Test report WLAN part 1


Test Report

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            FCC RF Test Report                                                    Report No. : FR911620C

                            FCC RF Test Report

                 APPLICANT                  : Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
                 EQUIPMENT                  : Mobile Phone
                 BRAND NAME                 :   Xiaomi
                 MODEL NAME                 :   M1810E5GG
                 FCC ID                     :   2AFZZ-XMSE5GG
                 STANDARD                   :   FCC Part 15 Subpart C §15.247
                 CLASSIFICATION             :   (DTS) Digital Transmission System

      The product was received on Jan. 16, 2019 and testing was completed on Mar. 06, 2019. We,
      Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc., would like to declare that the tested sample has been
      evaluated in accordance with the test procedures and has been in compliance with the
      applicable technical standards.

      The test results in this report apply exclusively to the tested model / sample. Without written
      approval of Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc., the test report shall not be reproduced
      except in full.

         Approved by: James Huang / Manager

                               Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.
                  No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone,
                                       Jiangsu Province 215335, China

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                                      Page Number        : 1 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                                      Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                                      Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                        Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

               FCC RF Test Report                                                                                              Report No. : FR911620C

                                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

REVISION HISTORY.......................................................................................................................................... 3
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULT ......................................................................................................................... 4
1    GENERAL DESCRIPTION .......................................................................................................................... 5
      1.1      Applicant ............................................................................................................................................ 5
      1.2      Manufacturer ...................................................................................................................................... 5
      1.3      Product Feature of Equipment Under Test ........................................................................................ 5
      1.4      Product Specification of Equipment Under Test ................................................................................ 6
      1.5      Modification of EUT ........................................................................................................................... 6
      1.6      Testing Location ................................................................................................................................ 7
      1.7      Applicable Standards ......................................................................................................................... 7
2    TEST CONFIGURATION OF EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST ........................................................................ 8
      2.1      Carrier Frequency and Channel ........................................................................................................ 8
      2.2      Test Mode .......................................................................................................................................... 9
      2.3      Connection Diagram of Test System ............................................................................................... 10
      2.4      Support Unit used in test configuration and system ........................................................................ 10
      2.5      EUT Operation Test Setup .............................................................................................................. 11
      2.6      Measurement Results Explanation Example ................................................................................... 11
3    TEST RESULT ........................................................................................................................................... 12
      3.1      6dB Bandwidth Measurement ......................................................................................................... 12
      3.2      Output Power Measurement ............................................................................................................ 14
      3.3      Power Spectral Density Measurement ............................................................................................ 15
      3.4      Conducted Band Edges and Spurious Emission Measurement ..................................................... 17
      3.5      Radiated Band Edges and Spurious Emission Measurement ........................................................ 45
      3.6      AC Conducted Emission Measurement........................................................................................... 49
      3.7      Antenna Requirements .................................................................................................................... 51
4    LIST OF MEASURING EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................ 52
5    UNCERTAINTY OF EVALUATION ........................................................................................................... 53

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TEL : 86-512-57900158                                                                                         Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                                                                         Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                                                           Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                                          Report No. : FR911620C

                                          REVISION HISTORY

   REPORT NO.           VERSION                             DESCRIPTION                          ISSUED DATE

    FR911620C            Rev. 01       Initial issue of report                                    Mar. 12, 2019

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FAX : 86-512-57900958                                                            Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                              Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                                            Report No. : FR911620C

                                   SUMMARY OF TEST RESULT

                      FCC Rule                Description               Limit          Result         Remark

          3.1        15.247(a)(2)             6dB Bandwidth           ≥ 0.5MHz          Pass              -

          3.2          15.247(b)        Power Output Measurement      ≤ 30dBm           Pass              -

          3.3          15.247(e)          Power Spectral Density     ≤ 8dBm/3kHz        Pass              -

                                          Conducted Band Edges                          Pass              -
          3.4          15.247(d)                                       ≤ 20dBc
                                       Conducted Spurious Emission                      Pass              -
                                                                                                    Under limit
                                         Radiated Band Edges and     15.209(a) &                    3.75 dB at
          3.5          15.247(d)                                                        Pass
                                        Radiated Spurious Emission    15.247(d)                      2483.500
                                                                                                    Under limit
          3.6           15.207            AC Conducted Emission       15.207(a)         Pass        4.19 dB at
                                                                                                    0.169 MHz
                       15.203 &
          3.7                              Antenna Requirement           N/A            Pass              -

