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  Music Center with Bluetooth

             Instruction Manual
 serore UseAND kEep it For FUTuRe ReeRENCE

                                             CAUTION                              u

      Retendonner ipenane
                                                     OO| |Tormmsnmtimnmeetere
      anteemmgnis cnmun n ce
                                         nrummiae neare          Sm

CAUTION: T reduce the is of e o elcticshock,do not espose ths applance to rain o moiture
WARNING: To provent eletrc shock,donot use ths (polarzed) pug wih an extension cort, receptacle
or ther utet unlestblades can be fly inseted to provent blade expostre
              WARNMNG: Ivisbl aserradiaionwhen open and nterock faled o defeated. Avad drect
      é E     exposureto lser beam

                                  Important Safety Instructions
1.      Read ese instructons —Al hesataty and operatng instuctons should b read beforeths product
        is operaed
2.      Keep hese nstuctons—The safey and aperating insrucions should be retained for fture reference
3.      Heed allwarnings—Allwarnngs on theapplance and in the operatinginsructons shouldbe
        achered to
4.      Folow allinstuctions —Alloperaing and use instuctons shout befolowed
...     Do not use his apparatus near vater——The appliance should not beused near water ormoisture —
        for exampl, in a wetbasemant onear a svimmingpool, and the ike
6.      lean onl wih y cot
7.      Do not block any ventlaton apenings. Intalli accortance with the manifacurer‘ instctons
8.      Do notinstal near any heat sources such as radations, heat egisters,stoves, or other apparatus
        (ncluting ampifers) that produce neat
...     Do not defeatte safey prpose ofthe polarzed orgroundingpug.A polarzed pughas two blades
        with onewider than the oher A grounding plu has broblades and a thid grounding prong. The wide
        blade orte hiprong is provided for yousat !theprovided plugdoes no tnto your outet,
        consul an electicin or teplacementofthe obsolete outet
10._    Protect the pover cort rom being walked on or pinched partculary atthe pugs,comvenience
        receptaces and atthe in where tey extm tapparatus
11..    Only use atiachmentslaccessoresspocifed by he manutactirer
121.    Use onlwith hecart, stand tipod, bracket ortablespecifed by the
        manafacturer or old with heapparatus. When a caorrack is used
        use cauton when mouing the cartapparatus combinaton to avid
        injuy rom tp.over
13..    Unplag the apparatus during ighing stoms or when unused for
        long periods otime
14..    Referalservcing t qualfed personnel Sericinis required when the apparatus has been
        damaged in any way, such as power supply crt or pugi damaged,iquid has beon spiled
        or otiects havfalenito the apparatus has been exposed t uin ormoitire, does not
        operate nomaly, o has been cropped
                           bo not open

      nisoue e choc EuEctnious—ne ras ouvn

—This lghtring fash with aronhead symbot witin an equlateraltiangle is intnded to alert the user o he
presence of non—insulated "‘dangerous votage"wthithe roducts enclosure that may be of suffcnt
magnitude to consttute a s of electicshock
—Warmng: To reduce the isk of lecticshock, do notremove cover(or backas thereare no
userseniceable parts nsid. Refo sevicing to qualfed personnel
«Th exclamation poitwlhin and equlatratangle i iterdedto alethe use o the presence of
important operting and maintenance nstucton i the terture accompanyinthe applance
16.. The mains plug i used as disconnect device,the isconnect device shallremain eadiy operable
i7. warnne
      To reduce the isk o freor lecc shock, do not expose thisapparatus torain or moisture. The
      apparatusshall not be exposed to ifpping osplashing and that no objecs iled ith fquils, such as
      vases,shallnotbe placed on apporatus
18. The use ofthe equipmentin moderate cimate
19. The vertlaton should not bimpeded by coverig te ventlaion openings wih fems such as
      newspapers, labledoths, curains, t
20.. No naked fame sources, such as ighted candas,should be placed on the apparaus
21. The symbolwih ~. IndeatonAGvotage
22.. CAUTION: These sevicing instrctons arefor use byqualfied service personnel onl To reduce the
      iisl f elecic shock,donot perfom any servcing otherthan that contained in thoperating
      instucions unless you arequalifd to doso
       [C] This eqviement is a Cass 11 or double insulated electrcal applance. t has been designed
           in such a way thatitdoes not require a safely connection o lecticl eath
Accessonies mctunep
+. roauNE out caste
    insrrvcrion manua.
    warranty eacxcor manuay
    «s remaparten
    Turitaate oreramion sheet

