Test Report


Test Report

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                                                [ issuep By
                                                [ Shenzhen BALUN Technology Co., Ltd.

                                                                         Outdoor LoRa Gateway

                                                                               ISSUED TO
                                                                 Shenzhen RAKwireless Technology Co.,Ltd.

                                              ‘‘| Room 506, Bldg B, New Compark, Pingshan First Road, Taoyuan
                                                * Street, XILi town Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

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 Approved,,_'] ,f
               ' L2                           ;f-fi;;.                   iD:'f 2AFGB—RAK724X

NOTE: This test report of test results only related to testing samples, which can be duplicated completely for the legal use with the approval of
the applicant; it shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval ofShenzhen BALUN Technology Co., Ltd. Any objecnons
should be raised within thirty daysfrom the date ofissue. To validate the report, please contact us.

Block B, 1st FL,Baisha Science and Technology Park, Shahe Xi Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong, P. R. China 518055
TEL: +86—755—66850100, FAX: +86—755—61824271 __________             7                     7             7
Email: qc@baluntek.com                            $

                                                                                                            Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

                                                                 Revision History
                 Version               Issue Date                       Revisions Content
                 Rev. 01               Apr. 03, 2019                    Initial Issue
                 Rev. 02               Apr. 15, 2019                    Updated model description in section 3.2

                                                        TABLE OF CONTENTS
1     GENERAL INFORMATION.................................................................................................................... 4

    1.1    Identification of the Testing Laboratory ............................................................................................ 4

    1.2    Identification of the Responsible Testing Location ........................................................................... 4

    1.3    Laboratory Condition ....................................................................................................................... 4

    1.4    Announce ........................................................................................................................................ 4

2     PRODUCT INFORMATION ................................................................................................................... 5

    2.1    Applicant Information....................................................................................................................... 5

    2.2    Manufacturer Information ................................................................................................................ 5

    2.3    Factory Information ......................................................................................................................... 5

    2.4    General Description for Equipment under Test (EUT) ..................................................................... 5

    2.5    Ancillary Equipment......................................................................................................................... 6

    2.6    Technical Information ...................................................................................................................... 6

3     SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................................... 7

    3.1    Test Standards ................................................................................................................................ 7

    3.2    Verdict ............................................................................................................................................. 7

    3.3    Test Uncertainty .............................................................................................................................. 7

4     GENERAL TEST CONFIGURATIONS .................................................................................................. 8

    4.1    Test Environments .......................................................................................................................... 8

    4.2    Test Equipment List......................................................................................................................... 8

    4.3    Test Enclosure list ........................................................................................................................... 9

    4.4    Test Configurations ....................................................................................................................... 10

    4.5    Test Setups ................................................................................................................................... 11

    4.6    Test Conditions ............................................................................................................................. 13

5     TEST ITEMS ....................................................................................................................................... 14

    5.1    Emission Tests .............................................................................................................................. 14

ANNEX A           TEST RESULTS ..................................................................................................................... 16

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                                                                                                 Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

 A.1   Radiated Emission ........................................................................................................................ 16

 A.2   Conducted Emission ..................................................................................................................... 20

ANNEX B      TEST SETUP PHOTOS ......................................................................................................... 22

ANNEX C      EUT EXTERNAL PHOTOS .................................................................................................... 22

ANNEX D      EUT INTERNAL PHOTOS...................................................................................................... 22

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                                                                             Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

1.1 Identification of the Testing Laboratory
        Company Name             Shenzhen BALUN Technology Co.,Ltd.
                                 Block B, 1st FL, Baisha Science and Technology Park, Shahe Xi Road,
                                 Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P. R. China
        Phone Number             +86 755 6685 0100
        Fax Number               +86 755 6182 4271

1.2 Identification of the Responsible Testing Location
        Test Location            Shenzhen BALUN Technology Co.,Ltd.
                                 Block B, 1st FL, Baisha Science and Technology Park, Shahe Xi Road,
                                 Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P. R. China
                                 The laboratory has been listed by Industry Canada to perform
                                 electromagnetic emission measurements. The recognition numbers of
                                 test site are 11524A-1.
                                 The laboratory is a testing organizatin accredited by FCC as a accredited
                                 testing laboratory. The designation number is CN1196.
                                 The laboratory is a testing organization accredited by American
                                 Association for Laboratory Accreditation(A2LA) according to ISO/IEC
                                 17025.The accreditation certificate is 4344.01.
                                 The laboratory is a testing organization accredited by China National
                                 Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) according to
                                 ISO/IEC 17025. The accreditation certificate number is L6791.
                                 All measurement facilities used to collect the measurement data are
                                 located at Block B, FL 1, Baisha Science and Technology Park, Shahe Xi
                                 Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, Guangdong Province, P. R. China

1.3 Laboratory Condition
        Ambient Temperature      20℃ to 25℃
        Ambient Relative
                                 45% to 55%
        Ambient Pressure         100 kPa to 102 kPa

1.4 Announce
(1) The test report refer to the BALUN report mode v6.7.
(2) The test report is invalid if not marked with the signatures of the persons responsible for preparing and
    approving the test report.
(3) The test report is invalid if there is any evidence and/or falsification.
(4) The results documented in this report apply only to the tested sample, under the conditions and modes of
    operation as described herein.
(5) This document may not be altered or revised in any way unless done so by BALUN and all revisions are duly
    noted in the revisions section.
(6) Content of the test report, in part or in full, cannot be used for publicity and/or promotional purposes without
    prior written approval from the laboratory.

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                                                                 Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

2.1 Applicant Information
      Applicant               Shenzhen RAKwireless Technology Co.,Ltd.
                              Room 506, Bldg B, New Compark, Pingshan First Road, Taoyuan
                              Street, XiLi town Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

2.2 Manufacturer Information
      Manufacturer            Shenzhen RAKwireless Technology Co.,Ltd.
                              Room 506, Bldg B, New Compark, Pingshan First Road, Taoyuan
                              Street, XiLi town Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

2.3 Factory Information
      Factory                 N/A
      Address                 N/A

2.4 General Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)
      EUT Name                Outdoor LoRa Gateway
      Model Name Under Test   RAK7240
      Series Model Name       RAK7249
      Description of Model    Only differentiate is that RAK7240 and RAK7249 has different
      name differentiation    enclosure.
      Hardware Version        VA
      Software Version        1.1.0024_Release
      Dimensions (Approx.)    N/A
      Weight (Approx.)        N/A

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                                                                  Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

2.5 Ancillary Equipment
Note: Not applicable.

2.6 Technical Information
         Network and Wireless   3G Network WCDMA Band 2/4/5/8
         connectivity           4G Network FDD LTE Band 2/4/5/12/13
                                WIFI, GPS, Lora

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                                                                            Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

3.1 Test Standards
         No.               Identity             Document Title
                    FCC 47 CFR Part 15
          1                                     Unintentional Radiators
                  Subpart B (10-1-17 Edition)
                                                American National Standard for Methods of
                                                Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-
          2           ANSI C63.4-2014
                                                Voltage Electrical and Electronic Equipment in the
                                                Range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz

3.2 Verdict
          No.               Description                 FCC Rule           Test Verdict      Result
           1            Radiated Emission                 15.109              Pass         Annex A .1
           2      Conducted Emission, AC Ports       15.107            Pass         Annex A .2
        Note: Both model RAK7240 and model RAK7249 were tested, but the report only showed the
        data of the worst model, and model RAK7240 has the worst data.

3.3 Test Uncertainty
The following measurement uncertainty levels have been estimated for tests performed on the EUT as specified
in CISPR 16-4-2. This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95%
confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

                           Measurement                                         Value
                Conducted emissions (9 kHz-30 MHz)                            3.23 dB
                Radiated emissions (30 MHz-1 GHz)                             4.30 dB
                Radiated emissions (1 GHz-18 GHz)                             4.81 dB
                Radiated emissions (18 GHz-40 GHz)                            5.71 dB

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                                                                            Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

4.1 Test Environments
      Environment                                    Selected Values During Tests
       Parameter            Temperature          Voltage             Relative Humidity   Ambient Pressure
  Normal Temperature,
                                               DC 48V from
    Normal Voltage          23°C to 25°C                                 50% to 55%      100 kPa to 102 kPa
                                               POE Adapter

