Modular Appr Letter


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Applicmt/Graniee          Meodip Technology Tnc
reem:             zapmauny                 1                1
                           Section 15.212 Modutar Transmitcers 7
X |_Reques for Modular Approval_|_| Request for Limed Modular approval
        |                 Requrements                    |              Device Conditions           Comply (¥2)
                                Single Modular Approvl Reauirements
        TTie d clements musthave the radio This moduce has sieldig case
        {requency cirutryshiided
  4     Phusicaldisrete ant tuning capacitors                                                            y
        Imay be located extemaltothe hield, but
        Imst be on the motute assembly.
        (mee module mall m batfaed               All modiaren and dan mpu) we
        Imodutationdata inpurs) (isuch inputs ar butfred. The EUT has burfered data
        brovided) t ensure thatthe module will mputs, it is integrated on the RF chip
  2.    fomply with the remuirements st outinthe                                                         v
        lpolicable RSstandard under conditins
         T excessve dataes or over—modubation
            [me moane s nave ns on pover                     The EDTand fe RF SF ym m
            bupoly requltion en the modul. This is to|       package) has inegrated LDOs to
            knsure thatthe module will comply with           provide th required core votages for
            Fhe requiementsst outin the appliable            RF sections ncluding both Transmiter
            btandard regantless ohe design ofthe             and Receier sections
  3.        bower sipplying ciaity in the host                                                           v
            frevice which housesthe module
            [Requirements set ot in the appliable
            Etandard regartless ofhe
            Hesign othe pove: suppiving crcuity in
            te host device which houses the modute
            (e moduls sall ampy w e                Te modatss RF ouput is rough
            brovisins for extemal poer amplifirs   castlited PCB pad and modular
            fnd anternas detaied in thisstandard. The
                                                   approval is demonsrated through
            [Equipment centfieation submission shal|
                                                   microstp trace on the host‘s PCB as
               mtain a detailed description of the mertioned in KDB 906360 Do2
  4.           Fonfiguation ofallantemnas that willbe
                                                   Module Qand A v01 Q11. The host                       v
            hsed with the modite                   reference boardhas implementations
                                                   forExternal Antemna (RF comecton)
                                                   and chip antemna. Only specifi
                                                   approved External antemna) are
                                                   idemiied or use
            (Tie modale sall i exen for compance |See Saup Phos
            futh the applcable standard in astand—
            hone confiquatior, i. the module must
  50—       ht be inside anothir device during tesing                                                    Y

            (Tre modular ransonter mont be        bee d Eon
  5.        quipped withither apermanenty aftined                                                        y

        [The modula transmiter complics wath all| Tistructions in User Mamial
        Ipecific mies or operting requirements
        that ordinarty apply toa complete
        fransmiter and the manufoctuer will
        brovide adequate instuctionsalong with
        fhe modute to xplain any such
         equirements. A copy ofthese instuctions
        is included inthis applicaton for
        bquipment authorization
        lRdtress complance wath t                 Testractions ae given n the msualiton
        Commisin‘s RF exposire limits in          manuat for compliance to the RF
        Bections1.1310 and 2.1003. n addtion,     exposirerequirements
        bpvead spectrum trasmiters operting
        finder Setion 15.247 arerequized to
        ldress RF expooure complance in
        hccordance with Section 15.24706)(9.
3 Tinited modular approval may be granied for mgle or wmodile: avomtirs ht donot comply with
all ofth above requirements, eg. shieding, minimum signaling ampliide, bufred modulationdata iputs, or
poer supply repulation, ifthe manufactirer can demonstrate by alterative means in the applation for
equipment authorization thatthe modulartransmiter mests all the applicable Part 15 requiements unde the
operating conditions in which th transmiter willbe used. Limited modular approval also may be graned in
those instnces where complance with RF exposure rules is demonstated only for partcular product
configurstions. The applicant forcertifcation mus stte how cantrl of th end product ino which the modile
willbe insalled willbe maintaned such that fllcomplince ofthe and produc is atways ensured

 Se» Ciil
Name/Title: Steve Caldwell/ Vice President
CompanyName: Microchip Technology Inc
Date: 12 Nov 2018

Document Created: 2018-11-25 09:42:32
Document Modified: 2018-11-25 09:42:32

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