                                                                    n i2 13 24 is 16

         1         2         :                                  «05 67 8 9 10

1.     POWER: Press totum the unon or off
2.     3.8mm HEADPHONE JACK
3.     3.8mim AUX IN JAGK: Connect your extemal source tothe AUX N jeck
4.     OPENICLOSE d : n CD mode, use o open and cose the distray
5. .   PAlR: Press to dsconnect currenty extermal devic. Press again to reconnectthe devicethat
       has been connected before
       PROGRANM:In CD mode, press to program mode whie he CD is stopping
       REPEATin CD mode, press to selecttherepeat mode
       SHUFFLE: In CD mode, pressto shufte mode, press againto cancelshuffe mode
       INTRO: Press to lay every track about 10 seconds
10.    BASS : Press o apen bass mode, press again to close bass mode
11..   PLAYIPAUSE: In COfRluetooth mode, press to temporarly play, ress agai to resume
12.    STOPIII: in CD mode, presstostop playback or cancelthe program setting
13..   BACK H«t: n CDBluetooth made, press tback to the previous track
14..   NEXT >:in CD/Bluetooth mode, press to sip tnexttrack
15.    FAST REWIND «: in CD mode, press and hok tofost revind
16..   FAST FORWARD »> : in CD mode, press and holdtofast forard



17. VOLUNME KNOB: Tumto adust volume
18. runction kNos(FM,co,etAuxPHoNO,tare):
     Retate to select your desire function
19.. RADIO TUNER KNOB: in FM mode, tum to une in a station
20. tep ispiay

Left Side View

21. olsc trar
z2. casserte rrsesecn
    Press halhray to fastforward, pressallthe way to end and ejec the tape

Rear View

23. FM Antena
24,. LINE OUT Jacks
     For amplifer device with RCA aviliary nputsockets, nsertthe white and red plugs on the RCA
     cable into the unt, Inser the opposite and into the ampiffer device. Be sure to connectthe
     white plugtothe whte jack and thered plug t the red jack
     Whie tuned to a staionin FM mode, extend the wre and repostion o acjust or bestrecepton
25. AC Power Cord
     Comectthe AC plugs itoa walloutet
     Youre strongly recommended thatthis product should be operated only from the type of power
     source indicated on the marking label

Parts of the Turntable


A.. Turntable.
. Safety Screw (for transport) Before using the unt,
    turn tscrew clackwise using a cain orscrendiver
    Important: When you transportthe uni, ur the scrow
    counterdlactavise to secure the tumtabie
C. Speed Selector
D. Tone Arm holder
E.. Tone Arm. Before use, completely loosen the twist
    tie on tt one arm and uplit tone arm.
E.. Siyus.
G.. 45 RPM adaptor, Before use, rotate it completely looseness and pull it out
H.— Cuedever Use this levertoi the tone am

                                 Setup / Basic Operation
1. Remove white protetive needle cover by gently pulingtowards front of un‘t
2. Remove any packaging materials fom the unt
3. Connectthe AGC poner cord o a wall outet
«1 i strongly recommended thathis product should be aperated only om the type ofpower
 source indleated on the marking label
—To provent inteference, avoid bunding audio signal cables ogether withthe AC power cord
Basic Operation
1. Press the POWER button to turn the device on. The LED ht around the radlo ciawilight up
2. Select a play mode by rotting the function knob(FMICD! BTAUXPHONOTTAPE)
3. Rotate the VOLUME knobto adiustthe desied leveof sound
Listening through RCA LINE OUT
For amplier device Istenin, fest reduce the volume lavelto minimum. Insertthe white and red
plugs on the RCA cableinto the back ofthe unt, then nsertthe opposte end nto yourampiffer
device. Be sureto connectthe whte plug intothe whtejack and the red plug nto the red jack
Listening through Earphones!Headphones (not included
For prvate Istening,frsreduce the volume level t mnimum
Inser your headphones‘pluito the 3.Srmm jack,then
adjustthe valume up by turringthe VOLUNME knob
Note: The speckers wl automaticaly be deactivated whi          \\@g
headphones are pugged in                                                       3.5mm Jncx
conpensamion waruine.
When ha unt is moved om a ol o warm plac, or is useflowinga sudden temperatie change thre sthe
angerthat watervapor in tai may condenseon ha unt, prventng proper operaton In such cases leave he
untfer 12 housaterpugginAmo aAG outettoalow ho stailze at hatemperatire of ts suroundings
                                Listening to the FM Radio
 1. Rotate the Function Knob to select FNF, The LED Displaywill display Ad‘
2. Tune to the desired staton using the Racio Tuner Knob
1. Rotate the Function Knob to select CD. The LED Display wil isplay"Cd—
   (Nte: When no cise is set,‘no°willappear on the dsplay)                         m
   Press the OPENICLOSE (4) buton to open the ray.                                C
   (Wote: Thi buttononly works in CD mode )
   Place a dison thetray wih the printd label face up
   Press the OPENICLOSE button (8) to cose the tay.
   "Then t wl beginto playback fom thefrsttrack automataly:
   To temporarly pause playback, press the PLAYIPAUSE button (»u). Press again o resume

7. Teretum tothe previous o ski racks,pressthe coresponcing button (It=t or >>D
8. To Fast Foward / Revind wihin a tack, press and hald doun he coresponding skip
    butlont «« or »» ) unilthe desired positon is reached
8. To stop playback,press the STOP l button
= Never place marethan one dise on the ray
— The dise must be placedin the center ofte dise bay. Anincarrectly
    laaded dise can permanently damage the ray dor mechanisn
=— Do not push the GD tray— ahrays use the OPENCLOSE buton:
it iakes a moment fo the uni tofoad a die, daring whichalltttons wilbe emporarly
 Repeat Playback
Each time the REPEAT button is pressed, the repeat mode willexce trough the falowing options
REPEAT 1(Repeat one lrack
The "REPEAT 1 on wl appear on the dsplay and the current track wil be played
repeatedly Ifyou press the(Iob or. 1 button to select ancther rack,thetrack you
selecwil be played repeatedty
REPEAT ALL (Repeat the enlre CD
The"RereATALLieon wil show on the dsplayand the entre CD/CD—RW wil bplayed repeatediy
To cance!the REPEAT he REPAET button repeatedy i the icon disappears rom the
Shuffle Playback
Pressthe SHUFFLE button and the "SHUFFLEicon wil appear cn the diplay. Payingthe racks on
a CD mode in a random sequence
To canse!the stufte playback mode, press SHUFFLE button again.‘SHUFELE con wil dsappear
from the dsplay
 — Repeat layback works with GD ies only
 ~ Pressing (P4during shuffe playback wilrandamiy selectthe next rack
—A back eannot be repealed during shulfe playback
— Shutfeplayback doesn‘t work during programmed playback
Programmed Playback
You can program upto 20 racks for CD disc
— Shuffe playback does not work during programmed playback
— Programmed playback works wit fnaled dise only
     Select °CD" made, hen load a CD
     Whithe CD is stopped, pressthe PROGRANM button
     "PROGRANieon wil show and °PO1" binks on the display
     Press (Iok4 or M4=110 select atrack number
     Press the PROGRAM button again to setthe nextprogram treck,‘PO2" appears and binks
     Repeat steps 4 hrough 5 to program the addiionaltracks
     When the selection ofrack numbers has been inished, pressthe PLAYPAUSE
     butlon (»m) to start rogram playbackc
     (Note: when all 20 racks are fnalzed, press the PROGRAM outton
     ance and °Fwill appear on the dsplay)
7. Press the STOP (B)buton twiceto cancelthe program made and then

    the °PROGRANwil disappear rom thecisplay
To chest the programmed order
In the stop mode, pres(Ioet o. Mrepeatedlytoshow the track numbers
that have been progammed

                 Listening to an External Audio Device (BT Mode)
in BT (Bhvetoot?) mode, ts unl an play mustc rom external devices that have a bultin Bluctooth
cetTine contiEctep UsiNG BLvETOOTH
1. Rotate to select BT"function
2. The UE and 0 icon wil star feshing on the cisplay white searching for a device
3. on your extemal device tuon the Bluetoothfunction
   NOTE: The efectve distance between your extermal device and is apparatus is 10 meters G3t)
4. Walt a moment for "VTA—247B"to appear on the devices Ist, Pess "VTA—247B‘to comnect t e
   un‘ ifa window asks you for a password,fll in "0000"then press ‘OKon your external device
5. Onee the Butooth connectio is suecesstl the * 0 "icon wilemain it
   Stat to playback on your extermal device
6. Yeu can press EACK or NEXT button to skip the previeusnestirack or contral on your device

