user manual


Users Manual

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                                                                                         Sku Number: 356-9258
                                                                  OUTDOOR SECURITY LIGHT
                                                                                        Model Number: E8197W

                             Questions, problems, missing parts?
                             Before returning to your retailer, call our customer service at 1-800-887-6326
                             Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST






HARDWARE CONTENTS Note: Hardware not shown actual size.

AA   #8/32 X 1/2 in       #6/32 X 1/2 in   #10/24 X 1/4 in   CC                              EE

                      Mounting Screw                                 Mounting Strap              Fixture Mounting Screw
                      X2                                             X1                          X1

BB                                                           DD                               FF

                  Mounting Bracket Screw                             Decorative cover                Wire Connector
                  X1                                                 X1                              X2

                                                                                                        Page 1 of 16

Please read and understand this entire manual before attempting to assemble, operate or install the product.
• Turn off electricity at main fuse box (or circuit breaker box) before beginning installation by removing fuse (or switching
  off circuit breaker).
• Be careful not to damage or cut the wire insulation (covering) during fixture installation. Do not permit wires to contact
  any surface having a sharp edge. To do so may damage or cut the wire insulation, which could cause serious injury
  or death from electric shock.
• LED electronics can be damaged by electro static discharge (ESD)shock. Before installation, discharge yourself by
  touching a grounded bare metal surface to remove this hazard. To avoid damage, do not touch the LED module.
• All electrical connections must be in agreement with local codes, ordinances or the national electric code (NEC).
 Contact your municipal building department to learn about your local codes, permits and/or inspections.
• Risk of fire – most dwellings built before 1985 have supply wire rated for 140°F/60ºC. Consult a qualified electrician
 before installation.
• Only general ON/OFF wall switch applies for this fixture, the dimmable wall switch shouldn’t be required.

Maximum Wattage: 29 W
Working Temperature Range: -4ºF ~ 113ºF

Before beginning assembly, installation or operation of product, make sure all parts are present. Compare parts with
package contents list and diagram on previous page. If any part is missing or damaged, do not attempt to assemble,
install or operate the product. Contact customer service for replacement parts.

Tools Required for Assembly (not included): Screwdriver, Phillips Screwdriver, Pliers, Electrical Tape, Wire Cutters,
Safety Glasses, Ladder, Wire Stripper.

Important to Know
1. This fixture requires a 120 VAC, 60 Hz power source.
2. For general safety and to avoid any possible damage to the sensor, be sure the power is switched "off" before
3. Motion sensor: turns light ON automatically when motion is detected and turns light OFF automatically when motion
4. Photocell keeps the light OFF during daylight hours.
Note: Fixture can be wall mounted or eave mounted.

                   Wall Mounted                                                Eave Mounted

Light fixture and sensor should be mounted as shown above when installed (depending upon type of installation)

Before installing the light fixture under an eave, the sensor head must be rotated as shown in the next two steps for
proper operation and to avoid the risk of electrical shock.

                                                                                                              Page 2 of 16

    For eave mounted only:
        Swing the sensor head towards the mounting bracket.
                                   Mounting Bracket



  Installation Steps
  Turn off the power at fuse or circuit box.
1. The fixture mounting bracket (A)      1                               2. Install the mounting strap (CC) 2
   is pre-assembled on the light                                            to the outlet box with the                         A
   fixture (B). Unscrew both the                                            stamped word “FRONT” facing
   decorative cover (DD) and the                                            away from the outlet box,
   fixture mounting screw (EE) in                                           using two mounting screws
   order to remove the mounting                                EE
                                                                    DD      (AA) that best fit the outlet box.
   bracket (A).                             A              B                Mounting bracket(A) should
                                                                            sit flush against wall surface          CC
                                                                            when secured. (Choose one
                                                                            matching pair of suitable mounting screws (AA) from the
                                                                            3 pairs provided).

3. Pull out the source wires from      3                                 4. Place mounting bracket (A)      4                A
                                                   FF                                                                  FF
   the outlet box. Make wire                                                against the outlet box, insert
   connections using wire               Outlet Box                          the mounting bracket screw      Outlet Box
   connectors (FF) as follows:                                              (BB) through the mounting
   ---Connect the black wire from                                           bracket hole, thread mounting                         BB
       the fixture to the “hot” wire                                        bracket screw (BB) into the
      from the power source.                                                center hole of the mounting       CC

   ---Connect the white wire from                                           strap(CC). Tighten the
       the fixture to the neutral wire                                      mounting bracket screw (BB)
       from the power source.                                               securely.
  Carefully tuck the wires back into the outlet box.                           When mounting to a wall, the “UP” arrow must point
                                                                               When mounting to an eave, the “UP” arrow must point
                                                                               toward the building.

5. Attach the backplate(B) of the                                        6. With silicone caulking       6
   light fixture to the mounting                                            compound, caulk completely
   bracket(A), secure it with the                                           around where the mounting
   fixture mounting screw(EE).                                              bracket meets the wall
   Then push the decorative cover                                           surface.
   (DD) firmly into the fixture                                EE
                                                                    DD      CAUTION: Be sure to
   mounting screw (EE) hole on           A                 B                caulk completely where
   the light fixture.                                                       the mounting bracket
                                                                            meets the wall surface to
                                                                            prevent water from
                                                                            seeping into the outlet box.

  Turn on the power at fuse or circuit box.

                                                                                                                          Page 3 of 16

Adjusting the Sensor Head:
1. a: Aim sensor head toward desired detection area, maintaining a 5° - 40° downward angle to                                      Fig.1
      allow moisture to drain. (See Fig.1)
      Note: Make sure sensor head is positioned with control knob facing towards the ground.
      the detection zone at the farthest distance you wish to detect motion.

2. Range set too high may increase false triggering.                 Fig.2-1                                          Fig.2-2
   (See Fig.2-1, 2-2)

                                                                      Adjustment Sensor Higher For Long Coverage            Adjustment Sensor Lower For Short Coverage

Adjusting the Light Head:                                                                                             Fig.3                                C

1. Gently grasp the light heads(C) and tilt them up or down, left or right to adjust the light

Sensitivity of Motion Sensor:
1. You can adjust the sensitivity of the motion sensor by using the “SENS” selector                                Fig. 4

    located on the bottom surface of the sensor. (See Fig.4)
2. Adjust motion sensor sensitivity to HIGH (H), MEDIUM (M), or LOW (L) to achieve                                                       Mode   Sens       Time
   desired performance.                                                                                                           Auto


3. Approximate range for each setting: 25 ft. (L), 45 ft. (M), 70 ft. (H).                                                        3H

   Choose a mode by sliding the switch on the bottom of the sensor. (See Fig.4)                                                   6H
                                                                                                                                                               3 min

Note: When power is first applied, the light will turn on to 100% brightness.
The sensor will take 30 seconds to warm up.

1. TEST mode (daytime or nighttime operation )
       Then it reverts back to low-level brightness about 5 seconds after motion is no longer detected.

2. AUTO MODE (nighttime operation only)
      (30s/1min/3min). At dusk, the light turns on to pre-selected low level brightness
      and CCT color. When motion is detected, the light turns to full brightness and stays on as long as motion continues.
      When the motion is no longer detected, the light stays on high-level brightness for the predetermined time you set
      (30s/1min//5min), and then switches back to low level automatically.

3. 3 HOURS (3H) MODE (nighttime operation only)
       stays on as long as motion continues. When motion is no longer detected, it remains on for the predetermined
       shut-off delay time you set (30s/1min/3min), and then returns to the predetermined low-level brightness

4. 6 HOURS (6H) MODE (nighttime operation only)
       stays on as long as motion continues. When motion is no longer detected, it remains on for the predetermined
       shut-off delay time you set (30s/1min/3min), and then returns to the predetermined low-level brightness
                                                                                                              Page 4 of 16

5. PHOTOCELL (PC) MODE (nighttime operation only)

6. 3Min/10Min dual timer
        time, if the sensor detects additional motion, the light will continue
        to stay on for 10min, and so on.

Notes:                                                                     Where you install your fixture is important:
1. The sensitivity of the motion sensor will increase as the               Be sure the light is mounted straight on the wall
   environmental temperature gets cooler. You may wish to                  or eave; otherwise, the detection distance may
   make adjustments when the season changes.                               be limited.
   For best performance, gently clean the lens with a soft
   cloth every 1 or 2 months to assure maximum sensitivity.                                       Fig. 6                Fig. 7

2. For best performance, install fixture at least 8 feet above                12.0'
   the ground. At such a height, the fixture will provide a
   detection distance of up to 70 feet at 77 degrees                                      25'    70'
   Fahrenheit. (See Fig.6)
                                                                           Fig. 8
3. The sensor detects movement across a detection range
   of 240 degrees. (See Fig.7)
                                                                                        Motion                    Motion
4. The sensor will be more sensitive to motion across its
   detection path than motion directly towards it. (See Fig.8)

5. To reduce possible nuisances, do not mount the fixture
   near a heat source like an air conditioner, vent or furnace                                         Sensor
   exhaust, or in a direction facing any reflecting object or other              Least sensitive                Most sensitive
   light source.

                                                                                                                   Page 5 of 16


Seƫng for single light through mobile device (Take iOS for example as below. Android will
be slightly diīerent).
Before you strat
                                                                                                                                               9:41 AM        

1. Download the Dualux BT App         1                                          2. Launch the App and tap              Back

   from the Apple App Store or                                                      “Wifi”.
   Android Google Play store.


                                                                                                                                Take photo

                                                                                                                                Choose existing photo



3. Tap “Register” for new
   accounts or “Login” for existing
                                                               9:41 AM   
                                                                                 4. Enter E-Mail address,
                                                                                    then tap “Next”.
                                                                                                                                             9:41 AM        

   accounts.                                                                                                           Back

                                                 Take photo

                                                                                                                              Take photo
                                                 Choose existing photo

                                                                                                                              Choose existing photo



5. Tap “Register” for new                                                       6. Install & power On light
   accounts or “Login” for existing                           9:41 AM    
                                                                                   then tap “Search for lights”.                             9:41 AM        

   accounts.                              Back

                                                                                                                              Take photo
                                                 Take photo

                                                                                                                              Choose existing photo
                                                 Choose existing photo


                                      5                                                                            6

                                                                                                                                                         Page 6 of 16

USER GUIDE (continued)

7. Power On the light and                                                      8. Choose a 2.4GHz WiFi
   confirm the green indicator                             9:41 AM    
                                                                                  network and enter the                                       9:41 AM    

   light is blinking.                  Back
                                                                                  WiFi password, then tap               Back

   Then tap “next”.                                                               “Confirm”.

                                                                               Note: Only works with
                                                                               2.4GHz WiFi networks.

                                              Take photo                                                                        Take photo

                                              Choose existing photo                                                             Choose existing photo

                                              Cancel                                                                            Cancel

                                  7                                                                                8

9. Connected to the lighting                                                 10. The status window will
   devices “wifi (HF-XXXXXX)”.                             9:41 AM           appear once the device(s)                                    9:41 AM    

   Tap “Set wi-fi” choose a            Back                                      have successfully connected            Back

    HF-XXXXXX.                                                                   and the 3 bullets on the
                                                                                 bottom will followed by a tick.

                                                                                Note: If unsuccessful, the
                                                                                “Failed to Add” screen will
                                                                                appear. Close the App and
                                              Take photo
                                                                                repeat the previous steps.                      Take photo

                                              Choose existing photo                                                             Choose existing photo

                                              Cancel                                                                            Cancel

                                  9                                                                                10

11. Successfully added device.                                               12. The new light will be shown
                                                                                                                                             9:41 AM    

    To rename the light, tap                               9:41 AM    
                                                                                 in light list. And click“  ”
    the “modify device name” ,                                                   icon, it will go to the

    enter the new name and                                                       setting list.
    tap “confirm”. The light(s)
    are now eady to be
    controlled with the dualux
    App.                                                                                                                       Take photo

                                              Take photo                                                                       Choose existing photo

                                              Choose existing photo                                                            Cancel



                                                                                                                                              Page 7 of 16


13. The Setting list, You                                                              14. Tap the “Functions”, You
    can set up “Functions”,                                      9:41 AM    
                                                                                           can choose “Test”, “Auto”,
    “Change image”, “Rename                  Back
                                                                                           or “Custom Setting”.
    light”, and “Restore factory
    defaults”.                                                                            Select “Test” in Manual
                                                                                          override and adjust
                                                                                          “Detection Distance” ,
                                                                                          “Brightness” and “CCT
                                                    Take photo
                                                                                          change” as desired.
                                                                                          Then click “Save”.
                                                    Choose existing photo




15. Select “Auto” in Manual                                                        16. Select “Custom Settings” in
  override and adjust                                                                Manual Override for Customize
  “Motion Delay Time”,                                                               Early Evening Mode setting,
  “Detection Distance” ,                                                             and choose option between
  “Brightness” and “CCT                                                              “Duration” or “Clock Time (End
  change” as desired.                                                                Time)” to set the continuous
  Then click “Save”.                                                                  bright light illumination duration.
                                                                                      Within “Duration”, you may set
                                                                                      from 0 to 12 hours for
                                                                                      continuous bright light once
                                                                                      lamp is activated at night. In
                                                                                      “Clock Time (End Time)”, is the
                                                                                      time you set to deactivate the
                                                                                      continuous bright light according
                                                                                      to the actual hour in the mobile
                                                                                      device after the lamp is
                                                                                      activated. Both option settings
                                                                                      will return to motion-sensor
                                   15                                                 operation after the continuous      16
                                                                                      bright light is deactivate. 9:00
                                                                                      P.M. is the default in “Clock Time (End Time)”.
                                                                                      Note: "Duration" setting will only work once per
                                                                                      setting, it automatically go into “Clock Time (End
                                                                                      Time) on the next day. Also if you do not click save
                                                                                      for either option, then the settings will follow according
                                                                                      to the switch control on the actual lamp.

                                                                                                                                 Page 8 of 16

17. Click Fig.13 “Change image”. And click                  18. Android:Click “   ” to grasp a your desired view.
  “take photo” to take a photo.                                iOS:Click “    ” to grasp a your desired view.


        17                                                     18       iOS               18             Android

19. Android:Click “ ” to take a photo.                      20. Android:Adjust the photo to trim the photo’s
   The iOs system does not have this step.                      desired size. Then click “    ”.
                                                                iOS: Click“Done” to take a photo.

                                                                                               Crop picture

       19                                                      20      iOS                20           Android

                            21. It will turn to “change                                 22. Go back to “Light list”,
                                image” The photo will                                       the photo will show on
                                show on it.                                                 the left of “Light 1”.
                                (Android will be slightly
                                different from the iOS

  21                                                          22                                              Page 9 of 16


23. Click fig.13 “Change existing                           24. Click fig.13 “Rename light”
    photo” to choose a desired                                  to enter a name for the
    image on your device. Then                                  light, then click “Save”.
    click “Cancel” back to
    “Setting” menu list.


                                    23                                                        24

Restore factory defaults

25. Click fig.8 “Restore factory                               26. Remove the device
   defaults” to restore your                                       from the light list.
   settings (only the light name
   and password) to the original
   Note: The photo’s settings
   can’t be restored by
   using this function.

                                    25                                                        26

 Note: 1. Manual control and App control independently.
       2. The function which is executed is the lastest settings.
       3. After a power cut or power outage, the function
          of the light will revert back to the actual settings
          of the switches on the fixture.
          App settings will also revert back to the factory default.
       4. For achieving the best performance, make sure
          the wall switch is in “ON” state (daytime and nighttime).

                                                                                                   Page 10 of 16


                                   Connecting to Alexa

1. Sigin in with amazon                         2. Select your name or
   alexa account.                                  someone else.

                               1                                            2

3. Launch the Alexa App                         4. Select Skills & Games.
  then tap on the “Menu”.
  (In the upper left corner)

                               3                                            4

                                                                                Page 11 of 16


5. In the search menu type            6. Tap “ENABLE TO USE”.
   “Innovation & Perfect”. then
   tap “Innovation & Perfect”.

                                  5                                6

7. Enter the user name &              8.Get successful page
   assword from the Innovation          and press cross.
   & Perfect App.
   Then tap “Login”.


                                  7                                8

9. Discover your devices.             10.Discover devices for 20


                                  9                                10

                                                                        Page 12 of 16


11. Discover a light and set up           12.Add your light to a group.


                                  11                                      12

13. Select a group.                    14. Light is added to a group.


                                  13                                      14

15. Tap lights.                        16. New device is displayed
                                           in group.


                                  15                                      16

                                                                               Page 13 of 16


Connecting to Google Home

1. Login Google Home with account.   2. Tap set up device.

  Press       to add device

                              1                              2

                                                                 Page 14 of 16

3. Select Works with Google.            4. Select[test] Innovation &

                                    4                                  5

5. Enter the user name &                6. Wait for signing in.
   assword from the Innovation
   & erfect App.Then tap “Login”.

                                    6                                  7

7. Go back to main page.                 8. A device links to google
                                            home automatically.

                                    7                                  8

                                                                           Page 15 of 16


Range                                   Up to 70ft. (Varies with surrounding
Sensing angle                           Up to 240º
Electrical load - LED                   32W
Lumens                                  2600lm
Power requirements                      120 VAC, 60Hz
Operating modes                         Test, Auto, 3H, 6H, PC
Time delay                              30s,1min,3min
Mobile device requirements Iphone 4S or newer running IOS 8.0 x or later.
                           Android v4.4 or later
                           Phone must also have Bluetooth version 4.0 or later

The following parts are available for reorder if damaged or missing. Call our toll-free at 1-800-887-6326.

 Spare Parts List:

    AA                                                                 CC

                     Mounting Screw                                          Fixture Mounting Screw
                     X2                                                      X1

    BB                                                                 DD

                     Mounting Strip                                             Wire Connector
                     X1                                                         X3

                                                   Assembly Kit
                                                   5569MM (1 SET)

                                                                                                      Page 16 of 16

   To clean, turn off and wipe with a damp, non-abrasive cloth.

1) The light does not come on at all:
   a) Make sure the wall switch and circuit breaker are on.
   b) Make sure the wiring is correct.
   c) Make sure the Daylight turn-on(photocell) is in effect.
   d) Make sure the motion sensor is aimed in the right direction to cover the desired area.
   e) Make sure the outside air temperature is not close to the same as a person’s body heat.
2) The light comes on during the day.
   a) Make sure the motion sensor is not installed in a relatively dark location.
If unable to fix any of the above issues, please consult a certified electrician.

FIVE-YEAR LIMITED WARRANTY: If, during normal use, this PATRIOT LIGHTING lighting fixture breaks or fails duet

to a defect in material workmanship within five (5) years from the date of original purchase, simply bring this lighting
fixture with the original sales receipt back to your nearest MENARDS retail store. At its discretion, PATRIOT LIGHTING
                                                                       R                                                   R

agrees to have the product or any defective part(s) repaired or replaced with the same or similar PATRIOT LIGHTING

product or part free of charge, within the stated warranty period, when returned by the original purchaser with original
sales receipt. This warranty; (1) excludes expendable parts including but not limited to light bulbs; (2) does not cover
damage that has resulted from abuse or misuse; and (3) does not cover any losses, labor, injuries to persons/property
or costs. This warranty does give you specific legal rights and you may have other rights, which vary from state to state.

FCC Statement
Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance could void the user's
authority to operate the equipment.

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions:
(1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.
This equipment complies with FCC radiation exposure limits set forth for an uncontrolled environment .
This transmitter must not be co-located or operating in conjunction with any other antenna or transmitter.
This device must be installed and operated with a minimum distance of 20 cm between the radiator and user body.

                                  Questions, problems, missing parts?
                                  Before returning to your retailer, call our customer service at 1-800-887-6326
                                  Monday – Friday 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. CST

                                                                                                           Page 17 of 16

Document Created: 2019-07-29 18:29:46
Document Modified: 2019-07-29 18:29:46

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC