Users Manual Revised

FCC ID: 2ADCD1001242423

Users Manual

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               Access Control Operation Manual

                     JLG Document 3121786

                       August 24, 2018
                      Revision Draft_1_A

                           JLG Industries, Inc.
                        13224 Fountainhead Plaza
                         Hagerstown, MD 21742

Revision Draft_1_A
August 24, 2018                                    Page 1

Radio Frequency Interference Requirements – FCC
Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B
digital device, pursuant to Part 15 or the FCC rules. These limits are residential
installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio frequency energy and,
if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful
interference to installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or
television reception, which can be determined by turning the equipment off, the user is
encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures.

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
following two conditions: (1) this device may not cause harmful interference, and (2) this
device must accept any interference received including interference that may cause
undesired operation.

Information to User: Changes or modifications not expressly approved by the party
responsible for compliance could void the user's authority to operate the equipment.

Radio Frequency Interference Requirements – Canada
Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada ICES-003 Compliance Label:

This device complies with Industry Canada’s license-exempt RSSs. Operation is subject
to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference; and
(2) This device must accept any interference received including interference that may
cause undesired operation.

Cet appareil est conforme aux CNR exempts de licence d'Industrie Canada. L'opération
est soumise aux deux conditions suivantes: (1) cet appareil ne peut pas causer
d'interférence nuisible; et (2) cet appareil doit accepter toute interférence reçue, y compris
les interférences pouvant causer un fonctionnement indésirable.
Information à l'utilisateur: les modifications ou modifications non expressément
approuvées par la partie responsable de la conformité pourraient annuler l'autorisation de
l'utilisateur de faire fonctionner l'équipement.

Revision Draft 18Apr18                                                     Page 2

                                                                                                   Keypad Diagram
Table of Contents
1.   Introduction
2.   Overview
3.   Authentication
          3.1 Access Icon/LED1
          3.2 Pre-Check Icon/LED2
          3.3 Ending Authentication Period
4.   Supervisor Mode
      4.1 Entering Supervisor Mode
            4.1.1 Local Add/Remove Users
            4.1.2 Disable Access Control
            4.1.3 Access Control Lockout
      4.2 Exiting Supervisor Mode
5.   Master User Mode
       5.1 Entering Master Mode
             5.1.1    Operate Machine
             5.1.2    Locally Enable/Disable
             5.1.3    Access Control Lockout
       5.2 Exiting Master Mode

1 Introduction
On a typical job site there are multiple contractors and operators
working with access to several machines, which drives the
necessity to limit access to these machines to only authorized and
trained operators. The Access Control system from JLG is
designed to prevent unauthorized use of powered access
equipment. The system works by receiving either unique
operator ID or reading industry standard RFID cards through the
Keypad/Reader device. The combination of the operator ID and
the Access Control system creates a valuable relationship
between the operator and the machine they are using. Only
someone who has the proper training, machine owner
permission, or both will be able to operate the machine.

2 Overview
The keypad/RFID reader device is normally mounted around the                           Keypad Feedback Lighting
ground control station on a MEWP and in the cab on a TMH. If
the system is enabled, once the machine is powered on, the                                   Definition
system will interrupt the machine start circuit until an authorized   Power On/Enabled
user is accepted. The system also has the feature of requesting       Power On/Disabled/Lockout
confirmation from the operator that pre-use checks have been          Credentials received and sent (Keypad/Card read)
                                                                      Power On/Enabled
completed with or without issues. The pre-use check feature only
                                                                      Power On Disabled/Lockout
generates reports to the web portal for the machine owner.            Selection Needed/User addition success/Fail                        Flash   Flash
Once operator credentials are successfully authorized, operator       User Authenticated
“check-in” time begins from ground mode. Check-in time is valid       Access Control Lockout Activated
                                                                      Awaiting Pre-Check                                                                 Flash
for as long as the operator uses the machine in either ground                                                                                            Off
                                                                      Pre-use Check Status Confirmed or Timer Runs Out
mode or platform mode after authorization. If machine is shut         Keypad Installed properly/Access Control not Activated
down in platform mode, operator credentials are still valid and       Supervisor mode entered                                                                    Flash

can re-start the machine after any period of time. Operator           Supervisor mode authenticated

authentication period will end, “Check-out”, only after following     Master Mode Entered                                                                        Flash
                                                                      Master Mode authenticated
proper shutdown procedure from ground mode only and the
shutdown timer has expired or be overridden.

