User Manual


Users Manual

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       mopet: ve—100


       remmne on e ommuo. Ssunon TGRREvENT mmAnrinnasmmege
      mmeatune,.                           iopanfenamess
       omnuamannent       fecormsome
                          Sonalnee   orcon aputoem mmaettare
              eseer        |Mobensoce
                             iess                meuee
CAUTION: T reduce the is of e o elcticshock,do not espose ths applance to rain o moiture
WARNING: To provent eletrc shock,donot use ths (polarzed) pug wih an extension cort, receptacle
or ther utet unlestblades can be fly inseted to provent blade expostre
                          IMPORTANT SAFETY INSTRUCTIONS
       Read trese instuctons —Al hesaaly and operatninsbuctons should e read before ts productis
2.     Keep hese instrutons —The safely and operaing nstuctons should beretained foiturereference
3.     Heed allwarnings ~Allwarmings on he applance and in the operaing instrucions shouldbe
       achered to
4.     Follow allinstuctions —Alloperaing and use instuctons shoul befalowed
...    Do not use his apparatus near water—The appliance should not beused near water or moisture —
       for exampl, in a wet basement onear a svimmingpool, and theie
6.     Clean only wdy cioh
7.     o not blockany ventlation apenings. Intalli accordance with the manfacurer instucions
8.     Do notinstal neaany heat sources such as radaions, heat egisters,stoves, or other apparatus
       (ncluding amplfers that produce heat
...    Do notdefeathesalety purpose ofthe polared or groundingpug A polarzed plag has tro blades wi
       one viderthanthe other A grounding plag has o blades and a higrouncing prong. The widebade
       or he hirdprong is provded or your safay 1tprovided plug es notRt io your outet, consut an
       electicin for replacementoftheobsolte oulet
10.     Profectthe power cord rom being walked on or pinched partculary t the pigs,comvenience
       receplaces and at the polnt where they ext m the apparatus
11..   Only use atlachnentsiaccessores spectfedby e mandactire
12..   Use onlwith hecart, standipod, bracket or ablespecifed by the
       manafacturer or old with heapparatus. When a car orrack is used
       use cauton when movig the carvapparatus combinaton to avid
       injay rom tp—over
13..   Unplag the apparalus during lighring stoms orwhen unused for
       long peris o tima
14..   Referalservcing t qualfed personnel. Servicing s requied when the apparatus has been damaged
       in any vay such as power supplycart or lugis damaged, lqul has been spiled
       or ojects havfalenito the apparatus has been exposed t ain ormoitire, does not
       operate nomaly,o has been dropped

                         bo not opEn

      nisoue e choc EuEctnlous—ne ras ouyn
«Thisightring fash wih arowhead symbet witin an equlaterl tianglei intnded o alert he user t he
presence of non—insulaed "‘dangerous volage" wlhithe roducts enclosire that may be ofsufient
magritadeto cnsttute a k of lectic shock
«Waring: To reduce this o lecc shack, do rot remove cover (or back) as tereare no userservceable
pats inste Refarservcing to qualfed parsonnel

—The exciamation poit wthin and equlatraltiangle s intended toaler the userto the presence of mporiant
eperaing and maintenance instucions in the Meraureaccompanyingtheapplance
This eqvipment i a Gass 1 odoutle insulated eleccal applance. Ithas been designed n such a way
thatit does not requirea safey comnecton to elecrcal eath
i7 The mains plug is used as iscomnect device,the dsconnect device shal remain eadiy operale.
18. warnne:
      ‘o reduce the k of e oelecticshock, do not expose ths apparalus o ran or maistre. The
      apparatis shall ot be exposed o tpping orsplashing and that no onjects iled wth Iquds, such as
      yases,shallnotbe placed on apparatus
10. The use ofhe equipmentin moderte cimate
20. The vertlaton should not bimpeded by coverigt ventlaion openings wih tems such as,
      revspapers, tabledoths, curains,oto
21 No ndked fame sources, such as ighied candes,should be placed on the apporatus
2. The symbotwith ~..indcatesAG votage
2. The symbol wih 2==indeates DC votage
      The batlres battery pack orbtleres intaled) shallnot be exposed o excessive heat such as
      sunstine, e otheie
25. Altertonshould be drain to the envronmental aspectsofbatery cisposal
25. CAUTION: These servcing instructons arefouse by qualfed service personnal onl. T reduce he
      it of electreshock, donot prform any servcing other than tat contaied in the operaig nstuctons
      unless you are qualfed to do so

Accessonies ncuupeo:
«wareanty @rok or Manua)

                                PRODUCT OVERVIEW

Eront View

      VOLUNME: When uniis ON, rtateto adist the voume.
      RADIO TUNER KNOB: in FAM mode,tum knob to une to desied staton
      ANaLos rano
      Lep ctook pisptay

Top      View

s. snoozcomme
   SNOOZE: When the alarm sounds, pressto snooze alam
   DINMMER: Touch lighty tadjustthe rightness ofthe LED clock diplay

Rear View

6. USB CHARGING PORT: n OFF or Bluetooth mode, t willcharge an extemal device
7.. SETIPAIRIPLAYIPAUSE:In OFF mode, press and hold t setthe time and alarm tme
    Once the Bluctooth connection is successfu. press and hok to disconnect fom your
    extermal device. Press again to comnecttdevice which has been connacted
    When istening to music, press o temporanly pause the tack, press again t resume
889.UP & DOWN: in Bluetoothmode, press toskip tothe previous/next tack
10. OFF—FNMBT: Side t selec fiction (OFF, FM Racio, Bluetooth)
11. FM wire antenna
    Whie tuned to statonin FM made, extend the wire and repostion to adustfor best reception
12. AC Power Cord: Connectthe AC plug ina wall outet
    Itis stonaly recommended thatths product be operated onl rom the type ofpoersource
    incicated on the marking labol
10. reer
14. sarreay compartuent

                              SETUP / BASIC OPERATION

eartery oreration
1. Remove the battery compartment doorat the back of unt        1      J

2. Insert wo (2) AAA batteies t included)into the battry compartment, making sure that the
   bateries are installithe designated numercaorderand that the proper polarties (+ and —)
   are maintained
   Note: The bateries are used for memory backup function onl

Battery Precautions
B sure to insert the batterieswi comect positve *+" and negative *"crientation
ALWAYS use batterinsofthe same ypo. Nover mi diferent tyzes ofbatteriestogetho.

When using rechargeable bateries, referto the precautions on thair lbels
When the unitis not to be used fo a long time (more than a mont), rmove the bateriesto provent
them fom ieaking
Do not heat or isassemble bateries, and NEVER dispose of old battris by hroving them in a fre
Do not dispose device nto standard garbage disposalstes.Dispose ofdeiceat avaiable Battery
Recyaing Stes afefuly cischarging batter. Not doing so may violte dispasal lavs and regulatons.
Please referto foca egulatons forproper battery disposal

1. Remove any packaging materalsrom the unt
2. Connectthe AC power cord t a wall outet.

— tis strongly recommended that this product should be operated onlyfrom the tyge ofpower source
incicated on the marking labol
— To prevent inteference, avoid bunding audio signal cablestogether wih the AC power cord
Basic Operation
1. Selectthe source bysiing the OFF—FM—ET button
2. Retate the VOLUNME knobto adjustto the desied sound level
conpensamion waruine
When theunt is maved om a ol or warm lace, oris useflowinga suséen tenperatze change tre s the
dangertat watervaporin tair may condanseo heunt,praventng propr aperaton in such cases leave e
untfor 12 housaterpuggin& mo an AG outettoalou ht stabilze athetemperatireofts suroundings

1. Sige the OFF—FNM—BT button to swich to FM function,°FM and the tme will show on tdisplay
2. Ture to the desied station by using the Racio Tuner Knob
3. Retate the VOLUME knob to adist your desied volume

in &T (Bluetoot®) mode, ts unt can play musi rom an extermal device with the Bluetoothfeature
eermine connecren usie sLuEtootH
1. Sige swtch to the BT function. The cisplay wil show ‘Blue"wih the °8 icon
2. The blue LED incator and the * icon wil fash whie searching fora device
3. On your external device, tum the Bluetoothfunction ON
   NOTE: The efetve dstance botween your extemal device and his apparatus is 10 moters (330.
4. Walt a moment for VG—100"to appear on the devices lt Press "VG—100"to connect to tunit

     If asked for a password. Use ©0000%, then press OK on your extenal device
5.   Once the Bluetooth connectonis suecessfu, the /# icon wil emain it
8.    Press the UP or DOWN button to siiptothe previcusinext rack OR contra it rom your device.
7.    Press SETPARIPLAYIPAUSE butto to tempocenly pause the track, press again t resume
8.    If you want to reconnest your external device after ennecting, press the
     SETPAIRIPLAYIPAUSE button to recomnect
NOTE: The PAIR Button wil alow you to disconnect fomyour external devie whie remaining in ET
mode. Press and hold he PAIR buttont discomect and search e a new devie. Follow the paking
dreciions above t comectto he new device

                                      SETTING THE TIME
1. Sige the OFF—FR—T butlon on e OFF made, which is the eleck mode. The Ime willappear on the
   dsploy eutematcaly
   Note: The batteriesare used fr the memery bactup function cnly
   Press and holdthe SETIPAIRIPLAYIPAUSE button to adustthe time
   "The cigt of Heur wil fash, press the UP or DOWIN buttonto selectthe hour
   Press the SETPAIRIPLAYIPAUSE buttonto confim, the minutes wil fash
     Press the UP ar DOWN button to selectthe minute, and then press the SETPAIRbuton to contrm.
     Note:It wl auto confrm afer fasting approximately 5 imes. Once the tme stops fashing, repeat
     Stegs 2 trough 5 to resetthe tme inecessary

                                     SETTING THE ALARM
1. Press the SETPAIR/PLAYIPAUSE buttonrepeatedy untl the‘alrm" Icon appears on the dsplay.
2. Pressthe UP or DOWIN butlon to selectthe hour, then press the SETPAIRIPLAYIPAUSE buton to
3. The minites wil fash on he disply, ress the UP or DOWN buttn to selectthe minutes
4. Pressthe SETIPAIRIPLAYIPAUSE button t contin, The diplay wil show ON or OFF
5. Pss the UP or DOWN butin totumthe larm on or off
8. Press the SETIPAIRIPLAYIPAUSE button to contithe alarm setting
7. When the alarm is tumed on,the ‘alermicon willfsh brefly Press the SETIRAIRIPLAYIPAUSE
   butin totum of the alarm. The alarm icon wil remain stay t The alarm is now set to chime daly at
   the same time
   Note: it wil auto contem afer fashing approximately 5 tmes. Once the tme stops fashing, repeat
   Stens 2 through 5 to resetthe tme, inecessany

                              ALARM OFF / SNOOZE FEATURE
1. When the alsm sounds, ress the SETIPAIRIPLAVIPAUSE button to slence the alam.
2. To snouze the alrm,touch the SNOOZE/DIMMER buton, The alam wil snouze for approsmalely
   hine (3) minutes, To cancelthe snoaze featire and alam sound. press the SETPAR/PLAYIPAUSE
   buton. The alarm ieon wil stop fasting

                                    DIMMER FEATURE
Lighty touch the SNOOZEIDIMMER button to cyele trough the tiree (3)brightness setings

                         CHARGING AN EXTERNAL DEVICE
1. Connectthe AC plug to a wall outlet
2. Pug the USB cable into the USB socket ofthe speaker. Aug the oiher end of USB cable nto he
   USB socket ofthe computer or ther devices that have a USB port
3. The unt will charge the extemal device automatially
   Note: Charging function only werks n Bluetooth mode or when the untis OFF,

PoweRecraments                    c rzovcone
Bacup Batory.
Oimenzions it B                   5inx 651 x5 90 n Grproc)
                                 2803 140% 192mm Grrro
waight..                         417 ieoproc)
                                  stka. arere)
Frnqueney Resgente               sore 20000 ks
sreaken svorem
Inut Pover.
Range.                           seto 1o8 mite
Bletooh Venion,                  Bhwtot va.recor
Buetson Proies.                  seor Avecr
Bletoon Fremensyrargs             atgiez«mone
Opersing Distance                30 fect/ 10 meters

US8 pot fochargn

                                      FGG STATEMEN
This device comples wih Part 15 ofthe FGC Rules. Operaion is subjecttothe falowing two
condiions.(1) This device may not cause harmful nterference, and (2) this device must accent any
inteference received. ncluding intrference that may cause undesired cperation
NOTE: This equipment has been tested and found to comply wh he Imits fora Class B digtaldevice,
pursuantto Part 15 ofhe FGC Rules. These Imis are designed to provide reasonable proction
against harmfu interference in a residentilistalation. Ths equipment generates uses and can
radiate racio requency energy and. not instaled and used in accerdance withthe nstuctions, may
cause harmfutnterference to racio communicalins. However there is no guarantee thatintertrence
wil not occur in a parteularinstaltion. ts equlment does cause harmfuinteference to redio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment of and on, the user is
encouraged to y to carrectthe nterference by one of the folowing measures:
   Recrient o relocate the recebing antemna
   Increase the separation between the equioment and receiver
   Conectthe equipment ntoan oulet on a irult cfferent rom thatto which the receiver is
   Consul the dealer or an experienced radioTV technician for help
WARNING: Any changes or modiicaions not expressly approved by the party responsible for
complance could vaid e users suthorty to eperate this equipment
"The device must not be co—focated or operating in confuncton wih any otherantenna or transmiter
To maintain complance wih the FCC‘s RF exposure quidelnes, lace e product atleast 20em from
nearby persons

                                       IG STATEMENT
"his device comples win RSS2H7 of Industy Canade. Cet apparel se confome o RSS247 de
Canada dtndustre. This device complies wih Industry Canada leense—exempt RSS standard(s)
Operation is subjecttothe folowing two condiions: (1) his device may not cause ntererence
and (2) his devise must accent any nterference, incluing interfrence that may cause
undesired operation of the device. Apparels radlo exempts de leence. Son fonctionnement est suje
t aus deux condilons suvantes:(1) e dispostifne dot pas procuie de broullage prefuiciale,
et (2) ce disposiif dat acceptertout broullage reau, y comprs un brouilage susceptile de
provequer un fenctionnement indesirable
"The device must net be cc—iocated or cperating in contuncton wih any other antenna o transmiter
Lapparel ne dal pas re localize ou fonclionner avee c‘autres antennes ou ransmetieurs
This devicecomples wih IC radition exposureImits setfoth foan uncontalled environment
Cet apparellest conforme aux limites «rexpostion aus rayonnementsde Ia IC élablis pour
un incontrdié envrommement
"The device should be instaled and operated wi a minimum distance of 20zm between the rediator
and your body. Lapparell dat e installet ulis® avee une dstance minimale de 20 em entre ie
radiate et vore cops
"The device should be instaleand operated wih a minimum ditance of 20em between the radator

                             e nbeeasng
  A WASNNE: T06 prodact sn anmone seio afemioals eunlng en abichi nom n the
Please note: As a resut of continual mprovements,the design and specifcations o his product are
subjectto change withoutnotce
Bluetooth is a registered trademarkc of Bluctooth S1G,Inc.
Ofhertradematks and trade names are those oftheirrespective ouners
Made in China

Document Created: 2018-11-15 10:08:21
Document Modified: 2018-11-15 10:08:21

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC