SAR Report Appendix 1


RF Exposure Info

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  Calibration Laboratory of                                           $il /m
  Schmidi & Partner                                                  Sn /s
                                                                                                                  S    Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
                                                                                                                  C    Service suisse d‘étalonnage
      Engineering AG                                                 192M                                              Servizio svizzero di taratura
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                       {l/fi.?
                                                                      ,                                           S    Swiss Calibration Service

  Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                                         Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
  The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
  Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

  Client         BACL—TW (Auden)                                                                  Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18

  ( lr;||-ljf
                                          EX3DV4 —SN:7522

  Calibration procedure(s)                QA CAL—01.v9, QA CAL—14.v4, QA CAL—23.v5, OA CAL—25.v6
                                          Calibration procedure for dosimetric E—field probes

 | Calibration date                       November 2, 2018

  This calibration certificate documents the traceability to national standards, which realize the physical units of measurements (S1)
  The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probability are given on the following pages and are part of the certificate.

 All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: environment temperature (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70% .

 Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration)

  Primary Standards                   ID                                 Cal Date (Certificate No.)                     Scheduled Calibration
  Power meter NRP                     SN: 104778                         04—Apr—18 (No. 217—02672/02673)                Apr—19
  Power sensor NRP—Z91                SN: 103244                         04—Apr—18 (No. 217—02672)                      Apr—19
  Power sensor NRP—291                SN: 103245                         04—Apr—18 (No. 217—02673)                      Apr—19
  Reference 20 dB Attenuator          SN: S5277 (20x)                    04—Apr—18 (No. 217—02682)                      Apr—19
  Reference Probe ES3DV2             SN: 3013                            30—Dec—17 (No. ES3—3013_Dec17)                 Dec—18
  DAE4                               SN: 660                             21:0&0-1?_'_ (No. DAE4—660_Dec17)              Dec—18

 Secondary Standards                 ID                                 Check Date (in house)                           Scheduled Check
 Power meter E4419B                  SN: GB41293874                     06—Apr—16 (in house check Jun—18)               In house check: Jun—20
 Power sensor E4412A               | SN: MY41498087                     06—Apr—16 (in house check Jun—18)                In house check: Jun—20
 Power sensor E4412A                 SN: 000110210                      06—Apr—16 (in house check Jun—18)             | In house check: Jun—20
 RF generator HP 8648C               SN; US3642U01700                   04—Aug—99 (in house check Jun—18)               in house check: Jun—20
 Network Analyzer E8358A             SN: US41080477                     31—Mar—14 (in house check Oct—18)               In house check: Oct—19

                                       Name                                    Function                                   Signature
 Calibrated by                         Claudio Leubler                         Laboratory Technician                    (    )        f

Approved by:                           Kalja Pokovic                           Technical Manager                  fifg:

                                                                                                                         Issued: November 6, 2018
This calibration certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval of the laboratory.

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                                       Page 1 of 11

   Callbl.'ation Laboratory of
                                                                                           g    Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
  Schmid & Partner                                                                         c    Service suisse d‘étalonnage
     Engineering AG                                                                             Servizio svizzero di taratura
  Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland
                                                                                           S    Swiss Calibration Service

  Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)
                                                                                            Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
  The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
  Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

  TSL                          tissue simulating liquid
  NORMx.y,z                    sensitivity in free space
  ConvF                        sensitivity in TSL / NORMx,y,z
  DCP                         diode compression point
  CF                          crest factor (1/duty_cycle) of the RF signal
  A, B,C, D                   modulation dependent linearization parameters
  Polarization 4              p rotation around probe axis
  Polarization 8              8 rotation around an axis that is in the plane normal to probe axis (at measurement center},
                              ie., 8 = 0 is normal to probe axis
 Connector Angle              information used in DASY system to align probe sensor X to the robot coordinate system
 Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
     a)    IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Averaged Specific
           Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices: Measurement
           Techniques", June 2013
     b)    1EC 62209—1, ", "Measurement procedure for the assessment of Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) from hand—
           held and body—mounted devices used next to the ear (frequency range of 300 MHz to 6 GHz)", July 2016
     c)    1EC 62209—2, "Procedure to determine the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for wireless communication devices
           used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of 30 MHz to 6 GHz)", March 2010
     d)    KDB 865664, "SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz"
 Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
           NORMx,y,z: Assessed for E—field polarization 8 = 0 (f < 900 MHz in TEM—cell; f > 1800 MHz: R22 waveguide).
           NORMx,y,z are only intermediate values, i.e., the uncertainties of NORMx,y,z does not affect the E*—field
           uncertainty inside TSL (see below ConvF).
           NORM(A)x,y,z = NORMx,y,z * frequency_response (see Frequency Response Chart). This linearization is
           implemented in DASY4 software versions later than 4.2. The uncertainty of the frequency response is included
           in the stated uncertainty of ConvF.
           DCPx,y,z: DCP are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on the data of power sweep with CW
          signal (no uncertainty required). DCP does not depend on frequency nor media.
          PAR: PAR is the Peak to Average Ratio that is not calibrated but determined based on the signal
          Axy,z; Bx,y,z; Cx,y,z; Dx,y,z; VRx,y,z: A, B, C, D are numerical linearization parameters assessed based on
          the data of power sweep for specific modulation signal. The parameters do not depend on frequency nor
          media. VR is the maximum calibration range expressed in RMS voltage across the diode.
          ConvrF and Boundary Effect Parameters: Assessed in flat phantom using E—field (or Temperature Transfer
          Standard for f < 800 MHz) and inside waveguide using analytical field distributions based on power
          measurements for f > 800 MHz. The same setups are used for assessment of the parameters applied for
          boundary compensation (alpha, depth) of which typical uncertainty values are given. These parameters are
          used in DASY4 software to improve probe accuracy close to the boundary. The sensitivity in TSL corresponds
          to NORMx,y,z * ConvF whereby the uncertainty corresponds to that given for ConvF. A frequency dependent
          ConvF is used in DASY version 4.4 and higher which allows extending the validity from + 50 MHz to + 100
          Spherical isotropy (3D deviation from isotropy): in a field of low gradients realized using a flat phantom
          exposed by a patch antenna.
          Sensor Offset: The sensor offset corresponds to the offset of virtual measurement center from the probe tip
          (on probe axis). No tolerance required.
          Connector Angle: The angle is assessed using the information gained by determining the NORMx (no
          uncertainty required).

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                                 Page 2 of 11

 EX3DV4     SN:7522                                                             November 2, 2018

                       Probe EX3DV4


                                  Manufactured:             February 26, 2018
                                  Calibrated:               November 2, 2018

                                 Calibrated for DASY/EASY Systems
                                    (Note: non—compatible with DASY2 system!)

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                    Page 3 of 11

     EX3DV4—   SN:7522                                                                                                                        November 2, 2018

     DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7522

     | mmz               .                         Sensor X                I             Sensor Y                               Sensor Z            |           Une (k=2)           |
     |_Norm (uV/(V/m)")"                              0.43                 |               0.43                                  0.52               ‘ £10.1% |
     [ DCP (mv)                                       991         _        |              100.0                 |                97.2               |                           |

     Modulation Calibration Parameters
 [ uib             | Communication System Name                    |                A       |      B         [   c           |     o      |    vR            |      unc‘
 ‘             [                                                  J J              oas         asvuiv |_____|                    4B     _|   m¥         _|         (ke2)    |
      0             CW                                            !    x |         oo          | oo |           10      |       0.00         1432       |         +#33%     |
 |             |                                                  1   o1           an      I     an     1       in      |               t{asi           |                   |
               |                                                       7       |   0.0           0 0    I           6   |               !    1405       |                   |

      The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated asthe standard uncertainty of measurement
      mML        by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage
      probability of approximately 95%.

 * The uncertainties of Norm X.Y,Z do not affect the E*—field uncertaintyinside TSL (see Pages 5 and 6)
" Numerical linearization parameter:   uncertainty not required
  Uncertainty is determined using the max. deviation from linear response applyingrectangular distribution and is expressed for the squareof the
field value.

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                                        Page 4 of 11

 EX3DV4— SN:7522                                                                                                              November 2, 2018

 DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7522

 Calibration Parameter Determined in Head Tissue Slmulatmg Medta
       |             |       Relative        Conductivity |                  |                                      |   Dt‘:l:'thG   |     Unc        |
   ] f (MHz) * : Permittivity ‘                 (S/m)!    I[ ConvF X JC(_)_n_vFY{ CDnvFZAlpha'{mm)_|_(k=2)                                         _|
   ,l      7150      |        41.9       |      0.89      |    9.78      ,l      9.78       _|   9.78    |   0.53   |    0.87            + 12.0 % :

   [       850                41.5              0.92      ‘    9.46      ‘       9.46   |        9.46    ‘ 0.44     ‘                    +12.0 % |

   |_irso |                   sor | 32 _| sz0 | s20 | s20 | 0---14____;_ :0.88.:_1_1_;5__9 x |
   !       1900               40.0               1.40     |——#.91       l        7.91   !        7.91    _|_0.34         0.86            + 12.0 % l
   | 2000                     40.0      _|       140           7.78              78 |            f:s         oss         ose             +120% |
           2300               39.5               1.67          7.35              7.35   I        7.35        0.33        0.90            +12.0 %
           2450               39.2               1.80          6.97              6.97            6.97        0.30        1.05            +12.0 %
           2600               39.0               1.96          6.79              6.79            6.79        0.35   |    0.99            +12.0 %

       |__ 5250               35.9              4.71           5.05              5.05            5.05        0.40        1.80            +13.1 % |
           5600 _|       _    35.5              5.07          _ 448| 4.48                        4.48        0.40        1.80            £13.1 %
           5800               35.3              5.27           4.76              4.76            4.176       0.40        1.80            +131%

© Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
validity can be extended to + 110 MHz.
* At frequencies below 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (s and a) can be relaxed to + 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (s and a) is restricted to + 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters.
© Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration. SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
always less than + 1%for frequencies below 3 GHz and betow + 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distance larger than half the probe tip
diameter fromthe boundary.

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                                   Page 5 of 11

  EX3DV4— SN:7522                                                                                                             November 2, 2018

  DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7522

 Calibration Parameter Determined in Body Tissue Simulating Media
        |           . |      Relative      | Conductivity |                    |           |           |                | Depth® |      Unc      |
        |_£(MHz)*          Permittivity"       (S/im)‘        ‘ ConvF X |ConvF Y| ConvFZ                   Aipha®         (mm)    |    (k=2)     ‘
        ’    750      _| _     55.5             0.96          |   9.80             9.80    |    9.80   |    044     |      0.90   r__i 12.0 % |

    i!_      850               55.2°           0.99___|ijd_| _9.54                        .|   9.54    ‘I 0.A7 :1          0.84   ‘ +12.0 % !
    |__1750                                     1.49      |       L[fl                     |    7.88___| 0.34 |            0.88    _|+120 %

    !        1900                          | as2          _|      zas     j 7.48 !_JB_ 1' 040 | oss | +120% |
   Iiuu                                 __l_ 1.52         |       7.36             7.36        7.36    I 0.40       |     0.85        £120% |

            2300                                im       _—| Ta | is } rar                             | oo               oso | +120% |
            2450              52.7              1.95      |__7.05                  7.05        7.05        0.30 |         1.10        £120% |
            2600     __|      52.5              216               6.95    _|       6.95        6.95        0.50           0.90        +12.0 %
            5250              48.9              5.36              4.77.            4.77   | 4.77       | 0.50             1.90        £131%
            5600              48.5              5.77              4.27             4.27        4.27        0.50           1.90        +131 %
   | 5800                  _ 48.2               6.00              4.31             4.31        4.31        0.50           1.90        £#13.1%|

© Frequency validity above 300 MHz of + 100 MHz only applies for DASY v4.4 and higher (see Page 2), else it is restricted to + 50 MHz. The
uncertainty is the RSS of the ConvF uncertainty at calibration frequency and the uncertainty for the indicated frequency band. Frequency validity
below 300 MHz is + 10, 25, 40, 50 and 70 MHz for ConvF assessments at 30, 64, 128, 150 and 220 MHz respectively. Above 5 GHz frequency
validity can be extended to + 110 MHz.
" At frequencies below 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (s and a) can be relaxed to + 10% if liquid compensation formula is applied to
measured SAR values. At frequencies above 3 GHz, the validity of tissue parameters (s and a) is restricted to + 5%. The uncertainty is the RSS of
the ConvF uncertainty for indicated target tissue parameters.
6 Alpha/Depth are determined during calibration. SPEAG warrants that the remaining deviation due to the boundary effect after compensation is
always less than + 1% for frequencies below 3 GHz and below + 2% for frequencies between 3—6 GHz at any distance larger than half the probe tip
diameter from the boundary.

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                                     Page 6 of 11

   EX3DV4— SN:7522
                                                                                                                 November 2, 2018

                                                Frequency Response of E—Field
                                                     (TEM—Cell:ifi110 EXX, Waveguide: R22)

                          1.5—                         —

                                      |                                                                                             |

                      I           1                                                                                             |
                o                 E                                                                                             |
                ©                 |
                N                 .



             84 JB o]oememsmemmmmmmmnmnnfrnmmnmmenmrenmermmennetbrenseenerrecess   j                                        |
             &                |—
             ®                t                                                                                             |
            u                 }

                    0.6 I
                    0.5 r L_L             S    _} _'_1_1     1 g—L—L——I | 1OOLO4         L_ |   L J_I_I A_L_L_L_i_ l‘
                        0                         500         1000     1500              2000        2500      3000
                                                                       f [(MHz]

                                              Uncertainty of Frequency Response of E—field: + 6.3% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                                            Page 7 of 11

   EX3DV4— SN:7522
                                                                                                              November 2, 2018

                                              Receiving Pattern (¢), 9 = 0°

                                 f=600 MHz, TEM                                        f=1800 MHz,R22
       Error [dB]

                           |                   f           ;                i                             {      1
                    58 k__& %—$—4#4— ,2 g —geges ’ -_.':.‘.‘5..!,_:;__‘. 44 ‘__%)‘_':,!_‘. 3g4 04 =l-—4--:'.


                               150            10(
                                                          10            |
                                                                                   —           T       *            k4   _—4
                                                                                  50          100             150
                                                                     Roll []
                                100 MHz                 600 MHz                 00 MHz              2500 Mt

                                          Uncertainty of Axial Isotropy Assessment: + 0.5% (k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                                 Page 8 of 11

   EX3DV4—   SN:7522
                                                                                                                                                           November2, 2018

                                                     Dynamic Range f(SARneaq)
                                                                      (TEM cell , fey;= 1900 MHz)

                                                                                                                                       Priff}         i|
                                              |                                                                                        FRegh           }

                                105—4——f—d            dhoBieremmeberd                 R                  betofd4               *

                       t                                                                             w

                       <        1047




                                     10°                                                             1
                                                                                          SAR [mW/icm3]
                                                       not compensated

                                  j ...

                           s      0                    Wt    iom   t Pinigp infi     dang ue 9   1+ ced   l   iWnP    0   q i. p) 2ug    6

                           ud                                                                            f
                                 a                                                                       Lk

                                 2                                         4444                 |'             ;
                                      103                   102               10—               109            101                 102          103
                                                                                     SAR {mW/icm3]
                                                                     * |                                                 # |
                                                        ot compensated                                         compensated

                                                  Uncertainty of Linearity Assessment: £ 0.6%(k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                                                      Page 9 of 11

  EX3DV4— SN:7522                                                                                                               November 2, 2018

                                        Conversion Factor Assessment
                   f= 850 MHz,WGLS R9 (H_convF)                                            f= 1900 MHz,WGLS R22 (H_convF)

                                          : frrin )                        C           *         —     c         & {mm]
                                                             &)                                  *

                                      Deviation from Isotropy in Liquid
                                                              Error (¢, 9), f = 900 MHz

                           —1.0         —0.8          —0.6   —0.4   —0.2       0.0   0.2   0.4   0.6       0.8            1.0
                                     Uncertainty of Spherical Isotropy Assessment: + 2.6%(k=2)

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                                       Page 10 of 11

   EX3DV4— SN:7522
                                                               November 2, 2018

   DASY/EASY — Parameters of Probe: EX3DV4 — SN:7522

   Other Probe Parameters
    Sensor Arrangement
                                                                    Irangular |
    Connector Angle (°)
                                                                     _ 30.9 |
    Mechanical Surface Detection Mode                                enabled|
    Optical Surface Detection Mode
                                                                     disabled |
   Probe Overall Lenath

              Iv Diameter
                                                                      10 mm
    Tip Length
      » Nia   +
    tIp Diameter
                                                                     2.9 MM |
   cz      e             5    7        .
   Erobe   lip to sensor X Calibration Point
                                                                        i mm
   Probe Tip to Sensor Y Calibration Point                             ! mm |
   Probe T |-p to Sensor Z Calibration Point
                                                                       1 mm |
   Recommended Measurement Distance from Surface                     1.4 mm |

Certificate No: EX3—7522_Nov18                 Page 11 of 11

                                     _a            >
                                               _:«Od ; i     iB  X
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                        CALIBRATION LABORATORY ja    o cNA s gg fifi

             Add: No.51 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District. Beijing, 100191, China   "-r,/          \'\ >                     CALIBRATION
             Tel: +86—10—62304633—2079       Fax: +86—10—62304633—2504                   Anlstb®®                         CNAS LO570
             E—mail:       Hittp://www.chinattl.en

      Client               BACL                                             Certificate No:             Z16—97195


Object                                     D835V2 — SN: 445

Calibration Procedure(s)                   FD:211—003—04

                                           Calibration Procedures for dipole validation kits

Calibration date:                          October 26, 2016

This calibration Certificate documents the traceability to national standards, which realize the physical units of
measurements(Sl). The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probability are given on the following
pages and are part of the certificate.

All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: environment temperature(22#3yC and

Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration)

Primary Standards                 ID #                Cal Date(Calibrated by, Certificate No.)               Scheduled Calibration
 Power Meter        NRP2           101919             27—Jun—16 (CTTL, No.J16X04777)                                Jun—17
 Power sensor NRP—Z91              101547              27—Jun—16 (CTTL, No.J16X04777)                               Jun—17
 Reference Probe EX3DV4            SN 7433             26—Sep—16(SPEAG,No.EX3—7433_Sep16)                            Sep—17
 DAE4                              SN 777             22—Aug—16(CTTL—SPEAG,No.Z16—97138)                            Aug—17

 Secondary Standards               ID #                Cal Date(Calibrated by, Certificate No.)              Scheduled Calibration
 Signal Generator E4438C           MY49071430         01—Feb—16 (CTTL, No.J16X00893)                                Jan—17
 Network Analyzer E5071C           MY46110673         26—Jan—16 (CTTL, No.J16X00894)                                Jan—17

                                   Name                         Function                                         Signature
Calibrated by:                   Zhao Jing                  SAR Test Engineer                           T         %’2_}

Reviewed by:                     Qi Dianyuan                SAR Project Leader                          ~—   %
Approved by:                     Liu Wei                    Deputy Director of SEM Department                 ‘//‘U'],qa

                                                                                 Issued: October 27, 2016
This calibration certificate shall not be reproduced except in full without written approval of the laborataory.

    Certificate No: Z16—97195                            Page 1 of 8

                               @     In Collaboration with

           es                       a
           _—-‘                     CALIBRATION LABORATORY

        Add: No.51 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100191, China
        Tel: +86—10—62304633—2079       Fax: +86—10—62304633—2504
        E—mail:       Hitp://www.chinattl.on

TSL                       tissue simulating liquid
Convr                      sensitivity in TSL / NORMx,y,z
N/A                       not applicable or not measured

Calibration is Performed According to the Following Standards:
a) IEEE Std 1528—2013, "IEEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak
  Spatial—Averaged Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless
    Communications Devices: Measurement Techniques", June 2013
b) IEC 62209—1, "Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) For hand—held
   devices used in close proximity to the ear (frequency range of 300MHz to 3GHz)", February
c) IEC 62209—2, "Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) For wireless
    communication devices used in close proximity to the human body (frequency range of
   30MHz to 6GHz)", March 2010
d) KDB865664, SAR Measurement Requirements for 100 MHz to 6 GHz

