Test report HAC part 2


Test Report

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EF3DV3 — SN:4048                                                                      January 9, 2018

            IEEE 802.11n (HT                                    4                  150.0   296%
                                         E—TM 3.1)

                                 10 MHz, E—TM   3.1)


            W—CDMA (BS Test Model 1,                            —        7379





                                 15 NHz, E—TM31,                f        66.12
            LTE—FDD (OFDMA. 20 MrHz, E—TM 3.1,                  R         79e

            W—CDMA (BS    Test Model 1, 64

            UMTS—FDD (DC—HSDPA)


                         (1xEV—DO, Rev. B, 3

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                           Page 26 of 39

EF3DV3 — SN:4048                                                        January 9, 2018

            L             DMA, 1     14
            QPSK, UL Subframe=2.3,4.7

            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 1.4 MHz,
            1         UL Subframe=2.3.4


            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 3 MHz,
                  UL Subframe=2.3,4.7

            LTE—TOD                       3 MHz, 16—

                   UL Subframe=2,3.4,7,

            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 10 MHz,


            LTE—TDD (SC—FDOMA, 1 RB, 10 MHz, 64—

            LTE—TDD             1    R8, 15 MHz,
            QPSK, UL Subframe=2,3.4,7,

            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 1 RB, 15 MHz, 16—

                                 1    R8, 19 MHz, 64—
                   UL Subframe=

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                          Page 27 of 39

EF3DV3 — SN:4048                                                        January 9, 2018

10477—      LTE—TDD
AAG              uL


                                 $0% RB, 1.4 MHz,

                                     RB, 14

                                            . 14 MHz,

                                 50% RB, 3


            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA,

            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 5 MHz,



            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 10 MHz,
                     L            A.7

                                 50% RB, 15 MHz,
                   UL              4.

            LTE—ToD (

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                          Page 28 of 39

EF3DV3 — SN:4048                                                                             January 9, 2018

10493—      LTE—TDD (SC—FOMA, 50% RB, 15 MHz,      x     3.66      68.65   1718    223    80.0    £9.6 %
AAC         64—GAM, UL Subframe=2,3.4,7,8.9)
                                                   y    448        7o.or   18.09          soo
                                                   2    4.22       70 47   18.57          20.0
10494—      LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB. 20 MHz,      X     3.02      7202    18.73   223    80.0    £9.6 %
AAG         QPSK, UL Subframe=
                                                   Y     5.10      15.31   19.68          80.0
                                                   2Z    5.05      77.01   20.93          80.0
 10495—     LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 20 MHz,      X     3.62      69.06   17.46   223    80.0    £9.6 %
 AAC        16—GAM,UL Subframe=2,3.4,7.8.9)
                                                   Y    4.47       70.76   18.3           $0.0
                                                   2    4.22       71.12   18.90          80.0
 10496—     LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 50% RB, 20 MHz,      X    3.         68.83   17.40   223    80.0     £9.6 %
 AAC        64—OAM, UL Subframe=
                                                   ¥     4.54      70.40   18.25          80.0
                                                   2     427       70.70   18.75          80.0
 10497—     LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 1.4         X     113       61.32   8.92    223    80.0     19.6 %
 AAK        MHz,OPSK, UL Subframe=2,,9)
                                                   Y     3.06      TF7     16.13          80.0
                                                   2     2.72      71.33   15.18          80.0
10498—      LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 1.4         X     1.16      60.00   T12     2.23   80.0     296 %
AAA         MHz, 16—QAM, UL
                                                   Y     2.43      65.05   12.60          80.0
                                                   2     1.66      62.55   9.94           80.0
 10499—     LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 14          xX    117       60.00   6.98    2.23   80.0     £9.6 %
 AAA        MHz, 64—QAM, UL
                                                   Y     2.39      65.36   12.23          80.0
                                                   2     1.61      61.96   9.47           80.0
 10500—     LTE—TOD (SC—FOMA, 100% RB, 3 MHz,      X     3.08      73.02   17.82   223    80.0     £9.6 %
 AAA        QPSK, UL Subframe=2,3.4,7.8.9)
                                                   Y     4.46      76.36   19.85          80.0
                                                   2     5.03      80.54   21.72          80.0
 10501      LTE—TDD (SC—FOMA, 100% RB, 3 MHz,      X     285       68.44   15.30   223    80.0     £9.6 %
 AAA        16—QAM, UL Subframe=,8.9)
                                                   Y     3.95      71.38   17.69          80.0
                                                   2     3.90      72.79   18.22          80.0
 10502      LTE—TDD (SC—FDOMA, 100% RB, 3 MHz,     X     208       68.20   1511    223    80.0     +9.0 %
 AAA        64—GAM, UL Subframe=2.3.4,7.8.9)
                                                   Y     4.01      7116    17.55          80.0
                                                   2     3.93      7244    18.00          80.0
 10503—     LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 5 MHz,      X     3.31      73.08   18.63   223    80.0     £9.6 %
 AAG        OPSK, UL Subframe=
                                                   Y     4.61      75.84   19.94          80.0
                                                   2     4.75      T6.59   21.53          80.0
 10504—     LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 5 MHz,      X     3.20      69.24   16.88   223    80.0     £9.6 %
 AAG        16—QAM, UL Subframe=2,
                                                   Y     4.08      71.08   18.20          80.0
                                                   2     3.92      72.03   18.85          $0.0
 10505      LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 5 MHz,      X     3.28      69.10   16.82   223    80.0     £9.6 %
 AAC        64—GAM, UL Subframe=
                                                   ¥     4.16      70.82   18.12          80.0
                                                   2     3.98      71.70   16.71          80.0
 10506—     LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 10          x     3.79      7269    18.66   223    80.0     +9.6 %
 AACG       MHz, OPSK, UL Subframe=2,3.4,7,8.9)
                                                   x     5.06      75.18   19.61          80.0
                                                   2     5.00      7685    20.85          80.0
 10507—     LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 10          x     3:61      69.01   1742    223    80.0     +9.6 %
 AAC        MHz, 16—QAM, UL
                                                         4.46      7o.70   18.32          80.0

