User Manual


Users Manual

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     mopet: vtazsos


       remmne on e ommuo. Ssunon TGRREvENT mmAnrinnasmmege
      mmeatune,.                           iopanfenamess
       omnuamannent       fecormsome
                          Sonalnee   orcon aputoem mmaettare
              eseer        |Mobensoce
                             iess                meuee
CAUTION: T reduce the is of e o elcticshock,do not espose ths applance to rain o moiture
WARNING: To provent eletrc shock,donot use ths (polarzed) pug wih an extension cort, receptacle
or ther utet unlestblades can be fly inseted to provent blade expostre
                                    Important Safety Instructions
        Read tnese instructons   —Al hesalaty and operatng insbwctons should e read belore is productis
2.      Keep hese instuctons —The safily and operting nstuctionsshould beretained foiturereference
3. Heed allwarnings ~All warmings on heapplance and in the operaing instucions shouldbe
     achered to
4. Follow allinstuctions —Alloperaing and use istuctons shoul befalowed
5. . Do not use this apparatus nearvater—The appliance should not be used near vater ormoisture —
        forexampl, in a wetbasement onear a swimmingpool, and theie
...     Clean only with y cot
7.      Dnot block any ventlaton openings.Intlli accortance witthe manfacurer‘s instrictons
8.      Do notinstall near any heat sources such as radations. heat egisters, stoves, or other apparatus
        (including ampifersthat produce Neat
..      Do notdefeathesalety purpose ofthe plared or groundingpug A polarzed plag has io lades wi
        one viderthanthe other A grounding plag has o bades and a higrouncing prong. The widebade
        or the hirdprong is provided or your safaty 1tprovded plug es notRt io your ouet,consut an
        electician foreplacement ofthe obsolete outet
10.      Protectthe power cord rom being walked on or pinched partculary t the pigs,comvenience
        receplaces and at the poin where ty ent hom thapparatus
11..    Only use atlachnentsiaccessores spectied by he mandacret
121.    Use onlwith hecart, standipod, bracket.or ablespecifed bythe
        manafacturer or old with heapparatus. When a cat or rack s used
        use cauton when mouig the cartapparatus combinaton to avid
        injay rom tp—over
13.     Unplag theapparalus during ighring stoms orwhen unused for
        long perios o time
14..    Referallservcing t qualfed personnel. Serviins requied when the apparatus has been damaged
        in any vay such as powersupplycart or lugis damaged, lqul has been spiled
        or aects havfalenitothe apparatus has been exposed t ain ormoitire, does not
        eperate nomaly, o has been droppe

                            bo not opEn

       nisoue e choc EuEctnlous—ne ras ouyn
«Thisightring fash wih arowhead symbet witin an equlaterl tianglei intnded o alert he user t he
presence of non—insulaed "‘dangerous volage" wlhithe roducts enclosire that may be ofsufient
magritadeto cnsttute a k of lectic shock
«Waring: To reduce this o lecc shack, do rot remove cover (or back) as tereare no userservceable
pats inste Refarservcing to qualfed parsonnel

—The exiamationpoint wthin and equlateraltiangle s intended toaler the userto the presence of mporiant
eperaing and maintenance instucions in the Meraureaccompanyingtheapplance
This eqvipment i a Gass 1 odoutle insulated elecrcal applance. Ithas been designed n such a way
that it does not requirea safey comnecton to elecrcal eath
17. The mains lug is used as isconnect device,the dsconnect device shal remain eadiy operale.
18. warnng
       To reducethe is ofre or electic shock, do not expose ths apparatus to rain or moisture. The
       apparatis shall t be exposed o tpping orsplashing and that no onjects iled wth Inuds, such as
       yases,shallnotbe placed on apparatus
18.. The use ofhe equipmentin moderte imate
20. The ventlaton should not bimpeded by covering e ventlaton openings wih tems such as
       rewspapers, tabledotns, carains,oto
21.. No naked fame sources, such as iqhcandles,should be placed on the apparatus
22.. The symbolwih ~. IndeatonAG votage
28.. CAUTION: These servcing instrucions arefor use by qualfed service ersonnal onl. T reduce he
       it of electreshock,.donot prform any sevcing other than tat contaied in the operaig nstuctons
       unless you are qualfed o do so

Accessories incuupeo:
+ reaune out caste
«aRmwty @aox or manuat)
+ as Rem anaprer
rurnmste oreration sueer

