User Manual


Users Manual

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               mopet: vero—2000

            Instruction Manual

       Sanupnmitenl.                      ctetomet mretenetnment
       Reuendoniedwanmens                 Aeormiomeoo| aneintaseimnetrentrs
                                          HEWONRETNIES  knetantetettmmemere
CAUTION: To reduce the rsk of re o electicshock, do notexposethis applance to rain ormoiture
WARNNG: To preventelecc shack, o not use is (polaized) lug wih an extension cord, receptacle or other
outle unless heblades can be fuly insertd to preventbado exposure
                               IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
       Read trese instuctons —Al hesafty and operatinginstrucions should be read beore this roduct is
2.     Keep hese instructons — The safily and operating instuctions should beretainadfo iture reference
3.     Heed allwarnings —Allwarnings on the applance and in the operating instuctons should be
       achered to
4.     Folow allinstuctons ~Alloperating and use instuctons shout be folowed
8.     Do not use this apparatus near vater—The applance should notbe used near vater or moisture —
       for exampl, in a wetbasemant oneara svimmingpoo., and the e
6.     Clean only wilh y coth
T.     Do not block any ventlatn apenings. Insllin accordance with the manfacurer‘s nstuctons
8.     Do notinstallnear any heat sources such as radlatons,heat regstrs, stoves,orother apparatus (ncluding
       ampifers) that produce heat.
8.     Do not defeatthsafay prpose of the polaried or grounding pug.A polarzed pug has o blades wih
       one viderthan the other.A rounding lag has wo bades and a thirs groundingprong.The wide bade or
       the hiprongis provided for yoursaali the provided plug does notftnto youroutet,consut an
       lecticin for teplacementofthe obsolete outet
10..   Protctthe powercord rom being walked on or inched partcularl atthe plags, convenience receptacles,
       and athepoint vhere they etrom the apparatus
11.    Onluse atactmentsaccessories specifed by the manufactirer
12..   Use only wih thecat, stand,trpo bracket, ortable specifedby he manufactire;
       or sald wit the apparatus. When a cart orac is used, use cauton when moving
       the cartapparatus combinaton to voitnjuy fom tp—over
18..   Unslugthe apparatus during lghting stoms orwhen unused fo long perods of
14..   Reforall senieing to qualed personnel. Seviing s requred when the apparatus has been damaged in
       any way,such as power supply cord or plugis damaged. lavid has beenspiledor tjects have fln nto
       the apparatus has been exposed o rain or maistre, does not operate normaly, o has been dropped

                              bo not opEn

         nisaue ve choc Evectnlous _ras ouvnin,
      —Thislghtring flash witarontead symbot wihin an equlaterl tiangle is ntended o alert the user t he
      presence of nor—insulated"dangerous votage" wihin the roducts enclosure that may be of suficent
      magntudetoconsitutea isk of electre shock
      —Warming: To redutha riskofelecticshock, do not remove cover(o back)asthare are no
      usersertceabl pars inide. Refe serving to qualfed personnet
      —The exclamation poit within and equlateal angle is intended o aler the useo thepresence of
      important operaingand maintenance istuctons in the teraure ccompanying the aplance.
16.   @ This eqvipmentis a Gass 11 ordouble insulated elecrcal applance,Ithas been designed in
             such a way that it does nt requtrea safey connecton to lecrcal carh
i7    "The mains pug is used as dsconnact devie, tdisconnect device shallremain readly operable
10.   warnne
      To redue tha risk ofreor lecic shock, o notexpose ths apparatus to rain o moistre. The apparatus
      shalnotbe exposed to dipping or splashingand hat noobjets fled wih lquids, such as vases, shallnot
      be placed on apparatus
19.   "The use ofthe equipment in moderte cmate
20.   "The ventlaton shouldnot e impeded by covering the ventlatn openings with tems such as, newspapers
      tablecishs, curtans, etc
B     No naked fame sources, such as lghted candies, should be laced on he apparatus
22.   "The symbot ~~ ith ndlcaton AGvotage
as.   "The symbotwih #=% indlate DC votage.
2s    CAUTION: These serviing instuctons arefor use byqualfed service personnal ony. To reduce the isk of
      electicshock, donot peforn any servcing ther than that containe in he operating instuctons unless
      you are qualfed to do so

