Test Report


Test Report

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TCT                                                                                                             Tesmme
                                                                                                               cuas ustes

                                      TEST REPORT

                                              FCC ID: 2AFW2B038
                                      Product: 2.4G Wireless Keypad
                                                 Model No.: BO38
                                        Additional Model No.: BO38C
                                                  Trade Mark: N/A
                                         Report No.: TCT190404E016
                                          Issued Date: Apr. 17, 2019

                                                      Issued for:

                                     Shenzhen DZH Industrial Co., Ltd
           3th Floor, YiTuo Mike Industrial A building, Bu Yong Industrial D zone,
                                 ShaJing, Shenzhen, China

                                                      Issued By:

                               Shenzhen Tongce Testing Lab.
       1B/F., Building 1, Yibaolai Industrial Park, Qiaotou, Fuyong, Bacan District,
                                       Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                                            TEL: +86—755—27673339
                                            FAX: +86—755—27673332

Note: This report shall not be reproduced exceptin full, without the written approval of Shenzhen Tongce Testing Lab.
       This document may be altered or revised by Shenzhen Tongee Testing Lab. personnel only, and shall be noted in
      the revision section of the document. The test results in the report only apply to the tested sample.

I     C     I                                                               Report No.: TCT190404E016

1.      Test Certification
     Product:          2.4G Wireless Keypad
     Model No.:        BO38
     Model No.:        |B9°°%
     Trade Mark:       N/A

     Applicant:        Shenzhen DZH Industrial Co., Ltd

                       3th Floor, YiTuo Mike Industrial A building, Bu Yong Industrial D zone,
     Address:          ShaJing, Shenzhen, China
     Manufacturer:     Shenzhen DZH Industrial Co., Ltd

                       3th Floor, YiTuo Mike Industrial A building, Bu Yong Industrial D zone,
     Address:          ShaJing, Shenzhen, China

     Date of Test:     |Apr. 08, 2019 —Apr. 16, 2019

     Applicable        FCC CFR Title 47 Part 15 Subpart C Section 15.249
     Standards:        ANSI C63.10:2013

    The above equipment has been tested by Shenzhen Tongce Testing Lab. and found
    compliance with the requirements set forth in the technical standards mentioned above. The
    results of testing in this report apply only to the product/system, which was tested. Other
    similar equipment will not necessarily produce the same results due to production tolerance
    and measurement uncertainties.

                  Tested By:    Lfij C                         Date:      Apr. 16, 2019

                                    Jerry Xie

                Reviewed By:     WW                           Date:      Apr. 17, 2019

                                   Beryl Zhao

                Approved By:      W’h                         Date:      Apr. 17, 2019


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TCT                                                                   mpoanc:rermmteore
6. Test Results and Measurement Data

6.1.Antenna Requirement

 Standard requirement:         FCC Part15 C Section 15.203
 15.203 requirement:
 An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that
 furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.   The use of a
 permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the
 intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the unit so that a broken antenna
 can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or electrical
 connector is prohibited.
 E.U.T Antenna:
 The EUT antenna is PCB antenna which permanently attached, and the best case gain
 of the antenna is —3dBi.

                                                      WA ‘.r'!,,


TCT                                                                            Report No.: TCT190404E016

6.2.Conducted Emission
6.2.1. Test Specification

  Test Requirement:         FCC Part15 C Section 15.207
  Test Method:              ANSI C63.10:2013
  Frequency Range:          150 kHz to 30 MHz
  Receiver setup:           RBW=9 kHz, VBW=30 kHz, Sweep time=auto
                               Frequency range                           Limit (dBuV)
                                    (MHz)                       Quasi—peak         Average
  Limits:                          0.15—0.5                       66 to 56*        56 to 46*
                                     0.5—5                           56               46
                                     5—30                            60               50
                                                    Reference Plane

                                |:LIS:|N            40cm         8Ocm        is

                                uk                                                        AC power
                                Equipment              E.V.T
  Test Setup:                                                           Em
                                 Test table/Insulation plane

                             EUT Equibment Under Test
                             LiSN Line Impedence Stabilzation Network
                             Test table height=0 &im

  Test Mode:                Transmitting mode with modulation
                            1. The E.U.T and simulators are connected to the main
                              power through a line impedance stabilization network
                              (L.S.N.). This provides a 50ohm/50uH coupling
                               impedance for the measuring equipment.
                            2. The peripheral devices are also connected to the main
                              power through a LISN that provides a 50ohm/50uH
                              coupling impedance with 50ohm termination. (Please
  Test Procedure:
                              refer to the block diagram of the test setup and
                            3.Both sides of A.C. line are checked for maximum
                              conducted interference. In order to find the maximum
                              emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of
                              the interface cables must be changed according to
                              ANSI C63.10:2013 on conducted measurement.
                            N/A; Because the EUT is powered by the battery, so the
  Test Result:
                            item is not applicable.

TCT                                                                        Report No.: TCT190404E016

                 the measurement.
              4. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged
                  to its worst case and then the antenna was tuned to
                  heights from 1 meter to 4 meters and the rotatable
                  table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to
                  find the maximum reading.
              5. The test—receiver system was set to Peak Detect
                  Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum
                 Hold Mode.
              6. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was
                 10dB lower than the limit specified, then testing could
                 be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be
                 reported. Otherwise the emissions that did not have
                 10dB margin would be re—tested one by one using
                peak, quasi—peak or average method as specified and
                then reported in a data sheet.
              For radiated emissions below 30MHz
                                Distnce = 3m
                                l.             *—
                                                  (           }            Pre «Amplificr

                                               Groved Plane

              30MHz to 1GHz

                                                                                 Antcana Tower

Test setup:                                                                         Search
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                                           O                                       Anterna
                                          4m                      /
                                                                             RF Text

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                   Ground Plane —/

              Above 1GHz
              (The diagram below shows the test setup that is utilized
              to make the measurements for emission from 1GHz to
              the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental
              frequency or to 40GHz emissions, whichever is lower.)



Test results:   PASS

TCT                                                                                                             mosinecrernmmess
                                                    Frequency Range (30MHz—1GHz)
        80.0 dBwv/m

                                                                                                     FCC Part15C 3M Radiation
                                                                                                                     Margin 6 d

                                                                                    a                                     §
              *                                                                          Jw                W
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         20000        «0      5o     60    70 60                  malta                  zon          «00—    soo 600700          Toon.000
 Site                                                            Polarization:     Horizontal                  Tevpertue:         T6
 Limit: FCC Part 150 3M Radiation                                Power.      DC 15V                            Humidiy:       55%

                           Reading        Correct    Measure—    _                             Antenna Table
 No. Mk.      Freq.         Level         Factor       ment     Limit     Over              Height           Degree
              Niz            dBuy           d6        dBuvim     dBim      dB      Detector   cm             dearee Comment
   1        33.1015         3443          —11.02      2341      40.00     —16.59    peak
  2         72.2111         38.36         —15.87      2249      40.00     —17.51    peak
           216.1197         41.74         —13.55      28.19     46.00     —17.81    peak

  4        264.9700         46.51         —12.07      34.44     46.00     —11.56    peak
           360.9776         40.57          —8.53      31.04     46.00     —14.96      peak

  6 *      7086941          30.83          —5.30      34.53     46.00     —11.47    peak

TCT                                                                                                                Report No.: TCT190404E016

         80.0 dBwv/m

                                                                                                      FCC Part15C 3M Radiation          ‘~
                                                                                                                      Margin 6 d

         ao                                                                                                                             T

                                                                 §              &       §             6                                  !
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          20.000          40             so To so                    malta                   300          «o0    5o0 soo 700       too0.000
 Site                                                             Polarization:        Vertical                   Temperature      25
 Limit: FCC Part 150 3M Radiation                                 Power.        DC 15V                            Humidiy:      55.%

                               Reading     Correct    Measure—         L                           Antenna Table
  No. Mk.       Freq.           Level      Factor       ment     Limit       Over                  Height       Degree
                    Niz         dBuy         do        dBuvim     dBim         dB      Detector      cm         dearee Comment
   1          32.86907          35.36      —11.02      24.34     40.00       —15.66     peak
   200        T2RMT             40.70      1587        2483      40.00       —15.17     peak
   3        142.7692.           44.00      —16.13      27.87     43.50       —15.63     peak
   4        211.6112            41.07      —13.67      2740      43.50       —16.10     peak
   5        264.9709            39.72      —12.07      27.65     46.00       —18.35     peak
   6        381.8520            37.39       —8.21      28.18     46.00       —17.82.    peak

   Note: 1, Measurements were conducted in all channels (high, middle, low), and the worst case (low channel) was
         submifted only.
            2, Any value more than 104B below limit have not been specificalty reported.

TCT                                                                                                                                                 mpoane:rermuteon
     Band Edge Requirement
     Low channel: 2408MHz
                Ant. Por.| reading
                            _Peak                                     AV
                                                                                       Factor     Peak
                                                                                                            AV                           Peak limit] AV limit           Margin
                 (mkz)              HV           Caus @eul)                              |_(deim) _|(aBpwim) (aBpy/m)|OBHm)|(dBuvim)| (dB)
                 2400                H_ |        48.94   _—                               4.20      _|_44.74_|__——      74      —     2926
                 2400                H             —__| 4321                              420         ——      —39.01            54|   —14.99

                 2400                 V          ——|_49.07            __—                 420|          _44.87               _|__—          74          —__|            zes
                 2400                 V             ——              41.65                 |_4.20          ~——               3745            ——          54|             ~16.55
                  ms_more                                             mmz                                  ma wore                                    remmmramtermer

          Se                                         Foarzaton:— Horronal                            Ste
          Linit £GG part 15 ass bandedgeipen)        Pover cors                                      Lini 2C pat 15 210 handedgepen)

    High channel: 2474MHz
                         Peak                                         AV             Correction|__       Emission Level
     Frequency) Ant. Pol.                                                                                                                Peak limit] AV limit           Margin
                                                 reading           reading                 Factor        Peak                 AV
                 (MHz)              HV           (Buy) (dBuy)|                           (dB/im) |(aBuv/im)|(«a@suy/m)| (CBWV/m)|(dBuV/im)| (dB)
                 24835               —H           51.37_|__—                              420      _|_47.17_|__—           74        —__|   726.83
                 24835               —H            ——    4204                             4.20       —         3784        ——        54|    ~16.16

                 835                  V          50.59               ~——                  —4.20                                             74          —_—|            276
                 24835                V            ——__|            4176                  4.20                              37.56           _——         54|             1644

                                                                      ret mt 15 2i temetmieat                                                         fotvat 128 bicptzeas

              sw mm n —mre —rare                Te     —rerm —rarm —reva        es
        Se                                           Pogrzaion:— Rorzonal                            S
        Lini 0C part 15. 4t bondedgaipeai)           Powee corm                                      Linit £GG pa16 210 bondedgeipeat)

                  Emission Level=Peak Reading + Correction Factor; Correction Factor= Antenna Factor + Cable loss — Pre—amplifier
@1 & ofo ho ra

                  Margin (dB) = Emission Level (Peak/Average)(dBN/m)—(Peal{/Average) limit (dBy/m)
                  The emission levels of other frequencies are very lowerthan the limit and not show in test report.
                  Measurements were conducted from 1 GHz to the 10th harmonic of highest fundamental frequency.
                  Data of measurement shown "—"in the above table mean that the reading of emissions is attenuated more than 20 dB
                  below the limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.

TCT                                                                            Aeeortin: rersmoromare

6.4. 200B Occupied Bandwidth
6.4.1. Test Spectication
  [Taxt Requirement:                FGG Part16 C Sction 16.215(c)
  [Teat Mothod:                     AANSI CB3.10; 2013
  Limit:                            NA
                                    1. According to the folow Test—setup, keep the relative
                                        position between the artificial antenna and the EUT.
                                    2. Set to the meximum power sefing and enable the
                                        EUT transmit continuously.
                                    3. Use the following spectium analyzer seftings for
                                        204B Bandwidth measuremont.
                                        Span = approximately 2 to 3 fimes the 20 dB
                                        centered on a hopping channel; RBW21% of the 20
                                        dB bandwldth;
                                        VBW2RBW; Sweep = auto; Detector function =
                                        peal; Trace = max hold.
                                    4. Measure and record the results In the test report

  [Teat satup:                      CBI——2
  [Tost Mode:                       "Transmiting mode with modulation
  [Test results:                    FASS

   .2. Test Instruments

                                          RF Test Room
      Equipment           Manufacturer          Model       Serial Number Callbration Due
   Spectrum Analyzor            R&S              FBu             200084          Sp. 20, 2019
 Note: The caltratoo hfovel t h above festnatuments s 12 moolhs andhe caltradons ar racentle to
       intomatonasystam ced 30.

TCT                                           mpoane:rermemon
      Appendix A: Photographs of Test Setup
            Product: 2.4G Wireless Keypad
                     Model: BO38
                 Radiated Emission

TCT                                                                                           Report No.: TGT190404E016

      Appendix B: Photographs of EUT
                   Product: 2.4G Wireless Keypad
                            Model: BO38
                                                           External Photos

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T C T Ejzl‘uqnfi.z{nfl                                Report No.: TCT190404E016

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TCT                                                                                                          mpoane:rermuteon
                                                                         Product: 2.4G Wireless Keypad
                                                                                    Model: BO38
                                                                                   Internal Photos
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TCT                                                          Report No.: TGT190404E016

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                                 *****END OF REPORT*****

Document Created: 2019-05-22 07:48:18
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 07:48:18

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