                                  Product Overview

Front View

   PoWER © NOLUNME: Rotate cockwise to um the unt ON
                           Rotate counterclockwie to tur the unt OFF
                           When un‘ is ON,rotte to adust tvolume
   3.5mm AUX.IN JACK: Gomnect your exiemal source to the AUX—IN jack.
   P Press to swtcht M function
   8: Press to swich to Bluetooth function
   AUX: Press to swtch to AUX IN function
   PHONO:    Press to swichto PHONO function
   RADIO TUNER KNOB: in FM made, trn knob to tune to desied station

Rear View

8.. LINE OUT jacks
    For ampliier device with RCA avsilar input sockels,inser the white and red plugs on te RCA
    eable into the unt, Inser the apposite and int the ampiffer device. Be sureto connectthe whte
    plug to the white jack and te redplug to the redjack
10. FM wire antenna
    Whie tuned o statonin FM made, extend the wire and repostion to adustforbest reception
11. AC Rower Cord
    Connect the AG pluginto a wall outet
    1tis strongly recommended thatthis product be operated onl rom t type ofpower source
    incicated on the marking label.

    Parts of the Turntable

    A. Turntable                                                                     A
    8. Safety Scrow (for tansport)                                                     ©
           Befere using the unt, tun the screw clockwiise using a coin or screnciiver
           Important: When you transportthe unt, turm the scraw counterelockiseto secure the turtabie.
           Speed Selector
zomm s o

           Tone Arm holder
           Tone Arm — Before use, completely losen the twist ie on the tone arm to i tone arm
           45 RPM adaptor
           Cue—deve— Use thleverto i ttone am

                                  Emm eremcrenten
1. Remove white protetive needle cover by gently pulingtowards front of un‘t
2. Remove any packaging materals rom the unt
3. Connectthe AG poer cord to a wall outet
—I is strongly recommended that this product should be operated only rom the type of power source
indicated on the marking labol
—To provent inteference, avoid bunding audio signal cables ogether withthe AC power cord
Basic Operation
1. Roate the POWERVOLUNME knob clckaiseto tun the unit on. The LED displaywilikminate
2. Selectthe source by pressing the coresponing button (FMBTAUXIPHONO)
3. Rotate the POWERVOLUNME knobto adiustto the desired sound level
u       a through RCA LinE ouT
For amplfier devicIstening,frst reduce the volume lavelto minimum.Inserthe white and red pugs
of the RCA cable into the corresponding colors on the unt. Then insert the opposte end into the
ampifer device.
B sure to connectthe whit plugt the white jack and the red plagto the rejack
conpensamiou warnine
When h unt s moved om a ol o warm plac, or is useflowinga suddan temperatize change thre sthe
angerthatwatervapor in toi may condenseon ha unt, prventng proper operaton In such cases leave he
untfor 12 housaterpugginAmo an AG outettoalou ho stailzeathatemperatire of ts suroundings
                                  S es
1. Press FM buttonto swtchto FM function,FM button wil ight up
2 Tune to the desired staton by usingthe Radio Tuner Knob
                    istening to an External Audio Device (BT Mode)
in ET (slvetoot?) mode, hs unt can play musi rom an extemal devie withthe Bluetooth feature
eerzine connecren usive sLuztootH
1. Press the BT button t swich Bluetootn function
2. The Bluetooth button LED wil fash
3. Set tBluetooth functin of your extemal device when the apparatus is on
4. Set o search Bluetooth device on yourextemal device
   NOTE: The effectve distance between your extermal device and this apparatus is 33 (10 meters)
4. When —VTA—2808" appears on the pared devices it on your extammal device,press VTA—2808
   to comect
   If a password is required. use ‘0000"then press ‘OC on your extemal device
5 When your Bluetooth connection is successful, Bletooth button LED willremain t
  NOTE: Allperations are only avaiable on your extemnal device