                                PRODUCT OVERVIEW

Front View:

1.    ONJOFF: Press to urnthe uniton or of
2.    STARTISTOP: Engages and disengages the beltdive in the turntable
3.    speeo inpicator
4.    TURNTABLE SPEED BUTTON: Select 33 or 45 RPM urntable speed
      (NOTE: 78 RPM is selected by pressing both 33 and 45 buttons simutaneously,
      both speed indcator wil ight up.)
.     STROBE DOTS (On Turntable Edge}: Operate in confuncton with stroboscopicightlocated under
      the ONIOFF to provide visual ncleation ofaccurate turntable speeds
6.    turvtaste
7.    semore
s..   «srpmaparter
8.    BALANCE WEIGHT: Balances the tonearm and provides adjustmentfor proper downward tracking
    foree on the syius
10. ANTLSKATE CONTROL: Apples a small ouward frce tothe tone arm, counteracing the
    terdency ofthe tone arm to move inward toward the center of the record
1. cueme cever
12. Tone arm rest Holper

13..   VOLVOL#: When streaming via Bluetooth,press o acjust the sound level
14.    sLuETOoTH iNbicaror
15..   PAlR: n Bluetooth mode, press to connectthe yourBluetooth amplfier device
       Press and hold to disconnectrom your Bluctooth ampifer device
1s.    Tone arm
17..   PTCH ADJUST SLIDER Use in confunction with Quartz Lock Buttonto adustthe furntable‘s
       rotationalspeed. When it is centered the qvart lock is actve
18.    auartz Lock Leo iNpicator
19.    CARTRIDGE LOCKING RING: Rotate counter—lockise (to thelefto lockthe nserted cartidge
       fimly nto postion. Rotate the ring fultum o the right toallw removalothe cartidge.
20.    cartrines cover
21.    piice Leo iNpicators
22..   PTCH SPEED RANGE: Select 1 10% or +/20% speed range
23..   QUARTZ LOCK BUTTON: Press to tum the pich contral on and off
Rear View:
                                             x0    s    a      "
24. OUTPUT JACKS: Used forconnecting the RCA Ine outcable to an extenal speaker device
25.. PRE—ANMP ONIOFF: Alowsthe intermal stereo phono pre—ampto be bypassed when the turntable
     is used with equipmentthat has magnetphono uts
26.. USB JAGK: Used for recording Vinytoa computer (Mac and PC softwareis ncluded)
27. AC POWER CORD: Connectthe AG plugs nto a wall outlt. Itis strongly recommended that ths
     product should be operated onl from the type of power source incicated on the ratng label
                               SETUP / BASIC OPERATION
1. Remove any packaging materalsfom the unt
2. Connectthe AG pover cord toa wall outt
3. Press the ONOFF buttonto urntheunton

Installing the Plater Before Use:
1. Take allthe componentsfrom the package and make sure to place the unit on a cleastable surface
2.. Place the blt on the bottom of metal plater. Make surethe belt is NOT risted when instaled. Use
    your thumb to stretch the belt o he amal access hole as shouwn in the ilustation below

3. Carefultum the plater over while continuingto holdthe bel through the access hole. Whie keeping
    the belt on theplater,ne up the spine holetothe center in located ithe unt and place the plater
    anto tunit
4.. Through the access hole, surround the belt onto the gold colored main rotation column located in the
    top ight area under the plater. The belwl create a trangular Ine rom the column o the plater
    Note:Mate sur the b hasnotfalen ofofthe plateraferthas been placed on to ie mai rotton calmn

     Main rotation column

5.     Place the turntable stp mat on the plater                                           6
8.     Remove the countenteight and place it on the back ofthe Tone arm
       See Mlustraton to theright— Seo Instuctions below fo proper instalment             a
7.     Remove the 45 RPM adaptefom the packagingand place t in he
       top right comer ofthe record player

