RF exposure evaluation


RF Exposure Info

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                         Report No.: E20190305034301-4          Application No.: E20190305034301

                                       MPE Report

Exposure category: General population/uncontrolled environment
EUT Type: Production Unit
Device Type: Mobile Device
Refer Standard: KDB 447498 D01 General RF Exposure Guidance v06
FCC Part 2 §2.1091
1. Evaluation method
Systems operating under the provisions of FCC 47 CFR section shall be operated in a manner that
ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess of the
Commission’s guidelines.
In accordance with 47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section 2.1091 this device has been defined as
mobile device whereby a distance of 0.2m normally can be maintained between the user and the
device, and below RF Permissible Exposure limit shall comply with.
In accordance with KDB447498D01 for Simultaneous transmission MPE test exclusion applies
when the sum of the MPE ratios for all simultaneous transmitting antennas incorporated in a host
device, based on the calculated/estimated, numerically modeled or measured field strengths or
power density, is ≤ 1.0. The MPE ratio of each antenna is determined at the minimum test
separation distance required by the operating configurations and exposure conditions of the host
device, according to the ratio of field strengths or power density to MPE limit, at the test
frequency. Either the maximum peak or spatially averaged results from measurements or
numerical simulations may be used to determine the MPE ratios. Spatial averaging does not apply
when MPE is estimated using simple calculations based on far-field plane-wave equivalent
conditions. The antenna installation and operating requirements for the host device must meet the
minimum test separation distances required by all antennas, in both standalone and simultaneous
transmission operations, to satisfy compliance.

FCC ID: 2AFIW-S1300                                                  Identifying code: 283017

                         Report No.: E20190305034301-4             Application No.: E20190305034301

2. Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

3. Calculation Method
Predication of MPE limit at a given distance
Equation from page 18 of OET Bulletin 65, Edition 97-01
Where: S=power density
P=power input to antenna
G=power gain of the antenna in the direction of interest relative to anisotropic radiator
 R=distance to the center of radiation of the antenna
From the EUT RF output power, the minimum mobile separationdistance, d=0.2m, as well as the
maximumgain of the used as follows, the RF powerdensity can be obtained.
    Frequency            Antenna type and antenna              Internal              Maximum antenna
       Band                       number                    Identification                  gain
                                                             Antenna 0                    4.00 dBi
     2.4GHz                  WLAN Antenna
                                                             Antenna 1                    4.01 dBi
                                                             Antenna 0                    5.98 dBi
      5GHz                   WLAN Antenna
                                                             Antenna 1                    4.97 dBi

FCC ID: 2AFIW-S1300                                                       Identifying code: 283017

                       Report No.: E20190305034301-4          Application No.: E20190305034301

4. Estimation Result

4.1 Conducted Power Results
                                     2.4GHz WIFI
                                                                         Peak Conducted Output
      Antenna                 Mode            Frequency(MHz)
                                                                              Power (dBm)
                                                       2412                       24.18
      Antenna 0                                        2437                       24.27
                                                       2462                       24.79
                           IEEE 802.11b
                                                       2412                       24.73
      Antenna 1                                        2437                       24.81
                                                       2462                       24.78
                                                       2412                       27.01
      Antenna 0                                        2437                       27.12
                                                       2462                       27.18
                           IEEE 802.11g
                                                       2412                       27.29
      Antenna 1                                        2437                       27.35
                                                       2462                       27.31
                                                       2412                       22.87
      Antenna 0                                        2437                       23.70
                                                       2462                       23.09
                        IEEE 802.11n HT20
                                                       2412                       23.14
      Antenna 1                                        2437                       23.29
                                                       2462                       23.58
                                                       2422                       22.10
      Antenna 0                                        2437                       22.77
                                                       2452                       22.38
                        IEEE 802.11n HT40
                                                       2422                       22.03
      Antenna 1                                        2437                       21.99
                                                       2452                       22.02

FCC ID: 2AFIW-S1300                                              Identifying code: 283017

                      Report No.: E20190305034301-4          Application No.: E20190305034301

                                     5GHz WIFI
                                                                       AVG Conducted Output
      Antenna                Mode            Frequency(MHz)
                                                                             Power (dBm)
                                                      5180                       17.80
                                                      5200                       17.99
                                                      5240                       17.66
     Antenna 0
                                                      5745                       16.47
                                                      5785                       15.96
                                                      5825                       15.19
                          IEEE 802.11a
                                                      5180                       18.05
                                                      5200                       18.14
                                                      5240                       18.11
     Antenna 1
                                                      5745                       16.00
                                                      5785                       15.98
                                                      5825                       15.74
                                                      5180                       18.05
                                                      5200                       18.00
                                                      5240                       17.73
     Antenna 0
                                                      5745                       16.59
                                                      5785                       16.37
                                                      5825                       15.59
                       IEEE 802.11n HT20
                                                      5180                       18.07
                                                      5200                       18.17
                                                      5240                       18.11
     Antenna 1
                                                      5745                       16.16
                                                      5785                       15.99
                                                      5825                       15.81
                                                      5190                       16.28
                                                      5230                       15.92
     Antenna 0
                                                      5755                       14.03
                                                      5795                       13.62
                       IEEE 802.11n HT40
                                                      5190                       15.69
                                                      5230                       15.76
     Antenna 1
                                                      5755                       13.94
                                                      5795                         13.81
FCC ID: 2AFIW-S1300                                             Identifying code: 283017

                      Report No.: E20190305034301-4          Application No.: E20190305034301

                                                      5210                       15.20
      Antenna 0
                                                      5775                       14.87
                        IEEE 802.11ac 80
                                                      5210                       13.17
      Antenna 1
                                                      5775                       12.79

4.2 Manufacturing tolerance
                                    2.4GHz WIFI
                                      IEEE 802.11 b (Peak)
      Frequency                   Antenna 0                                 Antenna 1
       (MHz)             2412        2437        2462            2412         2437         2462
    Target (dBm)         24.0        24.0        24.0            24.0         24.0         24.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)        1.0         1.0         1.0            1.0           1.0         1.0

                                      IEEE 802.11 g (Peak)
      Frequency                   Antenna 0                                 Antenna 1
       (MHz)             2412        2437        2462            2412         2437         2462
    Target (dBm)         27.0        27.0        27.0            27.0         27.0         27.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)        1.0         1.0         1.0            1.0           1.0         1.0

                                   IEEE 802.11 n HT20 (Peak)
      Frequency                   Antenna 0                                 Antenna 1
       (MHz)             2412        2437        2462            2412         2437         2462
    Target (dBm)         22.0        23.0        23.0            23.0          23.0        23.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)        1.0         1.0         1.0             1.0          1.0          1.0

                                   IEEE 802.11 n HT40 (Peak)
      Frequency                   Antenna 0                                 Antenna 1
       (MHz)             2422        2437        2452            2422         2437         2452
    Target (dBm)         22.0        22.0        22.0            22.0         21.0         22.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)        1.0         1.0         1.0             1.0          1.0          1.0

FCC ID: 2AFIW-S1300                                             Identifying code: 283017

                      Report No.: E20190305034301-4     Application No.: E20190305034301

                                     5GHz WIFI
                                     IEEE 802.11 a (AVG)
     Frequency                    Antenna 0                            Antenna 1
       (MHz)             5180        5200        5240        5180        5200         5240
    Target (dBm)         17.0        17.0        17.0        18.0        18.0         18.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)       1.0          1.0         1.0        1.0          1.0         1.0
     Frequency                    Antenna 0                            Antenna 1
       (MHz)             5745        5785        5825        5745        5785         5825
    Target (dBm)         16.0        15.0        15.0        16.0        15.0         15.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)       1.0          1.0         1.0        1.0          1.0         1.0

                                   IEEE 802.11n HT20 (AVG)
     Frequency                    Antenna 0                            Antenna 1
       (MHz)             5180        5200        5240        5180        5200         5240
    Target (dBm)         18.0        18.0        17.0        18.0        18.0         18.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)       1.0          1.0         1.0        1.0          1.0         1.0

     Frequency                    Antenna 0                            Antenna 1
       (MHz)             5745        5785        5825        5745        5785         5825
    Target (dBm)         16.0        16.0        15.0        16.0        15.0         15.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)       1.0          1.0         1.0        1.0          1.0         1.0

                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40 ( AVG)
     Frequency                    Antenna 0                            Antenna 1
       (MHz)             5190         ---        5230        5190         ---         5230
    Target (dBm)         16.0                    15.0        15.0                     15.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)       1.0          1.0         1.0        1.0          1.0         1.0

     Frequency                    Antenna 0                            Antenna 1
       (MHz)             5755         ---        5795        5755         ---         5795
    Target (dBm)         14.0                    13.0        13.0                     13.0
   Tolerance ±(dB)       1.0          1.0         1.0        1.0          1.0         1.0

FCC ID: 2AFIW-S1300                                        Identifying code: 283017

                                  Report No.: E20190305034301-4           Application No.: E20190305034301

                                                  IEEE 802.11ac 80 (AVG)
              Frequency                          Antenna 0                               Antenna 1
                (MHz)                5210            ---       5775           5210          ---            5775
             Target (dBm)            15.0                       14.0          13.0                         12.0
          Tolerance ±(dB)            1.0            1.0         1.0           1.0           1.0            1.0

       4.3 Measurement Results
       4.3.1 Standalone MPE
       Antenna 0

                             Output power           Antenna   Antenna
                                                                            Duty        MPE          MPE Limits
       Mode                                          Gain      Gain                             2
                           (dBm)        (mW)                               Cycle     (mW/cm )        (mW/cm2)
                                                     (dBi)    (linear)
   IEEE 802.11 b             25       316.2278        4.00    2.5119       100%        0.1581           1.0000

   IEEE 802.11 g             28       630.9573        4.00    2.5119       100%        0.3155           1.0000

 IEEE 802.11 n HT20          24       251.1886        4.00    2.5119       100%        0.1256           1.0000

 IEEE 802.11 n HT40          23       199.5262        4.00    2.5119       100%        0.0998           1.0000

       Antenna 1

                             Output power           Antenna   Antenna
                                                                            Duty        MPE          MPE Limits
       Mode                                          Gain      Gain
                          (dBm)        (mW)                                Cycle     (mW/cm2)        (mW/cm2)
                                                     (dBi)    (linear)
   IEEE 802.11 b            25        316.2278        4.01    2.5177       100%        0.1585           1.0000

   IEEE 802.11 g            28        630.9573        4.01    2.5177       100%        0.3162           1.0000

 IEEE 802.11 n HT20         24        251.1886        4.01    2.5177       100%        0.1259           1.0000

 IEEE 802.11 n HT40         23        199.5262        4.01    2.5177       100%        0.1000           1.0000

       Antenna 0

                            Output power            Antenna   Antenna
                                                                            Duty        MPE          MPE Limits
      Mode                                           Gain       Gain                            2
                          (dBm)        (mW)                                 Cycle     (mW/cm )          (mW/cm2)
                                                     (dBi)     (linear)
  IEEE 802.11 a             18        63.0957         5.98     3.9628       100%       0.0498            1.0000

IEEE 802.11 n HT20          19        79.4328        5.98      3.9628       100%       0.0627            1.0000

IEEE 802.11 n HT40          17        50.1187        5.98      3.9628       100%       0.0395            1.0000

IEEE 802.11 ac 80           16        39.8107        5.98      3.9628       100%       0.0314            1.0000

       FCC ID: 2AFIW-S1300                                                   Identifying code: 283017

                                    Report No.: E20190305034301-4               Application No.: E20190305034301

        Antenna 1

                              Output power             Antenna      Antenna
                                                                                  Duty           MPE           MPE Limits
        Mode                                             Gain          Gain
                            (dBm)                                                 Cycle        (mW/cm2)        (mW/cm2)
                                         (mW)            (dBi)      (linear)
  IEEE 802.11 a              19         79.4328          4.97       3.1405        100%           0.0497           1.0000

IEEE 802.11 n HT20           19         79.4328          4.97       3.1405        100%           0.0497           1.0000

IEEE 802.11 n HT40           16         39.8107          4.97       3.1405        100%           0.0249           1.0000

IEEE 802.11 ac 80            14         25.1189          4.97       3.1405        100%           0.0157           1.0000

                       1.    Maximum average power including tune-up tolerance;
                       2.    MPE use distance is 20cm from manufacturer declaration of user manual.

        According to KDB447498 for Transmitters used in mobile exposure conditions for simultaneous
        transmission operations;
        ∑of MPE ratios≤ 1.0
        Antenna 0 and Antenna 1 for 2.4GWLAN and 5GWLAN
                                          MPE Ratio              MPE Ratio
 Band                Mode                                                          ∑ MPE ratios        Limit        Results
                                             Antenna 0           Antenna 1
                  IEEE 802.11b                0.1581               0.1585                N/A           1.000         Pass
                  IEEE 802.11g                0.3155               0.3162                N/A           1.000         Pass
               IEEE 802.11n HT20              0.1256               0.1259               0.2515         1.000         Pass
               IEEE 802.11n HT40              0.0998               0.1000               0.1998         1.000         Pass
                  IEEE 802.11a                0.0498               0.0497                N/A           1.000         Pass
               IEEE 802.11n HT20              0.0627               0.0497               0.1124         1.000         Pass
               IEEE 802.11n HT40              0.0395               0.0249               0.0644         1.000         Pass
               IEEE 802.11ac 80               0.0314               0.0157               0.0471         1.000         Pass

        Maximum MPE Radios for 2.4GWLAN and 5GWLAN simultaneous transmission
                              Maximum MPE           Maximum MPE
          Antenna type                                                   ∑ MPE ratios          Limit      Results
                              Ratio2.4GHzWLAN          Ratio5GHzWLAN
        Internal Antenna            0.2515                0.1124               0.3639          1.000       Pass

        The measurement results comply with the FCC Limit per 47 CFR 2.1091 for the uncontrolled RF
        Exposure of mobile device.

        ---------------- END OF REPORT---------------
        FCC ID: 2AFIW-S1300                                                        Identifying code: 283017

Document Created: 2019-04-25 15:50:02
Document Modified: 2019-04-25 15:50:02

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