Additional Documentation:
e) DASY4/5 System Handbook

Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
e    Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the Validation Report at the end
     of the certificate. All figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated.
e    Antenna Parameters with TSL: The dipole is mounted with the spacer to position its feed
     point exactly below the center marking of the flat phantom section, with the arms oriented
     parallel to the body axis.
e    Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured with the dipole
     positioned under the liquid filled phantom. The impedance stated is transformed from the
     measurement at the SMA connector to the feed point. The Return Loss ensures low
     reflected power. No uncertainty required.
e    Electrical Delay: One—way delay between the SMA connector and the antenna feed point.
     No uncertainty required.
e    SAR measured: SAR measured at the stated antenna input power.
     SAR normalized: SAR as measured, normalized to an input power of 1 W at the antenna
e    SAR for nominal TSL parameters: The measured TSL parameters are used to calculate the
     nominal SAR result.

    The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of
    Measurement multiplied by the coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution
    Corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%.

Certificate No: Z16—97195                              Page 2 of 8

          !@.                        In Collaboration with

          me7‘"7°J, s_B_C_0._4
           %                         CALIBRATION LABORATORY

        Add: No.51 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100191, China
        Tel: +86—10—62304633—2079     Fax: +86—10—62304633—2504
        E—mail:     Hitp://www.chinattl.en

Measurement Conditions
   DASY system configuration, as far as not given on page 1.
     DASY Version                                         DASY52                            

     Extrapolation                               Advanced Extrapolation

     Phantom                                     Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C

     Distance Dipole Center — TSL                         15 mm                                     with Spacer

     Zoom Scan Resolution                            dx, dy, dz = 5 mm

     Frequency                                       835 MHz +1 MHz

Head TSL parameters
   The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                             Temperature             Permittivity           Conductivity

     Nominal Head TSL parameters                               22.0°C                   41.5                0.90 mho/m

     Measured Head TSL parameters                        (22.0 £0.2) °C               41.4 £6 %           0.92 mho/m + 6 %

     Head TSL temperature change during test                   <1.0 °C                   ————                     ==«~
SAR result with Head TSL
     SAR averaged over 1 cm" (1 g) of Head TSL                           Condition
     SAR measured                                                  250 mW input power                   2.41 mWw /g
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                            normalized to 1W            9.46 mW ig + 20.8 % (k=2)
     SAR averaged over 10 cm (10 g) of Head TSL                          Condition

     SAR measured                                                  250 mW input power                   1.58 mWw /g
     SAR for nominal Head TSL parameters                            normalized to 1W            6.23 mW /g + 20.4 % (k=2)

Body TSL parameters
   The following parameters and calculations were applied.
                                                             Temperature             Permittivity           Conductivity
     Nominal Body TSL parameters                              22.0 °C                   55.2                0.97 mho/m

     Measured Body TSL parameters                        (22.0 £0.2) °C               55.8 46 %           0.95 mho/m + 6 %

     Body TSL temperature change during test                  <1.0 °C                    ————                     ————
SAR result with Body TSL
     SAR averaged over 1 cn" (1 g) of Body TSL                           Condition
     SAR measured                                                 250 mW input power                    2.36 mW / g

     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                            normalized to 1W            9.60 mW /g + 20.8 % (k=2)
     SAR averaged over 10 em‘ (10 g) of Body TSL                         Condition

     SAR measured                                                 250 mW input power                    1.59 mW /g

     SAR for nominal Body TSL parameters                            normalized to 1W            6.44 mW 1g + 20.4 % (k=2)
Certificate No: Z16—97195                              Page 3 of8

          !@.                        in Collaboration with

          7/Jj, @
          G<                        CALIBRATION LABORATORY

        Add: No.51 Xueyuan Road. Haidian District, Beijing. 100191, China
        Tel: +86—10—62304633—2079      Fax:; +86—10—62304633—2504
        E—mail:      Http://www.chinattl.en


 Antenna Parameters with Head TSL

     Impedance, transformed to feed point                                   45.50— 3.43j0

     Return Loss                                                              — 24.6dB

 Antenna Parameters with Body TSL

     Impedance, transformed to feed point                                   47.50— 7.29;0

     Return Loss                                                              =22.10B

 General Antenna Parameters and Design

     Electrical Delay (one direction)                                         1.497 ns

 After long term use with 100W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can
 be measured.

 The dipole is made of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The center conductor of the feeding line is directly
 connected to the second arm of the dipole. The antenna is therefore short—circuited for DC—signals. On some
 of the dipoles, small end caps are added to the dipole arms in order to improve matching when loaded
 according to the position as explained in the "Measurement Conditions" paragraph. The SAR data are not
 affected by this change. The overall dipole length is still according to the Standard.
 No excessive force must be applied to the dipole arms, because they might bend or the soldered
 connections near the feedpoint may be damaged.

 Additional EUT Data

     Manufactured by                                                             SPEAG

Certificate No: Z16—97195                              Page 4 of8

            io.®                     In Callaboration with

                               a q4
                   S _b o_LABORATORY

            "J‘Jj, CALIBRATION
        Add: No.51 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing. 100191, China
        Tel: +86—10—62304633—2079      Fax: +86—10—62304633—2504
        E—mail:      Hittp://

DASY5 Validation Report for Head TSL                                   Date: 10.26.2016
Test Laboratory: CTTL, Beijing, China
DUT: Dipole 835 MHz; Type: D835V2; Serial: D835V2 — SN: 445
   Communication System: UID 0, CW; Frequency: $35 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
   Medium parameters used: f= 835 MHz; 0 = 0.922 S/m; & = 41.42; p = 1000 kg!ms
   Phantom section: Right Section
   Measurement Standard: DASYS5 (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19—2007)
DASYS5 Configuration:

            &    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7433; ConvF(9.82, 9.82, 9.82); Calibrated: 9/26/2016;
            e    Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
            *    Electronics: DAFE4 Sn777; Calibrated: 2016—08—22
            &    Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1161/1
            *    Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)

        Dipole Calibration/Zoom Scan (7x7x7) (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm,
        dy=5mm, dz=5mm
        Reference Value = 58.51 V/m; Power Drift =—0.02 dB
        Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 3.63 W/kg
        SAR(I g) =2.41 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 1.58 W/kg
        Maximum value of SAR (measured) =3.07 W/kg

           dB         |                                                          i




                                                                M 111


                      0 dB = 3.07 W/kg = 4.87 dBW/kg

Certificate No: Z16—97195                              Page 5 of 8

                                 3     in Collaboration with

            /JjJ 2@
            _                          CALIBRATION LABORATORY

         Add: No.51 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100191, China
         Tel: +86—10—62304633—2079     Fax: +86—10—62304633—2504
         E—mail:      Hitp://www.chinattl.on

         Impedance Measurement Plot for Head TSL

        50. 00
                   »1   835.00000 MHz —24.574 db
        40. 00

        30. 00

        20. 00

       —30. 00

       ~40. 00

       —s50.00 !

     PM@® sil smith (@+]x) scale 1.000U [F1i Del]
       »1    §35.00000 mHz     45.517 o —3.4308 o       55.55Z—pF





    [1. Start 635 Mz                                        IFBW 100 Hz                Stop 1.035 ob IRll|

Certificate No: Z16—97195                                  Page 6 of 8

                              6      In Collaboration with

          m7J~J3J, S _b c q
        Add: No.51 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100191, China
        Tel: +86—10—62304633—2079      Fax: +86—10—62304633—2504
        E—mail:      Hittp://www.chinattl.en

DASY5S Validation Report for Body TSL                                     Date: 10.26.2016
Test Laboratory: CTTL, Beijing, China
DUT : Dipole 835 MHz; Type: D835V2; Serial: D835V2 — SN: 445
   Communication System: UID 0, CW; Frequency: 835 MHz; Duty Cycle: 1:1
   Medium parameters used: £= §$35 MHz; 0 = 0.952 $/m; &, = 55.79; p = 1000 kg/m"
   Phantom section: Center Section
   Measurement Standard: DASYS (IEEE/IEC/ANSI C63.19—2007)
DASY5 Configuration:

            e    Probe: EX3DV4 — SN7433; ConvF(9.5,9.5, 9.5); Calibrated: 9/26/2016;
            e    Sensor—Surface: 2mm (Mechanical Surface Detection)
            e    Electronics: DAFE4 Sn777; Calibrated: 2016—08—22
            «    Phantom: Triple Flat Phantom 5.1C; Type: QD 000 P51 CA; Serial: 1161/1
            e    Measurement SW: DASY52, Version 52.8 (8); SEMCAD X Version 14.6.10 (7372)

        Dipole Calibration/Zoom Scan (7x7x7) (7x7x7)/Cube 0: Measurement grid: dx=5mm,
        dy=5mm, dz=5mm
        Reference Value = 56.01 V/m; Power Drift =0.01 dB
        Peak SAR (extrapolated) = 3.44 W/kg
        SAR(I g) =2.36 W/kg; SAR(10 g) = 1.59 W/kg
        Maximum value of SAR (measured) =2.95 Wikg

        W 0





            —9.64                                                           gare«—
                       0 dB =2.95 W/kg = 4.70 dBW/kg

Certificate No: Z16—97195                              Page 7 of 8

                                @     In Collaboration with

            7/‘7~j, a@
                                      CALIBRATION LABORATORY
         Add: No.51 Xueyuan Road, Haidian District, Beijing, 100191, China
         Tel: +86—10—62304633—2079     Fax: +86—10—62304633—2504
         E—mail:      Http://www.chinattl.on

         Impedance Measurement Plot for Body TSL

      Tri si1lLog Mag 10.00d8/ Ref 0.000d8 [F1]
        **+*0      4 —§35.00000 mnz —22. 066 do
        40. 00

        30. 00
        20. 00
        10. 00
        0. 000 l
        10. 00
       —20. 00
       —30. 00
       ~40. 00

       —50. 00     !——
     PDWs 5i1 smith (r+jx) scale 1.000u [fi del]
       >1    835.00000 mhz   47.495 o —7.2880 o    26.150—pF —

     1 Start 635 MHz                                      IFAW 100 He        Stop 1.095 oc Ieral

Certi ficate No: Z16—97195                              Page 8 of8


                                  Calibration File No: DC—1748
                                        Project Number: 5822

                                         Client.: BACL Corp.
                  Address: 6/F, the 3rd Phase of Wan Li Industrial Bldg., Shihua Rd.,
                               FuTian Free Trade Zone, Shenzhen, China


               It is certified that the equipment identified below has been calibrated in the
           NCL CALIBRATION LABORATORIES by qualified personnel following recognized
                    procedures and using transfer standards traceable to NRC/NIST.

                                      Validation Dipole (Head & Body)

                                    Manufacturer: APREL Laboratories
                                       Part number: ALS—D—1900—S—2
                                            Frequency: 1900 MHz
                                             Serial No: 210—00710

                                      Calibrated: 20" September 2017
                                    Released on: 27"" September 2017

This Calibration Certificate is Incomplete Unless Accompanied with the Calibration Results Summary

        Released By:                       é/\/\_
                                         Art Brennan, Quality Manager

                         NQL CALIBRATION LABORATORIES
                         Suite 102, 303 Tery Fox Dr.           Division of APREL Lab.
                              Kanata, ONTARIO                TEL: (813) 435—8300
                             CANADA K2K 321                   FAX: (619)4365—8306

NCL Calibration Laboratories
Division of APREL Laboratories                                                                                    DC—1748


Dipole 210—00710 was a re—calibration.

Ambient Temperature of the Laboratory:                            21 °C +/— 0.5°C
Temperature of the Tissue:                                        21 °C +/—0.5°C


    The below named signatories have conducted the calibration and review of the data which is presented in
    this calibration report.

    We the undersigned attest that to the best of our knowledge the calibration of this system has
    been accurately conducted and that all information contained within this report has been reviewed
    for accura

    Art Brennan QM

Primary Measurement Standards

Instrument                                     Serial Number                         Cal due     date
Tektronix USB Power Meter                      11C940                                April 13,   2019
Network Analyzer Anritsu 37347C                002106                                Jan. 26,    2019
Agilent Signal Generator                       MY45094463                            Dec. 11,    2017

                                                                                                         Dipale N 210. 00710

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Division of APREL Laboratories                                                                                        DC—1748

Calibration Results Summary

The following results relate the Calibrated Dipole and should be used as a quick reference
for the user.

Mechanical Dimensions

    Length                 Height                Diameter
   67.5 mm               39.5 mm                  3.6 mm

Tissue Validation

     3                                        Dielectric          Conductivity,
    Tissue             Frequency             constant, er             0 [S/m]

     Head               1900 MHz                 39. 44                           1.41
     Body               1900 MHz                 52.70                            1.57

Electrical Specification

    Tissue             Frequency             Return Loss                    SWR                      Impedance

     Head               1900 MHz              —28.662 dB              1.077 U                        52.368 Q
     Body               1900 MHz              —22,498 dB              1162 U                         55.211 Q

System Validation Results

     Tissue            Frequency            1 Gram, Wikg          10 Gram, Wikg

       Head             1900 MHz                 42.14                     21.89
       Body             1900 MHz                 42.11                     22. 12

Head                                                          Body

                                                                                         Area Sean
         X Axis (mm)

                                                                      X Aus ind

                        Y Axis (mm)

                                                                                                                Dipole 210.00740

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Division of APREL Laboratories                                                               pe—ir4s


This Calibration Report has been produced in line with the SSI Dipole Calibration Procedure
SSI—TP—O18—ALSAS. The results contained within this report are for Validation Dipole
210—00710. The calibration routine consisted of a three—step process. Step 1 was a
mechanical verification of the dipole to ensure that it meets the mechanical specifications.
Step 2 was an Electrical Calibration for the Validation Dipole, where the SWR, Impedance,
and the Return loss were assessed. Step 3 involved a System Validation using the ALSAS—
10U, along with APREL E—020 30 MHz to 6 GHz E—Field Probe Serial Number 225.


    o   IEEE Standard 1528:2013
        I|EEE Recommended Practice for Determining the Peak Spatial—Average Specific
        Absorption Rate (SAR) in the Human Head from Wireless Communications Devices:
        Measurement Techniques
        EN 62209—1:2006

        Human Exposure to RF Fields from hand—held and body—mounted wireless
        communication devices — Human models. instrumentation, and procedures — Part 1:
        Procedure to measure the Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) for hand—held mobile
        wireless devices
    o   —I1EC 62209—2:2010
        Human exposure to RF fields from hand—held and body—mounted wireless devices —
        Human models, instrumentation, and procedures — Part 2: specific absorption rate
        (SAR) for wireless communication devices (30 MHz — 6 GHz)
    o   D22—012—Tissue dielectric tissue calibration procedure
    o   D28—002—Dipole procedure for validation of SAR system using a dipole
    o   I|EEE 1309 Standard for Calibration of Electromagnetic Field Sensors and Probes,
        Excluding Antennas, from 9 kHz to 40 GHz


Ambient Temperature of the Laboratory: 21 °C +/— 0.5°C
Temperature of the Tissue:             21 °C +/— 0.5°C

Dipole Calibration uncertainty
The calibration uncertainty for the dipole is made up of various parameters presented below.

Mechanical                                           1%
Positioning Error                                    1.22%
Electrical                                           1.7%
Tissue                                               2.2%
Dipole Validation                                    2.2%

Combined Standard Uncertainty                        3.88% (7.76% K=2)
The Following Graphs are the results as displayed on the Vector Network Analyzer.

                                                                                      Gipole 210.007 10

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Division of APREL Laboratories                                                              DC—1748

$11 Parameter Return Loss


Frequency Range 1868.68 MHz to 1934.44 MHz

  S11 FORMARD REFLECTION                                          LA 4 = $11
                                                                    5.8584 mm REF
                                                                    .900 48 DFFSET
  LOG MAGNITUDE            »REF=—26.234 d8   4.000 dB/DIV           8 .30°   DFFSET

                                                                 PHARKER 2
                                                                    1.900080 GHz
                                                                     ~20.662 0B

                                                                  MaRKER TO MAX
                                                                  MaRKER TO MIH

                                                            10      1.868600 OHz
                                                                     ~20.022 0B

                                                            80      1.934437 OHe
                                                                     —20.012 0B

                                                                  MARKER READOUT
  1.700560                      GHz              2.099980         FUNCT1ONS


Frequency Range 1882.37 MHz to 1928.52 MHz

  S11 FORMARD REFLECTION                                          LA 4 = $11
                                                                    5.8584 nm REF
                                                                    .900 48 DFFSET
  LOG MAGNITUDE            »REF=—20.004 d8   3.900 dB/DIV           8 .00°   DFFSET

                                                                 PHARKER 2
                                                                    1.900000 GHz
                                                                     ~22.498 0B

                                                                  MaRKER TO MAX
                                                                  MaRKER TO MIN

                                                            10      1.802373 OHz
                                                                     ~20.012 0B

                                                            8       1.928524 OHz
                                                                     —20.005 0B

                                                                  MaRKER READOUT
  1.700560                      GHz              2.099980         FUNCT1ONS

                                                                                      Dipcle 21000710

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Division of APREL Laboratories                                                                         Do—t7ia



  311 FORWARD REFLECTION                                                 C# 520584
                                                                             _E n §1om REF

                                                                              .800 4B OFFSET
  SHR                          »REF=854.955 nU   300.000 mU/DIV               g.00°   OFFSET

                                                                        PHARKER 2
                                                                           1.900000 6Hz
                                                                              1.077 U

                                                                         MaRKER TO MAX
                                                                         MaRKER TO MIN

                                                                  1.          1.868600 6Hz
                                                                                 1.223 U

                                                                  8           1.934437 OHz
                                                                                 1.223 U

                                                                         MARKER READOUT
  1.700568                          GHz                2.099980          FUNCT 10M3

  S11   FORLARD   REFLECTION                                             CH    L   — §11
                                                                              5§.0584 mm REF
                                                                              .900 4B OFFSET
  SHR                          »REF=854.955 nU   300.000 nU/D14               0.00°     OFFSET

                                                                        RHARKER 2
                                                                           1.900000 bHz
                                                                              1.162 U

                                                                         MARKER TO MAX
                                                                         MaRKER TO MIH

                                                                  100         1.802373 6Hz
                                                                                 1.223 U

                                                                  8           1.928524 OHz
                                                                                 1.223 U

                                                                         MARKER READOUT
  1.700568                          GHz                2.899980          FUNCT1ONS

                                                                                                 Dipcle 21000710

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NCL Calibration Laboratories
Division of APREL Laboratories                                                              DC—1748

Smith Chart Dipole Impedance


  S11 FORLARD REFLECTION      1                              L — $11
                                                            5§.0584 mm REF
                                                            .000 d8 OFFSET
                                                            0.00°     OFFSET

                                                         PNARKER 2
                                                            1.900000 6Hz
                                                              52.368 7
                                                              —2.738 32
                                                          MaRKER T0 MAX
                                                          aRKER TO MIN

                                                     1      1.868600    GHz
                                                              57.927    1
                                                               7.378    ;9
                                                     3       2934437    bHz
                                                              41.820    1
                                                              —1.263    39

                                                          aRKER READDUT
                     1.700560 — 2.099900 OHz


  $11 FORMARD REFLECTION      1                           5A & s 88
  IHPEDANCE                                                 $.0584 mm REF
                                                            .000 48 OFFSET
                                                            0.00°    OFFSET

                                                         PNARKER 2
                                                            1.900000 6Hz
                                                              S5.911 9
                                                              ~52845 39
                                                          MARKER TO MAX
                                                          MaRkER TO MIN

                                                     1      1.882373    bHe
                                                              61.005    9
                                                             137.319    jat
                                                     3      1.920524    bH2

                                                              —7.806    39

                                                          MARKER READOUT
                     1.200560 — 2.099900 6Hz

                                                                                      Dipcle 21000710

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Document Created: 2019-03-08 17:21:45
Document Modified: 2019-03-08 17:21:45

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