Note: To disassemblethe tumtabl, simply unnrap the bet rom the main rotaton colurm
 Then directy gras the tumtable and carefuly pul i upward
Note: Before using make sure t remove allsafty ts and the Neecle Guard
Note: Before using the Record, make sure to properly setthe Counter Weight, see Soting the Counter
Weight Secton below

                            ISTENING TO A VINYL RECORD
must Reaoit
"*The Counter Weight on the tone arm MUST be properly setup before fist use!
Settng the Counter Weight


    Idently the sivercounter weight t the back ofthetone arm:

    Wih your hand, f the tone arm up and move the tone arm away from the tone arm rest but notover
    the black recordplater (see photo . Be carefuthatthe needle does not ht anything. Rotate the
    siver counter weight(clockwise OR counter—locknise) unth tone arn foats naturaly
    Note: te black number ring wll also ratate as you tur the siver counter weight
3.. Wih the tone arm foating and the stylus protectoremoved,the goalis to create a state of equilbrim
    in the arm by rotatngthe counter weight s thatthetone arm is perfectly balanced with the counter
    weight (see photos 8 and C)

                       Uneven Tone Am                     Balanced Tone Arm
4.: Now thatthe onarm is resing in a level / balanced positon, you must setthe proper weight fr the
    needie on this tone arm. dentlythe black number ing attached to the counter weight
5. Carefily rotate only the black numbering sothat 0 is atthe 12 o‘clack postton B sure to hold the
    siver rear potton of the counterneightto prohbit ts mavement. DO NOTlatthe siver counterweight
    tm the blck number ia wl tum seporately
8.. Finall, fom this 0 reference postion, grasp BOTH partsofthe counterweight and black number ing
    and retate the weight counter—clockwise so that e ‘2.5" marking on the diai n the 12 olack
    gostion. This wl setthetone arn to2.5 grams ofdownmard force, the recommended racking woight
    for this needle (cartiage)
    Note: The counter weight acjusts the pressure ofthe neede. ifthe pressure is too much, the sound
    wil become distoted ifthe pressure is to itle, track sipping wil happen more frequentl Atthis
    paint turina the balance weiaht very stahlly clackwise or counterclaciuise can make any fretuning
Listening to a Vinyl Record

1. Make sure the CounterWeight is Set propery befor playing a record
    Place a vinyrecord on theturntabl. When playing a 49 RPM record, use th included adapto
3. Select tappropriat speed by pressing etther the 33 or 45 buton;the corresponding LED idicator
    wil ight up
    Note: Tosethe tumtable spoedfo 78 RPM,press the 33 and 45 RPM butons simutaneously
4. Remove the tone arm rest hlder o release the tone arm
    Note: Make sure to rmove the Whie plastc needte guard
5. Move the one arm gentlyto the edge oftherecord (orthestaring pointofa rac. Then press the
    STARTISTOP buton t start paying
8._ Atthe end ofthe record. the turrtable wil not stop rtating unless you press the STARTISTOP buton
    again. Li and retun thetone arm to thetone arm rest manualy. Lock the tonearm rest holder to
    protectte tone am:
    Note: Ater approvimately 20 minates,ifyou do not press he STARTISTOP buton, thetutable wil
    stop rtatng automaticaly
— Closingthe top cover wil help prevent dustfom setting on the turntable
«Always relock the tone arm clp before tansporing the un‘
— Do not place anyihing on top of the turntablecover, especialy whileplayinga record
How to Replace the Turntable Stylus (Replacement Needle # ITNP—LD1)
Flease note: The sylus should last about 300 hours under normal use
Itis recommended thatthe styus be replaced as scon as you nottce
a change in sound qualty 78 RFM records may accolorale sylus
wear and may have t be changed sooner.
Removing the Stylus from the Cartridge
1. Set a screndriver atthe tp of the styusand
carefuly push down to the drection "A".
WARNING: When applyingforce t stys,
too much may damage or break the syjus
2. Pul the styus outtoward the drection "B".
Installing the Stylus
1. Hold the t ofthe sylus and insertthe
other edge by pressing toward drector                                             ak
2. Push the syus up toward drection * wntit locks at thet                   A%
= Do not emoveend the styus needle and do nottouch the needieto avoit uy
= Tum of the units power before you replace the styus and keep outo reach of chidren.

                        LISTENING TO             MUSIC VIA RCA LNE OU
1. Connectone end ofthe RCA ne outcabletoether the AUX—1N, LINE IN or PHONO IN sockets
   on yourextemal speater deviee. Connectthe other end to the OUTPUT socket on the back othe unt
2. Ifyou are connecting via PHONO N from your extermal speaker system, the PRE—AMP switch should
   be tumed OFF
3. Ifyou are connecting via AUXIN or LINE 1N from your extemal speaker system,the PRE—AMP swrtch
   should be tumed ON. Improper seting of PRE—AMP switch may lead to no sound or loud unwanted

          Note: Be sure to connect the whte plug to he whitejack and the red pluy to the red jck
    conpenisation warninc:
    When the unitis maved from a cold or warm place, o is used folowing a suden temperaturechange,
    thereis e danger that water vaper in the at may candense on the unt, reventig proper operaton
    in such eases, leave the unitfor 1—2 hours aferplugging itnto an AG outet o allow it to stablizeatthe
    temperature of is suroundings
                            LISTENING T MUSIC VIA BLUETOOTH OUT
          Tum ON t unit and turm ON your eternalBluctooth device
          Press the PAIR button o connectto your external Bluetooth device
          The Bluetocth LED Incicator wil begin fashing,incleatng the unt is searching for an extemal device
          Connect yourextemal Bluetooth devicet the turntable and the LED wil remain t
          You can acjustthe sound leveon your extemal Blietooth device orpress the VOL— or VOL+ button
#a on s
          on the tumable
          Press and hold e PAIRbutton to isccnnectfrom your extemmel Buetaoth device, LED incieator

          wil um orF,
          Note:Ifthe trniable does not pai wih the externalBluctooth device,turn OFF both theturnlabe and
          the device and reattemptthe procedure above.
    Using the Antl—Skate Dial
    Before usingthe turnlabl, make sure the anttskating ciais setto 0‘
    Te ant—skating fincion helps compensate mward rackingforce that occurs wih cetain records when
    the styus (neede nears the conter or end ofthe record
    I!the turntable is experencing excessive skipsing white nearig the centerpn, falow these steps to
    reduce any stating
          Simply increase the ant—sating fnction in smal incrementsindcated on the cal
          Stat by movingthe dia fom 0 to 1. then test ts perfomance
          Itthere is sill skipping or poor perfarmance, simply increase thect the number

on o
          that atous the hghest aualty of playback
          Note: Whie adjustngthe ant—stating knob, leave thefone arm and balance welghtalone to prevent
          damaging the styus
    Using the Pitch Control
    1. The Quate butlo is used to um the ilch contrl finction ON and OFF
    2.. Press e desied ich Range Button (—10% or +20%)to vrythe tuntable‘s rolationalspeed by as