4.2 Test Equipment List
                          Radiated Emission Test For Frequency Below 1 GHz
    Description         Manufacturer         Model          Serial No.       Cal. Date     Cal. Due     Use
   EMI Receiver                              ESRP            101036         2018.06.13    2019.06.12    ☒
   Test Antenna-
                    SCHWARZBECK            VULB 9163        9163-977        2017.07.22    2019.07.21    ☒
   Test Antenna-                            BBHA
                    SCHWARZBECK                            9120D-1600       2018.07.11    2020.07.10    ☐
        Horn                                9120D
     Anechoic       EMC Electronic
                                           9m*6m*6m            N/A          2018.08.08    2019.08.07    ☒
     Chamber          Co., Ltd
   Test Software          BALUN            BL410_E          V18.626             --            --        ☒

                          Radiated Emission Test For Frequency Above 1 GHz
    Description         Manufacturer         Model          Serial No.       Cal. Date     Cal. Due     Use
   EMI Receiver         KEYSIGHT            N9038A         MY53220118       2018.11.07    2019.11.06    ☒
   Test Antenna-
                    SCHWARZBECK            VULB 9163        9163-624        2017.07.22    2019.07.21    ☐
   Test Antenna-                            BBHA
                    SCHWARZBECK                            9120D-1148       2018.07.11    2020.07.10    ☒
        Horn                                9120D
                        RAINFORD           9m*6m*6m            N/A          2017.02.21    2020.02.20    ☒
   Test Software          BALUN            BL410_E          V18.626             --            --        ☒

                                       Conducted Emission Test
    Description         Manufacturer         Model          Serial No.       Cal. Date     Cal. Due     Use
   EMI Receiver                              ESRP            101036         2018.06.13    2019.06.12    ☒
       LISN         SCHWARZBECK            NSLK 8127        8127-687        2018.06.13    2019.06.12    ☒
       ISN                TESEQ            ISN T800          34449          2018.11.16    2019.11.15    ☐
                        ChangNing          CN-130701         130703            N/A           N/A        ☒
   Test Software          BALUN            BL410_E          V18.626             --            --        ☒

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                                                                         Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

4.3 Test Enclosure list
   Description       Manufacturer      Model                Serial No.   Length    Description    Use
       PC                Dell         015K3N                   N/A         N/A                    ☐
     Laptop            Lenovo           N/A                    N/A         N/A        N/A         ☒
     Printer             HP         DESKJET 1000               N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
    Keyboard           Logitech       Y-BP62a                  N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
     Mouse             Logitech        M100                    N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
    USB disk           Kingston         N/A                    N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
    TF Card            Kingston         N/A                    N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
                                                                                  Shielded with
   VGA Cable             N/A            N/A                    N/A        1.5 m                   ☐
                                                                                  Shielded with
  HDMI Cable             N/A            N/A                    N/A        1.5 m                   ☐
                                                                                  Shielded with
   DVI Cable             N/A            N/A                    N/A        1.5 m                   ☐
  Coaxial video                                                                   Shielded with
                         N/A            N/A                    N/A        2.0 m                   ☐
     cable                                                                            core
     iPhone             Apple          A1586                   N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
      Phone              MI             M4                     N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
                     SAMSUNG         Gear Circle               N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
                                                                                    Cal. Due
 Communication          R&S           CMW500                 142028        N/A                    ☒
   s Test Set
   WIFI Router         TP-LINK      TL-WDR7500                 N/A         N/A        N/A         ☒
    Earphone             N/A           OPPO                    N/A        1.1 m       N/A         ☐
   Car Battery          Camel          55530                   N/A         N/A     12 V/55 Ah     ☐
   Artificial load       N/A             N/A                   N/A         N/A     2.5 Ω/100 W    ☐
   Artificial load       N/A             N/A                   N/A         N/A     5 Ω/100 W      ☐
                        ITECH          IT8511                  N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
                                                                                  Shielded with
   USB Cable             N/A            N/A                    N/A        1.5 m                   ☐
   DC Power                                             60001401068
                       ITECH          IT6863A                              N/A        N/A         ☐
    Supply                                                7210006
  LCD Monitor        SAMSUNG        UA32C4000P                 N/A         N/A        N/A         ☐
                                                                                  Shielded with
   RJ45 Cable            N/A            N/A                    N/A        1.5 m                   ☒
  POE Adapter            N/A            N/A                    N/A         N/A        N/A         ☒
 LORA Antenna            N/A            N/A                    N/A         N/A        N/A         ☒
  3/4G Antenna           N/A            N/A                    N/A         N/A        N/A         ☒
  GPS Antenna            N/A            N/A                    N/A         N/A        N/A         ☒
  WIFI Antenna           N/A            N/A                    N/A         N/A        N/A         ☒

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                                                                  Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

4.4 Test Configurations
 Configurations   Description
   (TC) No.
                  The WCDMA Band 2 Test Mode
     TC01         EUT + LORA Antenna + 3/4G Antenna + GPS Antenna + WIFI Antenna + POE Adapter +
                  RJ45 Cable + Laptop + WIFI Link + GPS RX + WCDMA Band 2 Link
                  The WCDMA Band 4 Test Mode
     TC02         EUT + LORA Antenna + 3/4G Antenna + GPS Antenna + WIFI Antenna + POE Adapter +
                  RJ45 Cable + Laptop + WIFI Link + GPS RX + WCDMA Band 4 Link
                  The WCDMA Band 5 Test Mode
     TC03         EUT + LORA Antenna + 3/4G Antenna + GPS Antenna + WIFI Antenna + POE Adapter +
                  RJ45 Cable + Laptop + WIFI Link + GPS RX + WCDMA Band 5 Link
                  The FDD LTE Band 2 Test Mode
     TC04         EUT + LORA Antenna + 3/4G Antenna + GPS Antenna + WIFI Antenna + POE Adapter +
                  RJ45 Cable + Laptop + WIFI Link + GPS RX + LTE Band 2 Link
                  The FDD LTE Band 4 Test Mode
     TC05         EUT + LORA Antenna + 3/4G Antenna + GPS Antenna + WIFI Antenna + POE Adapter +
                  RJ45 Cable + Laptop + WIFI Link + GPS RX + LTE Band 4 Link
                  The FDD LTE Band 5 Test Mode
     TC06         EUT + LORA Antenna + 3/4G Antenna + GPS Antenna + WIFI Antenna + POE Adapter +
                  RJ45 Cable + Laptop + WIFI Link + GPS RX + LTE Band 5 Link
                  The FDD LTE Band 12 Test Mode
     TC07         EUT + LORA Antenna + 3/4G Antenna + GPS Antenna + WIFI Antenna + POE Adapter +
                  RJ45 Cable + Laptop + WIFI Link + GPS RX + LTE Band 12 Link
                  The FDD LTE Band 13 Test Mode
     TC08         EUT + LORA Antenna + 3/4G Antenna + GPS Antenna + WIFI Antenna + POE Adapter +
                  RJ45 Cable + Laptop + WIFI Link + GPS RX + LTE Band 13 Link
                  The LORA Test Mode
     TC09         EUT + LORA Antenna + 3/4G Antenna + GPS Antenna + WIFI Antenna + POE Adapter +
                  RJ45 Cable + Laptop + WIFI Link + GPS RX + LORA

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                                                          Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

4.5 Test Setups

Test Setup 1

                  (For Radiated Emission Test (30 MHz-1 GHz))

Test Setup 2

                   (For Radiated Emission Test (above 1 GHz))

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                                                             Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

Test Setup 3

               <40cm>              <80cm>


               <80cm>                               LISN          Limiter

                        (For Conducted Emission, AC Ports Test)

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                                                                         Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

4.6 Test Conditions
          Test Case                                          Test Conditions
                                      Test Env.                                   NTNV
     Radiated Emission                Test Setup                           Test Setup 1&2
                                  Test Configuration                       TC01~TC09 Note
                                      Test Env.                                   NTNV
  Conducted Emission, AC
                                      Test Setup                               Test Setup 3
                                  Test Configuration                       TC01~TC09 Note
  Note: Based on client request, all normal using modes of the normal function were tested but only the
  worst test data of the worst mode is reported by this report. The WCDMA Band 2 Test Mode is the worst
  mode in this report.

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                                                                                    Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

5.1 Emission Tests
5.1.1 Radiated Emission Limit
                                    Class B (at 3 m)           Class B (at 10 m)          Class A (at 10 m)
      Frequency range                                                                    Field
                           Field Strength    Field Strength        Field Strength                 Field Strength
           (MHz)                                                                       Strength
                               (µV/m)          (dBµV/m)              (dBµV/m)                       (dBµV/m)
           30 - 88                 100             40                   30               90             39
          88 - 216                 150            43.5                 33.5              150           43.5
          216 - 960                200             46                   36               210           46.4
         Above 960                 500             54                   44               300           49.5
1) Field Strength (dBµV/m) = 20*log [Field Strength (µV/m)].
2) In the emission tables above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges. Test Setup
Refer to 4.5 section (test setup 1 to test setup 2) for radiated emission test, the photo of test setup please refer to
ANNEX B. Test Procedure
All Spurious Emission tests were performed in X, Y, Z axis direction. And only the worst axis test condition was
recorded in this test report.

An initial pre-scan was performed in the chamber using the EMI Receiver in peak detection mode. Quasi-peak
measurements were conducted based on the peak sweep graph. The EUT was measured by Bi-Log antenna with
2 orthogonal polarities. Test Result
Please refer to ANNEX A.1.


1. Results (dBuV/m) = Reading (dBuV) + Factor (dB/m)

The reading level is calculated by software which is not shown in the sheet

2. Factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable Factor (dB) – Amplifier Gain (dB)

3. Over limit = Results – Limit.

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                                                                              Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

5.1.2 Conducted Emission Test Limit
                                                                         Class A
                 Frequency range (MHz)                   Quasi-peak                    Average
                                                          (dBµV)                       (dBµV)
                        0.15 - 0.50                            79                         66
                         0.50 - 30                             73                         60

                                                                         Class B
                 Frequency range (MHz)                   Quasi-peak                    Average
                                                          (dBµV)                       (dBµV)
                        0.15 - 0.50                       66 to 56                     56 to 46
                         0.50 - 5                              56                         46
                          5 - 30                               60                         50
1) The lower limit shall apply at the band edges.
2) The limit decreases linearly with the logarithm of the frequency in the range 0.15 - 0.50 MHz. Test Setup
Refer to 4.5 section test (test setup 3) for conducted emission, the photo of test setup please refer to ANNEX B. Test Procedure
The EUT is connected to the power mains through a LISN which provides 50 Ω/50 µH of coupling impedance for
the measuring instrument. The test frequency range is from 150 kHz to 30 MHz. The maximum conducted
interference is searched using Peak (PK), Quasi-peak (QP) and Average (AV) detectors; the emission levels that
are more than the AV and QP limits, and that have narrow margins from the AV and QP limits will be re-measured
with AV and QP detectors. Tests for both L phase and N phase lines of the power mains connected to the EUT are

Devices subject to Part 15 must be tested for all available U.S. voltages and frequencies (such as a nominal 120
VAC, 50/60 Hz and 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz) for which the device is capable of operation. A device rated for 50/60 Hz
operation need not be tested at both frequencies provided the radiated and line conducted emissions are the same
at both frequencies. Test Result
Please refer to ANNEX A.2.


1. Results (dBuV/m) = Reading (dBuV) + Factor (dB/m)

The reading level is calculated by software which is not shown in the sheet

2. Factor = Insertion loss + Cable loss

3. Over limit = Results – Limit.

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                                                                                          Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

A.1           Radiated Emission
Note 1: The symbol of “--” in the table which means not application.

Note 2: For the test data above 1 GHz, according the ANSI C63.4-2014, where limits are specified for both average
and peak (or quasi-peak) detector functions, if the peak (or quasi-peak) measured value complies with the average
limit, it is unnecessary to perform an average measurement.

Note 3: The marked spikes near 2400 MHz with circle should be ignored because they are WIFI carrier frequency.

Test Data and Plots

The WCDMA Band 2 Test Mode

A.1.1         Test Antenna Vertical, 30 MHz – 1 GHz

        No.     Frequency   Results    Factor (dB)   Limit        Over Limit   Detector   Table    Height   ANT   Verdict
                (MHz)       (dBuV/m)                 (dBuV/m)     (dB)                    (o)      (cm)

        1       50.424      41.37      -23.63        40.0         1.37         Peak       230.00   100      V     N/A
        1*      50.424      38.83      -23.63        40.0         -1.17        QP         230.00   100      V     Pass

        2       55.148      40.83      -23.80        40.0         0.83         Peak       180.00   121      V     N/A

        2*      55.148      38.01      -23.80        40.0         -1.99        QP         180.00   121      V     Pass
        3       58.239      41.42      -24.00        40.0         1.42         Peak       184.00   100      V     N/A
        3*      58.239      37.54      -24.00        40.0         -2.46        QP         184.00   100      V     Pass

        4       60.805      40.22      -24.08        40.0         0.22         Peak       226.00   100      V     N/A
        4*      60.805      38.12      -24.08        40.0         -1.88        QP         226.00   100      V     Pass

        5       212.602     30.82      -25.05        43.5         -12.68       Peak       242.00   200      V     Pass
        6       531.975     40.52      -15.04        46.0         -5.48        Peak       0.00     200      V     Pass

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                                                                                          Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

A.1.2         Test Antenna Horizontal, 30 MHz – 1 GHz

        No.     Frequency   Results    Factor (dB)   Limit        Over Limit   Detector   Table    Height   ANT   Verdict
                (MHz)       (dBuV/m)                 (dBuV/m)     (dB)                    (o)      (cm)

        1       55.947      30.91      -23.86        40.0         -9.09        Peak       270.00   100      H     Pass
        2       109.783     36.54      -25.47        43.5         -6.96        Peak       279.00   200      H     Pass

        3       183.018     36.09      -24.62        43.5         -7.41        Peak       279.00   200      H     Pass
        4       210.905     38.52      -25.31        43.5         -4.98        Peak       270.00   100      H     Pass

        5       531.975     35.10      -15.04        46.0         -10.90       Peak       279.00   200      H     Pass

        6       556.873     43.58      -14.23        46.0         -2.42        Peak       286.00   100      H     N/A
        6*      556.873     34.64      -14.23        46.0         -11.36       QP         286.00   100      H     Pass

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A.1.3         Test Antenna Vertical, 1 GHz – 12.75 GHz

        No.     Frequency   Results    Factor (dB)   Limit        Over Limit   Detector   Table    Height   ANT   Verdict
                (MHz)       (dBuV/m)                 (dBuV/m)     (dB)                    (o)      (cm)

        1**     1878.500    46.54      -15.79        54.0         -7.46        AV         319.40   100      V     N/A
        1       1878.500    54.60      -15.79        74.0         -19.40       Peak       319.40   100      V     N/A

        2**     1959.000    46.72      -17.23        54.0         -7.28        AV         189.90   100      V     N/A
        2       1959.000    56.43      -17.23        74.0         -17.57       Peak       189.90   100      V     N/A

        3**     2406.500    53.42      -14.73        54.0         -0.58        AV         161.00   100      V     N/A

        3       2406.500    58.38      -14.73        74.0         -15.62       Peak       161.00   100      V     N/A
        4**     2464.500    50.31      -15.21        54.0         -3.69        AV         89.20    100      V     N/A

        4       2464.500    62.47      -15.21        74.0         -11.53       Peak       89.20    100      V     N/A

        5**     3760.000    41.40      -6.79         54.0         -12.60       AV         320.70   100      V     Pass

        5       3760.000    48.17      -6.79         74.0         -25.83       Peak       320.70   100      V     Pass
        6**     5637.000    38.80      -4.67         54.0         -15.20       AV         7.20     100      V     N/A
        6       5637.000    48.81      -4.67         74.0         -25.19       Peak       7.20     100      V     N/A

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A.1.4         Test Antenna Horizontal, 1 GHz – 12.75 GHz

        No.     Frequency   Results    Factor (dB)   Limit        Over Limit   Detector   Table    Height   ANT   Verdict
                (MHz)       (dBuV/m)                 (dBuV/m)     (dB)                    (o)      (cm)

        1**     1520.500    41.39      -19.21        54.0         -12.61       AV         58.00    100      H     Pass
        1       1520.500    50.45      -19.21        74.0         -23.55       Peak       58.00    100      H     Pass

        2**     1878.000    46.54      -15.80        54.0         -7.46        AV         4.40     100      H     N/A
        2       1878.000    58.63      -15.80        74.0         -15.37       Peak       4.40     100      H     N/A

        3**     1958.500    51.47      -17.26        54.0         -2.53        AV         193.90   100      H     N/A

        3       1958.500    61.08      -17.26        74.0         -12.92       Peak       193.90   100      H     N/A
        4**     2432.500    82.73      -14.48        54.0         28.73        AV         359.60   100      H     N/A

        4       2432.500    88.64      -14.48        74.0         14.64        Peak       359.60   100      H     N/A

        5**     3760.000    44.36      -6.79         54.0         -9.64        AV         118.60   100      H     Pass

        5       3760.000    51.13      -6.79         74.0         -22.87       Peak       118.60   100      H     Pass
        6**     4315.000    43.06      -4.52         54.0         -10.94       AV         1.80     100      H     Pass
        6       4315.000    49.93      -4.52         74.0         -24.07       Peak       1.80     100      H     Pass

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                                                                               Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

A.2      Conducted Emission
Test Data and Plots

The WCDMA Band 2 Test Mode

Note: Devices subject to Part 15 must be tested for all available U.S. voltages and frequencies (such as a nominal
120 VAC, 50/60 Hz and 240 VAC, 50/60 Hz) for which the device is capable of operation. So, The configuration
120 VAC, 60 Hz and 240 VAC, 50 Hz were tested respectively, but only the worst configuration (120 VAC, 60 Hz )
shown here.

A.2.1    L Phase

               No.    Frequency   Results   Factor (dB)   Limit     Over     Detector   Line     Verdict
                      (MHz)       (dBuV)                  (dBuV)    Limit

               1      0.162       44.4      10.01         65.4      -21.00   Peak       L Line   Pass
               1**    0.162       28.4      10.01         55.4      -27.00   AV         L Line   Pass
               2      0.250       36.8      10.00         61.8      -25.00   Peak       L Line   Pass
               2**    0.250       21.5      10.00         51.8      -30.30   AV         L Line   Pass
               3      0.616       33.3      10.03         56.0      -22.70   Peak       L Line   Pass

               3**    0.616       28.3      10.03         46.0      -17.70   AV         L Line   Pass

               4      1.234       33.6      10.05         56.0      -22.40   Peak       L Line   Pass
               4**    1.234       28.2      10.05         46.0      -17.80   AV         L Line   Pass
               5      6.028       33.2      10.13         60.0      -26.80   Peak       L Line   Pass

               5**    6.028       21.1      10.13         50.0      -28.90   AV         L Line   Pass
               6      22.844      47.2      10.28         60.0      -12.80   Peak       L Line   Pass
               6**    22.844      45.8      10.28         50.0      -4.20    AV         L Line   Pass

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                                                                           Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

A.2.2   N Phase

            No.   Frequency   Results   Factor (dB)   Limit     Over     Detector   Line     Verdict
                  (MHz)       (dBuV)                  (dBuV)    Limit

            1     0.160       44.5      10.01         65.5      -21.00   Peak       N Line   Pass

            1**   0.160       30.1      10.01         55.5      -25.40   AV         N Line   Pass

            2     0.616       33.9      10.03         56.0      -22.10   Peak       N Line   Pass

            2**   0.616       28.5      10.03         46.0      -17.50   AV         N Line   Pass

            3     2.058       32.6      10.07         56.0      -23.40   Peak       N Line   Pass
            3**   2.058       27.0      10.07         46.0      -19.00   AV         N Line   Pass

            4     8.022       31.8      10.15         60.0      -28.20   Peak       N Line   Pass
            4**   8.022       21.9      10.15         50.0      -28.10   AV         N Line   Pass

            5     22.846      47.7      10.28         60.0      -12.30   Peak       N Line   Pass

            5**   22.846      46.3      10.28         50.0      -3.70    AV         N Line   Pass
            6     29.798      42.1      10.35         60.0      -17.90   Peak       N Line   Pass
            6**   29.798      29.9      10.35         50.0      -20.10   AV         N Line   Pass

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                                                             Report No.: BL-SZ1920035-401

Please refer the document “BL-SZ1920035-AE.PDF”.

Please refer the document “BL-SZ1920035-AW.PDF”.

Please refer the document “BL-SZ1920035-AI.PDF”.

                                        --END OF REPORT--

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Document Created: 2019-04-19 13:24:11
Document Modified: 2019-04-19 13:24:11

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