Test Report


Test Report

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                Project 18474-15



            Mode S Transponder
           1090 MHz Transceiver

    Wireless Certification Report
                   FCC Part 87

                   Prepared for:

                  uAvionix LLC
              300 Pine Needle Lane
               Big Fork, MT 59911


        Professional Testing (EMI), Inc.
     1601 North A.W. Grimes Blvd., Suite B
           Round Rock, Texas 78665

                   1 Mar 2017

     Reviewed by                      Written by

   Larry Finn                         Eric Lifsey
Chief Technical Officer              EMC Engineer

                                                                              uAvionix P200S

Revision History
                                     Description                                 Date
00       Initial draft for review.                                            17 Nov 2016
01       Revised per reviewer comments.                                       22 Nov 2016
02       Revised to apply 87.139(a)(1‐3) limits.                              1 Mar 2017


References to a model Ping200S or P200C applies to the P200S in every case.

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                                                                                                                             uAvionix P200S

Table of Contents

Revision History ...............................................................................................................................2
Certificate of Compliance ................................................................................................................5
1.0     Introduction ..........................................................................................................................6
   1.1   Scope ................................................................................................................................6
   1.2   EUT Description ..............................................................................................................6
   1.3   EUT User Control Requirement ......................................................................................6
   1.4   EUT Operation .................................................................................................................6
   1.5   Modifications to EUT ......................................................................................................6
   1.6   Test Site ...........................................................................................................................7
2.0    Applicable Documents .........................................................................................................8
3.0        Conducted Output Power at Antenna Terminal ...................................................................9
   3.1       Test Procedure .................................................................................................................9
   3.2       Test Criteria .....................................................................................................................9
   3.3       Test Results ......................................................................................................................9
4.0        Occupied Bandwidth and Modulation Characteristics ......................................................11
   4.1       Test Procedure ...............................................................................................................11
   4.2       Test Criteria ...................................................................................................................11
   4.3       Test Results, Bandwidth ................................................................................................11
   4.4       Test Results, Modulation Characteristics ......................................................................12
5.0        Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals ........................................................................13
   5.1       Test Procedure ...............................................................................................................13
   5.2       Test Criteria ...................................................................................................................13
   5.3       Test Results ....................................................................................................................13
6.0        Field Strength of Spurious Emissions ................................................................................15
   6.1       Test Procedure ...............................................................................................................15
   6.2    Test Criteria ...................................................................................................................15
   6.3    Test Results ....................................................................................................................15
     6.3.1 Transmit Mode; Radiated Emissions, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, Vertical Polarization .......16
     6.3.2 Transmit Mode; Radiated Emissions, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, Horizontal Polarization...17
     6.3.3 Transmit Mode; Radiated Emissions, 1 to 11 GHz, Vertical Polarization ................18
     6.3.4 Transmit Mode; Radiated Emissions, 1 to 11 GHz, Horizontal Polarization ............19
     6.3.5 Receive Mode; Radiated Emissions, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, Vertical Polarization ........20
     6.3.6 Receive Mode; Radiated Emissions, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, Horizontal Polarization ....21
     6.3.7 Receive Mode; Radiated Emissions, 1 to 11 GHz, Vertical Polarization..................22
     6.3.8 Receive Mode; Radiated Emissions, 1 to 11 GHz, Horizontal Polarization .............23
7.0     Frequency Stability ............................................................................................................24
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                                                                                                                              uAvionix P200S

   7.1    Test Procedure ...............................................................................................................24
   7.2    Test Criteria ...................................................................................................................24
   7.3    Test Results ....................................................................................................................24
     7.3.1 Temperature ...............................................................................................................25
     7.3.2 Voltage .......................................................................................................................25
8.0     Equipment Lists .................................................................................................................26
Appendix: Policy, Rationale, and Evaluation of EMC Measurement Uncertainty ......................28
End of Report .................................................................................................................................29

NOTICE: (1) This Report must not be used to claim product endorsement, by NVLAP, NIST, the FCC or any other Agency. This report also
does not warrant certification by NVLAP or NIST. (2) This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of
Professional Testing (EMI), Inc. (3) The significance of this report is dependent on the representative character of the test sample submitted for
evaluation and the results apply only in reference to the sample tested. The manufacturer must continuously implement the changes shown herein
to attain and maintain the required degree of compliance.

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                                                                                    uAvionix P200S

                 Certificate of Compliance
Applicant                                          Device & Test Identification
uAvionix LLC                                       Model(s):              P200S
300 Pine Needle Lane                               FCC ID:                2AFFTP200S
Big Fork, MT 59911                                 Laboratory Project ID: 18474‐15
Certificate Date: 1 Mar 2017

The EUT model(s) listed above were tested utilizing the following documents and found to be in
compliance with the required criteria.

47 CFR, FCC Part 87 and Part 2
Section                     Description
87.131; 2.1046              Power and emissions; conducted output power
87.135; 87.137; 2.1049      Bandwidth of & type of emission; occupied bandwidth: 14M0M1D
2.1047                      Modulation characteristics
87.139(a); 2.1051           Emission limitations; Spurious/harmonic emissions at antenna terminals
87.139(a); 2.1053           Emission limitations; radiated emissions 30 MHz ‐ 10 GHz
                            Frequency stability (Aeronautical utility mobile stations on 1090 MHz;
87.133; 2.1055(a)(1)
                            1000 ppm.)
87.143                      Transmitter control requirements

I, Eric Lifsey, for Professional Testing (EMI), Inc., being familiar with the above rules and test
procedures have reviewed the test setup, measured data, and this report. I believe them to be true
and accurate.

Eric Lifsey
EMC Engineer

This report has been reviewed and accepted by the Applicant. The undersigned is responsible
for ensuring that this device will continue to comply with the requirements listed above.

Representative of Applicant

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                                                                                     uAvionix P200S

1.0      Introduction
1.1      Scope
This report describes the extent to which the equipment under test (EUT) conformed to the
intentional radiator requirements of the United States.
1.2      EUT Description
Table 1.2.1 Equipment Under Test
 Manufacturer &
                        Model              Serial #                        Photo

      uAvionix LLC

     Mode S                P200S             none
 Transponder for
    1090 MHz

Operating Voltage: 48 VDC nominal.

Table 1.2.2 EUT Options
            Description                       Gain                             Notes
                                                              For use with surface mounted antenna
¼ wave SMA whip antenna                       2 dBi
                                                              on airframe.

1.3      EUT User Control Requirement
Power is removed at the aircraft operator’s position by the user either removing power from the
EUT itself, pulling the circuit breaker or removing the vehicle power plug at the end of the
power cable. This satisfies control requirements of FCC 87.143.
1.4      EUT Operation
The EUT was exercised in a manner consistent with normal operations. To insure accurate
measurement, the EUT was placed into higher than normal duty cycle modes.
1.5      Modifications to EUT
Transmitter output matching network components were adjusted to better suppress harmonic
spurious emissions.

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                                                                                    uAvionix P200S

1.6     Test Site
Radiated measurements were made at the PTI semi-anechoic facility designated Site 45 (FCC
459644, IC 3036B-1) in Austin, Texas. The site is registered with the FCC under Section 2.948
and Industry Canada per RS-GEN, and is subsequently confirmed by laboratory accreditation
(NVLAP). The test site is located at 11400 Burnet Road, Austin, Texas 78758, while the main
office is located at 1601 North A.W. Grimes Boulevard, Suite B, Round Rock, Texas, 78665.

Professional Testing (EMI), Inc., (PTI) follows the guidelines of National Institute of Standards
and Technology (NIST) for all uncertainty calculations, estimates, and expressions thereof for
electromagnetic compatibility testing.

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                                                                         uAvionix P200S

2.0     Applicable Documents
Table 2.0.1: Applicable Documents
    Document #                                     Title/Description
                       Land Mobile FM or PM Communications Equipment, Measurement and
TIA/EIA 603C 2004
                       Performance Standards
                       FCC Part 87 – Subpart D – Technical requirements
47 CFR
                       FCC Part 2 – Subpart J – Equipment authorization procedures

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                                                                                  uAvionix P200S

3.0     Conducted Output Power at Antenna Terminal
3.1     Test Procedure
The output of the EUT was connected directly to an attenuator and then to the spectrum
analyzer. A peak detector was used for the measurement. The transmitter was switched on, and
the measurement receiver was tuned to the frequency of the transmitter under test. The loss of
the attenuator was compensated by adding an offset to the analyzer amplitude. Power was
measured directly with the spectrum analyzer using a resolution bandwidth greater than the
occupied bandwidth of the transmitter.
3.2     Test Criteria
Table 3.2.1 Authorized Power, 87.131 (Radionavigation Unspecified), 2.1046
                          Minimum 125 Watts per RTCA/DO‐181D
3.3     Test Results
Table 3.3.1 Peak Power Measured In 10 MHz RBW, 50 MHz VBW
Measured Power (peak) 53.6 dBm or 229 Watts

Table 3.3.2 Calculated Duty Cycle and Average Power
Measured Power (peak) 53.6 dBm or 229 Watts
Transmit Times (µs)        Per TSO‐C199: 100 Mode A/C, 19 Short Mode S, 10 Long Mode S, 1 Short
                           Squitter, 3.7 Long Squitters
Total Transmit Time        2011.584 µs
Maximum Duty Cycle         0.2012 %
Averaging Factor           10 log10 (0.002012%) = ‐27 dB
Average Power              Ppeak + Factoravg = 53.6 – 27 = 26.6 dBm or 457 mW

The EUT satisfied the requirements. Plotted results included below.

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                                          uAvionix P200S

                Peak Power

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                                                                                   uAvionix P200S

4.0     Occupied Bandwidth and Modulation Characteristics
4.1     Test Procedure
The output of the EUT was connected directly to an attenuator and then to the spectrum
analyzer. The spectrum analyzer was tuned to the frequency of the transceiver under test and the
EUT activated in continuous transmit mode. Bandwidth is measured relative to the peak power
measurement measured separately in full bandwidth. Modulation is a pulse train; to verify a
time-domain capture of the pulse train was recorded and compared to expected timings.
4.2     Test Criteria
Table 4.2.1 Authorized Bandwidth, 87.135; 87.137; 2.1049
                   14 MHz per 87.137 table; emission designator 14M0M1D

4.3     Test Results, Bandwidth
Table 4.3.1 Bandwidth In 20 dB (1 MHz RBW 3 MHz VBW)
Reference Power Level                        53.6 dBm
Measured 20 dB Bandwidth                     8240 kHz
Emission Designator                          8M24M1D

The EUT satisfied the requirements. Results appear below.

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                                                                               uAvionix P200S

4.4     Test Results, Modulation Characteristics
The pulse train was captured in time domain and observed for basic parameters listed below.
These were within expected limits and are confirmed through other testing.

Table 4.4.1 Basic Modulation Characteristics Measured
Flatness                                       < 2 dB
Preamble Time                                  8.003 µsec (Marker 1 delta)
Payload Time                                   106 µsec (Marker 2 delta)

               Captured Modulated Data Stream (with trigger delayed 15 µsec)

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                                                                                    uAvionix P200S

5.0     Spurious Emissions at Antenna Terminals
5.1     Test Procedure
The output of the EUT was connected directly to an attenuator and then to a spectrum analyzer.
The transmitter was switched on, and the measurement receiver was swept with TILE V4
software up to the 10th harmonic. EUT could not operate in continuous transmit mode but was
adjusted to a higher rate that the transmitter could sustain. Software was adjusted to maximize
capture of emissions using maximum point capability (8192 points), running 50 sweeps of 500
ms each, and 20 sweep ranges dividing up 3 MHz to 11 GHz.

5.2     Test Criteria
Table 5.2.1 Spurious Limit, FCC 87.139(a) Basis for limit calculations.
               Measured Peak Transmitter Power: 53.6 dBm or 229 Watts

                        Average Power Calculated Pt: Pt = 0.457 Watts or 26.6 dBm

Table 5.2.2 Spurious Limit, FCC 87.139(a)(1)
                  Attenuation & Frequency Range: 25 dB out to ±7 MHz (50% of BW)

        Deduct Attenuation from Measured Power: 26.6 dBm – 25 dB = 1.6 dBm

Table 5.2.3 Spurious Limit, FCC 87.139(a)(2)
                  Attenuation & Frequency Range: 35 dB from ±7 to ±14 MHz (100% of BW)

        Deduct Attenuation from Measured Power: 26.6 dBm – 35 dB = ‐8.4 dBm

Table 5.2.4 Spurious Limit, FCC 87.139(a)(3)
                  Attenuation & Frequency Range: 40 dB beyond ±35 MHz (250% of BW)

        Deduct Attenuation from Measured Power: 26.6 dBm – 40 dB = ‐13.4 dBm

5.3     Test Results
Limits are based on mean or average levels. The overall graph is peak levels which remained
below the limit. The averaging factor is applied to the mask plot (-27 dB) with peak and average
levels displayed.

The EUT satisfied the requirements. Plotted measurements appear below.

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                                                                                                                                                                         uAvionix P200S

                                                                             Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.
          40                                                             Conducted Antenna Port Emissions
                                                                                          Peak Detection










            1K                      10K                    100K         1M                           10M                     100M           1G                       10G                  100G
         Operator: Eric Lifsey                                                                                                                      Spurious Limit -13 dBm
                                                                                Conditions - 48 VDC                                                 9 kHz to 300 kHz @ RBW 300 Hz
         18474 Conducted Spurious Tx M ode 1090 M Hz 87-139(a).TIL
                                                                                Channel/Freq - 1090 M Hz ; Avg factor -27 dB; BW 14 M Hz            300 kHz to 3 M Hz @ RBW 30 kHz
         09:57:52 AM , Thursday, November 03, 2016                              Project # - 18474                                                   3 M Hz to 11 GHz @ RBW 100 kHz

                                   Conducted Antenna Port Spurious; Full Range 9 kHz to 11 GHz
                                               Measured Peak Levels Presented

                                                                             Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.
          40                                                             Conducted Antenna Port Emissions
                                                                             Peak Detection with Average Calculated









          1.050G                   1.060G                 1.070G       1.080G                       1.090G                   1.100G        1.110G                   1.120G                1.130G
         Operator: Eric Lifsey                                                                   Frequency                                          M easured Peak Level in RBW 100 kHz
                                                                                Conditions - 48 VDC
         18474 Conducted Spurious Tx M ode 1090 M Hz 87-139(a).TIL                                                                                  Part 87.139(a)(1-3) Limit (mean)
                                                                                Channel/Freq - 1090 M Hz ; Avg factor -27 dB; BW 14 M Hz
         02:43:02 PM , Tuesday, February 28, 2017                               Project # - 18474                                                   Calculated Average/mean Level

                                   Conducted Antenna Port Spurious; 87.139(a)(1‐3) Mask Detail
                                       Measured Peak and Calculated Average Presented

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                                                                                  uAvionix P200S

6.0     Field Strength of Spurious Emissions
6.1     Test Procedure
The EUT was placed on a non-conductive table 0.8 meters above the ground plane. The table
was centered on a rotating turntable. Antennas were located from the EUT at distances of 10
meters for below 1 GHz and 3 meters for above 1 GHz. The EUT was placed into transmit mode
with the antenna removed and a resistive terminator substituted. EUT duty cycle was raised to a
safe maximum and the measurement software sweep count raised to capture the signals.

                          Field Strength of Radiated Emissions Test Setup
6.2     Test Criteria
Table 6.2.1 Radiated Spurious Limit, 87.139(a)(3) (Calculated limit ‐13.4 dBm.)
                       10 m: 20 log10 (λ/ 4πR) = 20 log10 (0.30675 / 4π10) = ‐52.25 dB
        Path Loss Term:
                       3 m: 20 log10 (λ/ 4πR) = 20 log10 (0.30675 / 4π3) = ‐41.79 dB
                       10 m: ‐13.4 dBm + 0 dB + 0 dB + [‐52.25 dB] = ‐65.65 dBm
           Power at R:
                       3 m: ‐13.4 dBm + 0 dB + 0 dB + [‐41.79 dB] = ‐55.19 dBm
  Field Strength Limit
 Conversion Formula:
  Field Strength Limit [‐65.65 dBm] – 0 dB + 77.2 dB + 20 log10 (1090 MHz) ‐ 0 dB
    Calculation, 10 m: = 72.3 dBµV/m
  Field Strength Limit [‐55.19 dBm] – 0 dB + 77.2 dB + 20 log10 (1090 MHz) ‐ 0 dB
     Calculation, 3 m: = 82.8 dBµV/m

6.3     Test Results
The EUT satisfied the requirements. Plotted measurements appear below.

Emissions were below the peak/QP limits of Part 15 and are reflected in the tabular data. The
87.139 field limits calculated above are included as the uppermost limit line in the plotted

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                                                                                                                                                                                                              uAvionix P200S

  6.3.1                                               Transmit Mode; Radiated Emissions, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, Vertical Polarization

Test Method:                                                                       TIA/EIA 603‐C

In accordance with:                                                                FCC 15.209 and 87.139

Section:                                                                           15.209, 87.139
Test Date(s):                                                                      11/1/2016                                                   EUT Serial #:                 none
Customer:                                                                          uAvionix                                                    EUT Part #:                   none
Project Number:                                                                    18474                                                       Test Technician:              Eric Lifsey
Purchase Order #:                                                                  NA                                                          Supervisor:                   Lisa Arndt
Equip. Under Test:                                                                 P200C                                                       Witness' Name:                Matt Lee

                                                                                  Radiated Emissions Test Results Data Sheet                                                                     Page:         1      of        1
                                      EUT Line Voltage:                                             48       VDC                                       EUT Power Frequency:                        0         N/A
   Antenna Orientation:                                                                                     Vertical                                     Frequency Range:                               30MHz to 1GHz
                                                                  EUT Mode of Operation:                                                                       Transmit; 5 packets per second
Frequency                                                  Test                        EUT               Antenna                                Recorded Corrected
                                                                                                                             Detector                                         Limit Level                 Margin
Measured                                                 Distance                   Direction             Height                                Amplitude   Level                                                    Test Results
                                                                                                                             Function                                         (dBµV/m)                     (dB)
  (MHz)                                                  (Meters)                   (Degrees)            (Meters)                                (dBµV)   (dBµV/m)
 99.8731                                                        10                      54                2.34           Quasi‐peak                    33.2     16.704              33.1                  ‐16.4         Pass
 101.812                                                        10                      292               3.86           Quasi‐peak                    34.8     18.336              33.1                  ‐14.8         Pass
 164.831                                                        10                      111               1.44           Quasi‐peak                    30.9     14.901              33.1                  ‐18.2         Pass
 169.601                                                        10                      137               1.52           Quasi‐peak                    37.3     21.784              33.1                  ‐11.3         Pass
 179.392                                                        10                      341               1.54           Quasi‐peak                    39.5     24.431              33.1                   ‐8.7         Pass
 215.235                                                        10                      130               1.29           Quasi‐peak                    37.5     23.161              33.1                   ‐9.9         Pass
 275.229                                                        10                      93                1.59           Quasi‐peak                    32.2     21.586              35.6                  ‐14.0         Pass
                                                                                                                                                                     Qua si-pea k Limit Lev el
                                      Professional Testing, EMI, Inc                                                                                                 C o rrected Qua si-pea k R ea ding
                                      Radiated Emissions, 10m Distance
                                                                                                                                                                     C o rrected Pea k V a lue
                                      3 0 MHz - 1 GHz V ertica l Po la rity M ea sured Emissio ns
                                                                                                                                                                     V erified Lo w -PR F QP R ea ding
                                                                                                                                                                     LPR F V erifica tio n Limit
                                                                                                                                                                     Limit -1 3 dBm a t 1 0 m
   F ield S t ren gt h ( d Bµ V/m )






                                        30M                                                                   100M                                                                                                         1G
                                      Opera to r: Eric Lifsey                                                                                                             EU T: Ping 2 0 0 S
                                                                                                             Tra nsmitting mo dula ted.
                                      1 8 4 7 4 '1 1 0 1 1 6 'R E'Spurio us.til                              50 VDC                                                       Pro ject N umber: 1 8 4 7 4
                                      1 0 :5 8 :0 9 A M, Tuesda y , N o v ember 0 1 , 2 0 1 6                A ntenna po rt termina ted.                                  C lient: uA v io nix

                                                                                                ≤ 1GHz Vertical Antenna Polarity Measured Emissions

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                                                                                                                                                                                                             uAvionix P200S

  6.3.2                                               Transmit Mode; Radiated Emissions, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, Horizontal Polarization
                                                                                                        Professional Testing, EMI, Inc.
Test Method:                                                                       TIA/EIA 603‐C

In accordance with:                                                                FCC 15.209 and 87.139

Section:                                                                           15.209, 87.139
Test Date(s):                                                                      11/1/2016                                                  EUT Serial #:                 none
Customer:                                                                          uAvionix                                                   EUT Part #:                   none
Project Number:                                                                    18474                                                      Test Technician:              Eric Lifsey
Purchase Order #:                                                                  NA                                                         Supervisor:                   Lisa Arndt
Equip. Under Test:                                                                 P200C                                                      Witness' Name:                Matt Lee

