Declaration Letter of Software Security Requirements


Cover Letter(s)

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                                   Hollyland Technology Co., Ltd

    Federal Communication Commission
    Equipment Authorization Division, Application Processing Branch
    7435 Oakland Mills Road
    Columbia, MD21048


    Attn: Office of Engineering and Technology
    Subject: Attestation Letter regarding UNII devices


    Software security questions and answers per KDB 594280 D02:
                      Software Security description – General Description
1     Describe how any software/firmware update will We do not release the firmware on
      be obtained, downloaded, and installed. Software our website for downloading. We
      that is accessed through manufacturer’s website     design and manufacture the device
      or device’s management system, must describe        and end product by ourselves and
      the different levels of security.                   the firmware from us will not be
                                                          released to any external customer or
                                                          manufacturers and it will be made
                                                          available via secure server.
2     Describe all the radio frequency parameters that    Radio frequency parameters are
      are modified by any software/firmware without       limited by US regulatory domain
      any hardware changes. Are these parameters in       and country code to limit frequency
      some way limited, such that, it will not exceed     and transmit power levels. These
      the authorized parameters?                          limits are stored in non-volatile
                                                          memory at the time of production.
                                                          They will not exceed the authorized
3     Describe in detail the authentication protocols     The firmware is installed on each
      that are in place to ensure that the source of the  single device during manufacturing
      software/firmware is legitimate. Describe in        process. The correct firmware is
      detail how the software is protected against        also verified and installed during
      modification                                        manufacturing process.
                                                          In addition, the firmware binary is
                                                          encrypted using SHA-1 encryption
                                                          and the firmware updates can only
                                                          be stored in non-volatile memory
                                                          when the firmware is authenticated.
                                                          The encryption key is known by
                                                          ourselves only.
4     Describe in detail the verification protocols in    The firmware binary is encrypted.

                                     Hollyland Technology Co., Ltd

        place to ensure that installed software/firmware is The process to flash a new firmware
        legitimate                                          is using a secret key to decrypt the
                                                            firmware, only correct decrypted
                                                            firmware is stored in non-volatile
                                                            memory (see #3).
    5   Describe in detail the verification protocols in    Standard SHA-1 encryption is used
        place to ensure that installed software/firmware is (see #3).
    6   For a device that can be configured as a master     The device ensures the compliance
        and client (with active or passive scanning),       by checking the configured
        explain how the device ensures compliance for       parameter and operation values
        each mode? In particular if the device acts as      according to the regulatory domain
        master in some band of operation and client in      and country code in each band.
        another; how is compliance ensured in each band
        of operation?
                   Software Security description – Third-Party Access Control
1       Explain if any third parties have the capability to No, third parties don’t have the
        operate a US sold device on any other regulatory capability to access and change
        domain, frequencies, or in any manner that is in    radio parameters. US sold devices
        violation of the certification.                     are factory configured to US.
2       Describe, if the device permits third-party         The embedded software is protected
        software or firmware installation, what             via the measures explained in the
        mechanisms are provided by the manufacturer to previous section(see #3).
        permit integration of such functions while          Distributions of host operating
        ensuring that the RF parameters of the device       software are encrypted with a key.
        cannot be operated outside its authorization for
        operation in the U.S. In the description include
        what controls and/or agreements are in place with
        providers of third-party functionality to ensure
        the devices’ underlying RF parameters are
        unchanged and how the manufacturer verifies the
3       For Certified Transmitter modular devices,          The device is not available for sale
        describe how the module grantee ensures that        or installation outside of company
        host manufacturers fully comply with these          licensing agreements. And the
        software security requirements for U-NII devices. device don't provide host control
        If the module is controlled through driver          hardware or software interface to
        software loaded in the host, describe how the       users, so that its internal RF
        drivers are controlled and managed such that the parameters cannot be modified by
        modular transmitter RF parameters are not           outside the grant of authorization.
        modified outside the grant of authorization.
                Software Security description – USER CONFIGURATION GUID
1       Describe the user configurations permitted          There is no user configuration GUI.
        through the UI. If different levels of access are

                                  Hollyland Technology Co., Ltd

    permitted for professional installers, system
    integrators or end-users, describe the differences.
    a. What parameters are viewable and                           There is no user configuration GUI.
        configurable by different parties?
    b. What parameters are accessible or modifiable               This device is not subject to
        to the professional installer?                            professional installation. And we
        i. Are the parameters in some way limited,                don't open any parameters to the
                so that the installers will not enter             installer.
                parameters that exceed those
        ii. What controls exist that the user cannot
                operate the device outside its
                authorization in the U.S.?
    c. What configuration options are available to                The end user is not able to
        the end-user?                                             configure any parameters related to
                                                                  the devices radio, because the
                                                                  device don't provide host control
       i.    Are the parameters in some way limited,              hardware or software interface to
               so that the installers will not enter              users
               parameters that exceed those

       ii.   What controls exist that the user can’t
               operate the device outside its
               authorization in the U.S.?
    d. Is the country code factory set? Can it be                 The country code is factory set and
       changed in the UI?                                         is never changed by UI.

                                                                  The country code is factory set and
       i.   If so, what controls exist to ensure that             is never changed by UI
               the device can only operate within its
               authorization in the U.S.?
    e. What are the default parameters when the                   At each boot up the country code
       device is restarted?                                       and power calibration value are
                                                                  read from the non-volatile memory;
                                                                  those values are configured during
                                                                  device production.
2   Can the radio be configured in bridge or mesh                 Not supported
    mode? If yes, an attestation may be required.
    Further information is available in KDB
    Publication 905462 D02.
3   For a device that can be configured as a master               No end user controls or user
    and client (with active or passive scanning), if              interface operation to change
    this is user configurable, describe what controls             master/client operation. The device

                                    Hollyland Technology Co., Ltd

      exist, within the UI, to ensure compliance for                is a master and cannot be
      each mode. If the device acts as a master in some             configured as a client because of the
      bands and client in others, how is this configured            hardware
      to ensure compliance?
4     For a device that can be configured as different              The product was controlled by
      types of access points, such as point-to-point or             software to ensure that the point to
      point-to-multipoint, and use different types of               point or point-to-multipoint
      antennas, describe what controls exist to ensure              network architecture is under the
      compliance with applicable limits and the proper              same output power level and
      antenna is used for each mode of operation. See               conform corresponding limit.
      Section 15.407(a).                                            The product use RP - SMA male
                                                                    joint external antenna to ensure that
                                                                    users can not replace antenna.


    Name and Title: Vincent Ma/ Sales Director
    Company Name: Shenzhen Hollyland Technology Co.,Ltd
    Address: 6th Floor, 3rd Building, 2nd South District, Honghualing Industry Park,
                Liuxian Avenue 1213, Xili Town, Nanshan, Shenzhen, P.R China
    Telephone: +86-755-86000682
    Fax: +86-755-83940008

Document Created: 2016-05-31 17:23:42
Document Modified: 2016-05-31 17:23:42

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