User Manual


Users Manual

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               TABLE OF CONTENTS
     SECTION                                                            PAGE

     Getting Started & First Use
               Charging                                                1
               Battery Life                                            2
               Waking Up
               Testing for Satisfactory Connectivity
               Trimming                                                3
     GPS System Information                                             4
     Monitoring App                                                     5
     Log in to the GTX Corp Monitoring Portal                           6
     Mapping and Tracking                                               6
     Navigating the Sidebar
               Select a Date Range                                     7
               Battery Status
     Managing Geozone Alerts                                            8

     Generating Reports                                                 9

               Detail Reports
               Summary Reports                                         10
               Performance Reports

     Contacting Technical Support                                       11


                      DO NOT BEND

                      DO NOT SUBMERGE

                      DO NOT PUNCTURE

                      DO NOT MACHINE WASH OR DRY CLEAN

                      DO NOT APPLY EXCESSIVE WEIGHT
      Failure to observe these warnings may damage
     your GPS SmartSole and will void your warranty.

  Certain foot­wear patterns may affect performance and longevity. Normal
wear and tear is different for each wearer and is affected by many factors such
 as walking pattern, gait, activity level, proper fit and trim, type of footwear,
and proper handling and care. GPS SmartSole is made with the highest quality
         materials, but, like all footwear, eventually wears over time.

                                Charging Your GPS SmartSole

                                Connect the USB cable into the
                                USB wall adapter and into the USB
                                port on the black charging pad.
                                When properly plugged in to a
                                power source, the charging pad’s
                                LED status indicator light will
                                display GREEN to indicate it is
                                ready to charge.

Place the right GPS SmartSole on the charging pad. Align the
target symbol on the underside of your GPS SmartSole with the
center of the charging pad. Your SmartSole can be placed at any
angle without interfering with its charging capabilities.

Adjust your SmartSole until the charging pad status indicator
light is SOLID BLUE. When charging has begun, the status
indicator will stay SOLID BLUE for 1 minute and then turn off.
The charging pad will continue to charge the SmartSole while
the LED is off. If the charging is interrupted at any point due to a
change in alignment or due to foreign objects placed near the
charger, the LED will turn back to GREEN.
            Light                        Status Indication
  Solid Blue, then turns off            Currently Charging
        Solid Green            Ready to Begin Charging / Not Charging

Charging Tips

If the status indicator flashes or becomes GREEN, there is a
problem with alignment. Realign the SmartSole until the status
indicator light is SOLID BLUE again. After about 1 minute, the
light will turn off. It will remain off during the rest of charging.

GPS SmartSole takes about 4 hours to fully charge. While there
is no indication that charging is complete, you may continue to
leave the SmartSole on the charging pad if desired, up to 12
hours. Charging for more than 12 hours may reduce the lifespan
of the product. Do not charge GPS SmartSole for more than 12

Battery Life

Like other mobile devices, we recommend charging your GPS
SmartSole daily. Depending on your usage, your GPS SmartSole
may be powered for 1‐2 days after a full charge. Long drives or
short reporting intervals will use battery more quickly.
Note: Rechargeable batteries have a limited number of charge
cycles and may eventually lose capacity.

Battery Status

Check the percent of battery charge from the Monitoring Portal
or Smart Locator app. From the Portal, from the SmartSole Map
screen, click the "SmartSole Status” button. This is a great way
to ensure proper charging. See page 7 for details.


 Waking Up Your GPS SmartSole Daily
 Your GPS SmartSole is equipped with a motion sensor. After 5
 minutes of no movement, it enters sleep mode to conserve
 power. When your GPS SmartSole has been asleep or unused
 for a prolonged period of time, e.g. after charging overnight, it
 needs extra time to update a new location. For best results, we
 recommend waking up your GPS SmartSole when first receiving
 it, after charging, or after several days of inactivity.
 Wake Up Procedure
 1. Gently move the right SmartSole (about 5 seconds).
 2. Place it next to an outside‐facing window (about 5 minutes).
 If the monitoring portal does not show a new location after 5
 minutes, gently move the GPS SmartSole again to keep it awake.
 Repeat steps 1 and 2 until the monitoring portal displays a new
 Retrieving the first GPS location may take a few seconds or up to
 5 minutes. An obstructed view of the sky increases this time.
 Note: Gentle, continuous movement is sufficient to wake up your
 SmartSole. Do not apply excessive force or impact during the
 Wake Up Procedure.

 Before First Use – Testing for Satisfactory Coverage
 GPS SmartSole uses cellular service to send it’s GPS data. While
 most smartphones use 4G/LTE networks, GPS SmartSole uses a
 smaller 2G module. The 2G module saves power & is small
 enough to fit in the insole, making this solution possible.

 Because cellular signals may be affected by building structures,
 location and geography, and because 2G cellular coverage is
 not available everywhere, GPS SmartSole may not work in
 your area. You must test your GPS SmartSole for
 satisfactory cellular connectivity, before trimming or wearing
 it. As stated in the Terms and Conditions of Sale, once worn or
 trimmed, GPS SmartSole is no longer eligible for return or

 Coverage Test Procedure

 You may test your GPS SmartSole either carried by hand, in a
 purse or bag, or in a car. Do not wear or trim your GPS
 SmartSole for the connectivity test, as GPS SmartSole is no
 longer eligible for return or refund once worn or trimmed.

 Charge the right GPS SmartSole and verify that it reports on the
 Portal. Over the course of the next few days, carry the right sole
 through the primary areas where the wearer may travel.

 Verify that location reports are received in a timely manner.
 Verify the accuracy of the received location reports.

 If you notice any delayed, missing or inaccurate location reports,
 or if the coverage or performance is not satisfactory in any way,
 please contact GPS SmartSole Technical Support immediately
 for support and advice on next steps.

 Technical Support will analyze device performance, run
 diagnostics, and advise on next steps, which may include
 returning or replacing the device.


Trimming Your GPS SmartSole
Do not trim or wear your GPS SmartSole until you have tested
it for satisfactory coverage in your area.
To try out fit and comfort, you may trim the LEFT‐SIDE insole.
Once you trim or wear the RIGHT‐SIDE INSOLE, which contains
the GPS electronics, your GPS SmartSole is no longer eligible
for a return or refund.
If your footwear has removable insoles, take them out and place
them on top of your SmartSole, aligning the heels. Lightly trace
around the toes of the original insoles.

If your footwear does not
have removable insoles,
place your footwear on
top of your SmartSole and
align the heels. Lightly trace
around the toes of your
footwear. Carefully trim along the
outside of the traced line.
Trim a small amount, test and repeat to find the right fit. DO
NOT OVER TRIM, and make sure your SmartSole covers the full
length of the shoe front to back and there is NO GAP or wiggle
room in the toe or heel. The SmartSole must fit flush and snug
inside the shoe.
Do not trim the sides or anywhere below the line. You risk
damaging your SmartSole and you will void its warranty.


GPS Signal Requirement
GPS SmartSole, like all GPS trackers, requires sufficient GPS
signal for proper operation. Accurate GPS signal is only available
outdoors with a clear view of the sky. When indoors, GPS
devices cannot properly communicate with satellites to obtain
location data. Depending on the material of the indoor
structure or placement of the insole while indoors, GPS
SmartSole may report inaccurate locations or no locations at all.
In some extreme circumstances, such as buildings with large
glass panels, GPS signal may become so distorted that large
errors in accuracy may be reported.

If your GPS SmartSole is reporting inaccurate locations or no
locations while indoors, it may be experiencing inaccurate GPS
signal. GPS SmartSole will regain accurate positioning once it is
outdoors again.

GPS First Fix
The first location report that a GPS tracker obtains is referred to
as the "first fix" and can take an extended period of time to
obtain while the tracker searches for the positions of the GPS
satellites. When outdoors, under clear view the sky, awake, GPS
SmartSole can take approximately 1 minute to obtain its first fix
if not moving. The first fix takes longer when the GPS SmartSole
is moving (e.g. in a vehicle), sometimes up to 20 minutes. After
the first fix has been obtained, GPS SmartSole will be able to
report subsequent locations within 1 or 2 seconds.

When not awake, charged or reporting for more than 12 hours,
GPS SmartSole will need to obtain a new first fix. Therefore, it is
strongly recommended to verify a first fix each day before your
GPS SmartSole is worn or used. Obtaining a first fix is covered
under the "Wake Up Procedure".

Reporting Settings
GPS SmartSole reports under a set of three settings, which can
be based on time intervals or distance. By default, GPS
SmartSole reports around once every 10 minutes. Technical
Support can configure your GPS SmartSole to report to any of
the following reporting settings:

     1.    Every 10‐minutes.
     2.    Every 5‐minutes when moving; every hour stationary.
     3.    Every 200‐meters while moving; every hour stationary.
Contact GPS SmartSole Technical Support to change the
reporting setting for your GPS SmartSole. When working with
Technical Support, please make sure your GPS SmartSole is
charged and reporting.

Please note: Reporting settings and usage affect battery life and quantity of
reported locations. 5‐minute and 200‐meter reporting settings are only available
on Premium, Best Value, and Easy Start plans.


                    MONITORING APP
Smart Locator App
Use of the Smart Locator monitoring app is included in your
service plan and allows you to view your GPS SmartSole and
other GTX Corp trackers from a mobile device.
Download GTX Corp Smart Locator                          Smart Locator App Icon

Search “Smart Locator GTX” & download free.

 Apple iOS Devices Go To:
 Android Devices Go To:
                                             Account      smartsole
Log In to Smart Locator
                                             User ID      your email address
Sign in with the same account      Password               your password
info. as required for the GTX
Corp Monitoring Portal (See Page 4).
Please note the password is case sensitive.
Add your GPS SmartSole to track:
The “Add Device” screen will prompt you to add your device.
You will need to enter in the Device Alias and the Device ID.
Device Alias ‐ Any description or nickname for your SmartSole.
Device ID ‐ The Device ID is “gpv2_” followed by your 15‐digit
IMEI number. The Device ID has been provided to you in your
account set up email, or you can find the IMEI on the label of
your GPS SmartSole. If you do not have your IMEI, find it on the
Monitoring Portal by generating a Detail Report (see page 8). It
will be in brackets below the name of the report. Everything
within the brackets is your Device ID.
Finding Device ID / IMEI

  Example Device ID:

When typing your Device ID, check that your smartphone has not used
autocorrect to change any characters. Also, be sure to follow “gpv2” with the
underscore symbol “_” rather than a space or dash.

Tracking a Device                                        Notifications Screen

Tap your device from the device list
to view its location and status list.
The location list displays the 50 most
recent locations and statuses of your
SmartSole. Tap on any location with
an address to view it on a map.
On the map, there are two icons. The
red icon “GTX” shows the location of
the SmartSole. A blue, flashing icon
shows YOUR current location (your
smartphone or tablet). Tap on the
red “GTX” icon to view details or get
directions to that location.


          LOG IN TO THE
You can view the location history of your GPS SmartSole from
any computer, smartphone or tablet with internet access. From
any browser, visit and login.
For best results, update your web browser to the latest version available, and
  make sure cookies and JavaScript are enabled. When trying to access the
 Monitoring Portal from an office or work computer, please contact your IT
               department for troubleshooting browser issues.

                   Login screen :

   GTX Corp Monitoring
   Portal Web Address
   Account                            SmartSole
   User ID                            Primary account email address
   Password                           enter yours here, case sensitive

  If you have not received your account login details, please
     contact your SmartSole provider for this information.

Once logged in to the GTX Corp Monitoring Portal, SmartSole
Map shows the location history and routes of your SmartSole.
Navigate to SmartSole Map by selecting the “Mapping” tab
followed by “SmartSole Map” from the dropdown menu.
If you choose “Family Map”, you will see the most recent
locations of all SmartSole devices in your “family” or group.
                   Mapping Tab & SmartSole Map Screen


Routes and Pins
SmartSole Map displays the location and route of the GPS
SmartSole represented by a trail of pushpins. Addresses of
the locations are listed below the map, by selecting ‘Show
Location Details.’ Please note: Red lines connecting the pins
do not represent actual routes traveled.

