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    Instruction Manual

         monet: vecssoat

Portable Bluetooth Turntable

                                  Important Safety Instructions
      Read trese instuctons —Al hesaaly and operatng insbuctons should e read before ts productis
      Keep hese istructons—The safety and operaing instucions shouldbe reainedfor Aturerefrence.
      Heed allwarnings—Al warnings on heapplance and in the operating insructons shouldbe
      achered to
      Folow allinstuctions —Al operating and use istuctons shout befolowed
      Do not use this apparatus near water —The applance should not beused near vateomolsture —
      for exampl, in a wet basement onear a svimmingpool, and theie
      Clean only wit dy c
      Do not blockany ventlation openings. Instali accordance with the manfacurer instucions.
      Do notinstal near any heat sources such as radaions, heat egisters, stove, or lher apparatus (ncluding
      ampifers that produce heat
      Do not defeatthsafey prposeof the polarized or grounding pug A polarzed plughas wo blades wih
      one viderthanthe other. A grounding plag has wo blades and a thirs grouncing prong. The widebade or
      the tird prong is provided fr your afat i the provided plag does notft to youroulet,consut an
      electician for telacementoftheobsolete outet
10.   Profecthe power cort rom being walked on or pinched parlculary t the pigs,converience receplaces
      and at he point wherethey extrom the apporatus
i1    Only use atlachments/accessores specifed by e manutactirec
i2.   Use onlywih thecartstand, ripobracke, ortable specifedby he manufacture,
      or sold witthe apparatus, When cart oracis used,
      use cauton when mouing the carvapparatus combinaton to avaid
      injay rom tp—over
13.   Unplagthe apparalus duringlghring stoms or when unused for
      long pers o time
16.   Referalservcing t qualfed personnel. Serviing s requied when the apparatus has been damaged in
      any way, such as power supply cord or pug is damaged. uid has beenspited
      or objects havfalenito the apparatus has been exposed t ain ormoilire, does not
      aperate nomaly, o has been dropped
15.   The mains lug is used asdisconnect devie,the disconnect deviceshal remain eadly operable:
16.   wiarnne
      To reduce the isk ofre o elecrc shack, do not xpose tis apparatisto rain or moisture. The apparatus
      shalnotbeexposed to drping osplastingand that noobjects fled wit iquids, such as vases, shalnot
      be placed on apparaus
i7    The use ofthe equipment in moderte cimate
10.   Te ventlaton should not be mpeded by covering he ventlaton openings wih tems such as, newspapers,
      tablecths, cutais, eto
10.   No naked fame sources, such as Ighted candes,should be placed on the apparatus
20.   The symbotwih ~.. IndeatonAG votage
21.   The symbotwit 55 indlete DC vatage
22.   CAUTION: These seiing instrictonsarefor use by qualfed service nersonnal onb; To reduce h risk of
      electre shock donot erform any senviingotherthan that conained in heoperating nstructons unless yu
      are qualfed to do so
2.    CAUTION: To reduce the isk offre oeltic shock, do not xpose hs applnce to rain o moiture
26.   WARNNG: To prevent electi shock, o not use ths (polarzed)pag withan extnsioncrd, receptace
      or other utlet unless th blades can befly inserted to prevent bade expostre.
accessortes incwupep:
«roa une out caste
«iNsTRUGtioN MahuRL
«wareanty @rox or Manuay)
+as reAparter
«rurnmste oreration seer

                                       Product Overview

Top     View

                                                            1203 405

1.  3.8mm AUXIN JAGK: Connect yourextermal source to he AUX—IN jack
2.  Earphones/Headphones socket
    To Istentothe un‘ using headphones,insert headphone jack into EarphoneMeadphones socket
3. POWER O NOLUME: Rotate cockwisetotur the un‘ ON
                           Retate counter—lockvise to tum the unt OFF,
                           When un‘ is ON,rotte to adjust the volume
4. Indicator: When untis ON, it tums to the red
               In Bluetooth mode, i ights up blue
5. *PHONO, AUX,BT" SELECTION KNOB: Rotate to select desirefunction.
Rear View

.. LINE OUT jacks
   For amplfier device with RCA avsilary input sockels,inser the white and red plugs on the RCA cable
   into the unt, Insertthe opposite end into the ampiffedevice, Be sure to conectthe whio plug to the
   white jack and the red plug to theredjack
7. DC IN Socket
   Plugs the DC plug ofAC/OC adaptento the socket