                  istening to an External Audio Device (AUX             Mode)
Press the AUX button to swteh to AUY—IN functon, AUX button wil ht up
in AUX (auxiiary) mode, ts unt can play audio rom an extermal audio source (Pod, MP3 Player,
Portable CD Player etc)
 There is a AUXIMjack on thefrontside ofthe unt. When connecting a devicethat has a headphone
Jack, use the cable with 3.Smim plugs on ether and with the front AUXCINjack
 1. ug one and ofthe AUI—IN cable (not ncluded) nto the AUI—IN jack
2. Plugthe other end ofthe cable into the headphone jack othe external autio source
NOTE: Alloperations are only avalable on your extemaldevie.
                                  5o           Mc
1. Press the PHONO buttonto swtchto PHONO function, PHONO button wil ght u>
2. Genty open the top cover.
   Note: Be careful not o pinch your inger when opening/elsingthetop cover.
3. Place a viny record on the turntable. When playing a 45 RPM record, use the included adaptor
4. Selectthe approprate speed (4).|     |~/n
5. Remove the tone armrest holderto release the tone arm
6. Move the tone arm genty to the edge ofthe record(orthe stating pointofa track)
   Te tumtable will begin to tum
7. When the record reaches the end, thetone arm willstop a e centerof the record.Lit and retur
   the tone arm to the tone arm rest mantaly. Lock the tone arm—rest hotderto protectthetone am
— Closingthe top coverwl hep prevent dustfom seting on the tuntable
—Alvays relock thetone arm clp before transportng the unit
Do not place anyihing on top ofthetumtable cover especialy while playinga record

                             Maintenance / Proper Handling
Handling Vingl Records
* Do not oich tresord‘s grooves. Only handle resords by the edges othe label with clean hands
   Touching the record surface wil cause yourrecords qualtyto deterorate
   To clean a recrd. use a sot antstate cloth to genty wpe the record surtace
   Keep records in thar protecive sieeves when not n use
   Abways store records uprght on their edges
   Avold lacingrecarts in drect sunlght, cose to a heat source (adiators, stoves,ec),
   orin a location subjectto viraton, excessivedust, heat, cal or maisture
General Care
* When removingthe powerplugfrom the wall outet, alvays pulldrecty on the plug
   Never pulthe cord
   "To Keap the laser pickup clean, do nottouch t and o notforgettoclase the ciso tay,
   Do not attemptto lean the unwith chemicasalvents as ths might damage the frish
   For cleanin, only use a clean, dy coth
   In arderto shutof the power o this product completel; unplugthe powercord fom the
   vallaullet.Be sure to unlug the unt iyou do not intend to use i for an extended pered
How to Replace the Turntable Stylus (Replacement Neede # ITNP:LCtI
The stylus should fast about 50 hours undernormal use However tis recommenced thatthe stylus be
replaced as soon as you noticea change in sound qualty Prolonged use of
a wom—out stylus may damage the record. The highest speed of 78 RPM
records would wear outthe sylus more quickly
Removing the old styu
1. Set a serenctiveratthe tp of tstylus and push downard (A)
2. Remove the stylus by puling t simultaneously dounward and fomward
Instaling a new stylus:                                                          0
1. Hok the front i ofthe stylus and insert ts rear edge (©)frst
2. Push the styus upnards (C) untthetlocks ito place
* Do not bend the syius
* Do nottouch the neodl to avaid njury your hand                            t
* Tum offthe uni‘s power before you replace the syius                   o
+ Keep outofreach of hidren
                                                                        ouiserins inag

PoveReasrements         Ac rzov— cohe
Pover Gonsimaion         on
Dimensiont xtX B).       eSinc78 mxt5 2i Gmrod
                        4201200 307 Srmm (poc)
wolgt                   1543 s ooprox)
                        The. eepeo
Opst Pover,
Freaency Reigons
sreacer svorem

recoro ruaver
                        s—un mew, asrom and 70 row
                         enc Strco Gantage
Quetooh Vemin,
Buetooh Proies:
Bumoot Frequensyrangs    aczonezamoone
Operaing Distrce,       5 fct/ 10 meters