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                                Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR911620C

1      General Description
1.1 Applicant
       Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
       The Rainbow City of China Resources, NO.68, Qinghe Middle Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China

1.2 Manufacturer
       Xiaomi Communications Co., Ltd.
       The Rainbow City of China Resources, NO.68, Qinghe Middle Street, Haidian District, Beijing, China

1.3 Product Feature of Equipment Under Test
                                                  Product Feature
        Equipment                               Mobile Phone
        Brand Name                              Xiaomi
        Model Name                              M1810E5GG
        FCC ID                                  2AFZZ-XMSE5GG
                                                DC-HSDPA/HSPA+ (16QAM uplink is not supported)/LTE
                                                WLAN 2.4GHz 802.11b/g/n HT20
        EUT supports Radios application         WLAN 5GHz 802.11a/n HT20/HT40
                                                WLAN 5GHz 802.11ac VHT20/VHT40/VHT80
                                                Bluetooth BR/EDR/LE
                                                Conducted: 865578040025230
        IMEI Code                               Conduction: 865578040022799
                                                Radiation: 865578040025008
        HW Version                              P2.0
        SW Version                              MIUI 10
        EUT Stage                               Identical Prototype
       1. The above EUT's information was declared by manufacturer. Please refer to the specifications or
           user's manual for more detailed description.
       2. There are two types of EUT sample 1 and sample 2, the differences between two samples is
           for memory, sample 1 is 6+128GB capacity and sample 2 is 6+64GB capacity. According to the
           difference, we only choose sample 1 to perform full tests.

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                                          Report No. : FR911620C

1.4 Product Specification of Equipment Under Test
                                Standards-related Product Specification
        Tx/Rx Channel Frequency Range          2412 MHz ~ 2462 MHz
                                               <Ant. 1>
                                               802.11b : 21.54 dBm (0.1426 W)
                                               802.11g : 22.85 dBm (0.1928 W)
                                               802.11n HT20 : 23.39 dBm (0.2183 W)
                                               <Ant. 2>
        Maximum (Peak) Output Power to         802.11b : 21.25 dBm (0.1334 W)
        antenna                                802.11g : 22.89 dBm (0.1945 W)
                                               802.11n HT20 : 23.07 dBm (0.2028 W)
                                               MIMO <Ant. 1 + 2>
                                               802.11b : 24.05 dBm (0.2541 W)
                                               802.11g : 25.48 dBm (0.3532 W)
                                               802.11n HT20 : 25.83 dBm (0.3828 W)
                                               Ant. 1: PIFA Antenna with gain -1.85 dBi
        Antenna Type / Gain
                                               Ant. 2: PIFA Antenna with gain -2.83 dBi
                                               802.11b : DSSS (DBPSK / DQPSK / CCK)
        Type of Modulation
                                               802.11g/n : OFDM (BPSK / QPSK / 16QAM / 64QAM)
                                                                                 Ant. 1              Ant. 2
                                                                                    V                   V
        Antenna Function                                    SISO
                                                                                    V                   V

       1. MIMO Ant. 1+2 is a calculated result from sum of the power MIMO Ant. 1 and MIMO Ant. 2.
       2. For WLAN SISO mode, the whole testing has assessed Ant 1 for 11b/HT20 mode, Ant 2 for 11g
           mode by referring to their higher conducted power.
       3. For SISO & MIMO mode, the whole testing has assessed only MIMO mode by referring to their
           higher conducted power for RSE testing.

1.5 Modification of EUT
       No modifications are made to the EUT during all test items.

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                           Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                                             Report No. : FR911620C

1.6 Testing Location
       Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc. is accredited to ISO 17025 by National Voluntary Laboratory
       Accreditation Program (NVLAP code: 600155-0).

        Test Site                      Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.

