test report


Test Report

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                              TEST REPORT
                   CTK Co., Ltd.
                   (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                   Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                   Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (1) / (32) Pages
                   Fax: +82-31-624-9501

    1. Client
    ◦ Name : SOLUM CO.,LTD.
    ◦ Address : 4,5,6th F, 357, Guseong-ro, Giheung-gu, Gyeonggi-do, Yongin-si, Republic of

    ◦ Data of Receipt : 2019-10-11
    2. Manufacturer
    ◦ Name : SOLUM CO.,LTD.
    ◦ Address : 4,5,6th F, 357, Guseong-ro, Giheung-gu, Gyeonggi-do, Yongin-si, Republic of
    3. Use of Report : For FCC Certification
    4. Test Sample / Model: ESL / EL029C3
    5. Date of Test : 2019-10-16 to 2019-10-24
    6. Test Standard(method) used : FCC 47 CFR part 15 subpart C 15.247,
                                                    ANSI C63.10-2013
    7. Testing Environment: Temp.: (23 ± 1) ℃, Humidity: (48 ± 5) % R.H.
    8. Test Results : Compliance

    The results shown in this test report refer only to the sample(s) tested unless otherwise
    stated. This Test Report cannot be reproduced, except in full.

                     Tested by                             Technical Manager

                     Gwanyong Kim: (Signature)             Young-taek, Lee: (Signature)


                              Republic of KOREA    CTK Co., Ltd.

CTK-D151-06                                                                            R101 Rev.0

                  CTK Co., Ltd.
                  (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                  Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                  Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (2) / (32) Pages
                  Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                          REPORT REVISION HISTORY
        Date                                     Revision                        Page No
     2019-10-28                          Issued (CTK-2019-04213)                   all

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of
CTK Co., Ltd. This document may be altered or revised by CTK Co., Ltd. personnel
only, and shall be noted in the revision section of the document. Any alteration of
this document not carried out by CTK Co., Ltd. will constitute fraud and shall nullify
the document.

CTK-D151-06                                                                        R101 Rev.0

                       CTK Co., Ltd.
                       (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,               Report No.:
                       Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                      CTK-2019-04213
                       Tel: +82-31-339-9970                               Page (3) / (32) Pages
                       Fax: +82-31-624-9501

1. General Product Description ....................................................................................... 4
     1.1 Client Information ............................................................................................. 4
     1.2 Product Information ........................................................................................... 4
     1.3 Peripheral Devices ............................................................................................. 4
2. Facility and Accreditations.......................................................................................... 5
     2.1 Test Facility ...................................................................................................... 5
     2.2 Laboratory Accreditations and Listings .................................................................. 5
     2.3 Calibration Details of Equipment Used for Measurement .......................................... 5
3. Test Specifications .................................................................................................... 6
     3.1 Standards ........................................................................................................ 6
     3.2 Mode of operation during the test ........................................................................ 6
     3.3 Maximum Measurement Uncertainty .................................................................... 7
4. Technical Characteristic Test ....................................................................................... 8
     4.1 6dB Bandwidth ................................................................................................. 8
     4.2 Maximum peak Conducted Output Power ............................................................ 12
     4.3 Power Spectral Density .................................................................................... 15
     4.4 Band Edge & Conducted Spurious emission ......................................................... 18
     4.5 Radiated Emission ........................................................................................... 23
APPENDIX A – Test Equipment Used For Tests ................................................................ 32

CTK-D151-06                                                                                                       R101 Rev.0

                  CTK Co., Ltd.
                  (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,      Report No.:
                  Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea             CTK-2019-04213
                  Tel: +82-31-339-9970                      Page (4) / (32) Pages
                  Fax: +82-31-624-9501

1. General Product Description
1.1 Client Information

Company                                   SOLUM CO.,LTD.
                                          4,5,6th F, 357, Guseong-ro, Giheung-gu, Gyeonggi-do, Yongin-si,
Contact Point
                                          Republic of Korea (Zip 16914)
                                          Name : Lee Ki Dong
Contact Person                            E-mail : kdlee007@solu-m.com
                                          Tel : +82-31-8006-7675

