DTS Test Report


Test Report

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                          TEST REPORT

                                                                                                 I.::] m
             65, Sinwon—ro, Yeongtong—gu,
        Suwon—si, Gyeonggi—do, 16677, Korea            KR19—SRFO046G—A          K                         L
    TEL: 82—31—285—0894     FAX: 82—505—299—8311          Page (1) of (29)                      I

 1. Client

     > Name                    : PARTRON CO., LTD.

     + Address                 : 22,Samsung1—ro2—gil, Hwaseong—si, Gyeonggi—do, South Korea

     + Date of Receipt         : 2019—03—08

 2. Use of Report              1 —

 3. Name of Product and Model                 : Truly Wireless Earbuds / PWE—100

 4. Manufacturer and Country of Origin : PARTRON VINA CO.,LTD / Vietnam

 5. FCC ID                                    : 2AD5SK—PWE100

 6. Date of Test               : 2019—04—08 to 2019—04—10

 7. Test Standards             : FCC Part 15 Subpart C, 15.247

 8. Test Results               : Refer to the test result in the test report

                 Tested by                                  Technical Manager

                 Name :     Seonjun Yun       (S@Jfi)’       Name : Seungyong Kim W ®
                                                                                       (    6


                                        KCTL Inc.
  As a test result of the sample which was submitted from the client, this report does not guarantee the
  whole product quality. This test report should not be used and copied without a written agreement by
  KCTL Inc.


                   KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                             Page (2) of (29)

Report revision history
         Date                                         Revision                                      Page No
     2019-04-15                                     Initial report                                       -
     2019-05-13                         Updated antenna type and average power                       4, 6, 11

This report shall not be reproduced except in full, without the written approval of KCTL Inc. This document
may be altered or revised by KCTL Inc. personnel only, and shall be noted in the revision section of the
document. Any alteration of this document not carried out by KCTL Inc. will constitute fraud and shall nullify
the document.
This test report is a general report that does not use the KOLAS accreditation mark and is not related to
KOLAS accreditation.


                    KCTL Inc.                                         Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                           KR19-SRF0046-A
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                                        Page (3) of (29)

1.    General information ......................................................................................................4
2.    Device information ........................................................................................................4
  2.1.     Accessory information ............................................................................................4
  2.2.     Information about derivative model .........................................................................4
  2.3.     Frequency/channel operations................................................................................5
  2.4.     Duty Cycle Correction Factor ..................................................................................5
3.    Antenna requirement ....................................................................................................6
4.    Summary of tests ..........................................................................................................6
5.    Measurement uncertainty .............................................................................................7
6.    Measurement results explanation example ..................................................................8
7.    Test results ...................................................................................................................9
  7.1.     Maximum peak output power ..................................................................................9
  7.2.     Peak Power Spectral Density ...............................................................................12
  7.3.     6 dB Bandwidth(DTS Channel Bandwidth) ...........................................................14
  7.4.     Spurious Emission, Band Edge and Restricted bands ..........................................16
8.    Measurement equipment ............................................................................................29

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
              65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0046-A
          Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
      TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (4) of (29)

1.       General information
Client               :   PARTRON CO., LTD.
Address              :   22,Samsung1-ro2-gil, Hwaseong-si, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea
Manufacturer         :   PARTRON VINA CO.,LTD
Address              :   Plot 11-khai Quang IZ, Vinh Yen, Yinh Phuc, Vietnam
Laboratory           :   KCTL Inc.
Address              :   65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
Accreditations       :   FCC Site Designation No: KR0040, FCC Site Registration No: 687132
                         VCCI Registration No. : R-3327, G-198, C-3706, T-1849
                         Industry Canada Registration No. : 8035A-2
                         KOLAS No.: KT231

2.       Device information
Equipment under test         :   Truly Wireless Earbuds
Model                        :   PWE-100
Frequency range              :   2 402 ㎒ ~ 2 480 ㎒ (Bluetooth, Bluetooth low energy)
Modulation technique         :   GFSK, π/4DQPSK, 8DPSK (Bluetooth)
                                 GFSK (Bluetooth low energy)
Number of channels           :   79 ch (Bluetooth)
                                 40 ch (Bluetooth low energy)
Power source                 :   DC 3.7 V
Antenna specification        :   Fixed Type Antenna
Antenna gain                 :   -0.22 ㏈i
Software version             :   1.0
Hardware version             :   1.0
Test device serial No.       :   N/A
Operation temperature        :   23 ℃

2.1.     Accessory information
      Equipment          Manufacturer              Model               Serial No.           Power source
          --                                          -                       -                    -

2.2.     Information about derivative model

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                            Page (5) of (29)

2.3.    Frequency/channel operations
This device contains the following capabilities:
Bluetooth(BDR/EDR), Bluetooth low energy

                                           Ch.           Frequency (㎒)
                                           00                 2 402
                                            .                    .
                                            .                    .

