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                                  Operation Description

Pursuant to KDB 594280 D02, the overall security measures and systems that ensure that
    1.   Authenticated software is loaded and operating the device; and
    2.   The device is not easily modified to operate with RF parameters outside of the
are described.
The following questions are addressed the description of the software in the operational
description for the device and clearly how the device meets the security requirements.

                            SOFTWARE SECURITY DESCRIPTION
 General    1. Describe how any software/firmware             It will be obtained by the factory.
Description    update will be obtained, downloaded, and       It will be downloaded by ODM website.
                                                              It will be installed by the end user.
            2. Describe all the radio frequency               The RF parameters cannot be modified by
               parameters that are modified by any            software.
               software/firmware without any hardware         The firmware has been complied as binary file. It
               changes. Are these parameters in               couldn’t change the setting of RF Parameters
               some way limited, such that, it will not
                                                              through this binary file. It is read‐only without
               exceed the authorized parameters?
            3. Are there any authentication protocols in      Yes. The RF Parameters is put in read‐only
               place to ensure that the source of the         partition of the product’s flash and is only installed
               software/firmware is legitimate? If so,        by the factory. RF Parameters will be locked in this
               describe in details; if not, explain how the   partition.
               software is secured from modification.

            4. Are there any verification protocols in        No.
               place to ensure that the software/
               firmware is legitimate? If so, describe in
            5. Describe, if any, encryption methods           No.
            6. For a device that can be configured as a       This device cannot be configured as a master and
               master and client (with active or passive      client.
               scanning), explain how the device
               ensures compliance for each mode? In
               particular if the device acts as master in
               some band of operation and client in
               another; how is compliance ensured in

               each band of operation?

Third-Party 1. How are unauthorized software/ firmware           The RF parameters are Read‐Only and are
 Access        changes prevented?                                only installed by the factory.
            2. Is it possible for third parties to load device   No, The RF parameters are put in read‐only
               drivers that could modify the RF                  partition and are only installed by factory.
               parameters, country of operation or other
               parameters which impact device
               compliance? If so, describe procedures
               to ensure that only approved drivers are
            3. Explain if any third parties have the             No. The RF parameters are put in read‐only
               capability to operate a US sold device on         partition and are only installed by factory.
               any other regulatory domain, frequencies,
               or in any manner that is in violation of the
            4. What prevents third parties from loading          The RF parameters are put in read‐only
               non-US versions of the software/firmware          partition and are only installed by factory.
               on the device?
            5. For modular devices, describe how                 This is not a module device.
               authentication is achieved when used with
               different hosts.

For devices which have “User Interfaces” (UI) to configure the device in a manner that may
impact the operational parameter, the following question is to address if the device supports
any of the country code configurations or peer-peer mode communications discussed in
KDB 594280 Publication D01.

    USER      1. To whom is the UI accessible?                       End user.
CONFIGURATION    (Professional installer, end user, other.)
     GUIDE             a) What parameters are viewable to the        Authorized channel.
                          professional installer/end-user?
                       b) What parameters are accessible or          This is not professional install device.
                          modifiable to the professional
                           i)   Are the parameters in some way This is not professional install device.
                                limited, so that the installers will
                                not enter parameters that exceed
                                those authorized?

        ii)    What controls exist that the user This is not professional install device.
              cannot operate the device outside
              its authorization in the U.S.?
   c)    What configuration options are              Authorized channel.
        available to the end-user?
        i)    Are the parameters in some way Yes.
              limited, so that the installers will
              not enter parameters that exceed
              those authorized?
        ii)    What controls exist that the user The RF parameters are put in read‐only
              cannot operate the device outside partition and are only installed by
              its authorization in the U.S.?     factory.

   d)    Is the country code factory set?            Yes.
        Can it be changed in the UI?                 It cannot be changed in UI.
        i)    If so, what controls exist to          RF Parameters (frequency of operation,
              ensure that the device can only        power settings, antenna types. Or
              operate within its authorization in    country code settings) is Read‐Only and
              the U.S.?                              is obtained by the factory.

   e)    What are the default parameters             Factory setting.
        when the device is restarted?
2. Can the radio be configured in bridge or          No.
   mesh mode? If yes, an attestation
   may be required. Further information is
   available in KDB Publication 905462
3. For a device that can be configured as a          This device cannot be configured as a
   master and client (with active or passive         master and client.
   scanning),if this is user configurable,
   describe what controls exist, within the
   UI, to ensure compliance for each
   mode. If the device acts as a master in
   some bands and client in others, how is
   this configured to ensure compliance?
4. For a device that can be configured as            This device cannot be configured as
   different types of access points, such as         different types of access points.
   point-to-point or point-to-multipoint, and
   use different types of antennas,
   describe what controls exist to ensure
   compliance with applicable limits and
   the proper antenna is used for each
   mode of operation. (See Section

Document Created: 2015-03-05 17:37:22
Document Modified: 2015-03-05 17:37:22

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