User manual


Users Manual

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                                                        L            0

Cleer Wifi Speaker   Cleer Inc.                     C       GC   r

              Cleer WiFi Speaker User Guide
                          powered by Amazon Alexa

                                  2018 Sept 21"
                                   Revision 1.0

                                                          L                   0

Cleer Wifi Speaker     Cleer Inc.                     C       GC          r

              *         ®                                 &    *

           1.0       2018 /9/ 21    Editio princeps       Lianping Yang

                                                                                                                           L                             ©

Cleer Wifi Speaker                        Cleer Inc.                                                               C            C         C        r

                                                        Table of Content

SUMIM@PY ... . ...02000000000000009999eeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrerrrrrereeeennnnnnnnnne 4

LED BERAVION ..........000000000000000000000000006006666 6666666666666 6 6666666666666 6 6666666666666 6 66666 e e e e es snn snn n snn n snn nnnnnn 4

POWEF ON OBETATION............00000000000000000006666666 6666666666666 6 6666666666666 6 666666666666 eeeeee es sn snn n snn n snn n snn nnn 6

WI~FI SEEUP .........222eeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr nb nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn ns 6

OTA OBEFAtION..............222e0006666666eeeeeeeeeeeeeerrerrrererrrerrerrrerrrrrrerrrrerrrrrrereeireeaaaaisaaaaaaaaaaaaaanane 16

AUGIO MOG@ OP@F@tION ..............cccccsssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssnssennnnannannnnnnnnnns 19

                                                                                      L               ©

Cleer Wifi Speaker         Cleer Inc.                                         C           C   C   r

     Cleer WiFi has three connection modes, Wi—Fi mode, Bluetooth mode and line—in.

LED Behavior

      There are two groups of LEDs, Bluetooth LED at the bottom and mic interaction LEDs

on top.
Bluetooth LED
      Bluetooth LED is for the indication of three connection status, Bluetooth connected

with white LED solid on, Bluetooth disconnected with LED off and Bluetooth connecting with

white LED flash.
MIC Interaction LEDs
      Twelve LEDs on top are for the indication of various interactions of cleer Wi—Fi speaker

so that users can intuitively control or use the device. And various lighting indications are

introduced as below and many are referred to Amazon Alexa, as the link,


      1. Power on:

      Two LEDs in cyan rotate clockwise in the background of the remaining 10 blue LEDs,

with a period of 1.2 seconds, see image as below. After it is powered on, LED is off and

device is to enter interaction.


                                        Pic 1. Power on lighting

      2. RECOVERY Mode

      Three groups of LEDs, each group placed as         "—|~", rotate and breathe.

                                                                             L                  ©

Cleer Wifi Speaker       Cleer Inc.                                   C          C   C      r


                                      Pic 2. Recovery lighting

    3. IDLE mode: Refer to Amazon

    4. LISTEN trigger mode: Refer to Amazon

    5. THINKING mode: Refer to Amazon

    6. SPEAKING mode: Refer to Amazon

    7. FADE mode: Refer to Amazon

    8. SYSERR mode: 12 LEDs in yellow solid on

    9. WIFIOFF mode: 12 LEDs in yellow solid on

    10. MICOFF mode: Refer to Amazon

    11. ALARM mode:      Refer to Amazon

    12. VOLUME adjustment:

    Number and brightness of LEDs in white get increased per volume up from 0 to 12,

decreased per volume down from 12 to 0 and the first LED flashes in white for three times

when min volume.

    13. OTA upgrading:

    Twelve LEDs light up in green and then go to lighting mode of RECOVERY mode.

    14. NETSET setup mode:

    Three LEDs in yellow rotate clockwise with the period of 0.75 seconds.

    15. NO_DISTURB mode:

                                                                                     L                ©

Cleer Wifi Speaker            Cleer Inc.                                        C        C     Gr

       Twelve LEDs in purple breathe once.

         15. NOTIFICATION mode:            refer to Amazon

         16. TIMER mode: refer to Amazon

         17. REMINDER mode: refer to Amazon

   e     ‘Power on elaboration
       After power—on, the LEDs on the top in cyan go out, refer to pic 1. When the system is

initialized, the LED will go out and the device will start to enter the interaction mode. At this

moment, if the device has already set up the WIFI network, the user can perform the

"Alexa" wake—up operation; if the device has not been equipped with the WIFI network,

after the booting is completed, the system enters the WIFIOFF mode, and the top MIC LEDs

will be solid on in yellow, reminding the user to set up the WIFI network.

   e     WIFI setup elaboration

       Long tap the mode button ”" on touch panel to enter Wi—Fi setup mode, and there

will be three LEDs light up in yellow and rotate clockwise. Then open the app for other

operations,      as below:

       1. click the icon of Cleer Connect Plus


       2. If it is the first time to use the app, it will enter the setup guide interface directly.

                                                                                   L               ©

Cleer Wifi Speaker        Cleer Inc.                                           C       C   C   r

     2—1. Firstly, it prompts to long tap the MODE button for about 5s to enter setup mode,

    then click Start to next interface.
                               «l hidch #         2:50 PM         @ 194 m

                                  Setup new speaker

                                  1. Bluetooth in mobile setting is on.

                                  2. Press MODE button at the top of
                                  thespeaker for 5 sec. When you hear
                                  the voice indication, tap ‘Start.

     2—2. Enter the correct Wi—Fi password and then click next to start Wi—Fi setup
                                                 546K7s B M.@ Si 49% @ 14242
                                 Setup network

                                 Enter password for the selected Wi—Fi

                                 # k2TsG

                                 Enter password                           1#

                                            Select other network

                                                                                       L         6

Cleer Wifi Speaker         Cleer Inc.                                              C       GGr

     2—3. If user wants to change the Wi—Fi, click "Select other network", then "AGREE" to

change the Wi—Fi selection.

                                        Switch WiFi
                                        Switch to other WiFi?

                                                    DISAGREE     AGREE

     2—4. "Next", for device to get setup, and wait for the setup result
                                                    1.04¢)s $ M 0 Sn 49% @ 14:43

                                                    Setting up

Cleer Wifi Speaker         Cleer Inc.                                            C LC      C   r

     2—5. If there are several devices found for setup, there will be a selection page for user

to choose.
                                              0.03K/s # M 18 = .l 100% M 16:09

                                  Choose speaker

                                  More than one speakerare in setup
                                  mode, choose one


                                                Cleer SPACE_BF

                                                Cleer SPACE_xJ


                                                Cleer SPACE_PQ

     2—6. Once you choose the device in the list, this device will response with a voice

prompt. If it is right one the user wants to set up, click "NEXT" for next step.
                                               0.03Ks & N. i8 = .l 100% M 1600

                                   Choose speaker

                                   More than one speaker are in setup
                                   mode, choose one

                                                Cleer SPACE_BF

                                                Cleer SPACE_xJ

                                                Cleer SPACE_PQ

Cleer Wifi Speaker        Cleer Inc.                                           C LG C           r

    2—7. If the device is set up successfully, it will go to the interface where user can select a

name for the device among the list or create a name, then click "Done".
                                              0.19K7s & M i8 . 49% @ 14:44
                                 Name the speaker

                                 Give a nameto personalize your spea

                                             Cleer Space

                                             Living Room



                                            Dining Room

                                            Theater Room


    3. With setup done successfully, it will go back to the home page and the setup device

will be shown here.
                                                               t 49% @ 14244

                                       «m        Cleer Space



Cleer Wifi Speaker          Cleer Inc.                                         C LG C      r

     4. For the device online, user can drag the volume button on the interface to adjust the

volume or user can click the item to enter the detail page, where user can delete the online

                                                 0.20K)s & N 1@

                                                   Home                   +

                                         «us        Cleer Space
                                         l          online        .


     5. Enter detail page
                                                 90.51¢s $ N t Ti 72% 0 1633

                                  €              Cleer Space

                                  ‘      ’     Amazl’ login

                                  Sound re

                                  Mute mic                          o

                                  Follow me mode                    o

                                  Rename fi



                                  Remove speo


Cleer Wifi Speaker        Cleer Inc.                                               cleor
    5—1. click item 1, user can enter Alexa set up page
                                                 0.15K7s 4 N0 Sit 76%      16:56

                              §                   Amazon

                                        amazon alexa
                              Your device includes access to Alexa.
                                Connect your Amazon account to
                                   access personalized features.

                                   Alexa allows you to use your voice
                               to play music and get news, sports scores,
                                   weather and more — all hands—free.
                                       All you have to do is ask Alexa.

    5—2. Item 2, user can select the sound mode.

                               ¥   Mono




Cleer Wifi Speaker       Cleer Inc.                                            cleceor
    5—3. Item 3, to trigger or mute mic
                                              0.36Ks & N. 1@ =Sn 77%   17:00

                              €              Cleer Space

                              O           Amazon Alexa login

                              Sound mode

                              Mute mic

                              Follow me mode

                              Rename speaker



                              Remove speaker

    5—4. Item 4, open or close follow me mode
                                             18.11¢7s 3 N. S it 77% 8 17:00

                             €               Cleer Space

                              ‘       ’   Amazon Alexa login

                              Sound mode

                              Mute mic

                              Follow me mode

                              Rename speaker



                              Remove speaker


                                                                                L            0

Cleer Wifi Speaker       Cleer Inc.                                         C       GC   r

    5—5. Item 5, rename the device.
                                         90.50K)s $ N. 10 Tin 72% § 16:33

                                       Rename speaker                 X

                                         Cleer Space

    5—6. Item 6, check the network details
                                              OKs 4 N0 3i1 76% 16:52
                                             Network                  X

                                          Currently used


                                         network strength


                             Weak               /                Strong


                                                                                 L                 6

Cleer Wifi Speaker        Cleer Inc.                                         C       GGr

    5—7. Item 7, agree or disagree to delete the device.

                                       Remove speaker
                                       Remove speaker Cleer Space?

                                                   DISAGREE         AGREE

    6. when the device is offline, it will pop up the offline dialog box, click "Continue" to go

back to the home page.

                                        Speaker network lost
                                        Please check your speaker connecti
                                        on and try again



                                                                                           L               ©

Cleer Wifi Speaker         Cleer Inc.                                                  C       C   C   r

OTA upgrading elaboration
     In the detail page of the app, user can check the firmware version, and if it is the latest

version, it will be shown at the Firmware column;

                                                     0.43K/s & N. = i 79%B 17:08

                                 €                  Cleer Space

                                 O             Amazon Alexa login

                                 Sound mode

                                 Mute mic

                                 Follow me mode

                                 Rename speaker



                                 Remove speaker

     If there is an new version, there will be a prompt in red to show the firmware info.
                                                     0.05K/s # N i8 = Sn 78% i 17:17

                                 €                  Cleer Space

                                 <      '      Amazon Alexa login

                                 Sound mode

                                 Mute mic

                                 Follow me mode

                                 Rename speaker


                                 Version. 201808172417 is available to update

                                 Remove speaker


                                                                                     L               6

Cleer Wifi Speaker       Cleer Inc.                                              C       C   C   r

    When there is an up—to—date firmware version, click the Firmware column and then

"AGREE" to upgrade the device.
                                                  WnBc 3 3 Aet BEA

                                      New firmware

                                      Firmware Version.201808172417 is
                                      available for update

                                                  DISAGREE      .

    After upgrading complete, it will go to the home page with the prompt of the

                                                   5.20¢]s % M i0n 77% & 1717
                                                     Home                    +

                                                      Cleer Space

                                                      Speaker will restart
                                                      when firmware up
                                                      date finish


Cleer Wifi Speaker       Cleer Inc.                                        C LG C   r

    After OTA complete, it will have the info as below.
                                           2.34K0s $ X @ A9i 77% M 17:17
                                            Home                     sF

                                      um      Cleer Space

                                              Firmware update s

Audio mode operation elaboration
    Touch panel

    There are five function buttons on the Touch panel.


                                                                                 L                    ®

Cleer Wifi Speaker          Cleer Inc.                                      C        C      C    (

     Volume button: "” & Sad» for volume adjustment, long tap or short tap, with LED


     Mute button: ”", for muting and initiating mic array; when muted, the mute button

will be indicated in red lighting and the LED array will also be in red; when initiated, the LEDs

are off.

     Mode switch button: "”, short tap for audio modes switch; long tap for NETSET

setup mode, with LED indication.

     Play/pause button: ”M" for music play or pause.

     WiFi speaker audio mode switch

     After power on, the default connection mode of Cleer Wi—Fi Speaker is Wi—Fi mode, and

there are three audio modes, that is:

     360 mode: with voice prompt "three sixty mode"

     Movie mode: with voice prompt "stereo mode"

     Stereo mode: with voice prompt "movie mode"

     User can short tap on the mode switch button to change the modes.

     BT connection

     Short press the physical button at the bottom of the device to enter Bluetooth pairing

mode, and Bluetooth LED will flash together with voice prompt "looking for device", and

after paired successfully, the device will enter BT AD2P if user stream music with mobile


     Line—in connection for streaming

     Plug in the line—in cable, the device will switch to line—in mode automatically, with voice

prompt "auxiliary mode".

     Please note that line—in is the least prioritized mode, so it will be closed if more

prioritized connection is initiated, like Bluetooth, Wi—Fi or Alexa, etc. But it will be resumed if

no more prioritized audio playback options.

     NOTE:     see Alexa functions in webpage,


Cleer SPACE      Cleer Inc.

FCC Statement
This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are designed to
provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential
installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio frequency energy
and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause
harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is no guarantee
that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does
cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which can be
determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to
correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:
-- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
-- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for
compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and (2)
this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

During operation, the separation distance between user and the antenna shall be at
least 20cm, this separation distance will ensure that there is sufficient distance from a
properly installed externally-mounted antenna to satisfy the RF exposure

Document Created: 2019-05-10 10:50:04
Document Modified: 2019-05-10 10:50:04

© 2025
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC