Test Report


Test Report

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                     Class 2 Permissive Change Test Report


Part 2, Subpart J, Paragraph 2.907 Equipment Authorization of Certification for an
 Intentional Radiator per Part 15, Subpart C, paragraphs 15.207, 15.209 and Part
                         15, Subpart F, paragraph 15.509


            Innovation, Science, and Economic Development Canada
                                Certification Per
     Industry Canada, RSS-GEN Issue 5, April 2018 General Requirements for
                         Compliance of Radio Apparatus
    Industry Canada RSS-220 Issue 1+ Amd 1, July 2018 Devices Using Ultra-
                          Wideband (UWB) Technology

                                       For the

                                  Headsight, Inc.

                                  Model: HT5200

                            FCC ID: 2AEP2-THAWK1
                              IC: 20168-THAWK1

                             UST Project: 19-0056
                         Report Issue Date: April 5, 2019

                             Total Pages in This Report: 30

                    3505 Francis Circle Alpharetta, GA 30004
                      PH: 770-740-0717 Fax: 770-740-1508

                                     Page 1 of 30

I certify that I am authorized to sign for the Test Agency and that all of the statements in
this report and in the Exhibits attached hereto are true and correct to the best of my
knowledge and belief:

US TECH (Agent Responsible For Test):

By: Alan Ghasiani


Title: Compliance Engineer – President

Date: April 5, 2019

                 This report shall not be reproduced except in full. This report may be
               copied in part only with the prior written approval of US Tech. The results
                contained in this report are subject to the adequacy and representative
               character of the sample provided. This report must not be used to claim
                product certification, approval, or endorsement by NVLAP, NIST or any
                                   agency of the Federal Government.

                        3505 Francis Circle Alpharetta, GA 30004
                          PH: 770-740-0717 Fax: 770-740-1508

                                             Page 2 of 30

US Tech Test Report:                         FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                     2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                          20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                  19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                     April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                      Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                               HT5200


COMPANY NAME:           Headsight, Inc.

MODEL:                  HT5200

FCC ID:                 2AEP2-THAWK1

IC:                     20168-THAWK1

DATE:                   April 5, 2019

 This report concerns (check one): Original grant
                                   Class 2 change X

 Equipment type: UWB Transmitter, GPR device

 Deferred grant requested per 47 CFR 0.457(d)(1)(ii)?          yes_____ No X

 If yes, defer until: ______N/A___________
 agrees to notify the Commission by N/A
 of the intended date of announcement of the product so that the grant can be
 issued on that date.

 Report prepared by:

               US Tech
               3505 Francis Circle
               Alpharetta, GA 30004

               Phone Number: (770) 740-0717
               Fax Number:   (770) 740-1508

                                        Page 3 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                                           FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                                       2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                                            20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                                    19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                                       April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                                        Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                                 HT5200

                                                 Table of Contents

Paragraph Title                                                                                                      Page
1      General Information .......................................................................................... 6
    1.1      Purpose of this Report .................................................................................. 6
    1.2      Characterization of Test Sample................................................................... 6
    1.3      Product Description ...................................................................................... 6
    1.4      Configuration of Tested System.................................................................... 7
    1.5      Test Facility................................................................................................... 7
    1.6      Related Submittals ........................................................................................ 7
2      Tests and Measurements ................................................................................. 9
    2.1 Test Equipment ............................................................................................. 9
    2.2 Modifications to EUT Hardware .................................................................. 10
    2.3 Frequency Range of Radiated Measurements (Part 15.33, 15.521(h)) ...... 10
      2.3.1 Intentional Radiator .................................................................................. 10
    2.4 Measurement Detector Function and Bandwidth (CFR 15.35, RSS-220
    Section 7) ............................................................................................................. 11
      2.4.1 Detector Function and Associated Bandwidth ......................................... 11
      2.4.2 Corresponding Peak and Average Requirements .................................... 11
    2.5 EUT Antenna Requirements (CFR 15.203, RSS-Gen 6.8) ......................... 12
    2.6 Restricted Bands of Operation (Part 15.205, RSS-Gen 8.10) ..................... 13
    2.7 Intentional Radiator, Power Line Conducted Emissions (CFR 15.207, RSS-
    Gen 8.8) ............................................................................................................... 13
    2.8 Intentional Radiator, Radiated Emissions (CFR 15.509 (f), 15.521 (g), RSS-
    220 Section 6.2.1, RSS-Gen 8.9) ......................................................................... 13
      2.8.1 Pulse Repetition Frequency and Duty Cycle ............................................ 15
    2.9 UWB bandwidth (CFR 15.509 (a), 15.521(e), RSS-220 Section 6.2.1(a)) .. 16
    2.10    UWB Purpose, Part 90 License, and Coordination (CFR 15.509 (b)) ...... 18
    2.11    Remote Switch (CFR 15.509 (c), RSS-220 Section 6.2.1(b)) .................. 18
    2.12    Unintentional Radiator, Power line Emissions (CFR 15.207, 15.521 (j),
    RSS-Gen 8.8) ....................................................................................................... 18
    2.13    Radiated Emissions at or Below 960 MHz (CFR 15.509 (d), 15.209, RSS-
    Gen 8.9) ............................................................................................................... 18
    2.14    Radiated Emissions above 960 MHz (CFR 15.509 (d), 15.521(d,g,h),
    RSS-220 Section 6.2.1(d)) ................................................................................... 21
    2.15    Radiated Emissions in the GPS band (CFR 15.509 (e), 15.521(g), RSS-
    220 Section 6.2.1(e)) ............................................................................................ 24
    2.16    Measurement Uncertainty ....................................................................... 27
      2.16.1 Conducted Emissions Measurement Uncertainty .................................. 27
      2.16.2 Radiated Emissions Measurement Uncertainty ..................................... 27

                                                       Page 4 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                                         FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                                     2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                                          20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                                  19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                                     April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                                      Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                               HT5200

                                                  List of Figures

Figures       Title                                                                                   Page
Figure 1. Block Diagram of Test Configuration ........................................................ 12
Figure 2. Pulse Repetition Frequency ...................................................................... 15
Figure 3. UWB fL, fM, fH Measurement Plot .............................................................. 16
Figure 4. UWB 99% and -10 dB Bandwidth ............................................................. 17

                                                  List of Tables

Table         Title                                                                                          Page
Table 1. EUT and Peripherals .................................................................................... 8
Table 2.Test Instruments ........................................................................................... 9
Table 3. Allowed Antenna(s) .................................................................................... 12
Table 4. Intentional Radiated Emissions (CFR 15.509 (f), RSS-220 Sect 6.2.1) ..... 14
Table 5. Radiated Emissions Test Data Below 960 MHz @ 1.0 m .......................... 19
Table 6. Radiated Emissions Test Data Below 960 MHz @ 3.7 m .......................... 20
Table 7. Radiated Emissions above 960 MHz, CFR 15.509 (d), 15.521(g), RSS-220
Section 6.2.1(d)........................................................................................................ 21
Table 8. Radiated Emissions from Transmitter Above 960 MHz @ 1.0 m ............... 22
Table 9. Radiated Emissions from Transmitter Above 960 MHz @ 3.7 m ............... 23
Table 10. Radiated Emissions in the GPS band (CFR 15.509 (e), 15.221(g), RSS-
220 Section 6.2.1(e)) ............................................................................................... 24
Table 11. Radiated Emissions Test Data in The GPS Bands @ 1.0 m .................... 25
Table 12. Radiated Emissions Test Data In The GPS Bands @ 3.7 m ................... 26

                                                     Page 5 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                          FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                      2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                           20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                   19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                      April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                       Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                HT5200

1 General Information

1.1    Purpose of this Report

      This report is prepared to show that the modifications made to the EUT do not
impact the performance of the EUT in such as way that it would warrant full retesting
and submittal of new test data according to the FCC Rules and Regulations Part 15,
Section 509, 521, 525 and based on the FCC Waiver docket DA 17-207, released
March 1, 2017.

The modification consists of the following:

1. Replaced amp chip with new amp, PN E101224. The new part is pin for pin
compatible, performs the same basic function and changes no radio parameter.
2. The following changes were made to the digital circuits of the device:
           o Moved small components our from between pins of panel mount
              Deutsch connector
           o Increased pad size and trace width near Deutsch connector pins
           o Changed switches to jumpers
           o Updated EEProm chip – old component was going obsolete (U18)
           o Updated IMU chip – old component was going obsolete (U20)

The changes made do not affect the electrical characteristics of the device. The
previously reported modulation and frequency determining circuitry remain the
same. No radio parameters changed.

1.2    Characterization of Test Sample

      The sample used for testing was received by US Tech on February 25, 2019
in good operating condition.

1.3    Product Description

       The Equipment under Test (EUT) is the Headsight, Inc. Terrahawk, Model
Number HT5200. The EUT is a DC powered, non-contact radar height sensor used
exclusively on mobile agricultural equipment to determine the distance between the
ground and mounting position. The EUT is normally mounted between 1 inch and 12
feet above the ground and during operation is always positioned to emit towards the
ground. The EUT includes one user access port to connect a USB cable to the
device for data acquisition purposes.

Frequency of operation: 1.510 Ghz to 6.425 Ghz

                                      Page 6 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                     FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                 2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                      20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                              19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                 April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                  Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                           HT5200

      Center Frequency: 3.9675 Ghz
      Maximum Radiated Emission Frequency: 5.209 Ghz
      Number of channels: 1 ch
Antenna Type: Flat Earth Planar Modified Bowtie Antenna
Antenna Gain: 4 to 6.0 dBi
Firmware version: Onyx3.29a

Note: For testing the EUT was tested in a dual configuration, where two EUT were
separated by 1.5 m from each other. The EUT was also tested at two different
heights, 1.0 m and 3.7 m.

1.4    Configuration of Tested System

      The Test Sample was tested per ANSI C63.10:2013, American National
Standard of Procedures for Compliance Testing of Unlicensed Wireless Devices
(2013) and per FCC Part 15 Subpart F.

       A list of EUT and Peripherals is found in Table 1 below. A block diagram of
the tested system is shown in Figure 1. Test configuration photographs are provided
in separate Appendices.

1.5    Test Facility

        Testing was performed at US Tech's measurement facility at 3505 Francis
Circle, Alpharetta, GA30004. This site has been fully described and registered with
the FCC, with designation number 186022.

1.6    Related Submittals

       No related submittals were made by US Tech.

                                    Page 7 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                    FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                     20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                             19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                 Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                          HT5200

Table 1. EUT and Peripherals

     PERIPHERAL            MODEL    SERIAL                             CABLES
                                                     FCC/IC ID
    MANUFACTURER.         NUMBER   NUMBER                                P/D

                                                     FCC ID:
                                   Engineering    2AEP2-THAWK1
      Headsight, Inc.     HT5200                                        1mUP
                                     Sample         IC: 20168-

                            --         --                --                --
    See antenna details

     Laptop computer       Dell     Various           Various          1.5 m U P

U= Unshielded
S= Shielded
P= Power
D= Data

                                   Page 8 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                              FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                          2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                               20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                       19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                          April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                           Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                    HT5200

2 Tests and Measurements

2.1     Test Equipment

     The table below lists test equipment used to evaluate this product. Model
numbers, serial numbers and their calibration status are indicated.

Table 2.Test Instruments
           TEST               MODEL                                   SERIAL        CALIBRATION
       INSTRUMENT            NUMBER                                  NUMBER          DUE DATE

       SPECTRUM                                                                        8/17/2020
                             E4407B             AGILENT            US41442935
       ANALYZER                                                                           2 yr.

       SPECTRUM                                 HEWLETT                               10/25/2019
                              8593E                                 3205A00124
       ANALYZER                                 PACKARD                                  2 yr.

      HORN ANTENNA           SAS-571          A.H. Systems              605
                                                                                          2 yr

      LOG PERIODIC                                                                      5/1/2019
                               3146               EMCO               9110-3236
        ANTENNA                                                                           2 yr.

        BICONICAL                                                                       5/2/2019
                              3110B               EMCO               9306-1708
        ANTENNA                                                                           2 yr

      LOOP ANTENNA             6502           ETS Lindgren           9810-3246
                                                                                          2 yr

      PRE-AMPLIFER            8447D                                 1937A02980         11/8/2019

                                               HEWLETT-                                5/7/2019
      PRE-AMPLIFER            8447E                                 1937A01828
                                               PACKARD                                 extended

      PRE-AMPLIFER            8449B                                 3008A00480          6/4/2019

      PRE-AMPLIFER             UST              U.S. Tech              RA106           3/12/2020

      HORN ANTENNA             3115               EMCO               9107-3723
                                                                                         2 yr.
Note: The calibration interval of the above test instruments are 12 months unless stated otherwise
and all calibrations are traceable to NIST/USA.

                                            Page 9 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                       FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                   2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                        20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                   April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                    Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                             HT5200

2.2    Modifications to EUT Hardware

       No physical modifications were made by US Tech in order to bring the EUT
into compliance with FCC Part 15, Subpart F Intentional Radiator Limits for the
transmitter portion of the EUT.

2.3    Frequency Range of Radiated Measurements (Part 15.33, 15.521(h))

2.3.1 Intentional Radiator

       The spectrum shall be investigated for the intentional radiator from the lowest
RF signal generated in the EUT, without going below 9 kHz to the 5th harmonic of
the peak level of fundamental frequency generated or 40 GHz, whichever is the

      The highest frequency used to determine the frequency range over which
measurements are made shall be based on the center frequency (fc). If the center
frequency is less than 10 GHz there is no requirement to measure beyond 40 GHz.

                                     Page 10 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                     FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                 2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                      20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                              19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                 April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                  Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                           HT5200

2.4   Measurement Detector Function and Bandwidth (CFR 15.35, RSS-220
Section 7)

       The radiated and conducted emissions limits shown herein are based on the

       FCC Part 15.207, 15.209, 15.509 and RSS-220 Section 6.2.1

2.4.1 Detector Function and Associated Bandwidth

       On frequencies below 1000 MHz, the limits herein are based upon
measurement equipment employing a CISPR Quasi-peak detector function and
related measurement bandwidths (i.e. 9 kHz from 150 kHz to 30 MHz and 120 kHz
from 30 MHz to 1000 MHz). Alternatively, measurements may be made with
equipment employing a peak detector function as long as the same bandwidths
specified for the Quasi-peak device are used.

2.4.2 Corresponding Peak and Average Requirements

       Above 1000 MHz, radiated limits are based on measuring instrumentation
employing an average detector function. When average radiated emissions are
specified there is also a corresponding Peak requirement, as measured using a
peak detector, of 20 dB greater than the average limit. For all measurements above
1000 MHz the Resolution Bandwidth shall be at least 1 MHz.

                                   Page 11 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                           FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                       2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                            20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                    19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                       April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                        Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                 HT5200

2.5     EUT Antenna Requirements (CFR 15.203, RSS-Gen 6.8)

        An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than
that furnished by the responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a
permanently attached antenna or of an antenna that uses a unique coupling to the
intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with the provisions of this
section. Only the antenna(s) listed in Table 4 will be used with this module.

Table 3. Allowed Antenna(s)
   REPORT                                TYPE OF                        GAIN      TYPE OF
                   MANUFACTURER                          MODEL
  REFERENCE                              ANTENNA                         dBi     CONNECTOR

                                                                       4.0 to       Internally
      Antenna          Flat Earth, Inc     Bowtie        BT6100
                                                                       6.0dBi      connected

                   Figure 1. Block Diagram of Test Configuration

Note: EUT was tested in a dual configuration.

                                         Page 12 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                       FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                   2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                        20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                   April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                    Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                             HT5200

2.6    Restricted Bands of Operation (Part 15.205, RSS-Gen 8.10)

       Only spurious emissions can fall in the frequency bands of CFR 15.205. The
field strength of these spurious cannot exceed the limits of 15.209. Radiated
harmonics and other Spurious are examined for this requirement see paragraph 2.1

2.7  Intentional Radiator, Power Line Conducted Emissions (CFR 15.207,
RSS-Gen 8.8)

        The EUT is battery powered. The EUT is indirectly connected the AC mains
for testing purposes only. During normal operation the EUT is battery powered and
will not be operated while directly or indirectly connected to the AC mains. This test
was not applicable.

2.8  Intentional Radiator, Radiated Emissions (CFR 15.509 (f), 15.521 (g),
RSS-220 Section 6.2.1, RSS-Gen 8.9)

       UWB devices where the highest radiated emission, fM (The frequency at which
the highest radiated emission occurs), is above 960 MHz have a limit on the peak level
of the emission within a 50 MHz bandwidth of 0 dBm EIRP. A different RBW was
used, therefore the peak emissions limit was adjusted per CFR 15.521 (g).The limit
was also converted to peak field strength at 3 meters.

       The antenna was positioned as it would be in normal operation and the
fundamental emission was maximized to ensure the maximum reading and
measured with the receiving antenna in both horizontal and vertical position. Below
is the measured peak radiated emission at 3 meters.

RBW used: 1 MHz
Peak EIRP Limit            =      20 log (RBW/50)dBm EIRP
                           =      20 log(1/50) dBm EIRP
                           =     -33.97dBm EIRP

Peak Field Strength Limit =      -33.97dBm EIRP +95.2
                          =       61.22dBuV/m

The EUT was tested at both 1.0 meter and 3.7 meter heights. The worst case
emission was recorded at a height of 1.0 meter. That data is presented following.

                                     Page 13 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                            FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                        2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                             20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                     19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                        April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                         Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                  HT5200

Table 4. Intentional Radiated Emissions (CFR 15.509 (f), RSS-220 Sect 6.2.1)
Frequency     Distance /     Test                    Results      Limit     Margin
                                      Factors                                         Detection
  (MHz)      Polarization    Data                   (dBuV/m)    (dBuV/m)     (dB)
 5051.00     3.0m./VERT     35.57       9.19          44.76       61.2        16.5       PK
 5109.00     3.0m./HORZ     37.89       4.95          42.84       61.2        18.4

Note: Worst Case fundamental reading recorded at 1.0 meter configuration.

Sample Calculation at 5051 MHz:

Raw Test Data                                                                  35.57 dBuV
+ Correction Factors                                                            9.19   dBm
Results                                                                        44.76 dBuV/m

Test Date: March 12-14, 2019

Tested By
Signature:                                     Name: Afzal Fazal

                                       Page 14 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                     FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                 2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                      20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                              19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                 April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                  Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                           HT5200

2.8.1 Pulse Repetition Frequency and Duty Cycle

      The device employs pulse modulation and has a repetition rate of 41.66 Hz.
The pulse signal has been verified below.

       Pulse Rate: 37.0 Hz
       Period= 27 mSec
       Frequency= 1/seconds= 1/0.027 secs = 37.0 Hz

       Duty Cycle correction factor: -15.1 dB
       20 log (TXon/TXon+TXoff) = 20 log (4.75ms/27ms) = -15.1 dB

                       Figure 2. Pulse Repetition Frequency

                                   Page 15 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                        FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                    2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                         20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                 19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                    April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                     Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                              HT5200

2.9    UWB Bandwidth (CFR 15.509 (a), 15.521(e), RSS-220 Section 6.2.1(a))

       The bandwidth of an imaging system under 15.509 must by below 10.6 GHz.
The bandwidth is defined as the frequency band bounded by the points that are 10
db below the highest radiated emissions, as based on the complete transmission
system including the antenna. The upper boundary is designated fH and the lower
boundary is designated fL. The frequency at which the highest radiated emission
occurs is designated fM. If multiple bandwidths occur, then the maximum bandwidth
is used.

       The bandwidth was determined from a radiated measurement using the
designated antenna with which EUT will operate in the final product. The receiving
antenna’s height was repeatedly varied from 1 m to 4 m and the polarity was
adjusted several times. The turn table on which the EUT was placed was also
rotated several times. This ensured that the true bandwidth of the EUT was
measured. Below is the measured UWB bandwidth with the receiving antenna
horizontal and vertical. Both polarities met the 10.6 GHz limit.

       Emissions are contained within 1.510 GHz to 6.425 GHz which is below 10.6

                       Figure 3. UWB fL, fM, fH Measurement Plot

                                      Page 16 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                       FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                   2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                        20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                   April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                    Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                             HT5200

                       Figure 4. UWB 99% and -10 dB Bandwidth

The EUT has a fractional bandwidth of > 0.20 when calculated using the formula
referenced in 15.503(c): 2(FH-FL)/(FH+FL)= 2(6.20-1.69 GHz)/(6.20+1.69 GHz) =
1.14, > 0.20.

                                     Page 17 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                         FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                     2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                          20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                  19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                     April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                      Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                               HT5200

2.10   UWB Purpose, Part 90 License, and Coordination (CFR 15.509 (b))

      The EUT, operating under CFR 15.509, is limited to GPR and wall imaging
systems operating under the FCC Waiver agreement, DA 17-207, Waiver conditions.
The details of the waiver conditions are include as a separate exhibit.

        Based on the waiver, operation of this device shall be limited to parties
eligible for licensing under the provisions of Part 90 of the Commission’s rules (e.g.
persons regularly involved in activities such as the operation of farms, ranches, or
similar land areas, for the quantity production of crops or plants; including soil
plowing, soil conditioning, seeding, fertilizing, or harvesting for agricultural activities.
No operation in city gardens or on trees is permitted.

2.11   Remote Switch (CFR 15.509 (c), RSS-220 Section 6.2.1(b))

      A GPR that is designed to operate while being hand-held or a wall-imaging
system must contain a manually operated switch or a remote switch that causes the
transmitter to cease operation within 10 seconds of being released.

       Since the EUT is not hand-held, and is not a wall-imaging system, it is exempt
from this requirement.

2.12 Unintentional Radiator, Power line Emissions (CFR 15.207, 15.521 (j),
RSS-Gen 8.8)

       This EUT will not have access to the AC Main power line; therefore this
requirement is not applicable.

2.13 Radiated Emissions at or Below 960 MHz (CFR 15.509 (d), 15.209, RSS-
Gen 8.9)

        The radiated emissions at or below 960 MHz from the transmitter shall not
exceed the emissions levels in CFR 15.209. Furthermore the emissions due to the
digital circuitry of the EUT must also comply with the limits for 15.109.

       EUT was tested in dual configuration at two different heights. The test results
are presented below.

       The worst-case radiated emission for the EUT in the range of below 960 MHz
was 3.4 dB below the limit at 750.00 MHz at a test height of 1.0m. All other radiated
emissions were at least 6.0 dB below the limits. This data can be found in the tables

                                       Page 18 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                             FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                         2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                              20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                      19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                         April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                          Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                   HT5200

Table 5. Radiated Emissions Test Data Below 960 MHz @ 1.0 m
                                           30 MHz to 960 MHz
             Test: Radiated Emissions                               Client: Headsight, Inc.
                 Project: 19-0056                                      Model: HT5200
                   Test       AF+CA-                                     Antenna
 Frequency                                 Results        Limits                         Margin   Detector
                   Data         AMP                                     Distance/
    (MHz)                                 (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                           (dB)  PK or QP
                 (dBuv)       (dB/m)                                   Polarization
    0.615         64.59         1.22        65.81           71.8        3m./LOOP             6.0    PK
   134.98         59.04        -25.30       33.74           43.5        3m./HORZ             9.8    PK
   134.98         50.90        -25.30       25.60           43.5        3m./VERT           17.9     PK
   232.00         54.53        -24.98       29.55           46.4        3m./HORZ           16.8     PK
   452.00         50.96        -19.23       31.73           46.4        3m./HORZ           14.7     PK
   452.00         46.73        -19.03       27.70           46.4         3m./VERT          18.7     PK
   750.00         55.87        -12.83       43.04           46.4         3m./VERT            3.4    QP
                    All other emission found are 20 dB or greater from the applicable limit.
   All emissions from the lowest operating clock frequency to 30 MHz were at greater than 20 dB from the
                                               applicable limits.

Sample Calculation at 134.98 MHz:

Magnitude of Measured Frequency                                                59.04 dBuV
+Antenna Factor + Cable Loss+ Amplifier Gain                                  -25.30 dB/m
Corrected Result                                                               33.74 dBuV/m

Test Date: March 5-14, 2019

Tested By
Signature:                                             Name: Mark Afroozi; Afzal Fazal

                                          Page 19 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                             FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                         2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                              20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                      19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                         April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                          Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                   HT5200

Table 6. Radiated Emissions Test Data Below 960 MHz @ 3.7 m
                                           30 MHz to 960 MHz
             Test: Radiated Emissions                               Client: Headsight, Inc.
                 Project: 19-0056                                      Model: HT5200
                   Test       AF+CA-                                     Antenna
 Frequency                                 Results        Limits                         Margin   Detector
                   Data         AMP                                     Distance/
    (MHz)                                 (dBuV/m)      (dBuV/m)                           (dB)  PK or QP
                 (dBuv)       (dB/m)                                   Polarization
    0.615         52.92        11.72        64.64           71.8        3m./LOOP             7.2    PK
    20.52         43.17        10.76        53.93           69.5        3m./LOOP           15.6     PK
    35.08         43.69        -14.00       29.69           40.0        3m./HORZ           10.3     PK
    61.47         48.70        -17.75       30.95           40.0         3m./VERT            9.0    PK
   150.16         48.85        -13.59       35.26           43.5        3m./HORZ             8.2    PK
   150.16         46.12        -12.99       33.13           43.5         3m./VERT          10.4     QP
   184.88         49.75        -12.29       37.46           43.5        3m./HORZ             6.0    PK
   194.96         47.06        -11.42       35.64           43.5        3m./HORZ             7.9    PK
   205.16         49.77        -14.25       35.52           43.5         3m./VERT            8.0    PK
   209.88         50.00        -13.87       36.13           43.5        3m./HORZ             7.4    PK
   209.88         51.91        -14.47       37.44           43.5         3m./VERT            6.1    QP
   214.24         50.47        -13.97       36.50           43.5        3m./HORZ             7.0    PK
   230.88         53.26        -13.38       39.88           46.0         3m./VERT            6.1    QP
   251.34         45.35        -12.74       32.61           46.0        3m./HORZ           13.4     QP
   251.34         47.94        -12.54       35.40           46.0         3m./VERT          10.6     QP
   269.94         43.00        -11.87       31.13           46.0         3m./VERT          14.9     QP
   749.82         38.72         -1.93       36.79           46.0        3m./HORZ             9.2    QP
                    All other emission found are 20 dB or greater from the applicable limit.
   All emissions from the lowest operating clock frequency to 30 MHz were at greater than 20 dB from the
                                               applicable limits.

Sample Calculation at 35.08 MHz:

Magnitude of Measured Frequency                                                43.69 dBuV
+Antenna Factor + Cable Loss+ Amplifier Gain                                  -14.00 dB/m
Corrected Result                                                               29.69 dBuV/m

Test Date: March 14, 2019

Tested By
Signature:                                             Name: Afzal Fazal

                                          Page 20 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                       FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                   2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                        20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                   April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                    Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                             HT5200

2.14 Radiated Emissions above 960 MHz (CFR 15.509 (d), 15.521(d,g,h), RSS-
220 Section 6.2.1(d))

       The radiated emissions above 960 MHz from the transmitter shall comply with
the AVG limits in Table 5 when measured using a resolution bandwidth of 1 MHz.
The following are the worst case emissions with the receiving antenna in both
horizontal and vertical polarities. The emissions were maximized using a Peak
Detector, and the final measurement was taken using an Average Detector.

Table 7. Radiated Emissions above 960 MHz, CFR 15.509 (d), 15.521(g), RSS-
220 Section 6.2.1(d)
                                                               Field Strength Limit at 3
  Frequency Range (MHz)            EIRP Limit (dBm)
                                                                   meters (dBuV/m)
         960 -1610                       -65.3                           30.0
        1610 – 1990                      -53.3                           42.0
        1990 – 3100                      -51.3                           44.0
        3100 - 10600                     -41.3                           54.0
        Above 10600                      -51.3                           44.0

       EUT was tested in single configuration and with dual configuration. The test
results show that there are negligible differences between having a single
configuration or dual configuration. The test results for dual configuration have been
selected and presented here as a representative case.

       The worst-case radiated emission for the EUT in the range above 960 MHz
was 1.0 dB below the limit at 1106.30 MHz at a test height of 1.0 m. All other
radiated emissions were at least 2.8 dB below the CFR 15.509 limits. This data can
be found in the table below.

                                     Page 21 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                             FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                         2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                              20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                      19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                         April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                          Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                   HT5200

Table 8. Radiated Emissions from Transmitter Above 960 MHz @ 1.0 m
                                 Above 960 MHz
         Test: Radiated Emissions                                  Client: Headsight, Inc.
          Project: 19-0056                     Model: HT5200
           Test AF+CA-                 AVG    Antenna
Frequency                   Results                       Margin Detector
           Data      AMP              Limits  Distance/
  (MHz)                    (dBuV/m)                        (dB)    AVG
          (dBuv) (dB/m)             (dBuV/m) Polarization
 1106.30        19.56        9.45        29.01          30.0        3.0m./HORZ            1.0   AVG
 1726.85        35.17       -4.40        30.77          42.0        3.0m./VERT          11.2    AVG
 1950.10        37.42       -2.63        34.79          42.0        3.0m./VERT            7.2   AVG
 2123.20        38.13       -1.49        36.64          44.0        3.0m./VERT            7.4   AVG
 2436.77        34.86       -0.46        34.40          44.0        3.0m./VERT            9.6   AVG
 2462.20        33.24       -0.46        32.78          44.0        3.0m./VERT          11.2    AVG
 2477.60        21.36       17.04        38.40          44.0        3.0m./HORZ            5.6   AVG
 3150.75        31.94        2.98        34.92          54.0        3.0m./VERT          19.1    AVG
 14226.00       14.82       26.36        41.18          44.0        3.0m./VERT            2.8   AVG
 14596.00       17.38       17.86        35.24          44.0        3.0m./HORZ            8.8   AVG
                 All other emission found are 20 dB or greater from the applicable limit.

Sample Calculation at 1106.30 MHz:

Magnitude of Measured Frequency                                                   19.56      dBuV
+ Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Amplifier Gain                                     9.45      dB/m
Corrected Result                                                                  24.86    dBuV/m

Test Date: March 12-13, 2019

Tested By
Signature:                                              Name: Afzal Fazal

                                          Page 22 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                        FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                    2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                         20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                 19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                    April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                     Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                              HT5200

Table 9. Radiated Emissions from Transmitter Above 960 MHz @ 3.7 m
                                 Above 960 MHz
         Test: Radiated Emissions                           Client: Headsight, Inc.
          Project: 19-0056                     Model: HT5200
           Test AF+CA-                 AVG    Antenna
Frequency                   Results                       Margin Detector
           Data      AMP              Limits  Distance/
  (MHz)                    (dBuV/m)                        (dB)    AVG
          (dBuv) (dB/m)             (dBuV/m) Polarization
  1787.65       33.78   -14.61      19.17           42.0      3.0m./VERT       22.8        AVG

  1995.55       36.22   -12.99      23.23           44.0      3.0m./HORZ       20.8        AVG

  2131.53       33.79   -11.99      21.80           44.0      3.0m./VERT       22.2        AVG

  2261.95       34.29   -11.89      22.40           44.0      3.0m./HORZ       21.6        AVG

Sample Calculation at 1787.65 MHz:

Magnitude of Measured Frequency                                         33.78 dBuV
+Antenna Factor + Cable Loss+ Amplifier Gain                           -14.61 dB/m
Corrected Result                                                        19.17 dBuV/m

Test Date: March 14, 2019

Tested By
Signature:                                        Name: Afzal Fazal

                                    Page 23 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                            FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                        2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                             20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                     19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                        April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                         Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                  HT5200

2.15 Radiated Emissions in the GPS band (CFR 15.509 (e), 15.521(g), RSS-
220 Section 6.2.1(e))

       In addition to the radiated emissions limits from CFR 15.509 (d), the
transmitter shall not exceed the following average limits, in Table 8 when measured
using a resolution bandwidth of no less than 1 kHz.
Note: measurement taken with a resolution bandwidth of greater than 1 kHz was corrected using the
following equation: recorded measurement (dBuV) + 10 log (RBW ref/RBW meas)

Table 10. Radiated Emissions in the GPS band (CFR 15.509 (e), 15.221(g), RSS-
220 Section 6.2.1(e))
                                                                     Field Strength Limit at 3
   Frequency Range (MHz)               EIRP Limit (dBm)
                                                                         meters (dBuV/m)
          1164-1240                           -75.3                            19.9
          1559-1610                           -75.3                            19.9

       The EUT was configured according to ANSI C63.10, Clause 10. During the
testing the EUT was rated 360 degrees and the receive antenna was elevated
between 1m and 4m to measure and record the maximum emissions being
generated by the EUT. The receive antenna was oriented in both the horizontal and
vertical polarity. The worst case data is recorded and presented in the tables below.

      In each of these bands, the emissions from the transmitter were maximized
using a larger bandwidth and the peak detector, then the resolution bandwidth was
decreased and the final measurement was taken using the average detector. The
spectrum analyzer settings were set to the following parameters:

Frequency start and stop: 1164 MHz to 1240 MHz and 1559 MHz to 1610 MHz. The
resolution bandwidth was set to 1 kHz or 3 kHz, when the measurements were
performed at 3 kHz a correction factor was used to correct the data collected at 3
kHz back to 1 kHz using the equation noted in the paragraph above. The video
bandwidth was set to greater than or equal to the resolution bandwidth. The
detector used was Peak or Average. The worse case emissions are seen below.

       EUT was tested in single configuration and in dual configuration. The test
results show that there are negligible differences between having a single
configuration or dual configuration. The test results for dual configuration have been
selected and presented here as a representative case.

       The worst-case radiated emission for the EUT in the GPS band was 12.9 dB
below the limit at 1238.50 MHz at a test height of 1.0 m. All other radiated
emissions were at least 13.3 dB below the CFR 15.509 limits. This data can be
found in the tables below.

                                         Page 24 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                           FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                       2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                            20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                    19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                       April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                        Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                 HT5200

Table 11. Radiated Emissions Test Data in The GPS Bands @ 1.0 m
                               1164 – 1240 MHz and 1559- 1610 MHz
              Test: Radiated Emissions                              Client: Headsight, Inc.
                   Project: 19-0056                                    Model: HT5200
                Test                  AF+CA-                    AVG        Antenna
Frequency               Additional                Results                            Margin Detector
                Data                     AMP                   Limits     Distance/
  (MHz)                   Factor                 (dBuV/m)                              (dB)       AVG
               (dBuv)                  (dB/m)                (dBuV/m) Polarization
  1224.68       12.43        --          -8.81     3.62          19.9    3.0m./HORZ    16.3       AVG
  1238.50       13.31        --          -6.30     7.01          19.9    3.0m./VERT    12.9       AVG
  1600.00       11.41        --          -4.82     6.59          19.9    3.0m./VERT    13.3       AVG
  1606.00        8.15        --          -7.50     0.65          19.9    3.0m./HORZ    19.3       AVG
Note: measurements collected with a RBW of 3 kHz therefore a correction factor was applied in the
additional factor column.
Note: A duty cycle correction factor of -13.6 dB was included in the AF+CA-AMP column to correct
from PK to AVG detection.

Sample Calculation at 1224.68 MHz:

Magnitude of Measured Frequency                                             12.43    dBuV
+Additional Factor                                                          -0.00    dB
+Antenna Factor + Cable Loss+ Amplifier Gain                                -8.81    dB/m
Corrected Result                                                             3.62    dBuV/m

Test Date: March 12-13, 2019

Tested By
Signature:                                           Name: Afzal Fazal

                                         Page 25 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                           FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                       2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                            20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                    19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                       April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                        Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                                 HT5200

Table 12. Radiated Emissions Test Data In The GPS Bands @ 3.7 m
                               1164 – 1240 MHz and 1559- 1610 MHz
              Test: Radiated Emissions                              Client: Headsight, Inc.
                   Project: 19-0056                                    Model: HT5200
                Test                  AF+CA-                    AVG        Antenna
Frequency               Additional                Results                            Margin Detector
                Data                     AMP                   Limits     Distance/
   (MHz)                  Factor                 (dBuV/m)                              (dB)       AVG
               (dBuv)                  (dB/m)                (dBuV/m) Polarization
  1171.73       4.86         --         -17.10     -12.24        19.9    3.0m./VERT    32.1       AVG
  1214.56       5.51         --         -16.87     -11.36        19.9    3.0m./VERT    31.3       AVG
  1235.69       4.19         --         -16.83     -12.64        19.9    3.0m./HORZ    32.5       AVG
  1573.04       4.54         --         -15.39     -10.85        19.9    3.0m./VERT    30.8       AVG
  1586.69       4.01         --         -15.64     -11.63        19.9    3.0m./HORZ    31.5       AVG
Note: measurements collected with a RBW of 3 kHz therefore a correction factor was applied in the
additional factor column.
Note: A duty cycle correction factor of -13.6 dB was included in the AF+CA-AMP column to correct
from PK to AVG detection.

Sample Calculation at 1171.73 MHz:

Magnitude of Measured Frequency                                              4.86    dBuV
+Additional Factor                                                          -0.00    dB
+Antenna Factor + Cable Loss+ Amplifier Gain                               -17.10    dB/m
Corrected Result                                                           -12.24    dBuV/m

Test Date: March 14, 2019

Tested By
Signature:                                           Name: Afzal Fazal

                                         Page 26 of 27

US Tech Test Report:                        FCC Part 15/ RSS 220 Class 2 Permissive Change
FCC ID:                                                                    2AEP2-THAWK1
IC:                                                                         20168-THAWK1
Test Report Number:                                                                 19-0056
Issue Date:                                                                    April 5, 2019
Customer:                                                                     Headsight Inc
Model:                                                                              HT5200

2.16   Measurement Uncertainty

       The measurement uncertainties given were calculated using the method
detailed in CISPR 16-4. A coverage factor of k=2 was used to give a level of
confidence of approximately 95%.

2.16.1 Conducted Emissions Measurement Uncertainty

      Measurement Uncertainty (within a 95% confidence level) for this test is ±
2.85 dB.

       This test is not applicable.

2.16.2 Radiated Emissions Measurement Uncertainty

        For a measurement distance of 3 m the measurement uncertainty (with a
95% confidence level) for this test using a Biconical Antenna (30 MHz to 200 MHz)
is ± 5.40 dB. This value includes all elements of measurement.

      The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using
a Log Periodic Antenna (200 MHz to 1000 MHz) is ± 5.19 dB.

      The measurement uncertainty (with a 95% confidence level) for this test using
a Horn Antenna is ± 5.20 dB.

       The data listed in this test report does not have sufficient margin to negate the
effects of uncertainty. Therefore, the EUT conditionally meets this requirement.

                                      Page 27 of 27

Document Created: 2019-04-08 14:35:02
Document Modified: 2019-04-08 14:35:02

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