Revision Draft 18Apr18                                                                                                           Page 3

3     Authentication (Backlighting):                              3.3      Ending Authentication Period
                                                                  To end authentication machine must be turned off from the
On: Enabled Off: Disabled/Lockout                                 ground key switch position. As machine is turned off a
When machine is powered on, if Access control is enabled,         shutdown timer will be initiated, this is indicated by a slow
then the keypad button backlighting will be On. If The            flash of the cancel,    , button. If machine power is
keypad button backlighting is off and all indicator LED’s are     restored during this timer countdown, the authentication
off, then Access control is Disabled. See lockout under           period will not be ended. To immediately end
supervisor and master sections.
                                                                  authentication, press the cancel,    , button while flashing.
                                                                  Authentication period is ended indicated by Access Icon
3.1       Access Icon/LED1:                                       turning off and keypad lights turning off.
                                                                  Note: To re-authenticate, operator must restore power to
Off = Locked Green = Unlocked Amber = Lockout                     the machine and re-enter credentials.
This icon is depicted as an unlocked Padlock on the device.
This shows whether or not the machine can be started. When
the machine is first turned on the LED will default to Off.
                                                                  4 Supervisor mode:
Once approved credentials are accepted the LED will turn          Supervisor Configuration Icon/LED3: Blue
Green. If credentials are not accepted when entered the LED       Supervisor mode allows a delegated operator/user on site
will remain off. If access control Lockout has been enabled,      who is selected as a supervisor of a fleet in the Clearsky web
the LED will be Amber, this indicates that no one, authorized     application to:
or not can operate the machine. To make a keypad entry, an        • Locally add or remove users on site to specific machine
operator will enter unique code through manual keypad entry,      • Locally disable access control feature – Unlocked for
4-8 digits and press accept,      to complete entry. If using          everyone
                                                                  • Locally activate or deactivate access control lockout –
an RFID card, the operator will swipe card over            for         Locked for everyone
reading. The numeric keys backlighting will flash to indicate     Machine operation is limited within supervisor mode, in that,
user code entry or card read entry. After flashing stops refer    platform mode is not available while in supervisor mode.
to Access Icon LED for authentication status as described
above.                                                            4.1      Entering supervisory mode
                                                                  Delegated supervisors must use a factory set code sequence,
3.2       Pre-Check Icon/LED2:                                    8-0-      to enter the mode. Once in the mode LED3 will
Amber Flash = Confirm Pre-Use Check                               Flash Blue while waiting for authentication. Then using
Operator’s input, accept or decline of the pre-check              operator credentials authenticate as per authentication mode.
inspection does not affect machine operation. The pre-use         Keypad backlighting will flash to indicate credentials have
check mode is configurable (enable or disable), by default it     been received and sent. After successful authentication LED3
is set to disabled. Once an operator is authenticated, if pre-    will turn solid Blue. If unsuccessful authentication user must
check feature is enabled on the machine, operator should          re-enter factory set supervisory code sequence 8-0-        and
perform pre-check inspection of the machine as per JLG            try again.
manual. This LED will flash Amber while waiting for accept
or decline. Once machine pre-check is completed, user will         4.1.1    Local Add/Remove users:
need to acknowledge pre-check completion by pressing the
                                                                  Once supervisor is authenticated, user can either select to add
accept,     , button on the keypad. If issues noted during pre-   users or remove users. To add users, supervisor will only
check inspection user can use the decline or cancel               press the accept     button. To remove users the supervisor
button to fail a pre-check inspection. If neither accept or       will only press the cancel,    , button.
decline is selected the pre-check timer will end and send a
report that no selection was made. After pre-use check            Adding Users: Enter ID code-  or swipe card
acknowledgement the pre-check icon LED will turn off.                 • Failure Mode: Not enough digits (min 4) or user
Again, the machine may be used without pre-check                          already within system
acknowledgement and the machine will not be shut down or          Removing Users: Enter ID code -      or swipe card
locked out systematically by failing the pre-check inspection.        • Failure Mode: Not enough digits (min 4) or user
Pre-check feature will only be accessible after successful                not within system.
operator authentication. If the feature is disabled, upon         Keypad backlighting will flash to indicate credentials have
accepted authentication, the pre-check icon LED will remain
off.                                                              been received and sent. The accept button,      , will flash for
                                                                  success and the cancel button,      , will flash for failure.
                                                                  Continue the above process for multiple users. When action
                                                                  is completed see exiting supervisor mode section.