                                       No. 1098, Pengxi North Road, Kunshan Economic Development Zone,

                                       Jiangsu Province 215335, China
        Test Site Location
                                       TEL : 86-512-57900158
                                       FAX : 86-512-57900958

                                         Sporton Site No.      FCC designation No.       FCC Test Firm Registration No.
        Test Site No.
                                             CO01-KS                  CN5013                           630927

1.7 Applicable Standards
       According to the specifications of the manufacturer, the EUT must comply with the requirements of the
       following standards:
             47 CFR Part 15 Subpart C §15.247
             FCC KDB 558074 D01 15.247 Meas Guidance v05r01
             FCC KDB 662911 D01 Multiple Transmitter Output v02r01.
             ANSI C63.10-2013

       1.     All test items were verified and recorded according to the standards and without any deviation
              during the test.
       2.     This EUT has also been tested and complied with the requirements of FCC Part 15, Subpart B,
              recorded in a separate test report.

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                                 Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                                       Report No. : FR911620C

2      Test Configuration of Equipment Under Test
       a. The EUT has been associated with peripherals and configuration operated in a manner tended to
            maximize its emission characteristics in a typical application. Frequency range investigated:
            conduction emission (150 kHz to 30 MHz), radiation emission (9 kHz to the 10th harmonic of the
            highest fundamental frequency or to 40 GHz, whichever is lower). For radiated measurement,
            pre-scanned in three orthogonal panels, X, Y, Z. The worst cases (X Plane (EUT slide Closed))
            were recorded in this report.

       b. AC power line Conducted Emission was tested under maximum output power.

2.1 Carrier Frequency and Channel
                                                        Freq.                                       Freq.
          Frequency Band               Channel                              Channel
                                                        (MHz)                                       (MHz)
                                            1           2412                    7                   2442
                                            2           2417                    8                   2447
                                            3           2422                    9                   2452
          2400-2483.5 MHz
                                            4           2427                    10                  2457
                                            5           2432                    11                  2462
                                            6           2437

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                           Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                                             Report No. : FR911620C

2.2 Test Mode
       Final test modes are considering the modulation and worse data rates as below table.

       SISO Antenna
                             Modulation                                               Data Rate
                               802.11b                                                 1 Mbps
                               802.11g                                                 6 Mbps
                            802.11n HT20                                                MCS0

       MIMO Antenna
                             Modulation                                               Data Rate
                               802.11b                                                 1 Mbps
                               802.11g                                                 6 Mbps
                            802.11n HT20                                                MCS0

                                                         Test Cases
                         Mode 1 : GSM850 Idle + Bluetooth Link + WLAN Link (2.4G) + USB Cable (Charging
                                       from Adapter 1)

        Remark: For Radiated Test Cases, The tests were performed with Adapter 1 and USB Cable.

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                                 Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

             FCC RF Test Report                                                        Report No. : FR911620C

2.3 Connection Diagram of Test System

2.4 Support Unit used in test configuration and system
       Item Equipment            Trade Name   Model Name FCC ID             Data Cable          Power Cord

        1.   System Simulator R&S             CMU 200    N/A                N/A                 Unshielded, 1.8 m

        2.   WLAN AP             D-Link       DIR-855    KA2DIR855A2        N/A                 Unshielded,1.8m
                                                                                                AC I/P:
                                                                                                Unshielded, 1.8 m
        3.   Notebook            Lenovo       G480       FCC DoC            N/A
                                                                                                DC O/P:
                                                                                                Shielded, 1.8 m
        4.                       Xiaomi       LYEJ02LM   N/A                N/A                 N/A

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                             Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                                      Report No. : FR911620C

2.5 EUT Operation Test Setup
       For WLAN RF test items, an engineering test program was provided and enabled to make EUT
       continuous transmit/receive.

       For AC power line conducted emissions, the EUT was set to connect with the WLAN AP under large
       package sizes transmission.

2.6 Measurement Results Explanation Example
       For all conducted test items:

       The offset level is set in the spectrum analyzer to compensate the RF cable loss between EUT
       conducted output port and spectrum analyzer. With the offset compensation, the spectrum analyzer
       reading level is exactly the EUT RF output level.

       The spectrum analyzer offset is derived from RF cable loss.
       Offset = RF cable loss.
       Following shows an offset computation example with cable loss 6.10 dB.

       Offset(dB) = RF cable loss(dB).
       = 6.10 (dB)

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                          Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

              FCC RF Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR911620C

3      Test Result
3.1 6dB Bandwidth Measurement
3.1.1 Limit of 6dB Bandwidth
         The minimum 6 dB bandwidth shall be at least 500 kHz.

