User Manual


Users Manual

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User Manual for
WisLink-LoRa Concentrator Module
Mini PCI-e Edition
RAK2247 SPI or USB
Version V1.0 | December 2018
Visit our website for more document.



Table of Contents
1 Overview..................................................................................................................................................... 3
   1.1 Introduction......................................................................................................................................... 3
   1.2 Package Contents............................................................................................................................. 3

2 LoRa Gateway Module RAK2247......................................................................................................... 4
   2.1 Overview............................................................................................................................................. 4
   2.2 Operating Frequencies..................................................................................................................... 5
   2.3 Pin Definition...................................................................................................................................... 5
   2.4 Power Supply..................................................................................................................................... 7
   2.5 SPI Interface....................................................................................................................................... 7
   2.6 USB Interface..................................................................................................................................... 7
   2.7 GPS_PPS........................................................................................................................................... 7

                                                                                                                                                                    Table of Contents
   2.8 RESET.................................................................................................................................................7
   2.9 Antenna RF Interface......................................................................................................................8
   2.10 Electrical Characteristics................................................................................................................ 8
        2.11.1 Absolute Maximum Rating.................................................................................................8
        2.11.2 Maximum ESD.....................................................................................................................9
        2.11.3 Operating Conditions.......................................................................................................... 9
        2.11.4 Power Consumption........................................................................................................... 9
        2.11.5 RF Characteristics...............................................................................................................9
   2.11 Mechanical Dimensions............................................................................................................... 10

3 LoRa Antenna......................................................................................................................................... 11
   3.1 Overview........................................................................................................................................... 11
   3.2 Antenna Parameter......................................................................................................................... 11

4 Schematics Reference..........................................................................................................................12

5 Warning.....................................................................................................................................................13

6 Revision History..................................................................................................................................... 14

7 Document Summary..............................................................................................................................14

                                                                                                                      RAK2247 User Manual V1.0               2


1   Overview
    1.1   Introduction
          The RAK2247 is a family of LoRa concentrator cards with mini PCIe form factor
          based on SX1301, which enables an easy integration into an existing routers and
          others network equipment with LoRa Gateway capabilities.It can be used in any
          embedded platform offering a free mini-PCIe slot with SPI or USB connection.

          RAK2247 is a complete and cost efficient LoRa gateway solution offering up to 10
          programmable parallel demodulation paths. It targets at smart metering fixed
          networks and Internet of Things applications with up to 500 nodes per km2 in
          moderately interfered environment. The modules have the industry standard PCI
          Express Mini Card form factor, which enables easy integration into an application
          board and is also ideal for manufacturing of small series.

          The main features are listed below:

             Compatible with Mini PCI-e Edition specification with metal cooling fin.                            3
             SX1301 base band processor emulates 49 x LoRa demodulators 10 parallel
              demodulation paths, support 8 uplinks channel, 1 downlink channel.
             2 x SX125x Tx/Rx front-ends high/ low frequency.
             Build in FT2232H to convert SPI interface of SX1301 to USB2.0.
             Voltage of Mini PCI-e is 3.3v, compatible with 3G/LTE card of Mini PCI-e type.
             Supports latest LoRaWAN 1.0.2 protocol.
             Supports global license-free frequency band (EU433, CN470, EU868, US915,
              AS923, AU915, KR920, IN865 and AS920).
             Supports optional SPI or USB interfaces.

    1.2   Package Contents

                               RAK2247 board                           LoRa Antenna of RP-SMA
                                          Figure1 | Package Contents       connector(1x)

                                                                                   RAK2247 User Manual V1.0   3


2   LoRa Gateway Module RAK2247
    2.1   Overview


                     Figure2 | Module View

                                             RAK2247 User Manual V1.0   4


       As described in Figure 3, the RAK2247 card integrates one SX1301 chip and two
       SX1255/7 and other chip for RF signal, which represents the core of the device,
       providing the related LoRa modem and processing functional lilies. Additional
       signal conditioning circuitry is implemented for PCI Express Mini Card compliance,
       and one UFL connectors are available for external antennas integration.

2.2    Operating Frequencies
       The board supports all LoRaWAN frequency channels as below. Which is easy to
       configure while building the firmware from the source code.

                                       Region       Frequency ( MHz )

                                       Europe       EU: 863-870Mhz

                                North America       US: 923.3-927.5Mhz

                                         Table 1 | Operating Frequencies

2.3    Pin Definition                                                                                                    5

          Mini PCIEx PIN
  No                       RAK2247 PIN    Power            I/O             Description               Remarks
             Rev. 2.0

  1          WAKE#             NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected

  2          3.3Vaux         3.3Vaux     3.3Vaux           N/A         RAK2247 power             Connect to 3.3 V
                                                                        supply input
  3          COEX1             NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected
  4           GND             GND           GND            N/A               Ground             Connect to Ground
  5          COEX2             NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected
  6           1.5V             NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected
  7         CLKREQ#            NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected
  8         UIM_PWR            NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected

  9           GND             GND           GND            N/A               Ground             Connect to ground
  10        UIM_DATA           NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected
  11        REFCLK-            NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected
  12        UIM_CLK            NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected
  13        REFCLK+            NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected
  14       UIM_RESET           NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected
  15          GND             GND           GND            N/A               Ground             Connect to ground
  16        UIM_SPU            NC                          N/A                                Internally not connected

                                                                                      RAK2247 User Manual V1.0      5


17    UIM_IC_DM    NC(5V optional             N/A                          Internally not connected
                      For PA)
18      GND            GND           GND      N/A       Ground                Connect to ground
19     Reserved        1PPS                   N/A                       Internal connection 1PPS for
20   W_DISABLE1#        NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected
21      GND            GND           GND      N/A       Ground                Connect to ground
22     PERST#         RESET                    I     RAK2247 reset     Active high(≥100ns) for SX1301
                                                        input                       reset.
23      PERn0           NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected
24     3.3Vaux        3.3Vaux       3.3Vaux    I    RAK2247 supply            Connect to 3.3 V
25      PERp0           NC                    N/A       input              Internally not connected
26      GND            GND           GND      N/A       Ground                Connect to ground
27      GND            GND           GND      N/A                             Connect to ground
28       1.5V           NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected
29      GND            GND           GND      N/A       Ground                Connect to ground
30    SMB_CLK           NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected
31      PETn0           NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected

32    SMB_DATA          NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected
33      PETp0           NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected
34      GND            GND           GND      N/A       Ground                Connect to ground
35      GND            GND           GND      N/A       Ground                Connect to ground
36     USB_D-         USB_D-         USB      I/O   USB Data Line D-     90-ohm nominal differential
                                                                        Pull-up, pull-down and series
                                                                        resistors as required by USB
                                                                       2.0 specifications are part of the
                                                                       USB pin driver and need not be
37      GND            GND           GND      N/A       Ground               provided
                                                                              Connect externally.
                                                                                        to ground
38     USB_D+        USB_D+          USB      I/O    USB Data Line   90-ohm nominal differential
                                                         D+                   impedance.
                                                                    Pull-up, pull-down and series
                                                                    resistors as required by USB
                                                                   2.0 specifications are part of the
                                                                   USB pin driver and need not be
39     3.3Vaux        3.3Vaux       3.3Vaux    I    RAK2247 supply       provided
                                                                                    to 3.3 V
40      GND            GND           GND      N/A       input
                                                       Ground             Connect to ground
41     3.3Vaux        3.3Vaux       3.3Vaux    I    RAK2247 supply            Connect to 3.3 V
42   LED_WWAN#          NC                    N/A       input              Internally not connected
43      GND            GND           GND      N/A       Ground                Connect to ground
44   LED_WLAN#          NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected
45     Reserved     PCIe_SCK                  I/O    Host SPI CLK             Max 10MHz clock
46   LED_WPAN#          NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected
47     Reserved     PCIe_MISO                 I/O    Host SPI MISO
48       1.5V           NC                    N/A                          Internally not connected
49     Reserved     PCIe_MOSI                 I/O    Host SPI MOSI

                                                                 RAK2247 User Manual V1.0         6


  50          GND           GND        GND           N/A             Ground             Connect to ground
  51      W_DISABLE2#     PCIe_CSN                    I/O          Host SPI CS
  52         3.3Vaux       3.3Vaux   3.3Vaux           I          RAK2247 supply         Connect to 3.3 V
                                       Table 2 | Pin Definition

2.4    Power Supply
       RAK2247 card must be supplied through the 3.3Vaux pins by a DC power supply.
       The voltage must be stable, because during this operation the current drawn from
       3.3Vaux can vary significantly, based on the power consumption profile of the
       SX1301 chip (see SX1301 DS).

2.5    SPI Interface
       A SPI interface is provided on the PCIe_SCK, PCIe_MISO, PCIe_MOSI,
       PCIe_CSN pins of the system connector. The SPI interface gives access to the
       configuration register of SX1301 via a synchronous full-duplex protocol. Only the
       slave side is implemented.

2.6    USB Interface
       Note: RAK2247-SPI version don't have this interface.
       RAK2247 card can support the high speed USB to SPI by FT2232HL, it includes a
       high-speed USB 2.0 compliant interface with maximum 480 Mb/s data rate,
       representing the interface for any communication with an external host application
       processor. The module itself acts as a USB device and can be connected to any
       USB host equipped with compatible drivers. For more information, please refer to
       the data sheet of FT2232HL.

2.7    1PPS
       RAK2247 card includes the 1PPS input for received packets time-stamped.

                                                                              RAK2247 User Manual V1.0      7


2.8    RESET
       RAK2247 card includes the RESET active-high input signal to reset the radio
       operations as specified by the SX1301 Specification.

2.9    Antenna RF Interface
       The modules have one RF interfaces over a standard UFL connectors (Hirose U.
       FL-R-SMT) with a characteristic impedance of 50OHM. The RF port (J1) supports
       both Tx and Rx, providing the antenna interface.

2.10   Electrical Characteristics
       Stressing the device above one or more of the ratings listed in the Absolute
       Maximum Rating section may cause permanent damage. These are stress ratings
       only. Operating the module at these or at any conditions other than those specified
       in the Operating Conditions sections of the specification should be avoided.
       Exposure to Absolute Maximum Rating conditions for extended periods may affect                              8
       device reliability. The operating condition range define those limit within which the
       functionality of the device is guaranteed.
       Where application information is given, it is advisory only and does not form part of
       the specification.

        2.10.1   Absolute Maximum Rating
       Limiting values given below are in accordance with the Absolute Maximum Rating
       System (IEC 134).
      Symbol           Description                                 Condition                  Min.      Max.

 3.3Vaux         Module supply voltage    Input DC voltage at 3.3Vaux pins                  –0.3V    3.6V
 USB             USB D+/D- pins           Input DC voltage at USB interface pins                     3.6V
 SPDT_SEL        Port select              Input DC voltage at SPDT_SEL input pins           –0.3V    3.6V
 RESET           RAK2247 reset input      Input DC voltage at RESET input pin               –0.3V    3.6V
 SPI             SPI interface            Input DC voltage at SPI interface pin             –0.3V    3.6V
 GPS_PPS         GPS 1 pps input          Input DC voltage at GPS_PPS input pin             –0.3V    3.6V
 Rho_ANT         Antenna ruggedness       Output RF load mismatch ruggedness at ANT1                 10:1 VSWR

 Tstg            Storage Temperature                                                        –40°C    85°C

                                         Table 3 | Absolute maximum ratings

                                                                                   RAK2247 User Manual V1.0    8


   The product is not protected against overvoltage or reversed voltages. If necessary,
   voltage spikes exceeding the power supply voltage specification, given in table
   above, must be limited to values within the specified boundaries by using
   appropriate protection devices.

    2.10.2    Maximum ESD
              Parameter                  Min Typical        Max                         Remarks
ESD sensitivity for all pins except                      1000V       Human Body Model according to JESD22-A114
ESD sensitivity for ANT1                                 1000V       Human Body Model according to JESD22-A114
ESD immunity for ANT1                                    4000V       Contact Discharge according to IEC 61000-4-2
                                                         8000V       Air Discharge according to IEC 61000-4-2

                                         Table 4 | Maximum ESD ratings

   Note: RAK2247 card are Electrostatic Sensitive Devices and require special
   precautions when handling.

    2.10.3    Operating Conditions
   Input voltage at 3.3Vaux must be above the normal operating range minimum limit
   to switch-on the module.
    Symbol                            Parameter                               Min.        Typical          Max.
    3.3Vaux          Module supply operating input voltage14                 3.00V         3.30V           3.60V

                                          Table 6 | Power Supply Range

    2.10.4    Power Consumption
Mode                   Condition                                                       Min         Type    Max
Idle-Mode              All of the chip on the board enter idle mode or shutdown.                   68uA

Active-Mode(TX)        The power of TX channel is 25dBm and 3.3V supply.                           440mA

Active-Mode(RX )       TX disabled and RX enabled.                                                 470mA

                               Table 7 |Module 3.3Vaux supply current consumption

    2.10.5    RF Characteristics
   The following table gives typically sensitivity level of the RAK2247 card.

                                                                                     RAK2247 User Manual V1.0       9


        Signal Bandwidth/[KHz]               Spreading Factor                              Sensitivity/[dBm]
                500                                   12                                          -134
                500                                    7                                          -120
                                      Table 8 |LoRa RF Characteristics

2.11   Mechanical Dimensions
       RAK2247 card are fully compliant to the 52-pin PCI Express Full-Mini Card Type
       F2 form factor, with top-side and bottom-side keep-out areas, with 50.95 mm
       nominal length, 30 mm nominal width and all the other dimensions as defined by
       the PCI Express Mini Card Electromechanical Specification [9] except for the card
       thickness (nominal value is 3.7 mm), as described in the next figure.
       The weight of the RAK2247 card is about 9.7 g.KHz


                                 Figure 4 | RAK2247 card mechanical dimensions (top view, side view, bottom view)

                                                                                        RAK2247 User Manual V1.0    10


For further details regarding mechanical specifications see the PCI Express Mini
Card Electromechanical Specification.


                                                          RAK2247 User Manual V1.0   11


3   LoRa Antenna
    3.1   Overview

                                    Figure 5 | LoRa Antenna Overview

    3.2   Antenna Parameter
                            Items                                        Specifications
              VSWR (Voltage Standard Wave Radio)                             1:1.5

                            Gain                                             2.0dbi

                Working Temperature & Humidity               T:-35 ºC ~ +80 ºC, H: 0% ~ 95%

                Storage Temperature & Humidity               T:-40 ºC ~ +85 ºC, H: 0% ~ 95%

                                      Table 9 | LoRa Antenna Parameter

                                                                                      RAK2247 User Manual V1.0   11


4   Schematics Reference
    RAK2247 card refer to Semtech's reference design of SX1301, the SPI interface or USB
    interface, which convert SPI to USB2.0 by FT2232H, can be used on PCIE connector.


                                                                RAK2247 User Manual V1.0   12


5   Warning
    FCC Warning:This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is
    subject to the following two conditions.

    (1) This device may not cause harmful interference;

    (2) This device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
    cause undesired operation.

    Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
    compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment. When the module
    is installed in the host device, the FCC ID label must be visible through a window on the
    final device or it must be visible when an access panel, door or cover is easily removed.
    If not, a second label must be placed on the outside of the final device that contains the
    following text: ―Contains FCC ID: 2AF6B-RAK2247.

    Maximum antenna gain allowed for use with this device is 2 dBi.

    This module complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled
    environment .This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum distance
    20 cm between the radiator& your body.

    Manufacture name and address:

    Shenzhen Rakwireless Technology Co., Ltd.

    Room 506, Bldg B, New Compark, Pingshan First Road, Taoyuan Street, Nanshan Distr
    ict, Shenzhen

                                                                     RAK2247 User Manual V1.0   15


6   Revision History
         Revision      Description                                                           Date

             1.0       Initial version                                                   2018-12-21

                                            Table 10 | Revision History

7   Document Summary
    Document Name:            WisLink-LoRa RAK2247 User Manual
    Product Name:             RAK2247
    Release Date:             December 2018
    Revision Number:          V1.0

      Prepared by                    Checked by:                          Approved by:


      Penn                           Jeff

                                                                            RAK2247 User Manual V1.0   16

Document Created: 2019-03-25 01:13:53
Document Modified: 2019-03-25 01:13:53

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