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Users Manual

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       mobet: vraarosirc)

Music Center with Bluetooth

                                            CAUTION           |

      dppnmentune, |comncomenr nrocnanrnnnege
      Ammuressumer Pomeioents oonmmmmuness
      Wimbinvennnmes Spnperumuge
          use        se           Rppaprermer

CAUTION: T reduce the is of e o elcticshock,do not espose ths applance to rain o moiture
WARNING: To provent eletrc shock,donot use ths (polarzed) pug wih an extension cort, receptacle
or ther utet unlestblades can be fly inseted to provent blade expostre
             WARNMNG: Ivisbl aserradiaionwhen open and nterock faled o defeated. Avad drect
      é E    exposureto lser beam

                                 Important Safety Instructions
1.     Read ese instructons —Al hesataty and operatng instuctons should b read beforeths product
       is operaed
2.     Keep hese nstuctons—The safey and aperating insrucions should be retained for fture reference
3.     Heed allwarnings—Allwarnngs on theapplance and in the operatinginsructons shouldbe
       achered to
4.     Folow allinstuctions —Alloperaing and use instuctons shout befolowed
...    Do not use his apparatus near vater——The appliance should not beused near water ormoisture —
       for exampl, in a wetbasemant onear a svimmingpool, and the ike
6.     lean onl wih y cot
7.     Do not block any ventlaton apenings. Intalli accortance with the manifacurer‘ instctons
8.     Do notinstal near any heat sources such as radations, heat egisters,stoves, or other apparatus
       (ncluting ampifers) that produce neat
...    Do not defeatte safey prpose ofthe polarzed orgroundingpug.A polarzed pughas two blades
       with onewider than the oher A grounding plu has broblades and a thid grounding prong. The wide
       blade orte hiprong is provided for yousat !theprovided plugdoes no tnto your outet,
       consul an electicin or teplacementofthe obsolete outet
10._   Protect the pover cort rom being walked on or pinched partculary atthe pugs,comvenience
       receptaces and atthe in where tey extm tapparatus
11..   Only use atiachmentslaccessoresspocifed by he manutactirer
121.   Use onlwith hecart, stand tipod, bracket ortablespecifed by the
       manafacturer or old with heapparatus. When a caorrack is used
       use cauton when mouing the cartapparatus combinaton to avid
       injuy rom tp.over
13..   Unplag the apparatus during ighing stoms or when unused for
       long periods otime
14..   Referalservcing t qualfed personnel Sericinis required when the apparatus has been
       damaged in any way, such as power supply crt or pugi damaged,iquid has beon spiled
       or otiects havfalenito the apparatus has been exposed t uin ormoitire, does not
       operate nomaly, o has been cropped
                          bo not opEn

      nisoue e choc EuEctnious—ne ras ouvn

—This lghtring fash with aronhead symbot witin an equlateraltiangle is intnded to alert the user o he
presence of non—insulated "‘dangerous votage"wthithe roducts enclosure that may be of suffcnt
magnitude to consttute a s of electicshock
—Warmng: To reduce the isk of lecticshock, do notremove cover(or backas thereare no
userseniceable parts nsid. Refo sevicing to qualfed personnel
«Th exclamation poitwlhin and equlatratangle i iterdedto alethe use o the presence of
important operting and maintenance nstucton i theIterture accompanying the applance
This eaviement is a Gass 1 odouble insulated elecrcal applance.Ithas beendesigned n uch a way
thatit does not requirea safey comnection to electcal eath
17. The mains pug is used as isconnect device,the isconnect device shallremain eadiy operable
12. warnne
      To reduce the isk o fre or elecic shack, do not expose ts apparatus to rain or moisture The
      apparatis shall not bexposed to dtppina or splashing and that no objecs filed wth lquis, such as
      vases,shallnotbe placed on apparatus
18.. The use ofthe equipmentin moderate cimate
20. The vertlaton should not bimpeded by coverith ventlalon openings wih fems such as,
      revspaperslabledoths, curins,otc
21.. No naked fame sources, such as ighiecandas,should be placed on the apparatus
22.. The symbolwih ~. IndeatonAC volage
231. CAUTION: These serving instructons arefor use byqualfed service personna onl; To reduce he
      fik of eletteshock,do not prfom any seviing otherthan that conained in the operatng
      instucions unless you arequalfito do so

                                            Product Overview

      POWER: t Toggletotum the unt on or off
® r s en o

      3.5mm AUX 1N JAGK: Connect your extemal source tothe AUX N jack
      3.5mm HEADPHonE JacK
      stereo seeakers
      nise rray
             PLAYIPAUSEp» II : Press t start playback, press again to pause
             (Wote: Thi button only works in CD & Bluetooth mode,)
             OPENICLOSEA: In GD mode, use o open and close the dsc ray.
     8.      STORI:     CD mode, ress to stop playback or cancelthe program seting
     8. PAIR: Press to Patr a new Bluetoothdevice to the un‘ Once the device is connected
          successfuly, you can press the PAR buton to disconnect from your extemal device
     10. PREVIOUS TRAGKi4—t: in CD8 Bluetooth mode, press once to retum
          to the begintingof he currenttrack, press againto return to the previous rack
          in CD mode, presand hokd to rewind
     11.. NEXTI: in CD& Bluetooth mode, press once o skithe curnt rack
          in CD mode, presand hokd to rewind
     12. REPEATPress to slectthe repeat or shutte mode
     13. PROG: Press to setthe program playback
     14.. RADIO TUNER KNOB: in FM mode, tum o une in a station
     1s. tep ispray
     16. VOLUNME KNOB: Tumto adiust voume
     17— setEction kNoB(FW.c6,BTaUX.pHono,tape):
          Rotate to selectyour desire function

1s. casserrerrseseon
    Press halhray to fastforward, pressallthe way to end and eject the tape
Rear View
10. AC Power Cord
    Comectthe AG plugs ito a wallutet
     Youre strongly recommended thatthis product should be operated only from the type of power
     source indleated on the markig abel
20. LINE OUT jacks
     For amplfer deviee with RCA auitia nputsockets, nsertthe white and red plugs on the RCA
     cable into the unt, Inser the opposite end intthe ampifiedevice. Be sure to connectthe
     white plugtothe white jack and thered plug tthe red jack.
21.. FM Antnna
     Whituned to a staionin FM mode,extend the wire and repostionto adjust forbesreception
22. use Jack

   Parts of the Turntable

          Safety Screw (fortransport) Before using the unt,
          turn the screw elocwiso using a conn or screndiver
          Important: When you transportthe uni, tur the scrow
          counterclactavie to secure e tumtabis.
          Speed Selector
zom mpo

          Tone Arm holder.
          Tone Arm. Befure us, completclyloosen th twist
          tie on the tone armand uplit tone arm.
          45 RPM adaptor.
          Cue—Jever. Use this levertoi the tone arm

                                 Setup / Basic Operation
   Remove white protectve needle cover by genty puling towards fontof unt
   Remove any packaging materals rom the unt
   Comnect the ACpower cord
   to a wall outet
«Youre stongly recommended that this product should be operated only from the typo of power
sourceindlcated on the marking tabel
—To prevent interference, avoid bundling aucio signal cables ogether withthe AC power cord
Basic Operation
1. Move the POWER toggle o the ON postion. The LED ight around the radiodilwl ight u>
2. Select a play mode by rotting the functionknob(FMICD /BTAUXPHONOTTAPE)
3. Rotate the VOLUNME knobto adiustthe desied leveof sound
Listening through RCA LINE OUT
For amplfer device Istenin, fst reduce the volume lavelto minimum. Insertthe white and red
plugs on the RCA cableinto the back ofthe unt, then nsertthe opposite end nto yourampifer
device. Be sure o connectthe white plug into the whtejack and the ed plug nto the re jack
Listening through Earphones!Headphones (not included
For prvale Istening,t reduce the valume fevel o mnmum
Inser your headphones‘plug ito the 3.5mm jack, then
adjustthe valume up by turmingthe VOLUNME knob                 p«a
headphones are plugged in
                                                               {9 ) —
                                                                \%             3.5mmJACK
conpensatiou waruine.
When h unt is moved om a ol o warm plac, or is useflowinga sudden temperatie change thre sthe
angerthat watervapor in tai may condenseon ha unt, prventng proper operaton In such cases leave he
untfor 12 housaterpuggin&mo an AG outettoalow ho stailze at hatemperatire of ts suroundings
                                Listening to the FM Radio
 1 Rotatethe Function Knob t select FM The LED Displawil display d
2. Tune tothe desitestaion using the Radio Tuner Knob
1. Rotate the Function Knob to select CD. The LED Displaywil isplay"Cd—"
   (Wote: When no disis set, dise" wil appearon te display)
   Press the OPENICLOSEC®) buton to open the tay.
   (Note: This button only works in CD mode )
    Place a dic on the tray wih the printed labelface up
   Press the OPENICLOSE button (2) to close the try:
    Aftethatthe number ofracks wil show on the display and it wil beginto playback

