test report


Test Report

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                                                                                                                            ONE WORLD        OUR APPROVAL

    Wireless Test Report – 368533-13TRFWL
     Ring LLC
     Product name:
     Base Station US
     FCC ID:                                        ISED Registration number:
     2AEUPBHABU002                                  20271-BHABU002

     Date of issue: April 4, 2019

     Test engineer(s):    Mark Libbrecht, EMC/Wireless Specialist                      Signature:

     Reviewed by:         David Duchesne, Senior EMC/Wireless Specialist               Signature:

www.nemko.com                       Nemko Canada Inc., a testing laboratory, is accredited by the Standards Council of Canada.    SCC Accredited
                                                   The tests included in this report are within the scope of this accreditation
                                                                                                                                                        ilac MRA
                                                                                                                                  Accrédité CCN    TM

Lab and Test location(s)

Company name                Nemko Canada Inc. (Cambridge)
Facility                    130 Saltsman Drive, Unit #1
                            Cambridge, ON
                            Canada, N3E 0B2
                            Tel: +1 519 680 4811

                            Test Firm Registration Number: 332406

Test site registration      Organization              Designation Number
                            FCC                       CA0101
                            ISED                      CA0101
Website                     www.nemko.com

Limits of responsibility

Note that the results contained in this report relate only to the items tested and were obtained in the period between the da te of initial receipt of samples
and the date of issue of the report.
This test report has been completed in accordance with the requirements of ISO/IEC 17025. All results contain in this report are within Nemko Canada’s
ISO/IEC 17025 accreditation.
Copyright notification

Nemko Canada Inc. authorizes the applicant to reproduce this report provided it is reproduced in its entirety and for use by the co mpany’s employees only.
Any use which a third party makes of this report, or any reliance on or decisions to be made based on it, are the responsibility of such third parties.
Nemko Canada Inc. accepts no responsibility for damages, if any, suffered by any third party as a result of decisions made or actions based on this report.
© Nemko Canada Inc.

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                       Page 2 of 21

Table of contents
Table of contents .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Section 1.        Report summary ................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.1      Test specifications ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.2      Test methods ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.3      Exclusions .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
  1.4      Statement of compliance ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
  1.5      Test report revision history .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
Section 2.        Summary of test results ....................................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.1      Testing period........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 5
  2.2      FCC test results ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
  2.3      RSS test results ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Section 3.        Equipment under test (EUT) details ..................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.1      Applicant and manufacturer ................................................................................................................................................................................................ 6
  3.2      Sample information .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 6
  3.3      EUT information .................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.4      Technical information ........................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
  3.5      Co-location test plan ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
  3.6      Product description and theory of operation ..................................................................................................................................................................... 7
  3.7      EUT exercise details .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 7
  3.8      EUT setup diagram ................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
  3.9      EUT sub assemblies ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Section 4.        Engineering considerations .................................................................................................................................................................. 9
  4.1      Modifications incorporated in the EUT for compliance ..................................................................................................................................................... 9
  4.2      Technical judgment ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 9
  4.3      Deviations from laboratory tests procedures ..................................................................................................................................................................... 9
Section 5.        Test conditions .................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
  5.1      Atmospheric conditions ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 10
  5.2      Power supply range ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Section 6.        Measurement uncertainty ................................................................................................................................................................. 11
  6.1      Uncertainty of measurement ............................................................................................................................................................................................. 11
Section 7.        Test equipment ................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
  7.1      Test equipment list ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Section 8.        Testing data ...................................................................................................................................................................................... 13
  8.1      Spurious emissions caused by co-located transmitters ................................................................................................................................................... 13
Section 9.        Block diagrams of test set-ups ........................................................................................................................................................... 21
  9.1      Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies below 1 GHz ................................................................................................................................................. 21
  9.2      Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies above 1 GHz ................................................................................................................................................. 21

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                                                                                                        Page 3 of 21

Section 1                  Report summary

Section 1. Report summary

1.1       Test specifications

FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C, Clause 15.247      Operation in the 902–928 MHz, 2400–2483.5 MHz, and 5725–585 MHz
FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart E, Clause 15.407      Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure Devises
FCC 47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C, Clause 15.249      Operation within the bands 902–928 MHz, 2400–2483.5 MHz, 5725–5875 MHz, and 24.0–24.25 GHz.
FCC 47 CFR Part 22, Subpart C, Clause 22.359      Emission limitations.
RSS-247, Issue 2, Feb 2017, Section 5             Standard specifications for frequency hopping systems and digital transmission systems operating in the
                                                  bands 902‑928 MHz, 2400-2483.5 MHz and 5725-5850 MHz
RSS-247, Issue 2, Feb 2017, Section 6             Technical requirements for licence-exempt local area network devices and digital transmission systems
                                                  operating in the 5 GHz band
RSS-210 Issue 9, August 2016, Annex B.10          Devices operating in 902–928, 2400–2483.5 and 5725–5875 MHz
RSS-139 Issue 3, July 2015, Section 6             Advanced Wireless Services (AWS) Equipment Operating in the Bands 1710-1780 MHz and 2110-2180 MHz

1.2       Test methods

789033 D02 General UNII Test Procedures           Guidelines for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed National Information Infrastructure (U-NII) Devices Part
New Rules v02r01 (December 14, 2017)              15, Subpart E
662911 D01 Multiple Transmitter Output            Emissions Testing of Transmitters with Multiple Outputs in the Same Band
v02r01 (October 31, 2013)
558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance v05r01               Guidance for Performing Compliance Measurements on Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) Operating
(February 11, 2019)                               Under §15.247
ANSI C63.10 v2013                                 American National Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices

1.3       Exclusions

The EUT was assessed for radiated emissions as a verification with multiple transmitters enabled at the same time to ensure compliance was maintained.
Unable to filter GSM1900 @ 1880 MHz. GSM1900 (1810 – 1910 MHz) omitted from radiated measurements

1.4       Statement of compliance

In the configuration tested, the EUT was found compliant.
Testing was completed against all relevant requirements of the test standard or as per detailed in the section 1.3 Exclusions above. Results obtained
indicate that the product under test complies in full with the requirements tested. The test results relate only to the items tested.

See “Summary of test results” for full details.

1.5       Test report revision history

                                                             Table 1.5-1: Test report revision history

      Revision #       Date of issue                     Details of changes made to test report
         TRF           April 4, 2019                     Original report issued

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                       Page 4 of 21

Section 2:                      Summary of test results

Section 2. Summary of test results

2.1      Testing period

Test start date                          February 13, 2019
Test end date                            April 4, 2019

2.2      FCC test results

                                                                         Table 2.2-1: Result summary

    Part              Section       Test description                                                                                    Verdict
  §15.247                 d         Unwanted emissions (Radiated)                                                                        Pass
  §15.249                 d         Spurious emissions (except harmonics)                                                                Pass
  §15.407              (b)(1)       Undesirable emission limits (Operating in the band 5.15-5.25 GHz)                                    Pass
  §22.359                (a)        Out of band emissions                                                                                Pass
Notes:                  The EUT was only assessed for the radiated emissions. No conducted measurements were performed.
                        Only emissions that were a product of multiple transmitters enabled were verified for continued compliance.

2.3      RSS test results

                                                                       Table 2.3-1: Result summary RSS

    Part                Section           Test description                                                                              Verdict
  RSS-247                 5.5             Unwanted emissions1                                                                            Pass
  RSS-210               B.10 (b)          Spurious emissions (except for harmonics)                                                      Pass
  RSS-247                Unwanted emission limits (Operating in the band 5.15-5.25 GHz)                                 Pass
  RSS-139                 6.6             Transmitter Unwanted Emissions                                                                 Pass
Notes:                  The EUT was only assessed for the radiated emissions. No conducted measurements were performed.
                        Only emissions that were a product of multiple transmitters enabled were verified for continued compliance.

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Section 3:                Equipment under test (EUT) details

Section 3. Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.1      Applicant and manufacturer

Company name                                    Ring LLC
Address                                         1523 26th Street, Santa Monica, CA, United States, 90404

3.2      Sample information

Receipt date                                  April 3, 2019
Nemko sample ID number                        Item # 4

3.3      EUT information

Product name                                  Ring
Model                                         Base Station US
Serial number                                 BHBU21851PG000028

3.4      Technical information

Applicant IC company number                   20271
IC UPN number                                 20271-BHABU002
All used IC test site(s) Reg. number          332406

                                                               Table 3.4-1: Antenna information

         GSM Antenna                              Antenna type                                             Band 2 Peak gain, dBi
              Main                                 Monopole                                                         3.6
       Tri band antenna                           Antenna type                                         900 MHz Band peak gain, dBi
              Halo                                 Inverted F                                                       3.1
      Dual band antenna                           Antenna type                          900 MHz Band peak gain, dBi      2.4 GHz Band peak gain, dBi
            Z-Wave                                 Inverted F                                      0.8                              NA
             Zigbee                                Inverted F                                      NA                               4.8
Notes:          None

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Section 3:               Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.5      Co-location test plan

                                                         Table 3.5-1: C0-Location configuration

Radio module device             Radio parameters
                                            Configuration 1: GSM + ZigBee + Z-Wave + SimpleLink (TI1310)
GSM                             Channel 661: 1880 MHz
Zigbee                          Low Channel 11: 2405 MHz
Z-Wave                          High Channel 916 MHz
SimpleLink (TI1310)             High Channel 927.8 MHz
Notes:        None

3.6      Product description and theory of operation

Communications Hub for Home Security Products

3.7      EUT exercise details

The EUT was setup in continuous transmit state.

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                        Page 7 of 21

Section 3:             Equipment under test (EUT) details

3.8     EUT setup diagram

                                                                                                                          Ring AC/DC Adapter
                                                                                            Tp-link AC/DC adapter
                                                                                                                          MN: DSA-13PFG-05
                                                                                              MN: T090060-2B1
                                                                                                                                          AC input
                           AC input                                                                           AC input

                                                                         TP-Link network switch
                                                                            MN: TL-SG1008D

                                      Dell AC/DC adapter
                                       MN: LA45NM140


                                      Dell Inspiron 15 Laptop
                                           SN: DW78NJ2

                                                                         Figure 3.8-1: Setup diagram

3.9     EUT sub assemblies

                                                                     Table 3.9-1: EUT sub assemblies

Description                                                 Brand name                            Model/Part number               Serial number
AC/DC Adapter                                               Ring                                  DSA-13PFG-05                    BHAB11851DV000116
Laptop                                                      Dell                                  Inspiron 15                     DW78NJ2
Network switch                                              TP-Link                               TL-SG1008D                      2171682000263

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                                  Page 8 of 21

Section 4:              Engineering consideration

Section 4. Engineering considerations

4.1     Modifications incorporated in the EUT for compliance

There were no modifications performed to the EUT during this assessment.

4.2     Technical judgment


4.3     Deviations from laboratory tests procedures

No deviations were made from laboratory procedures.

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Section 5:                Test conditions

Section 5. Test conditions

5.1     Atmospheric conditions

Temperature                          15–30 °C
Relative humidity                    20–75 %
Air pressure                         86–106 kPa

When it is impracticable to carry out tests under these conditions, a note to this effect stating the ambient temperature and relative humidity during the
tests shall be recorded and stated.

5.2     Power supply range

The normal test voltage for equipment to be connected to the mains shall be the nominal mains voltage. For the purpose of the present document, the
nominal voltage shall be the declared voltage, or any of the declared voltages ±5 %, for which the equipment was designed.

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                       Page 10 of 21

Section 6:               Measurement uncertainty

Section 6. Measurement uncertainty

6.1     Uncertainty of measurement

UKAS Lab 34 and TIA-603-B have been used as guidance for measurement uncertainty reasonable estimations with regards to previous experience and
validation of data. Nemko Canada, Inc. follows these test methods in order to satisfy ISO/IEC 17025 requirements for estimation of uncertainty of
measurement for wireless products.

Measurement uncertainty budgets for the tests are detailed below. Measurement uncertainty calculations assume a coverage factor of K = 2 with 95%

 Test name                                                                                        Measurement uncertainty, dB
 Radiated spurious emissions                                                                                3.78

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                 Page 11 of 21

Section 7:                  Test equipment

Section 7. Test equipment

7.1      Test equipment list

                                                                  Table 7.1-1: Equipment list

Equipment                                    Manufacturer         Model no.        Serial no.   Asset no.   Cal./Ver. cycle      Next cal./ver.
3 m EMI test chamber                         TDK                  SAC-3                         FA003012    1 year               Aug. 22/19
Flush mount turntable                        SUNAR                FM2022                        FA003006    —                    NCR
Controller                                   SUNAR                SC110V           050118-1     FA002976    —                    NCR
Antenna mast                                 SUNAR                TLT2             042418-5     FA003007    —                    NCR
Receiver/spectrum analyzer                   Rohde & Schwarz      ESR26            101367       FA002969    1 year               June 1/19
Spectrum analyzer                            Rohde & Schwarz      FSW43            104437       FA002971    1 year               June 1/19
Horn antenna (1–18 GHz)                      ETS-Lindgren         3117             00052793     FA002911    1 year               Aug. 16/19
Preamp (1–18 GHz)                            ETS-Lindgren         124334           00224880     FA002956    1 year               Sept 18/19
Bilog antenna (30–2000 MHz)                  SUNAR                JB1              A053018-2    FA003010    1 year               Sept. 6/19
50 Ω coax cable                              Huber + Suhner       None             457630       FA003047    1 year               Nov 12/19
50 Ω coax cable                              Huber + Suhner       None             457624       FA003044    1 year               Nov 12/19
Filter 2.4 – 2.4835 GHz                      Microwave Circuits   N0324413         499781       FA003027    1 year               Oct. 1/19
High Pass Filter 3 – 18 GHz                  Microwave Circuits   H3G020G8         499786       FA003026    1 year               Oct. 1/19
Filter 902 – 928 MHz                         Microwave Circuits   N03916M1         499787       FA003032    1 year               Oct. 1/19
Horn antenna (18-25 GHz)                     ETS-Lindgren         3116B            00122305     FA002948    1 year               Apr. 18/19
Notes:       NCR - no calibration required, VOU - verify on use

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Section 8:                       Testing Data

Section 8. Testing data

8.1            Spurious emissions caused by co-located transmitters

 8.1.1            Definitions and limits

FCC §15.247 (d):
         In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated intentional radiator is operating, the radio frequency power
         that is produced by the intentional radiator shall be at least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired
         power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated measurement, provided the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the
         transmitter complies with the conducted power limits based on the use of RMS averaging over a time interval, as permitted under paragraph (b)(3) of this section, the
         attenuation required under this paragraph shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB. Attenuation below the general limi ts specified in §15.209(a) is not required. In addition,
         radiated emissions which fall in the restricted bands, as defined in §15.205(a), must also comply with the radiated emission limits specified in §15.209(a) (see §15.205(c)).

FCC §15.249 (d):
      Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonics, shall be attenuated by at least 50 dB below the level of the fundamental or to the
      general radiated emission limits in §15.209, whichever is the lesser attenuation.

FCC §15.407 (b):
   (1)         For transmitters operating in the 5.15–5.25 GHz band: all emissions outside of the 5.15–5.35 GHz band shall not exceed an EIRP of −27 dBm/MHz.
   (5)         The emission measurements shall be performed using a minimum resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz. A lower resolution bandwidth may be employed near the band
               edge, when necessary, provided the measured energy is integrated to show the total power over 1 MHz.
   (6)         Unwanted emissions below 1 GHz must comply with the general field strength limits set forth in § 15.209.
   (7)         The provisions of § 15.205 apply to intentional radiators operating under this section.
   (8)         When measuring the emission limits, the nominal carrier frequency shall be adjusted as close to the upper and lower frequency block edges as the design of the
               equipment permits.

FCC §22.359 (a)
         Out of band emissions. The power of any emission outside of the authorized operating frequency ranges must be attenuated below the transmitting power (P) by a factor
         of at least 43 + 10 log (P) dB.

RSS-210 Section B.10 (b):
      Emissions radiated outside of the specified frequency bands, except for harmonic emissions, shall be attenuated by at least 5 0 dB below the level of the fundamental
      emissions or to the general field strength limits listed in RSS-Gen, whichever is less stringent.

RSS-247 Section 5.5:
      In any 100 kHz bandwidth outside the frequency band in which the spread spectrum or digitally modulated device is operating, the RF power that is produced shall be at
      least 20 dB below that in the 100 kHz bandwidth within the band that contains the highest level of the desired power, based on either an RF conducted or a radiated
      measurement, provided that the transmitter demonstrates compliance with the peak conducted power limits. If the transmitter c omplies with the conducted power limits
      based on the use of root-mean-square averaging over a time interval, as permitted under section 5.4(d), the attenuation required shall be 30 dB instead of 20 dB.
      Attenuation below the general field strength limits specified in RSS-Gen is not required.

RSS-247 Section
      For transmitters operating in the band 5150–5250 MHz, all emissions outside the band 5150–5350 MHz shall not exceed −27 dBm/MHz e.i.r.p. However, any unwanted
      emissions that fall into the band 5250–5350 MHz must be 26 dBc, when measured using a resolution bandwidth between 1 and 5% of the occupied bandwidth, above 5.25
      GHz. Otherwise, the transmission is considered as intentional and the devices shall implement dynamic frequency selection (DFS) and transmitter power control (TPC) as
      per the requirements for the band 5250–5350 MHz.

RSS-139 Section 6.6:
         i.     In the first 1.0 MHz bands immediately outside and adjacent to the equipment’s smallest operating frequency block,Footnote 2 which can contain the equipment’s
                occupied bandwidth, the emission power per any 1% of the emission bandwidth shall be attenuated below the transmitter output power P (in dBW) by at least 43 +
                10 log10 p (watts) dB.
         ii.    After the first 1.0 MHz outside the equipment’s smallest operating frequency block, which can contain the equipment’s occupied bandwidth, the emission power in
                any 1 MHz bandwidth shall be attenuated below the transmitter output power P (in dBW) by at least 43 + 10 log10 p (watts) dB.

IC RSS-Gen Section 8.10:
      Restricted bands, identified in table 6 of RSS-Gen Section 8.10, are designated primarily for safety-of-life services (distress calling and certain aeronautical bands), certain
      satellite downlinks, radio astronomy and some government uses. Except where otherwise indicated, the following restrictions apply:

                  a.    fundamental components of modulation of licence-exempt radio apparatus shall not fall within the restricted bands of below;
                  b.    unwanted emissions falling into restricted bands of below shall comply with the limits specified in RSS-Gen;
                  c.    unwanted emissions not falling within restricted frequency bands shall either comply with the limits specified in the applicable RSS, or with those specified in

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                                                Page 13 of 21

Section 8:                 Testing Data

 8.1.2       Definitions and limits, continued

                                                  Table 8.1-1: FCC §15.209 and RSS-Gen – Radiated emission limits

              Frequency,                                     Field strength of emissions                                       Measurement distance, m
                 MHz                                      µV/m                       dBµV/m
                0.009–0.490                                   2400/F                   67.6 – 20 × log10(F)                                300
                0.490–1.705                                  24000/F                   87.6 – 20 × log10(F)                                 30
                 1.705–30.0                                     30                            29.5                                          30
                    30–88                                      100                            40.0                                          3
                   88–216                                      150                            43.5                                          3
                  216–960                                      200                            46.0                                          3
                 above 960                                     500                            54.0                                          3
Notes:       In the emission table above, the tighter limit applies at the band edges.
             For frequencies above 1 GHz the limit on peak RF emissions is 20 dB above the maximum permitted average emission limit applicable to the equipment under test

                                                              Table 8.1-2: ISED restricted frequency bands

                MHz                                       MHz                                          MHz                                          GHz
            0.090–0.110                            12.57675–12.57725                                399.9–410                                    7.25–7.75
            0.495–0.505                               13.36–13.41                                    608–614                                     8.025–8.5
           2.1735–2.1905                              16.42–16.423                                   960–1427                                     9.0–9.2
            3.020–3.026                            16.69475–16.69525                               1435–1626.5                                    9.3–9.5
            4.125–4.128                            16.80425–16.80475                              1645.5–1646.5                                  10.6–12.7
          4.17725–4.17775                              25.5–25.67                                   1660–1710                                   13.25–13.4
          4.20725–4.20775                              37.5–38.25                                 1718.8–1722.2                                 14.47–14.5
            5.677–5.683                                  73–74.6                                    2200–2300                                   15.35–16.2
            6.215–6.218                                74.8–75.2                                    2310–2390                                    17.7–21.4
          6.26775–6.26825                               108–138                                    2483.5–2500                                  22.01–23.12
          6.31175–6.31225                             149.9–150.05                                  2655–2900                                    23.6–24.0
            8.291–8.294                           156.52475–156.52525                               3260–3267                                    31.2–31.8
            8.362–8.366                               156.7–156.9                                   3332–3339                                   36.43–36.5
          8.37625–8.38675                           162.0125–167.17                                3345.8–3358
          8.41425–8.41475                             167.72–173.2                                  3500–4400
                                                                                                                                                Above 38.6
            12.29–12.293                                240–285                                     4500–5150
         12.51975–12.52025                             322–335.4                                    5350–5460
Notes:       Certain frequency bands listed in and above 38.6 GHz are designated for licence-exempt applications. These frequency bands and the requirements that apply to
             related devices are set out in the 200 and 300 series of RSSs.

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                                     Page 14 of 21

Section 8:                   Testing Data

 8.1.1          Definitions and limits, continued

                                                             Table 8.1-3: FCC restricted frequency bands

                   MHz                                     MHz                                      MHz                                      GHz
                0.090–0.110                            16.42–16.423                              399.9–410                                 4.5–5.15
                0.495–0.505                         16.69475–16.69525                             608–614                                 5.35–5.46
              2.1735–2.1905                         16.80425–16.80475                            960–1240                                 7.25–7.75
                4.125–4.128                             25.5–25.67                               1300–1427                                8.025–8.5
             4.17725–4.17775                            37.5–38.25                              1435–1626.5                                9.0–9.2
             4.20725–4.20775                              73–74.6                              1645.5–1646.5                               9.3–9.5
                6.215–6.218                              74.8–75.2                               1660–1710                                10.6–12.7
             6.26775–6.26825                            108–121.94                             1718.8–1722.2                             13.25–13.4
             6.31175–6.31225                             123–138                                 2200–2300                               14.47–14.5
                8.291–8.294                            149.9–150.05                              2310–2390                               15.35–16.2
                8.362–8.366                        156.52475–156.52525                          2483.5–2500                               17.7–21.4
             8.37625–8.38675                           156.7–156.9                               2690–2900                               22.01–23.12
             8.41425–8.41475                         162.0125–167.17                             3260–3267                                23.6–24.0
               12.29–12.293                            167.72–173.2                              3332–3339                                31.2–31.8
            12.51975–12.52025                            240–285                                3345.8–3358                              36.43–36.5
            12.57675–12.57725                           322–335.4                                3600–4400                               Above 38.6
Notes:          None

 8.1.2          Test summary

Verdict                                  Pass
Test date                                April 4, 2019                                          Temperature                            22 °C
Test engineer                            Mark Libbrecht                                         Air pressure                           985 mbar
Test location                            Cambridge                                              Relative humidity                      29 %

 8.1.3          Observations, settings and special notes

        The spectrum was searched from 30 MHz to 25 GHz.
        The spectral plots have been corrected with the associated transducer factors (i.e. antenna factors, cable loss, amplifier gains, and attenuators).
        Radiated measurements were performed at a distance of 3 m from 30 MHz – 1GHz, and 3 GHz – 18 GHz
        Unable to filter GSM1900 @ 1880 MHz. GSM1900 (1810 – 1910 MHz) omitted from radiated measurements
        Measurements 1 GHz – 3 GHz measured at 30 cm.
        Measurements 18 – 25 GHz measured at 3 cm.

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                            Page 15 of 21

Section 8:              Testing Data

 8.1.3       Observations, settings and special notes

Spectrum analyzer settings for radiated measurements below 1 GHz:
Detector mode                   Peak or Quasi-Peak
Resolution bandwidth            100 kHz or 120 kHz
Video bandwidth                 300 kHz
Trace mode                      Max Hold

Spectrum analyser settings for radiated measurements above 1 GHz:
Resolution bandwidth:           1 MHz
Video bandwidth:                3 MHz
Detector mode:                  Peak
Trace mode:                     Max Hold

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                 Page 16 of 21

Section 8:                              Testing Data

 8.1.4                      Test data

                            85                                                                                                                               -13 dBm


          Level in dBµV/m


                                                                                        FCC 15.209 and RSS-Gen Restricted bands average limits



                             30M              50       60          80   100M                        200                    300            400    500   800        1G

                                                                                      Frequency in Hz

    368533 30 MHz - 1 GHz US colocation, filter 902-928 MHz
          Preview Result 1-PK+
          -13 dBm
          FCC 15.209 and RSS-Gen Restricted bands average limits

                                            Figure 8.1-1: Radiated spurious emissions products from co-located transmitters, 30 MHz – 1 GHz

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Section 8:                                     Testing Data

 8.1.4        Test data, continued

                                     85                                                                                                                                           -13 dBm

                                     55                                                                           FCC 15.209 and RSS-Gen Restricted bands average limits

                  Level in dBµV/m




                                      1000                  1100           1200      1300           1400              1500                  1600                  1700                1810

                                                                                              Frequency in MHz

                                    NEX368533 1 - 1.81 GHz US colocation
                  FCC 15.209 and RSS-Gen Restricted bands average limits
                  -13 dBm

                                                   Figure 8.1-2: Radiated spurious emissions products from co-located transmitters within 1–1.810 GHz


                                                                                                                                                                                  -13 dBm



                  Level in dBµV/m


                                     60                                                                                                            2.796170000 GHz
                                                                                                                                                     54.209 dBµV/m






                                      1910          2000            2100     2200   2300     2400          2500         2600             2700            2800              2900       3000

                                                                                              Frequency in MHz

                                    NEX368533 1.91 - 3 GHz US colocation
                  -13 dBm
                  FCC 15.209 and RSS-Gen Restricted bands average limits

Note:        Emissions above the limit were from intentional emissions or their harmonic, no intermodulation emissions were detected

                                                   Figure 8.1-3: Radiated spurious emissions products from co-located transmitters within 1.810–3 GHz

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                                                                    Page 18 of 21

Section 8:                                      Testing Data

 8.1.4                         Test data, continued

                                                                                                                                      FCC Part 15 and ICES-003 Limit - Class B (Peak) above 1 GHz, 3 m

                                                                                                                                              FCC 15.209 and RSS-Gen Restricted bands average limits
             Level in dBµV/m






                                3G                                         5G               6           7           8         9      10G                                                             18G

                                                                                                     Frequency in Hz

         NEX368533 3-18 GHz US Colocation, 3-18 GHz High pass filter
             Preview Result 1-PK+
             FCC Part 15 and ICES-003 Limit - Class B (Peak) above 1 GHz, 3 m
             FCC 15.209 and RSS-Gen Restricted bands average limits
             Final_Result PK+
             Final_Result CAV

                                                      Figure 8.1-4: Radiated spurious emissions products from co-located transmitters within 3–18 GHz

                                                                       Table 8.1-4: Radiated disturbance (Peak) results for (Colocation)
                                           Peak field
 Frequency                                                     3 m Peak limit      Margin        Measurement            Bandwidth     Antenna               Pol.          Turn table                Correction
                                         strength1 and 3
   (MHz)                                                         (dBV/m)           (dB)          time (ms)               (kHz)      height (cm)           (V/H)          position (°)             factor2 (dB)
 7514.500                                   42.70                  74.0            31.30              100                 1000          310.0                H                 45                        -2.2
 7745.300                                   42.29                  74.0            31.71              100                 1000          260.0                V                 121                       -2.1
 9399.700                                   43.53                  74.0            30.47              100                 1000          310.0                H                 18                        0.1
 11499.700                                  51.44                  74.0            22.56              100                 1000          254.0                V                  8                        1.2
 16088.500                                  53.93                  74.0            20.07              100                 1000          300.0                H                 29                        7.3
 17967.700                                  66.48                  74.0            7.52               100                 1000          305.0                H                 10                        14.4
Notes:                         1 Fieldstrength (dBV/m) = receiver/spectrum analyzer value (dBV) + correction factor (dB)
                               2 Correction factor = antenna factor ACF (dB) + cable loss (dB) − amplifier gain (dB)
                               3 Emissions that were continuously present for a minimum of 1 second and occurred more than once for every 15 seconds observati on period were considered valid

                                 emissions. The maximum value of valid emissions have been recorded.

                               Sample calculation: 42.7 dBV/m (field strength) = 44.9 dBV (receiver reading) -2.2 dB (Correction factor)

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                                                                      Page 19 of 21

Section 8:                                       Testing Data

 8.1.4                     Test data, continued


                           75                                                                                                 FCC Part 15 and ICES-003 Limit - Class B (Peak) above 1 GHz, 3 m




                           55                                                                                            FCC Part 15 and ICES-003 Limit - Class B (Quasi-Peak and Average), 3 m

         Level in dBµV/m










                             18           18.5         19         19.5    20      20.5      21         21.5         22      22.5          23          23.5           24          24.5             25

                                                                                                 Frequency in GHz

                                  NEX368533 18 - 25 GHz US colocation
         FCC Part 15 and ICES-003 Limit - Class B (Peak) above 1 GHz, 3 m
         FCC Part 15 and ICES-003 Limit - Class B (Quasi-Peak and Average), 3 m

                                                    Figure 8.1-5: Radiated spurious emissions products from co-located transmitters within 18 - 25 GHz

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                                                                Page 20 of 21

Section 9:             Block diagrams of test set-ups

Section 9. Block diagrams of test set-ups

9.1      Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies below 1 GHz

                                                        Radio absorbing material




                                             EUT                         antenna

                                             table                                                                       1m
                                   0.8 m

                                                                       Metal ground
                                           Turn table


9.2      Radiated emissions set-up for frequencies above 1 GHz

                                                        Radio absorbing material




                                   1.5 m

                                                                                                                              Metal ground plane

                                           Turn table


                                                                                                         RF pre-amp

Report reference ID: 368533-13TRFWL                                                                                                                Page 21 of 21

Document Created: 2019-04-10 21:32:14
Document Modified: 2019-04-10 21:32:14

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