RF Exposure Info


RF Exposure Info

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                                    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                    Guangzhou Branch

198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technological        Report No.: GZEM1902010832CR
Development District, Guangzhou, China 510663
Telephone: +86 (0) 20 82155555                                            Page:                1 of 2
Fax:       +86 (0) 20 82075059
Email:     ee.guangzhou@sgs.com                                           FCC ID: 2AFHW-SBO530

   RF Exposure Compliance Requirement
  1. Standard requirement
                Systems operating under the provisions of this section shall be operated in a manner that
                ensures that the public is not exposed to radio frequency energy level in excess limit for
                maximum permissible exposure. In accordance with 47 CFR FCC Part 2 Subpart J, section
                2.1091 this device has been defined as a mobile device whereby a distance of 0.2m normally
                can be maintained between the user and the device.
  (a) Limits for Occupational / Controlled Exposure
                              Electric Field        Magnetic Field                          Averaging Times
    Frequency Range                                                    Power Density
                               Strength (E)           Strength (H)                            ‫׀‬E‫׀‬   2
                                                                                                        ,‫׀‬H‫ ׀‬2 or S
           (MHz)                                                        (S)(mW/cm 2)
                                   (V/m)                  (A/m)
          0.3-3.0                   614                    1.63             (100)*                  6
           3.0-30                  1842/f                 4.89/f           (900/f)*                      6
          30-300                    61.4                  0.163               1.0                        6
         300-1500                    --                     --              F/300                        6
       1500-100000                   --                     --                 5                         6

  (b) Limits for General Population / Uncontrolled Exposure
                              Electric Field        Magnetic Field                          Averaging Times
    Frequency Range                                                    Power Density
                               Strength (E)           Strength (H)                            ‫׀‬E‫׀‬   2
                                                                                                        ,‫׀‬H‫ ׀‬2 or S
           (MHz)                                                        (S)(mW/cm 2)
                                   (V/m)                  (A/m)
          0.3-1.34                  614                    1.63             (100)*                 30
          1.34-30                  824/f                  2.19/f           (180/f)*                      30
          30-300                    27.5                  0.073               0.2                        30
         300-1500                    --                     --              F/1500                       30
       1500-100000                   --                     --                1.0                        30

  Note: f=frequency in MHz; *Plane-wave equivalent power density

                                    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd.
                                    Guangzhou Branch

198 Kezhu Road, Scientech Park, Guangzhou Economic & Technological          Report No.: GZEM1902010832CR
Development District, Guangzhou, China 510663
Telephone: +86 (0) 20 82155555                                              Page:              2 of 2
Fax:       +86 (0) 20 82075059
Email:     ee.guangzhou@sgs.com                                             FCC ID: 2AFHW-SBO530

  2. MPE Calculation Method

               E (V/m)=(30*P*G)0.5/d        Power Density: Pd(W/m 2)=E2/377
               E=Electric Field (V/m)
               P=Peak RF output Power (W)
               G=EUT Antenna numeric gain (numeric)
               d= Separation distance between radiator and human body (m)
               The formula can be changed to
               Pd= (30*P*G)/(377*d 2)
               From the peak EUT RF output power, the minimum mobile separation distance, d=0.2m, as
               well as the gain of the used antenna, the RF power density can be obtained.

  3. Calculated Result and Limit
                                                                                       Limit of
                    Antenna       Peak Output
   Frequency                                        Peak Output      Power Density      Power         Test
                     Gain           Power
     (MHz)                                          Power (mW)        (S) (mW/cm 2)   Density (S)    Result
                   (Numeric)         (dBm)
                                                                                      (mW/cm 2)
       2402           0.875           -3.196            0.479           0.00008           1         Complies
       2441           0.875           -2.731            0.533           0.00009           1         Complies
       2480           0.875           -2.881            0.515           0.00009           1         Complies

                                                    --End report--

Document Created: 2019-06-21 10:13:05
Document Modified: 2019-06-21 10:13:05

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