Test Report


Test Report

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                                           SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co.,
                                           Ltd. Shanghai Branch
                                                                                       Report No.: SHEM190301149501
                                                                                       Page:       1 of 24

                                               TEST REPORT
  Application No.:                SHEM1903011495CR
  FCC ID:                         2ADTD-K1T607TEF
  Applicant:                      Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
  Address of Applicant:           No.555 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China
  Manufacturer:                   Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
  Address of Manufacturer:        No.555 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China
  Factory:                        1. Hangzhou Hikvision Technology Co., Ltd.
                                  2. Hangzhou Hikvision Electronics Co., Ltd.
                                  3, Hangzhou Hikvision Digital Technology Co., Ltd.
 Address of Factory:              1. No.700, Dongliu Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou City, Zhejiang,
                                  310052, China
                                  2. No.299, Qiushi Road, Tonglu Economic Development Zone, Tonglu
                                  County, Hangzhou, Zhejiang, 310052, China.
                                  3, No. 555 Qianmo Road, Binjiang District, Hangzhou 310052, China
 Equipment Under Test (EUT):
 EUT Name:                        Face Recognition Terminal
 Model No.:                       DS-K1T607TEF,DS-K1T607TE,DS-K1T607PEF,DS-K1T607PE,DS-
                                  K1T607EFHUN ¤
   ¤                              Please refer to section 2 of this report which indicates which model was
                                  actually tested and which were electrically identical.
 Trade mark:                      HIKVISION
 Standard(s) :                    47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.209
 Date of Receipt:                 2019-03-13
 Date of Test:                    2019-03-14 to 2019-03-15
 Date of Issue:                   2019-04-18
 Test Result:                     Pass*
 * In the configuration tested, the EUT complied with the standards specified above.

               Parlam Zhan
            E&E Section Manager
The manufacturer should ensure that all products in series production are in conformity with the product sample detailed in this report.
If the product in this report is used in any configuration other than that detailed in the report, the manufacturer must ensure the new
system complies with all relevant standards. Any mention of SGS International Electrical Approvals or testing done by SGS
International Electrical Approvals in connection with, distribution or use of the product described in this report must be approved by
SGS International Electrical Approvals in writing.

                  SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                                  Report No.: SHEM190301149501
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                                           Revision Record
  Version            Description                       Date                     Remark
      00                   Original                  2019-04-18                     /

Authorized for issue by:

                                      Vincent Zhu / Project Engineer

                                      Parlam Zhan / Reviewer

                     SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                                  Report No.: SHEM190301149501
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2   Test Summary
    Radio Spectrum Technical Requirement
             Item                Standard                 Method             Requirement        Result
                             47 CFR Part 15,                               47 CFR Part 15,
    Antenna Requirement                                     N/A                                  Pass
                             Subpart C 15.209                              Subpart C 15.203

    Radio Spectrum Matter Part
             Item                Standard                 Method             Requirement        Result
    Conducted Emissions
                             47 CFR Part 15,        ANSI C63.10 (2013)     47 CFR Part 15,
     at AC Power Line                                                                            Pass
                             Subpart C 15.209          Section 6.2         Subpart C 15.207
                                                                            47 CFR Part 15,
                             47 CFR Part 15,        ANSI C63.10 (2013)
      20dB Bandwidth                                                           Subpart C         Pass
                             Subpart C 15.209          Section 6.9
                                                                            47 CFR Part 15,
     Radiated Emissions      47 CFR Part 15,        ANSI C63.10 (2013)
                                                                               Subpart C         Pass
       (9kHz-30MHz)          Subpart C 15.209        Section 6.4&6.5
                                                                            47 CFR Part 15,
     Radiated Emissions      47 CFR Part 15,        ANSI C63.10 (2013)
                                                                               Subpart C         Pass
       (30MHz-1GHz)          Subpart C 15.209        Section 6.4&6.5

    Declaration of EUT Family Grouping:
    Note1: There are series models mentioned in this report, and they are the identical in electrical and
    electronic characters. Only the model DS-K1T607EF, DS-K1T607TEF was tested since their
    differences were the model number, chip platform and appearance.
    Note2: Only one mode was shown as the test setup photos since all modes were same for the test

