5 \Q\\l:,'/'                       $ Schweizorischor Kallbrirdionst
                                                                                             . Service sulsse e‘étalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                               Sorviio avizzro di taratura
Zoughausstrasse 43, 004 Zurich, Switzeand                                                    5 suies Catiration Service

Accredted bythe Swiss Accredtation Senice (GAS)                                              Accredtation No.: SCS 0108
"The Swiss Accreditation Serviceis one of the signatorios t the EA
MultMateral Agreement for the recogntion of cabration cortfcatos
ciem       Sporton                                                                 Gorificate No: EX3—3857_May18

Object                           EX3DV4 — SN:3867

Caltation procedure(s)           QA CAL—01./9, OA CAL—14.v4, QA CAL—23.5, OA CAL—25.v6
                                 Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

Calbration date                  May 31, 2018

This caitraton certicate documents the raceabiityto national standards, which realznthephysica unts f measrements (S).
The measurements and the uncerintes wih confddence probablty are gven on th folowing pages and are par of the cotfcate

Allcaltraions have been conducted in the closed laboralory facityenvironment temperature (22 3)°C and humidty < 70%
Cattration Exvibment used (MBTE crticafor calbraton)

 Primany Sandards               ©                             Cal Date (Gerticate No                 Scheduled Galbration
 Power mate hP                  sn    roarre                  oe—horis (ho. 217.az0ramzord)          Aocie
 Pom sensor Ne291               sn    rosace                  dt—Apcis (no 217—00072)                Apcio
 Power sersor NRP—291           SN:   rosas                   o—Apri8 (No 217—00073)                 Apcto
 Reference 20 d Atenuater       SN:   56277 (205)             tcApe18 (No 217.00002)                 Apcio
 Reference Probe ES3DV2         sN    sors                    30—Dec—17 (No E833013Dect)             Dects
 oage                           sn    ooo                     21—bec—17 (No. DAE#—660_Dectt)         Decis
 Secondary Standards            io                            Gheck Date in house)                   Schediled Check
 Power mate Esd1oB              sn canzooure                  06—Ane16 (n house check Jun—16)        in house check Jn18
 Power sensor EAd128            Shi mvarsonor                 06—Apr16 (n housecheck Jun—10)         in house chackc Jun—18
 Power sensor E4412A            sh. ooor10z210                06—Apc—16 (n house check Jun:16)       in house checksJun—18
 RF generato: P Bet©            sh: usssrmuor700              04—Au9—99(n house check Jun—16)        n house checkJun—18
 Network Analyzer HP arsse      Sn: Ussrasoses                18—0c01 (n house check Oct1)           in house checkOct18
                                  Name                               Furcton                           Sgraure
Cattrated by                      deton Kastra                       Laboretoy Techrician

Avoroved by:                      Kats Pokovic                       TechnicalManager            M

                                                                                                      issuedt May 31, 2018
This cabration ceriieate shallnt be raprodicod oxcopt in fuwihout witen approvat the lborary

Certficate No: EX3—3857_May18                               Page 1 of 11

Calibration Laboratory of                                                              . Seiwoizerischor Kalibrerdionst
Schmid & Partner                                                                       q Service sulsse d‘étatonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                        g.   Sonvrio svizzero d tratura
Zoughausstrasse 43, 0004 Zurich, Switzariand                                                 Suiss Callration Service

Aceredited by the Sviss AccredtaionService (GAS)                                         Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatorios to the EA
MullLatoral Agroomentforthe recognition f callbration cortficates
TSL                         tissue simulating liquid
NORMcy,z                    sensitivty in free space
ConyE                       sensitivity in TSL / NORMxy,2
DCP                         diode compression point
cr                          crestfactor (1/duty_cyele) of the RF signal
A, 8. G, D                  modulation dependent Inearization parameters
Polarization o              i rotation around probe ax‘s
Polarization 8              8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at measurementcenter},
                            L.e.,. 8 = 0 is normalto probe axis
Connector Angle             information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robat coordinate system
Calibrationis Performed According to the Following Standards:
     a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Praclice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Averaged Specific
        Absorption Rate (GAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
        Techniques", June 2013
     ©) IEC 62209—1, * *Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) from hand—
        held and body—mounted devices used nextto the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz}‘, July 2016
     9 IEC 62209—2, ‘Procedure to determine the Specifc Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices
        used in close proximily to the human body (frequency range of 30 Mz to 6 GHz)*, March 2010
     0) KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz*
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
          NORMxy.z: Assessed for E—feld polarization 9 = 0 (f = 900 MHz in TEM—cell f > 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide)
          NORMxy,z are only intermediate values, i., the uncertainties of NORMy,z does not affect the E*—fld
          uncertainty inside TSL (see below Conv).
          NORMDxy.z = NORMxy.2 * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This Iinearization is
          implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty ofthe frequency responseis included
          in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
          DCPx,y,z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
          signal (no uncertainty required). DGP does not dapend on frequency nor media:
          PAR: PAR is the Peak to Average Ratiothat is not calibrated but determined based on the signal
          Axyie: Bxy.z: Cioy.z: Dxyiz: VRey.z: A, 8. C, D are numerical Inearization parameters assessed based on
          the data of power sweep for specific modulation signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
          media. VR is the maximum calbration range expressed in RMS vollage across the diode.
          ConvF and Boundary Effact Parameters: Assessed in lat phantom using E—feld (or Temperature Transfer
          Standard for f < 800 Mz) and inside waveguide using analyticalfeld distrbutions based on power
          measurements for { > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment of the parameters applied for
          boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
          used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds
          to NORMxy.z * Convwhereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for Conv. A frequency dependent
          ConvFis used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100
          Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy); in a field of low gradients realized using a flat phantom
          exposed by a patch antenna.
          Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds tothe offset of vitual measurement center from the probe tip
          (on probe axis). No tolerance required.
          Connector Angle: The angle is assessed using the information gained by determining the NORMs (no
          uncertainty required).

Certficate No: EX3—3057_ May18                               Page 2 o11

Exspve — sN:3857                                                              May 31, 2018

                     Probe EX3DV4


                                 Manufactured:            January 23, 2012
                                 Calibrated:              May 31, 2018

                                Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                   (Note: non—compatile with DASY2 system!)

Certficate No: EX3—3057_May18                    Page 3 of 11

Exsovi— N857                                                                                                             May 31, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3857
Basic Calibration Parameters
                                             SensorX                       Sensory                    Sensorz             Une (ie2)
 Norm (uVi(Vim)")"                             047                           043                        045               £10.1%
 DGP (mV)"                                    1036                           ore                        so3

Modulation Calibration Parameters
 vin          Communication System Name                                A           s          c          p         ve         Une"
                                                                      as        aBvpy                   as         mV         (ke2)
 0            oW                                              x       00          o0          10       on         im3        33%
                                                              Y       00          00          10                  1459
                                                              z|      oo          o0          10                  T90

 The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
 multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
 probabilty of approximately 95%.

The uncetainies of Nom XY.2 do notafecho E*fld unceriinty inside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6)
* Numeral inoaization parameter: uncertanty not roqured
* Uncertaintis detemnined using the max. devationfrom inear resporse applying rectangular istibuton and is axpressed fo the square of the
fikd value

Cortficate No: EX3—3057_ Mayt8                                Page 4 of 11

Exove— SNgusr                                                                                                               May 31, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3857

Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Simulating Media

     1 (whiaC       m.ny"             C (Sim             ConvFX       ConvEY        |_ConvEZ     Aipha®      D(.n':v’l.)a       (Il:;)
       7so              419                o.89            o2           a02           o2           o4s         080            £120%
       sas              415                0.00            as1          as1           951          ose         103            £120%
       200              a1s                o7              9.34         9.34          9.34         o40         o8s            £120%
       1750             40.1               137             820          820           829          o2e         080            £120%
       1900             40.0               140             804          804           804         os0          080            £120%
       2000             400                140             8.10         8.10          8.10        oss          080            £120%
       2300             305                167             zer          7er           zer         ome          os0            £120%
       2450             so2                1.80            756          756           756         oss          080            +120%
       2600             300                196             z4s          744           7as         ose          os2            £120%
       3500             37.9               291             725          725           725          0.20        1.20           £19.1%

       3700             37.7               3.12            6.83         6.3           6.83         0.20        120            £19.1 %
       s2s0             350                41              520          520           520         040          180            £11%
       5600             355                sor             494          494           494         040          180            £13.1%
       5750             354                522             523          523           523         o40          180            £131%

© Frequency valdty above 200 Mz of : 100 Mz only applesfor DASY vi.4 and higher (se0 Page 2) lse t is restreted to + 50 Mitz. The
uncertainy is the RSS afthe Conv: uncertaintat calbraton requency and the unceriinty fo the incleated fequency band. Frequencyvaldty
elow 300 itz i + 10 2540, 50 and 70 Kz for ConvE assessmentsat 20. 64, 128,180 and 220 Niz respectvaly. Above 5 GHt requency
yaldty can be astended to :110 Ntz
" Atrequencies below 3 Gite, tvaldtyofssue parametes (c and a) can be rlaxed o : 10% i Iquis compensaton fomul is appled to
moasured SA values. Atrequenciosabove 3 GH,the valdty of sve paramters(sand o)is resticted o + 5%. The uncertanty is the RSS of
the Gonv: uncedtintfor inclcated targetsue paranotors
* AphalDepth are determined during ealbraton, SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviaton due to the boundary effet attr comansation is
atways lss than + 1% forfequencios below 3 GHtz and below * 23% fortraquencies betwean 3.6 GHza any istance larger than hall the probe tp
dametehm the boundary

Certficate No: EX3—3857_May18                                 Page S of 11

Exspve— sN3o5r                                                                                                      May 31, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3857

Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
                     Relative        Conductivity                                                         Depth®          Une
     1(Mitz)©      |_Pormittivity®       (Sim)         ConvEX       ConveY        |_ConvEZ     Aipha®      (mm)           (ke2)
       T5o              se5               0.96           a.70         9.70          a.70        o4r         o8         £120%
       835              se2               o7             949          949           9.49        o42         080        £120%
       1750             E30               149            8.15         8.15          815         o42         085        £120%
       1900             sas               152            7g2          7e?           7ee         os4         085        £120%
       2300             s2.9              181            766          766           766         o43         085        £120%
       2450             s2.r              195            7a2          742           7a2         ose         oss        2120%
       2600             s25               216            738          738           138         ost         o8s        £120%
       3500             s13               s31            C            67            67          o2s         125        £131%
       3700             51.0              355            671          sn            sn          035         120        £131%
       s2so             489               s3o            440          4.40          440         oso         180        £131%
       5600             485               5.77           398           398          3.98        0.50        1.90       £13.1.%

       5750             183               594            a31          431           431         050         190        £181%

© Frequency valdty above 300 MHz f + 100 Mitz anly applosfor DASY vi.4 and higher(see Page 2}, lse tisrestcted to : 50 Mitz. The
uncertaintis the RSS ofthe Conve uncertinty t calbralon frequency and thuncertaint or the inclcaed requency hand. Frequency valdity
below 300 Mitz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70Mz for ConvE assessments at 30,64, 128, 150 and 220 Mz respectvay. Above 5 Gitz requency
yaldty can be exandad t + 110Niz
* Atrequencies below 3 GHz,the valdty of ssue parameter s and a) can be rlazed o : 10% i Iquet compensaton formula s appled to
measured SAR values Atftequencies above 3 Grz,th valdly ofssue paranmetors(sand o) is tesrcted to + 8%, The uncertainly s he RSS of
the Gouncertaint orndleated target tsue parameters
* ApalDesth are deernined during caltraton. SPEAG warrans hat the remaining deviaton due to the boundary efect aercomponsatlon is
alinys ess han + 1% forfrequencies below 3 GHtz and below + 2% fo fequencias between36 GHz t any cistance largerthan hallthe probe tp
dametefrom the boundary

Certficate No: EX3—3057_ May18                              Page 6 of 11

exaovi— SN:3857                                                                                                        May 31, 2018

                                                  Frequency Response of E—Field
         Frequency response (normalized)                 (TEM—Cell:if110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

                                           ag forcicccif c cb uc                   gllor h     acgaia d buaag
                                            0      500         1000        15'00        2000       2500         3000
                                                                            f MHz]

                                                 Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: # 6.3%(k=2)

Cortficate No: EX3—3857_May18                                          Page 7 of 11

Expve— sN3ssr                                                                             May 31, 2018

                                  Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

                     £=600 MHz,TEM                                       £=1800 MHz,R22

                                Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: £ 0.5%(k=2)

Cortficate No: EX3—3857_May18                       Page 8 of 11

Exsov~ SNisasr                                                                                                         May 31, 2018

                                                      Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                             (TEM cell , fevar= 1900 MHz)

                 Input Signal (uV)



                                              10:          100             10         10                  10.     10
                                                                           SAR {mWiemg]

                                               tor          101            toe            tor           10:     to
                                                                           SAR {mWiemd]
                                                         not compensated

                                                     Uncertainty of Linearity Assessmont:2 0.6% (k=2)

Gertficate No: EX3—3057_May18                                              Page 9 of 11

Exsovs— siisosr                                                                                        May 31, 2018

                              Conversion Factor Assessment
                1= 835 MHz.WGLS R(H_conv?)                            1‘= 1900 MHz.WGLS R22 (H._conve)

                                aien                                                 afeee
                    ales                     siite                                                ie
                           Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                               Error (4, 8), f = 900 MHz

                        «10     —08    .08     o4    o2   o0     o2    o4    o8    o8        10
                           Uncertainty of Sphorical Isotropy Assessment:£2.6% (K=2)

Cortficate No: EX3—3857_May18                        Page 10 of 11

Ex3DV4— SN:3857                                             May 31, 2018

DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:3857

Other Probe Parameters
 Sensor Arangement                                          Trianguiar
 Gonnector Angle (*)                                             424
 Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                             enabled
 Oplical Surface Detection Mode                               disabled
 Probe Overall Length                                         337 mm
 Probe Body Diameter                                            10 mm
 Tip Length                                                     9 mm
 Tip Diameter                                                  25 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor X Calloration Point                        Tmm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                         1 mm
 Probe Tip to Sensor Z Calibration Point                        Tmm
 Recommended Measurement Distance from Surtace                 14 mm

Cortficate No: EX3—3857_May18               Page 11 of 11

Document Created: 2019-06-06 00:14:17
Document Modified: 2019-06-06 00:14:17

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