RF Exposure Report


RF Exposure Info

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                    Test Report No.: FM180522N031

                                   RF EXPOSURE REPORT
   Applicant                       Innovative Technology Electronics, LLC

   Address                         1 Channel Drive, Port Washington, NY 11050, USA

   Manufacturer or
                                   Guangdong Leetac Electronics Technology Co .,Ltd.

   Address                         No.15 Danli Road, South District, Zhongshan, Guangdong, China.

   Product                         Music Center with Bluetooth

   Brand Name                      Victrola, Innovative Technology

   Model                           VTA-270B

   Additional Model &              VTA-270PB, VTA-270XXXX, ITVS-270B, ITVS-270PB, ITVS-270XXXX
   Model Difference                (where X can be 0-9, A-Z or blank and means color code of unit), see items 1

   Date of tests                   May 22, 2018 ~ Jun. 19, 2018

        FCC Part 2 (Section 2.1091)
        KDB 447498 D01
        IEEE C95.1

   CONCLUSION: The submitted sample was found to COMPLY with the test requirement

                         Tested by Tom Chen                                                            Approved by Glyn He
                 Project Engineer / EMC Department                                                  Supervisor/ EMC Department

                                                                                                            Date: Jul. 04, 2018
   This report is governed by, and incorporates by reference, CPS Conditions of Service as posted at the date of issuance of this report at
   http://www.bureauveritas.com/home/about-us/our-business/cps/about-us/terms-conditions/and is intended for your exclusive use. Any copying or
   replication of this report to or for any other person or entity, or use of our name or trademark, is permitted only with our prior written permission. This
   report sets forth our findings solely with respect to the test samples identified herein. The results set forth in this report are not indicative or
   representative of the quality or characteristics of the lot from which a test sample was taken or any similar or identical product unless specifically and
   expressly noted. Our report includes all of the tests requested by you and the results thereof based upon the information that you provided to us.
   Measurement uncertainty is only provided upon request for accredited tests. You have 60 days from date of issuance of this report to notify us of any
   material error or omission caused by our negligence or if you require measurement uncertainty; provided, however, that such notice shall be in writing
   and shall specifically address the issue you wish to raise. A failure to raise such issue within the prescribed time shall constitute you unqualified
   acceptance of the completeness of this report, the tests conducted and the correctness of the report contents.

                                                    No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie              Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                                    Town, Dongguan City,                                       Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch
                                                    Guangdong 523942, China                                    Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                                         Page 1 of 6                                                             Report Version 1

                Test Report No.: FM180522N031

                                    TABLE OF CONTENTS

   RELEASE CONTROL RECORD ................................................................................ 3
   1.       CERTIFICATION .............................................................................................. 4
   2.       RF EXPOSURE LIMIT ..................................................................................... 5
   3.       MPE CALCULATION FORMULA ..................................................................... 5
   4.       CLASSIFICATION ........................................................................................... 5
   5.       ANTENNA GAIN .............................................................................................. 6

                                         No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                         Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch
                                         Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                           Page 2 of 6                                                   Report Version 1

                Test Report No.: FM180522N031

                               RELEASE CONTROL RECORD

    ISSUE NO.                REASON FOR CHANGE                                                      DATE ISSUED

    FM180522N031             Original release                                                         Jul. 04, 2018

                                       No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                       Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch
                                       Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                        Page 3 of 6                                                    Report Version 1

                Test Report No.: FM180522N031


                        FCC ID:     2AFHW-VTA270B

                   PRODUCT:         Music Center with Bluetooth

              BRAND NAME:           Victrola, Innovative Technology

                 MODEL NO.:         VTA-270B

                                    VTA-270PB, VTA-270XXXX, ITVS-270B, ITVS-270PB,
         ADDITIONAL NO.:            ITVS-270XXXX (where X can be 0-9, A-Z or blank and
                                    means color code of unit)

                 APPLICANT:         Innovative Technology Electronics, LLC

               STANDARDS:           FCC Part 2 (Section 2.1091)

                                    KDB 447498 D01

                                    IEEE C95.1
   NOTE: Additional models VTA-270PB, VTA-270XXXX, ITVS-270B, ITVS-270PB, ITVS-270XXXX
         (where X can be 0-9, A-Z or blank and means color code of unit) are identical with the test
         model VTA-270B except the appearance, power switch, model number and brand name for
         trading purpose.
            Victrola can be used for VTA-270B, VTA-270PB, VTA-270XXXX;
            Innovative Technology can be used for ITVS-270B, ITVS-270PB, ITVS-270XXXX.

                                     No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie   Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                     Town, Dongguan City,                            Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch
                                     Guangdong 523942, China                         Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                      Page 4 of 6                                                    Report Version 1

                Test Report No.: FM180522N031


      FREQUENCY             ELECTRIC FIELD         MAGNETIC FIELD POWER DENSITY                           AVERAGE TIME
      RANGE (MHz)           STRENGTH (V/m)         STRENGTH (A/m)   (mW/cm )                                (minutes)
         300-1500                   …                        …                     F/1500                           30
      1500-100,000                  …                        …                          1.0                         30

   F = Frequency in MHz

   Pd = (Pout*G) / (4*pi*r2)
   Pd = power density in mW/cm2
   Pout = output power to antenna in mW
   G = gain of antenna in linear scale
   Pi = 3.1416
   R = distance between observation point and center of the radiator in cm

   The antenna of this product, under normal use condition, is at least 20cm away from
   the body of the user. So, this device is classified as Mobile Device.

                                        No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie     Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                        Town, Dongguan City,                              Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch
                                        Guangdong 523942, China                           Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com
                                                         Page 5 of 6                                                      Report Version 1

    B U R E A U
    V E R I TA S
                   Test Report No.: FM180522N031


         The antennas provided to the EUT, please refer to the following table:
                   Transmitter                                                                  Antenna
                       .   I.                   Peak Gain (dBi)
                     Circuit                                                                     Type
                     Chain 0                                0                             PCB Antenna

   The tuned conducted Average Power (declared by client)

                                Frequenc             logs                Tolerance                  o                     e
         Mode                     (|3|HZ) Y          Power                 (dBm)                  Tolerance             Tolerance
                                                     (dBm)                                          (dBm)                 (dBm)
        GFSK                2402—2480                   1                    +—2                        —1                      3
       8SDPSK               2402—2480                   1                    +—2                        —1                      3

   The measured conducted Average Power

                                                       Frequency                                    Averaged Power
                   Mods                                     (MHz)                                            (dBm)
                   GFSK                                      2402                                            1.99
                   8SDPSK                                    2402                                            1.86

      FREQUENCY             |MAX AVERAGE]|           ANTENNA                                        POWER
        BAND                   POWER                   GAIN                 DIS(-:;':‘n'\)ICE       DENSITY              ( mlill\ll\/nci-rl;nz)
            (MHz)                   (dBm)                   (dBi)                                  (mW/cm*)
        2402—2480                      3                        0                  20              0.0003969                     1.0

    ——— END ———

                                              No. 34, Chenwulu Section, Guantai Rd., Houjie         Tel: +86 769 8593 5656
Bureau Veritas Shenzhen Co., Ltd.
                                              Town, Dongguan City,                                  Fax: +86 769 8593 1080
Dongguan Branch                                                                                      ax. +
                                              Guangdong 523942, China                               Email: customerservice.dg@cn.bureauveritas.com

                                                                    Page 6 of 6                                                           Report Version 1

Document Created: 2018-07-04 15:22:13
Document Modified: 2018-07-04 15:22:13

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