                                 SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                                                                  Report No.: SHEM190301149501
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3         Contents
1     COVER PAGE.............................................................................................................................................. 1

2     TEST SUMMARY .........................................................................................................................................3

3     CONTENTS ..................................................................................................................................................4

4     GENERAL INFORMATION .........................................................................................................................5
    4.1       DETAILS OF E.U.T..................................................................................................................................5
    4.2       DESCRIPTION OF SUPPORT UNITS...........................................................................................................5
    4.3       MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ................................................................................................................5
    4.4       TEST LOCATION .....................................................................................................................................6
    4.5       TEST FACILITY .......................................................................................................................................6
    4.6       DEVIATION FROM STANDARDS ................................................................................................................6
    4.7       ABNORMALITIES FROM STANDARD CONDITIONS .......................................................................................6
5     EQUIPMENT LIST .......................................................................................................................................7

6     RADIO SPECTRUM TECHNICAL REQUIREMENT ...................................................................................8
    6.1       ANTENNA REQUIREMENT ........................................................................................................................8
7     RADIO SPECTRUM MATTER TEST RESULTS ........................................................................................9
    7.1       CONDUCTED EMISSIONS AT AC POWER LINE (150KHZ-30MHZ) ..............................................................9
    7.2       20DB BANDWIDTH ................................................................................................................................13
    7.3       RADIATED EMISSIONS (9KHZ-30MHZ) ..................................................................................................15
    7.4       RADIATED EMISSIONS (30MHZ-1GHZ) .................................................................................................18
8     TEST SETUP PHOTOGRAPHS ................................................................................................................24

9     EUT CONSTRUCTIONAL DETAILS .........................................................................................................24

                    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                            Report No.: SHEM190301149501
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4   General Information
4.1 Details of E.U.T.
    Power supply:         DC 12V by External power supply
    Test voltage:         AC 120V 60Hz
    Antenna Type          Loop antenna
    Modulation Type       ASK
    Number of Channels    1
    Operation Frequency   125kHz

4.2 Description of Support Units

      Description             Manufacturer             Model No.                Serial No.
      AC Adapter                 DVE                 DSA-12G-12FEU                   /

4.3 Measurement Uncertainty
     No.                    Item                              Measurement Uncertainty
      1              Radio Frequency                                   ±8.4 x 10-8
      2                   Timeout                                          ±2s
      3                  Duty cycle                                     ±0.37%
      4             Occupied Bandwidth                                    ±3%
      5             RF conducted power                                   ±0.6dB
      6              RF power density                                   ±2.84dB
      7         Conducted Spurious emissions                            ±0.75dB
                                                                 ±4.6dB (Below 1GHz)
     8               RF Radiated power
                                                                 ±4.1dB (Above 1GHz)
                                                                ±4.2dB (Below 30MHz)
                                                                 ±4.4dB (30MHz-1GHz)
     9         Radiated Spurious emission test
                                                                 ±4.8dB (1GHz-18GHz)
                                                                ±5.2dB (Above 18GHz)
     10               Temperature test                                    ±1°C
     11                 Humidity test                                     ±3%
     12                Supply voltages                                   ±1.5%
     13                      Time                                         ±3%
    Note: The measurement uncertainty represents an expanded uncertainty expressed at
           approximately the 95% confidence level using a coverage factor of k=2.

                        SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                                      Report No.: SHEM190301149501
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4.4 Test Location
     All tests were performed at:
     SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. E&E Lab
     588 West Jindu Road, Xinqiao, Songjiang, 201612 Shanghai, China
     Tel: +86 21 6191 5666           Fax: +86 21 6191 5678
     No tests were sub-contracted.
4.5 Test Facility
    The test facility is recognized, certified, or accredited by the following organizations:
    • CNAS (No. CNAS L0599)
    CNAS has accredited SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. to ISO/IEC
    17025:2005 General Requirements for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories
    (CNAS-CL01 Accreditation Criteria for the Competence of Testing and Calibration Laboratories) for
    the competence in the field of testing.
    • NVLAP (Certificate No. 201034-0)
    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. is accredited by the National
    Voluntary Laboratory Accreditation Program(NVLAP). Certificate No. 201034-0.
    • FCC –Designation Number: CN5033
    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been recognized as an
    accredited testing laboratory.
    Designation Number: CN5033. Test Firm Registration Number: 479755.
    • Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada
    SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. EMC Laboratory has been
    recognized by ISED as an accredited testing laboratory.
    IC Registration No.: 8617A-1. CAB identifier: CN0020.
    • VCCI (Member No.: 3061)
    The 3m Semi-anechoic chamber and Shielded Room of SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services
    (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. has been registered in accordance with the Regulations for Voluntary Control
    Measures with Registration No.: R-13868, C-14336, T-12221, G-10830 respectively.
4.6 Deviation from Standards
4.7 Abnormalities from Standard Conditions

                           SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
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5    Equipment List
       Equipment                 Manufacturer      Model No        Inventory No    Cal Date    Cal Due Date
    Conducted Emission at AC Power Line
         EMI test receiver           R&S             ESR7          SHEM162-1      2018-12-20   2019-12-19
               LISN              Schwarzbeck       NSLK8127        SHEM061-1      2018-12-20   2019-12-19
               LISN                 EMCO             3816/2        SHEM019-1      2018-12-20   2019-12-19
           Pulse limiter             R&S            ESH3-Z2        SHEM029-1      2018-12-20   2019-12-19
          CE test Cable                /             CE01               /         2018-12-26   2019-12-25
     Conducted Test
        Spectrum Analyzer            R&S            FSP-30         SHEM002-1      2018-12-20   2019-12-19
        Spectrum Analyzer           Agilent         N9020A         SHEM181-1      2018-08-13   2019-08-12
         Signal Generator            R&S            SMR20          SHEM006-1      2018-08-13   2019-08-12
         Signal Generator           Agilent         N5182A         SHEM182-1      2018-08-13   2019-08-12
      Communication Tester           R&S            CMW270         SHEM183-1      2018-08-13   2019-08-12
             Switcher             Tonscend          JS0806         SHEM184-1      2018-08-13   2019-08-12
          Power Sensor             Keysight       U2021XA * 4      SHEM184-1      2018-08-13   2019-08-12
              Splitter              Anritsu        MA1612A         SHEM185-1          /             /
             Coupler               e-meca           803-S-1        SHEM186-1          /             /
      High-low Temp Cabinet      Suzhou Zhihe        TL-40         SHEM087-1      2017-09-25   2020-09-24
       AC Power Stabilizer         WOCEN             6100          SHEM045-1      2018-12-26   2019-12-25
         DC Power Supply             MCN           MCH-303A        SHEM210-1      2018-12-26   2019-12-25
       Conducted test Cable            /          RF01~RF04             /         2018-12-26   2019-12-25
    Radiated Test
         EMI test Receiver           R&S             ESU40         SHEM051-1      2018-12-20   2019-12-19
        Spectrum Analyzer            R&S            FSP-30         SHEM002-1      2018-12-20   2019-12-19
    Loop Antenna (9kHz-30MHz) Schwarzbeck          FMZB1519        SHEM135-1      2017-04-10   2020-04-09
      Antenna (25MHz-2GHz)       Schwarzbeck       VULB9168        SHEM048-1      2017-02-28   2020-02-27
      Antenna (25MHz-3GHz)       Schwarzbeck         HL562         SHEM010-1      2017-02-28   2020-02-27
      Horn Antenna (1-8GHz)      Schwarzbeck         HF906         SHEM009-1      2017-10-24   2020-10-23
     Horn Antenna (1-18GHz)      Schwarzbeck      BBHA9120D        SHEM050-1      2017-01-14   2020-01-13
     Horn Antenna (14-40GHz)     Schwarzbeck       BBHA 9170       SHEM049-1      2017-12-03   2020-12-02
    Pre-amplifier (9KHz-2GHz) CLAVIIO             BDLNA-0001       SHEM164-1      2018-08-13   2019-08-12
      Pre-amplifier (1-18GHz)      CLAVIIO        BDLNA-0118       SHEM050-2      2018-08-13   2019-08-12
     High-amplifier (14-40GHz)   Schwarzbeck         10001         SHEM049-2      2018-12-20   2019-12-19
         Signal Generator            R&S            SMR40          SHEM058-1      2018-08-13   2019-08-12
            Band Filter            LORCH         9BRX-875/X150     SHEM156-1          /             /
            Band Filter            LORCH        13BRX-1950/X500    SHEM083-2          /             /
            Band Filter            LORCH        5BRX-2400/X200     SHEM155-1          /             /
            Band Filter            LORCH        5BRX-5500/X1000    SHEM157-2          /             /
          High pass Filter        Wainwright      WHK3.0/18G       SHEM157-1          /             /
          High pass Filter        Wainwright       WHKS1700        SHEM157-3          /             /
       Semi/Fully Anechoic            ST            11*6*6M        SHEM078-2      2017-07-22   2020-07-21
          RE test Cable                /        RE01, RE02, RE06        /         2018-12-26   2019-12-25

                       SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                                 Report No.: SHEM190301149501
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6    Radio Spectrum Technical Requirement
6.1 Antenna Requirement
6.1.1 Test Requirement:
      47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.203

6.1.2 Conclusion
      Standard Requirement:
      An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
      responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a antenna that uses a unique coupling to
      the intentional radiator, the manufacturer may design the unit permanently attached antenna or of an
      so that a broken antenna can be replaced by the user, but the use of a standard antenna jack or
      electrical connector is prohibited.

      EUT Antenna:
      The antenna is loop antenna and no consideration of replacement.

                       SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
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7    Radio Spectrum Matter Test Results
7.1 Conducted Emissions at AC Power Line (150kHz-30MHz)
     Test Requirement         47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.207
     Test Method:             ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.2
                                                        Conducted limit(dBμV)
Frequency of emission(MHz)
                                             Quasi-peak                       Average
           0.15-0.5                           66 to 56*                       56 to 46*
             0.5-5                               56                              46
             5-30                                60                              50
*Decreases with the logarithm of the frequency.

7.1.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:    22     C      Humidity: 50 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1002 mbar
      Test mode       a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode. (DS-K1T607EF)
7.1.2 Test Setup Diagram

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7.1.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
      1) The mains terminal disturbance voltage test was conducted in a shielded room.
      2) The EUT was connected to AC power source through a LISN 1 (Line Impedance Stabilization
      Network) which provides a 50ohm/50μH + 5ohm linear impedance. The power cables of all other
      units of the EUT were connected to a second LISN 2, which was bonded to the ground reference
      plane in the same way as the LISN 1 for the unit being measured. A multiple socket outlet strip was
      used to connect multiple power cables to a single LISN provided the rating of the LISN was not
      3) The tabletop EUT was placed upon a non-metallic table 0.8m above the ground reference plane.
      And for floor-standing arrangement, the EUT was placed on the horizontal ground reference plane,
      4) The test was performed with a vertical ground reference plane. The rear of the EUT shall be 0.4 m
      from the vertical ground reference plane. The vertical ground reference plane was bonded to the
      horizontal ground reference plane. The LISN 1 was placed 0.8 m from the boundary of the unit under
      test and bonded to a ground reference plane for LISNs mounted on top of the ground reference
      plane. This distance was between the closest points of the LISN 1 and the EUT. All other units of the
      EUT and associated equipment was at least 0.8 m from the LISN 2.
      5) In order to find the maximum emission, the relative positions of equipment and all of the interface
      cables must be changed according to ANSI C63.10 on conducted measurement.
      Remark: LISN=Read Level+ Cable Loss+ LISN Factor

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Mode:a; Line:Live Line

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Mode:a; Line:Neutral Line

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7.2 20dB Bandwidth
     Test Requirement        47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.215(c)
     Test Method:            ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.9
     Limit:                  N/A

7.2.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:      22 C        Humidity: 50 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1002   mbar
      Test mode         a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode.
7.2.2 Test Setup Diagram

7.2.3 Measurement Procedure and Data

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20dB bandwidth (Hz)                               Result
      372.000                                        Pass
Test plot as follows:
                                                                     * RBW   200 Hz       Delta 3 [T1 ]
                                                                     * VBW   300 Hz                  -0.44 dB
                     Ref   107 dBµV          * Att    10 dB           SWT 125 ms             372.000000000 Hz

                                                                                          Marker 1 [T1 ]
                                                                                                    71.93 dBµV
                                                                                             124.830000000 kHz   A
                                                                                          Marker 2 [T1 ]
             1 PK
                     90                                                                             91.69 dBµV
                                                                                             125.016000000 kHz


                                              1                                       3
                             D1 71.69 dBµV







                     Center 125.014 kHz                       100 Hz/                               Span 1 kHz

             Date:         20.MAR.2019    15:16:10

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7.3 Radiated Emissions (9kHz-30MHz)
     Test Requirement           47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.209(c)
     Test Method:               ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.4&6.5

      Frequency (MHz)        Field strength (μV/m)                        Limit (dBµV/m ) Limit @3m (dBµV/m )
                                                         distance (m)
         0.009-0.490              2400/F(kHz)                 300            48.5 ~ 13.8           128.5 ~ 93.8
         0.490-1.705             24000/F(kHz)                 30             33.8 ~ 23.0            73.8 ~63.0
           1.705-30                    30                     30                 29.5                 69.5
    (1) For test distance other than what is specified, but fulfilling the requirements of section 15.31(f) (2) the
         field strength is calculated by adding additionally an extrapolation factor of 40dB/decade (inverse
         linear distance for field strength measurements).
       So the Distance Extrapolation Factor in dB is 40*log (DTEST / DSPEC) where DTEST = Test Distance and
       DSPEC = Specified Distance.
       Field strength limit (dBµV/m)@test distance= Field strength limit (dBµV/m)@specified distance
       +Distance Extrapolation Factor
    (2) The lower limit shall apply at the transition frequencies.

7.3.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:    22     C      Humidity: 50 % RH             Atmospheric Pressure: 1002 mbar
      Test mode       a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode. (DS-K1T607EF)
                      b:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode. (DS-K1T607TEF)
7.3.2 Test Setup Diagram

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7.3.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
      For testing performed with the loop antenna, the center of the loop was positioned 1 m above the
      ground and positioned with its plane vertical at the specified distance from the EUT. During testing
      the loop was rotated about its vertical axis for maximum response at each azimuth and also
      investigated with the loop positioned in the horizontal plane. Only the worst position of vertical was
      shown in the report.
Mode a:

                    Read     Antenna Cable       Result     Distance  Result                   Over
   Item     Freq.                                                            Limit Line                Detector
                     Level    Factor   Loss Level@3m Factor            Leve                    Limit
 (Mark) (MHz) (dBµV)          (dB/m)    (dB)   (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)             (dB)
   1       0.016    41.20     20.56    0.03      61.79       -18.21   43.36   -61.57          0.016      QP
   2       0.074    48.26     19.89    0.05      68.20        -11.8   30.19   -41.99          0.074      QP
   3       0.125    56.34     19.92    0.05      76.31        -3.69   25.54   -29.23          0.125     Peak
   4       0.382    27.26     19.80    0.06      47.12       -32.88   15.97   -48.85          0.382      QP
   5       0.631    21.65     19.63    0.07      41.35         1.35   31.61   -30.26          0.631      QP
   6       3.916    20.07     19.59    0.09      39.75        -0.25   29.5    -29.75          3.916      QP
   7       6.635    19.35     19.60    0.09      39.04        -0.96   29.5    -30.46          6.635      QP
Result Level = Read Level + Antenna Factor + Cable loss - Preamp Factor

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Mode b:

                                                         Result    Limit
                        Read    Antenna   Cable  Result                         Over
      Item    Freq.                                     Level@S Line@SP                 Detector
                        Level    Factor   Loss Level@3m                         Limit
                                                          PEC       EC
     (Mark)    (MHz)   (dBµV)   (dB/m)    (dB)   (dBuV/m)   (dBuV/m) (dBuV/m)   (dB)
       1      0.017    38.80    20.55     0.03     59.38     -20.62    43.22  -63.84       QP
       2      0.074    46.44    19.89     0.05     66.38     -13.62    30.19  -43.81        QP
       3      0.125    55.05    19.92     0.05     75.02      -4.98    25.54  -30.52       Peak
       4      0.382    26.41    19.80     0.06     46.27     -33.73    15.97  -49.70       QP
       5      0.696    21.75    19.55     0.07     41.37       1.37    30.76  -29.39       QP
       6      1.769    21.06    19.38     0.08     40.52       0.52     29.5  -28.98       QP
       7      11.242   18.69    19.49     0.11     38.29      -1.71     29.5  -31.21       QP

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7.4 Radiated Emissions (30MHz-1GHz)
      Test Requirement       47 CFR Part 15, Subpart C 15.209(c)
      Test Method:           ANSI C63.10 (2013) Section 6.4&6.5
7.4.1 E.U.T. Operation
      Operating Environment:
      Temperature:     22 C         Humidity: 50 % RH            Atmospheric Pressure: 1002 mbar
      Test mode        a:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode. (DS-K1T607EF)
                       b:TX mode_Keep the EUT in transmitting with modulation mode. (DS-K1T607TEF)
7.4.2 Test Setup Diagram

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7.4.3 Measurement Procedure and Data
      a. The EUT was placed on the top of a rotating table 0.8 meters above the ground for below 1GHz at
      a 3 meter semi-anechoic chamber. The table was rotated 360 degrees to determine the position of
      the highest radiation.
      b. The EUT was set 3 meters away from the interference-receiving antenna, which was mounted on
      the top of a variable-height antenna tower.
      c. The antenna height is varied from one meter to four meters above the ground to determine the
      maximum value of the field strength. Both horizontal and vertical polarizations of the antenna are set
      to make the measurement.
      d. For each suspected emission, the EUT was arranged to its worst case and then the antenna was
      tuned to heights from 1 meter to 4 meters (for the test frequency of below 30MHz, the antenna was
      tuned to heights 1 meter) and the rotatable table was turned from 0 degrees to 360 degrees to find
      the maximum reading.
      e. The test-receiver system was set to Peak Detect Function and Specified Bandwidth with Maximum
      Hold Mode.
      f. If the emission level of the EUT in peak mode was 10dB lower than the limit specified, then testing
      could be stopped and the peak values of the EUT would be reported. Otherwise the emissions that
      did not have 10dB margin would be re-tested one by one using peak, quasi-peak or average method
      as specified and then reported in a data sheet.
      g. Test the EUT in the lowest channel,the middle channel,the Highest channel
      h. The radiation measurements are performed in X, Y, Z axis positioning for Transmitting mode,And
      found the X axis positioning which it is worse case.
      i. Repeat above procedures until all frequencies measured was complete.
      Remark: Level= Read Level+ Cable Loss+ Antenna Factor- Preamp Factor

                       SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                      Report No.: SHEM190301149501
                                                      Page:       20 of 24

Mode:a; Polarization:Horizontal

                       SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                      Report No.: SHEM190301149501
                                                      Page:       21 of 24

Mode:a; Polarization:Vertical

                       SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                      Report No.: SHEM190301149501
                                                      Page:       22 of 24

Mode:b; Polarization:Horizontal

                       SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                      Report No.: SHEM190301149501
                                                      Page:       23 of 24

Mode:b; Polarization:Vertical

                        SGS-CSTC Standards Technical Services Co., Ltd. Shanghai
                                                                 Report No.: SHEM190301149501
                                                                 Page:       24 of 24

8     Test Setup Photographs
Refer to the < Test Setup photos-FCC>.

9     EUT Constructional Details
Refer to the < External Photos > & < Internal Photos >.

                                         - End of the Report -

Document Created: 2019-05-13 07:59:21
Document Modified: 2019-05-13 07:59:21

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