— The PAIR Button wil alow you to dsconnect fomyour extemal whi remaining in ET mode.
   Simply press the PAIR button o disconnect. Fress again to recomnectthe device that has been
   comnected before
«: Fast Forward/Revindis only availale on your extermal device

               Listening to an External Audio Device (AUX Mode)
 Retate to select AUX finction. The LED Displaywil csplay "AUX
In AUX (ausiiarymode, this untcan play auciafrom an externaldevice (Pod, MP3 Player, Portable
 CD Player ete)
 There is an AUX IN jack on the Ront ofthe unt. When connecting a device that has a headphone
Jack, use a cable on both ands to connect the extemal device with he apperatus.
 1. Blug one end of the 3 5mm cablet included) ntothe AUX N jack.
2.. Plugthe other end ofthe eable into the headphone jack ofthe extemal device
NOTE: Alloperations are only avaiable on your external evice

1. Relate to select ‘PHONO®function. The LED Displaywil dspiay PHON
2. Genty apen thetop cover
   Note: Be carefilnotto pinch your fnger when apeningelosing the top cover
3. Place a vinytrecord on the turtable. When playinga 45 RPMrecord. use thincluded adaptor

4. Selectthe approprate speed
5. Remove thetone arm rest holdet release the tone arm
 6. Gently aisethe arm by usingthe tone arm lever. Move the fone arm to the edge o he record(or
    the stating point ofa track) and lowerthe arm onto the record using the tone arm lver
    Thetumtable will begin to tum
7. When the ecord reaches its end,tone arm will topatthe center ofthe record and you must t
    and returm thetone arm tothe tone arm rest manualy. Lock the tonearm in the rest holderto
    protect the tone arm:
— Closing the top coverwl hep prevent dust rom seting on the tuntable
—Alvays relock thetone arm clp before transportng the un‘t
Do not place anything on top ofthetumtable cover especially while playinga record
1.   Rotateto select TAPE®fition.The LED Display wildisplay APE". Load an audio cassette
     tape nto the unt (ocated on the right side ofthe unPlayback wil automatialy begin
2.   Press button haltray to Fast Forward the tape
     Press button Ighty and playback wil resume.
3.   Press button completely doun to and playback and ejec tape
compact DisHanding
+ Aways place e se on he se raywththlabl side faing upwart (compact iscs canbpayedtecoted
   onl on one sce)
+ Toremove a ds fom is toragecas, press doun on the centr t the cas and i thdsc
   upvars, hoking t careity b ts edgos
   To ceana is wip hesutace om the center hls outwar ovards th outeredgo wina stt dy ctn
   Neveruse such chomieasasrecortspraanistatesprays or id peaine o ionerto leandiscs ty wit
   ineperany danage tdscs lastcsurace
   Osesshoul be retumed to thr cases ateruse o potect fom dustand seatches
   Do rot spose ise o direct sunigh, gh humy, o high emporaire or extended perods of nc
   Pretale CD—R and GD N dsc ae notrecommendec, astlavelsde may becomestelyand
   damage tunt
+ Usea sot obasedfol:upped pento wrtenformatonon h abel id Neveuse a bll.oint oharttpped
   gen asdong so may damage h recorded site
+ Do not use irequatsaped CDs (octagona neat shapec.bsines card szn eto
   as ty wil amage tunt
   Read al erecautons suppted winany CD—R o CD.RW dse
   Neverhandl a se with dry ogers
   Never nsert a dsc hathas a crack on tsuroce
Handing VinRecorts
   Do otzh herecau‘s goves Ony handls recorts by thedges or h abelwin clean hands
   Toucting h recordsurice vil caus yourecorts valty o deterrate
   To clan a ecort. use a sot antstate cloo genty wne t recosurtoce
   Keep ecords n thar protctvesves when notin use
   Alays store recortsuorighton thiredges
   Avoit lacng recrts n drct sunight cose toa heat soure (adatos stoves,etc)

  ori a ecatonsubectto viraton, excessve dust heat ol or mosture
* Vinenremouing hepower pug rom e wal oute. avays pul recty oe plag
  To heepthalaser ickup cean dnottouch t and dono forgetto close the is tay
  Do notatemstt lean e unt wit chemeaaatvent as is migh damage t frigh
  Forcleaing, onl use a cean dy cotn
  Inorder tahutf tpowerto s roduct compltl;undlug the power cart fom the
  walloutet Beaureto unplug e untyou do notintr to use t for an extended peredoftre

                               s                   1 Needle # ITNP:LC1
The sylus should last about 50 hours under nomnal us. However itis recommenced tat the syius
be replaced as soon as you nolce a change in sound qualty. Prolonged use ofa wom—out styus
may damage therecord, The highest speed of 78 RPM records would wear
out the styus more quickly
Removing the old styus:                                                    }
1. Set a screndiver t the p ofthe stylus and push downnard (A)
2.. Remove the stylus by pulingit simultaneusly downward and fomward
Installing a new stylus:
1. old the front p ofthe stylus and insert ts rear edge ()frst                        0
2.   Push he styus upwards (C) unt he tp locks inplace.

# Do notbend the styus
# Do nottouch the neede to avoid njuy your hand                                t
# Tum offhe unit‘ power before you replace the stylus                     o
* Keep outofreach ofchidren.
                                                                          ouiserins in

PoveReasrements         Ac rzov—oohe
Pover Gonsimaion         on
Dimensiont xtX B).       77anx 76nx 176nupwo0
                        48immO2mme275mm (anpros)
wolgt                   1541 io approc)
                        sae y ooo
Oxtpot Pover,
Freaency Reigons

Freqeny Resonse.
Tack Sytem              4 Track, 2channa!treo
Tape Spoed                Bemles
Wowand Riat               a% ons
Frequnsy Rew             2sie exn0iHe +0 ce
Recoro ruaver
Hew:                    .90 sane mote
ome Siiim               Bet on
Sn raic
Gatrage Tipe             wanic Streo Gartcge
Syus                    meicr
Buetooh Vemin,           Bueson ve2
Bustooh Proie            sz0r wmop
ButoothFrecuensyrange    2atecne 2amnone
Operaing Ditarce         10 metes


     Symptom              Possible Cause                                 Solution
     «Unwilnot            +Untis unpugged                                «Gomestthe unt to
      power on                                                             the AC power
     ~No sound culsut     |— The valume Tevelis settoo low               ~Adjust h valime
      from speakers       « The input selector does not match e          « Selectthe comect
s                            pleyback source                               input source
§& mm
             interering device,
                                oter applance
6                                                                          and relocate he
     «Intamts             >Emphtresul Tom extemal c such as |— Dscomedt e
      respond                 ESD (Eleaiostate discharge)                  pover cord and
                                                                           extemal audio
                                                                           device, Re—plug the
                                                                           pover cord ater
                                                                           one minute
     ~The tape does not   —|— The aasselte lape is not nserted mropary.—| Insert the cossalle
&     pey                 smetabe bee reecedine and                        ge uds
&                                                                         «Fip the cassette
     ~CamotIsten to       —|— The staton is not nedin povery              «Froperly tinein e
      any station, or         A TV setis being use nearby andis            desired station
a     signal appears          Interfering with the radl reception         «Tumafthe
                                                                                  A TV set
&     weak                                                                 Interering
E    |«Tresonais          Te anfema is not onentea propery               «Re—soenme
      distored                                                            anterna unti
                                                                          recestion improves:
     +CD sops             +The CD is nserted upsde doin                  Inser tne CD wi
      immediately ater    « The CD is dustyor dity or tereis              the prnted side
      startng,or un         condensation on he CD                         rightside up
      pauses or stops                                                    «Carefuly clean and
      duing ple                                                           doythe CD
     ~No soung            ~Te CD payeris paused                          ~Press e
¢                                                                         prarpause
6                                                                         button
&    |—CD pypactis        |— The CDis seratched. damepea orwarpea.       «Replace CD wih an
&     neisy.or playback    The discis very dity.                          undamaged one.
8|    stops orstips                                                      «Carefuly cleanthe
=                                                                         co
     ~CD raymmar          ~|«FetWercomauXpnonor                          ~Selest CDmose
      open                    TAPE mode is selected
     ~Buttons are not     —|— The untis processing infomator             ~Wal une unt
      tunctioning             + Busyis displayec)                         fiishes processing
      corety              «The unit needs to be restarted                «Tur the unt of,
                                                                          then on agein
     ~Decine n tumabls    |— The tumanlesfus won ait                     Reslace the siyus
2     sudo
&2    performance


       ~No Seund eutsut.— T. The untis no on AUXmode                      ~Ensire Te ntis
 x3     wih extemal audo                                                    suitchedto AUX
  2     device pugged                                                       mode
        Into AUX ink
       ~No souna          > The untis not sc o Bustoa® made.              «Ensure me uns
                          +Your device‘s ancforthe unit‘s volme not         sutchedto BT
                             um up.                                         mode.
                          +Your device is too fa rom the unt or           «Move your
                             there‘re some obstacle betveen your            Bluetoothdevice
                             device and the unt.                            ctoserto unt
                                                                          «Turm up the volume
                                                                            en your portable
                                                                            device anclorthe
 s                                                                          un‘
 $                                                                        «um offyour
 i                                                                          Buetoothdevice
 &                                                                          and unthen pover
 ®                                                                          them both back on
       ~Samars paried:       »Your devices andor e uns vaume not          : Tum down the
                              adust propery.                                volume on your
                                                                            devicepnone and
                                                                            the uit
       +Unable t parwih. + Your device dossnT have Blustoah               «Contim Tat your
        a Bluetoothdevice. connectiy                                        deviceis Bluetooth
                           + The Bluetoothpaiing is not successtul          compatble
                                                                          «Repair he un‘ and
                                                                            device again
Please note: Asa resut of ontinual improvements, the designand specifeations ofthis product are
subjectto change without nolice
Bluetocth is a registered redemark of Bltootn S1G, Ic.
Othertradematks and rade names are thase ofthar respectve cuners.
Made in Chine.


                                      FCC Statement
Ts device comples wih Rart 15 oftre FGG Rules. Operation is subjectto the falowing two
condiions.(1) Ths device may not cause harmfuinteference, and (2) his device must accept any
interference received. includinginteference that may cause undesired operation
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply wth the Imis for a Class 8 digtal
device, pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FGC Rules. These lims are designed to provide reasonable
protecion against harmfliterfrence in a residental nstalaton, This equipment generatesuses
and can radate radio frequency energy and,if not intaledand used in accordance wih the
instructions, may cause harmfyinteference to racio communications. However,thereis no
quarantee that inteference willt occur in a particulainstalation If ths equipment does cause
harmfulinteference to radio otlevisionreception,which can be determined by tumingthe
equipment of and on, the useris encouraged to ty to correct e intererence by one ofthefalowing
— Recrient orrelocae the receiving antenna
—. Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
— Comnectthe equipment into an outle on a crcut diferent rom tat
   to which the recemer is connected
— Consultthe dealeroran experienced radioTV technician for help
WARNING: Any changes or modifcations not expressly approved by the pary responsiblefor
complance could void the users authortyto operatethis equipment
The device must not be colocated or operating in conunction with any other antenna or transmiter
To maintai complance with the FCC‘s RF exposure guidelines, place the productatleast 20om
from neatby persons
This device comples wih RSS247 ofIndusty Ganaa, Getapparelse conforme a RSS247 de
Ganada d‘Industre. This device complies with Industy Ganada Ieense—exempt RSS standard(s)
Operation is subjecttothe folowing two conditons: (1) thi device may not cause nterference, and
(2)this device must accept any inerfrence, incluing intererence that may cause undesred
operation of the device. Le présentapparellestconforme aux CNR dIndustie Canada applicables
aus apparell radio exempts de Ieence. Son fonctlonnementestsultaux deux conditons suvantes:
(1) ie cispostlf ne dotpas produire de brouilageprefudiciabe, t (2) cedispostfdot accepter out
broullagerecu,y compis un brouilage susceptble de provoguer un fonctionnementndesiable
The device must not be colocated or operating in confunction with any other antenna or transmiter
Capparellne dat pas telocalisoufonctionneravec o‘autresantennesoutransmettours
This device comples with IC radlation exposure Imis setfoth for an uncontroled environment
Cetapparelestconforme aux Imtesa‘expostion aus rayonnementsde la IC étables pour un
The device should be instaled and operated wih a minimum distance of 20cm between the radator
and yourbody:
Uappareldot@reinstaletutis® avec une distance minimale de 20cm entreio radiateu
etvotre coms
                              California PROP 65 Warning
            \WARNING: This product can expase you to chemcals includngleadich i known to the
            Stae oCalfomi to cause cancer. Formore nformationgo to vi PBSarmings ca gov.

Document Created: 2019-03-01 11:19:47
Document Modified: 2019-03-01 11:19:47

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