  Pin Color     Meaning                   Addresses are listed...
   Green Pin
                                                 Mouse over In
                   Location trail
                                             ‘Show Location Details’
  Purple Pin
                   Last Updated           Above map in ‘Last Location’

 SmartSole Map Sidebar                  Select a Date Range
                                    The date range on the top of
                                    the SmartSole Sidebar allows
                                    you to display events within a
                                    specific date and time range.
                                    To change the beginning date
                                    or time, click on the ‘From’
                                    calendar and choose your start
                                    date. Double‐click on the
                                    timestamp, e.g. “00:00”, to
                                    enter a specific start time.
                                    Follow the same steps to
                                    change the end date in the ‘To’
                                    calendar. Press ‘Update’ to
                                    display the events in your time

                                    Battery Status
                                    Click the ‘SmartSole Status’
                                    button to see the most recent
                                    status of your GPS SmartSole,
                                    including its most recent
                                    location and last known
                                    battery level.

                                    Other Sidebar Features
                                The ‘TimeZone’ drop‐down
menu allows you to adjust the time zone of displayed events.

You can measure the straight‐line distance between any two
points by dragging across the map from one point to another
while holding down the [Control] button.

The sidebar also contains the entry point into the Geozone
alerts feature, via the ‘Edit Geozone’ button.


The Geozone feature allows you to set multiple virtual
perimeters for the GPS SmartSole. If the SmartSole enters or
leaves a Geozone, the system will send a notification via email
and/or SMS to the phone numbers and/or email addresses
that you set up following the steps below.
In setting up a Geozone, it is important to remember that your
GPS SmartSole is configured to update its status on a timed
interval. When passing in or out of a Geozone’s perimeter, your
SmartSole will report this crossing event on its next scheduled
update, which could be several minutes later.
Adding a Geozone
Click the ‘Edit Geozone’ button on the SmartSole Map sidebar.
Your first Geozone can be managed right away. Describe your
virtual perimeter in the ‘Zone Description’ box. To add another
Geozone, select ‘New’ at the top left of the Geozone sidebar.
Selecting a Geozone
To edit a Geozone, you must first select it from the drop‐down
menu at the top of the sidebar. Selecting a Geozone updates
the map to display that Geozone’s virtual perimeter in green.
Once you have selected the Geozone you wish to edit, you can
rename it, delete with the ‘Delete’ button at the top or
reconfigure any of the settings of that Geozone.
Managing a Geozone

Centering a Geozone Around an Address
In the ‘Find Address’ box above the map, type in the address,
and select ‘Go’ to the right. Do NOT press the [Enter] key on
your keyboard.
Resizing a Geozone
In the ‘Radius (meters)’ box, type in the desired range of your
Geozone in meters. TIP: If your Geozone is set around an
indoor location (e.g. a house or nursing home), it is
recommended that the radius be set to at least 200 meters.
Note: A range set below 200 meters may generate false alerts
due to indoor GPS drift.

Managing Notification Recipients


Geozone notifications can be sent via email and SMS. In the ‘E‐
Mail or Mobile Phone’ box of the Geozone sidebar, you may
enter up to ten email addresses and/or phone numbers.
Separate each entry with a single comma. Do NOT use any
spaces. For phone numbers, enter the numbers only, without
any dashes or periods. For phone numbers outside of the USA,
enter “+”, followed by the full phone number, including country
code. For example: +441234567890 for a UK number (+44).
EXAMPLE NOTIFICATION RECIPIENTS: E‐Mail and/or Mobile Phone,2134893019,

Separate each entry with a single comma. Do not use any spaces.
Preview And Save Your Geozone Settings
Once you have finished managing a Geozone, you may view it
on the map by pressing the ‘Preview’ button. Apply your
changes with the ‘Save’ button. Always remember to save.

The GTX Corp Monitoring Portal gives you the choice of
generating different reports to fit your needs. Reports fall in
three general sections: Detail Reports, Summary Reports, and
Performance Reports.

Navigating the Reports Menu

Navigating to the Reports Menu
At the top of the screen, select the “Reports” tab and choose
one of the three report types.
Detail Reports
Detail Reports list every location update and alert per specified
date and time period. To generate a Detail Report, select a
date range from the calendar on the left panel, pick a report
format (HTML to view on the website, CSV to download), and
click “Get Report”.
Example of a Detail Report

Summary Reports
Summary Reports compile data for all the devices in your
group/family. To generate a Summary Report, select a date

range from the calendar, choose either the “Last Known Device
Location Summary” or “All Received Event Counts”. Click “Get
All Received Event Counts
Shows the number of updates and alerts that occurred during
a selected date range for each of your devices.
Example of a Count of All Received Events Report


Known Device Location Summary
Shows the most recent check‐in date and location each of your
SmartSole devices.
Example of a Last Known Device Location Summary Report

Performance Reports

Performance Reports generate relevant driving information for
your devices.

To generate a
Performance Report,
select a date range from
the calendar, choose one
of the five reports, and
pick a report format
(HTML to view in the
website, CSV to export). Click “Get Report” to generate your
Performance Report.

There are five Performance Reports you can choose from:
1. Speeds over 10mph (16kph)
2. Speeds over 45mph (72kph)
3. Speeds over 70mph (112.65kph)
4. Driving Distance Summary: Shows a mileage estimation
5. Driving/Stopped Time Summary: Shows a summary of
start/stop times

                     Example of a Speed Report


     Example of a Driving Distance Summary Report

For U.S. and Canada customers, please contact Technical and
Billing Support below:
             Technical and Billing Support Contact

                   Technical: +1 (213) 489‐3019 x 2
                   Billing: +1 (213) 489‐3019 x 3

    Hours          Mon‐Fri 9AM – 5PM US Pacific Time

                   Global Trek Xploration
                   117 W 9th St, Ste 1214
                   Los Angeles, CA 90015
                   United States

For International customers, please contact your local
distributor or the original seller of your GPS SmartSole for


GPS SmartSole
Model: GTX—MBX—01
IC: 20166— GTXMBXO1

This device complies with part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the
 following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference,
         and (2) this device must accept any interference received, including
                   interference that may cause undesired operation.

 Changes or modifications made to this equipment not expressly approved by
  Global Trek Xploration may void the FCC / IC authorization to operate this
 Les changements ou modifications non expressément approuvés par la partie
  responsable de la conformité pourraient annuler ‘autorité de I"utilisateur A
                            utiliser l‘équipement.

   The FCC / IC Specific Absorption Rate (SAR) limits have been shown by
  measurement to be respected for a minimum distance of 0 mm between the
built—in radio transmitter and the human tissue (sole). This minimum distance is
 ensured when the equipmentis used for its intended purpose and as described.
 within this user guide. Using it in a different way may not ensure compliance
                       with FCC RF exposure guidelines.
    Les normes de la FCC / IC Débit d‘Absorption Spécifique (DAS) a été
 démontré par la mesure a respecter pour une distance minimale de 0 mm entre
le haut—émetteur radio et le tissu humain (semelle). Cette distance minimale est
assurée seulement quand Féquipement est utilisé conformément A sa destination
et comme décrit dans ce guide de Putilisateur. Utilisation différente ne peut pas
             assurer la conformité avec les lignes directrices de la FCC.

     GPS SmartSole contains a Lithium lon battery. Battery is not
                          OR SWOLLEN.

  Use of your GPS SmartSole is subject to the terms and conditions of
             your End User License Agreement located at
 All content in this User‘s Manual is subject to change. Please refer to
     the online End User License Agreement for the most current
    information. Screenshots, product images and illustrations are
 simulated and for instructional purposes only. They may differ from
      the actual product and are subject to change without notice.

                 © 2018 — 2019 GTX Corp. All Rights Reserved.

                              ManualVersion 04 rev. 09212018


Document Created: 2019-03-27 20:45:50
Document Modified: 2019-03-27 20:45:50

© 2024
This site is not affiliated with or endorsed by the FCC