                                                                                  Radiated Emissions Test Results Data Sheet                                                                    Page:         1      of        1
                                      EUT Line Voltage:                                            48       VDC                                       EUT Power Frequency:                        0         N/A
   Antenna Orientation:                                                                                   Horizontal                                    Frequency Range:                               30MHz to 1GHz
                                                                  EUT Mode of Operation:                                                                      Transmit; 5 packets per second
Frequency                                                  Test                        EUT              Antenna                                Recorded Corrected
                                                                                                                            Detector                                         Limit Level                 Margin
Measured                                                 Distance                   Direction            Height                                Amplitude   Level                                                    Test Results
                                                                                                                            Function                                         (dBµV/m)                     (dB)
  (MHz)                                                  (Meters)                   (Degrees)           (Meters)                                (dBµV)   (dBµV/m)
 98.9481                                                        10                       48              2.59           Quasi‐peak                    31.4      14.47              33.1                  ‐18.6         Pass
 178.505                                                        10                      357              1.44           Quasi‐peak                    26.5     11.421              33.1                  ‐21.7         Pass
 182.192                                                        10                      351              1.19           Quasi‐peak                    25.9      10.79              33.1                  ‐22.3         Pass
 192.963                                                        10                      222              2.73           Quasi‐peak                     31      15.953              33.1                  ‐17.1         Pass
 236.389                                                        10                       3               2.84           Quasi‐peak                    26.9     14.466              35.6                  ‐21.1         Pass
 271.599                                                        10                      334              1.23           Quasi‐peak                    28.3     17.77               35.6                  ‐17.8         Pass
 324.156                                                        10                      350              1.47           Quasi‐peak                    26.8     17.329              35.6                  ‐18.3         Pass
                                                                                                                                                                    Qua si-pea k Limit Lev el
                                      Professional Testing, EMI, Inc                                                                                                C o rrected Qua si-pea k R ea ding
                                      Radiated Emissions, 10m Distance
                                                                                                                                                                    C o rrected Pea k V a lue
                                      3 0 MHz - 1 GHz Ho rizo nta l Po la rity M ea sured Emissio ns
                                                                                                                                                                    V erified Lo w -PR F QP R ea ding
                                                                                                                                                                    LPR F V erifica tio n Limit
                                                                                                                                                                    Limit -1 3 dBm @ 1 0 m
   F ield S t ren gt h ( d Bµ V/m )






                                        30M                                                                  100M                                                                                                         1G
                                      Opera to r: Eric Lifsey                                                                                                            EU T: Ping 2 0 0 S
                                                                                                            Tra nsmitting mo dula ted.
                                      1 8 4 7 4 '1 1 0 1 1 6 'R E'Spurio us.til                             50 VDC                                                       Pro ject N umber: 1 8 4 7 4
                                      1 0 :5 8 :0 9 A M, Tuesda y , N o v ember 0 1 , 2 0 1 6               A ntenna po rt termina ted.                                  C lient: uA v io nix

                                                                                                ≤ 1GHz Horizontal Antenna Polarity Measured Emissions

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                                                                                                                                                                                                           uAvionix P200S

  6.3.3                                               Transmit Mode; Radiated Emissions, 1 to 11 GHz, Vertical Polarization
                                                                                                       Professional Testing, EMI, Inc.
Test Method:                                                                       TIA/EIA 603‐C

In accordance with:                                                                FCC 15.209 and 87.139

Section:                                                                           15.209, 87.139
Test Date(s):                                                                      11/1/2016                                                 EUT Serial #:                 none
Customer:                                                                          uAvionix                                                  EUT Part #:                   none
Project Number:                                                                    18474                                                     Test Technician:              Eric Lifsey
Purchase Order #:                                                                  NA                                                        Supervisor:                   Lisa Arndt
Equip. Under Test:                                                                 P200C                                                     Witness' Name:                Matt Lee

                                                                                  Radiated Emissions Test Results Data Sheet                                                                   Page:        1      of         1
                                      EUT Line Voltage:                                           48       VDC                                       EUT Power Frequency:                         0       N/A
   Antenna Orientation:                                                                                   Vertical                                     Frequency Range:                                Above 1GHz
                                                                  EUT Mode of Operation:                                                                     Transmit; 5 packets per second
Frequency                                                  Test                        EUT             Antenna                                Recorded Corrected
                                                                                                                           Detector                                         Limit Level                Margin
Measured                                                 Distance                   Direction           Height                                Amplitude   Level                                                   Test Results
                                                                                                                           Function                                         (dBµV/m)                    (dB)
  (MHz)                                                  (Meters)                   (Degrees)          (Meters)                                (dBµV)   (dBµV/m)
 1945.94                                                         3                      70              2.09              Average                    39.4     30.603               54.0                ‐23.4           Pass
 2180.07                                                         3                      21              2.96              Average                    35.1     26.223               54.0                ‐27.7           Pass
  3270                                                           3                      311             3.96              Average                    59.4     52.494               54.0                 ‐1.5           Pass
 4040.05                                                         3                      88              2.92              Average                    33.5     28.312               54.0                ‐25.6           Pass
 4365.02                                                         3                      87              3.82              Average                    37.2     33.03                54.0                ‐20.9           Pass
 5449.66                                                         3                      75              1.18              Average                    38.3     36.275               54.0                ‐17.7           Pass
 6544.86                                                         3                      257              2                Average                    29.9     31.293               54.0                ‐22.7           Pass
                                                                                                                                                                   A v era g e Limit Lev el
                                      Professional Testing, EMI, Inc
                                                                                                                                                                   C o rrected A v era g e R ea ding
                                      Radiated Emissions, 3m Distance
                                      1 -1 1 GHz V ertica l Po la rity Mea sured Emissio ns                                                                        Pea k Limit Lev el
                                       90                                                                                                                          C o rrected Pea k R ea ding

                                                                                                                                                                   Limit -1 3 dBm a t 3 m
   F ield S t ren gt h ( d Bµ V/m )






                                         1G                                                                                                                                                                      10G    11G
                                      Opera to r: Eric Lifsey                                                                                                           EU T: Ping 2 0 0 S
                                                                                                           Tra nsmitting mo dula ted.
                                      1 8 4 7 4 '1 1 0 1 1 6 'R E'Spurio us.til                            50 VDC                                                       Pro ject N umber: 1 8 4 7 4
                                      1 1 :5 9 :4 3 A M, Tuesda y , N o v ember 0 1 , 2 0 1 6              A ntenna po rt termina ted.                                  C lient: uA v io nix

                                                                                                > 1GHz Vertical Antenna Polarity Measured Emissions

18474                                                                                                           Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                                                                 Page 18 of 29

                                                                                                                                                                                                            uAvionix P200S

  6.3.4                                               Transmit Mode; Radiated Emissions, 1 to 11 GHz, Horizontal Polarization
                                                                                                        Professional Testing, EMI, Inc.
Test Method:                                                                       TIA/EIA 603‐C

In accordance with:                                                                FCC 15.209 and 87.139

Section:                                                                           15.209, 87.139
Test Date(s):                                                                      11/1/2016                                                  EUT Serial #:                 none
Customer:                                                                          uAvionix                                                   EUT Part #:                   none
Project Number:                                                                    18474                                                      Test Technician:              Eric Lifsey
Purchase Order #:                                                                  NA                                                         Supervisor:                   Lisa Arndt
Equip. Under Test:                                                                 P200C                                                      Witness' Name:                Matt Lee

                                                                                  Radiated Emissions Test Results Data Sheet                                                                    Page:        1      of         1
                                      EUT Line Voltage:                                            48       VDC                                       EUT Power Frequency:                          0      N/A
   Antenna Orientation:                                                                                   Horizontal                                    Frequency Range:                                Above 1GHz
                                                                  EUT Mode of Operation:                                                                      Transmit; 5 packets per second
Frequency                                                  Test                        EUT              Antenna                                Recorded Corrected
                                                                                                                            Detector                                         Limit Level                Margin
Measured                                                 Distance                   Direction            Height                                Amplitude   Level                                                   Test Results
                                                                                                                            Function                                         (dBµV/m)                    (dB)
  (MHz)                                                  (Meters)                   (Degrees)           (Meters)                                (dBµV)   (dBµV/m)
 2162.6                                                          3                      134              3.85              Average                    35.2     26.425               54.0                ‐27.5           Pass
 3269.99                                                         3                       15              3.96              Average                     60      53.071               54.0                 ‐0.9           Pass
 4102.36                                                         3                       90              2.87              Average                    33.8      28.69               54.0                ‐25.3           Pass
 4366.71                                                         3                      216              1.28              Average                    33.8     29.656               54.0                ‐24.3           Pass
 8714.5                                                          3                      264              2.55              Average                    27.1     34.647               54.0                ‐19.3           Pass
 10600.8                                                         3                      221              1.28              Average                    26.6     36.534               54.0                ‐17.4           Pass
                                                                                                                                                                    A v era g e Limit Lev el
                                      Professional Testing, EMI, Inc
                                                                                                                                                                    C o rrected A v era g e R ea ding
                                      Radiated Emissions, 3m Distance
                                      1 -1 1 GHz Ho rizo nta l Po la rity Mea sured Emissio ns                                                                      Pea k Limit Lev el
                                       90                                                                                                                           C o rrected Pea k R ea ding

                                                                                                                                                                    Limit -1 3 dBm a t 3 m
   F ield S t ren gt h ( d Bµ V/m )






                                         1G                                                                                                                                                                       10G   11G
                                      Opera to r: Eric Lifsey                                                                                                            EU T: Ping 2 0 0 S
                                                                                                            Tra nsmitting mo dula ted.
                                      1 8 4 7 4 '1 1 0 1 1 6 'R E'Spurio us.til                             50 VDC                                                       Pro ject N umber: 1 8 4 7 4
                                      1 1 :5 9 :4 3 A M, Tuesda y , N o v ember 0 1 , 2 0 1 6               A ntenna po rt termina ted.                                  C lient: uA v io nix

                                                                                                > 1GHz Horizontal Antenna Polarity Measured Emissions

18474                                                                                                            Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                                                                 Page 19 of 29

                                                                                                                                                                                                               uAvionix P200S

  6.3.5                                                Receive Mode; Radiated Emissions, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, Vertical Polarization
                                                                                                         Professional Testing, EMI, Inc.
                                                                                    ANSI C63.4–2003: “Methods of Measurement of Radio‐Noise Emissions from Low‐Voltage Electrical and
Test Method:
                                                                                    Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz” (incorporated by reference, see §15.38).

                                                                                    FCC Part 15.109 ‐ Code of Federal Regulations Part 47, Subpart B ‐ Unintentional Radiators, Radiated
In accordance with:
                                                                                    Emissions Limits
Section:                                                                            15.109
Test Date(s):                                                                       11/3/2016                                                EUT Serial #:                 None
Customer:                                                                           uAvionix LLC                                             EUT Part #:                   None
Project Number:                                                                     18474‐10                                                 Test Technician:              Bob Redoutey
Purchase Order #:                                                                   N/A                                                      Supervisor:                   Lisa Arndt
Equip. Under Test:                                                                  Ping200s                                                 Witness' Name:                Matt Lee

                                                                                Radiated Emissions Test Results Data Sheet                                                                     Page:            1      of        1
                                      EUT Line Voltage:                                             48       VDC                                     EUT Power Frequency:                         ‐           N/A
   Antenna Orientation:                                                                                     Vertical                                   Frequency Range:                               30MHz to 1GHz
                                                                   EUT Mode of Operation:                                                                              Receive Mode
Frequency                                                  Test                          EUT             Antenna                              Recorded Corrected
                                                                                                                              Detector                                      Limit Level                    Margin
Measured                                                 Distance                     Direction           Height                              Amplitude   Level                                                       Test Results
                                                                                                                              Function                                      (dBµV/m)                        (dB)
  (MHz)                                                  (Meters)                     (Degrees)          (Meters)                              (dBµV)   (dBµV/m)
 84.3922                                                        10                         115            3.69            Quasi‐peak                 32.5     12.397              29.5                     ‐17.1         Pass
 126.056                                                        10                         200            1.39            Quasi‐peak                 48.8     31.483              33.1                      ‐1.6         Pass
 128.056                                                        10                         10             1.65            Quasi‐peak                 47.8     30.518              33.1                      ‐2.6         Pass
 166.788                                                        10                         62             2.31            Quasi‐peak                 34.5     18.645              33.1                     ‐14.5         Pass
 221.209                                                        10                         17             1.54            Quasi‐peak                 34.9     20.581              35.6                     ‐15.0         Pass
 270.721                                                        10                         281            1.51            Quasi‐peak                 31.5     20.943              35.6                     ‐14.7         Pass
 351.755                                                        10                         74             2.44            Quasi‐peak                 30.3     20.54               35.6                     ‐15.1         Pass
                                                                                                                                                                   Qua si-pea k Limit Lev el
                                      Professional Testing, EMI, Inc
                                                                                                                                                                   C o rrected Qua si-pea k R ea ding
                                      Radiated Emissions, 10m Distance
                                      3 0 MHz - 1 GHz V ertica l Po la rity M ea sured Emissio ns                                                                  C o rrected Pea k V a lue
                                       60                                                                                                                          V erified Lo w -PR F QP R ea ding

                                                                                                                                                                   LPR F V erifica tio n Limit
   F ield S t ren gt h ( d Bµ V/m )





                                        30M                                                                   100M                                                                                                          1G
                                      Opera to r: Bo b R edo utey                                                                                                       EU T: Ping 2 0 0 s
                                                                                                             EU T M o de:R eceiv e
                                      1 8 4 7 4 _ 2 0 1 6 R E_ C la ssB-1 0 0 3 1 6 .til                     EU T Po w er: 4 8 V D C                                    Pro ject N umber: 1 8 4 7 4 -1 0
                                      0 1 :2 5 :1 2 PM, Thursda y , N o v ember 0 3 , 2 0 1 6                                                                           C lient: uA v io nix

                                                                                                 ≤ 1GHz Vertical Antenna Polarity Measured Emissions

18474                                                                                                             Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                                                                   Page 20 of 29

                                                                                                                                                                                                              uAvionix P200S

  6.3.6                                                Receive Mode; Radiated Emissions, 30 MHz to 1 GHz, Horizontal Polarization
                                                                                                        Professional Testing, EMI, Inc.
                                                                                    ANSI C63.4–2003: “Methods of Measurement of Radio‐Noise Emissions from Low‐Voltage Electrical and
Test Method:
                                                                                    Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz” (incorporated by reference, see §15.38).

                                                                                    FCC Part 15.109 ‐ Code of Federal Regulations Part 47, Subpart B ‐ Unintentional Radiators, Radiated
In accordance with:
                                                                                    Emissions Limits
Section:                                                                            15.109
Test Date(s):                                                                       11/3/2016                                               EUT Serial #:                 None
Customer:                                                                           uAvionix LLC                                            EUT Part #:                   None
Project Number:                                                                     18474‐10                                                Test Technician:              Bob Redoutey
Purchase Order #:                                                                   N/A                                                     Supervisor:                   Lisa Arndt
Equip. Under Test:                                                                  Ping200s                                                Witness' Name:                Matt Lee

                                                                                Radiated Emissions Test Results Data Sheet                                                                    Page:            1      of        1
                                      EUT Line Voltage:                                            48       VDC                                     EUT Power Frequency:                         ‐           N/A
   Antenna Orientation:                                                                                   Horizontal                                  Frequency Range:                               30MHz to 1GHz
                                                                   EUT Mode of Operation:                                                                             Receive Mode
Frequency                                                  Test                          EUT            Antenna                              Recorded Corrected
                                                                                                                             Detector                                      Limit Level                    Margin
Measured                                                 Distance                     Direction          Height                              Amplitude   Level                                                       Test Results
                                                                                                                             Function                                      (dBµV/m)                        (dB)
  (MHz)                                                  (Meters)                     (Degrees)         (Meters)                              (dBµV)   (dBµV/m)
 126.071                                                        10                         79            3.83            Quasi‐peak                 38.2     20.927              33.1                     ‐12.2         Pass
 127.11                                                         10                         64            3.89            Quasi‐peak                 38.8      21.5               33.1                     ‐11.6         Pass
 221.11                                                         10                         42            3.27            Quasi‐peak                 36.9     22.592              35.6                     ‐13.0         Pass
 270.651                                                        10                         187           3.41            Quasi‐peak                 31.8     21.315              35.6                     ‐14.3         Pass
 351.162                                                        10                         135           3.41            Quasi‐peak                  32      22.248              35.6                     ‐13.4         Pass
 479.994                                                        10                         197           2.4             Quasi‐peak                 37.4     30.801              35.6                      ‐4.8         Pass
                                                                                                                                                                  Qua si-pea k Limit Lev el
                                      Professional Testing, EMI, Inc
                                                                                                                                                                  C o rrected Qua si-pea k R ea ding
                                      Radiated Emissions, 10m Distance
                                      3 0 MHz - 1 GHz Ho rizo nta l Po la rity Mea sured Emissio ns                                                               C o rrected Pea k V a lue
                                       60                                                                                                                         V erified Lo w -PR F QP R ea ding

                                                                                                                                                                  LPR F V erifica tio n Limit
   F ield S t ren gt h ( d Bµ V/m )





                                        30M                                                                  100M                                                                                                          1G
                                      Opera to r: Bo b R edo utey                                                                                                      EU T: Ping 2 0 0 s
                                                                                                            EU T M o de:R eceiv e
                                      1 8 4 7 4 _ 2 0 1 6 R E_ C la ssB-1 0 0 3 1 6 .til                    EU T Po w er: 4 8 V D C                                    Pro ject N umber: 1 8 4 7 4 -1 0
                                      0 1 :2 5 :1 2 PM, Thursda y , N o v ember 0 3 , 2 0 1 6                                                                          C lient: uA v io nix

                                                                                                ≤ 1GHz Horizontal Antenna Polarity Measured Emissions

18474                                                                                                            Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                                                                   Page 21 of 29

                                                                                                                                                                                                              uAvionix P200S

  6.3.7                                                Receive Mode; Radiated Emissions, 1 to 11 GHz, Vertical Polarization
                                                                                                        Professional Testing, EMI, Inc.
                                                                                    ANSI C63.4–2003: “Methods of Measurement of Radio‐Noise Emissions from Low‐Voltage Electrical and
Test Method:
                                                                                    Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz” (incorporated by reference, see §15.38).

                                                                                    FCC Part 15.109 ‐ Code of Federal Regulations Part 47, Subpart B ‐ Unintentional Radiators, Radiated
In accordance with:
                                                                                    Emissions Limits
Section:                                                                            15.109
Test Date(s):                                                                       11/3/2016                                               EUT Serial #:                 None
Customer:                                                                           uAvionix LLC                                            EUT Part #:                   None
Project Number:                                                                     18474‐10                                                Test Technician:              Bob Redoutey
Purchase Order #:                                                                   N/A                                                     Supervisor:                   Lisa Arndt
Equip. Under Test:                                                                  Ping200s                                                Witness' Name:                Matt Lee

                                                                                Radiated Emissions Test Results Data Sheet                                                                    Page:            1      of       1
                                      EUT Line Voltage:                                            48       VDC                                     EUT Power Frequency:                          ‐          N/A
   Antenna Orientation:                                                                                    Vertical                                   Frequency Range:                                    Above 1GHz
                                                                   EUT Mode of Operation:                                                                             Receive Mode
Frequency                                                  Test                          EUT            Antenna                              Recorded Corrected
                                                                                                                             Detector                                      Limit Level                    Margin
Measured                                                 Distance                     Direction          Height                              Amplitude   Level                                                       Test Results
                                                                                                                             Function                                      (dBµV/m)                        (dB)
  (MHz)                                                  (Meters)                     (Degrees)         (Meters)                              (dBµV)   (dBµV/m)
 1337.42                                                          3                        200           1.4                 Average                35.9     24.182               54.0                    ‐29.8         Pass
 1957.37                                                          3                        14            1.04                Average                36.8     28.033               54.0                    ‐25.9         Pass
 1991.91                                                          3                        149           2.67                Average                35.3     26.722               54.0                    ‐27.2         Pass
 2119.96                                                          3                        126           1.74                Average                35.4     26.689               54.0                    ‐27.3         Pass
 3736.97                                                          3                        47            3.73                Average                34.7     28.92                54.0                    ‐25.0         Pass
 4569.2                                                           3                        274           2.58                Average                33.7     30.081               54.0                    ‐23.9         Pass
 5542.74                                                          3                        335           2.3                 Average                32.3     30.447               54.0                    ‐23.5         Pass
 8838.26                                                          3                        39            1.7                 Average                27.1     34.568               54.0                    ‐19.4         Pass
 10439.8                                                          3                        300           3.18                Average                26.4     36.559               54.0                    ‐17.4         Pass
                                                                                                                                                                  A v era g e Limit Lev el
                                      Professional Testing, EMI, Inc
                                      Radiated Emissions, 3m Distance                                                                                             C o rrected A v era g e R ea ding
                                      1 -1 2 GHz V ertica l Po la rity Mea sured Emissio ns

                                       90                                                                                                                         Pea k Limit Lev el

                                                                                                                                                                  C o rrected Pea k R ea ding
   F ield S t ren gt h ( d Bµ V/m )






