RF Test Report-BLE


Test Report

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(    ntl                                                                                  Report Number: 1905FR26
    \-’                                                                                                             Rev.01

                                            RF Test Report

    Applicant                 :   Ring LLC

    Product Type              :   Door View Cam

    Trade Name                :   Ring

    Model Number              :   G63R9A

    Test Specification        :   FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART C
                                  ANSI C63.10:2013

    Receive Date              :   Apr. 08, 2019

    Test Period               :   May 13 ~May 15, 2019

    Issue Date                :   Jun. 13, 2019

                                                     Issue by

    A Test Lab Techno Corp.                                                                                         _
    No. 140—1, Changan Street, Bade District,                                          ij\a\éf%aé (I’A\F )
    Taoyuan City 33465, Taiwan (R.O.C.)                                                 ”'4,/F§\.\~*   TestngLaborstory
    Tel : +886—3—2710188 / Fax : +886—3—2710190

    Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330
    Test Firm MRA designation number: TWOO10

     Note: This report shall not be reproduced except in full,. without the written approval of A Test Lab Techno
     Corp..This document may be altered or revised by A Test.Lab Techno Corp. personnel only, and shall be
     noted in the revision section of the document. The client should not use it to claim product endorsement by
     TAF, or any government agencies.. The test results in the report.only apply to the tested sample.

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                                                              Report Number: 1905FR26

                                  Revision History
Rev.    Issue Date                         Revisions               Revised By
00     May 20, 2019    Initial Issue.                                Nina Lin
01     Jun. 13, 2019   Page 17 & 18 Added Test Photographs.          Nina Lin

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@l                                                                                      Report Number: 1905FR26

                     Verification of Compliance
                                                                                 Issued Date: Jun. 13, 2019

 Applicant                        Ring LLC

 Product Type                     Door View Cam

 Trade Name                       Ring

 Model Number                     GS3R9A

 FCC ID                           2AEUPBHADVOO1

 EUT Rated Voltage                DC 3.6 V or DC 3.65 V, 6040 mAh

 Test Voltage                     DC 3.65 V

 Applicable Standard              FCC 47 CFR PART 15 SUBPART C
                                  ANSI C63.10:2013

 Test Result                      Complied

 Performing Lab.                  A Test Lab Techno Corp.
                                  No. 140—1, Changan Street, Bade District,
                                  Tacyuan City 33465, Taiwan (R.O.C.)
                                  Tel : +886—3—2710188 / Fax : +886—3—2710190
                                  Taiwan Accreditation Foundation accreditation number: 1330
A Test Lab Techno Corp. tested the above equipment in accordance with the requirements set forth in the above
standards. All indications of Pass/Fail in this report are opinions expressed by A Test Lab Techno Corp. based on
interpretations and/or observations of test results. The test results show that the equipment tested is capable of
demonstrating compliance with the requirements as documented in this report.

 Approved By

 (Manager)                         _ (Fly Lu)            (Testing Engineer)                (Eric Ou Yang)

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                                                                                                       Report Number: 1905FR26

                                                  TABLE OF CONTENTS
1 General Information ......................................................................................................... 5
  1.1. Summary of Test Result ............................................................................................. 5
  1.2. Measurement Uncertainty .......................................................................................... 6
2 EUT Description................................................................................................................ 7
3 Test Methodology ............................................................................................................. 8
  3.1. Mode of Operation ...................................................................................................... 8
  3.2. EUT Test Step............................................................................................................. 8
  3.3. Configuration of Test System Details .......................................................................... 9
  3.4. Test Instruments ....................................................................................................... 10
  3.5. Test Site Environment............................................................................................... 10
4 Measurement Procedure ................................................................................................ 11
  4.1. Radiated Emission Measurement ............................................................................. 11
  4.2. Maximum Conducted Output Power Measurement .................................................. 15
  4.3. Antenna Measurement ............................................................................................. 15
5 Test Results .................................................................................................................... 16
  Annex A. Conducted Test Results .................................................................................... 16
  Annex B. Radiated Emission Measurement ..................................................................... 17

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                                                                                                     Report Number: 1905FR26

1   General Information
1.1. Summary of Test Result

                                                                     Item                     Result         Remark

                       15.207                      AC Power Conducted Emission                   N/A          Note1

                     15.247(d)                     Transmitter Radiated Emissions             PASS            Note2

                    15.247(b)(3)                   Max. Output Power                          PASS             -----

                    15.247(a)(2)                   6 dB RF Bandwidth                             N/A          Note1

                     15.247(e)                     Maximum Power Spectral Density                N/A          Note1

                                                   Out of Band Conducted Spurious
                     15.247(d)                                                                   N/A          Note1

                       15.203                      Antenna Requirement                        PASS             -----

    The test results of this report relate only to the tested sample(s) identified in this report.
    Note1: C2PC No need for verification.
    Note2: Transmitter Radiated Emissions is tested using the Harmonic worst Mode 2(2480 MHz).

                       Standard                                                    Description

            CFR47, Part 15, Subpart C              Intentional Radiators

                                                   American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of
                ANSI C63. 10: 2013
                                                   Unlicensed Wireless Devices

                                                   GUIDANCE FOR COMPLIANCE MEASUREMENTS ON DIGITAL
             KDB 558074 D01 15.247                 TRANSMISSION SYSTEM, FREQUENCY HOPPING SPREAD
             Meas Guidance v05r02                  SPECTRUM SYSTEM, AND HYBRID SYSTEM DEVICES
                                                   OPERATING UNDER SECTION 15.247 OF THE FCC RULES

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                                                                             Report Number: 1905FR26

1.2. Measurement Uncertainty

               Test Item          Frequency Range                          Uncertainty (dB)

                                  9 kHz ~ 150 kHz                                2.7
     Conducted Emission
                                 150 kHz ~ 30 MHz                                2.7

                                  9 kHz ~ 30 MHz                                 1.7

                                 30 MHz ~ 1000 MHz                               5.7

     Radiated Emission         1000 MHz ~ 18000 MHz                              5.5

                               18000 MHz ~ 26500 MHz                             4.8

                               26500 MHz ~ 40000 MHz                             4.8

     Conducted Output Power                          +0.27 dB / -0.28 dB

     RF Bandwidth                                          4.96 %

     Power Spectral Density                          +0.71 dB / -0.77 dB

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@l                                                                                      Report Number: 1905FR26

2   EUT Description

    Appleant              Ring LLC
                          1528 26th Street, Sente Monica CA $0404, United States
    Manufecturer          :e‘sgga ‘;scm Street, Sente Monica CA 80404, United States
    Product Type          Door View Cam
    Trade Name            Ring
    Madel No              cesroa
    reei                  2AupBHADYOO1
    Class II Permissive   Change the main board, camere board and the appesrance
    Frequency Renge       2402 — 2480 MHz
    Madulation Type       crsk
    Operate Temp. Range   20— «50 °c
                                            Type                                       Max. Gain (dB1)
    Antenna information
                                        PIFAAntenna                                         10
                          ue, orsk          a.00078 w
    RF Output Power
                          2.E, Grgk         0.00077 W

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                                                                                                Report Number: 1905FR26

3   Test Methodology
3.1. Mode of Operation

    Decision of Test ATL has verified the construction and function in typical operation. All the test modes were carried out
    with the EUT in normal operation, which was shown in this test report and defined as:

     Test Mode
     Mode 1: Transmit mode
     Mode 2: LE, GFSK Continuous TX Mode
     Mode 3: 2LE, GFSK Continuous TX Mode

     Final-Test Mode
     Mode 1: Transmit Mode
     Mode 2: LE, GFSK Continuous TX Mode
     Mode 3: 2LE, GFSK Continuous TX Mode

    Software used to control the EUT for staying in continuous transmitting mode was programmed.
    After verification, all tests were carried out with the worst case test modes.

    By preliminary testing and verifying three axis (X, Y and Z) position of EUT transmitted status, it was found that “X
    axis” position was the worst, then the final test was executed the worst condition and test data were recorded in this

    Note: The EUT was programmed to be in continuously transmitting mode and the transmit duty cycle is not less than
           98 %.

3.2. EUT Test Step

      1       Setup the EUT shown on “Configuration of Test System Details”.

      2       Turn on the power of all equipment.

      3       Turn on TX function.

      4       EUT run test program.

     Measurement Software
     No.      Description                                         Software                      Version
      1       Radiated Emission                                   EZ EMC              

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                                                                                Report Number: 1905FR26

3.3. Configuration of Test System Details

     Radiated Emissions


                                          Devices Description

             Product      Manufacturer   Model Number           Serial Number         Power Cord

       (1)       ---          ---             ---                    ---                  ---

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                                                                                        Report Number: 1905FR26

3.4. Test Instruments

    For Radiated Emissions
    Test Period: May 13, 2019
         Equipment              Manufacturer       Model Number         Serial Number   Cal. Date     Cal. Period
     Spectrum Analyzer
                                  Keysight            N9010A            MY52221312      01/14/2019      1 year
       (10 Hz~44 GHz)
          Pre Amplifier
                                  Agilent              8449B            3008A02237      10/16/2018      1 year
         (1~26.5 GHz)
          Pre Amplifier
                                  Agilent              8447D            2944A11119      01/14/2019      1 year
     (100 kHz~1.3 GHz)
     Broadband Antenna          Schwarzbeck          VULB9168               416         10/19/2018      1 year
        Horn Antenna          SCHWARZBECK
                                                    BBHA9120D            9120D-550      08/23/2018      1 year
         (1~18 GHz)          MESS-ELEKTRONIK
        Horn Antenna          SCHWARZBECK
                                                     BBHA9170             9170-320      08/07/2018      1 year
        (18~40 GHz)          MESS-ELEKTRONIK
        Loop Antenna                                  AL-130               121014       03/29/2019      1 year
          RF Cable                 EMCI          EMC104-N-N-6000           TE01-1       02/20/2019      1 year
      Microwave Cable              EMCI                                    170814       10/30/2018      1 year
      Microwave Cable              EMCI                                    151001       02/20/2019      1 year

    For Conducted
    Test Period: May 15, 2019
          Equipment             Manufacturer      Model Number          Serial Number   Cal. Date     Cal. Period

         Power Sensor             Anritsu           MA2411B               1126022       08/29/2018      1 year

         Power Meter              Anritsu           ML2495A               1135009       08/29/2018      1 year

       Microwave Cable             EMCI        EMC102-SM-SM1500             001         11/21/2018      1 year

           Test Site                ATL               TE05                  TE05          N.C.R.         -----

    Note: N.C.R. = No Calibration Request.

3.5. Test Site Environment

                     Items                     Required (IEC 60068-1)                        Actual
     Temperature (C)                                  15-35                                   26
     Humidity (%RH)                                    25-75                                   60
     Barometric pressure (mbar)                       860-1060                                 990

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                                                                                              Report Number: 1905FR26

4   Measurement Procedure
4.1. Radiated Emission Measurement

         Limit
    According to §15.209(a), except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an intentional radiator shall
    not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:
                   Frequency                              Field Strength                   Measurement Distance
                     (MHz)                                (μV/m at meter)                          (meters)
                  0.009 – 0.490                           2400 / F (kHz)                             300

                  0.490 – 1.705                           24000 / F (kHz)                             30

                  1.705 – 30.0                                   30                                   30

                     30 - 88                                   100**                                   3

                     88-216                                    150**                                   3

                    216-960                                    200**                                   3

                   Above 960                                    500                                    3

    ** Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating under this Section
    shall not be located in the frequency bands 54-72 MHz, 76-88 MHz, 174-216 MHz or 470-806 MHz. However,
    operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of this Part, e.g., Sections 15.231 and

         Setup
    9 kHz ~ 30 MHz

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                         Report Number: 1905FR26

Below 1 GHz

Above 1 GHz

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                                                                                             Report Number: 1905FR26

    Test Procedure
Final radiation measurements were made on a three-meter, Semi Anechoic Chamber. The EUT system was placed
on a nonconductive turntable which is 0.8 or 1.5 meters height, top surface 1.0 x 1.5 meter. The spectrum was
examined from 250 MHz to 2.5 GHz in order to cover the whole spectrum below 10th harmonic which could generate
from the EUT. During the test, EUT was set to transmit continuously & Measurements spectrum range from 9 kHz to
26.5 GHz is investigated.
For measurements below 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 100 kHz for peak detection measurements or 120
kHz for quasi-peak detection measurements. Peak detection is used unless otherwise noted as quasi-peak.
For measurements above 1 GHz the resolution bandwidth is set to 1 MHz, and then the video bandwidth is set to 3
MHz for peak measurements and 10 Hz for average measurements when Duty cycle >0.98 / 1/T for average
measurements when Duty cycle <0.98. A nonconductive material surrounded the EUT to supporting the EUT for
standing on tree orthogonal planes. At each condition, the EUT was rotated 360 degrees, and the antenna was raised
and lowered from one to four meters to find the maximum emission levels. Measurements were taken using both
horizontal and vertical antenna polarization.
SCHWARZBECK MESS-ELEKTRONIK Biconilog Antenna at 3 Meter and the SCHWARZBECK Double Ridged
Guide Antenna was used in frequencies 1 –26.5 GHz at a distance of 3 meter. The antenna at an angle toward the
source of the emission. All test results were extrapolated to equivalent signal at 3 meters utilizing an inverse linear
distance extrapolation Factor (20 dB/decade).
For testing above 1 GHz, the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 20 dB lower than average limit (that means
the emission level in peak mode also complies with the limit in average mode), then testing will be stopped and peak
values of EUT will be reported, otherwise, the emissions will be measured in average mode again and reported.
Appropriate preamplifiers were used for improving sensitivity and precautions were taken to avoid overloading or
desensitizing the spectrum analyzer. No post – detector video filters were used in the test.
The spectrum analyzer’s 6 dB bandwidth was set to 1 MHz, and the analyzer was operated in the peak detection
mode, for frequencies both below and up 1 GHz. The average levels were obtained by subtracting the duty cycle
correction factor from the peak readings.
The following procedures were used to convert the emission levels measured in decibels referenced to 1 microvolt
(dBuV) into field intensity in micro volts pre meter (uV/m).
The actual field intensity in decibels referenced to 1 microvolt in to field intensity in micro colts per meter (dBuV/m).

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                                                                                          Report Number: 1905FR26

The actual field is intensity in referenced to 1 microvolt per meter (dBuV/m) is determined by algebraically adding the
measured reading in dBuV, the antenna factor (dB), and cable loss (dB) and Subtracting the gain of preamplifier (dB)
is auto calculate in spectrum analyzer.

 (1) Amplitude (dBuV/m) = FI (dBuV) +AF (dBuV) +CL (dBuV)-Gain (dB)
      FI= Reading of the field intensity.
      AF= Antenna factor.
      CL= Cable loss.
      P.S Amplitude is auto calculate in spectrum analyzer.
 (2) Actual Amplitude (dBuV/m) = Amplitude (dBuV)-Dis(dB)
      The FCC specified emission limits were calculated according the EUT operating frequency and by following
      linear interpolation equations:
      (a) For fundamental frequency : Transmitter Output < +30 dBm
      (b) For spurious frequency : Spurious emission limits = fundamental emission limit /10

Data of measurement within this frequency range without mark in the table above means the reading of emissions are
attenuated more than 20 dB below the permissible limits or the field strength is too small to be measured.

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                                                                                             Report Number: 1905FR26

4.2. Maximum Conducted Output Power Measurement

        Limit
    For systems using digital modulation in the 2400-2483.5 MHz, the limit for peak output power is 30 dBm.

        Test Setup

                      EUT                    Power                         Power
                                             Sensor                        Meter

        Test Procedure
    The testing follows the Measurement Procedure of ANSI C63.10:2013 section Method AVGPM.
    The tests below are run with the EUT’s transmitter set at high power in TX mode. The EUT is needed to force
    selection of output power level and channel number. While testing, EUT was set to transmit continuously. Remove the
    Subjective device’s antenna and connect the RF output port to power sensor..

4.3. Antenna Measurement

        Limit
    For intentional device, according to 15.203, an intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other
    than that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device.
    And According to 15.247 (b), if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 dBi are used, the power shall
    be reduced by the amount in dB that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 dBi.

        Antenna Connector Construction
    See section 2 – antenna information.

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                                                                                                Report Number: 1905FR26

5   Test Results
Annex A. Conducted Test Results
    Maximum Conducted Output Power Measurement

      Test Mode         Mode 2

       Frequency                  Average Power                              Peak Power                     Limit
         (MHz)               (dBm)                (W)               (dBm)                 (W)              (dBm)

          2402               -1.62             0.00069               -1.48            0.00071               ≤ 30
          2440               -1.53             0.00070               -1.39            0.00073               ≤ 30
          2480               -1.33             0.00074               -1.17            0.00076               ≤ 30

      Test Mode         Mode 3

       Frequency                  Average Power                              Peak Power                     Limit
         (MHz)               (dBm)                (W)               (dBm)                 (W)              (dBm)

          2402               -1.57             0.00070               -1.45            0.00072               ≤ 30
          2440               -1.47             0.00071               -1.33            0.00074               ≤ 30
          2480               -1.26             0.00075               -1.16            0.00077               ≤ 30

    Note: The relevant measured result has the offset with cable loss already.

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'    ntl                                                                                                        Report Number: 1905FR26
    \’                                                                                                                                     Rev.01

    Annex B. Radiated Emission Measurement

        Below 1 GHz
         Standard                FCG Part 15. 27                                Test Distance                               3m

         Test tem                Harmonic                                       Power                                       DC 3.85 V

         Frequency               2480 MHz                                       Temp (C)/—lum.{%RH)                         26(C)160 %RH

         Mode                    Mode 2

         Ant.Polar               Horizontal

              900|   di//n
                                                                                                                    Lini1        —
                                                                                                                    Main:        —

              an       r———                            M
                   Lcz                                                  6

                  anooo—t2ron       apcon      soien       uon       sisud           bizon     roun     oonno                Toon.00 mne

         No          Frequency       Reading       Correct Factor            Resut             LWm              Margin           Remark
                      (WHiz)          (dBuv)           (dBm)            (dBuVim)             (dBuVim)            (aB)

          1          168.7100          40.01           —6.01                 34.00            43.50             —8.50                oP

          2          228.9100          43.78           +733                  3645             46.00             855                  oP

          3          281,2300          4173            +403                  37.10            46.00             880                  oP

          4          3821100           30.21           260                   36.61            46.00             —8.30                oP

          5          4560300           38.1            —0.88                 37.23            46.00             877                  oP

          6          518.8800          338             0.00                  338              46.00             «162                 oP

         Note:1. Result(dBuVim) = Correct Factor (dB/m) + Reading(dBu\)
                   Example: 34.00 =—6.01 +40.01
               2Correction factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable loss (48) — Pre—Amplifier gain (dB)
                3. When the peak resultsare less than average Iimit, so not need to evaluate the average

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'   ntl                                                                                                             Report Number: 1905FR26
    \’                                                                                                                                          Rev.01

     Standard                      FCG Par 15.247                                     Test Distance                             3m
     Test tem                      Harmonic                                           Power                                     nc sesy
     Frequency                     2480 MHz                                           Temp (C)/—lum (%RY                        28(C)ieo sR
     Mode:                         Mode 2
     Ant.Polar                     Vertical

             800      u/m
                                                                                                                        Lini1        —
                                                                                                                        Morgin:      —


                  30000   1270        2200           3210    £10.00       $15.00       61200     70800     806 00                 100000 Mtte

     No.              Frequency.           Reading      Correct Factor          Result           Limi               Margin            Rematk
                       hiz                  (aBuv)          (dBim             (dBuvim)         (dBuvim)              ta9)
         1            200.7200              seas            en                     mor           «3.s0              «14.58               or
         2            281.2300              3640            «.63                   sose          «5.00              asie                 or
         s            373.3e00              «039            276                    s7.e3         «5.00              a37                  or
      «               «53.8000              «104            «o1                    «0.78         «5.00              «27                  or
         s            see.se00              ss48            201                    3640          «5.00              1051                 or
       s         7eo.zeco         2077              sas                3525           «5.00          1075                                or
     Note:1. Result(dBuVim) = Correct Factor (dB/m) + Reading(dBu\)
               Example: 28 97=—7.01 + 36.88
           2Correction factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable loss (48) — Pre—Amplifier gain (dB)
            3. When the peak resultsare less than average Iimit, so not need to evaluate the average

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'   ntl                                                                                                           Report Number: 1905FR26
    \’                                                                                                                                   Rev.01

     Above 1 GHz
      Standard                    FCC Par 15.247                                      Test Distance                        3m
      Test tem                    Harmonic                                            Power                                nc sesv
      Frequency                   2480 MHz                                            Temp{C)/—um.(%RH)                    26(c)ied wR
      Mode:                       Mode 2
      Ant.Polar                   Horizontal

             $0.0 d@w/n


                 1oon.o00 snson      sronn          acso.on    rizon.on    tarsn.o0   resonon    romsn.on   2raoni00       zeson oo ie

       No            Frequency        Reading            Correct Factor           Resut           Limt            Margin        Rematk
                      (viiz)           (dBuv)                 (dBim)           (dBuvim)         (dBuvim            (a8)
         1           4960.000           as o7                  ses                so.8o          74.00            2320           peak
         2           4960.000           s104                   ses                sear           5.00             A7is           awe
         s           7ea0.000           2.70                  1247                ara7           74.00            «26.3          peak
         a           7ea0.000           242                   1247                35.89          5.00             ag n           awe
      Note:1. Result(dBuVim) = Correct Factor (dB/m) + Reading(dBu\)
                Example: $0.80 = 5.83 +44.907
             2Correction factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable loss (48) — Pre—Amplifier gain (dB)
             3. When the peak resultsare less than average Iimit, so not need to evaluate the average

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'   ntl                                                                                                           Report Number: 1905FR26
    \’                                                                                                                                    Rev.01

     Standard                         FCG Par 15.247                                  Test Distance                        3m
     Test tem                         Harmonic                                        Power                                nc sesy
     Frequency                        2480 MHz                                        Temp (C)/—lum (%RY                   28(C)ieo sR
     Mode:                            Mode 2
     Ant.Polar                        Vertical

             s00 u/n


                  1000 000. 3550.00      6100 00     siso 00   T¥z00 o0    13750.00    1620000    19d50.00   2140000       26500 00 itz

     No.               Frequency.          Reading        Correct Factor         Result            Limi           Margin        Rematk
                        hiz                 (aBuv)            (dBim            (dBuvim)          (dBuvim)          ta9)
         1             «960.000             «750               ses               sa.80            7400            «2061          peak
         2             «960.000             s240               ses               sas2             s4.00           «1568          awe
         s             7ean.000             w36                1247              «se3             7400            27(7           peak
       «         7ean.000         2280              1247               3537            s4.00          1863                       awe
     Note:1. Result(dBuVim) = Correct Factor (dB/m) + Reading(dBu\)
               Example: §3.39 = 5.83 +47.56
            2Correction factor (dB/m) = Antenna Factor (dB/m) + Cable loss (48) — Pre—Amplifier gain (dB)
            3. When the peak resultsare less than average Iimit, so not need to evaluate the average

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Document Created: 2019-06-28 16:12:37
Document Modified: 2019-06-28 16:12:37

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