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Instruction Manual

         MODEL: VTA3708
Music Center with Bluetooth

       Sammptmitink.                     |quorent mnemenonnters
       Reuengnansetenamane fecormsome erdor enroem umnmmmmess
            versm     Memimemctivet
                         e                                                     wz

CAUTION: Treduce the iskoffre o elcticshock, do not expose hs applance to rin o moiture
WARNING: To prevent electic shock,donot use this (polarized)plug withan extension cort. receptacle
or othr utlet unlesth blades can befly inseted to revent bade expostre.
              WARNNG: Inistelaserradattonwhen open and nterock faled odefeatd. Avaid drect
       é E    exposure to laser beam

                                 Important Safety Instructions
1.      Read hese instuctons —Al he safaty and operaling instuctons should e read before this product
        is perated
2.      Keep hese nstuctions—The safelyand operating insrucions should be retained foflure reference
3.      Heed all warnings—Allwarnings on theapplance and in the operatinginsrucions shouldbe
        achered to
4.      Followalinsticions —Allaperatingand use instuctons should be folowed
5...    Do not use hi apparatus near vater—The appliance should not be used near aer o moisture—
        for example,in a wet basement onear a svimmingpool, and the e
6.      Clean only wit y cot
7.      Do not blockany ventlation apenings. Intalli accordance with the manfacurers instucions
8.      Do notinstall near any heat sources such as radaions. heat egisters,stoves, or ther apparatus
        (cludin amplfers that produce heat
8.      Do not deleat e safey prpose ofthe polatzed or grounding pug.A polarized pughas two blades
        with one wide than the othar A grounding plu has broblades and a thid grouncing prong, The wide
        blade orththird prongis providedfor yousafel 1ftheprovided plugdoes no t nto your outet,
        consul an electician orrelacementofhe obsolte outet
10..    Profecthe power cort rom being walked on or pinched partculary t the pugs, convenience
        receptaces and atthe point where ty ext om the apparatus:
11..    Only use atlachmentsiaccessorasspectfed by e mandfactire
12..    Use onywith he cart, stand ipod, bracket orttlespecifed bythe
        manafactrer or old with heapparatus. When a car orrack is used
        use cauton when mouig the cartapparatus combinaton to avid
        injay rom tp.over
13..    Unplag the apparatus duringlghing stommsor when unused for
        long perits oime
14..    Referalservcing t qualfed personnel. Serviing is requied when thapparatus has been
        damaged in any way, suh as power supply crdor plugi damaged,lquid has beonspiled
        or sbiets have falenitothe apparalus has been expased t in ormoitre, does nt
        operate nomaly, or has been dropped


   nisoue e chioc Evectnlous—ve ras ouvnt
<Thislghtring fash wih arouhead symbot wihin an equlatealtanglei intnded o aler he user o he
presence of non—insulated ‘dangerous volage" wthithe products enclosure that may be of sufint
magnitade to consttute a s of electicshock
«Waring: To reduce the isk ofleciicshock, do nat remove caver(or back as there are no
userseniceable partsnsid. Refor sevicin to qualfed personnel
«Th exclamation poit wlhin and equlatratanglei iterdedto aletheuseo the presence of
important operaig and maintenance insirictons i the Merature accompanying the applance
10. "The mains pug is used asdiscomnect device,the isconnect device shalremain eadiy operable
i7 warnne
     To reducethe isof e oelecticshock, do not expose ths apparatus o rain or maistre. The
     apparatusshall not be exposed to ifpping osplasting and that no objecis filed ith fquils, such as
     vases,shallnotbe placed on apparatus
10. The use ofhe equipmentin moderate cimate
10. ‘The ventiaionshould notbe mpedad by covering the ventlaton operings wth fems such as
     newspapers, tabledaths, curains,cto
20. No naked fame sources, suh as lghted candes,should be placed on the apporatus
21. The symbotwih ~.. IndeatonAG votage
2. Te symbolwith           2==indeate D0 votage.
23. CAUTION: These servcing istrctons arefor use by qualfied service ersonnel onl To reduce the
     fis f electre shock,donot pefarm any servcingotherthan that contined in the operating
     instucions unless you arequalifet doso
        [C] Thi eqviement i a Class 11 ordouble insulated electrcal applance,Ithas been designed
               in such a way thatitdoes no require a safely connection o lecrcal cath