Revision Draft 4 May 18                                                                                            Page 4

Note: Supervisor can only do one action type, either add or       turn solid Amber. If unsuccessful authentication user must
remove users during each logged in session.                       re-enter factory set master mode code 1-2-3-

 4.1.2    Disable Access Control:                                  5.1.1    Operate Machine
Once supervisor is authenticated, user can press 1-        to     Once master user is authenticated if no additional keypad
disable access control locally on a machine. Disabling            entry is made within 15 seconds to indicate configuration
Access Control will unlock the machine for all users. The         changes as described below, then system is set to allow user
keypad will then turn off all lighting during normal machine      to operate machine for owner purposes. There will be no
use. Once disabled, you can only enable this feature by going     change in feedback lighting from when user authenticated.
into Clearsky web application and enabling this feature for
the machine or fleet of machines.                                  5.1.2     Locally enable or disable AC:
                                                                  Once master user is authenticated, user can locally enable or
 4.1.3    Access Control Lockout Toggle:                          disable access control. Master user must make
Once supervisor is authenticated, supervisors can enter a         determination of action within 15 seconds of authentication.
factory set code sequence, 3-6-9- , to activate or deactivate     All changes will take affect with the next start of the
access control lockout locally on the machine. Once selected      machine.
keypad backlighting will turn off and Access Icon will light      Disable Access Control: Press 1-
Amber while keeping Supervisor icon Blue to indicate the              •    Disabling Access Control will unlock the machine
lockout was set by a supervisor user. If Access Control                    for all users. The keypad will then turn off all
lockout was activated by the supervisor due to safety or other             lighting during normal machine use.
reasons, then they also have the option to deactivate the         Enable Access Control: Press 2-
lockout if deemed appropriate locally on the machine. To
                                                                     •    Enabling Access control will also clear any
deactivate, follow the same procedure. In this case supervisor
                                                                          existing authorized users specific to that machine.
mode factory code 8-0-        will be entered with the keypad             User will have to manually add 1 supervisor code
backlighting off. Once entered in the mode keypad lighting                or swipe card to have an authorized user on site,
will resume as normal.                                                    this is mandatory.         Once action selected,
Note: If Access Control lockout is set by machine owner                   configuration/LED3 will flash Blue indicating a
(Master user) locally or by the machine owner OTA, then this              supervisor user must be added via unique keycode
cannot be changed or disabled by supervisors in Clearsky                  (4-8 digits) or smart card. Keypad backlighting
web application or locally on the machine.                                will flash to indicate input has been received and
                                                                          sent. Supervisor entry status is shown below. Once
4.2      Exiting Supervisor mode                                          supervisor is successfully added, enabling action is
Proper machine shutdown should be completed to exit this                  complete.
mode (no shutdown timer initiated).                                       Success: Configuration/LED3: Solid Amber
                                                                          Failure: Configuration/LED3: Flashing Blue
5 Master User mode:                                                5.1.3    Access Control Lockout Toggle:
Master Configuration Icon/LED3: Amber
                                                                  Once master is authenticated, master users can enter a factory
Master mode allows machine owner or Rental company
users/personnel to have a set code to operate the machine for     set code, 3-6-9- , to activate or deactivate access control
transportation or servicing as well as change system              lockout locally on the machine. Once selected keypad
configurations in the event of limited cellular coverage where    backlighting will turn off and Access Icon will light Amber
over the air changes are not feasible.                            while keeping master configuration icon Amber to indicate
• Operate the machine for transportation/servicing                the lockout was set by a master user. If Access Control
• Locally enable or disable access control                        lockout was activated by the master user due to safety or
• Locally activate or deactivate Access control lockout           other reasons, then they also have the option to deactivate the
                                                                  lockout if deemed appropriate locally on the machine. To
                                                                  deactivate, follow the same procedure. In this case master
5.1      Entering Master mode:                                    mode will be entered with the keypad backlighting off. Once
Master users can use factory set code 1-2-3-           to enter   entered the mode keypad lighting will resume as normal.
master mode. Once in the mode LED3 will flash Amber
while waiting for master code authentication. Then using 6-       5.2      Exiting Master mode:
8 digits configurable master code set up by machine owner         Proper machine shutdown should be completed to exit this
for designated fleet, authenticate as per authentication mode.    mode (no shutdown timer initiated).
Keypad backlighting will flash to indicate input has been
received and sent. After successful authentication LED3 will

Revision Draft 4 May 18                                                                                            Page 5

Document Created: 2018-10-29 08:49:44
Document Modified: 2018-10-29 08:49:44

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