18_WCS02 RFExp r2


RF Exposure Info

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                        FCC TEST REPORT
                        FCC ID: 2ADDW-WCS02
                                  On Behalf of

                     Shenzhen Topband Co., Ltd
                       Wireless Charging Stand
                           Model No.: WCS02

Prepared for      : Shenzhen Topband Co., Ltd
                    Topband Industrial Park, Liyuan Industrial Zone, Shiyan
Address           :
                    Town, Bao’An District, Shenzhen 518108, China

Prepared By       : Shenzhen Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd.
                    Building i, No.2, Lixin Road, Fuyong Street, Bao'an District,
Address           :
                    518103, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

               Report Number        :   T1904002-C02-R02
               Date of Receipt      :   April 9, 2019
               Date of Test         :   April 9-28, 2019
               Date of Report       :   May 10, 2019
               Version Number       :   V0

                                                                   Page 2 of 14                            Report No.: T1904002-C02-R02

                                                      TABLE OF CONTENTS

1. Test Result Summary .............................................................................. 5
2. EUT Description ....................................................................................... 6
     2.1. DESCRIPTION OF DEVICE (EUT) ............................................................................................................. 6
     2.2. ACCESSORIES OF DEVICE (EUT)............................................................................................................ 8
     2.3. TESTED SUPPORTING SYSTEM DETAILS ................................................................................................. 8
     2.4. BLOCK DIAGRAM OF CONNECTION BETWEEN EUT AND SIMULATORS ....................................................... 8
     2.5. DESCRIPTION OF TEST MODES ............................................................................................................... 8
     2.6. TEST CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................................. 8
     2.7. TEST FACILITY ...................................................................................................................................... 9
     2.8. MEASUREMENT UNCERTAINTY ............................................................................................................... 9

3. Test Results and Measurement Data ................................................... 10
     3.1. RF EXPOSURE TEST ....................................................................................................................... 10

4. Photos of test setup .............................................................................. 13
5. Photographs of EUT .............................................................................. 14

                                           Page 3 of 14           Report No.: T1904002-C02-R02

                        TEST REPORT DECLARATION
Applicant           : Shenzhen Topband Co., Ltd
                        Topband Industrial Park, Liyuan Industrial Zone, Shiyan Town,
Address             :
                        Bao’An District, Shenzhen 518108, China
Manufacturer        : Shenzhen Topband Co., Ltd
                        Topband Industrial Park, Liyuan Industrial Zone, Shiyan Town,
Address             :
                        Bao’An District, Shenzhen 518108, China
EUT Description     : Wireless Charging Stand
                        (A)   Model No.      : WCS02
                        (B)   Trademark      : Topband

Measurement Standard Used:
FCC KDB 680106 D01 RF Exposure Wireless Charging Apps v03

The device described above is tested by Shenzhen Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd. to
determine the maximum emission levels emanating from the device and the severe levels
of the device can endure and its performance criterion. The test results are contained in
this test report and Shenzhen Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd. is assumed full
responsibility for the accuracy and completeness test. Also, this report shows that the
EUT is technically compliant with the KDB 680106 D01 requirements.

This report applies to above tested sample only. This report shall not be reproduced in
parts without written approval of Shenzhen Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd.

                                               Lucas Pang
Tested by (name + signature)........…..:
                                               Project Engineer

                                               Simple Guan
Approved by (name + signature)…....:
                                               Project Manager

Date of issue…… …………………..:                     May 10, 2019

                                Page 4 of 14            Report No.: T1904002-C02-R02

                          Revision History
Revision    Issue Date              Revisions                   Revised By
  V0       May 10, 2019        Initial released Issue           Simple Guan

                                                      Page 5 of 14          Report No.: T1904002-C02-R02

1. Test Result Summary

          Requirement                                   CFR 47 Section                  Result

         RF EXPOSURE                          §1.1307(b)(1) & KDB680106                 PASS

    1. PASS: Test item meets the requirement.

    2. Fail: Test item does not meet the requirement.

    3. N/A: Test case does not apply to the test object.

    4. The test result judgment is decided by the limit of test standard.

                                    Page 6 of 14          Report No.: T1904002-C02-R02

2. EUT Description
2.1. Description of Device (EUT)
EUT Name              :   Wireless Charging Stand

Model No.             :   WCS02
DIFF.                 :   N/A

Trademark             :   Topband

Power supply          :   Input: DC 5V/2A, 9V/1.5A
                          QI output: 5W, 7.5W, 10W

Operation frequency   :   125-205KHz

Modulation            :   MSK

Antenna Type          :   Coil Antenna, Maximum Gain is 4dBi

Software version      :   V1.0

Hardware version      :   V1.0

Note                  :   There are two coil antennas inside the EUT. The coil
                          specifications are the same. The two antennas can transmit
                          simultaneously. So the report reflects the data of two

                                       Page 7 of 14              Report No.: T1904002-C02-R02

           Conditions requirement                                    Answers
Power transfer frequency is less that 1 MHz           After measuring the product the
                                                      transfer frequency is 125-205KHz
Output power from each primary coil is less than      After measuring the product the each
15 watts                                              primary coil power is 10 watts
The transfer system includes only single primary      The wireless charger has two primary
and secondary coils. This includes charging           coils and two primary coils in the
systems that may have multiple primary coils          charger. It can only detect and allow
and clients that are able to detect and allow         coupling between single coil pairs.
coupling only between individual pairs of oils
Client device is inserted in or placed directly in    Client device is placed directly in
contact with the transmitter                          contact with the transmitter
Mobile exposure conditions only (portable             Mobile exposure conditions only.
exposure conditions are not covered by this
The aggregate H-field strengths at 15 cm              After measuring the product the Max
surrounding the device and 20 cm above the top        H-Filed Strength is 0.28A/m Far less
surface from all simultaneous transmitting coils      than 50% of the MPE limit.
are demonstrated to be less than 50% of the
MPE limit.

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2.2. Accessories of Device (EUT)
Accessories1      :     /
Manufacturer      :     /
Model             :     /
Ratings           :     /

2.3. Tested Supporting System Details
                                                                                 Certification or
 No.       Description       Manufacturer            Model       Serial Number
   1           Load                 --                 --              --                --
   2          Adapter         YIBOYUAN               QC08              --                 --

2.4. Block Diagram of connection between EUT and simulators

2.5. Description of Test Modes
               Frequency                 Frequency                Frequency              Frequency
Channel                      Channel                   Channel                Channel
                 (KHz)                     (KHz)                    (KHz)                  (KHz)
       1         125           6           150              11      175          16            200
       2         130           7           155              12      180          17            205
       3         135           8           160              13      185          18
       4         140           9           165              14      190          19
       5         145           10          170              15      195          20

 2.6. Test Conditions
               Items                                 Required                         Actual
       Temperature range:                            15-35℃                             27℃
           Humidity range:                           25-75%                             56%
           Pressure range:                       86-106kPa                            980kPa

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2.7. Test Facility
Shenzhen Alpha Product Testing Co., Ltd
Building i, No.2, Lixin Road, Fuyong Street, Bao'an District, 518103, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China

June 21, 2018 File on Federal Communication Commission
Registration Number: 293961

July 25, 2017 Certificated by IC
Registration Number: 12135A

2.8. Measurement Uncertainty
(95% confidence levels, k=2)
                                   Item                                         Uncertainty

           Uncertainty for Conducted Emission Test                                  2.74dB

   Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test in 3m chamber                            3.77dB
                     (30MHz to 1GHz)                                               3.80dB
   Uncertainty for Radiation Emission test in 3m chamber
                     (1GHz to 25GHz)
                                                                            2.56dB(Polarize: V)
              Uncertainty for radio frequency                                      5.4×10-8
           Uncertainty for conducted RF Power                                      0.37dB
                Uncertainty for temperature                                         0.2℃
                  Uncertainty for humidity                                            1%
       Uncertainty for DC and low frequency voltages                                0.06%

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3.      Test Results and Measurement Data
3.1.1. Test Specification

     Test Requirement:      FCC Rules and Regulations KDB680106
     Test Method:           §1.1307(b)(1) & KDB680106
                            According to §1.1307(b)(1), systems operating under the
                            provisions of this section shall be
                            operated in a manner that ensures that the public is not
                            exposed to radio frequency energy
     Limits:                level in excess of the Commission’s guidelines.
                            According to §1.1310 and §2.1093 RF
                            exposure is calculated. According KDB680106 D01v03:
                            RF Exposure Wireless Charging
                            Apps v02.

     Test Setup:

     Test Mode:             Charging + Transmitting Mode
                            1. The RF exposure test was performed on 360 degree
                               turn table in anechoic chamber.
                            2. The measurement probe was placed at test distance
                               (15cm) which is between the edge of the charger and
                               the geometric centre of probe.
                            3. The turn table was rotated 360d degree to search of
     Test Procedure:           highest strength.
                            4. The highest emission level was recorded and
                               compared with limit as soon as measurement of each
                               points (A, B, C, D, E) were completed.
                            5. The EUT were measured according to the dictates of
                               KDB 680106D01v03.
                            6. E to position is 20cm.
     Test Result:           PASS

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3.1.2. Test Instruments
 Item Equipment Manufacturer    Model No.       Serial No.     Last Cal.
        Van der
  1.                      MPB    MS-210           0019        2018.09.21       1 Year

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  3.1.3. Test data
For Full load mode:
E-Filed Strength at 15 cm for position A,B,C,D 20cm for position E from the edges
surrounding the EUT (V/m)
Frequency Test          Test        Test       Test      Test          Limit        Limits
Range         Position Position     Position Position Position        (50%)          Test
(MHz)         A         B           C          D         E            (V/m)         (V/m)
0.205         1.78      1.44        1.45       1.65      1.37          307           614

H-Filed Strength at 15 cm for position A,B,C,D 20cm for position E from the edges
surrounding the EUT (A/m)
Frequency Test          Test        Test      Test       Test          Limit        Limits
Range        Position Position      Position Position Position        (50%)          Test
(MHz)        A          B           C         D          E            (A/m)         (A/m)
0. 205       0.28       0.24        0.23      0.25       0.23         0.815          1.63

For half load mode:
E-Filed Strength at 15 cm for position A,B,C,D 20cm for position E from the edges
surrounding the EUT (V/m)
Frequency Test          Test        Test       Test      Test          Limit        Limits
Range         Position Position     Position Position Position        (50%)          Test
(MHz)         A         B           C          D         E            (V/m)         (V/m)
0.175         1.33      1.26        1.20       1.21      1.19          307           614

H-Filed Strength at 15 cm for position A,B,C,D 20cm for position E from the edges
surrounding the EUT (A/m)
Frequency Test          Test        Test      Test       Test          Limit        Limits
Range        Position Position      Position Position Position        (50%)          Test
(MHz)        A          B           C         D          E            (A/m)         (A/m)
0.175        0.23       0.21        0.18      0.18       0.17         0.815          1.63

For No load mode:
E-Filed Strength at 15 cm for position A,B,C,D 20cm for position E from the edges
surrounding the EUT (V/m)
Frequency Test          Test        Test       Test      Test          Limit        Limits
Range        Position Position      Position Position Position        (50%)          Test
(MHz)        A          B           C          D         E            (V/m)         (V/m)
0.125        1.16       1.18        1.11       1.12      1.13          307           614

H-Filed Strength at 15 cm for position A,B,C,D 20cm for position E from the edges
surrounding the EUT (A/m)
Frequency Test          Test        Test      Test       Test          Limit        Limits
Range        Position Position      Position Position Position        (50%)          Test
(MHz)        A          B           C         D          E            (A/m)         (A/m)
0.125        0.16       0.17        0.13      0.13       0.14         0.815          1.63

Note: Location A of H-Filed Strength test in full load mode is the worst mode.

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4. Photos of test setup
For Full load mode

For No load mode

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5. Photographs of EUT
    Refer to test report T1904002-C02-R01.


Document Created: 1690-05-30 00:00:00
Document Modified: 1690-05-30 00:00:00

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