                                          Product Overview

            POWERD: Toggletoturn the unt on oroff
no@e en s

            3.5mm AUX 1N JAGK: Connect your extemal source tothe AUX N jack
            3.5mm HEADPHonE JacK
            stereo seeakers
            nise rray
            PENICLOSE A: in CD mode, use to open and close the distray
            PLAYIPAUSE D# Ik: Press to stat playback, press againto pause
            (Wote: Thi button only works in CD, Buetooth and USB mode )
    8.      PAIR: Press to Patr a new Bluetoothdevice to the un‘ Once the device is connected
            successfuly, you can press the PAIRbuton to disconnect rom your extemal device
    8.      STOP l In GD or USB mode, press tostop playback or cansel the program seting
            in recoding mode, press o cancethe recording
    10.     PLAY MODE: in COUSB mode, press t select trepeat or shufle mode
                            When the CD or USB is stopped, presstoprogram mode
    11..    NEXT »t in COUSBluetooth mode, press once t skip the current rack
            in CDUSB mode, press and hold to forward
    12.     RECORD: Press to record fom CDBluctoothAUXINPPHONOTTAPE onto USB memory
    13.     PREVIOUS TRACK 1« in CDUSBBivetooth mode, press once to retum
            to the begintingof the currentrack, press againto retur to the previous track
            in CDUSB mode, press and hold o revind
    14..    RADIO TUNER KNOB: in FM mode, tum o une in a station
    1s.     tep ispray
    16.     VOLUNME KNOB: Tumto adiust voume
    17—     setEction kNos (F, cp, useat, ax, PHon, Tape):
            Rotate to selectyour desire function

Left Side View
is. casserterr & mecr
    Press halhray to fastforward, pressallthe way to end and ejec e tape
19. USB Port
Rear View
20. LINE OUT Jacks
    For amplifer device with RCA auiiiar inputsockets, nsertthe whte and red plugs on the RCA
    cable into the unt Inser the opposite end intthe ampifier device. Be sure to connectthe
    whte plugtothe white jack and thered plug tthered jack.
21. FM Antenna
    Whi tuneto a staionin FM mode,extend the wire and repostionto adjust for best reception
22. AC Power Cord
    Comectthe AC plugs ito a walloutet
    Youre strongly recommended thatthis product should be operated only from the type of power
    source indieated on the markig abel

   Parts of the Turntable

   A.. Turntable,
   B. Safety Screw (for transport)Before using the unt,
       turn the screw elockwiso using a conn or screndiver
       Important: When you trnsportthe un‘, tur the scrow
       counterclactavie to secure te tumtabie
       Speed Selector
zom mpo

       Tone Arm holder.
       Tone Arm. Before use, completely loosen the twist
       tie on the tone arm and upifttone arm:
       45 RPM adaptor.
       Cue—fever. Use this levertoi the tone arm

                                 Setup / Basic Operation
Sotup                                                                                     L
 1. Remove white protetive neediecover by gently pulingtowards front of un‘         A
2.. Remove any packaging materils fom the unt                                          CA>
3. Connectthe AC power cord t a wall outet                                         PR

—Itis strongly recommended thathis product should be aperated only rom the type ofpower
 source indleated on the marking label
—To provent inteference, avoid bundling aucio signal cables ogether wthe AC power cord
Basic Operation
1. Move the POWER toggle to the ON postion, The LED ght around the radio dalwl ight up
2. Select a play made y rotaing the fincton knob (FWICDUSB/BTAUKPHONOTAPE)
3. Retate the VOLUNME knobt adjustthe desired leveofsound
Listening through RCA LINE OUT
For ampther device Istenin, rstreduce the volume levelto minimum. Insertthe white and red
lugs on the RCA cable into the back ofthe unt,then insert the opposte end ntoyour amplffer
device, Be sure o connect the whte plugintothe whitejack and the red plug nto the rejack
Listening through Earphones!Headphones (not included
For prvate Istening, s reduce the volume level t mnimum
Insert your headphones‘plug ito the 3.Srimjack, then
adjustthe valume up by turmingthe VOLUNME knob
Note: The spockers ul actomaticaly be deactivated whio                ¢       3.5mm JAcK
headphones are plugged in                                      \%
conpensamion waruine.
Vhen theunt is moved om a l or warm lac, oris usefloninga sudéen temperatze change tere s the
dangertat water vapor in tair may condenseo heunt,pravening proper aperaton in such cases leave e
untfer 12 housaterpugginAmo aAG outettoalow ho stailze at hatemperatire of ts suroundings

