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        wooet: vrazroe()

Music Center with Bluetooth

                                            caution |
        remone on atarmiew . unonTORRETENT mmAronnasmmumns
       meatune,.                              opanfersmess
          mnummnamene        fecormsome encon apuroemnieaentrae
       inmpestmonumes          Mobensote conmpeming wBed
CAUTION: T reduce the is of e o elcticshock,do not espose ths applance to rain o moiture
WARNING: To provent eletrc shock,donot use ths (polarzed) pug wih an extension cort, receptacle
or ther utet unlest blades can be fly inseted to provent blade expostre.
              WARNING: Ivisbl aserradiaionwhen open and nterock faled o defeated. Avad drect
       é E    exposureto lser beam

                                Important Safety Instructions
1.      Read ese instructons —Al hesalaty and operatng insbwctons should e read before ts product
   is oporaed
2.      Keep hese instuctons—The safetyand operating insrucions should be retained fofture reference
3. Heed allwarnings—Al varnings on heapplance and in the peratinginsrucions shouldbe
   achered to
4.   Folowallinstuctions —Alloperaing and use istructions shoul befalowed
5... Do not use his apparatus near water——The applince should not be used near wateror moisture —
     forexampl, in a wetbasement onear a swimmingpool, and the ko
...  Clean only with y cotn
7.   Do not blockany ventlaton openings. Instlli accortance with the manfacurer‘s instctons
8.   Do notinstall near any heat sources such as radations. heat egisters,stoves, or other apparatus
     (including amplfers that produce Neat
5.   Do not defeatthsafey prpose ofthe polatzed or groundingpug.A polarzed plughas wo blades
     with onewider than the oher A grounding plu has broblades and a thid grounding prong. The wide
     blade orthe hiprongis providedfoyousaat Ifthe provided plagdoes not tinto your outet;
     consul an electician or telacement ofthe obsolete outet
10._ Protect the pover cord rom being walked on or pinched partculary atthe pags,comvenience
     receptaces, andatthe in where ty ext hm the apparatus
11.. Only use atlachments/accessoresspecifed by he manutactire:
12.. Use onl with hecart, stand ipod, bracket ortablespecifed by the
     manfacrer or sld with heapparatus. When a caorrack is used.
     use cauton when mouig the carvapparatus combinaton to avid
        inkuy rom tp.over
13.. Unplag the apparalus during ighing stoms orwhen unused for
        long peris of time
14.. Refer l servcing t qualfed personnel. Serviinis requied when the apparatus has been
        damaged in any way. such as power supply cordor pugi damaged.lquid has beonspiled
        or sjets havfalenitothe apparalus has been exposed trn ormoitire, does not
        eperate nomaly, o has been droppe


                         bo nor open
   nisoue e cHioc Evectnlous—ne ras ouvnt
<Thislghtring fash wih aroshead symbot wihin an equlateraltanglei inended o aler he user t he
presence of nn—insulated ‘dangerous volage"wthithe products enclosure thamay be of sufint
magnitade to consttute a s of electicshock
«Waring: To reduce the isk ofleciicshock, do nat remove caver(oback as there are no
userseniceable partsnsid. Refo serviing to qualfed personnel
«Th exclamation poit wlhin and equlatratanglei iterdedto aletheuseo the presence of
imporlant operaig and maintenance instructons i he Merature accompanying the applance
This equiementi a Gass 1 odouble inslated elecrcal applance,Ithas been designed in such a way
that i does not requrea safey connecton to elecical eath
17. The mainspug is used as disconnect device,the disconnect device shallremain eadly operable:
18. warnne
     To reduce the isk ofreor elecic shack, do not expose ts apparatus to rain or moisture The
     apparatus shall not be exposed to dtppina orsplashing and that no objecs filed wth lquils, such as
     vases,shallnotbe placed on apparatus
18.. The use ofthe equipmentin moderate cimate
20. The ventlaton should not bimpeded by coverig the ventlaion openings wit fems such as
     revspaperslabledoths, curains,etc
21.. No naked fame sources, such as Ighled candes,should be placed on the apparatus
22.. Thesimbolwih ~. IndeatonAG votage
23.. CAUTION: These serviing instrucionsarefor use by qualfed service personnel onl. To reduce he
     fil of electre shock,donot prform any servcingotherthan that conaine in toperatng
     insticions unless you areaualfito doso
Accessories incuupep
    roa unout casve
    insrrucrion manua.
    warmany (excx or nanuay
    «s new aparren
    Turitaate oreramion sheer

