RF Test Report


Test Report

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                                  On Behalf of

                             Chunghsin Technology Group CO.,LTD

                                           8" Android Tablet

                                  Model Number: ONA19TB002

                                Additional Model: ONA19TB010

                                      FCC ID: 2AE2WT0815M

 Prepared for:         Chunghsin Technology Group CO.,LTD
                       No. 618-2 GONGREN WEST ROAD, JIAOJIANG AREA, TAIZHOU CITY,
                       ZHEJIANG, CHINA

 Prepared By:          EST Technology Co., Ltd.
                       Chilingxiang, Qishantou, Santun, Houjie, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
                                      Tel: 86-769-83081888-808

                      Report Number:       ESTE-R1901015-1
                      Date of Test:        Apr. 19~28, 2019
                      Date of Report:      Apr. 29, 2019

                  EST Technology Co.,Ltd               Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1   Page 1 of 29


                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS

Description                                                                                                                                                   Page
TEST REPORT VERIFICATION......................................................................................................................... 3
   1. GENERAL INFORMATION ................................................................................................................. 4
            1.1.    Description of Device (EUT) ........................................................................................................... 4
      2.    SUMMARY OF TEST ......................................................................................................................... 6
            2.1.    Test methodology. ............................................................................................................................ 6
            2.2.    Summary of test result ...................................................................................................................... 6
            2.3.    Test Facilities ................................................................................................................................... 7
            2.4.    Measurement uncertainty for EST Technology Co., Ltd. ................................................................ 8
            2.5.    Assistant equipment used for test ..................................................................................................... 8
            2.6.    Block Diagram ................................................................................................................................. 9
            2.7.    Test mode ....................................................................................................................................... 10
            2.8.    Channel List ................................................................................................................................... 11
            2.9.    Test Equipment For EST Technology Co., Ltd. ............................................................................. 12
      3.    RADIATED SPURIOUS EMISSIONS .................................................................................................. 14
            3.1.    Limit ............................................................................................................................................... 14
            3.2.    Block Diagram of Test setup .......................................................................................................... 15
            3.3.    Test Procedure ................................................................................................................................ 16
            3.4.    Test Result ...................................................................................................................................... 16
            3.5.    Test Data ........................................................................................................................................ 17
      4.    TEST SETUP PHOTO ....................................................................................................................... 20
      5.    PHOTO OF EUT ............................................................................................................................ 21

                              EST Technology Co.,Ltd                                        Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1                         Page 2 of 29

FCCI∫Dr 2/E2万 /|刀 侈8`5A· ·

                                                                                EST Technolo                                                     Ltd。
 Applicant:                                                 Chunghsin Tcchnology Group CO¨ LTD
 Address:                                                   No.618-2 GONGREN W′ EST ROAD,J1AOJIANG AREA,TA1ZHOU CITY^
                                                            ZHEJ1ANG CH1|NA
 bⅠ anufacturer:                                                                       LTD
                                                            Chunghsin Tec|hnology Group CO”
 Address:                                                   No,618-2 GONGREN WEST ROAD,J1AOJIANG AREA,TAIZHOLJ ClT丫
 E.U.T:                                                     8”    Android Tablet

 M1odel Nu【 n~ber:                                          ONA19TB002
 Additional]M[odeI:                                         ONA 19TB010
                                                                       are idcntiGal                                 tnodei name
 Power suppV:                                               DC 5V From Adapter Input AC 100~240V,50/60Hz,0.3A
                                                        DC3.7V From
 1Ilest Voltage:                                            DC 5V From Adapter lnput AC 120V/60Hz。 0.3A
                                                            DC 5V From              AC             0.3A
 Trade Narne:                                           onn                                                                      serial No,∶

I)ate ofReceipt:                                        -Apr. 19,2019                                                            Date ofTest∶          Apr.19~28,2019

                                                        FCC Rules and Regulations Pa1△ 15 SubpaH E∶ 2018
Test specification:
                                                        ANSI C63.10∶ 2013

△1est      IResult:                                     '「
                                                             he device described above istcsted by EST'Ilechnology Co.,Ltd.The
                                                        illeas1】 re111ent rcsults、                 vcrc cOntai11ed in this test report and IES'ˉ 「'11echnology Clo”
                                                        Ltd.w`as assuincd full rcsponsibility for the accuracy and colmplctencss ofthese
                                                        measuremcnts.Also,this rcpo11 shows thatthe EUT to bc technically
                                                        Colllp|liance witllthe FCC Rules and Regulations Pan 15 Subpart E

                                                             his report applies to above testcd sa1· nple OIlly and shall not be reproduced in
                                                        part without written approval ofEST Tcchno10gy Co”                                                            Ltd,
                                                                                                                                                             I)ate:               29 2019
           P.reparcd by∶                                                                   Revicwed by                                                           Approvcd-by∶

           Ring/Assistat1t                                                          ·
                                                                                     rl。   ny/Engineer

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                                                  EST Tecltnology Co.,Ltd
g$酽                                                                                                                                  Repo△ 1 No. ESTE-RltJ01 01 5-1                     Pagc 3 of29


1.1. Description of Device (EUT)
      Product Name          :     8" Android Tablet
      FCC ID                :     2AE2WT0815M
      Model Number          :     ONA19TB002
      Operation frequency   :     UNII Band I:
                                  IEEE 802.11a: 5180 ~ 5240MHz;
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT20: 5180 ~ 5240MHz;
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40: 5190 ~ 5230MHz;
                                  UNII Band II:
                                  IEEE 802.11a: 5260 ~ 5320MHz;
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT20: 5260 ~ 5320MHz;
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40: 5270 ~ 5310MHz;
                                  UNII Band III:
                                  IEEE 802.11a: 5500 ~ 5700MHz;
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT20: 5500 ~ 5700MHz;
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40: 5510 ~ 5670MHz;
                                  UNII Band IV:
                                  IEEE 802.11a: 5745 ~ 5825MHz;
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT20: 5745 ~ 5825MHz;
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40: 5755 ~ 5795MHz;
      Number of channel     :     UNII Band I:
                                  EEE 802.11a / n HT20
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40
                                  UNII Band II:
                                  IEEE 802.11a / n HT20
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40
                                  UNII Band III:
                                  IEEE 802.11a / n HT20
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40
                                  UNII Band IV:
                                  IEEE 802.11a / n HT20
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40

                   EST Technology Co.,Ltd             Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1   Page 4 of 29


      Modulation         :       OFDM(QPSK, BPSK, 16-QAM, 64-QAM,256-QAM)
      Transmit Data Rate :       IEEE 802.11a: 54, 48, 36, 24, 18, 12, 9, 6Mbps;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT20: 14.4, 28.9, 43.3, 57.8, 86.7, 115.6, 130.0,
                                 144.4 Mbps;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT40: 30, 60, 90, 120, 180, 240, 270, 300 Mbps;
      Channels Spacing      :    IEEE 802.11a: 20MHz;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT20: 20MHz;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT40: 40MHz;
      Antenna               :    Internal antenna
                                   Frequency Range                        Antenna
                                    5150~5875 MHz                          1.27 dBi
                                 Note: Bluetooth uses Antenna
                                       11a,b,g,n, uses Antenna
      Transmit Power        :    UNII Band I:
                                 IEEE 802.11a: 4 Channels;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT20: 4 Channels;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT40: 2 Channels.
                                 UNII Band II:
                                 IEEE 802.11a: 4 Channels;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT20: 4 Channels;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT40: 2 Channels.
                                 UNII Band III:
                                 IEEE 802.11a: 8 Channels;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT20: 8 Channels;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT40: 3 Channels.
                                 UNII Band IV:
                                 IEEE 802.11a: 5 Channels;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT20: 5 Channels;
                                 IEEE 802.11n HT40: 2 Channels.
      Sample Type           :    Prototype production

                    EST Technology Co.,Ltd               Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1    Page 5 of 29


2.1. Test methodology.
     Both conducted and radiated testing was performed according to the procedures in ANSI C63.10
     Radiated testing was performed at an antenna to EUT distance 3 meters. The tests documented in
     this report were performed in accordance with ANSI C63.10: 2013 and FCC CFR 47 Part 15.207,
     15.209, 15.407 and FCC 14-30. Radio testing was performed according to KDB DA 02-2138、KDB
     789033 D02、KDB 905462 D06.
2.2. Summary of test result
        Description of Test Item                  Standard                         Results
                                              FCC Part 15: 407(a)
       99%, 6dB and 26dB Bandwidth                                                  N/A
                                              FCC Part 15: 407(e)

     Maximum Conducted Output Power           FCC Part 15: 407(a)                   N/A

        Peak Power Spectral Density           FCC Part 15: 407(a)                   N/A

        Radiated Spurious Emissions           FCC Part 15: 407(b)                   PASS

       Conducted Unwanted Emissions           FCC Part 15: 407(b)                   N/A

          Band Edge Measurement               FCC Part 15: 407(b)                   N/A

            Frequency Stability               FCC Part 15: 407(g)                   N/A

                                               FCC Part 15: 207
      Power Line Conducted Emissions                                                N/A
                                             FCC Part 15: 407(b)(6)

                                               FCC Part 15: 203
           Antenna requirement                                                      N/A
                                              FCC Part 15: 407(a)

                   EST Technology Co.,Ltd             Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1             Page 6 of 29


2.3. Test Facilities
        EMC Lab                : Certificated by CNAS, CHINA
                                 Registration No.: L5288
                                 Date of registration: November 13, 2017

                                  Certificated by FCC, USA
                                  Designation Number: CN1215
                                  Test Firm Registration Number: 722932
                                  Date of registration: November 21, 2017

                                  Certificated by A2LA, USA
                                  Registration No.: 4366.01
                                  Date of registration: November 07, 2017

                                  Certificated by Industry Canada
                                  CAB identifier No.: CN0035
                                  Date of registration: January 04, 2019

                                  Certificated by VCCI, Japan
                                  Registration No.: R-13663; C-14103
                                  Date of registration: July 25, 2017
                                  This Certificate is valid until: July 24, 2020

                                  Certificated by TUV Rheinland, Germany
                                  Registration No.: UA 50413872 0001
                                  Date of registration: July 31, 2018

                                  Certificated by TUV/PS, Shenzhen
                                  Registration No.: SCN1017
                                  Date of registration: January 27, 2011

                                  Certificated by Intertek ETL SEMKO
                                  Registration No.: 2011-RTL-L2-64
                                  Date of registration: April 28, 2011

                                  Certificated by Nemko, Hong Kong
                                  Registration No.: 175193
                                  Date of registration: May 4, 2011

        Name of Firm           : EST Technology Co., Ltd.

        Site Location          : Chilingxiang, Qishantou, Santun, Houjie, Dongguan, Guangdong,

                   EST Technology Co.,Ltd                 Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1   Page 7 of 29


2.4. Measurement uncertainty for EST Technology Co., Ltd.
                              Test Item                                      Uncertainty

            Uncertainty for Conduction emission test                           2.54dB
             Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test
             Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test
                       (1GHz to 18GHz)
             Uncertainty for spurious emissions test
                      (18GHz to 40GHz)
                Uncertainty for radio frequency                                7×10-8
                 Uncertainty for conducted RF Power                            0.20dB

                  Uncertainty for Power density test                           0.26dB

                            Temperature                                         ±0.6°C

                              Humidity                                          ±4.0 %

                            Volatage DC                                         ±1.0%

                      Volatage (AC, ˂10KHz)                                     ±1.5%
       Note:This uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at approximately the 95% confidence level
       using a coverage factor of k=2.

2.5. Assistant equipment used for test
2.5.1. Router (Master)

         Manufacturer                  :     LINKSYS
         M/N                           :     WRT3200ACM
         FCC ID                        :     Q87-WRT3200ACM
         IC                            :     3839A-WRT3200ACM
         S/N                           :     1981060A621419
         MAC                           :     6038E0B87B20

2.5.2. Notebook

         Manufacturer                  :     DELL
         M/N                           :     Laititude E6420
         Adapter                       :     M/N: DA90PM111

2.5.3. Adapter

         Manufacturer                  :     onn
         M/N                           :     BSY01J3050200U U
         Input                         :     AC 100-240V, 50/60Hz, 0.3A
         Output                        :     DC 5.0V, 2.0A

                        EST Technology Co.,Ltd               Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1        Page 8 of 29


2.6. Block Diagram
For radiated emissions test: EUT was placed on a turn table, which is 0.8 (or 1.5) meter high above
ground. EUT was be set into TX test mode by software before test.

              AC Mains                        Adapter                          EUT

                                              (EUT: 8" Android Tablet)

Note:We test X-axis, Y-axis, and Z-axis,. The Y-axis is the worst mode,
so only theworst mode test data was included in the report.

                     EST Technology Co.,Ltd                   Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1   Page 9 of 29


2.7. Test mode
        The test software was used to control EUT work in Continuous TX mode, and select test
        channel, wireless mode

                                                                            Frequency     Data rate
         Band                                 Mode          Channel
                                                                              (MHz)       (Mbps)
                                                              Low              5180          6
                                IEEE 802.11a & n HT20
                                                             Middle            5200          6
                                VHT20: 5180-5240MHz
      UNII Band I                                             High             5240          6
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40           Low              5190        13.5
                                    : 5180-5240MHz            High             5230        13.5

                                                              Low               5260           6
                               IEEE 802.11a & n HT20:
                                                             Middle             5300           6
      UNII Band II                                            High              5320           6
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40:          Low               5270          13.5
                                    5270-5310MHz              High              5310          13.5

                                                              Low               5500           6
                               IEEE 802.11a & n HT20:
                                                             Middle             5580           6
     UNII Band III                                            High              5700           6
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40:          Low               5510          13.5
                                      5510-5670               High              5670          13.5

                                                              Low               5745           6
                               IEEE 802.11a & n HT20:
                                                             Middle             5785           6
     UNII Band IV                                             High              5825           6
                                  IEEE 802.11n HT40:          Low               5755          13.5
                                    5755-5795MHz              High              5795          13.5

                     EST Technology Co.,Ltd             Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1      Page 10 of 29


2.8. Channel List

         Band                           Mode               Channel
                                                              36                     5180
                            IEEE 802.11a & n HT20:            40                     5200
                                5180-5240MHz                  44                     5220
      UNII Band I
                                                              48                     5240
                               IEEE 802.11n HT40:             38                     5190
                                 5180-5240MHz                 46                     5230

                                                              52                    5260
                            IEEE 802.11a & n HT20:            56                    5280
                                5260-5320MHz                  60                    5300
      UNII Band II
                                                              64                    5320
                               IEEE 802.11n HT40:             54                    5270
                                 5270-5310MHz                 62                    5310

                                                             100                    5500
                                                             104                    5520
                                                             108                    5540
                            IEEE 802.11a & n HT20:           112                    5560
                                5500-5700MHz                 116                    5580
     UNII Band III                                           132                    5660
                                                             136                    5680
                                                             140                    5700
                                                             102                    5510
                               IEEE 802.11n HT40:
                                                             110                    5550
                                                             134                    5670

                                                             149                    5745
                                                             153                    5765
                            IEEE 802.11a & n HT20:
                                                             157                    5785
     UNII Band IV                                            161                    5805
                                                             165                    5825
                               IEEE 802.11n HT40:            151                    5755
                                 5755-5795MHz                159                    5795

                     EST Technology Co.,Ltd          Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1     Page 11 of 29


2.9. Test Equipment For EST Technology Co., Ltd.
2.9.1. For conducted emission test
Equipment                  Manufacturer Model No.            Serial No. Calibration Last Cal.  Next Cal.
EMI Test Receiver          Rohde              ESHS30         832354     CEPREI      June 15,18 1 Year
                           & Schwarz
Artificial Mains Network   Rohde              ENV216         101260       CEPREI          June 15,18 1 Year
                           & Schwarz
Pulse Limiter              Rohde              ESH3-Z2        101100       CEPREI          June 15,18 1 Year
                           & Schwarz
Test Software              Audix              e3-6.111221a   N/A          N/A             N/A           N/A

2.9.2. For radiated emission test(9 kHz-30MHz)
Equipment                  Manufacturer Model No.            Serial No. Calibration Last Cal.  Next Cal.
EMI Test                   Rohde     ESR7                    101780     CEPREI      June 15,18 1 Year
Receiver                   & Schwarz
Active Loop Antenna        SCHWAREB FMZB 1519B 1519B-088 N/A                              Aug. 01,18 1 Year
Test Software              Audix     e3-6.111221a N/A    N/A                              N/A           N/A
2.9.3. For radiated emissions test (30-1000MHz)
Equipment                  Manufacturer Model No.            Serial No. Calibration Last Cal.  Next Cal.
EMI Test                 Rohde         ESR7                  101780     CEPREI      June 15,18 1 Year
Receiver                 & Schwarz
Bilog Antenna            Teseq         CBL 6111D             27090        CEPREI          June 15,18 1 Year
Test Software            Audix         e3-6.111221a          N/A          N/A             N/A        N/A
2.9.4. For radiated emission test(above 1GHz)
Equipment                Manufacturer Model No.  Serial No. Calibration                   Last Cal.     Next Cal.
Horn Antenna               SCHWARZB BBHA 9120 D BBHA912 CEPREI                            June 18,18 1 Year
                           ECK                   0D1002
Horn Antenna               SCHWARZB BBHA9170     BBHA917 CEPREI                           June 18,18 1Year
                           ECK                   0242
Signal Amplifier           SCHWARZB BBV9718      9718-212 CEPREI                          June 18,18 1 Year
Spectrum Analyzer          Rohde    FSV          103173     CEPREI                        June 15,18 1 Year
PSA Series Spertrum        Agilent  E4447A       MY50180 CEPREI                           June 15,18 1Year
Analyzer                                         031
Test Software              Audix    e3-6.111221a N/A        N/A                           N/A           N/A

                     EST Technology Co.,Ltd                  Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1         Page 12 of 29


2.9.5. For DFS and connect EUT antenna terminal test
Equipment                Manufacturer Model No.         Serial No. Calibration Last Cal.            Next Cal.
TS 8997                  Rohde               /          /          /           /                    /
Open Switch and          Rohde               OSP-B157WB 101309        CEPREI          June 15,18 1Year
Control Unit             &Schwarz
Signal and               Rohde               FSV        103173        CEPREI          June 15,18 1 Year
Spectrum Analyzer        &Schwarz
Signal Generator         Rohde               SMB100A    108752        CEPREI          June 15,18 1 Year
Vector Signal            Rohde               SMBV100A   260753        CEPREI          June 15,18 1Year
Generator                &Schwarz
Test Software            Rohde               WMS32      V10.40.00 N/A                 N/A           N/A
Spectrum Analyzer        Agilent             E4408B              CEPREI               June 15,18 1 Year
Temperature controller DK       DK70A                   006562   Tiansu               June 03,18 1 Year
AC Source              CHANGJIA 3KV                     EST215-0 N/A                  N/A        N/A
                       NG                               07

                    EST Technology Co.,Ltd               Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1         Page 13 of 29


3.1. Limit
      All the emissions appearing within 15.205 restricted frequency bands shall not exceed the limits shown in
      15.209&15.407(b), all the other emissions shall be at least 20dB below the fundamental emissions, or comply
      with 15.209 &15.407(b)limits.

      15.205 Restricted frequency band

      15.209 &15.407(b) Limit
          Frequency (MHz)              Field Strength(μV/m)             Distance(m)
             0.009-0.490                   2400/F(kHz)                       300
             0.490-1.705                   24000/F(kHz)                       30
               1.705-30                          30                           30
                 30-88                          100                            3
                88-216                          150                            3
               216-960                          200                            3
             Above 960                          500                            3
     Remark:(1) Emission level dBV = 20 log Emission level V/m
              (2) The smaller limit shall apply at the cross point between two frequency bands.
               (3) Distance is the distance in meters between the measuring instrument,
                   antenna and the closest point of any part of the device or system.

      5150 MHz - 5250 MHz : e.i.r.p -27 dBm (68.2dBuV/m@3m)
      5250 MHz - 5350 MHz : e.i.r.p -27 dBm (68.2dBuV/m@3m)
      5470 MHz - 5725 MHz : e.i.r.p -27 dBm (68.2dBuV/m@3m)
      5725 MHz - 5850 MHz : all emissions shall be limited to a level of -27 dBm/Mhz at 75Mhz or
      more above or below the band edge increasing linearly to 10dBm/Mhz at 25 Mhz above or below
      the band edge ,and from 25Mhz above or below the band edge increasing linearly to to a level of
      15.6 dBm/Mhz at 5MHz above or below the band edge ,and from 5Mhz above or below the band
      edge increasing linearly to a level of 27 dBm/Mhz at the band edge.

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3.2. Block Diagram of Test setup

                  EST Technology Co.,Ltd   Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1   Page 15 of 29


3.3. Test Procedure
     EUT was placed on a turn table, which is 0.8 meter high above ground for 9kHz~1000MHz test,
     and which is 1.5 meter high above ground for above 1GHz test. The turn table can rotate 360
     degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. Power on the EUT and let it
     working in test mode, then test it. EUT is set 3 meters away from the receiving antenna, which is
     mounted on a antenna tower. The antenna can be moved up and down between 1 meter and 4
     meters to find out the maximum emission level. Both horizontal and vertical polarization of the
     antenna are set on test.

     The test frequency analyzer system was set to Peak Detect (300Hz RBW in 9kHz to 150kHz and
     10kHz RBW in 150kHz to 30MHz) Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum Hold Mode.

     The bandwidth of the EMI test receiver (R&S ESVS10) is set at 120kHz for frequency range from
     30MHz to 1000 MHz.

     The bandwidth of the Spectrum’s VBW is set at 1MHz and RBW is set at 1MHz for peak
     emissions measurement above 1GHz and 1MHz RBW, 10Hz VBW for average emissions measure
     above 1GHz
      PEAK detector, 1MHz/1MHz for PAEK measurement,
      PEAK detector, 1MHz/10Hz for Average measurement

     The frequency range from 9 kHz to 10th harmonic are checked.

3.4. Test Result
     Note: 1、For emissions above 1GHz, if peak level comply with average limit, then the
             average level is deemed to comply with average limit.
          2、 The frequency 5180MHz 、5190MHz、5200MHz、5230 MHz、5240 MHz、
             5260 MHz、5270 MHz、5300 MHz、5310 MHz、5320 MHz、5500 MHz、
             5510 MHz、5580 MHz、5670 MHz、5700 MHz、5745 MHz、5755 MHz、
             5785 MHz、5795 MHz、5825MHz is fundamental frequency which no limit,
             the limit on plots is automatically generated by the software, it's not
             fundamental limit, we can't remove it.

                   EST Technology Co.,Ltd             Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1    Page 16 of 29


3.5. Test Data
9 kHz – 30 MHz
Note: The amplitude of spurious emission that is attenuated by more than 20dB below the permissible
      limit has no need to be reported.

                    EST Technology Co.,Ltd             Report No. ESTE-R1901015-1    Page 17 of 29

                                                                                       Chilingxieng, Gishantou. Sentun.
                                                                                       Houle, Dongguan,Guangdiong, China.
EST Technology                                                                         Tel=86—780—23081888

   Data: 7                   File: NEMIC—966—1itest datal2079iRFCiChunghsinionta 197B002.EM6 (8)
              Level (dBuvim)                                                                       Date: 2010—04—22


                                                                                              Fec part 15 scom


              30 100.          200.    300.      400.       500.      00.       oo.         800.       soo.    1000
                                                        Frequency (MHz)
Site no.             :   14 966 Chamber              Data mo. : 7
pis. / Ant.          :   am 27062                    Ant. pol. : VERTICAL
Limi                 :   gce maan as B(oi
Env. / Ins.          :   Texpi25.4‘sHumiiT4bsPress:101.52kPs
Engineer             : Tea
us                   :   6" Android Tables
Pover                :   DC 5V From Adapter Input AC 120V/60Rz
u/n                  :   ourteraoc2
Tess Node            :   TX Mode

                          ant         Cabre                  Emission
          Freq.          Factor       Tess     Reading        Level          imz          Margin     Remark
          qare)          (aB/m)       tas)     (aBay)        (aBu¥/m)       (aBuy/m)        (e8)
  a00    so.00           re.so        olre        0.02        10.5e         40.00         20.43          oe
  &     roae             10.20        o.e9        4243        15.42         43.50         2e.00          ge
  a      ass.es          16.02        242         2.37        2o.s1         46.00         2s.49          ge
  «0    assu4e           de.37        2.66        1.56        22.3          46.00         23.61          ge
  s     soore            ar.so        a.5e        1154        an.se         46.00         1s.08          gs
  6     ass.se           26.60        a.53        o.74        2o.87         46.00         r6.13          ge
Remarks: 1. Emission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading.
         2. Margin= Linit — Emission Level.
         3. The emission levels that are 200B below the efficial limit are not reported.

                                                                                     Chilingxieng. Oishantou, Santun.
                                                                                     Houjie, Dongquan,Guangclong,China
EST Technology                                                                       Tel+86—769—33081888
    Data: 8                 File: \EMC—966—1\tst datal20 19(RFCIChunghsin|ONA 19TB002.EMG (8)
          Level (aBuvim)                                                                          Date: 2019—04—22

                                                                                             FCC PART 15 B(

          30     100.        200.    300.      400.      500.      600.       700.         800.       900.    1000
                                                      Frequency (Mkz)
site no.             14 966 Chamber                      Data no. :8
Dis. / An.           3n 37062                            Ant. pol. : HORTZONTAL
Limic                oc part is B(3M)
Eav. / Ins.          Temp:25. 4‘ ;Huni:744; Press: 101. 52kPa.
Engineer             Tea
Edt                  8" Andros Tablet
Power              : DC 5V From Adapter Input AC 120%/608z
wit                  ountsreoo2
Test Mode            TX Mode

                         ant        Cable                 Emission
         Frea.          factor      Loss      Reading      Level          Limt          Margin      Renark
         (hiz)          (aB/m)      (aB)      (aBay)       (dBa¥/m)       (dBu¥/m)        (aB)
  100    es.ss           se         o.47       13.5e       r9.19          «0.00         2o.01           ge
  20    aoo.s1           s.e0       o.8e        s.71       16.37          as.50         2nas            ge
  c     asoge           de.a7       2.56        2.00       anes           s6.00         anla7           ge
  a     stelar          19.76       2.01        o.37       2s.04          16.00         22.96           go
  s     anor            rils2       s.eu        o.st       2s.e4          a6.00         20.16           ge
  6     soo.0s          2s3.70      s.so        1.01       2e.50          s6.00         27.40           ge
Remarks: 1. Emission Level« Antenna Factor + Cable Less + Reading.
         2. Margin— Limit — Emssion Level.
         3. The enission levels that aze 20dB below the official limit are not reported.


            Radiated Test (30-1000 MHz)

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                                            External Photos
                                           M/N: ONA19TB002

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                                            External Photos
                                           M/N: ONA19TB002

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                                            External Photos
                                           M/N: ONA19TB002

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                                            External Photos
                                           M/N: ONA19TB002

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                                            External Photos
                                           M/N: ONA19TB002

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                                            Internal Photos
                                           M/N: ONA19TB002


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                                            Internal Photos
                                           M/N: ONA19TB002

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                                            Internal Photos
                                           M/N: ONA19TB002

                                                                                             Antenna Port

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                                            Internal Photos
                                           M/N: ONA19TB002

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Document Created: 2019-05-14 11:03:32
Document Modified: 2019-05-14 11:03:32

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