                               Listening to the FM Radio

 1. Rotatethe Function Knob to select FNF, The LED Display wil displayd‘
2. Tune to the desired staton using the Racio Tuner Knob
                            RSSibpeperernc enc

1. Rotate the Function Knob to select CD. The LED Display wil isplay°Cd—
   (Wote: When no cise is set,‘dis"wl appear on the cisplay)
   Press the OPENICLOSE (4) buton to open the tay.
   (Wote: This button only works in GD mode )
   Place a dison the tray wih the printelabel face up
   Press the OPENICLOSE button (8) to case the tray.
   "Then t wil beginto playack fom thefisttrack avtomatialy
   To temporarly pause playback, press the PLAYPAUSE button (»1). Press again o resume
   To returnto he previous or stip racks, press the corresponding buton (It or >Pressing

     1st once wil restar the currentrack, Pressing. 1t byicein succession wilroum to the
    beginning ofthe previous track. Press BM once to skip the current rack
8. To Fast Forvard/ Revind wihin a tack,press and hold down the corresponding stip btton untl
    the desirepostion is reache
8. Tostop playbacks press the STOP M buton
= Never place marethan one dise on the ray
=— The dise must be placed i e centerof the dise bay. An ncarectly
    Jaaded dise can permanently damage the ray dor mechanisn
=— Do notpush the GD tray— alvays use the OPENCLOSE buton:
it takes a moment fo the uni tofoad a die, daring whichallbttons wilbe emporarly
 Repeat!Shuftle Playback
Each tmethe PLAY MODE button is pressed.the repeat made wl xslthrough the faloving
REPEAT 1 (Repeatone t
The "REPEAT 1"icon will appear on the dsplay and the current rack wil be played
repeatediy fyou press the(Fob or. 1 button to select ancther rack,thetrack you
selecwil be played repeatedty
REPEAT FOLDER (Repeat one foden
The "REPEAT FOLDERican wil show on the display.In CD—MPIWWMAmode, you can selectthe
folderto pay
REPEATALL (Repeatthe entre GD
The ‘REPEAT ALLicon wil show on the cisplay and the entre CO/CD—MPSMIMAwil be payed
"The ‘SHUEFLE icon wil appear on the display. Playingthe tracks on a CD mode
in a random sequence
 — Repeat playback works with GD ises onl
 — Pressing (P4during stuffe playback wilrandamy selectthe next rack
A back eannot be repealed during shulfe playback
— Shuffeplayback doesn‘t work during programmed playback
To cance!the REPEAT or SHUFELE mode, ress the RLAY MODE butlon repeatedy i te icon
disappears rom the dsplay
Programmed Playback
You can program upto 20 tracks for CD dise and program upto $ tracks for MP3 cise
— Shuffeplayback does not wark during programmed playback
— Pregrammed playback works wit fnalzed dise only
     Select °CD" made, hen load a CD
     Whie the CD is stopped, pressthe PLAY MODE button
     "PROGRANieon wil show and °PO1" binks on the display
     Press (Iok or. Me0 to selecta rack number
     Press the PLAY MODE button again to setthe next program tack, PO2"appears and bliks
     Repeat steps 4 hrough 5 to program the adaiional tracks
     When the selection of rack numbers has beeniishec, pressthe PLAYPAUSE

    butn (»i to start rogram playback
    (Note: when all20 o 99 program tracks are nalized. press he PROGRANM button
    ence and °FI wil appear on the isplay)
7. Press the STOP D utton twiceto cance!the program made and then
    the °PROGRANwill isappear rom thecisplay
To chest the programmed order
In the stop mode, press (Ioel . »»1 repeatedlytoshow the trck numbers
that have been progammed
To add teek to the end ofthe programmed arder
In the stop mode, press the PLAY MODE button
Sefecta rack number by pressing (Iokt or »0, then press the PLAY MODE button
The current rack wil be added to the end ofthe program
                Listening to an External Audio Device (BT Mode)
in BT (Bhvetoot?) mode, ts unl an play mustc rom external devices that have a bultin Bluctooth
cetTine contiEctep UsiNG BLvETOOTH
1. Rotate to select BT"function_The LED Display willplay "BUE" and 0 leon
2. The UE LED Display and icon wil tatfashing whle searching for a device
3. on your extemal devicetum on the Bluetoothfunction
   NOTE: The efectve distance between your extermal device and is apparatus is 10 meters C3t)
4. Walt a moment for "VTA—370Bto appear on the devices st.Press "VTA—3708" to comect to he
   un‘ ifa window asks you for a password,fll in "0000"then press ‘OKon your external device
5. Onee the Buiooth connection is suecessfl the "BT" Indcator wil emain t
8. You can press BACK or NEXT butlo to skipthe previoushextrack or control on your device
— The FAIR Button wl alow you to disconnect fomyour extemal whie remaining in ET mode.
   Simply press the PAIR butfon o diconnect. Press again o recomnect the device thathas been
   comected before
«: Fast Forward/Revind is only availale on your external device

 Rotate to select AUXfinction. The LED Displaywil dsplay "AUXC
In AUX (auallary mode, this uncan play auci fom an external device (Pod, MP3 Player, Portable
 CD Player ete)
 There is an AUX IN jack on the Ront ofthe unt. When connecting a device that has a headphone
Jack, use a 3.8mm cable on both ands to connectthe extemal device with he apporatus
 1. Blug one end ofthe 3.Smm eablet included ntothe AUX N Jack
2.. Plugthe oiher end ofthe eable into the headphone jack ofthe extemal device
NOTE: Alloperations are only avalable on your external device


   Ratate to select PHONO‘function. The LED Display will display °PHON®
2. Genty open the top cover.
   Note: Be careful not o pinch your inger when opening/dlsingthetop cover.
3. Place a vinrecord on the furntale. When playinga 45 RPM record, use the included adaptor
4. Selectthe approprate speed
5. Remove the tone arm rest holdetrelease the tone am
 6. Gently aisethe arm by usingthe tone arm lever. Move the onarm to the edge othe record(or
    the stating point ofa track) and lowerthe arm onto the record using thetone arm lever
    The tuntable will begin to tum
7. When the record reaches is end,tone arm will top atthe center ofthe record and you must it
    and retur the tone arm to the tone arm rest manaly. Lock te tonearm in the restholderto
    protec the tone arm:
— Closing the top coverwil ho prevent dust rom sating on the tuntable
—Avays relock thetone arm clp before transportng the un‘t
Do not place anyiting on top ofthetumfable cover especialy whie playing a record
1.   Rotateto select TAPE® unction.The LED Display wildisplay APE". Load an audio cassette
     tape nto the unt (ocated on the right side ofthe unPlayback wil automatialy begin
2.   Press button hallray to Fast Forward the tape
     Press button ighty and playback wil resume.
3.   Press button completely doun to and playback and ejec tape
1. Rotate seletor knobto USB function, °USB"wil appear on the diplay
    Note: When no USB is inserted NO° will appear on the diplay
2. Insert the USB memory stck (notincluded) into the USB port and then i wilbegin playback
    automaticalyfrom the fust rack
3. To pause playback, press the PLAYPAUSE button (»1D. Press againto resume
4.: To skip racks backward o forward, press the corresponding stip button (I=t or. PeD
    Press (14—) once willrestat tcurrenttrack
    Press (14@)tice in succession will retum to the beginning ofthe previous track
    Press (¥M—)button to siiptothe nexttack
5. To fast forwardhewind within a rack, press and hold downthe coresponing sip button untthe
    desred postion is reached
6. To stop playback, press the STOP () button

Repeat/huft Playback
Each timethe PLAY MODE button is ressed. the repeat made will xslthrough the falowing
REPEAT 1(Repeat one lrack
The "REPEAT 1 on will appear on the dsplay and the curent track wil be played
repeatedly Ifyou press the(Foe or. 1 button to select ancther rack,thetrack you
selecwil be played repeatedy
REPEAT FOLDER (Repeatte falde
The "RePEATFOLDERiean wil show on the display and the folder wil startoplay repeatedy.
REPEAT ALL (Repeat the entre USB
The "RepEAT ALL ieon wil show on the cisplay and the entre U3B wil star to lay repeatedy.
The "SHUEFLE icon wil appear on the display. Playingttracks on a USB mode
in a random seauence
 ~ Pressing (P4during shuffe playback wilrandamy selectthe next rack
A back eannot be repealed during shulfe playback
— Shuffeplayback doesn‘t work during programmed playback
To cance!the REPEAT or SHUFELE mode, press the RLAY MODE butlon repeatedy i te icon
disappears rom the dsplay
Programmed Playback
You can program upto 9 tracks fo te USB
— Shuffeplayback does not work during programmed playback
    Retatto selest USB function,then insea USB memary stck nto USB port
    Whithe USB is stoppedt, press the PLAY MODE button
    "PROGRANicon willshow and °POt" binks on the display
    Press (Fok4 or. Me0 to selecta rack number
    Press the PLAY MODE button again to setthe next program tack, PO2"appears and bliks
    Repeat steps 4 hrough 5 to program the adaiional tracks
    When the selection ofrack numbers has been inishec, pressthe PLAYPAUSE
    butlon (wI) to start program playbackc
    (Noto: when all 90 program tracks are fnalized, pressthe PROGRAM butlon
    ance and °Fwill appear on the dsplay)
7. Press the STOP (Dbuton twiceto cancel the program made and then
    the °PROGRANwl dsappear rom the dsplay
To chest the programmed order
in the stop mode, press (IRtt or D repeatedy to show thetrick numbers
that have been programmed

Before Recording
Audo from the PHONO, TAPE; CD or AUBLUETOOTH sources can be recorded on
the USB memory. Note: Allsources record to USB, the formatis MB3

1) FistInser a USB memory stick nto the USB port
2). Pick the source of musicand relat the seletor knob (BTAUXPHONOTAPE)
    a) f using a reeord, put tvinyon the turntable
    b) Place the needle on the record. The un‘ wil play automaticaly
3): Stat playing your music rom your refered source
4). Press RECORD buton to enter recording made. ‘REC" and "USB® wil appear on the dsplay

   Note: t needs a fow secondsto read the USB memory stick,the LED cisplay wil appear USE
   fashing —»LOAD—>BUSY:
5) Aferthat t wil tar to recording automaticaly and the aucio track wil show on the diplay

8): To stop recorting, press the STOP () and REC and USB will lisappear rom the display
— Recording valume is preset and cannot be adusted. Thelstening volume does not affectthe
   recording process
«: For manval rack separation during the recording process, pross e STOP buttonto end a trackat
   yourprefartefocatin, To bagin recording anatter rack, press the RECORD buton and then
   press the stop buton when you want to end your next track
Recording from GD to USB:
1) Fist Connectthe USB memay stck in USB port
2) Select CD Source mode,then put a CD on thtay and close the tay.
3) The un‘ willenter the CD mode,i the CD sources playing, press the STOP button to
   stop the track. The CD must be stopped before recording
4) To record from the beginning of the CD:
   ) Press the RECORD button to enterthe recording mode and it wl stat recordingfrom
        the fst track

   ) When recording i frished,i will entrecord mode automatically
5) To record from a specifictrcke
   a) Selecthe exact rack you wantto record using the BACK and NEXT buttons (Wt«t or PD
   b) Then press RECORD to start recording fom that specife rack
   e) Press STOP to end the rack recording.

6) Press the STOP button to cancelthe recording and the number ofracks willappear on the

Note: When audio from CD is recording to USB, onlthe STOP button will work.
Recording from Cl           P3 to USB
Flease note: No audo wil be heard when recording, hiis normal
When recording from CD—MP3 t USB, the recording stars from trck one on the CD and wil record
untithe entie GD is copied to the USB dive. You can press STOP to stop the recording process at
any time, but this wlllmithe tricks shoun on the USB, We recommend recordinthe entre
GD—MP3 to USB and then deletng fls thaare noprefered
1) First Connectthe USB memoy stck into USB port
2) Select CD Source Mode, then put a CD—MP3 on the tray and close thtay
3) The unt wll enterthe CD mode, ithe CD—MP3 source is playing. press the STOP button to stop
     the track The GD mustbe stopped to beain recording
4) Press the RECORD button to enterthe recording mode and it wl tatto copy tentre
     CD—MP3 onto the sB

5) When recordin is frished, t wil it trecord mode automaticall;
8) Press the STOP button to cancel he recording and the number oftracks will appear on the

Note: When audio from CD—MP3 is recording to USB, only the STOP button willwork.

Erasing the Last Track or All Tracks:
1. Wth an USB memory sick inserted. select the USB function byrotatig the selector knob
2. In stop mode, press and holdthe STOP M button, dEL 1" wil appear on the dsplay
3. Pressthe BACK or NEXT (Istst Or. > to select deete one track (UEL1") odelate altracks
   Press the PLAYPAUSE (») button tice to conim delcte
   Ifyou select o delete one rack, the cisplay wil apear with the numbers of rack aten
   If you select o delete al racks,thecisplaywill show"no FO‘ atthe end

Please note: Alr recording is complete (depending on the length ofthe recording},button operation
might be cisablec briy whiethe recording is nallzedinteall i the buttons do not operate
please wait 30 seconds to 1 minatefoth unito frish processing the recordin, Unit wl then retum
to nomal operaton

                            Maintenance / Proper Handling
Compact Dis Han
      Aays place hedsc on thdtaywih e label it focingupnard corpact dsccan be payedrecorted
      onl onone sce)
+ Toremore a ds fom s torage case, ress doun on the centr f the case and t the sc
      upvart, hoking t caret b is edges
+ To clean a ds vipe h surace fom thcentehle outwats tovartshe outer edge wiha sot, oy cath
+ Mever use such chenicals as rcort spay antetal spaye or fu, enzinortimer t lean disc: hay wt
      ireparany danage tdscs plasc surace
+ Oise shoube retumd to hi cases ater use to rotetrom dust and setches
+ Do not erpaie ies to drect unlght gh hamiy or h tomperairfo extended perods oftme
+. Ritable CORand CD—RW ies arenotrecommended as h label ide may becomestcy and
      damage e unt
+. Usea sot okinases folkippod pento urtenformaiono h abel id Neveuse a bal it or harttpped
      gen as dang so may damage herecorid sise
+. Do not use irequaataped CDs (octagonalhershaped. business card ze elo.
      as they wil ariage the unt
*.: Read al crecautons suppled wth n CO.R or CD.RW iss
      Heverhandl a se wih y oges
+.: Meverinseta is hat has a cack on h surfce
Handing VinRecorts
* Do notlouehthrecort‘s rooves. Onhandl recard by he edges o h labelwth clan hands:
      Tosetng h recortsuace vil cause yourecorult to deleroate
      T9 cean a reeart, use a sot antala t o genty waeh recodsurtace
      Keepresorts n thar rofctve ioeves uen notin use
      Alvays stre recrtsuoright on hiredges
      Avol lacing recrts n iret sunight se toa heatsource (adatos, stoves, i.)
      or in a ecatonsubjcttoviraton, ercessve dust heat ol o mosture
General Care
* Vinenremoing hepower pug rom e wal oute. avays pul recty oe pag
      Never putine co
      T hees h laser ickup lean d notouch t and dono forge to close tciss tay
      Do notatemett lean e unt wit chemcaaatvent as is migh danage t frigh
      Foceaing onl use a ceandy cotn
      Inorderto shut f e poverto h product compltl; unclug te pover cartfom the
      walloutet Beaureto unplug the untyou do notintrd to use t for an extended peredoftre

How to Replace the Turntable Stlus/Replacoment Needle 8 TNP:LC1]
The sylus shouldlast about 50 hours under nommal us. However itis ecommenced tat the sylus
be replaced as soon as you nalce a changein sound qvally. Prolonged use ofa wom—outsyus
may damage the record. The highest spoed of 78 RPM records would wear
outthe styius more quickly
Remouing the ols stome:                                                   }
1. Set a sorendiver athe Up ofthe stylus and push downnard (A)
2. Remove the sylus y pulingit simultaneously downward and fomward
Installing a new stylus:
1. old the front p ofthe stylus and insert ts rear edge ()frst                     0
2. Push the styus upwards (C) unt hetp locks ino place
# Do notbend the styus
# Do nottouch the neede to avoid njury your hand                              t
# Tum offhe unit‘ power before you replace the stylus                    o
®_ Keep outofreach ofchicien
                                                                         ouiserins in