                                          Product Overview

    Eront View
            PoWER C : Taggle to un the un‘ on or of
® ns en o

            3.$mim AUX IN JAGK: Connect your extemal source tothe AUX N jeck
            3.5mm HEADPHONE JACK
            stereo seeakers
            nise tray
            PLAYIPAUSE > Press to start playback, press again to pause
            (Wote: Thi button only works in CD & Bluetooth mode.)
    7.      OPENICLOSE 4: in CD mode, use to open and close the dis ray.
            (Woate: GD door takes four(4)seconds to open when opertclose (& ) is pressed in CD mode)
    8.      STOP : in CD mode, presstostop playback or cancelthe program setting
    8.      PAlR Press to Paira new Bluetaoth device to the un‘ Once the device is connected
            successfuly, you can press the PAR button to disconnect fom your extemal device
    10.     PREVIOUS TRACK !+4: in CD & Bluetooth modepress once to eturn
            to the beginningothe currentrack, press again to retur tothe previous rack
            in CD mode, press and hok to rewind
    11..    NEXT »»1: in CD & Bluetooth mode, press once t skip the curent rack
            in CD mode, press and hok to rewind
    12..    REPEATPress to electthe repeat oshutte mode
    13.     PROG: Press to setthe program playback
    14..    RADIO TUNER KNOB: in FM mode, tum o une in a station
    1s.     en oispray
    16.     VOLUNME KNOB: Tumto adust volume
    17—     setEctioN KNos (F, Cp, at, AuX, PHono, tare):
            Retate to selectyour desire function

10. cassertere & eyecr
    Press halhray to fastforwarc, pressallthe way to end and ejecthe tape

                                                             c as—
Rear View                                                       |

19. LINE OUT jacks
    For ampliierdevice with RCA avillay nputsockets, nsertthe whit and red plugs on the RCA
    cable into the unt, Inser the opposite and int the ampiffer device. Be sure to connectthe
    white plug tothe white jack and the red plug t the red jack.
20. AC Power Cord
    Gomnectthe AG plugs intoa walloutlet
    Youre strongly recommended that hi product should be operated only rom the type of power
    source indlcated on the marking lael

   Parts of the Turntable

          Safety Screw (for transport)Before using the unt,
          turn the screw elockwiso using a conn or screndiver
          Important: When you transportthe uni, tur the scrow
          counterclactavie to secure te tumtabie
          Speed Selector
zom mpo

          Tone Arm holder.
          Tone Arm. Before use, completely loosen the twist
          tie on the tone arm and upifttone arm:
          45 RPM adaptor.
          Cue—fever. Use this evertoi the tone arm

                                Setup / Basic Operation
1. Remove white protetive neediecover by gently pulingtowards front of un‘
2. Remove any packaging materilsfom the un‘
3. Comnectthe AC power cord
   to a wall outet

You‘re stonaly recommendad that this product should be operated only from the typo of power
sourceindlcated on the marking tabel
<To prevent inteference, avoid bundling aucio signal cables ogether with the AC power cord

Basic Operation
1. Move the POWER toggle to the ON postion, The LED lght around the radiodalwill ight up
2. Select a play made by rotating the finction knob (FM/ GD / BT /AUX / PHONO / TAPE)
3. Retate the VOLUNME knobt adjustthe desired leveof sound
Listening through RCA LINE OUT
For ampther device Istenin, rstreduce the volume levelto minimum. Insertthe whit and red
plugs on the RCA cableinto the back ofthe unt,then insertthe opposte end ntoyour amplffer
device. Be sure o connect the whte plg intothe whtejack and the red lug nto the red jack
Listening through Earphones/Headphones (not included
For prvate Istening,frsreduce the volume level t minimum
Insert your headshones‘plug ito the 3.Srimjack, then
adjustthe valume up by tumingthe VOLUNE knob                   p«a
Note: The spokers wl actomaticaly be deactivated whio             [ ¢
headphones are plugged in                                                    3.5mm JACK
conpensatio marune.
Vhen theunt is moved om a l or warm lac, oris useflowinga sudéen temperatize change tere s the
dangertat water vapor in ti may condenseo heunt,pravening propr aperaton in such cases leave e
untfor 12 housaterpuggin& mo an AG outettoalow ho stailze at hatemperatire of ts suroundings

                              Listening to the FM Radio

1. Retate the Funcion Knob to select ‘FM‘, The LED Display wil islay rac"
2. Tune tothe desied station using the Radio Tuner Knob
                                    Listening to a CD
 1. Rotatethe Function Knb to select CD. The LED Display wil isplay "Cd—
    (Wote: When no dic is set, ‘no‘ wil appoar on tdsplay)
2. Press the OPENICLOSE () buton to open the tay.
    Note:— This buttoonly works in CD mode.
          — CD doortakes four (4) seconds o open when
            OPENCLOSE (a) is pressed in CD mode
    Place a disc on the tray wih the printed labelface up
    Press the OPENICLOSE buttona) to cose te tay
5. Afferthatthe number ofracks will show on the cisplay and t wil begin to layback

      from thefrst rackautomatialy.
8. Tetemporarly pause playback, ress the PLAUPAUSE button (#1). Press again toresume
7. Teretum tothe previcus or skip racks, mress the correspanding butlon (IRet or »m1. Pressing
      1e once wil restar the currentrack, Pressing itdttvice in suecession wilrelun tohe
     beginning ofthe previous rack
8. To Fast Forvard/ Revind wihin a tack,press and hald down the corresponding stip btton untl
     the desirepostion is reached
8. Tostop playbacks press the STOP M button
= Never place more than one disc on the tay.
— The dise mustbe placed in the center ofthe dise tray An inconecty
    loaded dise can permanenty damage the ¥ay daor mechanion
— Do not push the CD tay always use the OPEN/CLOSE buttor
— /lakes a momentforthe unt o oad a cisc, during whch allbuttons wil betemporarly
Repeat Playback
Each time the REPEAT button is pressed, the repeat mode wil exce through the falowing options
REPEAT ONE (Repeat one rack
The REPEAT ONE: icon wil appear on the display and the current rack wil be payed
repeatedly Ifyou press the(FRed or. +)button to selectanothertrack,the track you
selecwil be played repeatedy
REPEAT ALL (Repeatthe entre CD
The REPEAT ALLicon wil show on the cisplay and the entre GD will bplayed repeatedy
The "SHUE FLE icon wil appear on the display. Playingthe tracks on a CD mode
in a random sequence
 — Repeat layback works with GD ies onl
 ~ Pressing (PM)durin shuffe playback wilrandamiy selectthe next rack
—A back eannot be repealed during shuife playback
— Shutfe playback doesn‘t work during programmed playback
To cance!the REPEAT or SHUFFLE mode, press the REPEAT buton repeatedly i he rightside
icon disappear rom the dsplay
 Programmed Playback
 Up to 20 tracks can be programmed to play in e desired order
— Progremmed playback works wih CD cises only
 1. Selest ‘CD" moe,then oad a CD
2. Whie the CD is stepped, press the PROGRAM button
3.‘PROG‘inieatorlights upand OT® binks on the isplay
4. Press (FRed or 4eto selecta track number
5. Pressthe PROGRAM button again o setthe next program track,‘PO2" appears and binks
    Repeat steps 4 through 5 o program the adationaltacks
8. When the selecton ofrack numbers has beenfiishedt, ress the PLAY

   buton (#I to stat program playnack
   (Noto: when all 20 program racks areflized, ress the PROGRAM button
   ence and ‘Fwl apoear on thecisplay)
7. Press the STOP (BB button twice to cancelthe program mode and then
   the °PROG wil dsappearfrom e cisplay
To chest the programmed order
In the stop mode, pres(FRet o. @1 repeatedy to show the rack numbers
that have been progammed
To add teek to the end ofthe programmed order
In the stop mode, press the PROGRAM button
Sefecta rack number by pressing (Ioet or =>9, then press the PROGRAM button
The current rack wil be added to the end ofthe program
                Listening to an External Audio Device (BT Mode)
in ET (Bluetoath) mode, hs unt can play musi rom external dences whei have a but
Bluetooth feature
eermine connieeren usive sLuerootH
1. Rotate to select BT" function. The LED Display will isplay "b"
2. The ‘BT LED Display wil fash whle searching for a device
3. on your extemal devicetum ON the Bluetocth function
NOTE: The effectve dstance between your extemal device and bis apporatus is 10 meters (330)
4. Wat a momentfor *VTA270B"to appear on the devices Is, Press »VTA—270l
to connectto the uni. Sometimes a window wil ask you fora password. Fin 0000" en press
‘OKon your extemal evice
5. Oncethe Blustooth comecion is suecessfu the "8T Indicatorwil remain it
8. You can press EACK or NEXT buton to skip the previousinet rack or contrl on your device
— The PAIR Butn wilatow you to ciscomnect fom your extermal whi remaining in BT mode
  Simply press the FAIR buttont disconect and search fr a new device. Follow the paring
  drections above to comectto the new device
— Fast Foward /Rewind is onl avalable on your external device

               Listening to an External Audio Device (AUX Mode)
Retate to select AUX function. Tne LED Display wil asplay ‘AUX
In AUX (eurilary mode, this untcan play aucio rom an external device (Pos, MP3 Player, Portable
CD Player ete)

 There is an AUX IN jack on the Ront ofthe unt. When connectig a device that has a headphone
Jack, use a 2.5mm cable on both ands to connect the extemal device with he apperatus.
 1. Blug one end ofthe 3.Smm cablet included) ntothe AUX N jack
2.. Plugthe oiher end ofthe eable into the headphone jack ofthe extemal device
NOTE: Alloperations are only avalable on your external device


1. Rotate o select PHONO® function. The LED Displaywil displa ‘PHON
2. Genty open the top cover.
   Note: Be careful not o pinch your inger when opening/dlsing thetop cover.
3. Place a viny! record on thefurntable. When playing a 45 RPM record, use tincluded adaptor
4. Selectthe approprate speed          w
5. Remove the tone arm rest holdetrelease the tone am
 6. Gently aisethe arm by usingthe tone arm lever. Move the onarm to the edge othe record(or
    the stating point ofa track) and lowerthe arm onto the record using thetone arm lever
    The tuntable will begin to tum
7. When the record reaches is end,tone arm will topatthe center ofthe record and you must it
    and retur the tone arm to the tone arm rest manaly. Lock te tonearm in the restholderto
    protec the tone arm:
— Closing the top coverwl hep prevent dustfrom sating on the urntable
—Avays relock thetone arm clp before transportng the un‘t
Do not place anyihing on top ofthetumtable cover especill while playing record
1.   Rotateto select TAPE®fiction.The LED Display wilisplay TAPE®.Load an audio cassete
     tape nto the unt (ocated on thelet side of the unt). Playback wilautomaticaly begin:
2.   Press button hallray to Fast Forward the tape
     Press button ighty and playback wil resume.
3.   Press button completely doun to and playback and ejec tape
compact DisHanding
+ Aways place e se on he se raywth thlabl side facng upwart (compact iscs canb playedtrecoted
    onl on one sce)
+ Toremovea ds fom is toragecas, press doun on the centr t the cas and i thdsc
    upvars, hoking t careity b ts edges
+ .To lean a ds wipe thsurace fom thcerter hale outward tovarts heouteredge witha sot, oy catn
+.: Meverusesuch chemcalsas rcort spray antetaic spays ofu,benzineortimnertclean dse; haywl
    ineperably danage tdscs lastcsrace
+ isestoube retumed to hacasesafler use to rotet rom dust and sectes
    Do rot esmose issdirectsunigh, hgh humib, o igh terperature or extended peross of e
+ Pintanle OR and CD—RWV iss arenotrecommended,as h abelsde may become stly and
    damage tunt
+ Usea sot obasedfolkipped ponto wrte nformationo h abel id Neveuse a oharttped
    en asdong so may damage h recoded side
+ bonot use irequatsaped CDs (octagona near shapec.bsiness cad szn eto
    as tywl amage tunt
    Read al erecautons suppled winany CD—R o CD.RW dse
    Neverhandl a se with dry ogers
    Neverinsert a se hat haacrack on h sutace

+ Bonottouch threcorts rooves. Only handl resard ty he edges o h labelwth clan hards
    Touetng the reortsurace wilcause yourecor‘s cualty to deleroate
    To cean a eeort, use a st antalaco genty wne h recod surtace
    Keep esorts n thar rotctve loeves when notin use
    Alvays stre reortsusright on hiredges
    Avold lacing records n dret sunight se toa hatsoure (adatos stores, tc)
    or i a ecatonsubectto viraton, ercessve dust heat col or mosture
Goneral Care
       en remaing thponersho reval outet avays pul drectyon hesug
    To heepthalaser ickup cean dnottouch t and dono forgetto close the is tay
    Do notatemstt lean e unt wit chemeaaatvent as is migh damage t frigh
    Forcleaing, onl use a cean dy cotn
    Inorder tahutf tpowerto s roduct compltl;undlug the power cart fom the
    walloutet Beaureto unplug the untyou do notintto use t for an extended pered

How to       Replace the Turntable Stylus (Replacement Neede # ITNP:LC1
The stylus should last about 50 hours under nommal use. However itis recommenced thatthe stlus
be replaced as soon as you natce a change in sound qualty. Prolonged use ofa wom—out styus
may damage therecord. The highest speed of 78 RPM records would wear
out the styus more quickly
Removing the old styus:
1. Set a serendiveratthe Upofthe stylus and push downnard (A)
2. Remove the stylus by pulingit simultaneously downward and fomward
Installing a now stylus:
1. Hold the fronti ofthe styls and insert ts rearedge (©)frst
2. Push the styus upnards (C) unthe tlocks io place.
    Do not bend the syius.
    Do nottouch the neee to avoid njury your hand                            t
    um offthe unit‘ power before you replace the sylus                   o
    Keep outofeach ofhidren
                                                                         ouiserins inug

RoveResurement .       Ac 100—20v—somone
Pover Gonsimaton        on
Demensions t xtX 8.     eainx 15 in x7.87in ereno
                       480 mx 280 im x 200 mm @pproc)
We                      i 15 s anmon)
                       228 is Gmreo
Oupet Pove
Frequeney Reigonce .

Freaeny Rewonse.
Tack Sptem             4 Track, 2channa!treo
Tape Spoed               Bemls
Ww and B                 a% ons
Frequeney Rewonee .     2ste eon0ie +0 40
Recoro ruaver
                       .90 sane mote
                         ut oive
                        31Rrem 45 tom and 78 rom
                         or man 80 cB
Catrage Ts               wanic Stree Garticge
Syus                    meicr
Buetooh Verion          Bueson ve2
Bustooth Proie          sz0r wmop
BletthFrequensyrange    aecronenasoone
Operaing Ditare         10 metes


                              Troubleshooting Guide
     Symptom                 Possible Gause                         Solution
     «Un wil notpower        Untis nplugned                         +Comectthe unt to e
      on                                                              AG power supply
     No seand auiput Tom     |— The vaume Tevelis set oo fow        ~Adiustthe valume
L,    spesters               « The input slector does not metchthe « Seletthe carretinput
$                               playback source                       source
B    NaseDistartonin         |— The untis oo dlase toa TVedor       » Tum aihe TVar ofier
§     sount outpst              another interfeing device             appliance, and relocate
                                                                      the un
     ~Unt fals To respond.— i mantresulfom extemal aclors—          — Decomnenthe pover
                                such as ESD (Electo—state             cart and extemal aucio
                                discharge)                            device. Re—plug the
                                                                      pover cord ater one
     =The tape daes not      |— The cassett lape s nat nserta       ~Inser the cassete tpe
&     sey                       sropery:                              coreaty
&                            «The tape has reached the en           «Fip the cossette
     ~CannalIstento any |— The siation is not Inedin mopery..—      »Fropery tunein ie
o     staton, or signal      +A TV setis being used neatby and is desired station:
g     eppears weak              inteferngwith the radio reception.  «Turoffthe nterleing
&    |<mesanaie              > The antemna is not onented property|«Re—anent the antenna
&     aistoted                                                        untl reception
     ~CD stops               =The CD is nserted upside domn         Insert the C0 wi the
      immediatel ater        «The COs dustyo dity o there is          printed side rightside
      stating, runt             condensation on the CD                up
      pauses or stops                                               «Carefulclean and dry
      during io                                                       the CD
     ~No saina               + Te CD meyeris pauses                 ~Press he PL\rAUSE
x                                                                     bution
#    |—CD paybeskis naisy, |— The CDis scratened; demaged or        »Replace CO wian
&     orpaybackstopsor warped.                                        undamaged one.
&     stps                   «The dise is vey city                  «Carefuly clean the CD.
9    [zCDTaywilnotopen. ~EMELUETOOTRRURPHGNONA® »Seled Cb mede
                                Emode is selected
     *Bitons srenat          > The untis processing mfomaton        »Wait unul he unt
      funclioning correoty..    (— Busy"isdsplayed)                   fiishes processing
                             « The unit needs to be restarted
                                                                    +Tur the unt othen
                                                                      on again
     ~Decin in lumtabls |— The tumlablesyfus is won aut             «Replace the sys
2     auciopertemance
     No seind sulput w |— The unt is not on AUXmooe.                 ~Ensure he untls
i     extemal audiodevice                                             sutched to AUXmode:
2     slugsedintoAUX in


            ~Nesama                —The inis not sn to Bucoan         ~Ensire Te uns
                                     mode                               sultched to ET mode
                                   «Your deviee‘s anclor the uns      «Move your Bluctooth
                                     volume not turmup                  devicecloser to unt
                                   « Your devieis toofo romthe unt or + Turm up the valume on
                                     therere some obstacle beween       your portable device
                                     your deviceand the un              and/o the unt
                                                                      + Tum off your Bluetooth
                                                                        device and unt then

                                                                        power them bath back
            «Saundis gaied         —Your device‘s anafarme uis        > Tum doin me voume
                                     volume net agiust property         on your device/phone
                                                                        and the un‘.
            «Vrable topar win a    Your device doesn thave sustoon > Contim tnat your
             Bluetooth device        comectviy.                         device is Blustooth
                                   + The Blitooth paiing is not         compatible
                                     successtul                       + Repairthe unt and
                                                                        device again

Please note: Asa resut of ontinual mprovements,the design and specifetions ofhis product are
subjecttochange wihout notice
Bluetooth is a regitered rademark of Blitooth S1G, In
Othertradematks and rade names are thase ofthar respectve cuners.
Made in China


"This devicecomples wih Part 15 ofthe FGC Rules. Operaion is subjecttothe falowing two
condiions.(1) This device may not cause harmful interfrence, and (2) this device must accent any
Inteference receive. nclucing Interference that may cause undesired operation
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply wthe is fora Class 8 cigta
device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limis are designed to provide reasonatle
protecion against harmf interfrence in a residentilinstalation This equipment generates uses
and can racate racio frequency energy and, f not instlled and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmfiinteference to recio communicatons, However, there s no
quarantee thainteference willnot occur in a partcular nstalation, fthis equipment does cause
harmfuinteference to racio or tlevision reception, which can be determined by tuning the
equipment o and on, the user is encouraged to y to corectthe nterlrence by one ofthe falowing
—. Rearent rrelocate the receiing antenna
—. Increase the separaion betweenthe equipment and recaiver
— Connectthe equiement ito an outlet on a crcut ciferent from that
 to which the receiveis comnected
—. Consultthe dealer oan experienced racioTV technician fohalp
WARNING: Any changes or moclications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
      nce could vald the user‘s authorty to operate this equipment
"The deviee must not be e—lecated or operating in contuncton with any other antenna or transmiter
To maintain complence wih he FCC‘s RF exposure quidelnes, lace the product atleast 20cm
rom nearby persons

                                        1C Statement

This devicecomples wih RSS247 ofIndusty Canada. Cet apparellseconforme o RSS247 de
Canada «‘Industre. This device compls with Industy Canada Ieense—exempt RSS standard(s)
Operation is subjecttothe folowing two conditons: (1) this device may not cause nterference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference, inclucinginteference that may cause
undesired operation of the device. apparels racio exermpts de lcence. Son fonclinnement est syje
t aux deux conditons suvantes:(1) 1e dspositf ne doft pas produre de brouilage prejucicable,
et (2) ce dispositf dacceptertout broullage reouy compris un broullage susceptitle de
provoquer un fonctionement indestable
The device must not be co—located or operating in confunction withany other antenna or transmniter
Lapparellne doas t localize ou fonctionner avec d‘autres anternes ou transmetieurs
This devicecomples wih IC radlation exposure Imis setfoth for an uncontroled envronment
Cet apparel est conforme auxlmtes d‘expostion aus rayonnementsdeIa IC étables pour un
incontlé envronnement
The device should be instaled and operated wih a minimum distance of 20em between the radator
and your body:
Lapparel doitreinstalé et uisavec une distance minimale de 20 em ontr Ie
radiate et vorecos

                              California PROP 65 Warning
   oemne mtc mmregnt demnbiadhe eetameretmontrime
 A Stee oCatfoma tcouse carcerans hh deieeis rolerremromuctve ham
   Fnnonmomein i eenfittentincante

Document Created: 2019-05-29 13:56:13
Document Modified: 2019-05-29 13:56:13

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