1.2 Product Information

FCC ID                                    2AFWN-EL029C3
Product Description                       ESL
Model name                                EL029C3
                                          EL029C3WMA/WWW, EL029C3BMA/WWW, EL029C3WRA/WWW,
                                          EL029C3BRA/WWW, EL029C3BYA/WWW, EL029C3WYA/WWW
Variant model                             (There is no technological difference between the basic model and
                                          the variant model, the addition of the model name for marketing
Operating Frequency                       2 405 MHz - 2 480 MHz (DSSS)
RF Output Power                           -1.160 dBm (0.766 mW)
                                          Antenna type : Material Antenna
Antenna Specification
                                          Peak Gain : -0.33 dBi
Number of channels                        16
Channel Spacing                           5 MHz
Type of Modulation                        OQPSK
Power Source                              DC 3.0 V (Coin Battery CR2450 * 2EA )
RF Power setting in Test SW               Initial value

1.3 Peripheral Devices

         Device                Manufacturer                    Model No.                   Serial No.
 Note Computer            HP                         15-bs563TU                      CND7253R6P
 AC/DC Adapter            HP                         HSTNN-LA40                      7628011101

CTK-D151-06                                                                                       R101 Rev.0

                      CTK Co., Ltd.
                      (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,    Report No.:
                      Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea           CTK-2019-04213
                      Tel: +82-31-339-9970                    Page (5) / (32) Pages
                      Fax: +82-31-624-9501

2. Facility and Accreditations
2.1 Test Facility

The measurement facility is located at (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu, Yongin-si,
Gyeonggi-do, Korea.

2.2 Laboratory Accreditations and Listings

          Country                Agency                      Registration Number

               USA                  FCC                              805871

              CANADA               ISED                              8737A-2

              KOREA                NRRA                              KR0025

2.3 Calibration Details of Equipment Used for Measurement

Test equipment and test accessories are calibrated on regular basis. The maximum time
between calibrations is one year or what is recommended by the manufacturer, whichever is
less. All test equipment calibrations are traceable to the Korea Research Institute of Standards
and Science (KRISS), therefore, all test data recorded in this report is traceable to KRISS.

CTK-D151-06                                                                              R101 Rev.0

                     CTK Co., Ltd.
                     (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,             Report No.:
                     Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea                    CTK-2019-04213
                     Tel: +82-31-339-9970                             Page (6) / (32) Pages
                     Fax: +82-31-624-9501

3. Test Specifications
3.1 Standards

   Section in                                                                           Status             Test
      RSS                                                                              (Note 1)          Condition

 15.247(a)           6 dB Bandwidth                                                         C

 15.247(e)           Transmitter power spectral density                                     C
 15.247(b)           Maximum peak conducted output power                                    C

 15.247(d)           Unwanted emission                                                      C

 15.209              Transmitter emission                                                   C             Radiated
 15.207(a)           AC Conducted Emission                                             NA(Note 3)

 Note 1: C=Complies     NC=Not Complies       NT=Not Tested     NA=Not Applicable

 Note 2: The data in this test report are traceable to the national or international standards.

 Note 3: The equipment is operated on battery power only.

 Note 4: The sample was tested according to the following specification: FCC Part 15.247, ANSI C63.10-2013

 Note 5: The tests were performed according to the method of measurements prescribed in KDB No.558074.

3.2 Mode of operation during the test

The EUT is operated in a manner representative of the typical of the equipments.
During at testing, system components were manipulated within the confines of typical usage to
maximize each emission. All modulation modes were tests.
The results are only attached worst cases.

Test Frequency
          Lowest channel                           Middle channel                          Highest channel
              2 405 MHz                               2 445 MHz                                   2 480 MHz

Test mode
                      Modulation                                                    Duty Cycle
                          OQPSK                                                        100 %

CTK-D151-06                                                                                                   R101 Rev.0

                     CTK Co., Ltd.
                     (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                     Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                     Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (7) / (32) Pages
                     Fax: +82-31-624-9501

3.3 Maximum Measurement Uncertainty

The value of the measurement uncertainty for the measurement of each parameter.
Coverage factor k = 2, Confidence levels of 95 %

                      Description                                      Uncertainty
               Conducted RF Output Power                                   1.5 dB
                   Occupied Bandwidth                                     0.1 MHz
              Unwanted Emission(conducted)                                 3.0 dB
              Radiated Emissions (f ≤ 1 GHz)                               4.0 dB
              Radiated Emissions (f > 1 GHz)                               5.0 dB

CTK-D151-06                                                                          R101 Rev.0

                    CTK Co., Ltd.
                    (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,    Report No.:
                    Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea           CTK-2019-04213
                    Tel: +82-31-339-9970                    Page (8) / (32) Pages
                    Fax: +82-31-624-9501

4. Technical Characteristic Test
4.1 6dB Bandwidth

  Test Procedures(ANSI C63.10-2013 6.9.2)

  Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies
  associated with the two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are
  attenuated by 6 dB relative to the maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.

  Test Procedures(ANSI C63.10-2013 6.9.3)

  The occupied bandwidth is the frequency bandwidth such that, below its lower and above its
  upper frequency limits, the mean powers are each equal to 0.5% of the total mean power of
  the given emission.
  Use the 99% power bandwidth function of the instrument and report the measured

  Test Settings :
  Center frequency = the highest, middle and the lowest channels
  a) RBW = 100 kHz                                     b) VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
  c) Detector = peak                                   d) Trace mode = Max hold
  e) Sweep = auto couple
  f) Allow trace to fully stabilize
  g) Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies
     associated with the two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that
     are attenuated by 6 dB relative to the maximum level measured in the fundamental

  Limit :
  6 dB Bandwidth > 500kHz

CTK-D151-06                                                                         R101 Rev.0

                  CTK Co., Ltd.
                  (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                  Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                  Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (9) / (32) Pages
                  Fax: +82-31-624-9501

  Test Data :

                                  Frequency          6 dB Bandwidth
              Channel                                                            Result
                                    [MHz]                 [MHz]
                 Low                  2 405              1.512                   Complies

                Middle                2 445              1.510                   Complies

                High                  2 480              1.498                   Complies

  See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots.

CTK-D151-06                                                                                 R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (10) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                                   6dB Bandwidth
                                 Low channel (2 405 MHz)

                               Middle channel (2 445 MHz)

CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (11) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                                High channel (2 480 MHz)

CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

                   CTK Co., Ltd.
                   (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,       Report No.:
                   Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea              CTK-2019-04213
                   Tel: +82-31-339-9970                       Page (12) / (32) Pages
                   Fax: +82-31-624-9501

4.2 Maximum peak Conducted Output Power

  Test Procedures(ANSI C63.10-2013 11.9.1)

  The following procedure can be used when the maximum available RBW of the instrument is
  less than the DTS bandwidth:

  Test Settings:
  Center frequency = the highest, middle and the lowest channels
  a) RBW ≥ DTS Bandwidth                              b) VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
  c) span ≥ 3 x RBW                                   d) Sweep time = auto couple
  e) Detector = peak                                  f) Trace mode= max hold
  g) Allow trace to fully stabilize
  h) Use peak marker function to determine the peak amplitude level.

  Limit :
  Maximum Output Power <           1 W (30 dBm)

  Test Data :

                             Frequency       Measurement data            Limit
              Channel                                                                  Result
                               [MHz]              [dBm]                 [dBm]
                Low             2 405                -1.160                30          Complies

               Middle           2 445                -1.572                30          Complies

               High             2 480                -1.757                30          Complies

  See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots.

CTK-D151-06                                                                                       R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (13) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                                 Low channel (2 405 MHz)

                               Middle channel (2 445 MHz)

CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (14) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                                High channel (2 480 MHz)

CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

                   CTK Co., Ltd.
                   (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,       Report No.:
                   Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea              CTK-2019-04213
                   Tel: +82-31-339-9970                       Page (15) / (32) Pages
                   Fax: +82-31-624-9501

4.3 Power Spectral Density

  Test Procedures(ANSI C63.10-2013 11.10.2)

  This procedure shall be used if maximum peak conducted output power was used to
  demonstrate compliance.

  Test Settings:
  Center frequency = the highest, middle and the lowest channels
  a) RBW : 3 kHz ≤ RBW ≤ 100 kHz                      b) VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
  c) span ≥ 1.5 x DTS bandwidth                       d) Sweep time = auto couple
  e) Detector = peak                                  f) Trace mode= max hold
  g) Allow trace to fully stabilize
  h) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.

 Limit :

  Power Spectral Density <        8 dBm @ 3 kHz BW

 Test Data :

        Test mode
                             Frequency       Measurement data            Limit
              Channel                                                                  Result
                               [MHz]              [dBm]                 [dBm]
                Low             2 405               -11.261                8           Complies

               Middle           2 445               -11.705                8           Complies

               High             2 480               -11.891                8           Complies

  See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots.

CTK-D151-06                                                                                       R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (16) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                                 Low channel (2 405 MHz)

                               Middle channel (2 445 MHz)

CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (17) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                                High channel (2 480 MHz)

CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

                   CTK Co., Ltd.
                   (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,    Report No.:
                   Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea           CTK-2019-04213
                   Tel: +82-31-339-9970                    Page (18) / (32) Pages
                   Fax: +82-31-624-9501

4.4 Band Edge & Conducted Spurious emission

  Test Procedures(ANSI C63.10-2013 11.11.3)

 The Unwanted emission from the EUT were measured according to the dictates PKPSD
 measurement procedure in section 11.11 of ANSI C63.10-2013.

 In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or
 digitally modulated device is operating, the RF power that is produced shall be at least 20 dB
 below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the
 desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided that
 the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the
 transmitter complies with the conducted power limits based on the use of root-mean-square
 averaging over a time interval, as permitted under Section 5.4(4), the attenuation required
 shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below the general field strength limits specified
 in RSS-Gen is not required.

  Test Settings:
  Center frequency = the highest, middle and the lowest channels
  a) RBW = 100 kHz                                    b) VBW ≥ 3 x RBW
  c) Detector = peak                                  d) Sweep time = auto couple
  e) Trace mode= max hold
  f) Allow trace to fully stabilize
  g) Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level.

 Limit :

  Emission level <      20 dBc

 Test results: Complies
    - All conducted emission in any 100kHz bandwidth outside of the spread spectrum band
     was at least 20dB lower than the highest in-band spectral density. Therefore the applying
     equipment meets the requirement.

  See next pages for actual measured spectrum plots.

CTK-D151-06                                                                            R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (19) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501


CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (20) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                         Conducted Spurious emission

                                  Test mode : Transmit

                                 Low channel (2 405 MHz)

CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (21) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                               Middle channel (2 445 MHz)

CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

              CTK Co., Ltd.
              (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
              Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
              Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (22) / (32) Pages
              Fax: +82-31-624-9501

                                High channel (2 480 MHz)

CTK-D151-06                                                                   R101 Rev.0

                  CTK Co., Ltd.
                  (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                  Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                  Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (23) / (32) Pages
                  Fax: +82-31-624-9501

4.5 Radiated Emission

  Test Location
       10 m SAC (test distance :     10 m,       3 m)
       3 m SAC (test distance : 3 m)

  Test Procedures

  1)     In the frequency range of 9 kHz to 30 MHz, magnetic field is measured with Loop
         Antenna. The center of the Loop Test Antenna is 1m above the ground. During the
         measurement the Loop Test Antenna rotates about its vertical axis for maximum
         response at each azimuth about the EUT.
  2)     In the frequency rage above 30 MHz, Bi-Log Test Antenna(30 MHz to 1 GHz) and Horn
         Test Antenna(above 1 GHz) are used. Test Antenna is 3m away from the EUT. Test
         Antenna height is carried from 1m to 4m above the ground to determine the maximum
         value of the field strength. The emissions levels at both horizontal and vertical
         polarizations should be tested.

  Instrument Settings

  Frequency Range = 9 kHz ~ 26.5 GHz (2.4 GHz 10th harmonic)
  a) RBW = 1 MHz for f ≥ 1 GHz, 100 kHz for f < 1 GHz, 9 kHz for f < 30 MHz
  b) VBW ≥ RBW
  c) Sweep time = auto couple

CTK-D151-06                                                                       R101 Rev.0

                    CTK Co., Ltd.
                    (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,        Report No.:
                    Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea               CTK-2019-04213
                    Tel: +82-31-339-9970                        Page (24) / (32) Pages
                    Fax: +82-31-624-9501

  Limit :

  FCC Part 15 § 15.205 (a) Except as shown in paragraph (d) of this section, only
  spurious emissions are permitted in any of the frequency bands listed below:

                                Table 1. Restricted Frequency Bands
       MHz              MHz                MHz                MHz                 MHz              GHz
      0.09-0.11     8.37626-8.38675        73-74.6          399.9-410           2690-2900       10.6-12.7
     0.495-0.505    8.41425-8.41475       74.8-75.2          608-614            3260-3267       13.25-13.4
  2.1735-2.1905       12.29-12.293       108-121.94         960-1240            3332-3339       14.47-14.5
    4.125-4.128    12.51975-12.52025       123-138          1300-1427          3345.8-3358      15.35-16.2
 4.17725-4.17775   12.57675-12.57725    149.9-150.05       1435-1626.5          3600-4400        17.7-21.4
 4.20725-4.20775      13.36-13.41                          1645.5-1646.5        4500-5150       22.01-23.12
   6.215-6.218        16.42-16.423       156.7-156.9         1660-1710          5350-5460          23.6-24
 6.26775-6.26825   16.69475-16.69525   162.0125-167.17     1718.8-1722.2        7250-7750         31.2-31.8
 6.31175-6.31225   16.80425-16.80475    167.72-173.2         2200-2300          8025-8500        36.43-36.5
   8.291-8.294         25.5-25.67          240-285           2310-2390          9000-9200       2
                                                                                                  Above 38.6
   8.362-8.366         37.5-38.25         322-335.4         2483.5-2500         9300-9500

      Until February 1, 1999, this restricted band shall be 0.490-0.510 MHz.
      Above 38.6
  § 15.205 (b) Except as provided in paragraphs (d) and (e), the field strength of
  emissions appearing within these frequency bands shall not exceed the limits shown is
  Section 15.209. At frequencies equal to or less than 1000 MHz, compliance with the limits in
  Section 15.209 shall be demonstrated using measurement instrumentation employing a
  CISPR quasi-peak detector. Above 1000 MHz, compliance with the                 emission limits in Section
  15.209 shall be demonstrated based on the average value of the measured emissions.
  The provisions in Section 15.35 apply to these measurements.

CTK-D151-06                                                                                       R101 Rev.0

                   CTK Co., Ltd.
                   (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,     Report No.:
                   Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea            CTK-2019-04213
                   Tel: +82-31-339-9970                     Page (25) / (32) Pages
                   Fax: +82-31-624-9501

  FCC Part 15 § 15.209 (a) Except as provided elsewhere in this Subpart, the emissions from
  an intentional radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following
  table :

  Except when the requirements applicable to a given device state otherwise, emissions from
  licence-exempt transmitters shall comply with the field strength limits shown in Table 2
  Additionally, the level of any transmitter emission shall not exceed the level of the
  transmitter’s fundamental emission.

            Table 2. General Field Strength Limits for Licence-Exempt Transmitters

                                  Field Strength          Field Strength          Deasurement
                                    uV/m@3m               dBuV/m@3m             Distance (meters)
              0.009-0.490          2400/F(kHz)                   -                     300
              0.490-1.705         24000/F(kHz)                   -                      30
                1.705-30                 30                      -                      30
                  30-88                 100                     40                       3
                 88-216                 150                    43.5                      3
                216-960                 200                     46                       3
               Above 960                500                     54                       3

  ** Except as provided in 15.209(g).fundamental emissions from intentional radiators
  operating under this Section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54-72MHz, 76-
  88MHz, 174-216MHz, 470-806MHz. However, operation within these frequency bands is
  permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g.15.231 and 15.241.

 Note :
 1) For above 1 GHz, the emission limit in this paragraph is based on measurement
    instrumentation employing an average detector, measurement using instrumentation with
    a peak detector function, corresponding to 20 dB above the maximum permitted average
 2) For above 1 GHz, limit field strength of harmonics : 54 dBuV/m@3m (AV) and
    74 dBuV/m@3m (PK)
 3) For measurement above 1GHz, the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz and video
    bandwidth is set to 3 MHz for peak measurement.

CTK-D151-06                                                                                   R101 Rev.0

                 CTK Co., Ltd.
                 (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                 Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                 Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (26) / (32) Pages
                 Fax: +82-31-624-9501

  Test Setup:

  1)    For field strength of emissions from 9 kHz to 30 MHz

  2)    For field strength of emissions from 30 MHz to 1 GHz

CTK-D151-06                                                                      R101 Rev.0

                 CTK Co., Ltd.
                 (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                 Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                 Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (27) / (32) Pages
                 Fax: +82-31-624-9501

  3) For field strength of emissions above 1 GHz

CTK-D151-06                                                                      R101 Rev.0

                 CTK Co., Ltd.
                 (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,      Report No.:
                 Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea             CTK-2019-04213
                 Tel: +82-31-339-9970                      Page (28) / (32) Pages
                 Fax: +82-31-624-9501

  Restricted band edge test data
  1)2 310 MHz to 2 390 MHz

   Frequency    Ant. Pol.    Reading        c.f           Result      Limit         Margin
     [MHz]       (V/H)      [dBuV/m]      [dB/m]        [dBuV/m]    [dBuV/m]         [dB]
     2386.834      H           47.3          4.9          52.2           -74         21.8        PK
     2389.221      H           34.7          4.9          39.6           -54         14.4        AV
     2344.011      V           48.1          4.6          52.7           -74         21.3        PK
     2324.548      V           34.9          4.8          39.7           -54         14.3        AV

  2)2 483.5 MHz to 2 500 MHz

   Frequency    Ant. Pol.    Reading        c.f           Result      Limit         Margin
     [MHz]       (V/H)      [dBuV/m]      [dB/m]        [dBuV/m]    [dBuV/m]         [dB]
     2483.712      H           49.5          6.7          56.2           -74         17.8        PK
     2483.500      H           40.6          6.7          47.3           -54          6.7        AV
     2483.625      V           49.2          6.7          55.9           -74         18.1        PK
     2483.500      V           38.8          6.7          45.5           -54          8.5        AV

 Remark :
 1. The Unwanted emission was measured in the following position: EUT stand-up position(Z
   axis), lie-down position(X,Y axis). The worst emission was found in lie-down position(X
   axis) and the worst case was recorded.
 2. Result = Reading + c.f(correction factor)
 3. Correction factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss - Amp Gain

CTK-D151-06                                                                                  R101 Rev.0

                CTK Co., Ltd.
                (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (29) / (32) Pages
                Fax: +82-31-624-9501

  Spurious test data
  1) 9 kHz to 30 MHz

                   Test mode : Transmit, Lowest Channel(Worst case)

  The requirements are:
  Test Data

 Remark :
 1. The Unwanted emission was measured in the following position: EUT stand-up position(Z
   axis), lie-down position(X,Y axis). The worst emission was found in lie-down position(X
   axis) and the worst case was recorded.
 2. Result = Reading + c.f(Correction factor)
 3. Correction factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss + 6 dB attenuator - Amp Gain
 4. This data is the Peak(PK) value.

CTK-D151-06                                                                       R101 Rev.0

                 CTK Co., Ltd.
                 (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                 Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                 Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (30) / (32) Pages
                 Fax: +82-31-624-9501

  2) 30 MHz to 1 GHz

                    Test mode : Transmit, Middle Channel(Worst case)

  The requirements are:
  Test Data

  Remark :
  1. The Unwanted emission was measured in the following position: EUT stand-up position(Z
    axis), lie-down position(X,Y axis). The worst emission was found in lie-down position(X
    axis) and the worst case was recorded.
  2. Result = Reading + c.f(Correction factor)
  3. Correction factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss + 6 dB attenuator - Amp Gain
  4. This data is the Peak(PK) value.

CTK-D151-06                                                                        R101 Rev.0

                 CTK Co., Ltd.
                 (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,   Report No.:
                 Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea          CTK-2019-04213
                 Tel: +82-31-339-9970                   Page (31) / (32) Pages
                 Fax: +82-31-624-9501

3) 1 GHz to 26.5 GHz

                   Test mode : Transmit, Lowest Channel(Worst case)

  The requirements are:

  Test Data

  1. The Unwanted emission was measured in the following position: EUT stand-up position(Z
    axis), lie-down position(X,Y axis). The worst emission was found in lie-down position(X
    axis) and the worst case was recorded.
  2. Result = Reading + c.f(correction factor)
  3. Correction factor = Antenna factor + Cable loss - Amp Gain

CTK-D151-06                                                                        R101 Rev.0

                     CTK Co., Ltd.
                     (Ho-dong), 113, Yejik-ro, Cheoin-gu,    Report No.:
                     Yongin-si, Gyeonggi-do, Korea           CTK-2019-04213
                     Tel: +82-31-339-9970                    Page (32) / (32) Pages
                     Fax: +82-31-624-9501

APPENDIX A – Test Equipment Used For Tests
         Name of                                                                   Date of
                            Manufacturer        Model No.       Serial No.                           Due Date
        Equipment                                                                 Calibration
1      Signal Analyzer          Agilent           N9020A       MY48011598             2019-10-16    2020-10-16
2     Signal Generator            R&S             SMB100A         175528              2019-10-16    2020-10-16
3     EMI Test Receiver           R&S              ESCI7          100814              2019-10-22    2020-10-22
4       Bilog Antenna          Schaffner         CBL6111C           2551              2019-05-10    2020-05-10
5    Active Loop Antenna    SCHWARZBECK          FMZB 1513       1513-126             2019-01-17    2021-01-17
6      6dB Attenuator             R&S               DNF       272.4110.50-2           2019-10-25    2020-10-25
7        AMPLIFIER             SONOMA               310           291721              2019-01-28    2020-01-28
8     EMI Test Receiver    Rohde & Schwarz         ESU40          100336              2019-01-29    2020-01-29
9       Preamplifier            Agilent            8449B        3008A02011            2018-12-03    2019-12-03
      Double Ridged
10                           ETS-Lindgren           3117         00154525             2019-02-22    2021-02-22
      Guide Antenna
      Double Ridged
11                           ETS-Lindgren           3116         00062916             2021-04-22    2021-04-22
      Guide Antenna
12    DC Power Supply             HP               E3632A       KR94907541            2019-10-15    2020-10-15
     Dual-Tracking DC   Topward Electric
13                                                 6303D          711196              2019-01-21    2020-01-21
      Power Supply    Instruments Co.,Ltd.

CTK-D151-06                                                                                        R101 Rev.0

Document Created: 2019-10-29 17:15:22
Document Modified: 2019-10-29 17:15:22

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