Users Manual


Users Manual

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JPD-FR400                               0482

            Infrared Thermometer
               Instruction Manual

  Shenzhen Jumper Medical Equipment Co., Ltd
Manual Ver.: 1.0
Issuing Date: 2016/09/12



Thank you for choosing the Dual-mode Digital Infrared Thermometer of
Jumper Medical, Infrared thermometer for short.
The infrared thermometer JPD-FR400 can be used to read the body
temperature by measure the ear and forehead temperature, which is
suitable for adult and children(ear test mode only for the child above 3
Please read the instructions carefully before using the product, and put it
in a safe and secure place for reference.



1. The advantages of infrared thermometer JPD-FR400 ............ 1
2. Necessary safety instructions ................................... 2
3.Instructions for product designs .................................. 3
4.How to measure the forehead temperature ........................ 4
5.How to measure the ear temperature ............................. 4
6.Instructions for display and operation ............................. 6
7.Cleaning and Disinfection ....................................... 9
8.Maintenance .................................................. 9
9. Replace the battery. .......................................... 10
10.Troubleshooting ............................................. 10
11. Technical specifications ...................................... 11
12. After-sale service ........................................... 12
13. Security type ............................................... 13
14. Authorized European Representative: ......................... 13
15. Symbols ................................................... 13
16.Declaration ................................................. 13
17. Appendix A: EMC Information-Guidance and Manufacture‟s
Declaration .................................................... 14

1. The advantages of        infrared thermometer JPD-FR400
Multiple use (measurement of forehead temperature and ear
Dual-mode design, you are free to take body temperature by detecting
the infrared heat given off by the forehead or eardrum,The Measuring
range of the thermometer in forehead /ear mode is between 32.0°F -
212.0°F (0 °C- 100 °C) .
The product consists of ABS plastics, temperature sensor, Infrared
temperature measuring element, microcomputer controlled circuit, LCD ,
backlight and buzzer.

Convenient for use
●Special ergonomic design to facilitate operation.
●No inconvenience would be caused to your daily life. It‟s available for
measurement when your children‟s sleeping.
●It provides comfortable user experience compared with anus
thermometer for children, rapid reading and simple operation compared
with mouth thermometer.

Memory recall
A maximum of 20 previous readings is available to help you track the
changes of your body temperature.

Safe and hygienic
●Compared to mercury thermometer, there is no danger of breaking the
glass or swallowing mercury.
●It is totally safe for children to use.

Fever warning
When the reading exceeds 37.5℃/99.5℉, this product shall warn the
user that he/she may have a fever by 7 rapid and short rings with LCD
flicker.(For normal forehead temperature, the signal is long ring with LCD
no flicker)

Extensive clinical data of hospital
The cooperation with designated hospitals is subjected to precise clinical
verification, with the support of extensive clinical data and professional
medical experts.
Application scope
The thermometer takes human body temperature for clinical or
household use. It applies to all age groups and those who are suffering
from a fever.


Operating principle
The infrared temperature sensor detects infrared energy emitted by the
eardrum. A built-in lens focuses the collected energy, which is then
converted into a temperature reading by the thermopiles and
measurement circuits.

2. Necessary safety instructions
●The device is not used for newborn baby.
●The device is not continuous monitoring device.
●JPD-FR400 is not waterproof. Please do not douse it into water or other
liquids. Cleaning and disinfection procedure shall be in comply with the
instructions specified in [cleaning and storage]
●Please do not use the product if the temperature sensor or the
Dual-mode infrared thermometer shows any sign of damage. Do not try
to repair the product if it is damaged. Please contact the nearest Jumper
Customer Service.
●JPD-FR400 consists of precision parts with high quality. Please prevent
the product from falling off. Protection shall be provided for no intense
shock and vibration. Do not twist the Dual-mode infrared thermometer
and the temperature sensor.

●Operating Conditions:
Temperature: 10C to 40C
Humidity: 15-95% RH, non-condensing
Atmospheric pressure: 86kPa to 106kPa

●Storage and Shipping Conditions:
Temperature: -20C to 55C
Humidity: 0-95% RH, non-condensing
Atmospheric pressure: 50kPa to 106kPa


«Battery Installation:
Put the two AAA batteries into battery
compartment in correct polarities.
Push the battery cover horizontally along the

#c If you are the first time using the ‘hermometer, please pull out the
      Plastic sheet .
# Battery polarities should be correcily installed. Otherwise, damage
   may be caused to the device.
#. Please put in or remove batteries in right order, or may cause damage
   to the device bracket.
7. Please remove the batteriesif the thermometer will not be used for a
      long time.

ePlease keep this infrared thermometer out of children‘s reach
«Medical assistance can‘t be replaced by the use of infrared
®The infrared thermometer is not waterproof! Keep it away from water.

3.Instructions for product designs

         0         0     0o    o            e      0o
{1)   Probe cover (put the cover on when using forehead mode)
{2)   Probe {take off the cover when using ear mode}
(3)   Forehead mode
(4)   LCD display screen
{5)   Ear mode
(6)   Battery cover

Display description
1. Ambient temperature
2. Ready for measurement
3. Ear mode
4. Head mode
5. ˚C / ˚F
6. Low power indicator
7. Memory mode
8. Temperature value

4.How to measure the forehead temperature
▀ Spot measurement
1. With the sensor/probe cover attached, position the thermometer at the
center of the forehead, just above the eyebrow. Ensure that the
thermometer is in contact with the forehead.
2. Press and release the HEAD button.The temperature will be displayed
on the screen instantly.

▀ Continuous scanning measurement
Point the temperature sensing probe at the middle part of forehead, with a
distance of 1~5 mm(0.04~0.2 inches).Hold HEAD button, scan the forehead
from one side to the other and then release the button,the system will
read sequentially and record the maximum temperature value.

5.How to measure the ear temperature
1. Gently remove the sensor/probe cover to reveal the ear probe.


2. Insert the ear probe into the ear canal.
3. Press and release the EAR button. The temperature will be displayed
on the screen instantly.
Children under 1 year: Pull the ear straight back.
Children aged 1 year to adult: Pull the ear up and back.

In order to avoid the inaccuracy:
(1)Please make sure that there is no dirt in on the temperature sensor
(2)Please make sure that the device only be used in room, and there is
no strongly conversation of wind.
(3)Before you measuring the forehead temperature, there shall be no
water or any shade on the forehead.
(4) Before you measuring the ear temperature, please clean the ear
canal first.
(5)Please make sure that there is no intense emotion and movement
before measuring.
(6)If JPD-FR400 is transferred from one condition to another which has
different ambient temperature, it is suggested to deposit for more than 30
minutes, and please follow the rule (2).
(7)If the tester is transferred from one condition to another which has
different ambient temperature, it is suggested to have a rest for more
than 10 minutes, and please follow the rule (2).
(8)Do not hold JPD-FR400 for long time as it is highly sensitive to heat.
JPD-FR400 has undergone clinical test, it is safe and accurate when
using in accordance with operation manual.


Connecting the thermometer to an APP application of a
mobile phone
The thermometer has a built-in Bluetooth module and can be connected
to a smartphone by using the Bluetooth 4.0 wireless technology. View the
measurement data in real time by using mobile phone software
"MyThermo". The software automatically saves the measurement data
and draws a temperature curve graph, which helps view the temperature
change status in real time.
For a method for connecting the thermometer to the mobile phone, see
Operation Instruction.

6.Instructions for display and operation
  LCD            Operational method and
                                                   Sound and backlit
 display          instruction for displays
            1.Measurement of forehead
            Position the thermometer at the    When the temperature is
            center of the forehead above the   between 32.0°F/ 0°C and
            eyebrow. With the thermometer      99.5°F/ 37.5°C, there will
            touching the forehead, press and   be a long beep and a
            release the HEAD button. The       green backlit will be
            temperature will be displayed on   displayed for 3 seconds.
            the LCD screen.
                                               When the temperature is
            2.Measurement of ear               between 99.6°F/37.6°C
            temperature:                       and 107.9°F/42.2°C, there
            Insert the thermometer ear probe   will be 7 short beeps and
            into the ear canal. Press and      the reading will flicker with
            release the EAR button. The        a red backlit for 3
            temperature will be displayed on   seconds. This indicates
            the LCD screen.                    that the subject may have
                                               a fever. Please consult
            3. To measure again, simply        your doctor if you are not
            press the HEAD/EAR button          sure.


            Forehead measurement mode

            Eardrum measurement mode

                                                 3 short beeps with a red
            The measured value exceeds           backlit for 3 seconds.
            212 °F/100°C.

                                                 3 short beeps with a red
            The measured value falls below       backlit for 3 seconds.

Inquiry for memory data, Storing 20 temperature
   LCD      Operational method and instruction for             Sound and
  display displays                                               backlit
            Press and hold button EAR for 3-6 seconds
            and the LCD will display “- - -” with the M None
            signal blinking.
            Press button EAR again and the LCD will
            display the number „1‟ with the M signal.
            After 1 second, the measured temperature
            with the mode of measurement icon will be
            displayed. Note that this is the latest reading.

            To recall the next recorded reading, press
            button EAR again. The number „2‟ with the M
            signal will be displayed. After 1 second, the
            measured temperature with the mode of
            measurement icon will be displayed.

            Repeat to recall earlier recordings (up to 20
            total) if necessary.


             The LCD will display “- - -” with the M signal
             blinking if there is no test data.

 °C/°F conversion
   LCD                      Operational steps                    Sound and
  display                                                          backlit
           When the thermometer is off, press and hold
           the EAR button for 6-9 seconds. The screen
           will display “- - - ” with “M” at the bottom right.
           Continue to hold the button until “- - -°C/°F”
           appears on the screen. Release the EAR              None
           button and the “- - -°C/°F” temperature unit
           will start to blink. Press the EAR button
           again within 5 seconds to change the
           temperature unit to your choice.
Error message & Low voltage
            LCD screen will display “Er1” when ambient        3 short ticks
            temperature exceeds 104.0°F/40.0°C or             and red backlit
            drops below 50.0°F/10.0°C.                        for 3 seconds.
            LCD screen will display “ErC” if there is
                                                              3 short ticks
            EEPROM data reading error or the
                                                              and red backlit
            calibrating process is not finished. Please
                                                              for 3 seconds.
            contact your supplier.
            Low-voltage signal when the battery voltage
            is below2.51V±0.15V. Please replace               None
Power Off Mode
The thermometer will power off automatically if no activity is detected for
10 seconds.

●Electromagnetic interference: JPD-FR400 contains sensitive electronic
component and shall not use under the condition with electromagnetic
interference,( such as the place nearby the mobile phones and
microwaves )
●Please dispose the used products and batteries in accordance with


local regulation requirements when the products and batteries are not
●Please take out the battery if the device unused for long time.

7.Cleaning and Disinfection
1) Clean the temperature probe with a
    soft cloth. Clean the lens of the
    temperature probe with a cotton
2) Wipe the thermometer body with a
    slightly damp soft cloth, and gently
    dry the body with a piece of tissue
     Keep water off the lens during the cleaning process. Otherwise, the
lens may be damaged.
    The lens may be scratched if it is cleaned with a piece of tissue
paper, resulting in inaccurate readings.
      Do not clean the thermometer with corrosive cleansers. During the
cleaning process, do not touch the lens using hard objects, immerse any
part of the thermometer into liquid, or allow liquid to enter the
1) Disinfect the thermometer body and the area around the
     temperature probe with a cloth slightly moistened with 75% medical
    Do not use hot steam or ultraviolet radiation for disinfection.
Otherwise, the thermometer may be damaged or quickly aged.

1)   After each use, clean the temperature probe as described in
     "Cleaning and Disinfection".
2)   Store the thermometer in a dry, dust-free, and well-ventilated place.
     Ensure that the thermometer is not exposed to sunlight. Ensure that


     the storage and transportation environments meet the requirements
3)   Check whether safety risks exist on a regular basis.
4)   Remove the batteries if the thermometer will not be used for more
     than two months.

9. Replace the battery.
Slide the battery cover off along the marked direction. Put two AAA
batteries correctly into the compartment.

Remove the batteries if the thermometer will not be used for more than
two months.

     Symptom          Possible Cause                Solution
                      The battery level is          Use new batteries of the
                      extremely low.                same model or
                      Polarities of the batteries   Ensure that the batteries
                      are reversed.                 are correctly installed
The thermometer                                     according to the polarity
fails to power on.                                  symbols in the battery
                      The thermometer is            If the warranty period
                      faulty.                       does not expire, contact
                                                    Jumper or a local
Only the battery      The battery level is low.     Use new batteries of the
symbol is displayed                                 same model or
after the                                           specifications.
powers on.
                      The ambient temperature       Take a measurement
"Er1" is displayed.
                      is lower than 10°C            under an ambient


     Symptom            Possible Cause                  Solution
                        (50.0°F) or higher than         temperature between
                        40°C (104°F).                   10°C (50.0°F) and 40°C
                        An error occurs when            Contact Jumper.
                        data is being read from or
                        written into the memory,
 "ErC" is displayed.
                        or the temperature
                        correction is not
                        The lens of the                 Clean the lens using a
                        temperature probe is            cotton swab.
 The temperature        The distance between the        Move the thermometer
 reading is lower       temperature probe and           closer to the target.
 than the typical       the target is too long.
 body temperature       The thermometer is not          Wait for more than 30
 range.                 used within 30 minutes          minutes after the
                        after being taken from a        thermometer is moved
                        cold environment.               into the measurement
 The temperature        The temperature probe is        Contact Jumper.
 reading is higher      faulty.
 than the typical
 body temperature

 11. Technical specifications
          Items                                   Standards
Models                 JPD-FR400
                       ASTM E 1965
regulations and laws
2.Temperature units    ℃/℉, adjustable


                        Forehead temperature mode:0.0℃-100.0℃ /32.0F –
                        212.0 F
3.Measurement range
                        Ear temperature mode:0.0℃-100.0℃ /32.0F – 212.0

                        ±0.2℃ /±0.4F(36℃-39℃/96.8℉-102.2℉)
(Laboratory)            ±0.3/±0.5℉(less than 36 °C (96.8°F) or greater than
                        39 °C (102.2 °F)

5.Display resolution    0.1℃/0.1℉
6.Measure time          About 1 second
7.Latency Time          About 1 second
8.Measuring distance    Forehead temperature:1~5 mm(0.04~0.2 inches)
                        volume≧50 db (the perpendicular distance from dB
                        Volume sensor to thermometer is 10cm )
shutdown function
11.Low-voltage display The product shall display low-voltage signal if the voltage
function               is below 2.51V±0.15V.
12.Memory function      Memorize 20 groups of measured temperature.
13.LED backlit
14.Type of measuring Applicable for forehead temperature and ear temperature
15.Power supply         Internal power supply
16.Operating voltage    DC 3V
17.Battery              AAA ×2
18.Battery life         More than 3000 times
19.The date of
                        See the label

20.Life                 5 years

 12. After-sale service
 The device is under warranty for one year since the date of acquisition.
 Application for repairing should be presented during the warranty period.
 The damage caused by improper use is not under warranty scope.
 Batteries and packaging are not under warranty scope as well.


13. Security type
   The signal indicates that the thermometer is type BF applied part.

14. Authorized European Representative:
                     Wellkang Ltd
                     Suite B, 29Harley Street, London, W1G9QR,UK.

15. Symbols
    Symbol                                  Description

                    Type BF applied part.

                    Attention must be paid.

                    Information about a manufacturer, such as name and

                    Please read the instructions carefully.

                    Waste electrical materials should be sent to a dedicated
                    collection point for recycling.

                    A personal injury or thermometer damage may occur if
      Warning       the thermometer is not correctly used.
                    Inaccurate reading or thermometer damage may occur if
     Attention      the thermometer is not correctly used.

   EMC of this product complies with IEC60601-1-2 standard.
   The materials which the user can come into contact have no toxicity
and no action on tissues comply with ISO10993-1, ISO10993-5 and


17. Appendix A: EMC Information-Guidance and
Manufacture’s Declaration
●     JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer needs special precautions
regarding EMC and needs to be installed and put into service according
to the EMC information provided for in the ACCOMPANYING
●     Portable and mobile RF communications equipment can affect
JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer
●     The JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer should not be used
adjacent to or stacked with other equipment.
Guidance and manufacturer´s declaration – electromagnetic
emission –for all EQUIPMENT AND SYSTEMS
Guidance and manufacturer´s declaration – electromagnetic emission
The JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer is intended for use in the electromagnetic
environment specified below. The customer or the user of the JPD-FR400 Infrared
Thermometer should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Emissions         Compliance          Electromagnetic environment - guidance
                                      The JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer uses
                                      RF energy only for its internal function.
RF emissions                          Therefore, its RF emissions are very low and
                  Group 1
CISPR 11                              are not likely to cause any interference in
                                      nearby electronic
                                      The JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer is
                                      suitabl e for use in all establishments,
                                      including domestic establish ments and those
RF emissions
                  Class B             directly connected to the public low-voltage
                                      powe r supply network that supplies buildings
                                      used for domestic

Guidance and manufacturer's declaration – electromagnetic
immunity –for all EQUIPMENT and SYSTEMS
Guidance and manufacturer´s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer is intended for use in the electromagnetic
environment specified below. The customer or the user of the JPD-FR400 Infrared
Thermometer should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test      IEC           Compliance         Electromagnetic environment-
                   60601         level              guidance
                   test level
Electrostatic      ±6 kV         ±6 kV contact      Floors should be wood,


discharge          contact                         concrete or ceramic tile. If
(ESD)                            ±8 kV air         floors are covered with
IEC 61000-4-2      ±8 kV air                       synthetic material, the relative
                                                   humidity should be at least
                                                   30 %.
Power                                              Power frequency magnetic
frequency                                          fields should be at levels
(50/60 Hz)                                         characteristic of a typical
                   3 A/m         3 A/m
magnetic                                           location in a typical
field                                              commercial or hospital
IEC 61000-4-8                                      environment.

Guidance and manufacturer´s declaration – electromagnetic
immunity –for EQUIPMENT and SYSTEM that are not
Guidance and manufacturer´s declaration – electromagnetic immunity
The JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer is intended for use in the electromagnetic
environment specified below. The customer or the user of the JPD-FR400 Infrared
Thermometer should assure that it is used in such an environment.
Immunity test      IEC           Compliance         Electromagnetic environment -
                   60601         level              guidance
                   test level
                                                    Portable and mobile RF
                                                    communications quipment
                                                    should be used no closer to
                                                    any part of the JPDFR400
                                                    Infrared Thermometer,
                                                    including cables, than the
                                                    recommended separation
                                                    distance calculated from the
                   3 V/m                            equation applicable to the
Radiated RF        80 MHz                           frequency of the transmitter.
                                 3 V/m              Recommended separation
IEC 61000-4-3      to 2.5
                   GHz                              distance

                                                   where p is the maximum


                                                    output power rating of the
                                                    transmitter in watts (W)
                                                    according to the transmitter
                                                    manufacturer and d is the
                                                    recommended separation
                                                    distance in metres (m).b

                                                    Field strengths from fixed RF
                                                    transmitters, as determined by
                                                    Electromagnetic site survey,a
                                                    should be less than the
                                                    compliance level in each
                                                    frequency range.b

                                                    Interference may occur in the
                                                    vicinity of equipment marked
                                                    with the following symbol:

NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the higher frequency range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic is
affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and people.
a. Field strengths from fixed transmitters, such as base stations for radio
(cellular/cordless) telephones and land mobile radios, amateur radio, AM and FM
radio broadcast and TV broadcast cannot be predicted theoretically with accuracy.
To assess the electromagnetic environment due to fixed RF transmitters, an
electromagnetic site survey should be considered. If the measured field strength in
the location in which the JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer is used exceeds the
applicable RF compliance level above, the JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer
should be observed to verify normal operation. If abnormal performance is
observed, additional measures may be necessary, such as re-orienting or relocating
the JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer.
b. Over the frequency range 150 kHz to 80 MHz, field strengths should be less than
3 V/m.

Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile
RF communications equipment and the EQUIPMENT or SYSTEM
Recommended separation distances between portable and mobile RF
communications equipment and the JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer.


The JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer is intended for use in an electromagnetic
environment in which radiated RF disturbances are controlled. The customer or the
user of the JPD-FR400 Infrared Thermometer can help prevent electromagnetic
interference by maintaining a minimum distance between portable and mobile RF
communications equipment (transmitters) and the JPD-FR400 Infrared
Thermometer as recommended below, according to the maximum output power of
the communications equipment.
Rated            Separation distance according to frequency of transmitter m
maximum          150 kHz to 80 MHz       80 MHz to 800          800 MHz to 2,5 GHz
output                                   MHz
     0.01                  /                     0.12                    0.23
      0.1                  /                     0.38                    0.73
       1                   /                     1.2                      2.3
      10                   /                     3.8                      7.3
     100                   /                      12                      23
For transmitters rated at a maximum output power not listed above, the
recommended separation distance d in metres (m) can be estimated using the
equation applicable to the frequency of the transmitter, where P is the maximum
output power rating of the transmitter in watts (W) according to the transmitter

NOTE 1 At 80 MHz and 800 MHz, the separation distance for the higher frequency
range applies.
NOTE 2 These guidelines may not apply in all situations. Electromagnetic
propagation is affected by absorption and reflection from structures, objects and


FCC IC Caution:
This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
interference that may cause undesired operation.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a
Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a
residential installation. This equipment generates uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the
instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications.
However, there is no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular
installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off and
on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of
the following measures:
-Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
-Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
-Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which
the receiver is connected.
-Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

Any Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party responsible
for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

The device has been evaluated to meet general RF exposure requirement.
The device can be used in portable exposure condition without restriction.

- English:
This device complies with Industry Canada licence-exempt RSS standard(s).
Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not ca
use interference, and (2) This device must accept any interference, including i
nterference that may cause undesired operation of the device.

- French:
Le présent appareil est conforme aux CNR d'Industrie Canada applicables aux
appareils radio exempts de licence. L'exploitation est autorisée aux deux
conditions suivantes:
(1) l'appareil ne doit pas produire de brouillage, et
(2) l'utilisateur de l'appareil doit accepter tout brouillage radioélectrique subi,
même si le brouillage est susceptible d'en compromettre le fonctionnement.

Shenzhen Jumper Medical Equipment Co., Ltd.
Address: D Building, No. 71, Xintian Road, Fuyong Street,
Tel: +86-755-26692192, 26696279
Fax: +86-755-26852025
Postal Code: 518102

Document Created: 2017-08-24 02:42:56
Document Modified: 2017-08-24 02:42:56

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