RF Exposure


RF Exposure Info

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                              CTK Co., Ltd.
                (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea
                        Tel: +82-31-339-9970       Fax: +82-31-624-9501

Company                                  SOLUM CO.,LTD.
                                         4,5,6th F, 357, Guseong-ro, Giheung-gu, Gyeonggi-do, Yongin-si,
Contact Point
                                         Republic of Korea
FCC ID                                   2AFWN-ELS10AF
Product Description                      ESL
Basic Model name                         ELS10AFWM0/NUS
Variant Model name                       -
Operating Frequency                      2 405 MHz - 2 480 MHz
RF Output Power                          -0.629 dBm (0.9 mW)
                                         Antenna type : PCB Pattern
Antenna Specification
                                         Average Gain : -1.8 dBi
Number of channels                       16
Channel Spacing                          5 MHz
Type of Modulation                       OQPSK
Power Source                             DC 3 V(CR2032 Lithium Battery)
Firmware Version Id Number(FVIN)         -
RF Power setting in Test SW              Initial value

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                               CTHK Co., Ltd.
           K    (Ho—dong), 113, Yejik—ro, Cheoin—gu, Yongin—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea
                        Tel: +82—31—339—9970       Fax: +82—31—624—9501
 CTKCo.,Ltd.                              www.e—ctk.com

                  ** RF Exposure Evaluation**

SAR Test Exclusion Thresholds for 100 MHz — 6 GHz and < 50 mm
Approximate SAR Test Exclusion Power Thresholds at Selected Frequencies and Test Separation
Distances are illustrated in the following Table, The equation and threshold in Note 1 must be
applied to determine SAR test exclusion.

    MHz           §            10            15            20            25               mm
     150          39           77           116           155           194
     300          27           55            82           110           137
     450          22           45            67            89           112
     835          16           33            49            66            82
     900          16           32            47            63            79
    1500          12           24            37            49            61            2‘:}\;‘3‘1
    1900          11           22            33            44            54          Threshold (mW)
    2450          10           19            29            38            48
    3600          8            16            24            32            40
    5200          7            13            20            26            33
    5400          6            13            19            26            32
    5800          6            12            19            25            31

    MHz          30            35            40            45           50               mm
     150         232          271           310           349           387
     300         164           192          219           246           274
     450         134           157          179           201           224
     835          98           115          131           148           164
     900          95           111           126          142           158
    1500          73           S6            EB           110           122             Sn les
    1900          65           16            87            98           109          Threshold (mW)
    2450          57           67            77            86            96
    3600          47           55            63            71            79
    5200          39           46            53            59            66
    5400          39           45            52            58            65
    5800          37           44            50            56            62

Note 1:
The 1—g and 10—g SAR test exclusion thresholds for 100 MHz to 6 GHz at test separation distances
< 50 mm are determined by :

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                                 CTHK Co., Ltd.
        K         (Ho—dong), 113, Yejik—ro, Cheoin—gu, Yongin—si, Gyeonggi—do, Korea
                          Tel: +82—31—339—9970       Fax: +82—31—624—9501

[{max. power of channel, including tune—up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)]*
[~/f(GHz)] < 3.0 for 1—g SAR and < 7.5 for 10—g extremity SAR, where
 — f(GHz) is the RF channel transmit frequency in GHz
 — Power and distance are rounded to the nearest mW and mm before calculation
 — The result is rounded to one decimal place for comparison
 — 3.0 and 7.5 are referred to as the numeric thresholds in the step 2 below

The test exclusions are applicable only when the minimum test separation distance is < 50 mm and
for transmission frequencies between 100 MHz and 6 GHz. When the minimum test separation
distance is < 5 mm, a distance of 5 mm according to 4.1f) is applied to determine SAR test exclusion.

Output Power:
     Mode          Frequency         Maximum output power to          SAR Test Exclusion Threshold
                     (MHz)               antenna (mW)                            (mW)

    Zigbee            2 405                     0.9                                    10

Per FCC KDB 447498 DO1v06, the SAR exclusion threshold for distances <50mm is defined by the
following equation :

[{max. power of channel, including tune—up tolerance, mW)/(min. test separation distance, mm)]*
[~f(GHz)] < 3.0

Base on the maximum conducted power of the antenna to use separation distance,
SAR was not required;

                              [(0.9 / 5) * y2.405] = 0.28 (< 3.0)
Result : As a result of the calculation above, the SAR test is exempt.

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Document Created: 2018-01-23 11:34:50
Document Modified: 2018-01-23 11:34:50

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