      from thefrst rackautomatialy.
8. Tetemporarly pause playback, ress the PLAURAUSE button (»1). Press again to resume
7. Teretum tothe previcus o ski racks,pressthe correspanding button (It or >»1.Pressing
      1e once wil restar the currentrack, Pressing 1tdltvice n suecession wilrelurn tothe
     beginning ofthe previous rack
8. To Fast Forvard/ Revind wihin a tack, press and hold down the corresponding stip btton untl
     the desirepostion is reached
8. Tostop playbacks press the STOP l button
= Never place more than one disc on the tay.
— The dise mustbe placed in the center ofthe dise tray An inconecty
    loaded dise can permanenty damage the ¥ay daor mechanion
— Do notpush the CD tay always use the OPEN/CLOSE buttor
— /lakes a momentforthe unt o oad a cisc, during whch allbuttons wil be temporarly
Repeat Playback
Each tme the REPEAT buton is pressed,the repeat mode wil eylethrough the falowing options
REPEAT ONEReneat one track
The REPEAT ONE icon wil appear on the display and the current rack wil be payed
repeatedlIfyou press the(FRed or. +)button to selectancthertrack,the track you
selecwil be played repeatedty
REPEAT ALL (Repeatthe entre CD
The REPEAT ALLicon wil show on the cisplay and the entre GD will bplayed repeatedy
The "SHUEFLEicon wil appear on the display. Playingthe tracks on a CD mode
in a random seauence
 — Repeat layback works with GD ies onl
 — Pressing (PM)durin shuffe playback wilrandamy selectthe next rack
—A back eannot be repealed during shulfe playback
— Shuffe playback doesn‘t work during programmed playback
To cance!the REPEAT or SHUFFLE mode, press the REPEAT buten repeatedly i he rightside
icon disappear rom the dsplay
 Programmed Playback
Up o 20 tracks can be programmed to pay in the desired order
— Progremme playback works wih CD dises only
 1. Selest ‘CD" moe,then oad a CD
2. Whilthe CD is stepped, press the PROGRAM button
3.‘PROGinieatorlights upand POT® binks on the isplay
4. Press (IRtd or 4o selecta track number.
5. Pressthe PROGRAM button again o setthe next program track,‘PO2" appears and binks
 Repeat steps 4 through 5 o program the addional racks
8. When the selecton ofrack numbers has beenfiishedt, ress the PLAY

button (»1Dtostat program playback
(Note: vhen all20program tracks are inalzed, press the PROGRAM button
ence and "FI‘ wil appear on the dsplay)
7. Press the STOP (BB button tice to cancelthe program mode and then
   the °PROG wil dsappearfrom e cisplay
To chest the programmed order
In the stop mode, pres(FRet o. @1 repeatedy to show the rack numbers
that have been progammed
To add teek to the end ofthe programmed order
In the stop mode, press the PROGRAM button
Sefecta rack number by pressing (Ioet or =>9, then press the PROGRAM button
The current rack wil be added to the end ofthe program
                Listening to an External Audio Device (BT Mode)
in ET (Bluetoath) mode, hs unt can play musi rom external dences whei have a but
Bluetooth feature
eermine connieeren usive sLuerootH
1. Rotate to select BT" function. The LED Display will isplay "b"
2. The ‘BT LED Display wil fash whle searching for a device
3. on your extemal devicetum ON the Bluetocth function
NOTE: The effectve dstance between your extemal device and bis apporatus is 10 meters (330)
4. Wat a moment for *VTA270B"to appearon the devices is Press "VTA—2708
to connectto the uni. Sometimes a window wil ask you for a password. Fin 0000" en press
‘OKon your extemal evice
5. Oncethe Blustooth comecion is suecessfu the "8T Indicatorwil remain it
8. You can press EACK or NEXT buton to skip the previousinet rack or contrl on your device
— The PAIR Butn wilatow you to ciscomnect fom your extermal whi remaining in BT mode
  Simply press the FAIR buttont disconnect and search fr a new device. Follow the paring
directions above to connect io the new device
— Fast Foward /Rewind is onl avaiable on your external device

               Listening to an External Audio Device (AUX Mode)
Retate to select AUX function. Tne LED Display wil asplay ‘AUX
In AUX (eurilary mode, this untcan play aucio rom an external device (Pos, MP3 Player, Portable
CD Player ete)

 There is an AUX IN jack on the Ront ofthe unt. When connectig a device that has a headphone
Jack, use a 2.5mm cable on both ands to connect the extemal device with he apperatus.
 1. Blug one end ofthe 3.Smm cablet included) ntothe AUX N jack
2.. Plugthe oiher end ofthe eable into the headphone jack ofthe extemal device
NOTE: Alloperations are only avalable on your external device


   Retat to select PHONO®function. The LED Display wil display °PHON®
2. Genty apen thetop cover
   Note: Bo careful not to pinch your inger when apening/slsing thetopcover
3. Place a viy record on the turntable. When playing a 45 RPM record, use the included adaptor
4. Selectthe approprate speed           2

 5. Remove the tone arm rest holdetrelease the tone am
 8. Genty raisethe arm by usingthe one arm lever Move the tone arm to the edge othe record(or
    the stating point f a frack) and lowerthe arm onto the record using thetone arm lever
    Th tuntablewil begin totum
7. When the record reaches its end,tone arm wl stop atthe center ofthe record and you must t
    and retur the tone arm to the tone arm rest manaly. Lock te tone arm in the restholderto
    protect the tone arm:
— Closing the top coverwl hep prevent dust rom seting on the tuntable
—Avays relock thetone arm olp before transportng tun‘t
Do not place anyihing on top ofthetrmtable cover especilly whie playing a record

                              Listening to a Cassette Tape
1.   Rotateto elect TAPE"fiction The LED Display wilisplay TAPE. Load an audio cassete
     tape nto the unt (ocated on the let se ofthe unt). Playback wilautomaticaly begin:
2.   Rress button haltray to Fast Forward the ape
     Press button ighty and playback wil resume
3.   Press button completely doun o and playback and ejec ape

                                 B RECORDING OPERATION

To properly resord your vinyito MP3 via computeruse the ncluded USB Output Cable and
Instructonal GD Software. Connect one enofthe USB eabletothe trntable and the other end io
your computer.Then connect the AG power cordto the turntable. To install and use the software on
your computerselet the proper Mac or PC istalfes,then folow the promptsprovided on the
Instructonal CD
For the mast up to date manals, software, instuctional detals, troubleshooting or other
dounloadablecontent please go t hi lau


                            Maintenance / Proper Handling
Compact Disc Handin
+ Aways lacee dsc on he se ray wih tlablside facng upwart (compactacs can e playedrecorded
      onl on onesce)
+ Toremore a ds fom is torage cas, ress doun on the centr f the case and t the sc
      upvart, hoking t carety t is edges
+ To clean a ds vipe h surace fom thcentehle outwars towartshe outer edge wih a sot, oy cath
+ Mever use suchchemicals as recortspay antetai spaye or fu, enzine ortimer t lean disc: haywl
      ireparanly danage tiscs plasc surace
+ Dise shoube retumd to hi cases e use to rotetrom dust and setches
+ Do not epaie ies to drect unight gh hamy or h temperairfoextended perods oftme
+. Riviale COt and CD—RW iss arenotrecommended as h label sige may bcome stcy and
      damage e unt
+. Usea sot okinases fokippod pento urtenformaiono h abel id. Neve se a baloior harttpped
      gen as dang so may damage he recorid use
+. Do not use irequanahaped CDs (octagonalheashaped. bsiness card ze elo.
      as ty wil ariage the unt
*.: Read l crecautons suppiedwth any COt or CD.RW iss
      Heverhandl a se wih y oges
+.: Meverinsea is ht has a cack on h surfce
Handing VinRecorts
* Do notlouehthe ecort‘s rooves. Onhandl recard by he edges o h abelwth clan hands:
      Toscting h recortsurace wil cause yourecor ult to deleroate
      T9 cean a reeart, use a sot antala t o genty waeh recod surtace
      Keepresorts n thar rofctve ioeves when notin use
      Alvays store recrtsuoright on hiredges
      Avol lacingrecrts n iret sunight se toa heatsource (adatos, stoves, i.)
      or in a ecatonsubjcttoviraton, ercessve dust heat ol o mosture
General Care
* Vinenremoving hepower pug rom e wal oute. avays pul recty on e pag
      Neverputine co
+ To en the laserelup clsn,donotlouch t and donotforetto casethdsc tay
      Do notatemstt lean heunt wib chamcaaatvent as is migh damage t frigh
+ Foreaning onluse a cean dy c
+ Inorderto shutof hepowertotha product consletal, undlu hepowercord fom he
      walloutet Beaureto unplug the untyou do notintrd to use t for an extended pered

How to Repla          Turntable Stylus(Replacoment Needle 8 ITNP:LC1]
The stylus should last about 50 hours under nommal use. However itis recommenced thatthe stylus
be replaced as soon as you nolce a change in sound qualty. Prolonged use ofa wom—out styus
may damage the record. The Nighest speed of 78 RPM records would wear
out the styus more quickly
Removing the old stylus:                                                   4
 1. Set a serendiverathe tp ofthe stylus and push downnard (A)
2._ Remove the stylus by puling t simultanecusly downward and fomward
Instaling a now stylus:
 1. Hokd the front t ofthe styls and insert ts rear edge ) frst                     0
2. Push the styus upwards (C) unt hetp locks in place
* Do notbend the syus
* Do nottouch the neede to avoid njury your hand                               t
* Tum offth unit‘s power before you replace the sylus                     o
* Keep outofreach ofchidien
                                              n                           ouiserinsin

PoveReasrements            c rov—sone
Pover Gonsimaion           on
Demensions (N xX           i tnx 18 inStinummoo
                           smmG&Onme2t0nm (wros)
We.                        i 15 s anwon)
                          a28ie amreo
Oupst Pov
Freaency Reigons

hnpt Powsi
Freaeny Rewonse.
Tack Sytem                 Trck,2chonne! tareo
Tape Spoed                ABentiee
Wow and m                  a% ons
Freasncy Respons           250 6000 He +0 40
Recoro ruaver
Hew:                      .90 sane mote
ome Sm                    Bet on
Sn raic
Gatrage Tise              Seamic Surco Cantdge
Syus                      meicr
Buetooh Vemion             Bueson ve2
Bustooth Proie             szor eP
Bletsat Frequensyrange,    2acrone2atoone
Oseraing Distare           10 mates


     Symptom                 Possible Gause                        Solution
     Un wil not power        »Unts unplugned                       +Comesthe unt tome
      on                                                             AC power supply
     No seand suiput Tom   |— The valme levelis seltooton          ~Adivsthe voume
[,    spesters             « The input selector does not match |« Selectthe conectinput
$                             the playback source                    source
B    NaselDistarion n      |— The untis too dase toa WVeelor       : Tumohe TV oher
§     sountoutpst             another interering device              appliance, and relocate
     ~Unt fals torespond.— I mghtresulTom extemalfdlers—           « Decomenthe pover
                              such as ESD (Electostate               cord and extermal aucio
                              dischorge)                             device Re—plugte
                                                                     power cord ater one
     Te tape does not      |— The cassatls ape is nat nserca       =Insert e cassete tape
&     sey                     property.                              coreaty
&                          «The tape has reached the end           «Fip the cassete
     ~CamatIstento any |= The staton is not Unedin propery..—      »Froperly tunen e
p     sttion, or signal    +A TV set i being used nearby andis..|. desiredstation:
&     sppears wenk            intefering with the racio recepton.  « Turoffthe nterleing
$                                                                    TViset
&    |<mesamais            > Te anfemna is mt anented preperty.—| > Re—anentthe antenna
&     dstated                                                        untl reception
     ~CD siops             Te GD s nserted upsie domn              =insert h CO win e
      immediately ater     «The GO is dusty odity orthereis          printed right—side
      staing, orunt           condensation on the CD                 to
      pauses or stops                                              + Garefuly clean and dy
      during pay                                                     the CD
     ~Nosainc.             =me CD pyeris pauses                    ~Press ns PL\rAUSE
x                                                                    bution
#    |—COpeypeckis nalsy. |— The CDis swatcned; damagea or         «Replace CO wih an
&     orpaypack stops or      warped                                 undamaged one
&     sips.                «The dise is very dity                  « Caretuly clean the CD.
9    [zCDTaymitnotopen: ~FMVELUETOOTRRUNPHGNONA® |@Sdect CD mose
                              Emode is selected
     «Butons are not       > The untis pocessing nfamaton          «Wntl e unt
      fincloning corretly          Busyis displayed)                 fishes processing
                           «The unit needs to be restarted
                                                                   « Turnthe unt of, then
                                                                     on again
     «Decine in umable |— The tumtable syius is wom on             «Replace e syus
2     sudiopertemance


       ~No seand sulput wih. T1 Te unl is not on AUXmode             ~Ensurehe ntls
 i      external aucio device                                         sultched to AUX mode
 2      pugsedintoAUXin
          «Ne sama:               ~The untis not swich o Sustoaln |— Ensure he intis
                                    moge,                                 suttched to BT mode
                                  «Your device‘s andlorthe ints         «Move your Bluetooth
                                    volume not um up                      devicectoser o unt
                                  +Your deviceis too o romthe unit or » Turn up the volume on
                                    therere some obstacle beween          your patable device
                                    your device and the unt.              anstorthe unt
 s                                                                      + Turn oyour Bluetooth
 $                                                                        device and unit then
 i                                                                        power them bath back
 i                                                                        on
 ®        |:Somaigamen            ~Yeurdevee‘sandor me is               7 turm down the vaume
                                    volume not aust property              on your device/phone
                                                                          and the unt
          > Unable o par wl a—|     Your devce doesnT have Bluslooh 1 Gontim tal your
            Bluetoothdevice         comectiviy.                           deviceis Bluctooth
                                  « The Bluetooth paiing is nt            compatible
                                    successtul                          + Repairthe unt and
                                                                          device again
Please note: Asa resut of ontinual improvements,the designand specifeations ofthis product are
subjecttochange wihout notice
Bluetocth is a registered redemark of Bltooth S1G, Ic.
Othertradematks and rade names are thase ofthairespectve cuners.
Made n China


"hisdevie comples wilhPat 15 o the FCC Rules. Opertion is subject toth ullwingtwo condtions (1)
"hisdevic maynot caiseharmifliterfeence, and (2) thisdevie mus acept any inereroncereceived.
including interfrence thatmay cais undesred opention
NOTE: This equipmenthasbeen ts and found to comply wththlt for a Class : digtadevice
pursiattoPat 15 ofthe ECC Rules. These liits ae deigned to provide reasonable protetion againat
hamifilinterfrence in esideta nsallaion.This equipment eenertes usesand can radateradio
frequency energy and iot inalledand usd in accrdance with thinsouctions may causeharil
inerfrercetoracio communicaions Howeve,                            iterfrence will not ccur in
partcila inalation, 1fthis equpment doescause hamfl inteferenceto acio o eleisionreception,
‘which ea be dtemnined byturing thequipment ol and onthe use is encourged t trytocorect the
interfrenceby one ofthe folowing mensures
— Reorient orrelocte h recevine anteuna
+ Iereae theseparationbevween the equipment andreceivr
«. Comec theequipment nto n outet on a crcut diffrent romtht
to which the receiveis comexted
«: Conslt thedealo o an experianced racio‘TVtechnicim fohlp
WARNNG: Any changesormodifeations not expressy approved by the pary respr ibl for compliance
could voithe use‘ authortyto operate this equipment
"Th device us notbe co—locateo opeatin n conjuaction with any otheantemor transmiter
To mainiin compliance w the FCC‘sE exposure suidelines,place theproduct at least20emfrom nearby

                                        1C Statement

This devicecomples wih RSS247 ofIndusty Canada. Cet apparellseconforme o RSS247 de
Canada «‘Industre. This device compls with Industy Canada Ieense—exempt RSS standard(s)
Operation is subjecttothe folowing two conditons: (1) this device may not cause nterference,
and (2) thsdevice must accept any nteference, includinginterference that may cause
undesired operation ofthe device. appareis radio exempts de lcence. Son fontionnement est sule
t aux deux conditons suvantes:(1) 1e dspositf ndolt pas produre de brouilage prejucicable,
et (2) ce dispositf dacceptertout broullage reouy compris un broullage susceptitle de
provoquer un fonctionement indestable
The device must not be c—located or operating in confunction withany other anterna or ransmniter
Lapparellne dopas érelacalieoufonctiomner avec ‘autresantennesoutansmeturs
This devicecomples wih IC radlation exposure Imis setfoth for an uncontroledenvironment
Cetapparelestconforme aun imtese‘expostion aux rayonnementsde Ia 1C étables pour un
The device should be instaled and operated wih a minimum distance of 20em between the radator
and your body:
Vappareldot@reinstal et utsé avec une distance minimale de 20 cm entre le
radiateet vorecops:

                              California PROP 65 Warning

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Document Created: 2018-11-28 19:23:29
Document Modified: 2018-11-28 19:23:29

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