                                           19                 2 440
                                            .                    .
                                            .                    .

                                           39                 2 480

                                    Table 2.3.1. Bluetooth Low Energy

2.4.    Duty Cycle Correction Factor

                                  Note1) : period : 0.63 ㎳, On time : 0.39 ㎳
             Note2) : DCCF = 10 log(1 / x) = 10 log(1/0.626 8) = 2.03 ㏈, x = 0.39/0.63 = 0.626 8
                        Note3) : BLE is a non-continuous transmission (duty cycle < 98 %)

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0046-A
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                            Page (6) of (29)

3.      Antenna requirement
Requirement of FCC part section 15.203:
An intentional radiator shall be designed to ensure that no antenna other than that furnished by the
responsible party shall be used with the device. The use of a permanently attached antenna or of an
antenna that uses a unique coupling to the intentional radiator shall be considered sufficient to comply with
the provisions of this section.

- The transmitter has permanently attached Fixed Type Antenna on the exterior by using glue epoxy.

4.      Summary of tests
      FCC Part section(s)                            Parameter                           Test results
         15.247(b)(3)                     Maximum peak output power                         Pass
           15.247(e)                       Peak power spectral density                      Pass
         15.247(a)(2)                        6 ㏈ channel bandwidth                          Pass
               -                               Occupied bandwidth                           Pass
           15.247(d),                           Spurious emission                           Pass
           15.209(a)                       Band-edge, restricted band                       Pass
           15.207(a)                          Conducted emissions                           Pass
 1. All modes of operation and data rates were investigated. The test results shown in the following
    sections represent the worst case emissions.
 2. According to exploratory test no any obvious emission were detected from 9 ㎑ to 30 ㎒.
    Although these tests were performed other than open field site, adequate comparison
    measurements were confirmed against 30 m open field site. Therefore sufficient tests were made
    to demonstrate that the alternative site produces results that correlate with the ones of tests made
    in an open field based on KDB 414788.
 3. The fundamental of the EUT was investigated in three orthogonal orientations X, Y and Z. It was
    determined that X orientation was worst-case orientation. Therefore, all final radiated testing was
    performed with the EUT in X orientation
 4. The test procedure(s) in this report were performed in accordance as following.
      ANSI C63.10-2013
 5. The software and hardware of two earbuds is same. Two earbuds have been tested. However,
    the test result of left earbud is only listed, which is worst-case.

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0046-A
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                            Page (7) of (29)

5.      Measurement uncertainty
The measurement uncertainties shown below were calculated in accordance with the requirements
of ANSI C63.10-2013.
All measurement uncertainty values are shown with a coverage factor of k=2 to indicated a 95 % level
of confidence. The measurement data shown herein meets of exceeds the UCISPR measurement
uncertainty values specified in CISPR 16-4-2 and thus, can be compared directly to specified limits to
determine compliance.

             Parameter                                           Expanded uncertainty
  Conducted RF power                                                  1.76 ㏈
  Conducted spurious emissions                                        4.03 ㏈
                                              9 ㎑ ~ 30 ㎒                             2.28 ㏈
                                             30 ㎒ ~ 300 ㎒                            4.98 ㏈
  Radiated spurious emissions                300 ㎒ ~ 1 000 ㎒                         5.14 ㏈
                                               1 ㎓ ~6 ㎓                              6.70 ㏈
                                                Above 6 ㎓                            6.60 ㏈
                                              9 ㎑ ~ 150 ㎑                            3.66 ㏈
  Conducted emissions
                                             150 ㎑ ~ 30 ㎒                            3.26 ㏈

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0046-A
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                            Page (8) of (29)

6.      Measurement results explanation example
The offset level is set in the spectrum analyzer to compensate the RF cable loss factor between
EUT conducted output port and spectrum analyzer.
With the offset compensation, the spectrum analyzer reading level is exactly the EUT RF output

