User manual part 2


Users Manual

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R+F : 111x134mm
HR: 128stAh kEX
[|_. .                                                                     6                                       Cmy 1|

         need to setup a second 2.4GHz network. See your router                Slideshow Settings
         manufacturer documentation. There are also many videos on             1. Change the way the frame transitions from one photo to the
         YouTube.corp on how to perform this setz{p.                              next. Choose from: (a) Still photo, (b) Random transition; (c)
         Enter the Wi—Fi network password and click "Connect" to                 Fade; (d) Slide from Right; (e) Slide from Bottom Right; (F)
         finalize the connection.                                                 Spin from Center.
                                                                               2. Adjust the amount of time each photo is shown by adjusting
                  Cnewok                                                          the time on the preview screen, then tap "Apply"to save
                                                                               3. You can also choose to show the date and time on the
                                                                                  slideshow. After selecting the clock icon you can drag the time
                                                                                 on the preview screen to change the position of the date and
                                                                                 time on the display.

                                                                                       Sideshow Setings                                   hopiy

         Note: A check mark will appear next to the chosen Wi—Fi
         network if connection was successful. If it doesn‘t appear, the
         password has not been entered correctly. You must re—enter
         the correct password.
         Once connected tap the back arrow in the upper @
         left corner to return to the home screen where a       etwork
         secure 6—digit code will be displayed.                                Storage Path
                                                                               Select where photos sent to the frame via Wi—Fi are stored:
                                                                               Choose from the frame‘s internal memory, USB (frame supports
    STEP 2: Application Setup                                                  up to 64GB) or SD card (frame supports up to 32GB). Storage
    Connecting Your Mobile Device                                              spafie(fiemai_lpéngdmen;org) is ?isplayed below each s‘torageh
                                                                               path.   (Note:   The   digital photo frame operating system and    the
    1. sl'Dtg\:énload the App from the Apple App Store or Google Play          sample photos utilize a portion of the 4GB total internal memory,
              ‘             .       10.                                        so available memory will always be less than 4GB evenif all
    2. Search for "Polaroid Wi—Fi Photo Frame 2.0"                             sample photos are deleted from the frame.)

    12                                                                                                                                                  33

R+F : 111x134mm
HR: 128stAh kEX
[|_. .                                                                  6                                     Cmy 1|

    SETTINGS / OPTIONS                                                                         Apple                      Android
                                                                                                                                    a x
    Other features and settings can be found in the "Settings" option                   Cam                               rovsdwnmee
    on the main menu. To access the main menu from the slideshow,                               iMerm:                    Rane#o .
    tap anywhere on the display, then tap the back arrow <.                                                                    se

                                                                                                                     a     —

     < Setting

                                                                            3. Click the "Get" icon to install the
                                                                              App on your Apple device, or
                                                                              the "Install"icon on your Android                 Polaroid
                                                                            4. Once the installation is complete,
                                                                              open the App.
                                                                            5. Next, tap "Link Frames"in the App.

    32                                                                                                                                     13

    Rt: 111x134mm
    H : 1288tm EK
    |____....,.                                                                     &                                    CMupmime |

       6. Enter the frame ID number from the home screen of the Wi—Fi                   NOTE:
            photo frame and tap "Link*                                                  + Do not force the memory card into the slot Ifyou are not able
                                                                                          to insert the memory card easily you may have inserted it
                                                                                          incorreetly; turn the card over and try again.
                                                        t     ues
                                                                                        * Do not remove a memory cardimmediately after inserting .
                                                                           m              lstto[)lwhen the frame is processing files. Wait until the screen is
                                                                                        * Maximur SD/MMC card size is 32GB
                                                        bogtmiem                «

                                                                    alte im(t
@      7. You will be prompted to enter the secure 6—diait code from                                                                                             @
          the frame. Enter the code and tap ‘OK".

       14                                                                                                                                                   31

    R+F : 111x134mm
    HR: 128stAh kEX
    [|_. .                                                                  &                                   Cmy 1|

        WALL MOUNTING                                                           8. The App will respond with the following notice after
                                                                                   a successful secured connection with the frame: "Link
        1. Insert a nail, screw, or hook into                                      Successful".
           the wall in a location that will
           support the frame‘s weight.
        2. Leave at least %4" (about 12mm) of
           the nail or screw exposed.
        3. Hang the Wi—Fi Digital Photo
           Frame onto the nail, screw, or

        To view photos from a USB flash drive, insert it        §
        into the USB port on the side of the frame.         ~                                                  5
        NOTE                                                                                                Unse
        * Not all USB storage devices are compatible                    fl
@         with this digital photo frame.                                                                        or
        * USB drive must be formatted using the FAT32                   o
          file system. Drives formatted as NTFS or exFAT            \
          will not be recognized.
        * The maximum USB flash drive size is 64GB

        To view the pictures from a Secure Digital (SD)
        or Multimedia Card (MMC), insert it into the       _
        memory card slot on the side of the Digital        {L
        Photo Frame with the metal contacts of the card                         9. Tap "OK" and then the back arrow to return to the main menu.
        facing the LCD Display.                                         o
                                                                                                            Link Frames

        30                                                                                                                                   15

R+F : 111x134mm
HR: 128stAh kEX
[|_. .                                                            &                                   Mupmimh | _

    SENDING AND VIEWING PHOTOS                                        For Androld devices:                   .
                                                                      Access the photo album on the device and select the photos to
    STEP 1: Sending Photos to the WI—FI Photo Frame                   transfer. Then tap the "Share" icon.
    Once Setup is complete you may send photos from your mobile
    device to the frame.
    1. From the App main menu, tap the "Allbum" menu item.                 BETiL              iL
                                                                          O   rernte   d      — &


                      [ss Wieord

                      [JeJ Link Frames
                                                                      Tap the Polaroid App icon and then tap "Send".
                      >       ut   Pobroi                             The Polaroid Wi—Fi Photo Frame 2.0 App will open the Sending
                      iniiccnihica ta                                  ;
                                                                      Picture screen to select the frame and send the photo.

    16                                                                                                                            29

RT : 111x134mm
H# : 128stB BR K

[|_. .                                                                  &                                           Cmy 1|

    STEP3: Sending Photos Directly from a Photo Album                       2. Next, select the frame(s) you want to send the photos to by
                                                                              checking the circle next to the frame name or ID number. If
    If you choose to send a photo directly from your device‘s photo           multiple frames have been linked to the App you can select
    album, iOS phones and iPad are limited to sending one photo at            additional frames by checking the circle next to each frame.
    a time, Android phones may send more than one photo directly
    from the photo alloum (max 9 images at one time).
    For i0§ devices:                                                                         € Back        Sending Pictures
    Display the camera roll and tap the "Send" icon.

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                                            Te 5 %                                                                            en sertiinoy

                                                                                                  Grandma‘s Frame

                                                                                                  Living Room Frame


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    Select the photo(s) for transfer, then tap the Polaroid App icon          *See the Tips section to learn how to personalize your frame‘s
    and then tap "Send".                                                      namein the App.
    The Polaroid Wi—Fi Photo Frame 2.0 App will open the "Sending
    Pictures" screen to select the frame and send the photo.
    If the Polaroid App icon does notinitially show, press the "More"
    icon to add it.

    28                                                                                                                                       17

R+F : 111x134mm
HR: 128stAh kEX
[|_. .                                                              &                                  Cmy 1|

    3. Tap the "+" icon to choose the photo(s) you want to send.        STEP 2: View Photos on the WI—FI Photo Frame

                                                                        Once the frame receives the photos, you will see a notification
                        Bek      Sending Pictures                       on the display that new photos were received. The new photos
                                                                        will be inserted at the beginning of the slide show and be
                                                                        displayed in sequence.

                                                    ven sertiinoy
                           Grandma‘s Frame

                           Living Room Frame

                        @ 2soszo1se734

         There is an option to either take a new photo or choose                                                                          »
         photos from your device‘s album.

                                     Take Photo

                               Selectrom mobil albums


    18                                                                                                                                27

on        128sth EK L
[|_. .                                                                   &                                Cmy 1|

     8. To view your sending history, tap "View Sent History" from the       a. To take a new photo, tap on "Take Photo". Tap the
       "Sending Pictures" screen.                                               circle on the screen to capture an image. (For selfies, tap
                                                                                the camera reverse icon @.) Then tap the check mark to
                                                                                add your new photo.
       Baek     Sening Pictures        € Baek                                   NOTE: Photos look best on the Wi—Fi photo frame when
                                                                                taken in landscape orientation when your frame is
                                        Famiy Memories                          diisplayed horizontally.
          +                             m Lfl                                                a                  WeHLI | PEPERE
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          Grandma‘s Frame
                                        Katies Weding
          Living Room Frame             ’W             n
                                          MW" .
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     26                                                                                                                                       19

     : 111x134mm
on        128sth EK L
[|_. .                                                                 &                                                      Cmy 1|

      b. To add photos from your device‘s album, tap "Select from           7. To add comments (captions) to your photos, tap in the
           mobile albums". Select the photo(s) by tapping each                comment box from the "Sending Pictures" screen. Use the
           desired photo. A highlighted check mark will appear for            keyboard to add your personal comments to the photos you
           each photo selected. Tap "Complete" at the top right               want to send. Tap "Send". Comments will appear along the
           corner of the app to complete your selection.                      bottom of the image displayed on your photo frame.

                      Cancel               Complete(®)                       < Back     Sending Pictures          Send        < Back           Sending Pictures                 send

                                                                           —y»            se                              |                C
                                                                                                                               Famiy Memories                                          ‘

                                                                                      25—                                     2l —
                                                                                                           en sentiinoy                                                 ven sentiinoy

                                                                                  Grandma‘s Frame                                  Grandma‘s Frame

                                                                                  Living Room Frame                                Living Room Frame

                                                                              @ 2soszo1se734                                  @ 2soszo1se734

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      NOTE: You can transfer up to 9 photos to the frame(s) each                           .       .        .                         .
      time you send. The transfer speed will vary on the strength of          *See the Settlngs/thlons section to learn how to customize
      the Wi—Fi connection.                                                   the comments settings on your frame.

     20                                                                                                                                                                              25

R+F : 111x134mm
HR: 128stAh kEX

     b. Tap the crop icon below the         caren         Prvew      c
                                                                         4. The App will return to the "Sending Pictures" screen as shown.

        selected image.                                                    Tap "Send" at the top right of the App to send the photos.

                                                                                          < Back     Sending Pictures          Sma


                                                                                           $8aSX                        +

                                                                                                                        en sentiinoy

                                                                                               Grandma‘s Frame

                                                                                               Living Room Frame

                                                                                           @ 2soszorser34

     c. Drag the image so the important     Cwen.   Chooseinvortantwes
        area is centered in the
        highlighted area. Then tap "OK".
        (For multiple images added from         ‘fl .\
        your device‘s album, you can
        swipe to the desired image or
        selectit from the thumbnails
         along the bottom.)
         NOTE: This step is important
         when viewing photos in full
         screen mode on the frame,
         ensuring that the important area
         of the photo is not cut off (for
         example, photos that were shot
         in portrait orientation).

    24                                                                                                                                  21

RT : 111x134mm
# h: 128stA kEX
[|_. .                                                               &                                 Cmy 1|

    5. The App will display the following messages indicating the        6. To preview and adjust photos before sending:
      photos were sent to the frame.                                       a. Tap "Preview".


         Sending photo through internet:1/3           Tips
           omm                                Protos have tee sent

                      Cancel                          or

    22                                                                                                                                  23

Document Created: 2019-08-29 12:58:23
Document Modified: 2019-08-29 12:58:23

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