FCC Part 15B Test Report


Test Report

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                                             Test Report
                        Prepared for: Leica Geosystems (a Hexagon Mining Co)

                                    Model: HxGN MineDiscover Core

           Description: Industrial Mining Computer. Model 846947, 867856, 864519, 867482

                          Serial Number: GB0001, WB0001, WG0001, WU0001

                                          FCC ID: 2AFYJ-CORE


                                              FCC Part 15B
                                                Class A

                                   IC ICES-003 Issue 6 (January 2016)

                                     Date of Issue: October 23, 2018

On the behalf of the applicant:      Leica Geosystems (a Hexagon Mining Co)
                                     600 S Country Club Rd
                                     Tucson, AZ 85716

Attention of:                        Graham Tooms, Senior Systems Engineer
                                     Ph: (520)529-8729
                                     E-Mail: Graham.Tooms@hexagonmining.com

                                            Prepared By
                                       Compliance Testing, LLC
                                          1724 S. Nevada Way
                                            Mesa, AZ 85204
                               (480) 926-3100 phone / (480) 926-3598 fax
                                         Project ID: p1810025

                                                             Kenneth Lee
                                                             Project Test Engineer

   This report may not be reproduced, except in full, without written permission from Compliance Testing.
                        All results contained herein relate only to the sample tested.

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                              Test Report Revision History

Revision        Date          Revised By     Reason for Revision

    1.0     March 6, 2018     Kenneth Lee    Original Document

    2.0    October 23, 2018   Amanda Reed    Modified the additional information section on page 6

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                                                          Table of Contents

Description                                                                                                                                Page

 Standard Test Conditions and Engineering Practices ........................................................................ 6
 Test Results Summary ........................................................................................................................ 8
 15.109 Radiated Emissions ................................................................................................................ 9
 Test Equipment Utilized .................................................................................................................... 13

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                              The applicant has been cautioned as to the following


15.21 – Information to user

The user’s manual or instruction manual for an intentional radiator shall caution the user that changes or
modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.

15.27(a) – Special Accessories

Equipment marketed to a consumer must be capable of complying with the necessary regulations in the
configuration in which the equipment is marketed. Where special accessories such as shielded cables and/or
special connectors are required to enable an unintentional or intentional radiator to comply with the emission
limits in the part, the equipment must be marketed with, i.e. shipped and sold with, those special accessories.
However, in lieu of shipping or packaging the special accessories with the unintentional or intentional radiator, the
responsible party may employ other methods of ensuring that the special accessories are provided to the
consumer without an additional charge.

Information detailing any alternative method used to supply the special accessories for a grant of equipment
authorization or retained in the verification records, as appropriate. The party responsible for the equipment, as
detailed in §2.909 of this chapter, shall ensure that these special accessories are provided with the equipment.
The instruction manual for such devices shall include appropriate instructions on the first page of text concerned
with the installation of the device that these special accessories must be used with the device. It is the
responsibility of the user to use the needed special accessories supplied with the equipment.

Industry Canada

Products subject to Industry Canada ICES-003 must be labeled in English and/or French (based on the intended
market and any other applicable provincial or federal regulations) as follows:


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                                                     ILAC / A2LA

Compliance Testing, LLC, has been accredited in accordance with the recognized International Standard ISO/IEC
17025:2005. This accreditation demonstrates technical competence for a defined scope and the operation of a
laboratory quality management system (refer to the joint ISO-ILAC-IAF Communiqué dated January 2009).

The tests results contained within this test report all fall within our scope of accreditation, unless noted below.

Please refer to http://www.compliancetesting.com/labscope.html for current scope of accreditation.

Testing Certificate Number: 2152.01

FCC Site Reg. #349717

IC Site Reg. #2044A-2

   Non-accredited tests contained in this report:


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Test and Measurement Data
Subpart 2.1033(b)

All tests and measurement data shown were performed in accordance with FCC Rule Parts: 15.107, 15.109
(Unintentional Radiators).

All tests and measurement data shown are deemed satisfactory evidence of compliance with Industry Canada
Interference-Causing Equipment Standard ICES-003.

         Name of Test                                    FCC Section                   ICES-003

         A/C Powerline Conducted Emissions                  15.107                      Section 6

         Radiated Emissions                                 15.109                      Section 6

Standard Engineering Practices

Unless otherwise indicated, the procedures contained in ANSI C63.4-2014 were observed during testing.

Prior to testing, the EUT was tuned up in accordance with the manufacturer’s alignment procedures. All external
gain controls were maintained at the position of maximum and/or optimum gain throughout the testing.

Measurement results, unless otherwise noted, are worst case measurement.

Standard Test Conditions and Engineering Practices

Unless otherwise indicated in the specific measurement results, the ambient temperature was maintained within
the range of 10º to 40ºC (50º to 104ºF) and the relative humidity levels were in the range of 10% to 90%.

                                            Environmental Conditions
                                Temperature                            Humidity
                                   (ºC)                                  (%)
                                    19-26                                31-39

EUT Description
Model: HxGN MineDiscover Core
Article Numbers: 846947 (GB0001) and 867482 (WU0001)
Description: Industrial Mining Computer. Model 846947, 867856, 864519, 867482
Firmware: N/A
Software: N/A
Serial Numbers: GB0001, WB0001, WG0001, WU0001
Highest Clock Frequency: 2.4 GHz Radio
Additional Information: Out of the 4 available devices, two of them contained all the available options; therefore
the testing was performed on 2 of the devices. One device contains Wi-Fi and satellite modules and the other one
contains Wi-Fi and 4G-LTE module. Because it was unknown which device would have the worst case results,
both devices were fully tested and the worst case results are presented in this test report. When EUT is used in
this report, it is referencing both devices tested.

EUT Operation during Tests
The EUT was placed in a test mode using the manufacturer supplied HTML. The radios in the device were put
into standby.

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  Qty    Description                           Manufacturer                Model                 S/N
                                                                     866389 Avengers
   1     Test Box                                   Leica                                        N/A
                                                                         Test Box
   2     Wireless Router                        NETGEAR                    R6020               and
   3     Antenna                                MobileMark                                       N/A
                                                                                             291111 and
   2     Antenna                            Antcom Corporation         G5Ant-53AT1
   1     Antenna                                     RFI                  CD2405                 N/A

   1     Antenna                                See Note 1               See Note 1              N/A

   1     External UHF Radio                         SATEL            SATEL EASy-Proof        1643000018

Note 1: No Information was printed on this antenna except frequency range. (750-1250 / 1650-2700 MHz)

                                             Length    Shielding   Shielded Hood
  Qty    Description                                                                      Termination
                                               (M)        Y/N           Y/N
   6     TNC to N Type Cable                    5           Y             Y             EUT to Antenna

   2     TNC to TNC Cable                       5           Y             Y             EUT to Antenna

   2     Ethernet to TNC                        5           Y             Y             EUT to Routers

   4     Cables from Test Box                   5           Y             Y             Test Box to EUT

   1     Cable from Test Box                    2           Y             Y             Test Box to EUT

          Modifications: None

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Test Results Summary

  Specification              Test Name                                       Comments
                                                      Fail, N/A
     15.107       A/C Powerline Conducted Emissions     N/A       EUT is DC Powered

     15.109       Radiated Emissions                   Pass

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15.109 Radiated Emissions
 Engineer: Kenneth Lee
 Test Date: 3/3/2018

                                                  Test Procedure

The EUT was tested in a semi-anechoic chamber with the turntable set 3m from the receiving antenna. A
spectrum analyzer was used to verify that the EUT met the requirements for Radiated Emissions. The EUT was
tested by rotating it 360 degrees with the antennas in both the vertical and horizontal orientation while raised from
1 to 4 meters to ensure the signal levels were maximized. All emissions from 30 MHz to 15 GHz were examined.

                                                    Test Setup

                              EUT                      Antenna

Settings below 1 GHz
RBW = 120 KHz
VBW = 300 KHz
Detector – Quasi Peak
Settings above 1 GHz
RBW = 1 MHz
VBW = 3 MHz
Detector – Peak
Sample Calculations
Corrected Value = Measured Value + Correction factor
Correction factor = ACF + Cable loss

                                               Radiated Emissions

    Emission       Measured                                  Antenna     Antenna      Turntable
                                   Limit         Margin                                                Detector
   Frequency         Level                                    Height     Polarity     Position
                                 (dBuV/m)         (dB)                                               (QP,PK,Avg)
     (MHz)         (dBuV/m)                                    (cm)       (V/H)         (deg)
    469.4665         47.047         56.9         -9.853          175         H            214             PK

     471.953         45.466         56.9         -11.434         175         H            214             PK

     474.796         46.227         56.9         -10.673         175         H            214             PK

     586.823         46.091         56.9         -10.809         325         H            199             PK

     590.139         47.126         56.9         -9.774          250         H            323             PK

     592.863         46.387         56.9         -10.513         325         H            171             PK

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Radiated Emissions 1-15GHz



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Radiated Emissions Test Setup Photos – 30-1000 MHz



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Radiated Emissions Test Setup Photos – 1-15 GHz



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Test Equipment Utilized

                                                                                           Last Cal     Cal Due
      Description             Manufacturer               Model #           CT Asset #
                                                                                            Date         Date
 Horn Antenna             ARA                     DRG-118/A                i00271         6/16/16      6/16/18
 Humidity / Temp
                          Newport                 IBTHX-W-5                i00282         6/9/17       6/9/18
 Bi-Log Antenna           Schaffner               CBL 6111D                i00349         8/3/16       8/3/18

 EMI Analyzer             Agilent                 E7405A                   i00379         2/13/18      2/13/19
 3 Meter Semi-                                    3 Meter Semi-
                          Panashield                                       i00428         8/15/16      8/15/19
 Anechoic Chamber                                 Anechoic Chamber
 Preamplifier for 1-                              AFS44 00101 400
                          Miteq                                            i00509         N/A          N/A
 18GHz horn antenna                               23-10P-44

In addition to the above listed equipment standard RF connectors and cables were utilized in the testing of the
described equipment. Prior to testing these components were tested to verify proper operation.


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Document Created: 2019-03-24 19:29:39
Document Modified: 2019-03-24 19:29:39

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