     Frequency (㎒)                 Factor(㏈)                Frequency (㎒)                  Factor(㏈)
            30                         0.62                       9 000                        2.72
           100                         0.57                       10 000                       2.86
           200                         0.64                       11 000                       2.80
           300                         0.57                       12 000                       3.08
           400                         0.80                       13 000                       3.23
           500                         0.84                       14 000                       3.33
           600                         0.83                       15 000                       3.53
           700                         0.91                       16 000                       3.82
           800                         1.03                       17 000                       3.74
           900                         1.10                       18 000                       3.89
          1 000                        1.03                       19 000                       4.17
          2 000                        1.41                       20 000                       4.38
          3 000                        1.86                       21 000                       4.67
          4 000                        2.25                       22 000                       4.73
          5 000                        2.15                       23 000                       4.87
          6 000                        2.31                       24 000                       4.64
          7 000                        2.32                       25 000                       4.77
          8 000                        2.42                       26 000                       4.73

Offset(㏈) = RF cable loss(㏈)

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                            Page (9) of (29)

7.      Test results
7.1.    Maximum peak output power
Test setup
                   EUT                                                            Power sensor

According to §15.247(b)(3), For systems using digital modulation in the 902-928 ㎒, 2 400-2 483.5
㎒, and 5 725-5 850 ㎒ bands: 1 Watt. As an alternative to a peak power measurement,
compliance with the one Watt limit can be based on a measurement of the maximum conducted
output power. Maximum Conducted Output Power is defined as the total transmit power delivered to
all antennas and antenna elements averaged across all symbols in the signaling alphabet when the
transmitter is operating at its maximum power control level. Power must be summed across all
antennas and antenna elements. The average must not include any time intervals during which
the transmitter is off or is transmitting at a reduced power level. If multiple modes of operation are
possible (e.g., alternative modulation methods), the maximum conducted output power is the
highest total transmit power occurring in any mode.

According to §15.247(b)(4) The conducted output power limit specified in paragraph (b) of this
section is based on the use of antennas with directional gains that do not exceed 6 ㏈i. Except as
shown in paragraph (c) of this section, if transmitting antennas of directional gain greater than 6 ㏈i
are used, the conducted output power from the intentional radiator shall be reduced below the
stated values in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this section, as appropriate, by the amount in
㏈ that the directional gain of the antenna exceeds 6 ㏈i.

Test procedure
558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance - Section 8.3, ANSI C63.10 - Section 11.9

Test settings


Section 15.247 permits the maximum conducted (average) output power to be measured as an
alternative to the maximum peak conducted output power for demonstrating compliance to the limit.
When this option is exercised, the measured power is to be referenced to the OBW rather than the
DTS bandwidth (see ANSI C63.10 for measurement guidance).

When using a spectrum analyzer or EMI receiver to perform these measurements, it shall be
capable of utilizing a number of measurement points in each sweep that is greater than or equal to
twice the span/RBW to set a bin-to-bin spacing of ≤ RBW/2 so that narrowband signals are not lost
between frequency bins.

If possible, configure or modify the operation of the EUT so that it transmits continuously at its
maximum power control level. The intent is to test at 100 % duty cycle; however a small reduction in
duty cycle (to no lower than 98 %) is permitted, if required by the EUT for amplitude control
purposes. Manufacturers are expected to provide software to the test lab to permit such continuous

If continuous transmission (or at least 98 % duty cycle) cannot be achieved due to hardware
limitations (e.g., overheating), the EUT shall be operated at its maximum power control level, with
the transmit duration as long as possible, and the duty cycle as high as possible during which

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                               Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,              KR19-SRF0046-A
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (10) of (29)

sweep triggering/signal gating techniques may be used to perform the measurement over the
transmission duration.

Maximum peak conducted output power

One of the following procedures may be used to determine the maximum peak conducted output
power of a DTS EUT.

RBW ≥ DTS bandwidth

The following procedure shall be used when an instrument with a resolution bandwidth that is
greater than the DTS bandwidth is available to perform the measurement:

  a)      Set the RBW ≥ DTS bandwidth.
  b)      Set VBW ≥ [3 × RBW].
  c)      Set span ≥ [3 × RBW].
  d)      Sweep time = auto couple.
  e)      Detector = peak.
  f)      Trace mode = max hold.
  g)      Allow trace to fully stabilize.
  h)      Use peak marker function to determine the peak amplitude level.

Integrated band power method

The following procedure can be used when the maximum available RBW of the instrument is less
than the DTS bandwidth:

  a)      Set the RBW = 1 ㎒.
  b)      Set the VBW ≥ [3 × RBW].
  c)      Set the span ≥ [1.5 × DTS bandwidth].
  d)      Detector = peak.
  e)      Sweep time = auto couple.
  f)      Trace mode = max hold.
  g)      Allow trace to fully stabilize.
  h)      Use the instrument’s band/channel power measurement function with the band limits set
          equal to the DTS bandwidth edges (for some instruments, this may require a manual
          override to select the peak detector). If the instrument does not have a band power function,
          then sum the spectrum levels (in linear power units) at intervals equal to the RBW extending
          across the DTS channel bandwidth.

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (11) of (29)

PKPM1 Peak power meter method

The maximum peak conducted output power may be measured using a broadband peak RF power
meter. The power meter shall have a video bandwidth that is greater than or equal to the DTS
bandwidth and shall use a fast-responding diode detector.

A peak responding power sensor is used, where the power sensor system video bandwidth is greater
than the occupied bandwidth of the EUT.

Test results
                                          Measured output power (㏈m)
      Frequency(㎒)                                                                            Limit(㏈m)
                                           Peak                 Average
            2 402                          7.76                   5.34
            2 440                          7.86                   5.47                              30
            2 480                          7.76                   5.41

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                               Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,              KR19-SRF0046-A
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (12) of (29)

7.2.      Peak Power Spectral Density
Test setup

                    EUT                                                        Spectrum Analyzer

According to §15.247(e), for digitally modulated systems, the power spectral density conducted from
the intentional radiator to the antenna shall not be greater than 8 ㏈m in any 3 ㎑ band during any
time interval of continuous transmission. This power spectral density shall be determined in
accordance with the provisions of paragraph (b) of this section. The same method of determining
the conducted output power shall be used to determine the power spectral density.

Test procedure
558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance - Section 8.4, ANSI C63.10 - Section 11.10

Test settings

Method PKPSD (peak PSD)
The following procedure shall be used if maximum peak conducted output power was used to
determine compliance, and it is optional if the maximum conducted (average) output power was
used to determine compliance:

  1)      Set analyzer center frequency to DTS channel center frequency.
  2)      Set the span to 1.5 times the DTS bandwidth.
  3)      Set the RBW to: 3 ㎑ ≤ RBW ≤ 100 ㎑.
  4)      Set the VBW ≥ 3 x RBW.
  5)      Detector = peak.
  6)      Sweep time = auto couple.
  7)      Trace mode = max hold.
  8)      Allow trace to fully stabilize.
  9)      Use the peak marker function to determine the maximum amplitude level within the RBW.
  10)     If measured value exceeds limit, reduce RBW (no less than 3 ㎑) and repeat.

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                  KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (13) of (29)

Test results
       Frequency(㎒)                         PSD(㏈m/3 ㎑)                            Limit(㏈m/3 ㎑)
            2 402                                 -6.44
            2 440                                 -6.49                                  8.00
            2 480                                 -6.43



           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0046-A
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (14) of (29)

7.3.    6 dB Bandwidth(DTS Channel Bandwidth)
Test setup

                   EUT                                                            Power sensor

According to §15.247(a)(2) Systems using digital modulation techniques may operate in the 902–
928 ㎒, 2 400–2 483.5 ㎒, and 5 725–5 850 ㎒ bands. The minimum 6 ㏈ bandwidth shall be at
least 500 ㎑.

Test procedure
558074 D01 DTS Meas Guidance - Section 8.3, ANSI C63.10 - Section 11.8

Test settings

DTS bandwidth

One of the following procedures may be used to determine the modulated DTS bandwidth.

Option 1

1)      Set RBW = 100 ㎑.
2)      Set the video bandwidth (VBW) ≥ 3 x RBW.
3)      Detector = Peak.
4)      Trace mode = max hold.
5)      Sweep = auto couple.
6)      Allow the trace to stabilize.
7)      Measure the maximum width of the emission that is constrained by the frequencies
        associated with the two outermost amplitude points (upper and lower frequencies) that are
        attenuated by 6 ㏈ relative to the maximum level measured in the fundamental emission.