                                  Troubleshooting G
      Symptom                       Possible Cause                  Solution
      +Unt wl not power on          +Unitis inplugped              «Comestns unt to me
                                                                      AG power supply
      ~No send suputrm              —The valime Tevelis settostow. Adust e vaume
L,     speaters                     « The input selector does not  « Select e correctinput
$                                     match the playback source       source
.     |»Nase/Ditotion in sound      1 The un too dose to a TV set Tum affihe TV oer
§      en                             oranciher interering device     appliance, and relocale
                                                                      the un
      ~Unt fls torespond             ~Itmight resul Tem extemal     |— Dscomecthe pover
                                      fectors such as ED              card and extemal audo
                                      (Electrostatie ischorge)        device, Re—plugthe
                                                                      power cord ater one
      ~Camat Isten t any            — The siaton is notuneom       —Fropery tinein me
       statie, or ignal appears       propert                         desiresation
3      weak                         +A TV setis being used nearby «Tum—affe iterterng
2                                     and is nterfeing wi therado. TV set
&                                     reception
E.    |rmesomon asterea             7The antema is not areniea     @Resrenthe antems
                                      propery                         untl recestion
      +Decine n tumable aud—        > The unable syfus is wan aut. > Replace the siyus
2      perfemance
      +No saind sulput wh           =The untis not on AUX mode.       «Ensure he unt s
5      extemal audiodevice                                             svitched to AUX mode
T.     stuaged intoAUX in jack
      ~Nosama                       The intis not smcredto           ~Ensure Te unts
                                     Bluetooth mode                    suthed to AUX mode
                                    «Your device‘s andlor the uni‘s  «Move your Bluctocth
                                     volume is nottumed up             devicecloserto unt
                                    «Your device is too tor m the    + Turm up the volume on
                                     unt orthereis some abstacte       your portable device
                                     between your devie andthe         andfortheuntt
E                                    n                               a umoff your Blestooth
 $                                                                     device and unt then
 2                                                                     power them bath back
$3                                                                     on
 z.   |Scundis geroies              ~Your device‘s anafer e uns        Tum doin the vaume
                                     volume is not adjusted properl. on your device/mhone
                                                                       and the un‘
      «Uable topar wia              ~Your deice doesnthave           ~Contim inat your
       Bluetoothdevice               Bluetooh comectvty                device is Buetoctn
                                    «The Buutoothparing is not         compatile
                                     successtul                      «Pairthe unt and
                                                                       device again


"This devicecomples wih Part 15 ofthe FGC Rules. Operaion is subjecttothe falowing two
condiions.(1) This device may not cause harmful interfrence, and (2) this device must accent any
Inteference receive. nclucing Interference that may cause undesired operation
NOTE: This eqvipment has been tested and found to comply wih he Imitsfor a Class 8 digtaldevce,
pursuant to Part 15 of e FCC Rules. These Imtsare designed to provide reasonable prtection
against harmfuinterference ia residentilinstalation. This equipment generales uses and can
radiate recio requency energy and, t notnstaled and used in eccerdance with the nstructions, may
cause harmfutnterference to racio communicatons. Howeverthere is no guarantee that interlrence
wil nst oceur in a partcular nstalaton. I!this equipment does cause harmfuinteference to racio or
television receptio, which can be determined by turning the eavipment off and on,the useris
encouraged to y to cortectthe nteference by one of the folowirg measures:
— Reorient or relcate thereceiving antenna
  Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
  Conectthe equipment intoan ouet on it diferentrom that
  towhich the receiveris connected
  Consul the deater o an experienced radiorTV technician for help
WARNING: Any changes or modiieations not expressly approved by the party responsible for
complance could vad the users authortyto operate this equipment
"The device must not be co—located or operating in conjunction with any otter antenna o transmiter
To maintain complance wih the FCC‘s RF exposure guidelnes, lace the product atIeast 20om from
nearby persons.

This device comples with RSS247 ofIndusty Canada. Get appareilse conforme o RSS247 de
Canada d‘Industre. This device complis wih Industry Ganada feense—exempt RSS standard(s)
Operation is subjecttothe folowing two conditions: (1) this device may not causeinterference,
and (2) ths device must accept any ntererence, ncludinginteference that may cause
undesired operation of the device. apparels racio exemptsde lcence. Son fonctionnement est suiet a
ux deux conditions suivantes:(1 e dispositf ne dpas produre de brouilage prejucicable,
et (2)ce dispositf dtacceptertout broullage reou, y compris un broullage susceptile de
provequer un fonctionnement indestable:
The device must not be colocated or operating in conunction with any other antenna or transmiter
Lapparellne dot pas ételocalize ou fonctionner avec d‘autes antennes ou transmetteurs
This device comples wih IC radlation exposure Imis setfoth for an uncontroled envronment
Cet apparellest conforme aux limtes c‘expostion aux rayonnementsde Ia 10 étables pour
un incontrdlé environnement
The device should be instaled and operated with a minimum ditance of 20cm between the radator
and your body. Lapparell d e install et uisé aveune distance minimale de 20 om ente le
radiate et vore corps
                                California PROP 65 Warning
  A ipiSmAINE: 1praloeon nepane son o otemals in ns uhluh i Houuets the
Please note: s a resut of continual improvements,the design and specifations othis product are
subjectto change withoutnotice
Bluetooth is a registered trademarkc of Blutooth S1G,Inc.
Ofhertradematks and trade names are those oftheirrespective ouners

Document Created: 2019-01-28 15:05:53
Document Modified: 2019-01-28 15:05:53

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC