Test Report


Test Report

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                                 FCC PART 15B, CLASS B
                                             TEST REPORT


             Shenzhen Rakwireless Technology Co., Ltd.
        Room 506, Bldg B, New Compark, Pingshan First Road, Taoyuan Street, XiLi town,
                             Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China

                                      FCC ID: 2AF6B-RAK7243

              Report Type:                                      Product Type:
              Original Report                                  Pilot Gateway Pro

                   Report Number:           RSZ190408001-00

                        Report Date:        2019-05-09

                                            Xiangguang Kong

                       Reviewed By:          Engineer

                       Prepared By:         Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)
                                            6/F., West Wing, Third Phase of Wanli Industrial
                                            Building, Shihua Road, Futian Free Trade Zone,
                                            Shenzhen, Guangdong, China
                                            Tel: +86-755-33320018
                                            Fax: +86-755-33320008

Note: This report must not be used by the customer to claim product certification, approval, or endorsement by A2LA* or any
agency of the Federal Government. * This report may contain data that are not covered by the A2LA accreditation and are marked
with an asterisk “*”.
      The information marked # is provided by the applicant, the laboratory is not responsible for its authenticity.

  Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                                                          Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

                                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS

GENERAL INFORMATION .......................................................................................................................................3
 PRODUCT DESCRIPTION FOR EQUIPMENT UNDER TEST (EUT) .....................................................................................3
 OBJECTIVE ...................................................................................................................................................................3
 RELATED SUBMITTAL(S)/GRANT(S) .............................................................................................................................3
 TEST METHODOLOGY ..................................................................................................................................................3
 MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ....................................................................................................................................4
 TEST FACILITY .............................................................................................................................................................4
SYSTEM TEST CONFIGURATION ..........................................................................................................................5
  DESCRIPTION OF TEST CONFIGURATION ......................................................................................................................5
  EUT EXERCISE SOFTWARE ..........................................................................................................................................5
  SPECIAL ACCESSORIES .................................................................................................................................................5
  EQUIPMENT MODIFICATIONS .......................................................................................................................................5
  SUPPORT EQUIPMENT LIST AND DETAILS ....................................................................................................................5
  EXTERNAL I/O CABLE..................................................................................................................................................5
  GPS ANTENNA .............................................................................................................................................................5
  BLOCK DIAGRAM OF TEST SETUP ................................................................................................................................6
SUMMARY OF TEST RESULTS ...............................................................................................................................7

TEST EQUIPMENT LIST ...........................................................................................................................................8
FCC §15.107 – AC LINE CONDUCTED EMISSIONS .............................................................................................9
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ..............................................................................................................................................9
  EUT SETUP ..................................................................................................................................................................9
  EMI TEST RECEIVER SETUP .........................................................................................................................................9
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................10
  CORRECTED FACTOR & MARGIN CALCULATION .......................................................................................................10
  TEST RESULTS SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................................10
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................10
FCC §15.109 - RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS ............................................................................................13
  APPLICABLE STANDARD ............................................................................................................................................13
  EUT SETUP ................................................................................................................................................................13
  EMI TEST RECEIVER SETUP .......................................................................................................................................14
  TEST PROCEDURE ......................................................................................................................................................14
  CORRECTED AMPLITUDE & MARGIN CALCULATION .................................................................................................14
  TEST RESULTS SUMMARY ..........................................................................................................................................14
  TEST DATA ................................................................................................................................................................15

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                         Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

Product Description for Equipment under Test (EUT)

                 Product               Pilot Gateway Pro
              Tested Model             RAK7243
             Voltage Range             DC 5V
                Measure                92 mm (L) * 68.3 mm (W) * 53.5 mm (H)
       Highest operating frequency     1575.42MHz
               Date of Test            2019/04/26~2019/04/30
          Sample serial number         190408001
             Received date             2019/04/08
           Sample/EUT Status           Good condition

This test report is prepared on behalf of Shenzhen Rakwireless Technology Co., Ltd. in accordance with
Part 2-Subpart J, Part 15-Subparts A, B of the Federal Communication Commissions rules.

The objective of the manufacturer is to determine the compliance of the EUT with FCC Part 15 B.

Related Submittal(s)/Grant(s)
No related submittal(s).

Test Methodology
All measurements contained in this report were conducted with ANSI C63.4-2014, American National
Standard for Methods of Measurement of Radio-Noise Emissions from Low-Voltage Electrical and
Electronic Equipment in the range of 9 kHz to 40 GHz.

All emissions measurement was performed at Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen). The
radiated testing was performed at an antenna-to-EUT distance of 3 meters.

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                 Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

Measurement Uncertainty
All measurements involve certain levels of uncertainties, especially in field of EMC. The factors
contributing to uncertainties are spectrum analyzer, cable loss, antenna factor calibration, antenna
directivity, antenna factor variation with height, antenna phase center variation, antenna factor frequency
interpolation, measurement distance variation, site imperfections, mismatch (average), and system

Based on CISPR 16-4-2:2011, the expended combined standard uncertainty of test at Bay Area
Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) is shown as below. And the uncertainty will be taken into
consideration for the test data recorded in the report

                        Parameter                                   uncertainty
                 Conducted Emissions                                  ±1.95dB

            Emissions,          Below 1GHz                            ±4.75dB
             radiated           Above 1GHz                            ±4.88dB

Note: Otherwise required by the applicant or Product Regulations, Decision Rule in this report did not consider the

Test Facility
The Test site used by Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) to collect test data is located
on the 6/F., West Wing, Third Phase of Wanli Industrial Building, Shihua Road, Futian Free Trade Zone,
Shenzhen, Guangdong, China.

The test site has been approved by the FCC under the KDB 974614 D01 and is listed in the FCC Public
Access Link (PAL) database, FCC Registration No.: 342867, the FCC Designation No.: CN1221.

The test site has been registered with ISED Canada under ISED Canada Registration Number 3062B.

FCC Part 15B, Class B                                                                                Page 4 of 18

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                            Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

Description of Test Configuration
The system was configured for testing in a manufacturer testing fashion.

EUT Exercise Software
“tftpd32.450” & “SecureCRT” software was used.

Special Accessories
No special accessory.

Equipment Modifications
No modification was made to the EUT tested.

Support Equipment List and Details

       Manufacturer          Description               Model                   Serial Number

           BRL                USB Disk               Un-known                     Un-known
         ADATA                USB Disk                     C008                   Un-known
          Teclast             USB Disk               Un-known                     Un-known
          Teclast             USB Disk               Un-known                     Un-known
         HUAWEI                Adapter                G181104                  HW-050200A01
          Toshiba                 Laptop             C600-C02R                    Un-known

External I/O Cable

              Cable Description               Length (m)           From/Port                   To

       Un-shield Detachable RJ45 Cable               1.5              EUT                    Laptop

       Un-shield Detachable USB Cable                1.0            Adapter                  EUT

     Un-shield Un-detachable Singal Cable            3.0              EUT               GPS Antenna

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                        Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

Block Diagram of Test Setup
For conducted emission:


                   Laptop           GPS
                             10cm   Ant      10cm      EUT   10cm   Socket

                                                                                1.0 Meter
         Non-Conductive Table
         80 cm above Ground Plane

                                          1.5 Meters

         Note:    USB disk

FCC Part 15B, Class B                                                                        Page 6 of 18

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                      Report No.: RSZ190408001-00


                FCC Rules                     Description of Test              Results

                  §15.107                AC Line Conducted Emissions         Compliance

                  §15.109                 Radiated Spurious Emissions        Compliance

FCC Part 15B, Class B                                                                    Page 7 of 18

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                Report No.: RSZ190408001-00


                                                                     Serial        Calibration     Calibration
     Manufacturer            Description            Model
                                                                    Number            Date          Due Date
                                       AC Line Conducted Emission Test
   Rohde & Schwarz       EMI Test Receiver          ESCS30          100176         2018-07-11      2019-07-11
   Rohde & Schwarz              LISN                ENV216                         2019-01-25      2020-01-25
   Rohde & Schwarz        Transient Limiter         ESH3Z2         DE25985         2019-03-02      2020-03-02

   Rohde & Schwarz        CE Test software          EMC 32          V8.53.0           NCR              NCR
                         Conducted Emission                      UF A210B-1-
       Unknown                                       78652                         2018-11-12      2019-11-12
                               Cable                             0720-504504

                                               Radiated Emission Test
      A.H. System           Horn Antenna          SAS-200/571           135        2018-09-01      2021-08-31
   Rohde & Schwarz         Signal Analyzer          FSV40           101473         2019-01-09      2020-01-08
     Sunol Sciences      Broadband Antenna            JB1         A040904-1        2017-12-22      2020-12-21
     COM-POWER              Pre-amplifier           PA-122          181919         2018-11-12      2019-11-12
   Sonoma instrument          Amplifier              310N           186238         2018-11-12      2019-11-12
   Rohde & Schwarz        EMI Test Receiver          ESR                           2018-07-11      2019-07-11
       Ducommun                                    UFA147A-       MFR64639
                              RF Cable                                             2018-11-12      2019-11-12
      technologies                                2362-100100     231029-003

                              RF Cable              104PEA        218124002        2018-11-12      2019-11-12
                              RF Cable              RG-214               1         2018-11-19      2019-05-21
                              RF Cable              RG-214               2         2018-11-12      2019-11-12

   Rohde & Schwarz        Auto test software        EMC 32           V9.10            NCR              NCR

* Statement of Traceability: Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen) attests that all calibrations have
been performed in accordance to requirements that traceable to National Primary Standards and International System
of Units (SI).

FCC Part 15B, Class B                                                                              Page 8 of 18

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                             Report No.: RSZ 190408001—00


Applicable Standard

According to FCC §15.107

EUT Setup

                             ... Vertical Reference
                                 Ground Plane                                  Test Receiver

                 * 40 em |                                                 /
                                     Eut                                lz|5ces
                                                                            a pa0

                                 uiss       P
                        >\                       1                     1
                                     Bonded to Horizontal      Horizontal Reference
                                     Ground Plane              Ground Plane

                    Note: 1. Supp ort units were connected to second LISN.
                          2. Both of LISNs (AMN) 80 cm from EUT and at the least 80 cm
                             from other units and other metal planes support units.

The measurement procedure of EUT setup is according with per ANSI C63.4—2014. The related limit was
specified in FCC Part 15.107 Class B.

The spacing between the peripherals was 10 cm.

EMI Test Receiver Setup

The EMI test receiver was set to investigate the spectrum from 150 kHz to 30 MHz.

During the conducted emission test, the EMI test receiver was set with thefollowing configurations:

                                     Frequency Range                IF BW

                                     150 kHz — 30 MHz               9 kHz

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                               Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

Test Procedure
During the conducted emission test, the adapter was connected to the first LISN and the other relevant
equipments were conncected to the second LISN.

Maximizing procedure was performed on the six (6) highest emissions of the EUT.

All data was recorded in the Quasi-peak and average detection mode.

Corrected Factor & Margin Calculation
The Corrected factor is calculated by adding LISN/ISN VDF (Voltage Division Factor), Cable Loss and
Transient Limiter Attenuation. The basic equation is as follows:
      Correction Factor = LISN VDF + Cable Loss + Transient Limiter Attenuation
The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable
limit. For example, a margin of 7 dB means the emission is 7 dB below the limit. The equation for margin
calculation is as follows:
      Margin = Limit – Corrected Amplitude

Test Results Summary
According to the recorded data in following table, the EUT complied with the FCC Part 15.107,

Refer to CISPR16-4-2:2011 and CISPR 16-4-1:2009, the measured level is in compliance with the limit if

                                            Lm + U(Lm) ≤ Llim + Ucispr

In BACL., U(Lm) is less than Ucispr, if Lm is less than Llim, it implies that the EUT complies with the limit.

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

               Temperature:                25 ℃
          Relative Humidity:               50 %
              ATM Pressure:              101.0 kPa

      The testing was performed by Haiguo Li on 2019-04-26.

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                 Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

      EUT Operation Mode: Operating

     AC 120V/60 Hz, Line




          Level in dBμ






                         150k   300 400 500   800 1M        2M     3M 4M 5M 6     8 10M       20M    30M
                                                        Frequency in Hz

                                Corrected     Correction
         Frequency                                                Limit     Margin          Detector
                                Amplitude      Factor
           (MHz)                                                 (dBμV)      (dB)         (PK/Ave./QP)
                                 (dBμV)         (dB)
           0.431430               37.2           19.8             57.2          20.0           QP
           0.513590               41.0           19.8             56.0          15.0           QP
           0.537870               45.8           19.8             56.0          10.2           QP
           0.782390               34.0           19.8             56.0          22.0           QP
           2.216850               30.8           19.9             56.0          25.2           QP
           2.374030               33.1           19.9             56.0          22.9           QP
           0.431430               29.1           19.8             47.2          18.1          Ave.
           0.513590               30.5           19.8             46.0          15.5          Ave.
           0.537870               36.6           19.8             46.0          9.4           Ave.
           0.782390               25.6           19.8             46.0          20.4          Ave.
           2.216850               20.5           19.9             46.0          25.5          Ave.
           2.374030               22.2           19.9             46.0          23.8          Ave.

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                 Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

     AC 120V/60 Hz, Neutral




          Level in dBμ






                         150k   300 400 500   800 1M        2M     3M 4M 5M 6     8 10M       20M    30M
                                                        Frequency in Hz

                                Corrected     Correction
         Frequency                                                Limit     Margin          Detector
                                Amplitude      Factor
           (MHz)                                                 (dBμV)      (dB)         (PK/Ave./QP)
                                 (dBμV)         (dB)
           0.407970               37.5           19.8             57.7          20.2           QP
           0.502410               46.4           19.8             56.0          9.6            QP
           0.533870               44.9           19.8             56.0          11.1           QP
           1.976450               35.5           19.9             56.0          20.5           QP
           2.295650               35.4           19.8             56.0          20.6           QP
           2.385910               36.4           19.8             56.0          19.6           QP
           0.407970               31.0           19.8             47.7          16.7          Ave.
           0.502410               41.1           19.8             46.0          4.9           Ave.
           0.533870               39.5           19.8             46.0          6.5           Ave.
           1.976450               27.0           19.9             46.0          19.0          Ave.
           2.295650               27.1           19.8             46.0          18.9          Ave.
           2.385910               27.7           19.8             46.0          18.3          Ave.

     1) Correction Factor =LISN VDF (Voltage Division Factor) + Cable Loss + Transient Limiter Attenuation
     2) Corrected Amplitude = Reading + Correction Factor
     3) Margin = Limit – Corrected Amplitude

FCC Part 15B, Class B                                                                               Page 12 of 18

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                           Report No.: RSZ 19040800 1—00

Applicable Standard

FCC §15.109

EUT Setup

Beow 1GHz:

                                                          Ant. Tow                  1—4m
         EUT&                                                                 /
         Supp ort Units

                                     Turn Table
                   _            x
              0.$m. z

                                         Ground Plane

                                          Test Receiver
                                                          ~              C3
                                                              *J   fie:] o o 0 a
                                                                         a o a 24

Above 1GHz:

         EUT&                                                                      /
         Supp ort Units

                                       Turn Table

              »*=[               bAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
                                            Ground Plane

                                            Test Receiver
                                                                   *   MmzX] o o o a

The radiated emission tests were performed in the 3 meters chamber test site, usingthe setup accordance
with the ANSI C63.4—2014. The specification used was the FCC Part 15.109 Class B limits.

FCC Part 15B, Class B                                                                          Page 13 of 18

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                 Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

The external I/O cables were draped along the test table and formed a bundle 30 to 40 cm long in the

The spacing between the peripherals was 10 cm.

EMI Test Receiver Setup
The system was investigated from 30 MHz to 8 GHz.

During the radiated emission test, the EMI test receiver was set with the following configurations:

          Frequency Range              RBW             Video B/W           IF B/W          Measurment

         30 MHz – 1000 MHz           100 kHz            300 kHz            120 kHz             QP
                                      1MHz               3 MHz                 /               PK
             Above 1 GHz
                                      1MHz                10 Hz                /               Ave.

Test Procedure
Maximizing procedure was performed on the highest emissions to ensure that the EUT complied with all
installation combinations.
All data was recorded in the Quasi-peak detector mode from 30 MHz to 1 GHz and PK and average
detector modes for frequencies above 1 GHz.

Corrected Amplitude & Margin Calculation
The Corrected Amplitude is calculated by adding the Antenna Factor and Cable Loss, and subtracting the
Amplifier Gain from the Meter Reading. The basic equation is as follows:
        Corrected Amplitude = Meter Reading + Antenna Factor + Cable Loss - Amplifier Gain
The “Margin” column of the following data tables indicates the degree of compliance with the applicable
limit. For example, a margin of 7 dB means the emission is 7 dB below the limit. The equation for margin
calculation is as follows:
        Margin = Limit – Corrected Amplitude

Test Results Summary
According to the data in the following table, the EUT complied with the FCC §15.109 Class B,

Refer to CISPR16-4-2:2011 and CISPR 16-4-1:2009, the measured level is in compliance with the limit if
                                            Lm + U(Lm) ≤ Llim + Ucispr
In BACL, U(Lm) is less than Ucispr, if Lm is less than Llim, it implies that the EUT complies with the limit.

FCC Part 15B, Class B                                                                             Page 14 of 18

 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                         Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

Test Data
     Environmental Conditions

                        Temperature:              25 ℃
         Relative Humidity:                        56 %
              ATM Pressure:                      101.0 kPa

      The testing was performed by Yooube Zhao and Curry Xiang on 2019-04-29 and 2019-04-30.

     EUT Operation Mode: Operating

     30 MHz~1 GHz:



                                                                     FCC Part 15 Class B Electric Field Strength QP-3m

             Level in dBuV/





                               30M     50   60    80   100M            200         300     400    500           800      1G
                                                              Frequency in Hz

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                                        Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

                    Corrected        Antenna                  Turntable      Correction
     Frequency                                  Antenna                                         Limit     Margin
                    Amplitude         height                   position       Factor
       (MHz)                                    Polarity                                      (dBμV/m)     (dB)
                    (dBμV/m)           (cm)                    (degree)       (dB/m)
     143.504875         18.92          316.0        H           357.0             -14.2          43.50      24.58
     292.023000         42.90          107.0        H           138.0             -11.2          46.00      3.10
     303.998125         41.16          116.0        H           254.0             -10.6          46.00      4.84
     356.000875         42.07          110.0        H            79.0             -10.8          46.00      3.93
     828.799750         25.40          392.0        V           175.0              4.8           46.00      20.60
     958.677000         32.61          110.0        V            77.0              9.3           46.00      13.39

     1 GHz – 8 GHz:

                          Receiver           Rx Antenna Corrected Corrected    FCC Part 15B
  Frequency                        Turntable
                                                         Factor Amplitude
    (MHz)       Reading             Degree Height Polar
                        PK/QP/Ave.                       (dB/m) (dBuV/m) Limit        Margin
                (dBμV)                       (m) (H / V)                    (dBuV/m)   (dB)
    1028.00       52.14         PK             14       1.6     H         -6.18       45.96         74        28.04
    1028.00       32.11         Ave.           14       1.6     H         -6.18       25.93         54        28.07
    1028.00       46.24         PK             54       1.9     V         -6.18       40.06         74        33.94
    1028.00       30.87         Ave.           54       1.9     V         -6.18       24.69         54        29.31
    1575.15       52.28         PK             79       1.9     H         -2.71       49.57         74        24.43
    1575.15       32.19         Ave.           79       1.9     H         -2.71       29.48         54        24.52
    1575.15       52.73         PK             42       1.8     V         -2.71       50.02         74        23.98
    1575.15       34.07         Ave.           42       1.8     V         -2.71       31.36         54        22.64

1) Correction Factor=Antenna factor (RX) + cable loss – amplifier factor
2) Corrected Amplitude = Correction Factor + Reading
3) Margin = Limit - Corrected Amplitude

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)                   Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

                                            Pre-scan for peak
                                       Horizontal – Peak (1-8 GHz)

                                        Vertical - Peak (1-8 GHz)

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 Bay Area Compliance Laboratories Corp. (Shenzhen)               Report No.: RSZ190408001-00

                                          Horizontal – Average

                                            Vertical - Average

                                  ***** END OF REPORT *****
FCC Part 15B, Class B                                                           Page 18 of 18

Document Created: 2019-06-18 04:30:31
Document Modified: 2019-06-18 04:30:31

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