Option 2

The automatic bandwidth measurement capability of an instrument may be employed using the X dB
bandwidth mode with X set to 6 dB, if the functionality described in 11.8.1 (i.e., RBW = 100 kHz,
VBW ≥ 3 × RBW, and peak detector with maximum hold) is implemented by the instrumentation
function. When using this capability, care shall be taken so that the bandwidth measurement is not
influenced by any intermediate power nulls in the fundamental emission that might be ≥6 dB.

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (15) of (29)

Test results
                  Frequency(㎒)                                         6 ㏈ bandwidth(㎒)

                       2 402                                                     0.73
                       2 440                                                     0.72
                       2 480                                                     0.72

                                             6 ㏈ bandwidth


           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (16) of (29)

7.4.    Spurious Emission, Band Edge and Restricted bands
Test setup
The diagram below shows the test setup that is utilized to make the measurements for emission
from 9 ㎑ to 30 ㎒ Emissions

The diagram below shows the test setup that is utilized to make the measurements for emission from
30 ㎒ to 1 ㎓ emissions.

The diagram below shows the test setup that is utilized to make the measurements for emission from
1 ㎓ to the tenth harmonic of the highest fundamental frequency or to 40 ㎓ emissions, whichever
is lower.

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (17) of (29)

According to section 15.209(a), except as provided elsewhere in this subpart, the emissions from an
intentional radiator shall not exceed the field strength levels specified in the following table:
          Frequency (㎒)                 Field strength (㎶/m)             Measurement distance (m)
           0.009 - 0.490                       2 400/F(㎑)                              300
           0.490 - 1.705                      24 000/F(㎑)                              30
             1.705 - 30                             30                                 30
               30 - 88                            100**                                 3
              88 - 216                            150**                                 3
             216 - 960                            200**                                 3
             Above 960                             500                                  3
**Except as provided in paragraph (g), fundamental emissions from intentional radiators operating
under this section shall not be located in the frequency bands 54–72 ㎒, 76–88 ㎒, 174–216 ㎒ or
470–806 ㎒. However, operation within these frequency bands is permitted under other sections of
this part, e.g., Section15.231 and 15.241.

According to section 15.205(a) and (b), only spurious emissions are permitted in any of the frequency
bands listed below:
           ㎒                         ㎒                        ㎒                         ㎓
     0.009 - 0.110            16.42 - 16.423              399.9 - 410               4.5 - 5.15
     0.495 - 0.505        16.694 75 - 16.695 25            608 - 614               5.35 - 5.46
   2.173 5 - 2.190 5      16.804 25 - 16.804 75           960 – 1 240              7.25 - 7.75
     4.125 - 4.128              25.5 - 25.67             1 300 – 1 427             8.025 - 8.5
  4.177 25 - 4.177 75           37.5 - 38.25            1 435 – 1 626.5             9.0 - 9.2
  4.207 25 - 4.207 75            73 - 74.6             1 645.5 – 1 646.5            9.3 - 9.5
     6.215 - 6.218              74.8 - 75.2              1 660 – 1 710             10.6 - 12.7
  6.267 75 - 6.268 25          108 - 121.94            1 718.8 – 1 722.2           13.25 - 13.4
  6.311 75 - 6.312 25            123 - 138               2 200 – 2 300             14.47 - 14.5
     8.291 - 8.294            149.9 - 150.05             2 310 – 2 390             15.35 - 16.2
     8.362 - 8.366        156.524 75 - 156.525          2 483.5 – 2 500            17.7 - 21.4
  8.376 25 - 8.386 75                25                  2 690 – 2 900            22.01 - 23.12
  8.414 25 - 8.414 75          156.7 - 156.9             3 260 – 3 267             23.6 - 24.0
    12.29 - 12.293         162.012 5 - 167.17            3 332 – 3 339             31.2 - 31.8
 12.519 75 - 12.520 25        167.72 - 173.2            3 345.8 – 3 358            36.43 - 36.5
 12.576 75 - 12.577 25           240 - 285               3 600 – 4 400             Above 38.6
     13.36 - 13.41              322 - 335.4

The field strength of emissions appearing within these frequency bands shall not exceed the limits
shown in section 15.209. At frequencies equal to or less than 1 000 ㎒, compliance with the limits in
section 15.209 shall be demonstrated using measurement instrumentation employing a CISPR quasi-
peak detector. Above 1 000 ㎒, compliance with the emission limits in section 15.209 shall be
demonstrated based on the average value of the measured emissions. The provisions in section 15.35
apply to these measurements.

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (18) of (29)

Test procedure
ANSI C63.10-2013

Test settings
Peak field strength measurements
 1. Analyzer center frequency was set to the frequency of the radiated spurious emission of interest
 2. RBW = as specified in table
 3. VBW ≥ (3×RBW)
 4. Detector = peak
 5. Sweep time = auto
 6. Trace mode = max hold
 7. Allow sweeps to continue until the trace stabilizes

                                Table. RBW as a function of frequency
                                Frequency                    RBW
                              9 ㎑ to 150 ㎑                  200 ㎐ to 300 ㎐
                             0.15 ㎒ to 30 ㎒                   9 ㎑ to 10 ㎑
                            30 ㎒ to 1 000 ㎒                 100 ㎑ to 120 ㎑
                                >1   000 ㎒                         1 ㎒

Average field strength measurements

Trace averaging with continuous EUT transmission at full power

If the EUT can be configured or modified to transmit continuously (D ≥ 98%), then the average
emission levels shall be measured using the following method (with EUT transmitting continuously):
  1. RBW = 1 ㎒ (unless otherwise specified).
  2. VBW ≥ (3×RBW).
  3. Detector = RMS (power averaging), if [span / (# of points in sweep)] ≤ (RBW / 2). Satisfying this
     condition may require increasing the number of points in the sweep or reducing the span. If this
     condition cannot be satisfied, then the detector mode shall be set to peak.
  4. Averaging type = power (i.e., rms):
     1) As an alternative, the detector and averaging type may be set for linear voltage averaging.
     2) Some instruments require linear display mode to use linear voltage averaging. Log or ㏈
        averaging shall not be used.
  5. Sweep time = auto.
  6. Perform a trace average of at least 100 traces.

Trace averaging across ON and OFF times of the EUT transmissions followed by duty cycle

If continuous transmission of the EUT (D ≥ 98%) cannot be achieved and the duty cycle is constant
(duty cycle variations are less than ±2%), then the following procedure shall be used:
  1. The EUT shall be configured to operate at the maximum achievable duty cycle.
  2. Measure the duty cycle D of the transmitter output signal as described in 11.6.
  3. RBW = 1 ㎒ (unless otherwise specified).
  4. VBW ≥ [3 × RBW].
  5. Detector = RMS (power averaging), if [span / (# of points in sweep)] ≤ (RBW / 2). Satisfying this
     condition may require increasing the number of points in the sweep or reducing the span. If this
  condition cannot be satisfied, then the detector mode shall be set to peak.
           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                  KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (19) of (29)

6. Averaging type = power (i.e., rms):
   1) As an alternative, the detector and averaging type may be set for linear voltage averaging.
   2) Some instruments require linear display mode to use linear voltage averaging. Log or ㏈
        averaging shall not be used.
7. Sweep time = auto.
8. Perform a trace average of at least 100 traces.
9. A correction factor shall be added to the measurement results prior to comparing with the emission
   limit to compute the emission level that would have been measured had the test been performed
   at 100% duty cycle. The correction factor is computed as follows:
    1) If power averaging (rms) mode was used in step f), then the applicable correction factor is
        [10 log (1 / D)], where D is the duty cycle.
    2) If linear voltage averaging mode was used in step f), then the applicable correction factor is
        [20 log (1 / D)], where D is the duty cycle.
    3) If a specific emission is demonstrated to be continuous (D ≥ 98%) rather than turning ON
        and OFF with with the transmit cycle, then no duty cycle correction is required for that
 1. The resolution bandwidth and video bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum analyzer is 1 ㎒ for
    Peak detection and frequency above 1 ㎓. The resolution bandwidth of test receiver/spectrum
    analyzer is 1 ㎒ and the video bandwidth is 1 ㎑(1/T) for Average detection (AV) at frequency
    above 1 ㎓. (where T = pulse width)
 2. f <30 ㎒, extrapolation factor of 40 ㏈/decade of distance. Fd = 40log(Dm/Ds)
    f ≥30 ㎒, extrapolation factor of 20 ㏈/decade of distance. Fd = 20log(Dm/Ds)
                  Fd= Distance factor in ㏈
                  Dm= Measurement distance in meters
                  Ds= Specification distance in meters
 3. Factors(㏈) = Antenna factor(㏈/m) + Cable loss(㏈) + or Amp. gain(㏈) + or Fd(㏈)
 4. The worst-case emissions are reported however emissions whose levels were not within 20 ㏈ of
     respective limits were not reported.
 5. Average test would be performed if the peak result were greater than the average limit.
6. 1) means restricted band.
7. According to part 15.31(f)(2), an extrapolation factor of 40 dB/decade is applied because
    measured distance of radiated emission is 3 m.

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                           KCTL Inc.                                 Report No.:
                   65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                    KR19-SRF0046-A
               Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
           TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                                         Page (20) of (29)

Test results (Below 30 ㎒) –Worst case: Highest frequency
                                        Cable         Amp        Antenna
Frequency          Pol.      Reading                                             DCCF          Result     Limit     Margin
                                        Loss          Gain        Factor
     [㎒]           [V/H]     [㏈(㎶)]      [㏈]          [㏈]                [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈(㎶/m)]   [㏈(㎶/m)]    [㏈]

                             No spurious emissions were detected within 20 ㏈ of the limit.




           0.009                           10.000                                    20.000                            30.000
                                                             Frequency                                                 [MHz]

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                           KCTL Inc.                                    Report No.:
                  65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                        KR19-SRF0046-A
              Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
          TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                                          Page (21) of (29)

Test results (Below 1 000 ㎒) –Worst case: Highest frequency
                                          Cable     Amp               Antenna
Frequency          Pol.      Reading                                              DCCF         Result     Limit     Margin
                                          Loss      Gain               Factor
     [㎒]           [V/H]     [㏈(㎶)]       [㏈]       [㏈]                   [㏈]       [㏈]       [㏈(㎶/m)]   [㏈(㎶/m)]    [㏈]

                                                   Quasi peak data
  91.72              V        22.40       2.43     -32.14              14.01         -            6.70    43.50     36.80
 195.39              V        25.20       3.59     -32.01              16.02         -          12.80     43.50     30.70
 317.73              V        24.10       5.14     -32.07              19.73         -          16.90     46.00     29.10
 444.19              V        20.50       6.62     -32.15              22.63         -          17.60     46.00     28.40
 790.60              H        20.30       8.78     -32.16              28.08         -          25.00     46.00     21.00
 961.32              H        20.70       9.65     -31.20              29.85         -          29.00     54.00     25.00










          30.000                250.000                     500.000                            750.000                 1000.000
                                                              Frequency                                                [MHz]

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                   KCTL Inc.                              Report No.:
             65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,               KR19-SRF0046-A
         Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
     TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                          Page (22) of (29)

Test results (Above 1 000 ㎒)
Low Channel
                                   Cable      Amp      Antenna
 Frequency      Pol.    Reading                                    DCCF        Result     Limit     Margin
                                   Loss       Gain      Factor
      [㎒]       [V/H]   [㏈(㎶)]      [㏈]        [㏈]       [㏈]        [㏈]       [㏈(㎶/m)]   [㏈(㎶/m)]    [㏈]

                                                 Peak data
  1 242.66        H      50.08      2.70      -36.23     24.77        -        41.32      74.00     32.68
 4   804.091)     V      61.70      5.34      -60.83     32.80        -        39.01      74.00     34.99
                                               Average Data
                        No spurious emissions were detected within 20 ㏈ of the limit.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                 KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
   TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                          Page (23) of (29)

                                 Horizontal/Vertical for 1 ㎓ ~ 3.5 ㎓

                                Horizontal/Vertical for 3.5 ㎓ ~ 18 ㎓

                               Horizontal/Vertical for 18 ㎓ ~ 26.5 ㎓

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                 KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                          Page (24) of (29)

Middle Channel
                                  Cable       Amp      Antenna
 Frequency    Pol.    Reading                                      DCCF        Result     Limit     Margin
                                  Loss        Gain      Factor
    [㎒]       [V/H]   [㏈(㎶)]       [㏈]        [㏈]        [㏈]        [㏈]       [㏈(㎶/m)]   [㏈(㎶/m)]    [㏈]

                                                 Peak data
  1 269.92      V      47.62       2.73      -36.36     24.88         -        38.87      74.00     35.13
 4 879.771)     V      61.36       5.39      -61.06     32.84         -        38.53      74.00     35.47
 16 523.72      H      60.13      10.28      -56.81     38.97         -        52.56      74.00     21.44
                                               Average Data
                      No spurious emissions were detected within 20 ㏈ of the limit.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                 KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
   TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                          Page (25) of (29)

                                 Horizontal/Vertical for 1 ㎓ ~ 3.5 ㎓

                                Horizontal/Vertical for 3.5 ㎓ ~ 18 ㎓

                               Horizontal/Vertical for 18 ㎓ ~ 26.5 ㎓

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                 KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
            65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                KR19-SRF0046-A
        Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
    TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                          Page (26) of (29)

High Channel
                                  Cable       Amp      Antenna
 Frequency    Pol.    Reading                                      DCCF        Result     Limit     Margin
                                  Loss        Gain      Factor
    [㎒]       [V/H]   [㏈(㎶)]       [㏈]        [㏈]        [㏈]        [㏈]       [㏈(㎶/m)]   [㏈(㎶/m)]    [㏈]

                                                 Peak data
  1 597.19      V      55.54       3.04      -37.42     26.19         -        47.35      74.00     26.65
 4 959.061)     V      62.59       5.44      -60.72     32.88         -        40.19      74.00     33.81
 16 642.72      H      60.16      10.28      -56.85     38.97         -        52.56      74.00     21.44
                                               Average Data
                      No spurious emissions were detected within 20 ㏈ of the limit.

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                 KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
   TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                          Page (27) of (29)

                                 Horizontal/Vertical for 1 ㎓ ~ 3.5 ㎓

                                Horizontal/Vertical for 3.5 ㎓ ~ 18 ㎓

                               Horizontal/Vertical for 18 ㎓ ~ 26.5 ㎓

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                 KCTL Inc.                                Report No.:
           65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,                 KR19-SRF0046-A
       Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
   TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                          Page (28) of (29)

Test results
            Conducted band-edge                                      Conducted spurious

                     Lowest                                                   Lowest


                         -                                                    Middle

                     Highest                                                  Highest

          This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

                     KCTL Inc.                             Report No.:
               65, Sinwon-ro, Yeongtong-gu,              KR19-SRF0046-A
           Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do, 16677, Korea
       TEL: 82-31-285-0894 FAX: 82-505-299-8311
                                                           Page (29) of (29)

8.        Measurement equipment
     Equipment Name           Manufacturer             Model No.               Serial No.    Next Cal. Date
     Spectrum Analyzer            R&S                    FSV40                  100988          20.01.25
     Spectrum Analyzer            R&S                    FSV30                  100732          20.01.25
Wideband Power Sensor             R&S                  NRP-Z81                  102398          20.01.25
 EMI TEST RECEIVER                R&S                     ESCI                  100732          19.08.23
      Bi-Log Antenna        SCHWARZBECK               VULB 9168                  583            20.05.04
         Amplifier                                       310N                   284608          19.08.23
                                 Agilent               8491B-003           2708A18758           20.05.04
      Horn antenna            ETS.lindgren                3116                 00086632         19.04.20
       Horn antenna           ETS.lindgren             3117                     161225          19.05.18
        AMPLIFIER           L-3 Narda-MITEQ                                    2003683          19.05.15
        AMPLIFIER           L-3 Narda-MITEQ     JS44-18004000-33-8P            2000997          19.08.02
      LOOP Antenna                R&S                  HFH2-Z2                  100355          20.08.24
       Antenna Mast          Innco Systems          MA4640-XP-ET                   -                -
        Turn Table           Innco Systems              DT2000                    79                -
       Antenna Mast          Innco Systems            MA4000-EP                  303                -
        Turn Table           Innco Systems              DT2000                    79                -
      Highpass Filter              WT                WT-A1698-HS          WT160411001           19.05.14
       Vector Signal
                                  R&S                 SMBV100A                  257566          20.01.04
     Signal Generator             R&S                   SMR40                   100007          19.05.15
      Cable Assembly             RadiAll           2301761768000PJ             1724.659             -
      Cable Assembly            gigalane                RG-400                     -                -
      Cable Assembly        HUER+SUHNER             SUCOFLEX 104               MY4342/4             -

                                        End of test report

           This test report shall not be reproduced, except in full, without the written approval

Document Created: 2019-05-22 01:08:52
Document Modified: 2019-05-22 01:08:52

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