                                         1G                                                                                                                                                                    10G      12G
                                      Opera to r: Bo b R edo utey                                                                                                      EU T: Ping 2 0 0 s
                                                                                                            EU T M o de:R eceiv e
                                      1 8 4 7 4 _ 2 0 1 6 R E_ C la ssB-1 0 0 3 1 6 .til                    EU T Po w er: 4 8 V D C                                    Pro ject N umber: 1 8 4 7 4 -1 0
                                      0 2 :3 0 :5 4 PM, Thursda y , N o v ember 0 3 , 2 0 1 6                                                                          C lient: uA v io nix

                                                                                                 > 1GHz Vertical Antenna Polarity Measured Emissions

18474                                                                                                            Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                                                                   Page 22 of 29

                                                                                                                                                                                                              uAvionix P200S

  6.3.8                                                Receive Mode; Radiated Emissions, 1 to 11 GHz, Horizontal Polarization
                                                                                                        Professional Testing, EMI, Inc.
                                                                                    ANSI C63.4–2003: “Methods of Measurement of Radio‐Noise Emissions from Low‐Voltage Electrical and
Test Method:
                                                                                    Electronic Equipment in the Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz” (incorporated by reference, see §15.38).

                                                                                    FCC Part 15.109 ‐ Code of Federal Regulations Part 47, Subpart B ‐ Unintentional Radiators, Radiated
In accordance with:
                                                                                    Emissions Limits
Section:                                                                            15.109
Test Date(s):                                                                       11/3/2016                                               EUT Serial #:                 None
Customer:                                                                           uAvionix LLC                                            EUT Part #:                   None
Project Number:                                                                     18474‐10                                                Test Technician:              Bob Redoutey
Purchase Order #:                                                                   N/A                                                     Supervisor:                   Lisa Arndt
Equip. Under Test:                                                                  Ping200s                                                Witness' Name:                Matt Lee

                                                                                Radiated Emissions Test Results Data Sheet                                                                    Page:            1      of       1
                                      EUT Line Voltage:                                            48       VDC                                     EUT Power Frequency:                          ‐          N/A
   Antenna Orientation:                                                                                   Horizontal                                  Frequency Range:                                    Above 1GHz
                                                                   EUT Mode of Operation:                                                                             Receive Mode
Frequency                                                  Test                          EUT            Antenna                              Recorded Corrected
                                                                                                                             Detector                                      Limit Level                    Margin
Measured                                                 Distance                     Direction          Height                              Amplitude   Level                                                       Test Results
                                                                                                                             Function                                      (dBµV/m)                        (dB)
  (MHz)                                                  (Meters)                     (Degrees)         (Meters)                              (dBµV)   (dBµV/m)
 1131.75                                                          3                        83            1.84                Average                36.5     24.71                54.0                    ‐29.2         Pass
 1483.9                                                           3                        147           1.31                Average                35.6     24.493               54.0                    ‐29.5         Pass
 1947.7                                                           3                        81            3.74                Average                36.3     27.488               54.0                    ‐26.5         Pass
 2915.6                                                           3                        32            1.94                Average                34.3     27.51                54.0                    ‐26.4         Pass
 3502.88                                                          3                        185           2.64                Average                34.9     29.178               54.0                    ‐24.8         Pass
 4530.88                                                          3                        219           3.84                Average                33.4     29.911               54.0                    ‐24.0         Pass
 8849.74                                                          3                         9            2.91                Average                27.2     34.618               54.0                    ‐19.3         Pass
 10352.5                                                          3                        147           3.75                Average                26.6     36.723               54.0                    ‐17.2         Pass
 11256.7                                                          3                        78            2.51                Average                27.2     37.443               54.0                    ‐16.5         Pass

                                                                                                                                                                  A v era g e Limit Lev el
                                      Professional Testing, EMI, Inc
                                      Radiated Emissions, 3m Distance                                                                                             C o rrected A v era g e R ea ding
                                      1 -1 2 GHz Ho rizo nta l Po la rity Mea sured Emissio ns

                                       90                                                                                                                         Pea k Limit Lev el

                                                                                                                                                                  C o rrected Pea k R ea ding
   F ield S t ren gt h ( d Bµ V/m )






                                         1G                                                                                                                                                                    10G      12G
                                      Opera to r: Bo b R edo utey                                                                                                      EU T: Ping 2 0 0 s
                                                                                                            EU T M o de:R eceiv e
                                      1 8 4 7 4 _ 2 0 1 6 R E_ C la ssB-1 0 0 3 1 6 .til                    EU T Po w er: 4 8 V D C                                    Pro ject N umber: 1 8 4 7 4 -1 0
                                      0 2 :3 0 :5 4 PM, Thursda y , N o v ember 0 3 , 2 0 1 6                                                                          C lient: uA v io nix

                                                                                                > 1GHz Horizontal Antenna Polarity Measured Emissions

18474                                                                                                            Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                                                                   Page 23 of 29

                                                                                   uAvionix P200S

7.0     Frequency Stability

7.1     Test Procedure
The EUT was placed into a temperature chamber and connected by cable to a spectrum analyzer;
attenuation added if needed. On reaching each set point temperature, the EUT was allowed to
soak at least 20 minutes without power applied. After soak time was satisfied, the EUT is
powered on in transmit mode and the frequency is observed until it became stable; then the
measurement of frequency was taken.

Operating voltage stability was also measured for selected extremes based on operating design.

The EUT was operated in unmodulated mode.

7.2     Test Criteria
Table 7.2.1 Frequency Stability Criteria, 87.133; 2.1055(a)(1)
                                 Parameter: Frequency Tolerance
                 1000 ppm or ±1,090,000 Hz for 1090 MHz Operating Frequency

Table 7.2.2 Test Conditions, Temperatures
                                ‐30 C to 50 C and by 10 C steps

Table 7.2.3 Test Conditions, Voltage (From manufacturers specifications.)
                                 Low Voltage 46 VDC
                             Nominal Voltage 49 VDC
                                 High Voltage 52 VDC

7.3     Test Results
The EUT satisfies the requirement. Tabular results appear below.

18474                              Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                  Page 24 of 29

                                                                                               uAvionix P200S

  7.3.1   Temperature
                     Condition                   Frequency                  Deviation

                                                          Measured          Calculated
                    Temperature           Center
                                                          Frequency         Deviation
                        (C)             Frequency
                                                            (MHz)              (Hz)

                        ‐30        1090.000000           1089.999699              ‐301
                        ‐20        1090.000000           1089.998850             ‐1150
                        ‐10        1090.000000           1089.999180              ‐820
                          0        1090.000000           1090.000160               160
                         10        1090.000000           1089.999730              ‐270
                         20        1090.000000           1089.999290              ‐710
                         30        1090.000000           1089.998300             ‐1700
                         40        1090.000000           1089.997980             ‐2020
                         50        1090.000000           1089.998200             ‐1800
                    Max Deviation (Hz)                                             160
                    Min Deviation (Hz)                                           ‐2020

  7.3.2   Voltage
              Condition       Voltage                          Frequency

                                            Reference          Measured
               Voltage                                                         Calculated
                              Voltage       Frequency          Frequency
               Extreme                                                        Deviation (Hz)
                              (V DC)          (MHz)              (MHz)

                Low           46.00        1090.000000        1089.998592         ‐1408
               Nominal        49.00        1090.000000        1089.998505         ‐1495
                High          52.00        1090.000000        1089.998723         ‐1277

18474                                   Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                         Page 25 of 29

                                                                                         uAvionix P200S

8.0      Equipment Lists
Table 8.1 Equipment List; Power, Bandwidth, Spurious Conducted, and Mask
    Asset #      Manufacturer       Model #              Description                         Calibration Due
        2295          Agilent         E4440A                   Spectrum Analyzer               30 Sep 2017

        A113          Narda           776‐40                Attenuator, 50 W, 40 dB            12 Sep 2018

        0472         Tektronix       THS730A                        Scope/DMM                   7 Dec 2016

 Client Supplied      Agilent         6654A              Adjustable DC Power Supply                 CIU

Table 8.2 Equipment List; Frequency Stability
    Asset #      Manufacturer       Model #                         Description              Calibration Due
        2295          Agilent         E4440A                   Spectrum Analyzer               30 Sep 2017

        A113          Narda           776‐40                Attenuator, 50 W, 40 dB            12 Sep 2018

        2134          Tenny           TPC T2C                Temperature Chamber               13 Oct 2016

        C247        Pasternack        RG type           Coaxial Cable, double shielded             CNR

        0472         Tektronix       THS730A                        Scope/DMM                   7 Dec 2016

 Client Supplied      Agilent          6654A              Adjustable DC Power Supply                CIU

18474                             Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                         Page 26 of 29

                                                                                                            uAvionix P200S

 Table 8.3 Equipment List; Radiated Emissions

                                            Professional Testing, EMI, Inc.
Test Method:                TIA/EIA 603‐C

                            FCC 15.209 and 87.139
In accordance with:
Section:                    15.209, 87.139
Test Date(s):               11/1/2016                           EUT Serial #:              none
Customer:                   uAvionix                            EUT Part #:                none
Project Number:             18474                               Test Technician:           Eric Lifsey
Purchase Order #:           NA                                  Supervisor:                Lisa Arndt
Equip. Under Test:          P200C                               Witness' Name:             Matt Lee

                                             Radiated Emissions Test Equipment List
           Tile! Software Version:             4.2.A, May 23, 2010, 08:38:52 AM

                                               2016 RE_ClassA ‐ Boresite+Mast_LowPRF_072616.til or
                Test Profile:
                                               2016 RE_ClassB ‐ Boresite+Mast_LowPRF_072616.til

 Asset #       Manufacturer            Model             Equipment Nomenclature             Serial Number
                                                                                                              Due Date
  1509A           Braden                N/A           TDK 10M Chamber, NSA < 1 GHz         DAC‐012915‐005     2/5/2017
                                                       Preamp/Amp, 9kHz‐1300MHz,
   1890               HP               8447F                                                 3313A05298       2/1/2018
                                                     Spectrum Analyzer, 3 Hz ‐ 26.5 GHz,
   1937           Agilent             E4440A                                                 MY44808298      12/15/2016
                                                                Opt. AYZ
   1926         ETS‐Lindgren           3142D         Antenna, Biconilog, 26 MHz ‐ 6 GHz         135454       1/25/2017

  C027D             PTI                None                        Relay                         none           N/A

   1327            EMCO                 1050             Controller, Antenna Mast                none           N/A

   0942            EMCO               11968D                   Turntable, 4ft.                9510‐1835         N/A

   1969               HP              11713A             Attenuator/Switch Driver            3748A04113         N/A

  1509B           Braden                N/A          TDK 10M Chamber, VSWR > 1 GHz         DAC‐012915‐005    3/14/2017
   2004            Miteq                                 Amplifier, 40dB, .1‐18GHz                 0         1/11/2018
   C030            none                none                Cable Coax, N‐N, 30m                  none        10/1/2017

   1325            EMCO                 1050             Controller, Antenna Mast             9003‐1461         N/A
                                                       Antenna, Double Ridged Guide
   1780         ETS‐Lindgren            3117                                                    110313       2/25/2017
                                                             Horn, 1 ‐ 18 GHz

18474                                           Professional Testing (EMI) Inc.                              Page 27 of 29

                                                                                                uAvionix P200S

Appendix: Policy, Rationale, and Evaluation of EMC Measurement Uncertainty
All uncertainty calculations, estimates and expressions thereof shall be in accordance with NIST policy.
Since PTI operates in accordance with NIST (NVLAP) Handbook 150-11: 2007, all instrumentation
having an effect on the accuracy or validity of tests shall be periodically calibrated or verified traceable to
national standards by a competent calibration laboratory. The certificates of calibration or verification on
this instrumentation shall include estimates of uncertainty as required by NIST Handbook 150-11.

1.        Rationale and Summary of Expanded Uncertainty.
Each piece of instrumentation at PTI that is used in making measurements for determining conformance
to a standard (or limit), shall be assessed to evaluate its contribution to the overall uncertainty of the
measurement in which it is used. The assessment of each item will be based on either a type A evaluation
or a type B evaluation. Most of the evaluations will be type B, since they will be based on the
manufacturer’s statements or specifications of the calibration tolerances, or uncertainty will be stated
along with a brief rationale for the type of evaluation and the resulting stated uncertainties.

The individual uncertainties included in the combined standard uncertainty for a specific test result will
depend on the configuration in which the item of instrumentation is used. The combination will always
be based on the law of propagation of uncertainty. Any systematic effects will be accommodated by
including their uncertainties, in the calculation of the combined standard uncertainty; except that if the
direction and amount of the systematic effect cannot be determined and separated from its uncertainty, the
whole effect will be treated as uncertainty and combined along with the other elements of the test setup.

Type A evaluations of standard uncertainty will usually be based on calculating the standard deviation of
the mean of a series of independent observations, but may be based on a least-squares curve fit or the
analysis of variance for unusual situations. Type B evaluations of standard uncertainty will usually be
based on manufacturer’s specifications, data provided in calibration reports, and experience. The type of
probability distribution used (normal, rectangular, a priori, or u-shaped) will be stated for each Type B

In the evaluation of the uncertainty of each type of measurement, the uncertainty caused by the operator
will be estimated. One notable operator contribution to measurement uncertainty is the manipulation of
cables to maximize the measured values of radiated emissions. The operator contribution to measurement
uncertainty is evaluated by having several operators independently repeat the same test. This results in a
Type A evaluation of operator-contributed measurement uncertainty.

A summary of the expanded uncertainties of PTI measurements is shown as Table 1. These are the worst-
case uncertainties considering all operative influence factors.

Table 1: Summary of Measurement Uncertainties for Site 45
     Type of Measurement                   Frequency Range                               Uncertainty
                                                                                         U, dB (k=2)
    Mains Conducted Emissions             150 kHz to 30 MHz               N/A                2.9
  Telecom Conducted Emissions             150 kHz to 30 MHz               N/A                2.8
                                           30 to 1,000 MHz                10 m               4.8
              Radiated Emissions
                                             1 to 18 GHz                   3m                5.7

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                                                        uAvionix P200S

End of Report

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Document Created: 2017-03-17 15:28:25
Document Modified: 2017-03-17 15:28:25

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