                                                         4.21      71.07   18.87          80.0

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                     Page 29 of 39

EF3DV3 — SN:4048                                                          January 9, 2018

 AAC        MHz, 64—QAM, UL

                               UL              3.4.7

            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100% RB, 1
            MHz, 16—QAM, UL

            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100%
            MHz, 64—QAM, UL

            LTE—TDD (SC—FDMA, 100%

            MHz, 16—QAM, UL

            MHz, 64—QAM, UL
            Subframe:   4.7

            IEEE 802.1                        (DSSS, 2

            IEEE 802.11b WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS, 5.5

            IEEE 802.11a/h WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 9

            IEEE 802.11a/h WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 12


 10521             802.11a/h        WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 2

                   802.11ah             5 GHz (OFDM, 36

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                            Page 30 of 39

EF3DV3 — SN:4048                                                                              January 9, 2018

 10523—     IEEE 802.1 1a/h WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 48   3     4.47      68.11    16.93   0.00   150.0   £9.6 %
AAB         Mbps, 99pc duty cycie)
                                                   Y     4.71      67.84    16.89          150.0
                                                   Z     457       67 68    16.98          150.0
 10524~     IEEE 802.11ath WiFi 5 GHz (OFOM, 54    X     4.50      68.14    17.05   0.00   150.0   19.6 %
 AAB        Mbps, 99pc duty cycle)
                                                   Y     4.80      67.94    17.04          150.0
                                                   2     4.64      67.99    1713           150.0
 10525—     IEEE 802.1 fac WiFi (20MHz, MCSO,      X     4.53      67.16    16.62   0.00   150.0   +9.6 %
AAB         99pc dutycycle)
                                                   ¥     4.76      66.91    16.59          150.0
                                                   2Z    4.63      66 .95   16.67          150.0
10526—      IEEE 802.1 fac WiFi (20MHz, MCS1,      X     4.67      67.49    16.75   0.00   150.0   £8.6%
AAB         $9pc duty cycle)
                                                   Y     4.97      67.34    16.74          150.0
                                                   2     4.80      67.35    16.63          150.0
10527—      IEEE 802.1 fac WiFi (20MHz, MCS2,      X     4.60      67.46    16.69   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
AAB         99pc duty cycie)
                                                   Y     4.88      67.31    16.69          150.0
                                                   Z     4.72      67.30    16.77          150.0
10528—      IEEE 802. 11ac WiFi (20MHz, MCS3,      X     4.61      67.47    16.72   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
AAB         99pc duty cycle)
                                                   ¥     4.90      67.34    16.73          150.0
                                                   2     4.74      67.32    16.80          150.0
10520—      IEEE 802. 11ac WiFi (20MHz, MCS4,      X     4.61      67.47    16.72   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
AAB         99pc duty cycle)
                                                   Y     4.90      67.34    16.73          150.0
                                                   &     4.74      67.32    16.80          150.0
 10531—     IEEE 802. 1 Tac WiFi (20MHz, MCS6,     X     4.59      67.54    16.72   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        99pc duty cycle)
                                                   ¥     4.92      67.51    16.77          150.0
                                                   £     4.73      67.45    16.83          150.0
 10532—     IEEE 802. 11ac WiFi (20MHz, MCST,      X     446       67.39    16.65   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        99pc duty cycle)
                                                   Y     4.76      67.37    16.71          150.0
                                                   2     4.59      67.28    16.75          150.0
 10533—     IEEE 802. 1 1ac WiFi (20MHz, MCSB,     X     4.62      67.56    16.73   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        99pc duty eycie)
                                                   Y     4.91      67.36    16.71          150.0
                                                   2     4.75      67.38    16.79          150.0
 10534—     IEEE 802. 1 1ac WiFi (40MHz, MCSO,     X     523       67.58    1684    0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        99pc duty cycle)
                                                   Y     5.47      67.57    16.63          150.0
                                                   F4    5.36      67.55    16.95          150.0
 10535—     IEEE 802.1fac WiFi (40MHz, MCS1,       x     5.33      67.93    17.02   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        99pc duty cycle)
                                                   ¥     5.55      67.74    16.90          150.0
                                                   2     5.53      68.11    17.23          150.0
 10536—     1EEE 802. 11ac WiFi (40MHz, MCS2,      X     5.19      67.81    16.93   0.00   150.0    +9.6 %
 AAB        99pc duty cycle)
                                                   Y     5.42      67.73    16.88          150.0
                                                   2     5.33      67.81    17.05          150.0
 10537—     IEEE 802. 11ac WiFi (40MHz, MCS3,      X     5.27      67.86    16.97   0.00   150.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        29pc duty cycle)
                                                   ¥     5.49      67.71    16.87          150.0
                                                   2     5.39      67.79    17.04          150.0
 10538—     IEEE 802.11ac WiFI (40MHz, MCS4,       X     5.34      67.83    16.09   0.00   150.0    +9.6 %
 AAB        99pe duty cycle)
                                                   ¥     5.60      67.80    16.95          150.0
                                                   Z     5.47      67.75    17.07          150.0
 10540«     IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (40MHz, MCSB,       X     5.22      67.62    16.90   0.00   150.0    29.6%
 AAB        99pc duty cycle)
                                                   Y     5.52      67.79    16.97          150.0
                                                   Z     5.43      67.58    17.15          150.0

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                     Page 31 of 39

EF3DV3 — SN4048                                                         January 9, 2018
 10541               1Tac WiFi (4O0MHz,                     &        150.0   £96

                     Tac WiFi (dOMHz,

                 802. 1 tac WiFi

            IEEE 802.1 tac WiFi

            IEEE 802.11ac

            IEEE 802.1 tac

                  802.11ac WiFi (BOMHz,

                      1tac WiFi (BOMHz,

                      1tac WiFi (BOMHz, MCS9,

            IEEE 802.1tac WiFi (160MHz, MCSO,

            IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (160MHz,     8.

            IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (160MHz, MCS2,

                      11ac WiFi (160MHz, MCS3,

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                       Page 32 of 39

EF3DV3 — SN:4048                                                                       January 9, 2018

 10558—     IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (160MbHz,                      .        ..   4   :   150.0   *

            IEEE 802. 1 Tac WiFi (160MHz, MCS6,



            IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (16OMHz, MCS9,

            122E 802.119 WiFi 2.4 GHz

            1EEE 802.119 WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS—

            1EEE 802.119         12.4 GHz (DSSS—

                                     GHz (DSSS—

            IEEE 802.119 WiFi 2.4 GHz

                E      802.11b WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS, 1

            IEEE 802.11b WiFi 2.4 GHz (DSSS, 2

 10573—     IEEE 802.11b WiFi 2.4 GHz

                    802.11b WiFi2.4 GHz (DSSS, 11

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                         Page 33 of 39

          keew evenrroper+

              EF3DV3 — SN:4048                                                              January 9, 2018

                         IEEE 802.119                                  .         4   .   130.0   £96

                                                24 GHz (OSSS—

                         IEEE 802.119 WiFi 2.4 GHz


                         1EEE 802119 Wini 24 GHz

                                    119     124 GHz

                                 802.119 Wiri

                                 802.11ah WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 12

                             E 802.11ah WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 18

                          IEEE 802.11a/h WiFi 5 GHz (OFDM, 24

                                 802.11ah WiFi 5 GHz

                          IEEE 802.11ah WiFI 5 GHz (OFDM, 48

                          IEEE 802.11ah

              Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                     Page 34 of 39

eema eopors

EF3DV3 — SN4048                                                                                      January 9, 2018

10591—      1EEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 20MHz,                  4.78   67.66        17.10      0.46   1300    £96%

AAB         MCSO, 90pc duty cycle)
                                                            5.05   67.55        17.18             130.0

                                                            4.92   67.61        17.31             130.0
10592—      1EEE 802.1 in (HT Mixed, 20MHz,                 4.91   67.98        1724       0.46   1300    £9.6%
AAB         MCS1, 90pc duty cycle)
                                                            5.23   67.91        17.30             130.0

                                                            5.07   67.97        17.45             130.0
10593       IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 20MHz,                  4.83   67.87        17.10      0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
AAB         MCS2, 90pc duty cycle}
                                                            5.16   67.68        17.22             130.0

                                                            5.00   67.09        17.34             130.0
10594       IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 20MHz,                  4.88   68.03        17.26      0.46   130.0    £96%
AAB         MCS3, 90pc duty cycle)
                                                            521    6800         1735              1300

                                                            505|   68.04        1748              130.0
10595——     TEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 20MHz,                  485    e802         1717       046    1300     £96%
AAB         MCS4, 90pc duty cycle)
                                              in =<         519    6800         1726              130.0
                                                            5.02   68.02        17.39             130.0
10596—      TEEE 802.1 in (HT Mixed, 20MHz,                 «78    cea01        718        046    1300     ©96%
AAB         MCSS,9Ope duty cycie)
                                                            512    erge         1727              1300

                                                            496|   _68.04_|     17.41             130.0
 10597—     TEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 20MHz,                  a73    erse         ir0s       o46    1300     £96%
AAB         MCSB6, 9Opc duty cycle)
                                                            507    6794         1717              1500

                                                            4.91   79e          17.29             130.0
10598—      IEEE 802.1 n (HT Mixed, 20MrHz,                 4n     ea.07        1728       046    1300     £96%
AAB         MCS7, 9Ope duty eycle)
                                                            5.05   _|_68.15     17.42             130.0

                                                            4.88   —|_66.11_|   17.62             130.0
 10599—     1EEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 40MHz,                  $m     6897         1781       046    1300     £96%
 Aas        MCSO, 90pc duty cycle)
                                                            564    éasi         1757              1300

                                                            5.81   883          _|_17.91          130.0
 10600—     IEEE 802.1 1n (HT Mixed, 40MHz,                 6.12   10.36        18.47      0.46   130.0    £96%
 AAB        MCS1, 90pc duty cycle)
                                                            649    70.59        18.61             130.0

                                                            6.57   7134         1915              130.0
 10601—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 40MHz,                  5.10   69.05        17.83      0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        MCS2, 90pc duty cycle)
                                                            6.06   69.32        17.98             130.0

                                                            5.98   69.54        18.27             130.0
 10602—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 40MHz,                  5.87   69.32        17.89      0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        MCS3, 90pc duty cycle)
                                                            6.11   69.18        17.83             130.0

                                                            6.12   69.09        18.26             130.0
 10603—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 40MHz,                  6.00   69.02        18.27      0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        MCS4, 90pc duty cycle)
                                                            6.16   69.32        18.01             130.0

                                                            6.12   69.71        18.39             130.0
 10604—     IEEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 40MHz,                  5.61   69.25        17.97      0.46   130.0    +9.6 %
 AAB        MCSS, 9Opc duty cycle)
                                                            5.88   68.60        17.65             130.0

                                                            5.78   68.63        17.63             130.0
 10605—     1EEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 40MHz,                  5.95   69.72        18.21      0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        MCSG, 9Opc duty cycle)
                                                            6.12   69.34        18.03             130.0

                                                            6.28   70.35        18.72             130.0
 10606—     1EEE 802.11n (HT Mixed, 40MHz,                  5.59   68.67        17.63      0.46   130.0    £96%
 AB         MCS7, 90pc duty cycle)
                                                            5.70   68.15        17.28             130.0

                                                            5.60   68.23        1749              130.0

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                     Page 35 of 39

EF3DV3 — SN4048                                                  January 9, 2018

 1          IEEE 802.11ac WiFi


            IEEE 802.11ac

                     11ac WiFi (20MHz, MCS4,

           IEEE 802.11ac         (20MHz, MCSS,

                 802.11ac WiFi

            IEEE 802.   11ac     (20MHz, MCS7,

            IEEE 802. 11ac WiFi (20MHz,

            IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (4OMHz, MCS1,

            IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (40MHz, MCS2,

            IEEE 802.1 12c WiFi (40MHz, MCS3,

            IEEE 802.11ac WiFI (40MHz, MCSS5,

            IEEE        c        (40MFz, MCSG,

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                   Page 36 of 39

EF3DV3 — SN:4048                                                                           January 9, 2018

10623—      IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (40MHz, MCS7,     xX    5.27      67.25   16.85   0.46   130.0   +9.6 %
AAB         90pc duty cycie)
                                                 ¥     5 56      67.41   16.95          130.0
                                                 2     5.51      67.65   17.24          130.0
 10624—     IEEE 802.1 Tac WiFi (40MHz, MCS3,    X     5.52      67.67   1713    0.46   130.0   29.6 %
AAB         90pe dutycycle)
                                                 Y     5.02      67 62   17.22          130.0
                                                 2     5.71      67.85   17.40          130.0
 10625      IEEE 802.1 fac WiFi (AOMHz, MCS9,    X     5.65      67.98   17.35   0.48   130.0   186 %
AAB         90pc duty cycle)
                                                 ¥     6.70      70.31   16.51          130.0
                                                 2     6.41      69.92   18.49          130.0
 10626—     IEEE 802.1 fac WiFi (GOMHz, MCSO,    X     5.69      67.50   16.96   0.46   130.0   +9.6 %
 AAB        20pc duty cycle)
                                                 Y     5.86      67.47   16.93          130.0
                                                 Z     5.83      67.61   17.18          130.0
 10627—     IEEE 802.1 1ac WiFi (BOMHz, MCS1,    X     6.19      68.98   17.68   0.46   130.0   £9.6 %
AAB         2Ope duty cycie)
                                                 Y     6.32      68.68   17.50          130.0
                                                 £&    643       69.33   18.02          130.0
 10628—     IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (BOMHz, MCS2,     X     5.74      67.66   16.95   0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        9Opc duty cycle)
                                                 Y     5.99      67.87   17.03          130.0
                                                 2     5.92      67.90   17.23          130.0
10629       IEEE 802. 11ac WiFi (BOMHz, MCS3,    X     5.94      68.16   17.20   0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
AAB         9Ope duty cycle)
                                                 Y     6.09      67.97   17.08          130.0
                                                 2     6.11      68.31   17.44          130.0
 10630—     IEEE 802.1tac WiFi (GOMHz, MCS4,     X     6.77      70.81   18.49   046    130.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        9Ope duty cycle)
                                                 Y     8.04      1347    19.72          130.0
                                                 £     7.75      73.08   19.73          130.0
 10631      IEEE 802. 11ac WiFi (BOMHz, MCS5,    X     6.18      69.15   17.87   0.46   130.0    £9.6%
 AAB        9Ope duty cycle)
                                                 Y     6.78      70.26   18.39          130.0
                                                 2     644       69.57   16.23          130.0
 10632—     IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (GOMHz, MCSG,     X     6.23      69.30   17.98   0.46   130.0    +9.6 %
 AAB        9Opc duty cycle)
                                                 Y     6.24      68.58   17.58          130.0
                                                 2     637       69.33   18.15          130.0
 10633—     IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (BOMHz, MCST,     X     5.76      67.72   17.01   0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        9Opc duty cycle}
                                                 Y     6.09      68.11   17.17          130.0
                                                 H     5.89      $7.73   1716           130.0
 10634—     IEEE 802. 1 1ac WiFi (GOMHz, MCSB,   X     5.72      67.68   17.04   0.46   130.0    £98.6 %
 AAB        $Ope duty cycle}
                                                 ¥     5.99      67.85   17.10          130.0
                                                 2     5.58      67.80   17.25          130.0
 10635—     IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (GOMHz, MCS®,     X     5.59      66.99   16.43   0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
 AAB        9Opc duty cycle)
                                                 Y     5.89      67.28   16.57          130.0
                                                 Z     5.76      67.16   16.69          130.0
 10636—     IEEE 802.1 12c WiFi (160MHz, MCSO,   X     6.19      68.00   1713    0.4G   130.0    £96%
 AAG        9Ope duty cycle)
                                                 Y     6.36      68.10   17.15          130.0
                                                 2     6.35      68.20   17.38          130.0
 10637—     IEEE 802.11ac WiFi (160MHz, MCS1,    X     6.46      68.76   17.50   0.46   130.0    £9.6 %
 AAC        9Ope duty cycle)
                                                 ¥     6.63      68.78   1747           130.0
                                                 Z     6.72      69.23   17.89          130.0
 10638—     IEEE 802.1 fac WiFi (160MHz, MCS2,   X     6.50      68.87   17.53   0.48   1300     £9.6%
 AAG        9Opc duty cycle)
                                                 Y     6.63      68.75   1744           130.0
                                                 Z     6.72      69.20   17.85          130.0

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                   Page 37 of 39

EFspvs— SN4048                                                           January 9, 2018
                        ac       (160NHz,       ¢                    .   0    |

               E 802.1tac WiFi (

                 802.1 tac WiFi (

                     Tac WiFi(

                     .1 tac WiFi (160MHz, MCS8,      X


                     Mac         (16OMHz, MCS9,      xX



            CDOMAZ00D (1x Advanced)

            LTE—TDD (OFDMA, 5 MHz, E—TM 3.1,

            LTE—TOD (OFDOMA, 15 MHz, E—TM 3.1,

             Te—TbD              20 MHz, E—TM 3.1,

            Pulse Waveform

            Pulse Waveform (200Hz, 20%)

Certificale No: EF3—4048_Jan18                       Page 38 of 39

EFSDV3 — SN:4048                                                                                                             January 9, 2018

 10660—        Pulse Waveform (200Hz, 40%)                        X       0.98        63.30        6.81       3.08        80.0      £9.6 %
                                                                  Y      10000        10515       2155                   80.0
                                                                  z2     10000        10596       2142                   80.0
 10661—        Pulse Waveform (200Hz, 60%)                        X       0.56        62.24       543         2.22       100.0      296%
                                                                  ¥      100.00       10368       1983                   100.0
                                                                  2      100.00       100.21      17.94                  100.0
 10662—        Pulse Waveform (200Hz, 80%)                        X       0.16        60.00        330        0.97       1200       £96%
                                                                  Y      100.00       10295       1813                   120.0
                                                                  2      99.98        90.06       12.54                  120.0

* Uncertainty is determined using the max. deviation from linear response applying rectangular distribution and   expressed for the square of the
field value.

Certificate No: EF3—4048_Jan18                                     Page 39 of 39

Calibration Laboratory of                                                                                 G       Schweizerischer Kalibrierdienst
Schmid & Partner                                                                                          ; Service suisse d‘étalonnage
  Engineering AG                                                                                          g Servizio svizzero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                                                                      Swiss Calibration Service

Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                                        Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

Client      TA—SH (Auden)                                                                       Certificate No: CD835V3—1133_Nov17

 Object                               CDB835V3 — SN: 1133

 Calibration procedure(s)             QA CAL—20.v6
                                      Calibration procedure for dipoles in air

 Calibration date:                    November 22, 2017

 This calibration certificate documents the traceability to national standards, which realize the physical units of measurements (S1).
 The measurements and the uncertainties with confidence probability are given on the following pages and are part of the certificate.

 All calibrations have been conducted in the closed laboratory facility: environment temperature (22 + 3)°C and humidity < 70%.

 Calibration Equipment used (M&TE critical for calibration)
 Primary Standards                      ID #                        Cal Date(Certificate No.)                          Scheduled Calibration
 Power meter NRP                        SN: 104778                  04—Apr—17 (No. 217—02521/02522)                    Apr—18
 Power sensor NRP—291                   SN: 103244                  04—Apr—17 (No. 217—02521)                          Apr—18
 Power sensor NRP—Z91                   SN: 103245                  04—Apr—17 (No. 217—02522)                          Apr—18
 Reference 20 dB Attenuator             SN: 5058 (20k)              07—Apr—17 (No. 217—02528)                          Apr—18
 Type—N mismatch combination            SN: 5047.2 / 06327          07—Apr—17 (No. 217—02529)                          Apr—18
 Probe ERSDV6                           SN: 2336                    30—Dec—16 (No. ER3—2336_Dec16)                     Dec—17
 DAE4                                   SN: 781                     18—Jul—17 (No, DAE4—781_Jul17)                     Ju—18

 Secondary Standards                    ID #                        Check Date (in house)                              Scheduled Check
 Power meter Agilent 44198              SN: GB42420191              09—Oct—09 (in house check Oct—17)                  In house check: Oct—20
 Power sensor HP E4412A                 SN: US38485102              O5—Jan—10 (in house check Oct—17)                  In house check: Oct—20
 Power sensor HP 8482A                  SN: US37205597              09—Oct—09 (in house check Oct—17)                  In house check: Oct—20
 RF generator R&S SMT—06                SN: 832289/011              27—Aug—12 (in house check Oct—17)                  In house check: Oct—20
 Network Analyzer HP 8753E              SN: US37390585              18—Oct—01 (in house check Oct—17)                  In house check: Oct—18

                                        Name                                    Function                                Signature
 Calibrated by:                       [Leif Kiysner VCO        CCC          "\ Laboratory Technician                 fg/ %

 Approved by:                         |Katia Pokovie""""        *         "~‘‘Technical Manager .‘                  /{//f’

                                                                                                                      Issued: November 23, 2017
 This calibration certificate shall not be reproduced exceptin full without written approval of the laboratory.

Certificate No: CD835V3—1133_Nov17                         Page 1 of 5

Calibration Laboratory of
      a                                                                                  S    Schwelzerischer Kalibrierdienst
SChm[d & Eanner                                                                          .    Service sulsse d‘étalonnage
  Engineering AG                                             L zq                        5    Servizio avizzero di taratura
Zeughausstrasse 43, 8004 Zurich, Switzerland                 * fi\\s’                          Swiss Callbration Service
Accredited by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS)                                       Accreditation No.: SCS 0108
The Swiss Accreditation Service is one of the signatories to the EA
Multilateral Agreement for the recognition of calibration certificates

[1]      ANSI—C63.19—2011
         American National Standard, Methods of Measurement of Compatibility between Wireless Communications
         Devices and Hearing Aids.
Methods Applied and Interpretation of Parameters:
         Coordinate System:y—axis is in the direction of the dipole arms. z—axis is from the basis of the antenna
         (mounted on the table) towardsits feed point between the two dipole arms. x—axis is normalto the other axes.
         In coincidence with the standards [1], the measurementplanes (probe sensor center) are selected to be at a
         distance of 15 mm above the top metal edge of the dipole arms.
         Measurement Conditions: Further details are available from the hardcopies at the end of the certificate. All
         figures stated in the certificate are valid at the frequency indicated. The forward powerto the dipole connector
         is set with a calibrated power meter connected and monitored with an auxiliary power meter connected to a
         directional coupler. While the dipole undertest is connected, the forward poweris adjusted to the same level.
         Antenna Positioning: The dipole is mounted on a HAC Test Arch phantom using the matching dipole
         positioner with the arms horizontal and the feeding cable coming from the floor. The measurements are
         performed in a shielded room with absorbers around the setup to reducethe reflections.
         It is verified before the mounting of the dipole under the Test Arch phantom, that its arms are perfectly in a
         line. It is installed on the HAC dipole positioner with its arms parallel below the dielectric reference wire and
         able to move elastically in vertical direction without changing its relative position to the top center of the Test
         Arch phantom. The vertical distanceto the probe is adjusted after dipole mounting with a DASY5 Surface
         Check job. Before the measurement, the distance between phantom surface and probe tip is verified. The
         proper measurement distanceis selected by choosing the matching section of the HAC Test Arch phantom
         with the proper device reference point (upper surface of the dipole) and the matching grid reference point (tip
         of the probe) considering the probe sensor offset. The vertical distance to the probeis essential for the
         Feed Point Impedance and Return Loss: These parameters are measured using a HP 8753E Vector Network
         Analyzer. The impedance is specified at the SMA connector of the dipole. The influence of reflections was
         eliminating by applying the averaging function while moving the dipole in the air, at least 70cm away from any
         E—field distribution: E field is measured in the x—y—plane with an isotropic ERSD—field probe with 100 mW
         forward powerto the antenna feed point. In accordance with [1], the scan area is 20mm wide,its length
         exceeds the dipole arm length (180 or 9Omm). The sensor centeris 15 mm (in z) above the metal top of the
         dipole arms. Two 3D maxima are available near the end of the dipole arms. Assuming the dipole arms are
         perfectly in one line, the average of these two maxima (in subgrid 2 and subgrid 8) is determined to
         compensate for any non—parallelity to the measurement plane as well as the sensor displacement. The E—field
         value stated as calibration value represents the maximum of the interpolated 3D—E—field, in the plane above
         the dipole surface.

 The reported uncertainty of measurement is stated as the standard uncertainty of measurement multiplied by the
 coverage factor k=2, which for a normal distribution corresponds to a coverage probability of approximately 95%.

Certificate No: CD835V3—1133_Nov17                      Page 2 of 5


    Measurement Conditions
        DASY system configuration, as far as not given on page 1.
          DASY Version                                               DASY5                        V52.10.0
          Phantom                                                HAC Test Arch
          Distance Dipole Top — Probe Center                         15 mm
          Scan resolution                                        dx, dy = 5 mm
          Frequency                                          835 MHz      1 MHz
          Input power drift                                         <0.05 dB

    Maximum Field values at 835 MHz

          E—field 15 mm above dipole surface                           condition          Interpolated maximum
          Maximum measured above high end                         100 mW input power      106.6 V/im = 40.56 dBV/m
          Maximum measured above low end                          100 mW input power      104.9 V/im = 40.42 dBV/m
          Averaged maximum above arm                              100 mW input power      105.8 V/m x 12.8 % (k=2)

    Appendix (Additional assessments outside the scope of SCS 0108)

    Antenna Parameters

          Frequency                                                   Return Loss               Impedance
          800 MHz                                                       16.1 dB                40.1 Q — 101 jQ
          835 MHz                                                       28.4 dB                52.7 Q + 2.8 jQ
          900 MHz                                                       17.0 dB                48.5 Q — 14.0 jQ

          950 MHz                                                       20.0 dB               49.4 Q + 10.0 jQ

         960 MHz                                                        15.0 dB                61.59+16.3 j0

    3.2 Antenna Design and Handling

    The calibration dipole has a symmetric geometry with a built—in two stub matching network, which leads to the
    enhanced bandwidth.
    The dipole is built of standard semirigid coaxial cable. The internal matching line is open ended. The antennais
    therefore open for DC signals.
    Do not apply force to dipole arms, as they areliable to bend. The soldered connections near the feedpoint may be
    damaged. After excessive mechanical stress or overheating, check the impedance characteristics to ensure that the
    internal matching network is not affected.

    After long term use with 40W radiated power, only a slight warming of the dipole near the feedpoint can be measured.

    Certificate No: CDB35V3—1133_Nov17             Page 3 of 5

Impedance Measurement Plot

                                                                22 Nov 2017 16:35:16
         CHI sii      LOG       5 dB/ REF ~15_ 48              11—208.368 dB 835.000 000 MHz

                                                                                                  CH1 Markers

                                                                                                  2—16.147 dB
         Cor                                                                                      ©00.000 MHz
                                                                                                  3:—16.969 dB
                                                                                                   9$00.000 MHz
                                                                                                  41—20,0093 dB
                                                                                                   950.000 MHz
         153                                                                                      5:—15.047 dB
                                                                                                  960.000 MHz


          CH2 $11     1 U FS          4: 52.717 a   2.8262 n 538.68 pH          835.000 000 MHz

                                                                                                  CH2 Markers
                                                                                                   2 40.115 o
         Cor                                                                                        ~10.038 a
                                                                                                  ©00.000 MHz
                                                                                                   ar48.484 a
                                                                                                     ~14.021 a
                                                                                                  sa0.000 THz
         Av                                                                                        41 49.44
         16                                                                                           $%%6¢ 4
                                                                                                  $50.000 MHz
                                                                                                   St 51'533 &
         Hid                                                                                          16.266 a
                                                                                                  960.000 MHz
                    CENTER ©35.000 000 MHz                               SPAN 1 000.000 @00 MHz

Certificate No: CD835V3—1133_Nov17            Page 4 of 5

Document Created: 2019-10-10 09:42:06
Document Modified: 2019-10-10 09:42:06

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