PoveReasrements        Ac reov—oohe
Pover Gonsimaton        on
Demensions t xtX 8.     eainx 15 in x7.87in ereno
                       480 mx 280 im x 200 mm @pproc)
We                      i 15 s anmon)
                       228 is Gmreo
Oupet Pove
Freaeney Reigons

Freaeny Rewonse.
Tack Sptem             4 Track, 2channa!treo
Tape Spoed               Bemls
Ww and B                 a% ons
Freaency Reswons        2ste eon0ie +0 40
Recoro ruaver
                       .90 sane mote
                         ut oive
                        31Rrem 45 tom and 78 rom
                         or man 80 cB
Catrage Ts               wanic Stree Garticge
Syus                    meicr
Buetooh Verion          Bueson ve2
Bustooth Proie          sz0r wmop
BletthFrequensyrange    aecronenasoone
                        10 metes

                        USB setes B connecter
                        USB recerd fom vinrecod, COCD.MP3, Cossate, AUX,
                        and Qhetoot,
Fut—Speed.              UR 20 tilspeed

                              Troubleshooting Guide
     Symptom               Possible Cause                              Solution
     «Unwilno              +Untis unpugged                             «Comestthe untto
      power on                                                           the AC power
     ~No sound culsut      |— The valume Tevelis settoo low            ~Adjust h valime
      from speakers        + The input selector does not match e       « Select e coect
a                             pleyback source                            input source
§ omm rrommmeanmvanransamawys
& sondouput interering device. oter applance
6                                                                        and relocate he
     «Intants           >Emphtresul Tom exfemal factrs such as |— Dscomedt e
      respond               ESD (Eleaiostate discharge)                  pover cord and
                                                                         extemal audio
                                                                         device, Re—plug the
                                                                         pover cord ater
                                                                         one minute
     ~The tape does not —|— The aasselle lape is not nserted mropary.—| Insert the oossalle
&     pey               +metore es eecedine ond                          Hee mds
&                                                                       «Fip the cassette
     ~CamotIsten to     —|— The staton is not nedin movery              «Fropery tineim e
      any station, or   +A TV setis being used nearby andis              desired station
3     sional appears        interferng wih the radlo recention          «Tumaffhe
&     veek                                                               interfering TV set
E    |~Tesomer          =The anfema is not anentepropery                "Resenme
      distored                                                           anterna unti
                                                                         recestion improves:
     +CD sops           +The CD is nserted upsde doin                   Inser tne CD wi
      immediately atter « The CD is dustyor dity or tereis               the prnted side
      startng,or un         condensation on he CD                        rightside up
      pauses or stops                                                   «Carefuly clean and
      during ple                                                         dogthe CD
     ~No soung          ~Te CD payeris paused                           «Press e
«                                                                        prarpause
§                                                                        button
&    |—CD peypactis     |— The CDis seratched. aamepea orwarpea. «Replace CD wih an
&     neisyoplayback        The iscis very dity.                         undamaged one.
8|    stops or stips                                                    «Carefuly cleanthe
m                                                                        co
     ~Co raymimar       ~|EMUseaLDETCOTAUXrhoNor                        ~Selest CDmose
      open                  TAPE modeis selected
     ~Buttons are not   —|— The unis processing infomaton               ~Wal une unt
      unctioning            + Busyis displayec)                          fiishes processing
      coreaty           «The unit needs to be restarted                 «Turm the unt of,
                                                                         then on agein
     ~Decine n tumable|— The tumablesfus is won ait                     «Replace the siyus
2     sudo
&2    performance


            ~Ne semnd calput   ~The uns not on AUXmode:                    ~Ensire Te ntis
aux          with extemal audo                                              sultchedto AUX
             deviee pluaged                                                 mode.
             Into AUX in ack
            +No souna          ~Tme unis not sc to Buetoor mose:           +Ensure e untis
                               +Your device‘s ancforthe uni‘s volme not     suftchedto B
                                turn up.                                    mode.
                               +Your device is too fa rom the unt or       «Move your
                                there‘re some obstacle between your         Bluetoothdevice
                                device and the unt.                         closerto un
                                                                           «Turm up the vslume
                                                                            on your potable
                                                                            device andlor e
                                                                           «um affyour

                                                                            Bluetooth device
                                                                            and unthen pover
                                                                            them bath back on
            ~Soindis paries      Y6irdevices anofor ne uns voume not       Tum don the
                                  adiustpropery.                            volume on your
                                                                            devieiphone and
                                                                            the unt
            «Unatle t parwin     +Youdevice doesnT have Buetooh            «Contim hat your
             a Bluetoothdevice     comectviy                                deviceis Bluetooth
                                 + The Bluetoothpaiing is not successtul    compatble
                                                                           «Repairthe unt and
                                                                            device again
            +Tuse dive           The USB dive is not nserted povery        <Inser the USB aive
             does not pay        + The USB dive has no MP3 fle              corectly

                                       FCC Statement
Thisdevice comples wih Part 15 ofthe FGC Rules. Operation is subjectto the falowing two
conditins.(1) Ths device may not cause harmfuinterference, and (2)this device must accept any
interference recaived. inclusing inteference that may cause undestted operaton
NOTE: This equlement has been tested and found to comply with the Inis for a Class 8 digtal
device, pursuant o Part 1 ofthe FGC Rules. These limtsare designed to provie reasonable
protecion against harmfuiterfrence in a residentalnstallaton, This equipment generates uses
and can radlate raio frequency energy and,if notinstaled and used in accordance wih the
instructons, may cause harmfiinteference toracio communications. However there is no
quarantee that inteference will nt occur in a particuarinstlation If ths equipment does cause
harmulinteference to radio or tlevisionreception, which can be determined by tuning the
equipment of and on, the useris encouraged to ty to correct thintererence by one ofthe falowing
   Recrient orrelocate the recevingantenna
—. Inctease the separation between the equipment and recaiver
   Comnectthe equipment ntoan outet on a crcul diferent rom that
   to which the recemer is connected
— Consultthe dealeror an experienced radioTV technican fohelp
WARNING: Any changes or modifcations not expressly approved by the party responsiblefor
complance couldvaid the users authorty to operate this equipment
The device must not be c—located or operating in confunction with any other antenna or transmniter
To maintain complance with the FCC‘s RF exposure guidelines, placethe productatleast 20om
from neatby persons
                                          1C Statement
This device comples wih RSS247 of Industy Canaca, Get apparell se confarme a RSS247 de
Ganada «‘Industre. This device complies with Industy Canada Ieense—exempt RSS standard(s)
Operation is subjecttothe folowing two condiions: (1) thi device may not cause nterference, and
(2)this device must accept any intrfrence, incluing intererence that may cause undesired
operation of the device. Le présent appare est confome aux CNR dIndustre Canada applcables
aus apparels racio exemptsde lcence. Son fonctionnement est suiet aux deux conditons suivantes:
(1) ie dispostlf ne dot pas produire de brouilage prejudciable, t (2) ce disposiif dot acceptertout
broullage reeu, y compriun broullage susceptble de provoquer un fonctionnementindesirable
The device must not be colocated or operating in conjunction wih any other antenna or transmiter
Capparel ne dot pas étrlocalé ou fonctionner avec d‘autres anternes ou ransmetteurs
This device comples wIC radiation exposure Imis setfoth for an uncontroled environment
Cet apparel est conforme auxlmtes d‘expostion aux rayonnementsde Ia IC étables pour un
incontlé envronnement
The device should be instaled and operated wih a minimum distance of 20em between the radator
and your body:
Capparel dot Areinstalé t ulise avec une distance minimale de 20cm ente ie raciateuw
et vote cops
                               California PROP 65 Warning

            WARNING: This product can expase you to chemicalsincludng lead which is knownto he
            Stae oCalfomi to cause cancer. For more nformationgo to vi PBSarmings ca go.

Document Created: 2018-11-19 17:15:50
Document Modified: 2018-11-19 17:15:50

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This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC