Test report 15B


Test Report

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                                      Application for FCC Certificate
                                               On Behalf of

                              Chunghsin Technology Group CO.,LTD

                                              32"LED TV

                                    Model Number: ONC32HR19C10

                                   FCC ID: 2AE2WONC32HR19C10

       Prepared for:      Chunghsin Technology Group CO.,LTD
                          NO.618-2 GONGREN WEST ROAD, JIAOJIANG AREA, TAIZHOU,
                          ZHEJIANG China

       Prepared By:       EST Technology Co., Ltd.
                          Chilingxiang, Qishantou, Santun, Houjie, Dongguan, Guangdong, China
                                   Tel: 86-769-83081888-808

                     Report Number:         ESTE-F1904002
                     Date of Test:          March 26 ~ Apr 03, 2019
                     Date of Report:        Apr 03, 2019

                EST Technology Co., Ltd.        Report No. ESTE-F1904002   Page 1 of 19


                                                            TABLE OF CONTENTS

    Test Report Declaration                                                                                                                                         Page
   1.      GENERAL PRODUCT INFORMATION ................................................................................... 4
        1.1.      Product Function ................................................................................................................................... 4
        1.2.      Description of Device (EUT) ................................................................................................................ 4
        1.3.      Difference between Model Numbers .................................................................................................... 4
        1.4.      Independent Operation Modes .............................................................................................................. 4
   2.      TEST SITES .................................................................................................................................... 5
        2.1.      Description of Standards and Results.................................................................................................... 5
        2.2.      Test Facilities ........................................................................................................................................ 6
        2.3.      List of Test and Measurement Instruments ........................................................................................... 7
   3.      TEST SET-UP AND OPERATION MODES .............................................................................. 8
        3.1.      Principle of Configuration Selection ..................................................................................................... 8
        3.2.      Block Diagram of Test Set-up ............................................................................................................... 8
        3.3.      Test Operation Mode and Test Software............................................................................................... 8
        3.4.      Special Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment ..................................................................................... 9
        3.5.      Countermeasures to Achieve EMC Compliance ................................................................................. 10
   4.      EMISSION TEST RESULTS ...................................................................................................... 11
        4.1.      Conducted Emission at the Mains Terminals Test .............................................................................. 11
        4.2.      Radiated Emission Test ....................................................................................................................... 14

                      EST Technology Co., Ltd.                           Report No. ESTE-F1904002                          Page 2 of 19


                                             EST Technolo                             Co■ Ltd■
 Applicant:                          Chunghsin Technology Group Co” LTD
 Address:                            N0.618-2 GONGREN WEST ROAD,JIAOJIANG AREA,TAIZHOU,
                                     zHEJIANG China

 DIa△ ufacturer                                                LTD
                                     Chunghsin Tcchnology Ciroup Co”
 Address:                            No.618-2 GONGREN WEST′ ROAD,JIAOJIANG AREA,TAIZHOU,
                                     zHEJIANG China

 Factory:                            Chunghsin Technology Group Co”                     LTD
 Address:                            No.618-2 GONGREN`Ⅳ EST ROAD,JIAOJIANG AREA,TAIZHOU,
                                     ZHEJIANG China

 E.1J.T:                             32”      LED TV

 n1。 deniNˉ u1nber:                  ONC32HR19C10

 Trade Name:                         ONN                                   serial No.:

 Date ofReceipt:                     March 26 2019                         Date oFTest:                  卜Iarch 26~Apr O3,2019

                                     FCC Rules and Rcgulations part 15 Subpan B∶ 2o18
 Test speCincatioⅡ :
                                     ANSI C63.4∶ 2014
                                     Thc dcvice described abovc is tested by∶ 已ST′ 「echnology Co.,Ltd..
                                     T′   he1|neasure1tlent results werc contained in this test rcport and IEs1′ rechn。 l。 gy Co”
 Test Resul“                         Ltd.· 弘
                                            `as assulned full responsibility for the accuracy and colnpleteness ofthese
                                     rneasurer11ents.Also,this report shoⅥ                                                                 vith
                                                                              `s that the EUT to be technically cornpliance、
                                     thc FCC Rulcs and Regulations Pa出 1 5 subpart B require1· nents.
                                     This report applies to abovc testcd satuple only and shall not be reproduccd in part
                                     without wri仗 en approval ofEST Tcchnology Co.,Ltd.
                                                                                                         Issue Date:Apr O3,2019

        Prepared by∶                                         Reviewed by:


       |适    Jn
      Ring/Assistant                                     Tony/
                                                                                                                              r】 %.

 other Aspects:
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     1.1. Product Function
          Refer to Technical Construction Form and User Manual.

     1.2. Description of Device (EUT)
       Description                    : LED TV
       Model No.                      : ONC32HR19C10
       System Input Voltage           : AC 120V/60Hz
       Power                          : 50W

     1.3. Difference between Model Numbers
          Note: N/A

     1.4. Independent Operation Modes
          1.4.1. Conducted Modes
            1 HDMI
            2 NTSC CH2/14/125                                               Worst case
            3 ATSC CH2/34/69
            4 AV IN
            5 USB Play
            Note: The worst case will be recorded in this report.
          1.4.2. Radiated Modes
            1    HDMI
            2    NTSC CH2/14/125                                            Worst case
            3    ATSC CH2/34/69
            4    AV IN
            5    USB Play
                                            Above 1GHz
            1 HDMI                                                          Worst case
            2 NTSC CH2/14/125
            3 ATSC CH2/34/69
            4 AV IN
            5 USB Play
            Note: The worst case will be recorded in this report.

                EST Technology Co., Ltd.         Report No. ESTE-F1904002   Page 4 of 19


     2.1. Description of Standards and Results
           The EUT have been tested according to the applicable standards as referenced below

           Description of Test Item            Standard                     Limits           Results
                                             FCC Rules and             15.107(a) Class B PASS
            Conducted disturbance          Regulations Part 15
                                                                       Minimum passing margin is
              at mains terminals            Subpart B:2018
                                           ANSI C63.4:2014                 7.5dB at 4.98MHz
                                                                       15.109(a) Class B PASS
                                                                       Minimum passing margin is
                                             FCC Rules and             5.15dB at 742.950MHz for
                                           Regulations Part 15
            Radiated Emission Test          Subpart B:2018             30-1000MHz;
                                            ANSI C63.4:2014            Minimum passing margin is
                                                                       8.65dB at 2970.00MHz for
                                                                       above 1GHZ;

               EST Technology Co., Ltd.     Report No. ESTE-F1904002          Page 5 of 19


     2.2. Test Facilities
       EMC Lab                   : Certificated by CNAS, CHINA
                                   Registration No.: L5288
                                   Date of registration: November 13, 2017

                                     Certificated by FCC, USA
                                     Designation Number: CN1215
                                     Test Firm Registration Number: 722932
                                     Date of registration: November 21, 2017

                                     Certificated by A2LA, USA
                                     Registration No.: 4366.01
                                     Date of registration: November 07, 2017

                                     Certificated by Industry Canada
                                     CAB identifier No.: CN0035
                                     Date of registration: January 04, 2019

                                     Certificated by VCCI, Japan
                                     Registration No.: R-13663; C-14103
                                     Date of registration: July 25, 2017
                                     This Certificate is valid until: July 24, 2020

                                     Certificated by TUV Rheinland, Germany
                                     Registration No.: UA 50413872 0001
                                     Date of registration: July 31, 2018

                                     Certificated by TUV/PS, Shenzhen
                                     Registration No.: SCN1017
                                     Date of registration: January 27, 2011

                                     Certificated by Intertek ETL SEMKO
                                     Registration No.: 2011-RTL-L2-64
                                     Date of registration: April 28, 2011

                                     Certificated by Nemko, Hong Kong
                                     Registration No.: 175193
                                     Date of registration: May 4, 2011

       Name of Firm              : EST Technology Co., Ltd.

       Site Location             : Chilingxiang, Qishantou, Santun, Houjie, Dongguan, Guangdong,

               EST Technology Co., Ltd.            Report No. ESTE-F1904002           Page 6 of 19


      2.3. List of Test and Measurement Instruments
       2.3.1. For conducted emission at the mains terminals test (844 Room)
Equipment                    Manufacturer      Model No.         Serial No.       Last Cal.    Next Cal.
EMI Test Receiver            Rohde & Schwarz   ESHS30            832354           June 15,18   1 Year
Artificial Mains Network     Rohde & Schwarz   ENV216            101260           June 15,18   1 Year
Pulse Limiter                Rohde & Schwarz   ESH3-Z2           101100           June 15,18   1 Year
Test Software                Audix             e3-6.111221a      N/A              N/A          N/A
      2.3.2. For radiated emission test
Equipment                    Manufacturer      Model No.         Serial No.       Last Cal.    Next Cal.
EMI Test Receiver            Rohde & Schwarz   ESR7              101780           June 15,18   1 Year
Bilog Antenna                Teseq             CBL 6111D         37062            June 15,18   1 Year
Horn Antenna                 SCHWARZBECK       BBHA9120D         8128-290         June 18,18   3 Year
Signal Amplifier             SCHWARZBECK       BBV9718           9718-212         June 15,18   1 Year
Test Software                Audix             e3-6.111221a      N/A              N/A          N/A

                   EST Technology Co., Ltd.     Report No. ESTE-F1904002      Page 7 of 19



     3.1. Principle of Configuration Selection
          Emission: The equipment under test (EUT) was configured to measure its highest possible
                    radiation level. The test modes were adapted accordingly in reference to the
                    Operating Instructions.

     3.2. Block Diagram of Test Set-up
          System Diagram of Connections between EUT and Simulators

                                             (EUT: LED TV)

                    1 AC Line                   Unshielded, Undetachable 1.5 m
                    2 AV IN                     Unshielded, Detachable 1.2 m
                    3 Audio out                 Unshielded, Detachable 1.2 m
                    4 HDMI                      Shielded, Detachable 1.2 m

     3.3. Test Operation Mode and Test Software
          Refer to Test Setup in clause 4.

                EST Technology Co., Ltd.       Report No. ESTE-F1904002      Page 8 of 19


     3.4. Special Accessories and Auxiliary Equipment
          3.4.1. DELL PC (4K)
                  M/N                     :   Precision Tower 3620
                  S/N                     :   23TH6H2
                  Manufacturer            :   DELL
          3.4.2. Keyboard
                  M/N                     :   L100
                  S/N                     :   CN-0RH656-65890-01M-070T
                  Manufacturer            :   Dell
                  Data Cable              :   Shielded, Undetachable, 1.8m
          3.4.3. Mouse
                  M/N                     :   L100
                  S/N                     :   CN-0RH656-65890-01M-070T
                  Manufacturer            :   Dell
                  Data Cable              :   Shielded, Undetachable, 1.8m
          3.4.4. TV Generator
                  M/N                     :   SFE
                  S/N                     :   121120
                  Manufacturer            :   R&S
                  Data Cable              :   Shielded, Detachable, 1.6m
          3.4.5. U Disc
                  M/N                     :   SDCZ7-4096
                  S/N                     :   BH0701AGOB
                  Manufacturer            :   SanDisk
          3.4.6. HDD
                  M/N                     :   iPod/A1238
                  S/N                     :   8K044D2Z9ZU
                  Manufacturer            :   Apple
          3.4.7. Earphone
                  M/N                     :   KDM-430
                  Manufacturer            :   KEENION
                  Data Cable              :   Unshielded, Undetachable, 1.6m
          3.4.8. Printer
                  M/N                     :   HP LaserJet 1020 Plus
                  Manufacturer            :   HP
                  AC Line                 :   Unshielded, Detachable 1.2m
                  USB Line                :   Unshielded, Detachable 1.2m

               EST Technology Co., Ltd.             Report No. ESTE-F1904002   Page 9 of 19


          3.4.9. DVD Player (4K)
                  M/N                     :   BDP-G4350
                  S/N                     :   BD43504KXX17011600701
                  Manufacturer            :   GIEC

     3.5. Countermeasures to Achieve EMC Compliance

               EST Technology Co., Ltd.           Report No. ESTE-F1904002   Page 10 of 19



     4.1. Conducted Emission at the Mains Terminals Test

         RESULT                           :   Pass
         Test Procedure                   :   ANSI C63.4:2014
         Frequency Range                  :   0.15 to 30MHz
         Test Site                        :   Shielded Room
         Limits                           :   FCC Part 15:2018 Class B

         Test Setup
         Date of Test                     :   March 27,2019
         M/N                              :   ONC32HR19C10
         Input Voltage                    :   AC 120V/60Hz
         Operation Mode                   :   NTSC CH2

         The frequency range from 150 kHz to 30 MHz was investigated.

         The bandwidth of the test receiver was set at 9 kHz.

         The test data of the worst case condition(s) was reported on the following page.

                     PC System

                     Receiver                  LISN

         Note: Measurement Uncertainty: ±3.48 dB at a level of confidence of 95%.

               EST Technology Co., Ltd.               Report No. ESTE-F1904002   Page 11 of 19

                                                                                  Chilingxiang. Oishentou, Sentun.
                                                                                  Hayjie, Dongguan.Guengdong.China
    ST Technology                                                                Tel=56—759—93081580
                                                                                  Foxc+86—760—83081 878

    Data: 34        File: NEMC—CE—AWost datal2019RFC\Chunghsin.EM6 (40)
        o LeveraBuy                                                                                   Date: 2019.03—27

                                                                                                     ree part js8 ap
                                                                                                     rce part 158 av

        ""ors                     .5        1             2                 5                   10           20        zo
   Trace: 33                                        Frequency (MHz)
Site no           : 844 Shield Boon                              Data no.       oc s4
Env. / Ins.       :   Temp:24.lim Mumi:69% Press:101.50k@a LINE Phase :           LDIE
Limit             :   RCC BMRT 15B QP
Engineer          : ws
EOT               :32" LED TV
Fower             : ac r2ovseone
mt                :   oncaziiR19c10
Test Mode         :   utsc Cf 2

                       LISN       Cable               Emission
          Freq.        Factor     Loss    Reading       Level         Limits       Mergin               Remark
          (Miz)        (dE)        (45)   (dBat)        (dBuy)        (dBuy)        (dE)

   1      0.21          8.68       0.04   20.95        s4.68          53. 40        18.72               Average
  20      c.2           slee       ol04   sel4s        48.20          as.40         15.20               go
   3      0.31          9.71       0.05   25.58        35.34          «9. 84        24.50               Average
   a0     on            su         o.os   selse        as.eo          se.ee         13.24               ge
   5      0.56          8.76       0.05   25. 61       35. 42         46. 00        10.58               Average
   6      0.56          8.76       0.05   37.09        46.90          56. 00         8.10               go
   10     zm            slea       olos   2olss        s0.43          as.00         as.57               Average
   8      2.27          9.82       0.06   32.12        42.00          56. 00        14.00               ge
   8      a.98          8.85       0.05   26.42        36.34          46.00          8.66               Average
 20       4.98          9.85       0.07   se.58        48.50          56. 00         7.50               ge
 11       8.82          8.89       0.08   23.99        33.96          50. 00        16.04               Average
 1200     alse          slee       olos   ssuss        as.so          so.00         24.50               ge
Remazks: 1. Emission Level= LISM Factor + Cable Loss + Reading.
         2. Margin=Limit — Emission Level.
         3. If the average linit is met when using a quasi—peak detector,
            the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limite and measurement
            with average detector is unnecessary.

                                                                                         Chilingiiang. Gishentou, Santun,
                                                                                         Houjie, Dongguan.Guengdong.China
EST Technology                                                                           Tel+86—759—u3081888

    Data: 36             File: NEMC—CE—1West datal2019\RFICIChunghsin.EMG (40)
        MLE“!(I‘&IV]                                                                                        Date: 2019—03—27


        sol                                                                         .                      ECC PART 15B AV
                                            —                                  #              1

        «/                 sw
                          dn                                                                      |

                               WeA      U


                               0.5                1            2                   5                  10           20        30
                                                          Frequency (MHz)
                    844 Shield Reom                                    Data no.         :36
                    Tempr24.lie Humi:69% Prese:101.50kPs LINE Thase : NEUIRAL
                    rcc pant iss g>
                   s2n zz0 v
                   ac azov/eons
                    wtsc C 2

                     LISE       Cable                       Emission
          Freq.      Factor     Lloss           Reading      Lavel          Limits        Maxgin             Raxark
          gme)       (as)       tas)            (asew)        (agew)        (amey)        (a8)
  a00     ons         a.66      o.oa            2s.4«        as.a«          sa.02         20.ce               Rverage
  a       ons         a.6       o.oa            se.so        48.20          ea.02         25.e2               ge
  a       o.se        acn       o.os            22.e0        s2.36          49.09         r6.73               Average
  a       0.3¢        8.71      0.05            32.24       42.00           EcH           17.03               s
  5       0.56        8.76      0.05            20.85       30.70           46.00         15.30               Average
  6       0.56        8.76      0.05            30.19       40.00           56.00         16.00               gr
  7       0.75        9. 80     0.05            19.57       29.42           46.00         16.58               Average
  8       0.75        9. 60     0. 05           32.15       42.00           5e.00         24.00               gP
  8       «.90        9.91      0.07            25.34       35.32           46.00         20.68               Average
20        s.so        pes       ocor             anlse       a7.30          se.00          #.70               ge
r100      sles        a.97      o.os            24.08        se.as          so.00         as.e>               Average
22—       s.ee        ace7      olos            sa.75        as.co          so.00         25.20               ge
              1. Emission Level= LISN Factor + Cable Loss + Reading.
              2. Margin=Dimit — Emission Level.
              3. If the average limit is met when using e quasi—peak detector,
                 the EUT shall be deemed to meet both limits and measurement
                 with average detector is unnecessary.


     4.2. Radiated Emission Test
         RESULT                           :   Pass
         Test Procedure                   :   ANSI C63.4:2014
         Frequency Range                  :   30-1000 MHz;1-6 GHz
         Test Site                        :   966 Chamber
         Limits                           :   FCC Part 15:2018 Class B
         Test Setup
         Date of Test                     :   March 29,2019
         M/N                              :   ONC32HR19C10
         Input Voltage                    :   AC 120V/60Hz
         Operation Mode                   :   NTSC CH2,HDMI

         The EUT was placed on a turn table which was 0.8 m above the ground. The turn table
         can rotate 360 degrees to determine the position of the maximum emission level. The
         EUT was set 3 m away from the receiving antenna which was mounted on an antenna
         tower. The measuring antenna moved up and down to find out the maximum emission
         level. It moved from 1 m to 4 m for both horizontal and vertical polarizations.

         The EUT was tested in the Chamber Site. It was pre-scanned with a Peak detector from
         the spectrum, and all the final readings from the test receiver were measured with the
         Quasi-Peak detector.

         The bandwidth setting on the test receiver was 120 kHz.

         The bandwidth of the Spectrum’s VBW is set at 3MHz and RBW is set at 1MHz for
         peak emissions measurement above 1GHz and 1MHz RBW, 10Hz VBW for average
         emissions measure above 1GHz

         The test data of the worst case condition(s) was reported on the following page.

               EST Technology Co., Ltd.              Report No. ESTE-F1904002   Page 14 of 19


        1、In Semi-anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram for 30MHz~1000MHz

                                                       Semi-anechoic Chamber

                                ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS

                                                                       EUT and
                                                                     Support System

                                                                    TURN TABLE
                                1.5m(L)*1.0m(W)*0.8m(H)             (FIBRE GLASS)


        2、In Anechoic Chamber Test Setup Diagram for 1-6GHz

                                                            Anechoic Chamber

                                          ANTENNA ELEVATION VARIES FROM 1 TO 4 METERS

                                                                        EUT and
                                                                      Support S

                                                                     TURN TABLE
                                 1.5m(L)*1.0m(W)*0.8m(H)             (FIBRE GLASS)


     Note: Test uncertainty: ±4.6 dB (H);±4.68 dB (V) at a level of confidence of 95%(30MHz ~
     1GHz); Test uncertainty: ±4.96dB at a level of confidence of 95%(Above 1GHz).

               EST Technology Co., Ltd.            Report No. ESTE-F1904002           Page 15 of 19

                                                                                       Chilingxiana, Qishantou, Sentun.
                                                                                       Houjie, Dongguan.Guengdong,Chine
EST Technology                                                                         Tel=a6—769—a3081880

   Data: 7                           ‘Emc—966—fitest datai20 19 EMC\C\Chunghsin— 1.EMG (18)
          Level (aBu                                                                                 Date: 20 19.03—29


                                                                                                 ECC PART 15 B(3M)

      so                                                                                                        un
      aol          [3
      30                                                                                 WMMW

            30     100.       200.        son.      400.       500.     eon.    Too.          soo.       soo.     1000
                                                           Frequency (MHz)
Site no.             : 1f 956 Chanber                         Data no. : 7
Dis. / Ant.          : Iu 37062                               Ant. pol. : HORIEONTAL
Linic                : rce BaRT is B
Euv. / Ins.          : Tempi22)sMeniiGdtsPress:101.5tkPa
Enginser             : zERO
Eum                  :327 LED TY
Power                : ac reov/sone
m                    : oncoammiscio
Test Node            :amsc on a

                           ant          cabie                  Enission
           Freq,          Factor        Loss       Reading      Level        Lixit        Eargin       Renark
           time)          (db/m}        (aB)       taBus)       (dBu¥/m)    (dBu¥/a)          tad)
  1   156.   770          10.15         119         19.62       30.37        as.50
  2   306.   450          13.75         1.07        21.07       ss.70        4s.00
  3   377.   260          15.74         2218        13.91       ar.eo        4s.00
  a   4ss.   s6o          16.01         2.66        15.47       so.14        4s.00
  5   sas.   570          18.97         2.55        12.95       as.so        4s.00
  s   742.   250          21.75         s.64        15.45       40.65        4s.0o
Remazks:     1. Emission Level= Antenna Factor + Cable Loss + Reading.
             2. Margin— Linit — Enission Level.
             3. The exission levels that are 2005 below the official lixit are not reported.

                                                                                                   Chilingxiang, Qishantou, Santun,
                                  _                                                                Houjie, Dongguan.Guangdong,China
EST Technology                                                                                     Tel+86—750—83001808

   Data: 8                       File: \Einc—966—1itest data20 19 EMCIC\Chungh             LLEMG (18)
        .oL.evel (dBu¥im)                                                                                      Date: 20 19.03—29


                                                                                                          FCC PART 15 B(GM)

        sol                                                                                                                bus—

        "                                                              eawb]



              30—   100.          200.         300.   400.       500.          600.           700.      800.       900.     1000
                                                             Frequency (MHz)
Site no.              :    1#    966    Chanber                 Data no.        :   0
Dis.    / Ant.        1    dn         37062                     Ant.    pol.    :   VERTICAL
Linit                 :    FCC PART 15 B(BM)
Eav.    / Ins.        :    Temp:22! ;Huxi: 6447 Press: 101. S2kPa.
Engineer              : zero
EUT                   i    92"    LED TY
Power                 1    AC    1209/60He
/R                    :    OCazERLSC1O
Test Mode             :    msC CR 2

                            AuT               Cable               Exission
          Freq.            Factor             Loas    Reeding      Level                 Linis        Hergin      Rewerk
          (nie)            {aB/m)             (aB)    (abuy‘y     {dbBu¥/n)             (dBu¥/m)       {aB)

  10     34.050            16.45              0.19     18. 05      34. 5o               40.   00       5.31        ar
  20     97.500              a.62             0.5a     2s.04       ss. so               45.   so      10. o0       gr
  s     iso.2s0            11.s0              1.05     19. 07      a1.6s                4s.   so      i1.84        gr
  4     s10.1s0            18. 40             2.70     16. 04      a7.a4                46.   on       8. 8        ar
  5.    seo.s70            19.97              2.95     16. 42      39. 34               46.   00       6. 66       ar
  s     7az.950            21.75              3.54     11.63       37.03                46.   00       8.97        ar

Remarks: 1. Erission Level= Anterna Factor + Ceble Loss + Reading.
         2. Margin= Limit — Enission Level.
         3. The euission levels that are 204B below the official linit are not reported.

                                                                                        Chilingsieng, Oishantou, Santur,
                                                                                        Houjie. DongguanGuenadongChinar
EST Technology                                                                          Tel»86—769—83081309
  Data: 54                  File:\Eme—906.1test datal20 19EMCIC\Chunghsin.EMG (72)
                                                                                                      Date: 2010.03—20

                                                                                             ret PART 15(1—60) PK
                                                a                19                          Fot PART 15(1—.60) aV
       sol                                                        l

             1000               2000.                3000.              4000.                 5000.                 sovo
  Trace:ss                                               Frequency (Miz)
Site no.            :   1# 966 Chaxber                Date no. : 54
Dis. / Ant.         :   3w 8120b 1106                 Anc. pol. : ORTRORTAL
poae                :   rce mart as(i—s0) pK
Env. / Ins.         :   Texpr26. 4) rMund+62.4vzPresoiA01, Stkie
Engineer            :   zero
zut                 i   s2n tep Ty
Power               :   ac rzow/sorte
w/a                 :   oncsamiscio
Tess nogs           :   moaz

                         ant            cable                 Entssson
         Feeq.          Pactor          Loss        Reading    level         biwit         Hergin       Remork
         (ite)          (dB/a)          (a8)        (aBut)    (dbutt/w)     (dbutt/ey       (db)
  1   r«zs.000          24.56           2.2s          2.3      sa.an        s4.00          19.79          Avexage
  a   r42s.000          24.56           z.26         21.60     4s. so       24.00          as.so          Pesk
  5   2700.000          27.4s           3.00         10.24     41. z0       54.00          12.00          Averege
  4   2700.000          27.ss           3.00         24.04     ss.co        74.00          18.00          Pesk
  s   2820.000          2s.as           s.20         10.1s     ar.se        s4.00          12.48          Average
  &   2ee0.000          anlas           a.20         as14      aa. so       74.00          2. 5o          Peak
  2   2or0.000          26.52           a.27         13.56     4s.35        se.00           s.65          Averege
  8   2on0.000          20.52           5.27         16.21     45. 00       74.00          2s.00          Peak
  a   sse0.000          20.72           am            s.02     a2.2s        s4.00          uilos          Average
 20   sse0.000          26.72           sm           arle?     sa.ao        74.00          18.s0          pesk
 11   seen.000          20.13           a.se          s.7e     a9.03        se.00          1417           Average
 12   seen.000          20.13           a.92         20.25     sa. sn       24.00          20.20          Pesk
Rexerks: 1. Entssion level= Antenna Fector + Cable loss + Reading.
         2. Haxgin= Ltust — Enteston Level.
         3. The exission levels that are 2049 below the official linit are not reported.


               EST Technology Co., Ltd.   Report No. ESTE-F1904002   Page 19 of 19

Document Created: 2019-04-11 06:34:04
Document Modified: 2019-04-11 06:34:04

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