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         MODEL: VTA—7548



        Tt it narcetes uen CAUTION: TO PREVENT Portinsontemean namentiecs
       Reuendonten ipenane CHICMODISEN mevigenmrewenianre
       iinnbesyoenuntase   EEIENCMENE
                             nepimestnue        "mndtunteenmemine
             verdremt          Weeresen
CAUTION: T reduce the is of e o elcticshock,do not espose ths applance to rain o moiture
WARNING: To provent eletrc shock,donot use ths (polarzed) pug wih an extension cort, receptacle
or ther utet unlest blades can be fly inseted to provent blade expostre.
               WARNING: Ivisbl aserradiaionwhen open and nterock faled o defeated. Avad drect
       é E     exposureto lser beam

                                  Important Safety Instructions
1.       Read nese instructions —Al he sataty and operatng insPuctons shouls be reat bforeths product
         is operated
2.       Keep heso nstuctons —The safat and operating instructons should bereained forfaure reference
3.       Heed llwarnings ~Allwarmings on he applance and in the operaing instucions shouldbe
         achered to
4.       Folow alnstctons —Allaperating and use instctons should be folowed
5...     Do not use this apparatus nearwater——The applance should not be used near water ormoisture —
         for exampl, in a wet basement onear a svimmingpool, and theie
...      Clean only wih y cot
7.       o not blockany ventlaton apenings. Installin accortance wth the manifacre‘s instricions
8.       Do notinstal near any heat sources such as radations, heat egisters,stoves, or other apparatus
         (ncluding ampifers that produce heat
...      Do not defeatthsafey purpose of h polarzed or grounding pug.A polarized plughas two blades
         with onewiderthan the iher A grounding plu has io lades and a thid grounding prong, The wide
         blade or tthirdprong is providedfoyousafay Ifthe provided lugdoes no tnto your outet,
         consul an electician forrelacementofhe obsolete outet
10..     Protectthe power cort rom being walked on opinched partculary t the pigs,convenience
         receplacesand atthe point where tey ext fom the apparatus
11..     Only use atlachments/accessores spectfedby e manutacirec
12..     Use onwith hecat, stand ipod, bracket ortale specifed by the
         manafacreror old with heapparatus. When a car orrack s used.
         use cauton when mouig the carvapparatus combinaton to avid
         injay rom tp—over
13..     Unplag the apparatus during ighing stoms or when unused for
         leng pereds of ime
14..     Referalservcing t qualfed personnel. Servicing s requied when the apparatus has been
         damaged in any way, suh as power supply ordorplugi damaged,lquid has beonspiled
         or ojects havfalenito the apparalus has been exposed t in ormoilire, does not
         operate nomaly, ohas been dropped


    nisoue e cioc Evectnlous_ne ras ouvnin,
<Thislghtring fash wih arouhead symbot wihin an equlatealtanglei intnded o aler he user o he
presence of non—insulated ‘dangerous volage"wthithe products enclosure that may be of sufint
magnitade to consttute a s of electicshock
«Waring: To reduce the isk ofleciicshock, do nat remove caver(or back as there are no
userseniceable partsnsid. Refor sevicin to qualfed personnel
«Th exclamation poit wlhin and equlatratanglei iterdedto aletheuseo the presence of
imporlant operaig and maintenance instructons i he Merture accompanying the applance
16. The mains plug i used as isconnect devie,the disconnect deviceshal remain eadly operable:
i7. warnne
      To reduce the isk ofreor electic shock,do not expose ts apparatus torain or moisture The
      epparatus shall nt be exposed to ipping osplashing and that no objects iled with Iquils, such as
      vases,shallnotbe placed on apparatus
18. The use ofthe equipmentin moderte cimate
18. The ventlaton should not bimpeded by coverigthe ventlaton openings wih fems such as
      newspapers, labledeths, curains,etc
20.. No naked fame sources, such as lghlecandes,should be placed on the apparatus
21.. The symbolwih ~ Indeaton C votage
22.. CAUTION: These sevcing instrucions arefor use by qualfed service prsonnel onl To reduce the
      it of elecic shock,donot perfarm any servcingotherthan that contined in the operatng
      instucions unless you are qualifet doso
        [C] This eaviement is a Class 11 ordouble insulated elecrcal applance, t has been designed
               in such a way tatitdoes no require a safely connection o lectical eath
24. The batleries(battery pack or btteresinstald) shallnot be exposed o excessive heat such as
      sunstine, e othe e
25.. Atertonshould be draun tte envronmantal aspecis obattey isposal

accessortes mcupzo
    rewore conrot
    insrrucrion manum.
    warmanty excx omanuay
    «s remabarren
    co sormare
    use caste
    a rertacement neeoues
    1 vim. creanine crom
    10 recoro seeves
    rea unour caate

                                Product Overview

      REPEATin CD or USB mode,press to     14. FM: Press tenterto FM mode
      selecta repeat mode                  15. TUNING: in PM mode, tum to tune
      SHUFFLE: In GD or USB mode, press         in station
      for shufteplayback                   16. use Jaok
      PROGRANM: in CD or USB mode, whie    17. AUXIN JAGK: Gonnect an external
      the GD or USB is stoppec, press to
                                                source tothe AUXK N socket
      progiam tacks                        18. STOP [E Press o stop playback
ass. FoLbER + & FoLDER—: in uSs            toaz0. previous / NexT Track a
     mode, press to choose your
                                                Rewno /FF (maim»d
     desied flder                               in CD or USB Mode, press once to skip to
     VOLUNME KNOB: Tur to adust                 the previous / nexttrack
      volume. (Note: volume ranges fom          Press and hold o fast rewind / foard
                                           21. PLAVIPAUSE b l Press to stat
      001 20)
                                                playback. During playback, press againto
     PWER: Push to trnthe unt on or of          pause
     3.6mm HEADPHONE JACK: Accepts
                                           22. OPENCLOSE & in CD mode, use to
     headphonelearhone plugs                    epen and cose the dsc tray
10. BTIUSB: Pressto swich o Bluetoothor    23. olsc Tray
     USB made
                                           24. revore senson
i1 PHONO: Press to enterto Phono made      2s. rmscate
12. CD/AUK: Press to swich t CD            25.. TUNEDIST INDICATOR; in FM Mode,the
     orAUK mode
                                                "TUNEDIST indiator ights up red when
18. TAPE: Press to enterto cassette             tuning in a stereo reception station
     tape mode

   Right Side View

27. CASSETTE EF & EJECT Press halhray to fast forward. press allthe way to end
    and ejectthe tape.

Rear View

              m                » a

28. em wire anTenNa
    Whle tuned to a statonin FM mode, extend the wire and repositon to adiust
    for best reception
20. Acrowercoro
    Plugs ino a wall outet
30 USB JACK (Recording Only
31. LinEoUT Jacks
    For ampifer device with RCA aunitary input socketsinserthe whteand red plugs on the
    RCA cable itothe unt. Insertthe opposte end ntothe ampifer device. Be sureto connect
    the white plug to the whtejack and the red plug to thered jack

         of the Turntable

   A. Turntable.
       Safaty Serew (fortransport) Before using the unt,tum
       the srew clocknise using a coin or screnctiver
       important: When you tansportthe unt, tum the serew counterclocasise to secure the tumtable.
       Guedover Use thi lever to t the tone arm
a mmpo

       Speed Selector
       Tone Arm Holder
       Tone Arm Befere use, completel loosen the fixed rope on the tone arm and lthe tone
       arm up.
     . 45 RPM Adaptor

                                 Setup / Basic Operation
   Remove white protectve needle cover by genty puling towards front of unt
   Remove any packaging materas rom the unt
   Gomnetthe AG power cord
   to a wall outet

Note: To provent inteference, avoid bunding aucio signal cablestgether wth the AC power cord
Basic Operation
1. Fush the POWER button to tur the un‘ on
2. Selectthe source by pressing the coresponing bution
    use at /rono / co /Aux / Tare / Fin
3. Retate the VOLUNME knobt adjustto the desied sound level
Listening through Earbuds/eadphones (not included
For prvate Istening,frsreduce the volume level t mnimum
Insert your headphones‘plug ito the 3.Srimjack,then
adjustthe valume up by turmingthe VOLUNME knob                                ——@®
                                                                                3.5mm JA0K
Note: The speskers wl automaticaly be deactvated whio
headphones are plugged in
Listening through RCA LINE OUT
For ampther device Istenin, rstreduce the volume levelto minimum. Insertthe whit and red
plugs on the RCA cable into the back ofthe unt,then insertthe opposte end ntoyour amplffer
device. Be sure o connect the whte plug into the whtejack and the red plug nto the red jack
conpensamion waruine.
When h unt i moved om a ol o warm place, or is usefloninga suddan temperatie change thre sthe
dangertat water vaporin tair may condenseo heunt,praventng proper aperaton in such cases leave he
untfor 12 housaterpuggin A mo an AG outettoalow ho stailzeathatemperatire of ts suroundings

                                      Remote Control
When using the remote control. pinti towards the remote sensor on the front ranelofthe uit
— Even if e remote controlis operated within the effectverange, remote contrl operation may be
impossible fthere are any obstacles between the uniand the remote control
—Ifthe remote contral untis operated near other devices, which generate inrared ras, t may not
function properly Conversely, the other devices may notfunction incormctly
Batter Installation
1. Remove the battery compartment cover.                     setes somntnentsosge
2. Insert 2CAAAbatteries
    Note: Make surethat they are criented so their polarty
    markings, "+" and * match the remote‘s markings                                 )
3. Replace the battey compartment cover.

Battery Replacoment
When the operaing distance batween the remote contral unt and main unit decreases,i is
necessaryto replace the battry with new ones
Bo sure To insert he batteries wih comect positve +"and negative *"crientation
ALWAYS use batteries ofthe same type. Never mdiferenttypes ofBattors togother
When using rechargeable batris, refe io the precautions on thair lbels
When the remote control unt is not to be used for a long tme (more than a montt), remove the
batters to provent tham from leaking
Do not heat o cisassorblo batters, and NEVER dispase ofold batteiesby throwing tham in a fre
Do not dspose deviee nto standard garbage disposalstes.Dispose ofdoviceat avaiable Battery
Recyalng Stes aftefuly discharging batter; Not ing so may vislate dsposallaws and
Please reforto foca egulatons for propor battery cisposal

Remote Control Button Functions
1. OPENICLOSE: Press topeniclosthe distay
     (Wote: This buttowil only work in CD mode)
2. PHONO: Press to eter PHONO mode.
3. FM; Press to enterFM mode
4.    {Bluetooth: Press to entr Bluetoot mode
5. TAPE: Press to enter Cascette mode
6815. FOLDER® / FOLDER:: in USB mode, press to choose
     your desired flder
7. PROGRAM: in GD or USB mode, while CD or USB is
     stopned. pressto program tracks
8. REPEAE In GD or USB mode, ress to select repeat playback
3. STOPlil: Pressto stop playpack
10820. VOL+ / VOL: Press to adustthe volume
11818, Provious / Next Track & Fast Rewind / Forward ({—t/ >>1)
      in CD or USB Mode, press once to siipto the previous / next track
      Press and hold to fastrevind / forward
12. CD; Press to enter CD mode
13. AUiC Press to enterAUX mode
14. USB: Press to enter USB mode
16. SHUFFLE:i CD or USB mode, pressfor shuffe playback
17. PAR: In Bluetooth mode, press shorty to ciscomnect current device
      Press againto reconnectthe device that has been connected before
19.   PLAYIPAUSE DeE Press tostart playback, press againto pause

                              Listening to a Viny! Record
1. Press the °PHONObutton, ‘PHONO®wil appear
   on the display
2. Genty open the top cover.
   Note: Be careful not o pinch your inger when
   opering losingthetop cover
3. Place a viny record on the turnable. When playing a
   45 RPM record, use th included adaptor
4. Selectthe approprate speed (4)
5. Genty push tone arm clp )
   to therightto releasethetone arm
8. Raise the cue lever (6) tol the tone arm off thetone arm support
7. Move the tone arm genty to the edge ofthe record(orthe stating pointofa tack)
     Te tuntable will begin to tum
8. Genty lowerte tone arm by sowy releasing the oue lever
9. When the record reaches o ts end,tone arm and rotation stop.Lit the tone arm and place
     itto tone arm rest manvally
— Closingthe top coverwl heprevent dustfom seting on the tuntable
—Alvays relock thetone arm clp before transportng the unit
Do not place anything on top ofthetumtable cover especially while playinga record
                                      Listening to a CD
1. Press the CD/AUK button to switch to CD mode
    Note: When no discis set.‘NO DISC wil appear on the display
2. Press the OPENICLOSE (a) button
    Note: This button wll ony work in CD mode
3. Place a dsc on the tay with the printed label face up
.. Press the OPENICLOSE buton (a) to cose the tay.
    Note:"READ® willbinkfor a fow seconds
5. The number oracks wl show on the cisplay. And then it wil begin playback rom
    the fust rack automatialy
6. To temporarly pause playback, press the PLAYIPAUSE button (»1W. Press againto resume
7. To skip tracks backaward o forward, pressthe corresponding stip button (It=t or P0
    Pressing 1—t—t once willrestartthe currenttack
    Pressing 1—tt tvicein succession illretumto the beginningofthe previous track
8. To fastrevind / forward wthin a rack, ress and hold doun the corresponding skip button(H=t
    or »»1untthe desired postion is reached
9. To stop playback, press the STOP l button
— Never place more than one dsc on the tay.
— The dise mustbe placed in the centerofthe disc ray. Anincorrecty loaded diso
   can parmanenty damage the ray door mechanism

= Do not push the CDty — abways use the OPENCLOSE buton
— it takes a momentforthe unt o load a dis, during which allbutons wil bo
  temporanly deactvated
Repeat Playback
Each tme the REPEAT button is pressed,the repeat mode wl cycle through the folowing aptions
                    REPEAT 1 (Repeat one track
                    Te currenttrack wil be played repeatedy.If you press the it or »»9
                    button to selet another track,the track you select wilbe played repeatediy
                    REPEAT ALL (Repeat the entre CD
                    The entre GD wil beplayed repeatediy
                    To cancelthe repeat mode, ress REPEAT buton repeatedlytthe ‘REPEAT
                    icon disappears from the display
—Ifone ofthe folowing buttons is pressed, e repeat mode wil becancaled
  oretvetose, ru rrono, conux 1USA, tare
— Repeat playback works with fnalzed dises only.
Shufle    Playback
To play the tracks on a CDi a random sequence, press the SHUFFLE button during playback,
 ‘SHUFFLEwillshow on th top ote disply. Press SHUFFLE again to cancelstufle mode
                               — Pressing (»»0 during shutfe playback uirandomly
                                  selectthe noxt track
                               ——Ifone ofth folowing buttons is pressed, shufte mode wil bo
                                  canceled: oreweiose, ru. Piono, coliux iwiss, rare
                               — When the SHUFFLE playback ofl thetracks has been
                                  fiished. the unittops and the shutfe mode is canceled
                               — A frack cannot be repeated during shuffeplayback
                               —— Shuffe playback does not wark durng programmed playback
                               — Shuffe playback works with nalzed disos only

Programmed Playback
Uupto 32 racks can be programmed to py ithe desied order

— Stuffe playback doos not work during programmed playback
— Programmed playback works wih fnalzed discs only                    ‘
   Press °CD" to enter GD moe, then load a CD
   Whie the CD is stoppec, press the PROGRAM button                                   mosua
    PROGRANindleator binks, and °P.01° appears on the isplay          ‘      2\
   Press (Fet or e to selecta track number
   Press the PROGRAM button again to set the currenttack
   "P.02 is dislayed. Repeat steps 4 through 5 to program the addiional tacks
   When the selection oftrack numbers has been firished. press the PLAY button (»i) to stat
   program playback
   To cancelthe program mode, press the STOP (IB) bution twice and then the PROGRANwit
   iseppear rom the cisplay
To chect the programmed order
In the stop mode, press (Ieat or 1»»1 repeatedly to show the track numbers that have
been programmed
1. Press the °PM button. RAD® wl show on the diplay
2. Tune to the desired staton, using the Racio Tuner Knob
               Listening to an External Audio Device (AUX Mode)

Press the CD/AUK button to swtchto AUX made, "AUXwil show on the display
in AUX (auxilary mode, this unitcan play aucio from an extemal davice(Pod, MP3 Playor, Portable
GD Player etc)
 There is an AUXINjack on the rontofthe untt When connectnga device that has a headphone
Jack, use a 2 Smim cable on both ends tconnectthe extermal device withthe apporatus
 1. Plug one and ofthe 3.5mm cable(not included)into the AUX.N jack
2. Plugthe other end ofthe cable intothe headphone jack o he external device
NOTE: Alloperations are only avalabl on your extemal device
                Emm EmEcmtttc—rscGiIt?
1. Press LUSB button to swtch o Bluetaoth mode, and the cisplaywl fash "bLUE"
2. On your extemal deviee turn ON the Bluetooth function
    NOTE: The effetve distance batween your extemal device and is apporatus is
    10 moters (330)
4. Watt a mamentfo"Wooden Music Center® to appear on the devices Ist ofyour extemal
    devie‘s Bluetooth Men. Press "Wooden Music Center® tcomnect to the unt. Sometimes a
    window will ask you for a password. Fil in ©0000"then press ‘OK on your extermal davice
5. When the Bluetooth connection is successful, the "oLUE" on the cisplay and the Bluetooth
    symbol wil top fashing
— The PAIR Button wil alow you to iscomnectrom your extermal device whi remaining in BT
   mode. Simply press the PAbuttoto iscomnect. Press it agai to reconnecttre device that has
   been connected before

1.   Load an auio cassett tage nto the un‘ (ocated on the
     fight sideofthe un. Playback wil automaticaly begin
2.   Press buton haltway to Fast Foward the tape.                                    is2
     Press button Ighty and playback wil resume
3.   Press button completely doun to end playback and ejecttape
                              USB Memory Stick Playback
1. Press L1USB button to swtchto USB function,°USB"wil appear on the cisplay
    Note: Whenno USB is inserted NO° will appear on the diplay
2. Insert the USB memory stck (notincluded) into the USB port and then i wil begin playback
    automatiall from the frst track
3. To pause playback, press the PLAYPAUSE button (»I1) Press again o resume
4.: To skip tracks backaward o forward, pressthe corresponding stip button (I=t or P0
5. To fastrevind /forward within a rack, press and hold down the corresponding skip button
    (i—t or »»untlthe desied postion is reached
.. Press the button FOLDER+ or FOLDER:to select your desred flder
7. To stop playback, press the STOP () bution
     peat Playback
        ime the REPEAT button is pressed, he repeat mode wilexclthrough thefolowing options:
                          REPEAT 1 (Repeat one track)
                          The REPEAT 1"icon wil appear on the display and the current track wil
                          be played repeatedy.Ifyou press the (Mt=t or. P=Dbutionto select
                          anothertack, the rack you select wil be played repeatediy
                          REPEAT FOLDER (Repeat tfoder

            e 0.J
                          Te ‘REPEAT FOLDERican wil show on the display and the flder wil

                          start o playrepeatediy
REPEATALL (Reveatthe entre USB
Tre‘REPEAT ALL icon ill show on the isplayand the entre USB wil start o play repeatedy.
To canceltherepeat mode, press REPEAT buton repeatedly unt he ‘REPEAT:icon disappears
from the display
Shufe Playback
                                Press the SHUFFLE buttonfrshufteplayback. The °SHUFFLE®
                                icon wil appearon thedisplay. Playing the tracks on a USB modein
                    o           a random sequence
                    OI          Press it agaito cance!the SHUFFLE playbacks ‘SHUEFLE®wil
                    o           cisappear rom the cisplay

 — Pressing (@»1 uring stufe playback wl randomly selactthe noxt track
+A track cannot be repoated during shutfe playback
— Shuffe playback doosn‘t work daring programmed playback

Programmed Playback                                                        (

                                                                       ceooo i
You can program up to 98 tracks forte USB                              |

                                                                        joe.0— 4
— Shuffe playback doos not work durng programmed playback             ‘
    Retat to select USB function,then inser a USB memory stik nto USB port
    Whie the USBis stopped. press the PROGRAM button
    PROGRANicon wl show and °POT" binks on the dsplay
    Press (Ieat or »1 to selecta track number
    Press the PROGRAM button again to sethe next program track, P02 appears and binks
    Repeat steps 4 through 5 to pragram the addiional racks
    When the selection ofrack numpers has beenfrished. press the PLAYPAUSE
    button (rIDto star program playback
    (Not: when all 98program tracks are finalzed. press the PROGRAM button
    once and °FTwil appear on the display)
7. Press the STOP D buton to cancelthe program mode and then
    the °PROGRANwilldisappear rom the cisplay
To check the programmed rder
in the stop mode, press (It or »»1 repeatedto show the track numbers
that have been programmed

                                USB Recording Operation
To propery record your vinyto MPG via computer, use the included USB Output Gable and
Instructonal CD Software. Connect one end ofthe USB cable to the furnable (US8 jack on the back
of tunt)and the other end into your computer. Then connectthe AC power cord o the tuntable
To installand use the software on your computer, selctthe proper Mac or PC instafles,then
folow the prompls provided on he Instructional CD
For the most up to date mantals, software,instuctional detals, troubleshooting or other
dounloadable content, please go t hib laudactteam org

                             Maintenance / Proper Handling
Compact Dis Han
      Aays place hedsc on thdtaywih e label it focingupnard corpact dsccan be payedrecorted
      onl onone sce)
+ Toremore a ds fom s torage case, ress doun on the centr f the case and t the sc
      upvart, hoking t caret b is edges
+ To clean a ds vipe h surace fom thcentehle outwats tovartshe outer edge wiha sot, oy cath
+ Mever use such chenicals as rcort spay antetal spaye or fu, enzinortimer t lean disc: hay wt
      ireparany danage tdscs plasc surace
+ Oise shoube retumd to hi cases ater use to rotetrom dust and setches
+ Do not erpaie ies to drect unlght gh hamiy or h tomperairfo extended perods oftme
+. Ritable CORand CD—RW ies arenotrecommended as h label ide may becomestcy and
      damage e unt
+. Usea sot okinases folkippod pento urtenformaiono h abel id Neveuse a bal it or harttpped
      gen as dang so may damage herecorid sise
+. Do ot useirequaataped CDs (oclagonal hershaped. business card ze eto, as thy wi
      danage tunt
*.: Read al crecautons suppied wth n CO.R or CD.RW iss
      Heverhandl a se wih y oges
+.: Meverinseta is hat has a cack on h surfce
Handing VinRecorts
* Do notlauehthrecor‘s rooves. Onhandl recard byha edges o h labelwth clan hands.Toucting
      tnerecot urace wl cause your teco‘s uty t deterorte
      To cean a eeart, use a sot antstaico genty wse he recod surtace
      Keepresorts n thar rofctve ioeves uen notin use
      Alvays stre recrtsuoright on hiredges
      Avoid lacng recorts n drect sunight close toa heat soue (adatos, stoves,ets) orinaecaton ubject
      To viraton, excessne dust heat, coormoistre
General Care
* Vinenremoing hepower pug rom e wal oute. avays pul recty oe pag
      Never putine co
      T hees h laser ickup lean d notouch t and dono forge to close tciss tay
      Do notatemett lean e unt wit chemcaaatvent as is migh danage t frigh
      Foceaing onl use a ceandy cotn
      Inorder tshutf e poverto is poductcompletl; unplu te pover cort m thewal cutet Be ure to
      unlug thuntif you do notinten tuse A o an exended perod otme
How to Replace the Turntable Stylus (Replacement Neede # ITNP:LC1I
The sylus should last about 50 hours under nomnal use. Howaver itis ecommenced that thesyius
be replaced as soon as you nolce a change in sound qually. Prolonged use ofa wom—out siylus
may damage the record. The highest speed of 78 RPMrecords would wear out tstyus
more quieity
Removing the old styus:
1. Set a serendiver atthe tp ofthe stylus and push downnard (3)          }
2. Remove the stylus by puling t simultaneously dounward
    and fomward
Installing a new stylus:                                                        o
1. Hokd the front i ofthe stylus and insert ts rearedge ()frst
2. Push the styus upwards (C) untthetlocks io place
# Do notbend the syus
# Do not uh the neeile io avoll infay to your han.                             t
* Tum offthe unit‘s power before you replace the sylus                     0
®. Keep outofreach ofchikien                                                        0
                                                                           ouiserins insy

Pover Reairoments
Pover Gonsimaton
Dimensions (N x x 0)
                        510x200%340 mm Grmeo
.                        o2lte arpoo)
                        518e epproc)
Outpit Rover
Freancy Resgons
sreacen svorem
Freasency Rewonse       s t 20000 ie wa on
SgnattoHaseRato          sae(eoa
Tack Sytem              4 Track, 2channal treo
Tage Spoed                Bemiec
\Wow and Rier             a% ons
Freasecy Rewns           250 couoiie «ns ao

CatiaceTs                eranic Streo Canice
Syus.                   meur
Buetooh Vemion.          sueconyso
Bueooh Proios.           en zon amcr
Bueeat Frequentyrange    2aGie2dooctte
Operating Distarce,      10 mois c31
Tre.                     USB setes B comnector
ruvspeed.                use 20 tilspees

                            Troubleshooting Guide
     Symptom                   Possible Gause                    Solution
     «Unwl not power on.—      «Unitis unplugpen                +Canmedt e unt to he
                                                                   AG power supnly
     No seand aulput rem — Te valume Tevelis sel tealow:—| Adust the vaume
$     spenters               « The input selector does not      « Selectthe conect
$                              match the playback source.          input source
&    «NaseDisterionn         — The uniistoo dose to a TVset. : Tumof e TV
8     sound output             or anciherinterfering device        cther anplance, and
                                                                   relocate the un
     <Unt falsrespond.—      Itmigntresul rom axtema            ~Discomectthe power
                               fectors such as ED                  cord and extemal
                               (Electrostatie ischorge)            sudo devie. Re—puo
                                                                   the power cord ater
                                                                   cne minute
     —Tre tase daes no pay. — Te cassaitetape is notnserted Insert the cassate
&                              propery                             tage correaty.
&                            «The tape has reached the end. |«Filpthe cassatte
     <CannolIstento any      + me saton isnattwreon             ~Fosetynem e
      station, o signal        propery                             gesired station
      eppears wesk           +A TV setis being used nearby      |« Turnof theinterfering
o                              and is nterterng wi therado         TVset
§                              recestion
&    |Tresoindis astored. |> The antemna is not onentea         *Re—orent hantema
&                              property                            untlreception
&                                                                  improves
     ~CD stops immediaely —| The CD is nserted upside don. Insert tne GD win the
      after stating, or unt  « The GDis custy or iorthere. printed sideight
      pauses or stops during is condensation on the CD             up
      pay                                                       + Carefuly clean and
                                                                   dythe CD
     «Ne sama.               —Tre Cb pieyeris pausea            ~Fress e
&                                                                  PLaviPAUSE button
&    |~Copliyeactis nasy.— 1 The CDis seratmned; demaged |— Replace Cb wih an
2     or playoacc stopsor      arvarped                            undemaged one
5     sips                   «The aise is very dry.             + Caretily clean the
8                                                                  o
     <CD Tay wil not pen.    |@USBRTPHIONGAUNFNTIARE — Seiect CD mode
                               mode is selected
     «Buttors arenat         <The untis processng               +Wauntl he un
      funcloning correcty      information (~ Busyis               fishes processing
                               diplayed)                        + Turn the unit of,then
                             « The un‘ needs to be restirted.__|_on again:
     ~Decine in tamtable     « The lumtable styus is wan out.—| > Replace the sjus
$     sudio perfamance
     Th USB ave does           |— e USB aive i nat mserea        —|— msartihe Vsbanve
3     notplay                     propery                            corety
3                              «The USB drve has no MP3 tle


          No seand extput w          — Boh AUiN Jacks (rent and         Unplug the Font
 x         extemal aucio device.       rear) are plugged                 AUXCIN Jeck
 £         pugged into rear
           AUXCIN jack
          No saina.                  — The untis not sten to            — Ensure e untis
                                       Bluetoat mode.                     surtched toAUX/8T
                                     «Your device‘s andlortheunits        mode.
                                       volume not urn up                + Move yourBuetasth
                                     «Your device is too fartom the       devicecoserto unt
                                       unt orthere‘re some cbstace      « Turnup the volume on
                                       betveen your device and he         your potatle device
                                       unt.                               anfotunt.
 §                                                                      + Turn off your
  §                                                                      Bluetootn device an
 $                                                                       uni then power rem
 a                                                                        both back on.
          ~Samapaied                 ~Yeur device‘s andfor ie uns         Turn down the vaume
                                       volume not eust property           on your deviceiprone
                                                                          andthe unt
          —Unatle t par win a        »YoudevcedoesnThave                >Contim that your
           Bluetoothdevice             Bluetooh comectviy                 device is Buetooth
                                     « The Bluetooth paring is rot        compalble.
                                       successtl                        + Repairthe unand
                                                                          device again

Please note: As a resut of ontinual mprovements, the design and specifeations ofthis product are
subjectto change without notic.
Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Bluetoth SG, nc
Ofhertrademacs and rade names are thase ofthar respectve ouners
Made in China.

                                       FCC Statement
This device comples wih Part 15 ofthe FGG Rules. Operation is subjectto thefalwing two
condiions:(1) Ths device may not cause hamfuinterference, and (2) his device must accept any
interference receive includinginteference that may cause undesited operation
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the Imis for a Class 8 cigtal
device, pursuant o Part 15 ofthe FGC Rules. These lims are designed to provide reasonable
protecion against harmfiiterfrence in a residentalnstallaton, This equipment generatesuses
and can radate radio frequency energy and,if not instaledand used iaccordance wih the
instructions, may cause harmfiinteference to racio communications. However,tereis no
quarantee that inteference willt occur in a particuarinstalaton. If ths equipment does cause
harmfulinterference to radio otlevisionreception,which can be determined by tuming the
equipment of and on, the useris encouraged to ty to correct tintererence by one ofthe falowing
  Recrientor relsctethe receving antenna
  Increase the separation between the equipment and recaiver
  Connect the equipment nto an outet on a creutiferent rom that
   to which the recaier is comeated
— Consul the dealeroran experienced radioTV technician for help
WARNING: Any changes or modiications not expressly approved by the party responsile for
complance could vaid the users authorty to operate is equipment
The device must not be colocated or operating in confunction with any other antenna or transmiter
To maintai complance wih the FCC‘s RF exposure guidelines,place the productatleast 20cm
from nearby persons
                                        1C Statement
This device comples wih RSS247 of Industy Ganada. Get apparell se confarme a RSS247 do
Ganada d‘Industre. This device complies with Industy Ganada feense—exempt RSS standard(s)
Operation is subjecttothe folowing two conditons: (1) this device may not cause nterference, and
(2)this device must accept n inerfrence, includinginterlrence that may cause undesied
operation ofthe device. Le présentappareest confome aux CNR dindustre Canada applcables
aus apparels racio exempts dlcence. Son fonctionnement est suiet aux deux conditons suvantes:
(1) ie dispostif ne dotpas produire de broullage prejudciable, t (2) e dispostif dot acceptertout
broullage reeu. y compriun broullage susceptble de provoquer un fonctionnementindesirable:
The device must not be colocated or operating in confunction with any other antenna or transmiter
Capparellne dot pas étre localisé ou fonctionner avec d‘auts antennes ou ransmetteurs
This device comples with IC radiation exposute Imis setfothforan unconttoled environment
Cet apparel est conforme aus lmtes d‘expostion aus rayonnementsdeia IC étables pour un
incontilé envronnement
The device should be instaled and operated with a minimum distance of 20cm between the radiator
and yourbody:
Lapparelldoitre instalé euie aveo une cistance minimale de 20cm ente o radiatou ot
vote cops
                              California PROP 65 Warning
            WARNNG: This productcan expose you o chamicasincludinglead. whichis known to the
            Stite of Galfomit cause cancerand ith defecis orotherreproductve ham:
            For moreinfomaton go to vin PGSWarrinas c gov

Document Created: 2019-04-23 11:34:49
Document Modified: 2019-04-23 11:34:49

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC