User manual


Users Manual

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Internet Photo Frame
Model: LMWFPF13-R

   System Requirements:

1) WHF router with a 2.4gHz infemet connection
2) Android mobile device with OS 4.0 or higher, or Apple mobile
   device with IOS 8 or higher.

NOTE: These products are NOT compatible with Linux or Windows
phones or PCs
NOTE: This WiFi product will ONLY operate on a 2.4GHz network. If
you are operating a 5GHz network, please consult your routers user
manual or contact your infemet service provider on how to add a
24 GHz network.

  What‘s In The Box?

   1) Wi—Fi Touchscreen
      Photo Frame
                                        _2) Power adapter


   3) Stand                              4) User Manual

         ing To Know Yo             c

Send pictures from the Moblle Device APP 10 or Android) to a
synced picture frome.

* Palran unfirited number of phones to 1 frame and/or one phone
  can confrol up to 15 frames
* Can fransfer up to 10 photos at a fime via the app (with uniimited
  number of fotal fransiers; if you do not have an uniimited data plan,
  data charges may apply}
* Customize sideshow fransion fime & siyie, and/or choose a
  specific stafic image to diplay
* Selectable sleep fimer fums display On/Off automarfically
* Disploy photos in original fomat or restzed to fllthe screen
* Shore photos direcity from your moblle device photo album
* Shore photos to your Facebookpage drecily from your frome
* Photos can be stored on frame, SD card or USB ciive
* Real fime clock can bedisplayed with user selectable on
  screen location
* Get noffled when new pictures arive
NOTE;: These features can be accessed via the Seifings Menu

IMPORTANT: Before you Install your WI—FI frame

* For ease of inslallation, install your WHFlframe as close to your
  wireless router as posfble.
* Ifyou are going to place yourframe more than 20 feet from your
 routar or on another foor you may requre a life Made wl extender.


     STEP 1: Wi—Fi Setup

Setup the WI—FI Plcture Frame and connectto the WI—Fi network
A)    Locate the picture frame as close to the Wi—Fi router as possible,
      preferably within 10 feet.
B)    Connect the picture frame to the included wall power adapter
     and plug the adapter into the wal (the unit will automafically tum on}.


     lt e

NOTE: If the frame changes to the slide show, select the home
      page by fapping anywhere on the screen.

 C) On the home screen, tap the "Wi—F" icon to reveal the
    available Wi—Fi networks.



DJ Tap the primary network you‘d like to connect the Wi—FI
   Picture Frame to.


Note: The Wi—F connection MUST be a 2.4gHz connection. If your
wireless routeris setup as a 5Ghz network, you will need to setup a
second 2.4Ghz network. See yourrouter manufacturer documentation
or contact your infemet service provider. There are also many videos
on You Tube on how to perform this setup.
E) Enter the Wi—Fi network password and tap "Link" in the app

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   STEP 2: Application Setup

Connecting Your Mobile Device
A) Download the App from the Apple App Store or Google Play store.
B) Search for "Life Made WHFi Touchscreen Photo Frame."


C                 Apple                            Android

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            Wi—Fi Touchscreen
            PhotoFrame          on <E——

                                                 Life Made WHFi
                                          Cll|   Touchscreen Photo Frame
                                                 ® Seoone

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                                          You ean shore photosfomamartdevce
                                             to Ufewade Touch screen ome

C) Click the "Get"icon to install the
   App on your Apple device, or the
   "OPEN® icon on your androld device.      meme ece

D) Once the installation is complete,
   open the App by clicking on the
   Life Made Logo.                                 P

E) Next, top "Link" in the app

F)   Enter the frame ID number from the home screen of the Wi—Fi
     Photo Frame and tap " link"

G] You will be prompted to enter password from the frame.
   Enter the password and tap OK.


H) The App will respond with the following notice after
   successfully linking of the frame.

                       You have successtuly Inked


NOTE: If you move the frame afferinstallation, check the WiFi
icon to make sure the frameis in a location that is receiving
a signal from your WiFi router, If there have no bars on your
wif signal strength meter, your WiFi frame will not be able to
receive addifional photos when sending them from the app.
To address this problem you will need a Life Made WiFi

Sending And Viewing Photos
Step1: Sending photos to the WI—FI Photo Frame
Once Setup is complete you may send photos from your mobile
device to the frame.

A) From the App main menu, tap the "Album" menu item.


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B) Next, select the frome you want to send the photos to by tapping
   the radial button next to your frome LD. number. if multiple fromes
   have been"Link" to the app you can select additional fromes by
   tapping the radial button next to each frame.

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                   € Back            Send Picture         Send

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                                   View Images Sent

C) Now select the photofs) you want to send by tapping the "+"icon.

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                 < Back           Sending Picture



                              processing notice

  D) Select the photo(s) by tapping each desired photo from your
     device‘s album. A blue checkmark will appear for each photo
     selected. Tap the "Next" icon at the top right comer of the
     app to complete yourselection.

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                      Cancel       Album      Next(r@&———

NOTE: There is a limit of 10 photos per each fransmission to the frame.
      This ensures smooth, successful fransmission from mobile device
      to the frame.

E) The App will return to the "Send Picture" screen as shown. Press
   the "Send" icon at the topright of the App to send the photos.

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                < Back             Send Picture        Send

                @ 250320154140

                                 View Images Sent

F) The App will display the following messages indlicating the photos
   were sent to the frame.

             Sending Images:1/3                       Note
                                              Photos successtuly sent




Once the frame receives the photos, you will see a notification on
the display that new photos were received. The new photos will be
inserted at the top of the slide show and be displayed in sequence.

When there are many photos in the slide show, you can skip to the
new photos by tapping on the "New Photo" icon in the slide show.
This will cause the unit to start the slide show at the top thereby
displaying the new photos.


Photos can be sent to the Wi—fi Touchscreen Photo Frame directly
from your device‘s photo album.

For iOS device users:
Display the camera roll and tap the "Send" icon

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                            All Photos       Cancel          1 Photo Selected

                                                             Tap to turn on Wi—Fi and Blustooth to
                                                          with MDWD

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    Uagat*RZZ & EECRREEE                                    +
     d                  m          @          Cooy        Sideshow     Add to Album

Select the photo{s) for transfer, then tap the LifeMade Icon and
then tap "Post". The Life Made App will open the Sending Picture
screen to select the frame and send the photo. If the Life Made
App logo does not initially show, press the "More" icon to add it.

For Android Devices:
Access the photo album on the device and select the
photos to transfer.

Then tap the "Share" icon.

Tap the LifeMade Icon and then tap "Post".

The Life Made App will open the Sending Picture screen
to select the frame and send the photo.


 Settings / OpHl

Other features and setfings can be accessed via the "Setfings"
option from the main menu. The main menu can be obtained by
tapping anywhere on the display.

for an uncontrolled environment.
This equipment should be installed and operated with minimum
distance 20cm between the radiator and your body.



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     life made...."

     Download the APP

Touchscreen Photo Frame

 iTunes or Google Play
 on your Smart Device
        D App Store

        /,\b Gfi(;oélc JSY

Document Created: 2018-10-08 10:50:52
Document Modified: 2018-10-08 10:50:52

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