    Parts of the Turntable

    a. Important:
       Before using the unt,tun the screw clockaise using a coin or screnciiver ©
    A. Turntable
       Safety Screw (fotansport)
                   When you transportthe uni, tur the screw counterelackwise to secure the turitabie.
           Speed Selector
zomm s o

           Tone Arm holder
           Tone Arm — Before use, completely losen the twist e on the tone arm to l tone arm
           45 RPM adaptor
           Cue—daver Use thlever to i t tone arm

                                    Exm Eremcrerten
1. Remove white protetive needlecover by gently pulingtowards front of un‘t
2. Remove any packaging materals rom the unt
3. You can powerthe radl with the supplied AGTDC adapter. Check the rating plate on the ACIDC
   adapter with your mains powervaltage before powerig the radio on
The AC/DC adapteris 100—240V—50(60Hzinput, 5V == 1.5A output
—Iis sttongly recommended that this product should be operated only rom the type of power source
incicated on the marking label
«To provent inteference, avoid bunding aucio signal cables ogether wthe AC power cord
Basic Operation
1. Roate the POWERNOLUNME knob clckaise to tun the unit on. The ncicator wl ight up red
2. Selectthe source by rotating the selection knob (PHONOTAUXBT
3. Rotate the POWERVOLUNME knobto adiustto the desird sound level
Listening through RCA LINE OUT
For amplfer device stening,fst reduce the volume level o minmum Insertthe whte and red plugs of
the RCA cable into the corrsponding colors on the un‘t. Then inser the opposte end into the ampifer
B sure to connectthe whit plugt the white jack and the red plagtothe rejack
Listening through Earphones!Headphones (not included)
For private Istening,frst reduce the volume level o minmum
Insert your headphones‘plug ito the HEADPHONES socket,then
adjustthe valume up by turringthe POWERIVOLUNME knob
Note: The spokers wl actomaticaly be deactivated whio
headphones are plugged in
conpensatiou waruine.
Winen the untis movefom a al or warm place,o is usedfalouing a sudden temperatrechange, ther is he darger
that watervapor in theairmay condense on ho unt preventng roperoperaton in suchcases laavethe unt for :2
hours atephiggng tit an C outetto alow t t tanizatth femperatire of is suroundngs
                    Listening to an External Audio Device (BT Mode)
in &T (Bluetooth) mode, ts unican play must rom an external devic wth the Aluetcoth feature
cetmnc connecten usine BLuzTootH
1. Rotate o sele          funcion
2. The ndlcatorwl statto fashing blue
3. Sethe Bluetooth function of your extemal device when the apparatus is on
2 Setto search Bluetooth device on yourextemal device
   NOTE: The efectve distance betwreen your extemal device and this apparatus is 10 meters
   When "¥SC—590BTappears on the paired devices ist on your extemal device, press "VSC—590BT®
   to comect
   If a password is required. use ©0000"then press ‘OC on your extemal device
5. When your Bluetooth connectioisuccessful the indleator wil remain it
   NOTE: The Fast ForwardRewind functinis only availale on your extemal dovice

                  istening to an External Audio Device (AUX             Mode)
Relate Function Knobto selectthe "AUX function
in AUX (aueilary) mode, his unit can play audrom an extermal audo source (Pod, MP3 Player Portable
CD Player otc)
 There is a AUXIMjack on thefrontside ofthe unt. When connectinga devicethat has a headphonejack
use the cable with 3.Smm plugs on ather and with the front AUXCINjack
 1. ug one and ofthe AUI—IN cable (not ncluded) nto the AUI—IN jack
2. Plugthe other end ofthe cable into the headphone jack othe external autio source
NOTE: Alloperations are only avalable on your extemaldevie.
                                      iste          Nce
1. Retate the Function Knobt selectthe ‘PHONO®fincton
2. Genty open the top cover.
   Note: Be careful not o pinch your inger when opening/elsingthetop cover.
3. Place a viny record on the turntable. When playing a 45 RPM record, use the included adaptor
4. Selectthe approprate speed (4).|          |~/n
5. Remove the tone armrest holderto release the tone arm
6. Move the tone arm genty to the edge ofthe record(orthe stating pointofa track)
   Te tumtable will begin to tum
7. When the resord reaches the end, the tone arm willstop athe centero he record.Lit and return the
   tone arm to the tonearm rest manvall. Lock the tone arm—1est holdet protect ttone arm
— Closingthe top coverwl hep prevent dustfom seting on the tuntable
—Alvays relock thetone arm clp before transportng the unit
Do not place anyihing on top ofthetumtable cover especialy while playinga record

                               Maintenance / Proper Handl
Handling Vinyl Records
* Do not oich the resord‘s rooves. Only handlerecords by the edges or the abel with clean hands
   Touching the record surface wil cause yourrecords qualtyto deterorate
   To clean a recrd. use a sot antstate cloth to genty wpe the record surtace
   Keep records in thar protecive sieeves when not n use
   Abways store records uprght on their edges
   Avold lacingrecarts in drect sunlght, cose to a heat source (adiators, stoves,ec),
   orin a location subjectto viraton, excessivedust, heat, cal or maisture
General Care
* When removingthe powerplugfrom the wall outet, alvays pulldrecty on the plug
   Never pulthe cord
   "To Keap the laser pickup clean, do nottouch t and o notforgettoclase the ciso tay,
   Do not attemptto lean the unwith chemicasalvents as ths might damage the frish
   For cleanin, only use a clean, dy coth
   In arderto shutof the power o this product completel; unplugthe powercord fom the
   vallaullet.Be sure to unlug the unt iyou do not intend to use i for an extended pered
How to Replace the Turntable Stylus (Replacement Neede # ITNP:LCtI
‘The stylus should last about 50 hours under nomnal use. However itis recommenced that thesyius be
replaced as soon as you noticea change in sound qualty Prolonged use of                       a
wom—outsylus may damage the record. The highest spced of 78 RPM                               records
woul wear outthe sylus more quicly
Removing the old styu
1. Set a serenctiveratthe tp of tstylus and push downard (A)
2. Remove the stylus by puling t simultaneously dounward and fomward
Instaling a new stylus:                                                              0
1. Hok the front i ofthe stylus and insert ts rear edge (©)frst
2. Push the styus upnards (C) untthetlocks ito place
* Do not bend the syius
* Do nottouch the neodl to avaid njury your hand                               t
* Tum offthe uni‘s power before you replace the syius                      o
+ Keep outofreach of hidren
                                                                           ouiserins inag

Pove Reasrements       50 Adator Medel Kcranososzrcoue
                                 Inur: 1002400 soeo tz Oantiex
                                 Curut SV z=> 138
                                  Manufastrer stieNzHeN kecHuanarveanc
                       TecHonoLoay co. Lto
Pover Consumption       on
Demensions (Wx x 0j     9.inx 575n x 1291 in ooo
                       404 148x 32imm Gpo
w.                     807 is opproc)
                        ethg. arsroo)
OupatPover              wasw
Freaumey Resgonte      Bove 20 oone
Inut Pover
Recoro rraver
                       0 imewt asRoM and re rew
                        orethan 50 a8
                        wamc Stareo Carvidge
Buetsot Vemion,         necem ve2
Buetooh Proies         ‘reorce
Bueion Fremencyrarge     amonez«mone
Operiing Distance      30 fea! 10 meters