    much as +/ 20%, and the GUARTZ indicatorwi light upred
2.. Usethe Pich Adustment Side to ind the desied ptch control
3.. When the Quartz is n the center postion,the speed rate i at 0% plch, and the CUARTZ LED
    incicator vil light up green
   Note: Once the pich function is OFF the Quarts LED Indlcatorwillremain it Green, even fthe Pich
   Adustment Sliis moved.
Using the Stroboscope
‘The strobascape lightisa reference thatthe trntable is rotaing at he desied speed G3—1/3 or45 RPMY
Ifthe turntable is spinning at the exact desired speed i wl appear tobe ‘staning stlf or staionany
1. Observe the feshing lightfrom the stroboscape: t wil remain iuhen the un‘ is tumed ON
2. In order to makethe fashing ightappearstaionan, you need to move the ich Adjustment Side
3. Ifthe fashing light is foving cloclwise.i means that te turntadle is trning a Itle faste.
   — Turn the Pich Adjust Side Contraltowards * postion untl the fasting ightstands stt
4. Ifthe fashinglight is foving counterclockwise, t means the untableis furing a tle stower.
   — Turnthe Plch Adjust SidControl towards *postion untlthe fashinglghtstands t
                               USB RECORDING OPERATION
To properly record your viny to MP3 via computer, use th includec USB Output Cable and Instructinal
D Satware. Connect one end ofthe USB cabletothe turntable and the oher end inyour computer
"Then connectthe AC power cord to the tumtable. To insalland use the software on your computer, select
the proper Mac or PC instafles, then falow the prommpts provded on theInsructonal CO
Forthe most upto date manuals, sofware,insruclional detais, rasbleshocting o other downloadable
content, please go to ho /udecvteam o
Audacity SoftwaroVersion: 2.2.2
"The provided GD contains the folowing sotware
(1) Audacty for MAG (Mac)
(2)Audacty for WIN (Windows)
‘The sotware is compatble with Window XP VISTA7, 8 8 10 and e
— Read about Audacty on Windows 10, Windows &, Windows 7 and Vista:
— A GPU that supports SSEP s requied (any CPJ made after 2003 should support thi)
   Please use the legacy Audaciy 2.0.6 versioniyour machine lacks SSE2 support
— Audeaiy s forInfel Mes running 0S x 10.6 and lter and macOS 10 12 Siea and 10.13 High Slera
   Audacky runs best with atfeast 1 GB RAM and a 1 GHz processor (2 GB RANFZ GHz on 08 X 10.7
   and laten
— Forlengltymuli{rack projecs,we recommend a minimum of2 GB RAM and 2 GHiz processer (4 GB
   RAM on 0 x 10.7 and ater. Because ofthe variaton of dferent operaton systems, some of the
   interface may notbe the same as below


Pover Requirements                            ac 120v ~ 60 iz
Pover Consumpion...             —           . ow
Dimensions W x Hx D)                          17.7inx 5.n x 14 71 (opproc)
                                              450mm x 150mmx37mm (epproc)
Wilghtnmmenmes              mommmmscc.c.      17 los (approx)
                                              717 kas @pprox)

Recoro rraver
Mato:                                        DC semomater
Dive System                                  geit Drive
Speeds...                                    23—10 Re. as rpW. 78 RpM
Wow Flater                                Less than 0.25% (WTD)
N Ratio........        sommnmmnnnnonso §R
Cartidge Type                             Meving Magnetic Cartidge
Styue                                     imip—zo1
reaout.                  —        «w......200—280 mV ($ omses at 1 KHiz—10dB)
Prono out                                 3—4mv (6 emisec at1 Kiz—104B)
stueroorn rransu
Bluetooth Version                            Bluetooth V42
Buetooth Proties                             »zomarce
Bluetooth Frequency range....              . 2402che2.4000tte
Opereting Distance                           7 meters 0 t)
Te                                           USB seris 8 comector
Ful—Speed                                    use 20 tut speed


In case oftrouble wih the unt, pease look atthe chat below. fthe issue is notlsted belon, please
contact customer service or the suppler fr more assistance

                Symptom                           Possibte Cause                   Solution

       — Power does not come on when                                       — Conectthe un‘ to
       the power sutch is pressed         «Intiemstenes                    the AC power supply

                                          — The valume is tumed doun to —Adustthevolume;
 ; + No sound rom the speskers            MIN: The werking input does not Reselect aninput
   3                                      match the source nput            source
  §8 — me soungis naisy                                                    —turn ffhe TV o
                                          — The unitis tooclose toa TV set tner
                                          orancther smiar applance.             seplance. and
                                                                           — Remove the pover
                                          — Extermalfactors suchas ESD     cord and allpower
       .Te inhasroresron%® 9              (Giearo—statio dschargeaffect    supplydevices, then
                                          the un                           re—plug in the uht ater
                                                                           one mnute
  6|   . Thsound is noisyvhen playing. — The styius is not welgnted        Sm
  &    the record                         proper                           foght
 §     . The sound is naisy vhen used                                      — Prease change a
 2§    tora period oftme                  «‘me svics is cemieget           new styus
                                                                           —Ensure the untis
                                                   m                       "Move your Bluetooth
                                            Your devices anorthe uni‘s.s   device doser to unt

