Test Report

FCC ID: 2AEXV12345678

Test Report

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                                                                                                            A TUVRheinland®
 Prufbericht—Nr.:                   50147136 001                             Auftrags—Nr.:                  144184117                 Seite 1 von 14
 Test Report No.:                                                            Order No.:                                                 Page 1 of 14
 Kunden—Referenz—Nr.:                p/a                                     Auftragsdatum:                 1g p5 209138
 Client Reference No.:                                                       Order date:                       C
 Auftraggeber:                      Guangdong Songyang Plastic Toys Co. Ltd
 Prufgegenstand:                    R/C HELICOPTER
 Test item:
 Bezeichnung / Typ—Nr.: SY.8088—27,8Y.8088—405,5SY.8088—57,5Y.8088—58,58Y.8088—42,8Y.8088—43,
 Identification / Type No.: $Y.8088—64,5Y.8088—65
 Auftrags—Inhalt:                   FCC Certification
 Order content:

 Prufgrundlage:                     FCC Part 15 Subpart C
 Test specification:                ANSI C63.10—2013

 Date of receipt:                    14.05.2018

 Test sample No.:                    A000739907—005~007

 Testing period:                     22.05.2018 — 23.05.2018

 Ort der Prufung:                    TUV Rheinland Hong
 Place of testing:                   Kong Ltd.

 Pruflaboratorium:                   TUV Rheinland Hong
 Testing laboratory:                 Kong Ltd.

 Prufergebnis*:                      Pass
 Test result*:

 gepruft von / ftested by:                                                    kontrolliert von / reviewed by:

                    David Cheng                                                                   Benny Lau             *
 24.05.2018         Test Engineer                                            24.05.2018 Senior Project Ma
 Datum              Name / Steliung                 Untergchrift              Datum                    Name / Stellung              Unterschrift
 Date               Name / Position                 Signature                 Date                     Name / Position              Signature

 Sonstiges / Other:            FCC ID: 2AEXV12345678

 Zustand des Prufgegenstandes bei Anlieferung:                                Prufmuster vollstandig und unbeschadigt
 Condition of the test item at delivery:                                      Test item complete and undamaged
* Legende:   1 = sehr gut             2 = gut             3 = befriedigend                                  4 = ausreichend          5 = mangelhaft
             P(ass) = entspricht 0.g. Prufgrundlage(n)    F(ail) = entspricht nicht 0.g. Prufgrundlage(n)   N/A = nicht anwendbar    N/T = nicht getestet
 Legend:     1 = very good          2 = good              3 = satisfactory                                  4 = sufficient           5 = poor
             P(ass) = passed a.m. test specification(s)   F(ail) = failed a.m. test specification(s)        N/A = not applicable     NT = not tested

    Dieser Prufbericht bezieht sich nur auf das o0.g. Prufmuster und darf ohne Genehmigung der Prufstelle nicht
      auszugsweise vervielfaltigt werden. Dieser Bericht berechtigt nicht zur Verwendung eines Priufzeichens.
       This test report only relates to the a. m. test sample. Without permission of the test center this test report is not
                 permitted to be duplicated in extracts. This test report does not entitle to carry any test mark.

    TUV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd. +3—4, 11/F., Fou Wah industrial Building, 10—16 Pun Shan Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong:
                  Tel.: +852 2192 1000 :« Fax: +852 2192 1001 « Email service—gc@tuv.com +« Web: www.tuv.com


  Table of Content

  Cover Page ..................................................................................................................... 1
  Table of Content ............................................................................................................ 2
  Product information.......................................................................................................4
  Manufacturers declarations ....................................................................................................................... 4
  Product function and intended use ........................................................................................................... 4
  Submitted documents................................................................................................................................. 4
  Independent Operation Modes .................................................................................................................. 4
  Related Submittal(s) Grants ....................................................................................................................... 4
  Remark ......................................................................................................................................................... 4
  Test Set-up and Operation Mode ..................................................................................5
  Principle of Configuration Selection ......................................................................................................... 5
  Test Operation and Test Software ............................................................................................................. 5
  Special Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment ......................................................................................... 5
  Countermeasures to achieve EMC Compliance....................................................................................... 5
  Test Methodology ..........................................................................................................6
  Radiated Emission ...................................................................................................................................... 6
  Field Strength Calculation .......................................................................................................................... 6
  Test Setup Diagram .......................................................................................................7
  Test Facility ....................................................................................................................8
  Test Laboratory Information ...................................................................................................................... 8
  List of Test and Measurement Instruments .................................................................9
  Measurement Uncertainty ...........................................................................................10
  Results FCC Part 15 – Subpart C / RSS-210 Issue 8 .................................................11
  FCC 15.203 – Antenna Requirement 1............................................................................. Pass............... 11

  FCC 15.204 – Antenna Requirement 2............................................................................. Pass............... 11

  FCC 15.207 – Conducted Emission on AC Mains ............................................................ N/A............... 11

  Subclause 15.215 (c) – 20 dB Bandwidth........................................................................ Pass............... 11

  Subclause 15.249 (a) – Field Strength of Fundamental and Harmonics ...................... Pass............... 12

  Subclause 15.249 (d), 15.205 – Out Of Band Radiated Emission ................................. Pass............... 14

  Appendix 1 – Test protocols                                                                                                                          3 pages

  Appendix 2 – Test setup                                                                                                                              2 pages

Test Report No.: 50147136 001                                           Date: 24.05.2018                                                         Page 2 of 14


  Appendix 3 – EUT External Photos                             3 pages

  Appendix 4 – EUT Internal Photos                             3 pages

  Appendix 5 – RF exposure information                         2 pages

Test Report No.: 50147136 001            Date: 24.05.2018   Page 3 of 14


  Product information

  Manufacturers declarations
   Operating frequency range                                                  2405 - 2475MHz
   Type of modulation                                                              GFSK
   Number of channels                                                                64
   Type of antenna                                                             Wire Antenna
   Power level                                                                       fix
   Connection to public utility power line                                           No
   Nominal voltage                                                 Vnor: 6.0 VDC (4 x 1.5V AA batteries)

  Product function and intended use
  The equipment under test (EUT) is a radio control toy transmitter operating at 2.4GHz. It is powered by
  battery only.

  FCC ID: 2AEXV12345678
   Models                                                 Product description
   57,SY.8088-58,SY.8088-42,SY.8088-43,                   R/C HELICOPTER

  Submitted documents
     Circuit Diagram
     Block Diagram
     Technical Description
     User manual

  Independent Operation Modes

     The basic operation modes are:

         - Transmitting mode.

     For further information refer to User Manual

  Related Submittal(s) Grants

     This is a single application for certification of the transmitter.

       The test results in this test report are only relevant to the tested sample and does not involve any
       assessment in the production.

Test Report No.: 50147136 001                       Date: 24.05.2018                                 Page 4 of 14


  Test Set-up and Operation Mode

  Principle of Configuration Selection

     Emission:      The equipment under test (EUT) was configured to measure its highest possible radiation
                    level. The test modes were adapted accordingly in reference to the instructions for use.

  Test Operation and Test Software

     Test operation should refer to test methodology.

      -     Test mode samples with maximum RF output power and duty cycle provided by the applicant are
            used for the testing.

  Special Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment

          - Nil

  Countermeasures to achieve EMC Compliance
          - Nil

Test Report No.: 50147136 001                   Date: 24.05.2018                              Page 5 of 14


  Test Methodology

  Radiated Emission

     The radiated emission measurements of the transmitter part were performed according to the procedures
     in ANSI C63.10-2013.

     For measurement below 1GHz - the equipment under test (EUT) was placed at the middle of the 80 cm
     height turntable. For measurement above 1GHz - the EUT was placed at the middle of the 1.5 m height
     turntable and RF absorbing material was placed on ground plane between turntable and measuring
     antenna. During the testing, the EUT was operated standalone and arranged for maximum emissions.
     The EUT was tested in three orthogonal planes.

     The investigation is performed with the EUT rotated 360 ゚, the antenna height scanned between 1m and
     4m, and the antenna rotated to repeat the measurements for both the horizontal and vertical antenna
     polarizations. Repeat the measurement steps until the maximum emissions were obtained.

     All radiated tests were performed at an antenna to EUT with 3 meters distance, unless stated otherwise
     in particular parts of this test report.

  Field Strength Calculation

  The field strength at 3 m was established by adding the meter reading of the spectrum analyzer to the
  factors associated with antenna correction factor, cable loss, preamplifiers and filter attenuation.

  The equation is expressed as follow:

  FS = R + AF + CF + FA – PA

  Where FS    =     Field Strength in dBuV/m at 3 meters.
         R    =     Reading of Spectrum Analyzer in dBuV.
        AF    =     Antenna Factor in dB.
        CF    =     Cable Attenuation Factor in dB.
        FA    =     Filter Attenuation Factor in dB.
        PA    =     Preamplifier Factor in dB.

  FA and PA are only be used for the measuring frequency above 1 GHz.

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  Test Setup Diagram
  Diagram of Measurement Configuration for Radiation Test

  Note: Measurements above 1 GHz are done with a table height of 1.5m. In addition, there is RF
  absorbing material on the floor of the test site for above 1GHz measurement.

  Diagram of Measurement Equipment Configuration for Mains Conduction Measurement (if

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  Test Facility

  Test Laboratory Information
    TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd.
    Address: 3-4, 11/F., Fou Wah Industrial Building, 10-16 Pun Shan Street, Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong
    Tel.: +852 2192 1000
    Fax: +852 2192 1001
    Email service-gc@tuv.com
    Web: www.tuv.com

    The test facility is recognized or accredited by the following organizations:

     Type                                      :   Accredited Test Firm
     Designation Number                        :   HK0013
     Test Firm Registration Number             :   371735
     Scope                                     :   Intentional Radiators

Test Report No.: 50147136 001                       Date: 24.05.2018                        Page 8 of 14


  List of Test and Measurement Instruments
  TÜV Rheinland Hong Kong Ltd
  Radiated Emission
   Equipment                        Manufacturer         Type            Cal. Date   Due Date
   Semi-anechoic Chamber            Frankonia            Nil             23-Apr-18   23-Apr-19
   Test Receiver                    R&S                  ESU40           7-Sep-17    7-Sep-18
   Active Loop Antenna              EMCO                 6502            30-Oct-17   30-Oct-18
   Bi-conical Antenna               R&S                  HK116           7-Jun-16    7-Jun-18
   Log Periodic Antenna             R&S                  HL223           31-May-16   31-May-18
   Horn Antenna                     EMCO                 3115            28-Mar-18   28-Mar-20
   Double-Ridged Waveguide
                                    EMCO                 3116            17-Jun-16   17-Jun-18
   Double-Ridged Waveguide
                                    EMCO                 3117            22-Jun-16   22-Jun-18
   Coaxial cable                    Harbour              LL335           10-Jun-14   10-Jun-16
   High Frequency Cable
                                    Pasternack           PE3VNA4001-3M   27-Jan-17   27-Jan-18
   Microwave amplifer 0.5-
                                    HP                   83017A          18-Jul-16   18-Jul-18
   26.5GHz, 25dB gain
   Preamplifier 18GHz to            A.H. Systems,
                                                         PAM-1840VH      27-Jan-17   27-Jan-18
   40GHz with cable                 Inc.
   High Pass Filter (cutoff freq.
                                    Trilithic            23042           30-Oct-17   30-Oct-19

  Radio Test
   Equipment                        Manufacturer         Type            Cal. Date   Due Date
   Spectrum Analyzer                R&S                  FSP30           03-May-18   02-May-19

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  Measurement Uncertainty

  The estimated combined standard uncertainty for power-line conducted emissions measurements is

  The estimated combined standard uncertainty for radiated emissions measurements is ±4.81dB (9kHz to
  30MHz) and ±4.62dB (30MHz to 200MHz) and ±5.67dB (200MHz to 1000MHz) and is ±5.07dB (1GHz to
  8.2GHz) and ±4.58dB (8.2GHz to 12.4GHz) and ±4.78dB (12.4GHz to 18GHz)

  The reported expanded uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement
  multiplied by the coverage factor of k=2, which for the level of confidence is approximately 95%.

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  Results FCC Part 15 – Subpart C / RSS-210 Issue 8

  FCC 15.203 – Antenna Requirement 1                                                               Pass

  FCC Requirement: No antenna other than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the
  Results:                  a) Antenna type:                            Fixed Integral antenna
                            b) Manufacturer and model no:               N/A
                            c) Peak Gain:                               N/A
  Verdict:                  Pass

  FCC 15.204 – Antenna Requirement 2                                                               Pass

  FCC Requirement: An intentional radiator may be operated only with the antenna with which it is
                   authorized. If an antenna is marketed with the intentional radiator, it shall be of a type
                   which is authorized with the intentional radiator.
  Results:                  Only one integral antenna can be used.
  Verdict:                  N/A

  FCC 15.207 – Conducted Emission on AC Mains                                                        N/A

  There is no AC power input or output ports on the EUT.

  Subclause 15.215 (c) – 20 dB Bandwidth                                                           Pass

  Test Specification   :   ANSI C63.10 – 2013
  Test date            :   23.05.2018
  Mode of operation    :   Tx mode
  Port of testing      :   Antenna port
  Supply voltage       :   6.0 VDC (4 x 1.5V AA batteries)
  Temperature          :   23ºC
  Humidity             :   50%

  Requirement:             The intentional radiators must be designed to ensure that the 20dB bandwidth of the
                           emission, is contained within the frequency band designated in the rule section under
                           which the equipment is operated.

  Results:                 Pre-scan has been conducted to determine the worst-case mode from all possible
                           combinations between available modulations and packet types.
                           For test protocols refer to Appendix 1.
      Frequency                    20 dB left              Limit              20 dB right              Limit
        (MHz)                        (MHz)                (MHz)                 (MHz)                 (MHz)
         2405                      2403.700               > 2400               2406.692              < 2483.5
         2445                      2444.748               > 2400               2445.492              < 2483.5
         2475                      2474.824               > 2400               2475.258              < 2483.5

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  Subclause 15.249 (a) – Field Strength of Fundamental and Harmonics                              Pass

  Test Specification   : ANSI C63.10 – 2013
  Test Specification   : 22.05.2018
  Mode of operation    : Tx mode
  Port of testing      : Enclosure
  Frequency range      : 9kHz – 25GHz
  Supply voltage       : 6.0 VDC (4 x 1.5V AA batteries)
  Temperature          : 23ºC
  Humidity             : 50%

  Requirement:          The field strength of emissions from intentional radiators operated within these
                        frequency bands shall comply with the following limit.

  Results:              PASS.

  Fundamental Frequency: 2405MHz                   Vertical Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                            Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                               dBuV/m
               2405.051                                 86.2                              114.0 / PK
               2405.051                                 74.6                               94.0 / AV
  Fundamental Frequency: 2405MHz                   Horizontal Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                            Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                               dBuV/m
               2405.051                                 85.2                              114.0 / PK
               2405.051                                 73.6                               94.0 / AV
  Harmonics: 2405MHz                               Vertical Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                            Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                               dBuV/m
               4810.102                                 57.1                               74.0 / PK
               4810.102                                 44.7                               54.0 / AV
               7215.153                                 67.6                               74.0 / PK
               7215.153                                 50.2                               54.0 / AV
  Harmonics: 2405MHz                                Horizontal Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                            Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                               dBuV/m
               4810.102                                 58.4                               74.0 / PK
               4810.102                                 45.6                               54.0 / AV
               7215.153                                 65.8                               74.0 / PK
               7215.153                                 49.3                               54.0 / AV
  Fundamental Frequency: 2445MHz                   Vertical Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                            Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                               dBuV/m
               2445.051                                 86.0                              114.0 / PK
               2445.051                                 74.6                               94.0 / AV
  Fundamental Frequency: 2445MHz                   Horizontal Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                            Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                               dBuV/m
               2445.048                                 85.3                              114.0 / PK
               2445.048                                 74.0                               94.0 / AV

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  Harmonics: 2445MHz               Vertical Polarization
                 Freq                  Level                  Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                  dBuV/m                     dBuV/m
               4890.102                 59.7                     74.0 / PK
               4890.102                 47.2                     54.0 / AV
               7335.153                 67.5                     74.0 / PK
               7335.153                 50.6                     54.0 / AV
  Harmonics: 2445MHz                Horizontal Polarization
                 Freq                  Level                  Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                  dBuV/m                     dBuV/m
               4890.096                 61.3                     74.0 / PK
               4890.096                 49.0                     54.0 / AV
               7335.153                 67.3                     74.0 / PK
               7335.153                 50.6                     54.0 / AV
  Fundamental Frequency: 2475MHz   Vertical Polarization
                 Freq                  Level                  Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                  dBuV/m                     dBuV/m
               2475.067                 86.1                    114.0 / PK
               2475.067                 74.9                     94.0 / AV
  Fundamental Frequency: 2475MHz   Horizontal Polarization
                 Freq                  Level                  Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                  dBuV/m                     dBuV/m
               2475.072                 86.2                    114.0 / PK
               2475.072                 74.9                     94.0 / AV
  Harmonics: 2475MHz               Vertical Polarization
                 Freq                  Level                  Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                  dBuV/m                     dBuV/m
               4950.131                 57.7                     74.0 / PK
               4950.131                 45.4                     54.0 / AV
               7425.198                 67.5                     74.0 / PK
               7425.198                 50.7                     54.0 / AV
  Harmonics: 2475MHz                Horizontal Polarization
                 Freq                  Level                  Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                  dBuV/m                     dBuV/m
               4950.136                 57.8                     74.0 / PK
               4950.136                 45.4                     54.0 / AV
               7425.200                 67.1                     74.0 / PK
               7425.200                 50.5                     54.0 / AV

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  Subclause 15.249 (d), 15.205 – Out Of Band Radiated Emission                                    Pass

  Test Specification   : ANSI C63.10 – 2013
  Test Specification   : 22.05.2018
  Mode of operation    : Tx mode
  Port of testing      : Enclosure
  Frequency range      : 9kHz – 25GHz
  Supply voltage       : 6.0 VDC (4 x 1.5V AA batteries)
  Temperature          : 23ºC
  Humidity             : 50%

  Requirement:          Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall
                        be attenuated by at least 50dB below the level of the fundamental or to the general
                        radiated emission limits in Section 15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

  Results:              All three transmit frequency modes comply with the field strength limit of section 15.209.
                        There is no spurious found below 30MHz.

  Tx frequency: 2405 MHz                           Vertical Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                             Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
               2400.000                                 60.0                                74.0 / PK
               2400.000                                 32.5                                54.0 / AV
  Tx frequency: 2405 MHz                           Horizontal Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                             Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
               2400.000                                 55.3                                74.0 / PK
               2400.000                                 32.2                                54.0 / AV
  Tx frequency: 2445 MHz                           Vertical Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                             Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
             No peak found                              ---                                 74.0 / PK
             No peak found                              ---                                 54.0 / AV
  Tx frequency: 2445 MHz                           Horizontal Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                             Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
             No peak found                              ---                                 74.0 / PK
             No peak found                              ---                                 54.0 / AV
  Tx frequency: 2475 MHz                           Vertical Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                             Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
               2483.500                                 53.9                                74.0 / PK
               2483.500                                 32.2                                54.0 / AV
  Tx frequency: 2475 MHz                           Horizontal Polarization
                 Freq                                  Level                             Limit/ Detector
                 MHz                                  dBuV/m                                dBuV/m
               2483.500                                 54.1                                74.0 / PK
               2483.500                                 32.2                                54.0 / AV

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Document Created: 2018-05-30 11:49:50
Document Modified: 2018-05-30 11:49:50

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