                                Troubleshooting Guide
     Symptom                     Possible Cause                     Solution
     +Unt wl not power on        +Unitis inplugped                  > Flags Te Dplago
                                                                      AGTG adapter inthe
     ~No snd suputrm             —The valime Tevelis settostow.       Adust e vaume
2     speaters                   « The input selector does not      « Select e correctinput
$                                 viden ihe piigbae souce            S9ike
&    |—Nase/Ditotion in sound    — The uniis too dose to a TV set : Tum affihe TV oer
8     cutpst                        oranciher interering device       appliance, and relocale
                                                                      the un
     ~Unt fals torespond         —Itmight resul Tem extemal        — Dscomect e pover
                                    fectors such as ED                card and extemal sudo
                                    (Electrostatie ischorge)          device. Re—plugthe
                                                                      power cord ater one
     ~Decing n tamtante aud.     |— The fumtable syjus is wan aut. |— Replace e siyus
2     perfemance
     +o send euput wn            Te untis not on AUX mode.          »Ensure he intis
3     eitemal auciodevice                                            sutched to AUX mote
C     stugged intoAUXinjack.
     «Nosama                     * The untis not smcredto          ~Ensure Te untis
                                   Bluetooth mode                    sutchedto AUXBT
                                 «Your device‘s andlorthe uts        mode
                                   volume is nottumed up           «Move your Bluetootn
                                 «Your device is too tar o the       device closerto unt
                                   unt orthere is some cbstacte    « Tum up the volume on
                                   between your device andthe        your portable device
z                                  un‘                               andorthe unt
5                                                                  a Tomoff our Blistooth
$                                                                    device and unt then
s                                                                    pewer them bath back
3                                                                    on
&    rSaindis partied            ~Your dence‘s andfor e uns : Tum domn the vaume
                                  volume is not adjusted properly. on your device/shone
                                                                     and the un‘
     ~Unable topar witra         ~Your device doesnthave           ~Contim that your
      Bluetoothdevice             Bluetooh comectvty                 device is Bluctocth
                                 «The Bluetoothpaiing is not         compatible
                                  successtl                        «Palthe un‘ and
                                                                     device again

                                      FGG Statement
"This device complies with Part 15 o he FCC Rules. Operation s subjectothe folowing two condiions: (1)
This device may not cause harmfl iterference, and (2) his device must accent any interference received
Inclucing interference that may cause undesired cperation
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply wi the is fora Class 8 digtal device
pursuant to Part 15 of e FCC Rules. These Imts are designed to provide reasonble protetion against
harmuinteference in a residental instalaion. This equipment gonerales uses and can radiate racio
freauency energy and.i not instaled and used in accordance witte instructons, may cause harmful
Inteference to racio communications, However, there is no guarantee thatntererence will not occurin a
partcular instalation fthis eauipment does cause harmfu itererence to racio o tlevision reception
which can be determined by urning the equipment off and on, he useris encouraged to y tcorretthe
Inteference by one ofthe falowing measures
   Rearinto relocate the receiing antemna
   Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
   Commectthe equipment into an ouet on a cirit diferentrom that
   towhich e receiveris connected
   Consul the deater oan experienced radiorTV technician for help
WARNING: Any changes or modiieaions not expressly approved by the part responsibe fr compliance
could void the users authorty o operate his equipment
"The device must not be co—focated or operatingin confuncton wih any otver anterna o transmniter
To maintain complance with he FCC‘s RF exposure guideines, lace the productatleast 20em from
nesrsy persons
This device comples wih RSS247 of Industy Canada.. Cet apparel se confome 0 RSS24T7 de
Canada industre. This device complies wih Industry Canada license—exermpt RSS standard(s)
Operation is subjecttothe folowing two conditons: (1) this device may not cause nterfrence,
and (2) his device must accept any interference, incluing interference that may cause
undesired operation of the device. apparells radio exempts de leence. Son fonctlonnement est sujet au
x deux condiions suivantes: (1) e depostif ne dat pas produre de brollage prejudiiable,
t (2)ce dispositf datacceptertoutbroullage reeu, y comprs un brouilage suscentible de
provequer un fonctionnement indesirable
"The device must not be co—located or operalig n confunction wih any other antenna o transmter
Lapparel ne dalpas re lacaliou fonclinner avec c‘autres antennes ou tansmetieurs
This deviee comples wih 16 redition exposureImts setfoth foan uncontrolled environment
Cet apparellest conforme auxlimites ‘expoition aut rayonnementsde la C élablls pour
un incontrdé envronnement
"The deviceshould be instaled and cperaled with a miimum distance of 20cm between the radiator and
your body. Uapparel dot e install ot utlse aveo une distance minimale de20 om ente e radale et
votre cops

                                 California PROP 65 Warning

  A ‘Warthing: Thpreduet can expose you to chamialsintating lead which is knoun to the

Please note: As a resut of continual improvements, the design and specifcations o his product are
subjectto change withoutnotce
Bluetooth is a registered rademark of Btooth S1G, Inc.
Ofhertadematks and trade names are those ofthirrespective ouners
Made in China

Document Created: 2019-04-18 15:03:44
Document Modified: 2019-04-18 15:03:44

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC