5AT1S9_RF Exposure Evaluation


RF Exposure Info

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                                                                                       FCC ID: 2AEUPBHALV002
                                                                                       ISED: 20271-BHALV002

                                    FCC&IC RF Exposure Evaluation

        1. Product Information
         FCC ID:                         2AEUPBHALV002
         ISED:                           20271-BHALV002
         Product name                    Transformer
         Model number                    5AT1S9
         Power supply                    AC 120V
         Modulation Type
         Antenna Type                    PCB Antenna
         Antenna Gain                    -2.5 dBi (For BT); -3.8 dBi (For LoRa)
         Bluetooth Operation frequency   2402MHz-2480MHz
         Lora Operation frequency        902.5MHz – 927MHz
         Exposure category               General population/uncontrolled environment
         EUT Type                        Production Unit
         Device Type                     Fix Device

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                                                                                                    FCC ID: 2AEUPBHALV002
                                                                                                    ISED: 20271-BHALV002

        2. Evaluation method and Limit
        According to ANSI/IEEE C95.1-1992, the Criteria Listed in Table 1 shall be used to evaluate the
        environmental impact of human exposure to radio frequency (RF) radiation as specified in §1.1310.

          range        Electric field strength   Magnetic field strength      Power density         Averaging time
          (MHz)                 (V/m)                   (A/m)                  (mW/cm2)             (minutes)

                                    (A) Limits for Occupational/Controlled Exposure

       0.3-3.0                             614                        1.63                *100                       6

       3.0-30                           1842/f                       4.89/f            *900/f2                       6

       30-300                             61.4                       0.163                    1.0                    6

       300-1,500                                                                          f/300                      6

       1,500-100,000                                                                           5                     6

                               (B) Limits for General Population/Uncontrolled Exposure

       0.3-1.34                            614                        1.63                *100                   30

       1.34-30                           824/f                       2.19/f            *180/f2                   30

       30-300                             27.5                       0.073                    0.2                30

       300-1,500                                                                         f/1500                  30

       1,500-100,000                                                                          1.0                30

       f = frequency in MHz * = Plane-wave equivalent power density

        The MPE was calculated at 20 cm to show compliance with the power density limit.

        The following formula was used to calculate the Power Density:

        S = Power Density
        P = Output Power at Antenna Terminals
        G = Gain of Transmit Antenna ( linear gain )
        R = Distance from Transmitting Antenna

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         3. Artenoa infomation
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         1.    Conducted Power
              43. estSetup Blod Diagram
                      gat                                     Spectrum Anabyser

              42 Test Procedure
              1) The ETwas drecly connected t the spectrum analyser and antemn a ontput portasshou in the Blck
            2) Reading peak poser i peak detector
             4.3 Measurement Equpment
          ':          Eqxtpment      Manutacturer MoeleNo.        Invertory No. Last Cal. Next Cal
         t       _|_Spectrum Anaizer    Kepsight   nsoion         imseorores zors0123 2020022

Conducted Power Results
ar vaz
     Mode                 Channel            Frequency (MHtz)           Conducted Peat Outnt Power
                              o                    2a0e                            442
    arsk                     19                    240                             75e
                             as                    24eo                            css

                                                                        Conducted Peak Output Power
   Mode 1                 Channel            Frequency (MItz)
                            Low                   ses                              12047
     Lora                  Midde                  siis                             iser
                            Figh                  ses                              Toses
                                                                        Conducted Peak Output Power
    Mode2                 Channel            Frequency (MItz)
                            Low                    soo                             Ta7ee
     Lora                  Midde                  size                             12003
                            Figh                  se                               Toasr


                                                                                                             FCC ID: 2AEUPBHALV002
                                                                                                             ISED: 20271-BHALV002

              5. Manufacturing tolerance

                                                      GFSK (Peak)
      Channel                            Channel 0                   Channel 19                         Channel 39
   Target (dBm)                             -1                           -1                                 -1
  Tolerance ±(dB)                           1                             1                                  1

      Channel                              Low                            Middle                           High
   Target (dBm)                             12                             12                               12
  Tolerance ±(dB)                            2                              2                                2

              6. Evaluation Results
                               Antenna      Maximum    Maximum     Maximum                     Average    Density at    Limit
                  Frequency                                                         Output
       Band                      Gain         Power      EIRP        EIRP                       EIRP        20cm       (mW/cm
                    (MHz)                                                           Power
                                 (dBi)        (dBm)     (dBm)         (W)                       (mW)      (mW/cm^        ^2)
                                                                                   Limit (W)

   Bluetooth         2402        -2.5            0       -2.5       0.0006          1.000       0.562      0.0001       1.000

       LoRa          902.5       -3.8            14      10.2       0.0105          1.000      10.471       0.002       0.602

1. Output power including tune up tolerance;

              7. Conclusion
               The measurement results comply with the FCC Limit per 47 CFR 2.1091 and RSS-102 Issue 5 for the
               uncontrolled RF Exposure.

                              .......................THE END OF REPORT.........................

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Document Created: 2019-03-13 11:47:46
Document Modified: 2019-03-13 11:47:46

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