       «No sound
                                          — Your device is too for hom the
 &&                                       unor therere some costacte       35e300@
                                                                             Turn OFF yourthe ont.
                                          between your device and the
 $                                        ht                               un‘ en power them
 &                                                                         both back ON
 % . sound has alat orstat                — Your device is toofar vay.     ~EMOWTRLORYCE
                                                                           csertothe Turmatle
                                          —Yeur device2RCmV
                                                       doesnt have         —efecealetth
                                                                             Contim that your
       — Unable to pair wih a Buetootn    pPHrORYCS
                                                        i is 0t
                                          .TeButetoah parita               Shake unt ane

Please note: As a resul ofcontinval mprovements,the design and specifcations of ths product are
subjectto change wihout natce
Bluetooth is a registered trademark of Buetooth S1G,Inc
Other radematks and trade names are thase ofthar respectve ouners
Made in China

                                        FCC STATEMENT
This devicecomples wih Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject o the folowing two condiions: (1)
"This device may not cause harmfyinteference, and (2) this device must accent any intererence recaived,
including interference that may cause undesied operation
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply wih the Iimis fora Class B digtal device,
pursuant to Part 15 ofthe FCC Rules. These limis are designed to provide reasonble protection against
harmfuinteference in a reidentialinstalation. Thisequipment generates uses and can radlate radlo
Hrequency energy and, it not instaled and used in accordance wih theistructions, may cause harmful
inteference to racio communications, However,thereis no guarantee thatinteference will not occur in a
partcularinstalaton, If this equipment does cause harmfutinteference to radio otlevisionrecepton
which can be determined by urningthe equipment of anon, the user is encouraged to ty to corectthe
inteference by one ofthe folowing measures
   Reorlent orelacate the receiving anterna
— Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver
—: Comnect the equipmentintoan outlon a crult iferent rom tat
   to which the receiver is connected
— Consultthe dealer or an experienced radiorTV technicianforhelp
WARNING: Any changes or modifcations not expressly agproved by the pary responsiblefor complance
could voidthe users authorty to operate ths equipment
"The device must not be colocated or operating in confunction with any other antenna or ransmiter
To maintain complance with the FCC‘s RF exposure guideines, lace tproductatleast 20cm from
nearty persons

                              CALIFORNIA PROP 65 WARNING

           WARNING: Ths product can expose you to chemicals inclucing lead. which is known to the
           State of Calfornia to cause cancer. For more information go to wins PGSWarnings ca gov.


                                        Lo        EMENT
This device comples wih RSS247 of Industy Canada. Get apparel se confome a RSS247 e Canada
dinduste. This devicecomplies wIncusty Canaa cense—exempt RSS standard(s). Opertion is
subjecttothefolowing two condiions:(1) his deviee may not causeinterference, and (2)this device must
accept any inteference, including interference that may cause undesired operation ofthe device. Le
présent apperel est conforme aux CNR d‘ndustre Canedappleables aux apperels redio exempts de
Heence. Son fonctionnement est sujet audeux condilons suivantes: (1) lecispostine dol pas procuire
de broullage prefucicile, et(2) ce dspostif dat acceptertout breullage reeu, y comprs un brouilage
susceptile de provoqver un fonclinnement ndesirable:
The deviee mustnot be colocated or operating in conlunction with any other antenna ar ransmiter
Uappared ne dpas ie localié ou fonctinner avec d‘autres antennes ou transmetteurs
This device comples wih IC rediation exposure Imits setfoth for en uncontroled envronment
Get apparel est conforme aulimites dexpostion aurayonnements de a C éablies pour un incontrdte
‘The device should be installed and operated wih a minimum ditance of 20cm between the raditor and
your boy
Uapparel dat ire insall et utlise avec une cistance minimale de 20em ente o raciateu
et vote cops


Document Created: 2018-08-22 10:39:50
Document Modified: 2018-08-22 10:39:50

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC