User Manual

FCC ID: 2ADK3XO-9832

Users Manual

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SIZE:178*108MM 双面印刷黑白说明书

      Essos True Wireless Auto Pair                            Hello! This is your instruction manual, to                Included Contents:                                               Charging:
                                                                help create the best possible experience                   Earbuds     Power Case                      Charging
             Earbuds w/Case                                                with this cool product.                                                                      Cable             1. Charging the earbuds
                                                                                                                                                                                          • Place the earbuds securely into the power
            Instruction Manual                                 Safety Precautions:                                                                                                          case. Make sure the earbuds are securely
                  XO-9832                                      1. Please follow the rules described in                                                                                      placed into the case.
                                                                   this manual closely to ensure your                                                                                     • Press the power case charging button(6).
                                                                   safety.                                              1.   Microphone/Earbud LED 5. Charging case LED                     The LED on the case will turn BLUE. The
                                                                                                                        2.                                                                  LED on the earbuds will turn RED.
                                                               2. Before using the earbuds, we would                         Multi-function button    (Case charging)
                                                                                                                                                                                          • The LED on the Earbuds turns BLUE and
                                                                   strongly encourage you read this                     3.   Ear tips              6. Power case
                                                                                                                                                                                            the LED on Case will turn off when the
                                                                   manual.                                              4.   Charging case LED        charging button                       earbuds are fully charged.
                                                               3. Do not modify, repair or dismantle the                     (Earbud charging)     7. Micro-USB input                     • You’ll hear a beep prompt when the
                                                                   earbuds or power bank.                                                                                                   earbuds need charged. The Earbuds will
                                                               4. Do not use any liquids to clean the                                                                                       play audio at max volume for 2hrs.
                                                               5. Do not use the earbuds near water, or
                                                                   intense temperatures.                                            1        3

                                                                                                                                                     4 5 6               7
                            | 01                                                        | 02                                                           | 03                                                       | 04

                                                               2. Connecting to Bluetooth                                    • You can also power off your earbuds by                     7. Playing Audio
    2. Charging the power case
    • Use the provided Micro USB Charging                      • Go into your Bluetooth options and select                     holding the multi-function button on both
                                                                                                                               earbuds until you hear the voice prompt                    • Press the Multi-function button on the
      Cable to connect to an adapter or                          the pairing name “Essos Earbuds”.                                                                                          Right or Left Earbud to play/pause your
      computer to charge the power case.                       • If done successfully you will hear the voice                  “Power Off”.
    • When charging the power case the LED                       prompt “Connected”. Both earbuds will                       5. Calling                                                   • If you want to change the song or volume
      will flash RED. The LED will turn solid RED                                                                                                                                           you must use the connected device.
                                                               • You can now enjoy your favorite Audio.                      • Answering/End Call:
       when the case is fully charged.
                                                               • Previously connected earbuds will connect                       Press the multifunction button once to                   Resetting your earbuds:
                                                                 automatically after they’re powered ON.                         answer an incoming call, and again to
                                                                                                                                                                                          • If you’re having trouble pairing your
                                                               • If you don’t connect to the earbuds within                      end the call.
    Pairing Both Earbuds:                                                                                                    • Reject a Call:
                                                                                                                                                                                            earbuds please turn off your Bluetooth.
    1. Pairing: First time                                       3 minutes the earbuds will automatically                                                                                 • Place both earbuds back into the charged
                                                                 power OFF.                                                      Press and hold the multifunction button
    • Remove both earbuds from the power                                                                                                                                                    power case.
                                                                                                                                 to reject an incoming call.
      case, you’ll hear a voice prompt saying                  3. Power ON                                                                                                                • Now remove the earbuds and follow the
      “Power On”.                                              • Take out your earbuds from the charging                     6.Activate Voice Assistant:                                    instructions under “Pairing Both Earbuds”.
    • Once you hear both earbuds beep the                        case or press and hold the multi-function                                                                                Single Earbud Usage:
                                                                                                                             •      Double press the multifunction button,
      earbuds are now synced to each other. If                   button for 3 seconds. You'll hear the voice
                                                                                                                                    you will hear a beep prompt to indicate
                             Main                                prompt "Power On".                                                                                                       • Take out the earbud from the charging
                                                                                                                                    that your voice Assistand/Siri is
      flash Red & Blue while the Secondary                     4. Power OFF                                                                                                                 case. You will hear a voice prompt “Power
                                                                                                                                    "Activated" and waiting your commands.
      Earbud slowly flashes Blue.                              • To turn off your earbuds place them both
                                                                 back into the power case.

                            | 05                                                        | 06                                                           | 07                                                       | 08

                                                                                                            front side

    • Open your Bluetooth options, Turn on                     3. Once the earbud is successfully connected                                                                               Troubleshooting
      Bluetooth, and select the pairing name                   with your device, you can listen to audio.                                                                                 Issue        Reason                  Solution
      “Essos Earbuds”.                                                                                                           Function
                                                               4. Answer/End calls: Press the multi-button                                                                                                                     charge earbuds
    • If done successfully you will hear the                                                                                     Charging time           1.5 hrs (from 0-100)             Start-up failure   low battery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                               and power case
      voice prompt “Connected”. The earbud will                once to answer an incoming call, and again
                                                                                                                                 Play time               2 hrs
                                                               to end.                                                                                                                    No sound when
                                                                                                                                                                                                        wrong pairing          re-pairing
                                                               5. Reject a call: Press and hold the
                                                                                                                                 Bluetooth Range         10m                              paired
    • If you would like to synch the earbuds
                                                               multifunction button to reject an incoming call.                                                                           No indication   Earbuds aren’t check earbuds,
       together, simply remove the other
                                                               6. Activate Voice Assistant: Double press the                                                                              during charging securely inserted and try again
       earbud from the case. The earbuds will                                                                                    Function
       automatically pair together.                            multifunction button,you will hear a beep                                                                                  Shut down                            charge earbuds
                                                                                                                                 Charging time           2 hrs (from 0-100)                                  low battery
                                                               prompt to indicate that your voice Assistand/                                                                              automatically                        and power case
    2. Power ON/OFF
                                                               Siri is "Activated" and waiting your commands.                                                                             Noise during       mobile device is bring mobile
    • Power ON: Take out your earbud from the                                                                                The Power Case can charge the earbuds 4x
                                                               7. Music: short press the button to pause the                                                                              calls              too far away     device closer
       charging case. You'll hear the voice prompt                                                                           (from 0-100).
                                                               music or play the music.                                                                                                                      earbuds are     adjust earbuds to
       "Power On".                                                                                                                                                                        Low volume
                                                                                                                             Mobile devices cannot connect with the earbuds if                               turned down low comfort & sound
    • Power OFF: Place your earbud back into                                                                                 the earbuds are not in pairing mode.
       the charging case or press and hold the                                                                                                                                                               environment
       multifunction button for 5 seconds.                                                                                   If the earbuds are unable to connect to a mobile                                disturbance,      bring the mobile
                                                                                                                             device via Bluetooth for 5+ minutes, the earbuds                                distance to far   device closer to
                                                                                                                             will power off automatically.                                                   from mobile       the earbuds
                             | 09                                                        | 10                                                           | 11                                                       | 12

     Safety Precautions                                                                                                            device, pursuant to Part 15 of the FCC Rules.          Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV
           WARNING–When using this product, basic                                                                                  These limits are designed to provide reasonable        technician for help.
                                                                  explosion or risk of injury.
          precautions should always be followed, including                                                                         protection against harmful interference in a           This device complies with part 15 of the FCC
                                                               9. Do not disassemble the device. Take the device
          the following:                                                                                                           residential installation. This equipment generates     rules. Operation is subject to the following two
     1.   Fully read the instructions before using the                                                                             uses and can radiate radio frequency energy            conditions (1) this device may not cause harmful
                                                                     required. Incorrect reassembly may result in a
          product.                                                                                                                 and, if not installed and used in accordance with      interference, and (2) this device must accept any
     2.   The unit will only achieve full performance after                                                                        the instructions, may cause harmful interference       interference received, including interference that
          2 or 3 completed charge and discharge cycles.                                                                            to radio communications. However, there is no          may cause undesired operation.
     3.   Do not overcharge your case. The unit may                                                                                guarantee that interference will not occur in a
                                                                     above 212ºF/100°C may cause explosion.
          become hot under excessive use. Remove your                                                                              particular installation. If this equipment does
          case once it is fully charged. Never charge your                                                                         cause harmful interference to radio or television
                                                                   person using only identical replacement parts.
          case for more than 7 hours at a time.                                                                                    reception, which can be determined by turning
                                                               12. This will ensure that the safety of the product
     4.   To reduce the risk of injury, close supervision is                                                                       the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged
                                                                   is maintained.
          required when the product is used near children.                                                                   -     to try to correct the interference by one or more of
     5.   Do not expose the device to moisture.                FCC Statement                                                 -     the following measures:
     6.   Do not use the device in excess of its output        •                                                                   Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.
          rating. Overload outputs above the rating may              approved by the party responsible for compliance        -     Increase the separation between the equipment
                                                                     could void the user’s authority to operate the                and receiver.
     7.                                                              equipment.                                              -     Connect the equipment into an outlet on a
     8.                                                        •     This equipment has been tested and found                      circuit different from that to which the receiver
                                                                     to comply with the limits for a Class B digital         •     is connected.                                                                           MADE IN CHINA
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                                                                                                            back side

Document Created: 2019-08-23 10:57:46
Document Modified: 2019-08-23 10:57:46

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