User Manual


Users Manual

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Flex Wireless Charger

 q'l QiCertified
IPintelligent Power Technology
fl“ ControlHeat‘" Technology (Overheat Protection)
£Z, ControlLightTechnology
G ControlSlip® Technology
@ Smart IC Chip Protection

  User Manual

   Connect to the Power Adapter                              fl n
 USB Power Adapter


          usB Cable

             USBTypeC Port


1. Plig in USB power adaptero power outlet.
2. Gonnect the USB cable with the USB power adapter and            The blueLED inclicator Ight will avtomaticaly turn off after
   high—speed wireless charger
3. After LED incicator Nashes blueand red oncethe charger          60 seconds of ntial charging.
   enters into standby mode.                                       If you detach a charging smartphone from the charging pad,
                                                                   the blue LED will turn off and go into standby mode.

  How to Charge                                              H E     Eit Cehbe is
Both vertical and horizontal posiioning of your smartphone                 Status                          (SH
couldbe charged.
                                                                        Intal poweron           LED fashes ue andredorce
                                                                          Onstandby                      tepott
                                                                         Whilechargng        1EDwnsHanterOvecondsandunsott
                                                                      When forign materal               reszo
                                                                     ‘When otherabnarmlI¥
                                                                           isdeteced         ceo tashes ue andredalterntvly

                                                                   *LED display function for comfortable sleep.
                                                                   ControlLight"Technology wl turn offthe LED after 60 seconds


                                                                   * Whenan abnormaltyisdetected:
                                                                    Adsthe potionofthesmanshone.
                                                                   * Whenforeign materil metaD isdetected:
                                                                    Checito se fthre itanyfovign matral metasuckbewween
                                                                    themanghoneand hewrelschrsing pac.

                                                                 FCC Part 15 Compliance
1: bo not ever excess ce on the product                        Ti devicecomples wth part 15 ofthe CC Rules.Operton is
. Do not dsassemble the roductorletcome Ito rect
   contct wth heator vater                                     subjectto thefollowing wo conditons 1 Thi evice may not cause
3. Be carefwhen using thproductina hotorhumid                  harmfalinterference,and (2this device
   eironment as t maydamage the cieut                          mustaccept any ntererencreceivec,inclucing intererence that may
4.A magnet may causethproducto break ormaltincton; do not
    plicemaanetccincad 09 Dcard tcarcyneathe roduct            causeundesied operation
5 Medcaldevces 29 pulse measuring device hearng aldmay         ‘CAUTION:Changes or modifcations net epresy approved by the
    inciecty Interlrewiththeproduct en them atleast2tcm
   away fom the product                                        pary responsible for compliance could vorlthe usersathory to
6Keep awayfom chilinn                                          openite the product
*Te product mage herin is rovidedasanexample and users         «Note:Thi equipment has been tetedand found to comply wth the
   idefo the portablehighspeed wredess chargerand may          fiits fora Class B igtal device,pursuantt Part 15 oftheFCC ules
   ditferrom the actal roduct
* forsmartshonesthat donotsupport wiedes charyngyou need       "Teseis are designed to provide reasonatle protecton against
   to use a separte windsscharging parchorrdesschaiging case   harmfulintrferncein a residentalinslation.This equipment
                                                               generates ses and can radate racio requency energy and, i not
                                                               Insalleand used i accordance withth insructionsmay cause
B Clas Eqvipment (Equipmentforhome use
                                                               harmfulInterference o rado communtations However, there s no
*This productis mail fo home use wth radlo wave                quarantesthat interlrence wl not occarina partcularinsalaton. If
 acceptablityreastrton thereforet can be used n llareas        thisequipment does cause harmfu inteference toradioortelevon
                                                               receptionwhichcan be detemined by urningthe equipment offn
                                                               ontheuseris encouraged to ty to cortctthe nteference by one or
 Product Specification                                         moreofthefolowing measures
«un S¥ 3A SVz Ta 5¢                                            — Reorient orrelocate th recoving antenns
— oumur sW75W ioow                                             — Icrease th separation betweenthe exuipment and recever
"Dimensons 54x 276x085in (1432x 702x 17.4mm)                   — Connectthe equipmentinto an outletona crcutcifferentrom that
"Weght 5505 (30g) .« Chaging Eficengy = 720                    towhich thereceiveriscomnected
—AC/oG Adaprer fEOIUC                                          — Consuthe dealeroran experenced racloTV echnicanfohelp
—med. EUnountac: / ugmvauniacs
«Input: A6 100240(« Scate 8A
«Output DC 38k63V IADCGSWY 2MDOMTA 15¢
«The Cable sb 120mm Type.c                                     This equipment comples wth FCC radution exposure Imit setforth
»frequency                                                     foranuncontralledenvronment Ths equipmentshould be nsalled
"Operaton Frequency 112.115—128077 tz (Decration orE1)         and operated with minimum distance 2tem between thradatorand
—Max AFpowertansritte—967dbuh/m @10m (Declartion for EL)       yourbody Thistransmiter must not be co—lcated or operating in
"BOG Herebs, SHGEN IOREA Co. L1dechresthattherado equipment
  type F316Wfisin comalance wih Oirectve 2014(2/E0             conjuncton with anyother antenna o tansmiter
  ‘he flltxtofthe EU cecantionof confornity s avalable t the
  fallowing ntemetaddress winspigencom

  ISED Regulatory Compliance                                                 Connecter F‘adaptateur d
This device contains icence—exempt transmitte(s/receiverts) that         Adaptateur USB
comply with Innovation, Science and Economic Development
Canada‘s icence—exempt RSSS)
Operation is subject to the following two conditions.
  1. This device may not cause interference.
  2. This device must accept any interference,including interference
     that may cause undesired operation ofthe device.
‘émetteur exempt de icence contenu dans Ie présent appareilest
conforme aus CNR dInnovation, Sciences et Développement
économique Canada applicables aux appareis rado exempts de                   6            0
licence. Lexploftation est autoriséeaux deux conditions suivantes :
  1. Lapparellne doit pas produire de broullage;                         0
  2. Uapporell doit accepter tout brouillage radiodlectrique sub,
     méme sile broullage est susceptble d‘en compromettre le                          Cable USB
                                                                                      Port USB Type—C
This equipment complies with IC RSS—102 radiation exposure imits set
forth for an uncontralled environment. Thistransmitter must not be
co—located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or
transmitter. This equipment should be installed and operated with
minimum distance 20cm between the radiatorand your body.
Cet équipement est conforme aux imites dlexposition aux radiations
IC CNR—102 établies pour un environnement non contrdlé.Cot
émetteur ne doit pas bresitué ou fonctionner conjointement avec
une autre antenne ou un autre émetteur.Cet équipement doit dtre
installé t utisé avec une distance minimale de 20 cm entre e           1. Brancher Fadaptateur d‘alimentation USB a la prise de courant.
radiateur et votre corps.                                              2. Connecter le cable USB entre Fadaptateur d‘alimentation USB
                                                                          et le chargeur rapide sans fl.
                                                                       3. Le chargeur se met en mode veille aprés que le voyant LED
                                                                         clignote unefois en bleu et unefois en rouge.

Document Created: 2019-09-26 11:41:09
Document Modified: 2019-09-26 11:41:09

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