3.1.2 Measuring Instruments
         The measuring equipment is listed in the section 4 of this test report.

3.1.3 Test Procedures
         1.    The testing follows ANSI C63.10-2013 clause 11.8
         2.    The RF output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer by RF cable and attenuator. The
               path loss was compensated to the results for each measurement.
         3.    Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.
         4.    Make the measurement with the spectrum analyzer's resolution bandwidth (RBW) = 100 kHz.
               Set the Video bandwidth (VBW) = 300 kHz. In order to make an accurate measurement. The 6
               dB bandwidth must be greater than 500 kHz.
         5.    Measure and record the results in the test report.

3.1.4 Test Setup

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 seomroncas. FCC RF Test Report                                                                           Report No. : FR911620C

3.1.5 Test Result of 6dB Bandwidth
         Please refer to Appendix A.

                                                           Minimum 6dB Bandwidth
                          Ref Level 25.10 dém      Offset 6.10 d8 @ RBW 100 kiz
                          Att            20 de     sw        1 ms & VBw 300 kiz
                          1Pk Max
                         20                                                                          24079840 GHz
                                                                                                        8.0520 mH
                                      1 10.680 ¢
                                           2 4.600 c







                         CF 2.412 Ghiz

                        Date: 8.FE8.2019 1441:16

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FAX : 86—512—57900958                                                                            Report Version      : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ—XMSESGG                                                             Report Template No.: BUS—FR1SCWL AC MA Version 2.0

              FCC RF Test Report                                                       Report No. : FR911620C

3.2 Output Power Measurement
3.2.1 Limit of Output Power
         For systems using digital modulation in the 2400-2483.5MHz, the limit for peak output power is
         30dBm. If transmitting antenna with directional gain greater than 6dBi is used, the peak output power
         from the intentional radiator shall be reduced below the above stated value by the amount in dB that
         the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi. In case of point-to-point operation, the limit has to
         be reduced by 1dB for every 3dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6dBi.

3.2.2 Measuring Instruments
         The measuring equipment is listed in the section 4 of this test report.

3.2.3 Test Procedures
         1.    The testing follows the Measurement Procedure of ANSI C63.10-2013 clause PKPM1
               Peak power meter method.
         2.    The RF output of EUT was connected to the power meter by RF cable and attenuator. The path
               loss was compensated to the results for each measurement.
         3.    Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.
         4.    Measure the conducted output power and record the results in the test report.
         5.    For MIMO mode, calculation method follows FCC KDB 662911 D01 Multiple Transmitter Output

3.2.4 Test Setup

3.2.5 Test Result of Peak Output Power
         Please refer to Appendix A.

3.2.6 Test Result of Average output Power (Reporting Only)
         Please refer to Appendix A.

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                             Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

              FCC RF Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR911620C

3.3 Power Spectral Density Measurement
3.3.1 Limit of Power Spectral Density
         The peak power spectral density shall not be greater than 8dBm in any 3kHz band at any time interval
         of continuous transmission.

3.3.2 Measuring Instruments
         The measuring equipment is listed in the section 4 of this test report.

3.3.3 Test Procedures
         1.    The testing follows Measurement Procedure of ANSI C63.10-2013 clause 11.10.2 Method
         2.    The RF output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer by RF cable and attenuator. The
               path loss was compensated to the results for each measurement.
         3.    Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.
         4.    Make the measurement with the spectrum analyzer's resolution bandwidth (RBW) = 3 kHz.
               Video bandwidth VBW = 10 kHz In order to make an accurate measurement, set the span to 1.5
               times DTS Channel Bandwidth. (6dB BW)
         5.    Detector = peak, Sweep time = auto couple, Trace mode = max hold, Allow trace to fully
               stabilize. Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum power level.
         6.    Measure and record the results in the test report.
         7.    For MIMO mode, calculation method follows FCC KDB 662911 D01 Multiple Transmitter Output
               If measurements performed using method (2) plus 10 log (N) exceeds the emission limit, the
               test should choose method (1) before declaring that the device fails the emission limit.
               Method (1): Measure and sum the spectra across the outputs.
               The total final Power Spectral Density is from a device with 2 transmitter outputs. The spectrum
               measurements of the individual outputs are all performed with the same span and number of
               points, the spectrum value in the first spectral bin of output 1 is summed with that in the first
               spectral bin of output 2 to obtain the value for the first frequency bin of the summed spectrum.
               Method (2): Measure and add 10 log (N) dB, where N is the number of outputs. (N=2)

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 seomroncas. FCC RF Test Report                                                                          Report No. : FR911620C

3.3.4 Test Setup

                                                    Spectrum Analyzer                          EUT

3.3.5 Test Result of Power Spectral Density
         Please refer to Appendix A.

                                                    Worst Case Power Density (dBm/3kHz)
                           Ref Level 25.10 dém       Offset 6.10 d8 @ RBW 3 kiz
                           Att            30 db      SWT 135 ms @ VBW 10 kiz
                           1Pk Max
                         20                                                                          24125010 GHz




                         GF 2.412 GHz                                                                n 12.078 MHz

                        Date: 8.FE8.2019 16.16.04

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ—XMSESGG                                                             Report Template No.: BUS—FR1SCWL AC MA Version 2.0

              FCC RF Test Report                                                         Report No. : FR911620C

3.4 Conducted Band Edges and Spurious Emission Measurement
3.4.1 Limit of Conducted Band Edges and Spurious Emission Measurement
         In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside of the authorized frequency band, the emissions which fall in the
         non-restricted bands shall be attenuated at least 20 dB / 30dB relative to the maximum PSD level in
         100 kHz by RF conducted measurement.

3.4.2 Measuring Instruments
         The measuring equipment is listed in the section 4 of this test report.

3.4.3 Test Procedures
         1.    The testing follows ANSI C63.10-2013 clause 11.13
         2.    The RF output of EUT was connected to the spectrum analyzer by RF cable and attenuator. The
               path loss was compensated to the results for each measurement.
         3.    Set to the maximum power setting and enable the EUT transmit continuously.
         4.    Set RBW = 100 kHz, VBW=300 kHz, Peak Detector. Unwanted Emissions measured in any 100
               kHz bandwidth outside of the authorized frequency band shall be attenuated by at least 20 dB
               relative to the maximum in-band peak PSD level in 100 kHz when maximum peak conducted
               output power procedure is used. If the transmitter complies with the conducted power limits
               based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, the attenuation required under this
               paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB per 15.247(d).
         5.    Measure and record the results in the test report.
         6.    The RF fundamental frequency should be excluded against the limit line in the operating
               frequency band.

3.4.4 Test Setup

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                                               Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

3.4.5 Test Result of Conducted Band Edges and Spurious Emission
                                          Temperature :         21~25℃
Test Engineer : King Huang
                                          Relative Humidity : 51~55%

Number of TX = 1, Ant. 1 (Measured)
Test Mode :         802.11b               Test Channel :        01

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11b               Test Channel :        06

             100kHz PSD reference Level

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11b               Test Channel :        11

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

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FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11n HT20          Test Channel :        01

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

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TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11n HT20          Test Channel :        06

             100kHz PSD reference Level

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 22 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11n HT20          Test Channel :        11

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 23 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Number of TX = 1, Ant. 2 (Measured)
Test Mode :         802.11g               Test Channel :        01

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 24 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11g               Test Channel :        06

             100kHz PSD reference Level

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 25 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11g               Test Channel :        11

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 26 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Number of TX = 2, Ant. 1 (Measured)
Test Mode :         802.11b               Test Channel :        01

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 27 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11b               Test Channel :        06

             100kHz PSD reference Level

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 28 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11b               Test Channel :        11

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 29 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11g               Test Channel :        01

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 30 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11g               Test Channel :        06

             100kHz PSD reference Level

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 31 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

            FCC RF Test Report                                        Report No. : FR911620C

Test Mode :         802.11g               Test Channel :        11

             100kHz PSD reference Level                      Channel Plot

          Spurious Emission 30MHz~3GHz            Spurious Emission 2GHz~25GHz

Sporton International (Kunshan) Inc.                          Page Number        : 32 of 53
TEL : 86-512-57900158                                          Report Issued Date : Mar. 12, 2019
FAX : 86-512-57900958                                          Report Version     : Rev. 01
FCC ID: 2AFZZ-XMSE5GG                            Report Template No.: BU5-FR15CWL AC MA Version 2.0

Document Created: 2019-04-12 17:37:04
Document Modified: 2019-04-12 17:37:04

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